U.S. Notes
  • 1. This subchapter contains the temporary modifications of the provisions in the tariff schedule established pursuant to trade legislation. Unless otherwise stated, the modified provisions are effective until suspended or terminated. Unless the context requires otherwise, any article described in the provisions of this subchapter, for which rates of duty are herein provided, if entered during the period specified, is subject to duty at the rate set forth herein in lieu of the rate provided therefor in chapters 1 to 98.
[U.S. note 2 deleted]
  • 3. For the purposes of subheadings 9903.41.05 and 9903.41.10, the duties provided for in this subchapter are cumulative duties which apply in addition to the duties otherwise imposed on the articles involved.
[U.S. note 4 deleted]
  • 5. The following provisions have been suspended pursuant to executive action: subheadings 9903.04.05 and 9903.04.10, headings 9903.04.15 through 9903.04.55, inclusive, subheading 9903.41.25, and subheadings 9903.41.35 through 9903.41.45, inclusive.
  • 6. Import quotas for upland cotton.--The provisions of this note apply beginning August 1, 1991, to imports of upland cotton as provided in subheadings 9903.52.00 through 9903.52.26.
    • (a) Special Upland Cotton Import Quota Based on Northern Europe Prices.--
      • (i) Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture determines and announces that for any consecutive 4-week period, the Friday through Thursday average price quotation for the lowest-priced United States growth, as quoted for Middling (M) one-and-three-thirty-seconds cotton, delivered to a definable and significant international market, as determined by the Secretary, exceeds the prevailing world market price, there shall immediately be in effect a special import quota. The quota shall be equal to 1 week's consumption of upland cotton by domestic mills at the seasonally adjusted average rate of the most recent 3 months for which data are available. The aggregate quantity of cotton entered into the United States during any marketing year under the special import quota established under this subdivision may not exceed the equivalent of 10 week's consumption of upland cotton by domestic mills at the seasonally adjusted average rate of the 3 months immediately preceding the first special import quota established in any marketing year.
      • (ii) Application.--The quota shall apply to upland cotton purchased not later than 90 days after the effective date of the Secretary's announcement under clause(i) and entered into the United States not later than 180 days after such date.
      • (iii) Overlap.--A quota period may be established that overlaps any existing quota period if required by clause(i), except that a quota period may not be established under this paragraph if a quota period has been established under paragraph(b) of this note.
      • (iv) The Secretary of Agriculture shall inform the Secretary of the Treasury of the establishment of any special import quota under this paragraph and shall file a notice of such quota with the Federal Register.
    • (b) Upland Cotton Import Quota Based on Spot Market Prices.--
      • (i) Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture determines and announces that the average price of the base quality of upland cotton, as determined by the Secretary, in the designated spot markets for a month exceeded 130 percent of the average price of such quality of cotton in such markets for the preceding 36 months, there shall immediately be in effect a limited global import quota equal to 21 days of domestic mill consumption of upland cotton at the seasonally adjusted average rate of the most recent 3 months for which data are available. An announcement under this clause shall be known as a Limited Global Cotton Import Quota Announcement. For purposes of this subdivision, a Limited Global Cotton Import Quota means a quantity of imports that is not subject to the over-quota tariff rate of a tariff-rate quota contained in chapter 52 of the tariff schedule.
      • (ii) Quantity if prior quota.--If a quota has been established under this paragraph during the preceding 12 months, the quantity of the quota next established under this paragraph shall be the smaller of 21 days of domestic mill consumption, calculated as set forth in clause (i), or the quantity required to increase the supply to 130 percent of the demand.
      • (iii) Definitions.--As used in clause (ii):
        • (A) Supply.--The term "supply" means, using the latest official data of the Bureau of the Census, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Treasury--
          • (I) the carry-over of upland cotton at the beginning of the marketing year (adjusted to 480-pound bales) in which the special quota is established; plus
          • (II) production of the current crop; plus
          • (III) imports to the latest date available during the marketing year.
        • (B) Demand.--The term "demand" means--
          • (I) the average seasonally adjusted annual rate of domestic mill consumption in the most recent 3 months for which data are available; plus
          • (II) the larger of--
            • (aa) average exports of upland cotton during the preceding 6 marketing years; or
            • (bb) cumulative exports of upland cotton plus outstanding export sales for the marketing year in which the special quota is established.
      • (iv) Quota entry period.--When a quota is established under this paragraph, cotton may be entered under the quota during the 90-day period beginning on the effective date of the Secretary of Agriculture's announcement of such quota.
      • (v) No overlap.--Notwithstanding clauses (i) through (iv), a quota period may not be established under this paragraph that overlaps an existing quota period established under this paragraph or a quota period established under paragraph (a) of this note.
      • (vi) The Secretary of Agriculture shall inform the Secretary of the Treasury of the establishment of any import quota under this paragraph and shall file a notice of such quota with the Federal Register.
[U.S. note 7 deleted]
[U.S. note 8 deleted]
[U.S. note 9 deleted]
[U.S. note 10 deleted]
[U.S. note 11 deleted]
[U.S. note 12 deleted]
  • 13.
    • (a) For the purposes of subheading 9903.53.01, the duties provided for in this subchapter are cumulative duties which apply in addition to the duties otherwise imposed on the articles involved. [Compiler's note: the provisions of this note and the related heading have expired.]
    • (b) For the purposes of subheading 9903.53.01, and as provided in Annex 1A of the 2006 Softwood Lumber Agreement between the United States and Canada, signed on September 12, 2006, as amended by an Agreement between the United States and Canada, signed on October 12, 2006 (SLA 2006), "softwood lumber products" include all products classified under subheadings 4407.10.01, 4409.10.10, 4409.10.20, 4409.10.90, and 4418.90.25, and under statistical reporting number 4418.90.4605, and any softwood lumber, flooring, and siding described below. These softwood lumber products include:
      • (i) coniferous wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm;
      • (ii) coniferous wood siding (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rabbeted, chamfered, v-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded, or the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded, or finger-jointed;
      • (iii) other coniferous wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rabbeted, chamfered, v-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded, or the like) along any of its edges or faces (other than wood moldings and wood dowel rods) whether or not planed, sanded, or finger-jointed;
      • (iv) coniferous wood flooring (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled) continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rabbeted, chamfered, v-jointed, beaded, molded, rounded, or the like) along any of its edges or faces, whether or not planed, sanded, or finger-jointed; and
      • (v) coniferous drilled and notched lumber and angle cut lumber.
    • (c) For the purposes of subheading 9903.53.01, and as provided in Annex 1A of the SLA 2006, "softwood lumber products" shall also include:
      • (i) any product entering under subheading 4409.10.05 which is continually shaped along its end and/or sided edges which otherwise conforms to the written definition of the scope; and
      • (ii) lumber products that are classified as stringers, radius cut box-spring-frame components, and fence pickets, not conforming to the criteria listed in subdivision (f) of this note, as well as truss components, pallet components, and door and window frame parts, which may be imported under statistical reporting numbers 4418.90.4695, 4421.90.7040 and 4421.90.9760.
    • (d) For the purposes of subheading 9903.53.01 and the definition of "softwood lumber products," the subheading references and statistical reporting numbers in this note are provided for convenience; the written description of softwood lumber products in this note is dispositive.
    • (e) The following articles are not "softwood lumber products" for purposes of subheading 9903.53.01:
      • (i) trusses and truss kits, properly classified under subheading 4418.90;
      • (ii) I-Joist beams;
      • (iii) assembled box spring frames;
      • (iv) pallets and pallet kits, properly classified under subheading 4415.20;
      • (v) garage doors;
      • (vi) edge-glued lumber, properly classified under subheading 4421.90.94, and other edge-glued wood, properly classified under statistical reporting number 4421.90.9760;
      • (vii) properly classified complete door frames;
      • (viii) properly classified complete window frames;
      • (ix) properly classified furniture;
      • (x) articles brought into the United States temporarily and claimed to be exempt from duty under subchapter XIII of chapter 98; and
      • (xi) household and personal effects.
    • (f) The following articles are not "softwood lumber products" for purposes of subheading 9903.53.01, provided that they meet the specified requirements detailed below:
      • (i) stringers (pallet components used for runners); if they have at least two notches on the side, positioned at equal distance from the center, to properly accommodate forklift blades, properly classified under statistical reporting number 4421.90.9760;
      • (ii) box-spring frame kits, if they contain the following wooden pieces - two side rails; two end (or top) rails; and varying numbers of slats. The side rails and the end rails should be radius-cut at both ends. The kits should be individually packaged, and should contain the exact number of wooden components needed to make a particular box spring frame, with no further processing required. None of the components exceeds 1 inch in actual thickness or 83 inches in length;
      • (iii) radius-cut box-spring-frame components, not exceeding 1 inch in actual thickness or 83 inches in length, ready for assembly without further processing. The radius cuts must be present on both ends of the boards and must be substantial cuts so as to completely round one corner;
      • (iv) fence pickets requiring no further processing and properly classified under subheading 4421.90.70, 1 inch or less in actual thickness, up to 8 inches wide, and 6 feet or less in length, and having finials or decorative cuttings that clearly identify them as fence pickets. In the case of dog-eared fence pickets, the corners of the boards should be cut off so as to remove pieces of wood in the shape of isosceles right angle triangles with sides measuring 3/4 of an inch or more;
      • (v) U.S.-origin lumber shipped to Canada for minor processing and imported into the United States, is excluded from the scope of subheading 9903.53.01 if the following conditions are met: (1) if the processing occurring in Canada is limited to kiln drying, planing to create smooth-to-size board, and sanding, and (2) if the importer establishes to the satisfaction of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (U.S. CBP) that the lumber is of U.S. origin; and
      • (vi) in addition, all softwood lumber products entered claiming non-subject status based on U.S. country of origin shall be treated as excluded under subheading 9903.53.01, provided that these softwood lumber products meet the following condition: upon entry, the importer, exporter, Canadian processor and/or original U.S. producer shall establish to U.S. CBP's satisfaction that the softwood lumber entered and documented as U.S.-origin softwood lumber was first produced in the United States as a lumber product satisfying the physical parameters of the softwood lumber scope.
    • (g) Softwood lumber products contained in single family home packages or kits, regardless of tariff classification, are excluded from the scope of subheading 9903.53.01 if the importer certifies to subdivisions (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) and the requirements in subdivision (v) are met:
      • (i) the imported home package or kit constitutes a full package of the number of wooden pieces specified in the plan, design or blueprint necessary to produce a home of at least 700 square feet produced to a specified plan, design or blueprint;
      • (ii) the package or kit must contain all necessary internal and external doors and windows, nails, screws, glue, sub floor, sheathing, beams, posts, connectors, and if included in the purchase contract, decking, trim, drywall and roof shingles specified in the plan, design or blueprint;
      • (iii) prior to importation, the package or kit must be sold to a retailer in the United States of complete home packages or kits pursuant to a valid purchase contract referencing the particular home design plan or blueprint, and signed by a customer not affiliated with the importer;
      • (iv) softwood lumber products entered as part of a single family home package or kit, whether in a single entry or multiple entries on multiple days, will be used solely for the construction of the single family home specified by the home design matching the U.S. CBP import entry; and
      • (v) for each entry into the United States, the following documentation must be retained by the importer and made available to U.S. CBP upon request:
        • (1) a copy of the appropriate home design plan, or blueprint matching the customs entry in the United States;
        • (2) a purchase contract from a retailer of home kits or packages signed by a customer not affiliated with the importer;
        • (3) a listing of inventory of all parts of the package or kit being entered into the United States that conforms to the home design package being imported; and
        • (4) in the case of multiple shipments on the same contract, all items listed in subdivision (g)(v)(3) which are included in the shipment at issue shall be identified as well.
    • (h) The additional duties provided for in subheading 9903.53.01 shall not apply to softwood lumber products produced by the companies listed in Annex 10 of the SLA 2006.
    • (i) The additional duties provided for in subheading 9903.53.01 shall apply to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after September 1, 2010, if the Canadian export permits associated with the entries display a shipment date prior to September 1, 2010. The additional duties provided for in subheading 9903.53.01 shall not apply to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after September 1, 2010, if the Canadian export permits associated with the entries display a shipment date of September 1, 2010 or later.
  • 14.
    • (a) For the purposes of subheadings 9903.40.05 and 9903.40.10, the duties provided for in this subchapter are cumulative duties which apply in addition to the duties otherwise imposed on the articles involved.
    • (b) The duty rates provided for in such subheadings shall each be reduced as follows:
      September 26, 2010 through September 25, 2011.......................................30%
      September 26, 2011 through September 25, 2012.......................................25%
      No rate of duty provided for in such subheadings in chapter 99 shall be imposed on any article described in such subheadings after the close of September 25, 2012.
  • 15.
    • (a) The aggregate quantitative limitations that may be established under any of subheadings 9903.17.01 through 9903.17.10 shall apply only to sugar, syrups and molasses that (1) is not eligible for an allocation provided to any specified country or area under the terms of additional U.S. note 5 to chapter 17, and (2) is not eligible to be imported under any quantity that may be reserved for specialty sugars, as defined by the United States Trade Representative, under the terms of subdivision (b) to this note. Such limitations shall apply during the effective period announced in the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative for such a subheading in any year, during which only the aggregate quantity of the specified goods shall be allowed entry into the customs territory of the United States. Such limitations shall apply notwithstanding any other quantitative limitations on such goods that may be provided for in the tariff schedule. Any quantity set forth in a notice issued by the United States Trade Representative for any subheading specified herein shall thereby supersede any quantity that may have been announced under additional U.S. note 5 to chapter 17.
    • (b) The aggregate quantitative limitations that may be established under any of subheadings 9903.17.21 through 9903.17.33 shall apply only to specialty sugars, as defined by the United States Trade Representative, imported during any effective period announced in the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative for such a subheading in any year, during which period only the aggregate quantity of the specified goods shall be allowed entry into the customs territory of the United States. Such limitations shall apply notwithstanding any other quantitative limitations on such goods that may be provided for in the tariff schedule. Any quantity set forth in such a notice issued by the United States Trade Representative for any subheading specified herein may be allocated among supplying countries and areas and shall thereby supersede any quantity or allocation that may have been announced under additional U.S. note 5 to chapter 17.
    • (c) The quantitative limitations that may be established under any of subheadings 9903.18.01 through 9903.18.10 shall apply to sugar, syrups and molasses described therein during any effective period announced in the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative for such a subheading in any year, during which period only the aggregate quantity of the specified goods shall be allowed entry into the customs territory of the United States. Such limitation shall apply notwithstanding any other quantitative limitation on such goods that may be provided for in the tariff schedule and the availability of any quantitative limitation set forth for such goods in chapter 17 or chapter 21 of the tariff schedule or allocation thereof. Any quantity set forth in a notice issued by the United States Trade Representative for any subheading specified herein may be allocated among supplying countries and areas and shall thereby supersede any quantity or allocation that may have been announced under additional U.S. note 5 to chapter 17.
  • 16.
    • (a) Heading 9903.80.01 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment of iron or steel products of all countries (i) other than products of the United States, or (ii) other than products of countries expressly exempt therefrom, pursuant to the article description of such heading and the terms of subdivisions (e) or (f) of this note, and other than any iron or steel products of specified countries allowed to enter under a tariff-rate quota established for any such country under the terms of this note. All anti-dumping, countervailing, or other duties and charges applicable to such goods shall continue to be imposed, except as may be expressly provided herein. Unless otherwise provided in this note, iron or steel products covered by subdivision (b) of this note that are the product of Ukraine and, if entered on or after June 1, 2023, are accompanied by a certificate of origin upon entry into the customs territory of the United States, shall be exempt from the duty provided for in heading 9903.80.01 entered for consumption during the period from 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025, and iron or steel products covered by subdivision (b) of this note that are the product of a member country of the European Union where the steel used in the manufacture of the steel articles is melted and poured in Ukraine shall be exempt from the duty provided for in heading 9903.80.01 entered for consumption during the period from 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023 through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025.
      • (i) Except as provided elsewhere in this note, heading 9903.80.01 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment of iron or steel products of all countries other than products of the United States and other than of countries expressly exempt therefrom, pursuant to the article description of such heading and the terms of subdivision (e) of this note. For any such products that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in this heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the iron or steel products enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.80.01.
      • (ii) Heading 9903.80.03 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment of the derivative iron or steel products enumerated in this subdivision of all countries other than products of the United States and other than of countries expressly exempted therefrom, other than products of Ukraine that are accompanied by certificates of origin (if entered on or after June 1, 2023) and are entered for consumption during the period from 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025, [and] other than products of Ukraine that are accompanied by certificates of origin (if entered on or after June 1, 2023) and are entered for consumption during the period from 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2024, and other than products of Ukraine [that are entered for consumption] during the period from June 1, 2022 through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023 pursuant to the article description of such heading. For any products covered by heading 9903.80.03 that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in heading 9903.80.03 shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable CBP regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption shall be allowed under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.80.03. Heading 9903.80.03 shall apply only to the following derivative iron or steel products:
        • (A) nails, tacks (other than thumb tacks), drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other material (excluding such articles with heads of copper), suitable for use in powder-actuated handtools, threaded (described in subheading 7317.00.30); and
        • (B) nails, tacks (other than thumb tacks), drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (other than those of heading 8305) and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or not with heads of other material (excluding such articles with heads of copper), of one piece construction, whether or not made of round wire; the foregoing described in statistical reporting numbers 7317.00.5503, 7317.00.5505, 7317.00.5507, 7317.00.5560, 7317.00.5580 or 7317.00.6560 only and not in other statistical reporting numbers of subheadings 7317.00.55 and 7317.00.65)
        • (C) bumper stampings of steel, the foregoing comprising parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in subheading 8708.10.30); and
        • (D) body stampings of steel, for tractors suitable for agricultural use (described in subheading 8708.29.21).
      • (iii)
        Subheadings 9903.80.05 through 9903.80.62, inclusive, provide the ordinary customs duty and quota treatment of such goods enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note when they are the product of any country enumerated in the superior text thereto and expressly exempt from the scope of heading 9903.80.01, subject to the limitations in subdivision (e) of this note.
    • (b) The rates of duty set forth in heading 9903.80.01 and subheadings 9903.80.05 through 9903.80.58, 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, and 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.80, inclusive, apply to all imported products of iron or steel classifiable in the provisions enumerated in this subdivision:
      • (i) flat-rolled products provided for in headings 7208, 7209, 7210, 7211, 7212, 7225 or 7226;
      • (ii) bars and rods provided for in headings 7213, 7214, 7215, 7227, or 7228; angles, shapes and sections of 7216 (except subheadings 7216.61.00, 7216.69.00 or 7216.91.00); wire provided for in headings 7217 or 7229; sheet piling provided for in subheading 7301.10.00; rails provided for in subheading 7302.10; fish-plates and sole plates provided for in subheading 7302.40.00; and other products of iron or steel provided for in subheading 7302.90.00;
      • (iii) tubes, pipes and hollow profiles provided for in heading 7304 or 7306; tubes and pipes provided for in heading 7305;
      • (iv) ingots, other primary forms and semi-finished products provided for in heading 7206, 7207 or 7224; and
      • (v) products of stainless steel provided for in heading 7218, 7219, 7220, 7221, 7222 or 7223.
      Any reference above to iron or steel products classifiable in any heading or subheading of chapter 72 or 73, as the case may be, shall mean that any good provided for in the article description of such heading or subheading and of all its subordinate provisions (both legal and statistical) is covered by the provisions of this note and related tariff provisions.
    • (c) The Secretary of Commerce may determine and announce any exclusions from headings 9903.80.01 and 9903.80.03,and subheadings 9903.80.05 through 9903.80.58 and 9903.81.25 through 9902.81.78, inclusive, that may be appropriate for individual derivative iron or steel products or individual iron or steel products otherwise covered by subdivision (a)(ii) or subdivision (b) of this note, respectively, for individual shipments thereof, whether or not limited to particular quantities of any such goods or shipments, and shall immediately convey all such determinations to U.S. Customs and Border Protection ("CBP") for implementation by CBP at the earliest possible opportunity, but not later than five business days after the date on which CBP receives any such determination from Commerce. Pursuant to subheadings 9903.80.60, 9903.80.61, and 9903.80.62 and superior text thereto, the Secretary may provide that any excluded product shall be granted entry into the customs territory of the United States when the applicable quantitative limitation has filled for the specified period for such good.
    • (d) Any importer entering the iron or steel products covered by this note under heading 9903.80.01 and subheadings 9903.80.05 through 9903.80.58 and 9903.80.60 through 9903.80.62, inclusive, or any importer of derivative iron or steel products covered by this note under heading 9903.80.03, shall provide any information that may be required, and in such form, as is deemed necessary by CBP in order to permit the administration of this subheading. Importers are likewise directed to report information any applicable exclusion granted by Commerce in such form as CBP may require.
    • (e) Subheadings 9903.80.05 through 9903.80.58, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the iron or steel products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of any country enumerated in the superior text to such subheadings, subject to the annual aggregate quantitative limitations proclaimed for these subheadings and as set forth on the Internet site of CBP at the following link: Beginning on July 1, 2018, imports from any such country in an aggregate quantity under any such subheading during any of the periods January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December in any year that is in excess of 500,000 kg and 30 percent of the total aggregate quantity provided for a calendar year for such country, as set forth on the Internet site of CBP, shall not be allowed.
    • (f) Subheadings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the iron or steel products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of any member country of the European Union enumerated in this subdivision, provided that such iron or steel products are melted and poured in any member country of the European Union. The aggregate annual import volume under subheadings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19 shall be limited to 3,300,170 metric tons. Subheadings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19 shall also be subject to any aggregate annual quantity established for each such subheading, including any allocations or other limitations that may be announced, all as set forth on the Internet site of the Department of Commerce at the following link: No such country shall be allowed to import an aggregate quantity under any such subheading during any of the periods January through March, April through June, July through September or October through December in any year that is in excess of the quantity that is allocated to such country by the Department of Commerce, as set forth on the Internet site of such Department as noted herein. The Department of Commerce is authorized to carry forward any unused quantity of such product from one or more such countries from the first quarter of any calendar year to the third quarter of such year, or from the second quarter of any calendar year to the fourth quarter of such year. Entries of any product of any such member country that may be described in an exclusion granted by the Department of Commerce shall be eligible to utilize such exclusion upon proper claim therefor, and such entries shall not be counted against the annual aggregate quantitative limitation set forth in this subdivision.
      The member countries of the European Union that are covered by this subdivision and by heading 9903.80.03 and subheadings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19 shall include the following: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia (Czech Republic), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
    • (g) Subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and headings 9903.81.80 and 9903.81.81, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the iron or steel products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of Japan or of the United Kingdom. The aggregate annual import volume under subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and heading 9903.81.80 for such products of Japan shall be limited to 1,250,000 metric tons; and the aggregate import volume under subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and heading 9908.81.80 for such products of the United Kingdom shall be limited to 500,000 metric tons; and heading 9903.81.81 for such products of the European Union that are melted and poured in the UK shall be limited to 37,800metric tons. Subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.80 shall also be subject to any aggregate annual quantity established for each such subheading, including any allocations or other limitations that may be announced, all as set forth on the Internet site of the Department of Commerce at the following link: No shipments of such iron or steel products shall be allowed to enter in an aggregate quantity under any such subheading, during any of the periods January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December in any 12-month period, that is in excess of the quantity that is made available to Japan or the United Kingdom during any such period by the Department of Commerce, as set forth on the Internet site of such Department as noted herein. The Department of Commerce is authorized to carry forward any unused quantity of such product from one or more such countries from the first quarter of any calendar year to the third quarter of such year, from the second quarter of any calendar year to the fourth quarter of such year. Entries of any product of Japan or the United Kingdom that may be described in an exclusion granted by the Department of Commerce shall be eligible to utilize such exclusion upon proper claim therefor, and such entries shall be counted against the annual aggregate quantitative limitation set forth in this subdivision. Iron or steel products described in subdivision (b) of this note that are melted and poured in a United Kingdom steel facility and are products of the member countries of the European Union enumerated in subdivision (f) of this note will be admitted into the United States under the quantitative limitation provided in this subdivision and shall be reported under heading 9903.81.81 of this subchapter.
      Entry requirement for certain steel from the United Kingdom The United Kingdom will provide to the United States, in the case of any known UK steel producer that is owned or controlled by a company registered in China or a Chinese entity, and which exports steel to the United States under the applicable TRQ for UK steel, an attestation. The attestation will be to the effect that there is no evidence of market distorting practices by that producer in the UK that would materially contribute to non-market excess capacity of steel. The results of such audit will be made available to the United States upon completion.
      Steel from any UK steel producer that is owned or controlled by a company registered in China or a Chinese entity will be eligible for entry at the in-quota rate for 6 months from June 1, 2022 within which the UK will provide the first annual attestation. If the attestation is not provided by December 1, 2022 and then annually on December 1 thereafter, the United States reserves the right to temporarily deny access for the UK steel producer to the in-quota rate for the applicableTRQ. Where at any time access has been denied, and where the UK submits an attestation, the United States will restore the access of the affected producer to the in-quota rate within 8 weeks.
    • (h) (i) Heading 9903.81.85 provides the ordinary duty treatment of steel articles that are products of Mexico, provided that such steel products are melted and poured in a country other than the United States, Mexico or Canada, for products enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note. For any such goods that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in such heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected on the full value of the article that contains steel that was melted and poured in a country other than the United States, Mexico or Canada. Importers of steel articles shall provide to CBP information necessary to identify the country or countries where the steel used in the manufacture of steel articles imports are melted and poured.
      (ii) Heading 9903.81.86 provides the ordinary duty treatment of the derivative steel articles that are products of Mexico, provided that such derivative steel products are melted and poured in a country other than the United States, Mexico or Canada, for products enumerated in subdivision (a)(ii) of this note. For any such goods that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in such heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected on the full value of the article that contains steel that was melted and poured in a country other than the United States, Mexico or Canada. Importers of steel derivative articles shall provide to CBP information necessary to identify the country or countries where the steel used in the manufacture of derivative steel articles imports are melted and poured.
  • 17.
    • (a) Subheadings 9903.45.01 through 9903.45.06 and any superior texts thereto establish temporary modifications applicable to entries of goods described herein and classified in the enumerated provisions of chapter 84 of the tariff schedule. Whenever any such subheading specifies that the annual aggregate quantity of such goods shall not exceed the quantity established under the terms of this note, when such goods are not the product of a country enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note, any entry of such goods that is in excess of the quantity specified for such provision shall be entered under the over-quota subheading set forth herein for such goods. All such goods shall be subject to duty as provided herein, and such duties shall be cumulative and imposed in addition to the rate of duty established for any such goods in chapter 84 of the tariff schedule. [Compiler's note: The actions taken under this note and related subheadings expired at the close of Feb. 7, 2023.]
    • (b) For the purposes of this note and the application of subheadings 9903.45.01 through 9903.45.06, inclusive, the following countries shall not be subject to the rates of duty and tariff-rate quotas provided for herein:
      • (1) Canada; and
      • (2) the following developing countries that are members of the World Trade Organization: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Cte d?Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tom and Principe, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Island, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland [Eswatini], Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Yemen (Republic of), Zambia and Zimbabwe.
    • (c)
      • (1) For the purposes of subheadings 9903.45.01 and 9903.45.02 of this subchapter, ?household-type (residential) washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry, whether or not with a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg? (such goods provided for in subheadings 8450.11.00 and 8450.20.00 and reported under statistical reporting numbers 8450.11.0040, 8450.11.0080, 8450.20.0040 and 8450.20.0080, respectively, on the effective date of this note) shall include the following goods: automatic clothes washing machines, regardless of the orientation of the rotational axis, each with a cabinet width (measured from its widest point) of at least 62.23 cm and no more than 81.28 cm, except as provided in this note.
      • (2) Subheadings 9903.45.01 and 9903.45.02 shall not apply to the washing machines specified below:
        • (A) all stacked washer-dryers and all commercial washers:
          • (i) The term ?stacked washer-dryers? denotes distinct washing and drying machines that are built on a unitary frame and share a common console that controls both the washer and the dryer.
          • (ii) The term ?commercial washer? denotes an automatic clothes washing machine designed for the ?pay per use? segment meeting either of the following two definitions:
            • (aa)
              • (I) it contains payment system electronics;
              • (II) it is configured with an externally mounted steel frame at least 15.24 cm high that is designed to house a coin/token operated payment system (whether or not the actual coin/token operated payment system is installed at the time of importation);
              • (III) it contains a push button user interface with a maximum of six manually selectable wash cycle settings, with no ability of the end user to otherwise modify water temperature, water level or spin speed for a selected wash cycle setting; and
              • (IV) the console containing the user interface is made of steel and is assembled with security fasteners; or
            • (bb)
              • (I) it contains payment system electronics;
              • (II) the payment system electronics are enabled (whether or not the payment acceptance device has been installed at the time of importation) such that, in normal operation, the unit cannot begin a wash cycle without first receiving a signal from a bona fide payment acceptance device such as an electronic credit card reader;
              • (III) it contains a push button user interface with a maximum of six manually selectable wash cycle settings, with no ability of the end user to otherwise modify water temperature, water level or spin speed for a selected wash cycle setting; and
              • (IV) the console containing the user interface is made of steel and is assembled with security fasteners.
        • (B) automatic clothes washing machines that meet all of the following conditions:
          • (i) they have a vertical rotational axis,
          • (ii) they are top loading; and
          • (iii) they have a drive train consisting, inter alia, of (aa) a permanent split capacitor motor, (bb) a belt drive and (cc) a flat wrap spring clutch.
        • (C) automatic clothes washing machines that meet all of the following conditions:
          • (i) they have a horizontal rotational axis;
          • (ii) they are front loading; and
          • (iii) they have a drive train consisting, inter alia, of (aa) a controlled induction motor and (bb) a belt drive.
        • (D) automatic clothes washing machines that meet all of the following conditions:
          • (i) they have a horizontal rotational axis;
          • (ii) they are front loading; and
          • (iii) they have cabinet width (measured from its widest point) of more than 72.39 cm.
    • (d) Subject to the provisions of subdivision (i) of this note, for purposes of subheading 9903.45.01 of this subchapter, the duty rate in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn (and in the Rates of Duty 2 column, as provided therein) for goods entered under such subheading, and not the product of a country enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note, shall be as follows, with the duty rates set forth herein applied in addition to those applicable under subheading 8450.11.00 or 8450.20.00:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 201920%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 2020 18%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 7, 202116%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2021
      through February 7, 2022 15%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2022
      through February 7, 2023 14%
    • (e) For purposes of subheading 9903.45.02 of this subchapter, the duty rate in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn (and in the Rates of Duty 2 column, as provided therein) for goods entered under such subheading, and not the product of a country enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note, shall be as follows, with the duty rates set forth herein applied in addition to those applicable under subheading 8450.11.00 or 8450.20.00:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 201950%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 202045%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 7, 202140%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2021
      through February 7, 2022 35%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2022
      through February 7, 2023 30%
    • (f) For purposes of subheadings 9903.45.05 and 9903.45.06 of this subchapter, the term ?parts of household-type (residential) washing machines? shall include the following goods provided for in subheading 8450.90.20 or 8450.90.60 of the tariff schedule:
      • (1) all cabinets, or portions thereof, provided for in subheading 8450.90.60 and designed for use in the washing machines defined in subdivision (c) of this note;
      • (2) all assembled tubs provided for in subheading 8450.90.20 and designed for use in such washing machines defined in such subdivision (c) which incorporate, at a minimum: (A) a tub and (B) a seal;
      • (3) all assembled baskets provided for in subheading 8450.90.60 and designed for use in the washing machines defined in subdivision (c) of this note, which incorporate, at a minimum: (A) a side wrapper, (B) a base and (C) a drive hub; and
      • (4) any combination of the foregoing parts or subassemblies, provided for in subheading 8450.90.20 or 8540.90.60.
    • (g) For the purposes of subheading 9903.45.05 of this subchapter, the annual aggregate quantity of all parts of household-type (residential) washing machines, as defined in subdivision (f) above, that is eligible to enter under such subheading in any of the periods enumerated below shall be as follows:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 2019 50,000 units
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 2020 70,000 units
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 7, 202190,000 units
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2021
      through February 7, 2022 110,000 units
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2022
      through February 7, 2023 130,000 units
    • (h) For purposes of subheading 9903.45.06 of this subchapter, the duty rate in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn (and in the Rates of Duty 2 column, as provided therein) for goods entered in any of the periods enumerated below shall be as follows, with the duty rates set forth herein applied in addition to those applicable under subheading 8450.90.20 or 8450.90.60, as appropriate:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 201950%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 202045%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 7, 202140%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2021
      through February 7, 2022 35%
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2022
      through February 7, 2023 30%
    • (i) For the purposes of subheading 9903.45.01 of this subchapter, the aggregate quantity of all household-type (residential) washing machines, as defined in subdivision (c) above, that is eligible to enter under such subheading in any of the periods enumerated below shall be as follows:
    • If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through May 6, 2020300,000 units
      If entered during the period from
      May 7, 2020 through August 6, 2020300,000 units
      If entered during the period from
      August 7, 2020 through November 6, 2020300,000 units
      If entered during the period from
      November 7, 2020 through February 7, 2021300,000 units
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2021
      through May 7, 2021300,000 units
      If entered during the period from May 8, 2021
      through August 7, 2021 300,000 units
      If entered during the period from August 8, 2021
      through November 7, 2021300,000 units
      If entered during the period from November 8, 2021
      through February 7, 2022 300,000 units
      If entered during the period from February 8, 2022
      through May 7, 2022300,000 units
      If entered during the period from May 8, 2022
      through August 7, 2022 300,000 units
      If entered during the period from August 8, 2022
      through November 7, 2022300,000 units
      If entered during the period from November 8, 2022
      through February 7, 2023300,000 units
  • 18.
    • (a) Subheadings 9903.45.21 through 9903.45.29 and any superior texts thereto establish temporary modifications applicable to entries of goods described herein and classified in the enumerated provisions of chapter 85 of the tariff schedule. Whenever any such subheading specifies that the annual aggregate quantity of such goods shall not exceed the quantity established under the terms of this note, when such goods are not the product of a country enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note, any entry of such goods that is in excess of the quantity specified for such provision shall be entered under the over-quota subheading set forth herein for such goods. All such goods shall be subject to duty as provided herein; and such duties shall be cumulative and imposed in addition to the rate of duty established for any such goods in chapter 85 of the tariff schedule, except as may be specified for duties imposed under the Rates of Duty 2 column.
    • (b) For the purposes of this note and the application of subheadings 9903.45.21 through 9903.45.29, inclusive, the following developing countries that are members of the World Trade Organization shall not be subject to the rates of duty and tariff-rate quotas provided for therein: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Cte d?Ivoire, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tom and Principe, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Solomon Island, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland [Eswatini], Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Yemen (Republic of), Zambia and Zimbabwe.
    • (c)
      • (i) For the purposes of subheadings 9903.45.21 and 9903.45.22 and heading 9903.45.27, except as otherwise provided herein, the term ?crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells? (?CSPV cells?) means crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells of a thickness equal to or greater than 20 micrometers, having a p/n junction (or variant thereof) formed by any means, whether or not the cell (or subassemblies thereof provided for in subheading 8541.42.00 and imported under statistical reporting number 8541.42.0010) has undergone other processing, including, but not limited to, cleaning, etching, coating, and/or addition of materials (including, but not limited to, metallization and conductor patterns) to collect and forward the electricity that is generated by the cell. Such cells include photovoltaic cells that contain crystalline silicon in addition to other photovoltaic materials. This includes, but is not limited to, passivated emitter rear contact cells, heterojunction with intrinsic thin-layer cells, and other so-called hybrid cells. Subheadings 9903.45.21 and 9903.45.22 include goods presented in cell form and which at the time of importation are not presented assembled into circuits, laminates or modules or made up into panels.
      • (ii) Subheadings 9903.45.21 and 9903.45.22 and heading 9903.45.27 shall not cover-
        • (1) thin film photovoltaic products produced from amorphous silicon ("a-Si"), cadmium telluride ("CdTe"), or copper indium gallium selenide ("CIGS");
        • (2) CSPV cells, not exceeding 10,000 mm2 in surface area, that are permanently integrated into a consumer good whose primary function is other than power generation and that consumes the electricity generated by the integrated CSPV cell. Where more than one CSPV cell is permanently integrated into a consumer good, the surface area for purposes of this exclusion shall be the total combined surface area of all CSPV cells that are integrated into the consumer good; and
        • (3) CSPV cells, whether or not partially or fully assembled into other products, if such CSPV cells were manufactured in the United States.
      • (iii) Headings 9903.45.25 and 9903.45.27 shall not cover the following goods, whether or not separate statistical reporting numbers therefor may appear in chapters 1 through 97 of the tariff schedule:
        • (1) 10 to 60 watt, inclusive, rectangular solar panels, where the panels have the following characteristics: (A) length of 250 mm or more but not over 482 mm or width of 400 mm or more but not over 635 mm, and (B) surface area of 1000 cm2 or more but not over 3,061 cm2), provided that no such panel with those characteristics shall contain an internal battery or external computer peripheral ports at the time of entry;
        • (2) 1 watt solar panels incorporated into nightlights that use rechargeable batteries and have the following dimensions: 58 mm or more but not over 64 mm by 126 mm or more but not over 140 mm;
        • (3) 2 watt solar panels incorporated into daylight dimmers, that may use rechargeable batteries, such panels with the following dimensions: 75 mm or more but not over 82 mm by 139 mm or more but not over 143 mm;
        • (4) off-grid and portable CSPV panels, whether in a foldable case or in rigid form containing a glass cover, where the panels have the following characteristics:
          • (A) a total power output of 100 watts or less per panel;
          • (B) a maximum surface area of 8,000 cm2 per panel;
          • (C) do not include a built-in inverter;
          • (D) where the panels have glass covers, such panels must be in individual retail packaging (for purposes of this provision, retail packaging typically includes graphics, the product name, its description and/or features, and foam for transport);
        • (5) 3.19 watt or less solar panels, each with length of 75 mm or more but not over 266 mm and width of 46 mm or more but not over 127 mm, with surface area of 338 cm2 or less, with one black wire and one red wire (each of type 22 AWG or 24 AWG) not more than 206 mm in length when measured from panel edge, provided that no such panel shall contain an internal battery or external computer peripheral ports;
        • (6) 27.1 watt or less solar panels, each with surface area less than 3,000 cm2 and coated across the entire surface with a polyurethane doming resin, the foregoing joined to a battery charging and maintaining unit, such unit which is an acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (?ABS?) box that incorporates a light emitting diode (?LED?) by coated wires that include a connector to permit the incorporation of an extension cable.
        • (7) off-grid, 45 watt or less solar panels, each with length not exceeding 950 mm and width of 100 mm or more but not over 255 mm, with a surface area of 2,500 cm2 or less, with a pressure-laminated tempered glass cover at the time of entry but not a frame, electrical cables or connectors, or an internal battery;
        • (8) 4 watt or less solar panels, each with a length or diameter of 70 mm or more but not over 235 mm, with a surface area not exceeding 539 cm2, and not exceeding 16 volts, provided that no such panel with these characteristics shall contain an internal battery or external computer peripheral ports at the time of entry;
        • (9) solar panels with a maximum rated power of equal to or less than 60 watts, having the following characteristics, provided that no such panel with those characteristics shall contain an internal battery or external computer peripheral ports at the time of entry: (A) Length of not more than 482 mm and a width of not more than 635 mm or (B) a total surface area not exceeding 3,061 cm2;
        • (10) flexible and semi-flexible off-grid solar panels designed for use with motor vehicles and boats, where the panels range in rated wattage from 10 to 120 watts, inclusive;
        • (11) frameless solar panels in a color other than black or blue with a total power output of 90 watts or less where the panels have a uniform surface without visible solar cells or busbars;
        • (12) solar cells with a maximum rated power between 3.4 and 6.7 watts, inclusive, having the following characteristics: (A) A cell surface area between 154 cm2and 260 cm2, inclusive, (B) no visible busbars or gridlines on the front of the cell, and (C) more than 100 interdigitated fingers of tin-coated solid copper adhered to the back of the cell, with the copper portion of the metal fingers having a thickness of greater than 0.01 mm;
        • (13) solar panels with a maximum rated power between 320 and 500 watts, inclusive, having the following characteristics: (A) Length between 1,556 mm and 2,070 mm inclusive, and width between 1,014 mm and 1,075 mm, inclusive, (B) where the solar cells comprising the panel have no visible busbars or gridlines on the front of the cells, and (C) the solar cells comprising the panel have more than 100 interdigitated fingers of tin-coated solid copper adhered to the back of the cells, with the copper portion of the metal fingers having thickness greater than 0.01 mm;
        • (14) modules (as defined in note 18(g) to this subchapter) incorporating only CSPV cells that are products of the United States and not incorporating any CSPV cells that are the product of any other country.
        • (15) flexible fiberglass solar panels without glass components other than fiberglass, such panels having power outputs ranging from 250 to 900 watts;
        • (16) solar panels consisting of solar cells arranged in rows that are laminated in the panel and that are separated by more than 10 mm, with an optical film spanning the gaps between all rows that is designed to direct sunlight onto the solar cells, and not including panels that lack said optical film or only have a white or other backing layer that absorbs or scatters sunlight;
        • [(17)] [Provision deleted.]
    • (d) Any goods covered by this note may also be excluded from the application of relief if they are covered by a determination by the United States Trade Representative (?USTR?) published in the Federal Register that such goods should be exempt from the application of any rate of duty or tariff-rate quota otherwise imposed on goods described in the provisions of this note. Such a determination by the USTR under this subdivision may exempt specific additional CSPV cells or modules when entered from all countries or when entered from enumerated countries only, or may modify the product descriptions in subdivision (c) of this note. The USTR is authorized to modify or terminate any such determination during the effective period of the subheadings specified in the first sentence of subdivision (a) of this note and to specify, subsequent to the effective date specified in this note, that such CSPV cells and modules will be considered ?goods excluded from the application of relief? upon publication by the USTR of a notice in the Federal Register. Such ?goods excluded from the application of relief? shall not be counted toward any tariff-rate quota quantities specified for any quota period.
    • (e)
      • (i) For purposes of subheading 9903.45.21, the aggregate annual quantity of goods eligible to enter during any period enumerated herein shall not exceed the volume level set forth in such subheading, where 1 gigawatt equals 1,000 megawatts.
      • (ii) Any importer entering CSPV cells under subheading 9903.45.21 shall report the electricity power output attributable to such cells to the satisfaction of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?Customs?) and shall provide such information as Customs may require in order to permit the administration of this subheading. Such an entry shall constitute a certification by that importer of the power output attributable to the CSPV cells described therein. Importers are likewise directed to report the electricity power output attributable to CSPV cells entered under subheading 9903.45.22 to the extent that and in such form as Customs may require.
    • (f) For purposes of subheading 9903.45.22 to this subchapter, the duty rate in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn and the Rates of Duty 2 column for all goods entered under such subheading, and not the product of a country enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note, shall be as follows, with the duty rates set forth herein applied in addition to those applicable under subheading 8541.42.00:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 201930%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 202025%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 6, 2021 20%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2021 through February 6, 2022 18%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2022 through February 6, 2023 14.75%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2023 through February 6, 2024 14.5%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2024 through February 6, 2025 14.25%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2025 through February 6, 2026 14%
    • (g) Subject to the provisions of subdivision (c)(iii) of this note, for purposes of headings 9903.45.25 and 9903.45.27 to this subchapter, the term ?modules? shall include the following goods provided for in subheading 8541.43.00 of the tariff schedule: a module is a joined group of CSPV cells, as such cells are defined in subdivision (c) of this note, regardless of the number of cells or the shape of the joined group, that are capable of generating electricity. Also included as a ?module? are goods each known as a ?panel? comprising a CSPV cell that has undergone any processing, assembly, or interconnection (including, but not limited to, assembly into a laminate). Such CSPV cells assembled into modules or made up into panels include goods of a type reported for statistical purposes under statistical reporting number 8541.43.0010. Such goods also include (i) CSPV cells which are presented attached to inverters or batteries of subheading 8501.80.10 or 8507.20.80, respectively; and (ii) CSPV cells classifiable as DC generators of subheading 8501.71.00 or 8501.72.10.
    • (h) For purposes of subheading 9903.45.25 to this subchapter, the duty rate in the Rates of Duty 1-General subcolumn and the Rates of Duty 2 column in any of the periods enumerated below shall be as follows, with the duty rates set forth herein applied in addition to those applicable under subheading 8541.43.00:
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2018 through February 6, 201930%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2019 through February 6, 202025%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2020 through February 6, 2021 20%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2021 through February 6, 2022 18%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2022 through February 6, 202314.75%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2023 through February 6, 202414.5%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2024 through February 6, 202514.25%
      If entered during the period from
      February 7, 2025 through February 6, 202614%
    • (i) Heading 9903.45.27 applies to the specified goods when they meet the requirements of general note 11 to the tariff schedule as goods of Canada under the United States-Mexico Canada Agreement and are products of Canada for purposes of 19 CFR Part 102.
    Such duty shall be imposed on the declared value of such modules, including the cost or value of the non-cell portions thereof (such as aluminum frames), as Customs in its regulations or instructions may require.
    • (j) For purposes of heading 9903.45.29, ?bifacial solar panels? applies only to bifacial solar panels that absorb light and generate electricity on each side of the panel and that consist of only bifacial solar cells that absorb light and generate electricity on each side of the cells, provided that (i) the imported bifacial panels are fulfilling in whole or in part a contract for sale, purchase, or delivery in the United States that was in effect and dated as executed prior to May 17, 2024, that provides for importation to or delivery within the United States within 90 days after June 26, 2024, and that has not been modified on or later than May 17, 2024, with regard to importation or delivery date; (ii) the bifacial panels are entered into the United States within 90 days after June 26, 2024; (iii) the bifacial panels are declared and entered under heading 9903.45.29, and meet all conditions therefor; and (iv) the importer completes the certification required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provides the completed certification as part of the importer?s electronic entry summary to CBP by upload to the Document Imaging System in the Automated Commercial Environment at the time that classification is declared under heading 9903.45.29.
  • 19.
    • (a) This note and the tariff provisions referred to herein set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment applicable to all entries of the aluminum products of all countries other than of the United States, when such aluminum products are classifiable in the headings or subheadings described in subdivision (a)(iii) or (a)(iv) or enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note. All anti-dumping or countervailing duties, or other duties and charges applicable to such goods shall continue to be imposed, except as may be expressly provided herein.
      • (i) Except as provided elsewhere in this note, heading 9903.85.01 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment of aluminum products of all countries other than products of the United States and other than of countries expressly exempt therefrom, pursuant to the article description of such heading. For any such products that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in this heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the aluminum products enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.85.01.
      • (ii) Subheadings 9903.85.05 and 9903.85.06, inclusive, provide the ordinary customs duty and quota treatment of such goods enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note when they are the product of any country enumerated in the superior text thereto and expressly exempt from the scope of heading 9903.85.01, subject to the limitations in subdivision (e) of this note.
      • (iii) Heading 9903.85.03 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment of the derivative aluminum products enumerated in this subdivision of all countries other than products of the United States and other than products of countries expressly exempted therefrom. For any products covered by heading 9903.85.03 that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in heading 9903.85.03 shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provisions and applicable CBP regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the derivative aluminum products enumerated in this subdivision under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.85.03. Heading 9903.85.03 shall apply only to the following derivative aluminum products:
        • (A) stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, including slings and similar articles, of aluminum and with steel core, not electrically insulated; the foregoing fitted with fittings or made up into articles (described in subheading 7614.10.50);
        • (B) stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, including slings and similar articles, of aluminum and not with steel core, not electrically insulated; the foregoing comprising electrical conductors, not fitted with fittings or made up into articles (described in subheading 7614.90.20);
        • (C) stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, including slings and similar articles, of aluminum and not with steel core, not electrically insulated; the foregoing not comprising electrical conductors, not fitted with fittings or made up into articles (described in subheading 7614.90.40);
        • (D) stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, including slings and similar articles, of aluminum and not with steel core, not electrically insulated; the foregoing fitted with fittings or made up into articles (described in subheading 7614.90.50);
        • (E) bumper stampings of aluminum, the foregoing comprising parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of heading 8701 to 8705 (described in subheading 8708.10.30); and
        • (F) body stampings of aluminum, for tractors suitable for agricultural use (described in subheading 8708.29.21).
      • (iv) Heading 9903.85.21 provides the ordinary customs duty treatment for unwrought aluminum, non-alloyed, provided for in subheading 7601.10 that is the product of Canada, entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on August 16, 2020, through 12:00 a.m. on September 1, 2020, and during any subsequent period of effectiveness that may be provided under the terms of this note. Heading 9903.85.21 shall not be used for unwrought aluminum, non-alloyed, provided for in subheading 7601.10 that is the product of Canada, entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2020, unless and until the President provides that heading 9903.85.21 will again be utilized for imports of these products, including for possible retroactive utilization. For any such products that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in heading 9903.85.21, when applicable to imports of these products, shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duty prescribed in heading 9903.85.21, when such additional duty is applicable, shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provisions and applicable CBP regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the aluminum products enumerated in this paragraph under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.85.21 when it is applicable.
      • (v) Subheadings 9903.85.25 through 9903.85.44, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the aluminum products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of any member country of the European Union enumerated in this subdivision. Subheadings 9903.85.27 through 9903.85.44 shall be subject to any aggregate annual quantity established for each such subheading, including any allocations or other limitations that may be announced, in addition to the aggregate annual quantity set forth in the superior text to any such subheading, all as set forth on the Internet site of the Department of Commerce at the following link: []. No such country shall be allowed to import an aggregate quantity under any such subheading during any of the periods January through June, or July through December in any year that is in excess of the quantity that is allocated to such country by the Department of Commerce, as set forth on the Internet site of such Department as noted herein. No more than 60 percent of the tariff-rate quota to be filled in the first half of the year. Entries of any product of any such member country under heading 9903.85.25, when such product is described in an exclusion granted by the Department of Commerce shall be eligible to utilize such exclusion upon proper claim therefor, and such entries shall be counted against any annual aggregate quantitative limitation provided under this subdivision. No claim for entry under any provision of chapter 98 or of subchapter II of chapter 99 shall be allowed to reduce or prevent the application of an additional duty provided for under this note.A Certificate of Analysis for a smelted (unalloyed) primary aluminum used in a product imported under the above subheadings, or such other information as may be required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, must be supplied by the importer in order to make entry under this subdivision.
        The member countries of the European Union that are covered by this subdivision and by heading 9903.85.03 and subheadings 9903.85.25 through 9903.85.44 shall include the following: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia (Czech Republic), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
      • (vi) Subheadings 9903.85.50 through 9903.85.66, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the aluminum products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of the United Kingdom under tariff-rate quotas administered by the Department of Commerce. Subheadings 9903.85.50 through 9903.85.66 shall be subject to any aggregate annual quantity established for each such subheading, including any other limitations that may be announced, in addition to the aggregate annual quantity set forth in the superior text to any such subheading, all as set forth on the Internet site of the Department of Commerce at the following link: No entries of any semi-finished (wrought) aluminum products under subheadings 9903.85.53 through 9903.85.66, inclusive, shall contain primary aluminum that is the product of the People?s Republic of China, Russia or Belarus. No entry of such aluminum products under subheadings 9903.85.50 through 9903.85.66, inclusive, during any of the periods January through June or July through December in any year shall be allowed that is in excess of the quantity that may be allocated by the Department of Commerce, as set forth on the Internet site of such Department as noted herein. No claim for entry under any provision of chapter 98 or of subchapter II of chapter 99 shall be allowed to reduce or prevent the application of an additional duty provided for under this note. A Certificate of Analysis for a smelted (unalloyed) primary aluminum used in a product imported under the above subheadings, or such other information as may required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, must be supplied by the importer in order to make entry under this subdivision.
      • (vii)(A) Heading 9903.85.67 and 9903.85.69 provides the ordinary duty treatment of aluminum articles that are products of Russia, or where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the aluminum articles is smelted in Russia, or where the aluminum articles are cast in Russia, as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note. For any such goods that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in such heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any duty exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the aluminum products enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.85.67 or 9903.85.69. All shipments of any article that is otherwise eligible to be entered under a provision that is subject to quantitative limitations, and where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the article is smelted in Russia, or the articles are cast in Russia, shall be entered under headings 9903.85.67 through 9903.85.70. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected on the full value of the article that contains primary aluminum smelted in Russia, or contains articles cast in Russia.
        (B) Heading 9903.85.68 and 9903.85.70 provides the ordinary duty treatment of derivative aluminum articles that are the product of Russia, or where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the derivative aluminum articles is smelted in Russia, or where the derivative aluminum articles are cast in Russia, as enumerated in subdivision (a)(iii) of this note. For any such products that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff subheading, except where prohibited by law. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. No claim for entry or for any exemption or reduction shall be allowed for the aluminum products enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note under a provision of chapter 99 that may set forth a lower rate of duty or provide duty-free treatment, taking into account information supplied by CBP, but any additional duty prescribed in any provision of this subchapter or subchapter IV of chapter 99 shall be imposed in addition to the duty in heading 9903.85.68 or 9903.85.70.All shipments of any article that is otherwise eligible to be entered under a provision that is subject to quantitative limitations, and where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the article is smelted in Russia, or the articles are cast in Russia, shall be entered under headings 9903.85.67 through 9903.85.70. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected on the full value of the article that contains primary aluminum smelted in Russia, or contains articles cast in Russia.
      • (viii) Heading 9903.85.71 provides the ordinary duty treatment of aluminum articles enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note that are products of Mexico and contain primary aluminum for which the primary country of smelt, secondary country of smelt, or country of most recent cast, is China, Russia, Belarus or Iran. For any such goods that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in such heading shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff heading, except where prohibited by law. A Certificate of Analysis for a smelted primary aluminum used in a product imported under the above headings, or such other information as may be required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, must be supplied by the importer in order to make entry under this subdivision. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, for so long as Proclamation 10522 of February 24, 2023 (?Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States?) remains in effect, headings 9903.85.67 and 9903.85.69 shall continue to apply aluminum articles where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the aluminum articles is smelted or cast in Russia.
      • (ix) Heading 9903.85.72 provides the ordinary duty treatment of derivative aluminum articles that are the product of Mexico, and contain primary aluminum for which the primary country of smelt, secondary country of smelt, or country of most recent cast, is China, Russia, Belarus or Iran. For any such products that are eligible for special tariff treatment under any of the free trade agreements or preference programs listed in general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, the duty provided in these headings shall be collected in addition to any special rate of duty otherwise applicable under the appropriate tariff heading, except where prohibited by law. A Certificate of Analysis for a smelted primary aluminum used in a product imported under the above headings, or such other information as may be required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, must be supplied by the importer in order to make entry under this subdivision. Goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 and which are subject to the additional duties prescribed herein shall be eligible for and subject to the terms of such provision and applicable U.S. Customs and Border Protection (?CBP?) regulations, except that duties under subheading 9802.00.60 shall be assessed based upon the full value of the imported article. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, for so long as Proclamation 10522 of February 24, 2023 (?Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States?) remains in effect, headings 9903.85.68 and 9903.85.70 shall continue to apply to derivative aluminum articles where any amount of primary aluminum used in the manufacture of the derivative aluminum articles is smelted or cast in Russia.
    • (b) The rates of duty set forth in heading 9903.85.01 and subheadings 9903.85.05 and 9903.85.06, inclusive, apply to all imported products of aluminum classifiable in the provisions enumerated in this subdivision:
      • (i) unwrought aluminum provided for in heading 7601:
      • (ii) bars, rods and profiles provided for in heading 7604; wire provided for in heading 7605;
      • (iii) plates, sheets and strip provided for in heading 7606; foil provided for in heading 7607;
      • (iv) tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings provided for in heading 7608 and 7609;
      • (v) castings and forgings of aluminum provided for in subheading 7616.99.51.
      Any reference above to aluminum products classifiable in any heading or subheading of chapter 76, as the case may be, shall mean that any good provided for in the article description of such heading or subheading and of all its subordinate provisions (both legal and statistical) is covered by the provisions of this note and related tariff provisions.
    • (c) The Secretary of Commerce may determine and announce any exclusions from headings 9903.85.01,9903.85.03, 9903.85.21, and 9903.85.67 through 9903.85.70 that may be appropriate for individual derivative aluminum products or individual aluminum products otherwise covered by subdivision (a)(iii) or subdivision (b) of this note, respectively, or for individual shipments thereof, whether or not limited to particular quantities of any such goods or shipments, and shall immediately convey all such determinations to U.S. Customs and Border Protection ("CBP") for implementation by CBP at the earliest possible opportunity, but not later than five business days after the date on which CBP receives any such determination from Commerce. Pursuant to subheading 9903.85.11 and superior text thereto, the Secretary may provide that any excluded product shall be granted entry into the customs territory of the United States when the applicable quantitative limitation has filled for the specified period for such good.
    • (d) Any importer entering the aluminum products covered by this note under heading 9903.85.01, heading 9903.85.21, or headings 9903.85.67 through 9903.85.70, inclusive, and subheadings 9903.85.06 and 9903.85.11 and subheadings 9903.85.25 through 9903.85.44, inclusive, or any importer of derivative aluminum products covered by this note under heading 9903.85.03, shall provide any information that may be required, and in such form, as is deemed necessary by CBP in order to permit the administration of this subheading. Importers are likewise directed to report information concerning any applicable exclusion granted by Commerce in such form as CBP may require. [Compiler's note: Text shown based on Feb. 24 proclaimed language. Importers of derivative products under 9903.85.68 or 9903.85.70 may want to consult CBP to ensure they report accurately.]
    • (e) Subheadings 9903.85.05 and 9903.85.06, inclusive, set forth the ordinary customs duty treatment for the aluminum products (as enumerated in subdivision (b) of this note) of any country enumerated in the superior text to such subheadings, subject to the annual aggregate quantitative limitations proclaimed for these subheadings and as set forth on the Internet site of CBP at the following link: Beginning on July 1, 2018, imports from any such country in an aggregate quantity under any such subheading during any of the periods January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December in any year that is in excess of 500,000 kg and in excess of 30 percent of the total aggregate quantity provided for a calendar year for such country, as set forth on the Internet site of CBP, shall not be allowed.
  • 20.
    • (a) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.01, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.01 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(b) to subchapter III. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(b) to subchapter III are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.01, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in: (1) heading 9903.88.05 and U.S. note 20(h) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.06 and U.S. note 20(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.07 and U.S. note 20(j) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.08 and U.S. note 20(k) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.10 and U.S. note 20(m) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.11 and U.S. note 20(n) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.14 and U.S. note 20(q) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.19 and U.S. note 20(x) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.50 and U.S. note 20(ccc) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.52 and U.S. note 20(eee) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.58 and U.S. note 20(kkk) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (12) heading 9903.88.60 and U.S. note 20(mmm) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (13) heading 9903.88.62 and U.S. note 20(ooo) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (14) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (15) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (16) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (17) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www)of this note indicating exclusions are now in effect; consult Customs for more information.]
      Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.01 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(b) to subchapter III.
      Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(b) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the HTSUS, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.01.
      The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
      Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.01 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(b) to subchapter III shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.01.
    • (b) Heading 9903.88.01 applies to all products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in: (1) heading 9903.88.05 and U.S. note 20(h) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.06 and U.S. note 20(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.07 and U.S. note 20(j) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.08 and U.S. note 20(k) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.10 and U.S. note 20(m) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.11 and U.S. note 20(n) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.14 and U.S. note 20(q) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.19 and U.S. note 20(x) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.50 and U.S. note 20(ccc) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.52 and U.S. note 20(eee) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.58 and U.S. note 20(kkk) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (12) heading 9903.88.60 and U.S. note 20(mmm) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (13) heading 9903.88.62 and U.S. note 20(ooo) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (14) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (15) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (16) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (17) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(i) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: Only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect. The list of subheadings may begin on following page; read numbers from left to right.]
    • 2845.20.002845.30.002845.40.002845.90.01
      8474.32.008474.39.00 8474.80.008474.90.00
    • (c) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.02, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.02 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(d) to subchapter III. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(d) to subchapter III are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.02, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in: (1) heading 9903.88.12 and U.S. note 20(o) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.17 and U.S. note 20(v) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.20 and U.S. note 20(y) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.54 and U.S. note 20(ggg) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.59 and U.S. note 20(lll) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.61 and U.S. note 20(nnn) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.63 and U.S. note 20(ppp) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (12) heading 9903.88.70 and U.S. note 20(www) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect.]
      Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.02 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(d) to subchapter III.
      Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(d) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.02.
      The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
      Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.02 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(d) to subchapter III shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.02.
    • (d) Heading 9903.88.02 applies to all products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in (1) heading 9903.88.12 and U.S. note 20(o) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.17 and U.S. note 20(v) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.20 and U.S. note 20(y) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.54 and U.S. note 20(ggg) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.59 and U.S. note 20(lll) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.61 and U.S. note 20(nnn) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.63 and U.S. note 20(ppp) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(ii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (12) heading 9903.88.70 and U.S. note 20(www) to subchapter III of chapter 99 . [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) now in effect. Thelist of subheadings may begin on following page; read numbers from left to right.]
      • (e) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.03, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.03 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) to subchapter III. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) to subchapter III are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.03, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in (1) heading 9903.88.13 and U.S. note 20(p) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.18 and U.S. note 20(w) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.33 and U.S. note 20(ll) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.34 and U.S. note 20(mm) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.35 and U.S. note 20(nn) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.36 and U.S. note 20(oo) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.37 and U.S. note 20(pp) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.38 and U.S. note 20(qq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.40 and U.S. note 20(ss) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.41 and U.S. note 20(tt) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.43 and U.S. note 20(vv) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (12) heading 9903.88.45 and U.S. note 20(xx) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (13) heading 9903.88.46 and U.S. note 20(yy) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (14) heading 9903.88.48 and U.S. note 20(aaa) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (15) heading 9903.88.56 and U.S. note 20(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (16) heading 9903.88.64 and U.S. note 20(qqq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (17) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (18) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (19) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (20) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect.]
        Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.03 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) to subchapter III.
        Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.03.
        The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
        Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.03 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) to subchapter III shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.03.
      • (f) Heading 9903.88.03 applies to all products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in (1) heading 9903.88.13 and U.S. note 20(p) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.18 and U.S. note 20(w) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.33 and U.S. note 20(ll) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) U.S. note 20(mm) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.35 and U.S. note 20(nn) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.36 and U.S. note 20(oo) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.37 and U.S. note 20(pp) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.38 and U.S. note 20(qq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.40 and U.S. note 20(ss) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903:88.41 and U.S. note 20(tt) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.43 and U.S. note 20(vv) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (12) heading 9903.88.45 and U.S. note 20(xx) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (13) heading 9903.88.46 and U.S. note 20(yy) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (14) heading 9903.88.48 and U.S. note 20(aaa) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (15) heading 9903.88.56 and U.S. note 20(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (16) heading 9903.88.64 and U.S. note 20(qqq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (17) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (18) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (19) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (20) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect. The list of subheadings may begin on following page; read numbers from left to right.]
      • 0203.29.200203.29.400206.10.000208.10.00
      • (g) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.04, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty, except products of China granted an exclusion by the U.S. Trade Representative and provided for in: (1) heading 9903.88.33 and U.S. note 20(ll) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.34 and U.S. note 20(mm) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.36 and U.S. note 20(oo) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.37 and U.S. note 20(pp) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.38 and U.S. note 20(qq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.40 and U.S. note 20(ss) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.46 and U.S. note 20(yy) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.48 and U.S. note 20(aaa) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.64 and U.S. note 20(qqq) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (10) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (11) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(iii) to subchapter III of chapter 99. The products of China that are subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.04 are the following products of China: [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect.]
        • 1. Other non-aromatic organo-inorganic compounds, provided for in 2931.90.90, except for such compounds provided for in statistical reporting number 2931.90.9051;
        • 2. Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, provided for in [subheading] 8517.62.00, except for such machines provided for in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090;
        • 3. Other upholstered seats with wooden frames, provided for in [subheading] 9401.61.40, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting number 9401.61.4001;
        • 4. Other seats with wooden frames, not upholstered, provided for in [subheading] 9401.69.60, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting number 9401.69.6001;
        • 5. Other upholstered seats with metal frames, provided for in [subheading] 9401.71.00, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.71.0001, 9401.71.0005, 9401.71.0006, 9401.71.0007;
        • 6. Other seats with metal frames, not upholstered, provided for in [subheading] 9401.79.00, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.79.0001, 9401.79.0002, 9401.79.0003, 9401.79.0004;
        • 7. Other seats of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in [subheading] 9401.80.20, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting number 9401.80.2001;
        • 8. Other seats of rubber or plastics except for other seats of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in [subheading] 9401.80.40, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting number 9401.80.4001;
        • 9. Other seats, provided for in [subheading] 9401.80.60, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.80.6021 and 9401.80.6023;
        • 10. Furniture of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in [subheading] 9403.70.40, except for such furniture provided for in statistical reporting number 9403.70.4003; and
        • 11. Plastic furniture except for furniture of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in [subheading] 9403.70.80, except for such furniture provided for in statistical reporting number 9403.70.8003.
        Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.04 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(g).
        Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(g) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.04.
        The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40,. 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
        Products of China that are subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.04 shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.04.
      • (h) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired]
        • (1) 8412.21.0075
        • (2) 8418.69.0120
        • (3) 8480.71.8045
        • (4) 8482.10.5044
        • (5) 8482.10.5048
        • (6) 8482.10.5052
        • (7) 8525.60.1010
        • (8) Spark-ignition engines for marine propulsion, outboard, each rated at not less than 29.83 kW but not more than 44.74 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8407.21.0080)
        • (9) Welded hydraulic linear acting (cylinders) engines and motors, each with piston bore of 12.7 mm or more but not over 254 mm, with stroke not over 11.43 m, overall length not over 15.24 m and rod diameter not over 1.219 m (described in statistical reporting number 8412.21.0030)
        • (10) Stretchers of stainless steel, designed to move rollers to adjust tension of paper fabric to be dried, each with a pivoting arm with an actuator, linear rail movement with an actuator, and front and back units with mounting holes for tube roll bearing housings (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.2000)
        • (11) Roller machines with dies for embossing paper, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
        • (12) Salad spinners of plastics, with capacity of at least 2.4 liters but not more than 3.8 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.19.0000)
        • (13) Nonelectric water filtration apparatus consisting of three cylinder-shaped filter cartridges, each measuring 6.35 cm by 26.67 cm, having water storage tank and plastic tubing measuring 0.63 cm or more but not over 0.95 cm, presented with installation kit (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (14) Winches, each having a winch frame with a corrosion resistant coating and stainless steel mandrel with nylon bushings, operated manually by a worm gear mechanism (described in statistical reporting number 8425.39.0100)
        • (15) Elevators, comprising L-shaped steel buckets bolted to a steel chain, with guide rollers and a drive system (described in statistical reporting number 8428.32.0000)
        • (16) Belt conveyors, each comprising a frame with leveling feet, electric motor and food grade plastic conveyor belt (described in statistical reporting number 8428.33.0000)
        • (17) Belt conveyors, each comprising a welded frame with leveling feet and casters, electric motor and food grade plastic modular conveyor belt (described in statistical reporting number 8428.33.0000)
        • (18) Guards of stainless steel, designed to shield operators of papermaking machines from moving or rotating equipment, each with dimensions ranging from 30 cm by 30 cm by 50 cm to 50 cm by 50 cm by 4 m, weighing 30 kg or more but not over 100 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (19) Scrapers ("doctors") of stainless steel, designed to scrape impurities from the rotating roll surface of the forming and press sections of papermaking machines, each comprising a beam with a blade of non-symmetrical cross section, long aspect ratio, and mounting journals and turning devices on either end, with dimensions ranging from 50 cm by 50 cm by 8 m to 60 cm by 6 m by 11 m, weighing 1 metric ton or more but not over 3 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (20) Frameworks of the forming and press section of papermaking machines, of stainless steel or cladded mild steel with stainless or acid proof steel, each with dimensions ranging from 1 m by 1 m by 1 m to 2.3 m by 2.3 m by 12 m, weighing 500 kg or more but not over 40 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (21) Guides of stainless steel, designed for locating conveyer belts on papermaking machines, each with a moving arm with an actuator and front and back units with mounting holes for tube roll bearing houses, each with dimensions ranging from 40 cm by 50 cm by 30 cm to 1 m by 1 m by 50 cm, weighing 300 kg or more but not over 500 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (22) Rollers of steel and cast iron ("nip rollers") with bearing journals on either end,designed for use in paper manufacturing to mechanically compress paper web to remove water or impart desired mechanical properties in paper web, each with a polymer cover, the foregoing with length of 7 m or more but not over 12 m, with diameter of 1 m or more but not over 1.5 m, weighing 15 metric tons or more but not over 30 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (23) Open containers ("savealls") of stainless steel, designed to catch water run off generated in the papermaking process, constructed of large square shaped plates and flat constructions with mounting holes on ends, each with dimensions ranging from 50 cm by 50 cm by 50 cm to 1.5 m by 1 m by 10 m, weighing 50 kg or more but not over 2 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (24) Stretchers of stainless steel, designed to move rollers of papermaking machines to adjust tension of fabric, each with a pivoting arm with an actuator, linear rail movement with an actuator and front and back units with mounting holes for tube roll bearing housings (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (25) Suction boxes of stainless steel, which remove water from paper web or papermaking fabrics during papermaking, each with dimensions ranging from 50 cm by 50 cm by 8 m to 1 m by 1 m by 10 m, weighing 1.5 metric tons or more but not over 2 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (26) Rollers of stainless steel or cast iron, designed for use in paper manufacturing to support and convey papermaking cloth (i.e. fabric) or the paper web, each weighing 7 metric tons or more but not over 20 metric tons, measuring 7 m or more but not over 12 m in length, with diameter of 40 cm or more but not over 1.5 m, presented with bearing journals on either end and a polymer cover (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (27) Workstands designed to use with miter saws, each with metal tube frame, 4 metal legs and 2 metal extension arms (described in statistical reporting number 8466.92.5010)
        • (28) Workstands designed for use with miter saws, each with wheels to make workstand mobile and with sides that fold up to extend the work area (described in statistical reporting number 8466.92.5010)
        • (29) Angle cock handle assemblies, of iron and steel, each measuring 11.43 cm by 21.59 cm by 5.08 cm and weighing 0.748 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (30) Radiation therapy systems, each encased by steel-based structural shell with gantry cover comprising three pairs of plastics-based panels (described in statistical reporting number 9022.14.0000)
        • (31) Thermostats designed for air conditioning or heating systems, not designed to connect to the internet, the foregoing designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
      • (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8412.21.0045
        • (2) 8430.31.0040
        • (3) 8607.21.1000
        • (4) Submersible centrifugal pumps, each powered by 36 V motor (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (5) Breast pumps, whether or not with accessories or batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8413.81.0040)
        • (6) Impeller housings of cast iron (whether described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 (parts of pumps for liquids, other), prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095, January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096, effective January 1, 2020)
        • (7) Impellers of plastic designed for centrifugal pumps, each of the foregoing with outside diameter of 73 mm or more but not more than 74 mm (whether described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 (parts of pumps for liquids, other) prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095, January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (8) Compressor housings designed for turbochargers (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.4165)
        • (9) Salad spinners, of plastics, not electrically powered (described in statistical reporting number 8421.19.0000)
        • (10) Machinery for filtering water, submersible, powered by batteries, manually operated, such machinery designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (11) Machinery designed for removing waste from water in saltwater aquariums by injecting air bubbles then filtering such bubbles (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (12) Electronic water oxidizers designed for purifying water for household washing machines (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (13) Hand-held ultraviolet water purifiers, powered by batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (14) Filters designed to remove sulfites from wine (described in statistical reporting number 8421.22.0000)
        • (15) Filter housings, covers, or couplings, the foregoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatus for filtering liquids (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (16) Steel L-shaped bucket elevators, each comprising steel buckets bolted to a steel chain with guide wires and drive system (described in statistical reporting number 8428.32.0000)
        • (17) Vulcanized rubber tracks, each incorporating cords and cleats of steel, designed for use on construction equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
        • (18) Rotors designed to agitate paper and water into pulp, of stainless steel, the foregoing comprising parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic materials (described in statistical reporting number 8439.91.9000)
        • (19) Automated data processing storage units (other than magnetic disk drive units), not assembled in cabinets for placing on a table or similar place, not presented with any other unit of a system (described in statistical reporting number 8471.70.6000)
        • (20) Bituminous pavers, self-propelled, each with a weight exceeding 14.9 metric tons but not exceeding 18.2 metric tons, with working width of 2.4 m or more but not over 8.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 8479.10.0060)
        • (21) Check valves, of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), each weighing 120 g or less (described in statistical reporting number 8481.30.9000)
        • (22) Check valves, of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8481.30.9000)
        • (23) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, each in a housing with outside diameter of 84 mm or less, with output of 6 W or more but not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (24) DC motors rated at 739.6 W, each with a housing with external diameter of 85 mm or more but not exceeding 90 mm and weight of 2575 g or less (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.5000)
        • (25) Electrical transformers, each with a power handling capacity rating of 1.8 kVA, with external dimensions measuring approximately 13.3 cm by 12.7 cm by 11.4 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8504.32.0000)
        • (26) Battery powered soldering irons or soldering guns, not over 18 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8515.11.0000)
        • (27) Knobs of injection molded plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.6000)
        • (28) Molybdenum foil filament assemblies, designed for use in ultraviolet lamps (described in statistical reporting number 8539.90.0000)
        • (29) Thin-film-transistor, light-emitting diode (LED) backlit flat panel liquid crystal display modules, each with an aluminum bezel and a video display diagonal measuring 113 mm or more but not over 339 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.7000)
        • (30) Depth-sounding apparatus with digital display, each designed for installation in a 63.5 mm hole in dashboard, designed for recreational boating use (described in statistical reporting number 9014.80.2000)
        • (31) Restraint packs designed for use with chest compressors, each containing one torso restraint, consisting of a cotton strap which fastens with hook and loop fasteners to the compressor, and one cover for a head stabilizer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (32) [Exclusion deleted.]
        • (33) Tuners designed to clip onto musical instruments and indicate whether the instrument is in tune (described in statistical reporting number 9031.80.8085)
      • (j) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Pumps designed for countertop appliances for serving beer, the foregoing that control the level of carbonation by means of sonic waves (described in statistical reporting number 8413.19.0000)
        • (2) Roller machines designed for cutting, etching or embossing paper, foil or fabric, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
        • (3) Water oxidizers and chlorinators (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (4) Ratchet winches designed for use with textile fabric strapping (described in statistical reporting number 8425.39.0100)
        • (5) Continuous action elevators and conveyors, designed to convey mineral materials (described in statistical reporting number 8428.33.0000)
        • (6) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (7) Tines, carriages, and other goods handling apparatus and parts designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (8) Parts of drill sharpening machines (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.9885)
        • (9) Outer shells of hydraulic accumulators, of iron or non-alloy steel, cylindrical with hemispherical heads on each end (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (10) Parts of mechanical awnings and shades (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (11) Reject doors, pin protectors, liners, front walls, grates, hammers, rotor and end disc caps, and anvil and breaker bars, of iron or steel, the foregoing parts of metal shredders (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (12) Steering wheels designed for watercraft, of stainless steel, having a wheel diameter exceeding 27 cm but not exceeding 78 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (13) Pressure regulators of brass or bronze, whether high or low inlet type, having a rated flow rate of 55,000 - 150,000 BTU/hr, maximum inlet pressure of 0.17 MPa to 1.72 MPa, inlet connection with POL or thread type of fitting (described in statistical reporting number 8481.10.0090)
        • (14) Pipe brackets of aluminum, each with 4 ports, the foregoing measuring 27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm and weighing 11.34 kg, designed for installation into air brake control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (15) Push pins and C-poles of steel, designed for use in variable force solenoid valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (16) Ball bearings of a width not exceeding 30 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5032)
        • (17) Inductor baseplates of aluminum, each with a length measuring 149.20 mm or more but not over 275 mm, with a width measuring 119.40 mm or more but not over 232 mm and with a depth of 10.50 mm or more but not over 19 mm, with a weight of 0.48 kg or more but not over 3.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9690)
        • (18) Parts of soldering irons and soldering machines (described in statistical reporting number 8515.90.4000)
        • (19) Motor vehicle gear shift switch assemblies, comprised of a plunger, connector and gear shift lever (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (20) Pressure switches designed for use in heat pumps and air-conditioning condensers having a rating of 1.90 megapascals or more but not over 4.55 megapascals (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (21) Instruments for measuring or checking voltage or electrical connections; electrical circuit tracers (described in statistical reporting number 9030.33.3800)
      • (k) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8407.21.0040
        • (2) 8427.10.4000
        • (3) 8473.40.1000
        • (4) 8481.10.0090
        • (5) 8483.50.9040
        • (6) Apparatus, including pitchers, bottles, and units designed for incorporation into refrigerators, appliances or sink faucets, the foregoing fitted with filters for filtering or purifying water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (7) Filtering apparatus, fitted with pumps, designed for use in pools, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (8) Filtering or purifying machinery or apparatus of a kind used for waste water treatment (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (9) Submersible machinery for filtering water, designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (10) Water distillation machinery and apparatus not covered by heading 8419 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (11) Air purification equipment, electrically powered, weighing less than 36 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8015)
        • (12) Dust collection equipment for cement, minerals and mining industries (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8015)
        • (13) Apron-type chain conveyor (described in statistical reporting number 8428.39.0000)
        • (14) Roller conveyors (described in statistical reporting number 8428.39.0000)
        • (15) Vibrating conveyors (described in statistical reporting number 8428.39.0000)
        • (16) Machinery for mixing beverages in single servings for direct human consumption, designed for use in commercial food service establishments (described in statistical reporting number 8438.80.0000)
        • (17) Machinery for reconstituting single serving beverages for direct human consumption from frozen pre-packaged portions, designed for use in commercial food service establishments (described in statistical reporting number 8438.80.0000)
        • (18) Armatures designed for use in hydraulic solenoid valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (19) C-poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (20) Housings designed for hydraulic ball valves, of cast iron or steel, each measuring 5.7 cm by 3.2 cm and weighing 0.528 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (21) Metering spools, of aluminum, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (22) Metering spools, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (23) Poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (24) Push pins, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (25) Retainers, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (26) Electric motors of a width exceeding 7.5 mm but not exceeding 43 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (27) AC electric motors, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 14.92 kW but not exceeding 75 kW, other than for use in civil aircraft (described in statistical reporting number 8501.52.8040)
        • (28) Coils, coil assemblies and other parts of electromagnets (the foregoing described in statistical reporting number 8505.90.7501)
        • (29) Radio remote control apparatus for garage doors (described in statistical reporting number 8526.92.5000)
        • (30) Radio remote control apparatus for pet collars and pet food dispensers (described in statistical reporting number 8526.92.5000)
        • (31) Remote control devices, hand held and battery powered, designed for use with toy model vehicles and aircraft (described in statistical reporting number 8526.92.5000)
        • (32) Bezels, covers and housings, the foregoing designed for motor vehicle cameras (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.8100)
        • (33) Electromechanical relays, for a voltage exceeding 60 V but not over 250 V, with contacts rated at 10 A or more (described in statistical reporting number 8536.49.0075)
        • (34) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 2.9 cm by 2.9 cm by 2.9 cm, with 4 spade or brass terminals, with an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (35) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 4.8 cm by 2.8 cm by 2.8 cm, with 2 spade or brass terminals (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (36) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 5 cm by 1.7 cm by 1.9 cm, with 2 spade or brass terminals, with an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (37) Snap-action switches, each designed for installation in a wall-mounted enclosure or electrical box (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9040)
        • (38) Stereoscopic microscopes, not provided with a means for photographing the image, valued not over $500 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 9011.10.8000)
        • (39) Adapter rings, tubes and extension sleeves, stands and arm assemblies, stages and gliding tables, eyeguards and focusing racks, all the foregoing designed for use with compound optical microscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
        • (40) Ultraviolet or infrared LED light therapy devices for the professional treatment of pain or of ailments of the skin (described in statistical reporting number 9018.20.0040)
      • (l) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.09, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.09 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. notes 20(f) or 20(g) to subchapter III. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. notes 20(f) or 20(g) to subchapter III are subject to the additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.09. The product exclusions provided by headings 9903.88.13, 9903.88.18, 9903.88.33, 9903.88.34, 9903.88.35, 9903.88.36, 9903.88.37, 9903.88.38, 9903.88.40, 9903.88.41, 9903.88.43, 9903.88.45, 9903.88.46 and 9903.88.48 shall apply to articles the product of China that were entered under heading 9903.88.09 and that are provided for in this subdivision. [Compiler's notes: The last sentence of this paragraph applied to such articles exported before May 10, 2019, and entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, into the United States on or after May 10, 2019, and before June 15, 2019. See 86 F.R. 22092. The list of HTS rate lines subject to additional duty are NOT updated for the HS 2022 changes of January 27, 2022.]
        For the purposes of heading 9903.88.09, the products of China that are subject to an additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty are products that are: (1) exported to the United States before May 10, 2019; and (2) entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after May 10, 2019, and before June 15, 2019.
        Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.09 shall be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. notes 20(f) or 20(g) to subchapter III.
        Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(f) or 20(g) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.09.
        The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.09 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
        Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.09 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. notes 20(f) or 20(g) to subchapter III shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.09.
      • (m) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8537.10.8000
        • (2) Parts of nonaircraft gas turbines, other than rotors, spindles, rotor assemblies, spindle assemblies or steel forgings (described in statistical reporting number 8411.99.9085)
        • (3) Oil well and oil field crank-balanced, long-stroke and beam pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.50.0010)
        • (4) Radial piston hydraulic fluid pumps weighing not over 500 grams (described in statistical reporting number 8413.50.0070)
        • (5) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, designed for use in apparatus for supplying water to pets (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (6) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, other than for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard; the foregoing pumps rated not over 1.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (7) Submersible dual port pump designed for use in swimming pools (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (8) Submersible pump designed for use in aquariums, not over 325 mm tall (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (9) Submersible pump incorporating a magnetic drive motor (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (10) Submersible pumps, rated not over 1 horsepower, designed for use in pumping raw sewage (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (11) Sump pumps, submersible, rated not over 1 horsepower, activated by float switch (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (12) Centrifugal pumps, not for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard, not submersible, the foregoing single-stage, single-suction, close-coupled and with discharge outlet under 5.1 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2005)
        • (13) Centrifugal pumps designed for eliminating condensate, the foregoing not elsewhere specified or included (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2090)
        • (14) Housings for water pumps of subheading 8413.30.90 (as described in subheading 8413.91.9010)
        • (15) Impellers for water pumps of subheading 8413.30.90 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9010)
        • (16) Hydraulic pump positioning piston assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9050 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9060 effective January 1, 2019)
        • (17) Plastic reservoirs for motor vehicle brake master cylinders (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9050 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9060 effective January 1, 2019)
        • (18) Airend assemblies, inlet guide vanes, air-ends, compressor baseplates and backplates (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.4175 prior to July 1, 2018; described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.4190 effective July 1, 2018)
        • (19) Stand-alone icemaking machines, each having a rated capacity not exceeding 160 kg per day, capable of producing ice in pieces not larger than 40 cubic cm in any dimension (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0110)
        • (20) Assemblies of thermo-electric modules, whether or not presented with attached heat exchangers, fans, shrouds, temperature sensors or controllers (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0180)
        • (21) Coolers, non-compressor, powered by 12 V DC, each with an interior volume not exceeding 17 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0180)
        • (22) Solar water heaters incorporating glass tube heat collectors and including glass tubes and stands with tanks (described in statistical reporting number 8419.19.0040)
        • (23) Distillation and rectifying equipment designed for use in the production of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (described in statistical reporting number 8419.40.0080)
        • (24) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
        • (25) Cast steel and steel structural forms designed for use in filtering machines, such machines used in mining or manufacturing facilities (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0080)
        • (26) Parts of air filtering machines or apparatus, the foregoing of cast steel and steel (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0080)
        • (27) Self-propelled fork-lift and platform trucks, each powered by an electric motor and controlled by walking operator (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8090 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8070 or 8427.10.8095 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (28) Garage door opener/closers (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (29) Hinged steel transfer machinery, designed for diverting goods from and to conveyor lines (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (30) Rotating bench, electrically powered, designed for turning a workpiece in a production line (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (31) Rotating fork machines, designed for lifting and depositing coiled steel bars in a production line (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (32) Vibratory, self-propelled tamping machines, each with drum roller (described in statistical reporting number 8429.40.0020)
        • (33) New, track-mounted hydraulic backhoes or hydraulic shovels, each with a 360-degree revolving superstructure (described in statistical reporting number 8429.52.1010)
        • (34) Pile drivers, diesel powered (described in statistical reporting number 8430.10.0000)
        • (35) Belt conveyor crossmember assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (36) Conveyor roller support brackets (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (37) Carriers designed for holding motor vehicles in overhead conveyors (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (38) Catenary idler stringers (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (39) Conveyor belt assemblies incorporating bearings (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (40) Conveyor line pans, the foregoing parts suitable for use solely or principally with coal mine conveyors (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (41) Conveyor spill plates (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (42) Welded frames designed to support conveyor rollers (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (43) Feed pushers, bale forks, scrapers and frames therefor (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9010)
        • (44) Complete sheet pile rolling mills (described in statistical reporting number 8455.22.0000)
        • (45) Rolling mills designed to form 4 to 5 ribbed metal panels not exceeding 95 cm wide (described in statistical reporting number 8455.22.0000)
        • (46) Double row ball bearings having an inner diameter exceeding 15 mm but not exceeding 32 mm, an outer diameter exceeding 38 mm but not exceeding 64 mm and a width exceeding 15 mm but not exceeding 29 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5060)
        • (47) Needle roller bearings of a width not exceeding 30 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.40.0000)
        • (48) Outer bearing rings (described in statistical reporting number 8482.99.0500)
        • (49) Bearing shields (described in statistical reporting number 8482.99.6595)
        • (50) Coupling covers, including center members, flanged hubs, sleeves and shoes (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.8010)
        • (51) AC multi-phase motors, each of an output exceeding 300 kW but not exceeding 310 kW, fitted with pulleys and brakes to raise and lower passenger elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (52) Regenerative speed drive controllers for controlling speed of electric motors for elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (53) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, each such controller measuring 100 mm or more but not over 130 mm in length, 40 mm or more but not over 125 mm in width and 24 mm or more but not over 85 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (54) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, the foregoing operating at 250 A or more but not over 500 A (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (55) Variable frequency drive controllers for electric motors, each weighing more than 1 kg but not more than 11 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (56) Printed circuit assemblies of the goods of subheading 8504.40 or 8504.50 for telecommunication apparatus, each measuring 4 cm to 6 cm in width and 10 cm to 12 cm in length, that converts 36 V DC to 90 V AC (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.6500)
        • (57) Printed circuit assemblies of the goods of subheading 8504.40 or 8504.50 for telecommunication apparatus, each measuring 7 cm to 9 cm in width and 18 cm to 20 cm in length, having 2 switches, for power protection to prevent electrical back feeding (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.6500)
        • (58) Printed circuit assemblies of the goods of subheading 8504.40 or 8504.50 for telecommunication apparatus, the foregoing serving as controllers for power supplies, each measuring 5 cm to 7 cm in width and 11 cm to 14 cm in length, having 50 pin on side header (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.6500)
        • (59) Printed circuit assemblies of the goods of subheading 8504.40 or 8504.50 for telecommunication apparatus, the foregoing serving as noise filters, each measuring 18 cm to 20 cm in width and 25 cm to 27 cm in length, populated with semiconductor devices and 4 heat sinks (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.6500)
        • (60) Radio transceivers operating on frequencies from 46 MHz to 468 MHz, each designed for installation in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8525.60.1050)
        • (61) Antennas, of base metal and fiberglass (described in statistical reporting number 8529.10.4040)
        • (62) Projector parts (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.9900)
        • (63) Electromechanical relays, for a voltage not exceeding 24 V, other than automotive flashers, with contacts rated at 10 A or more, measuring not over 80 mm in any dimension (described in statistical reporting number 8536.41.0050)
        • (64) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 14.4 cm by 11.6 cm by 6.4 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (65) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 14.6 cm by 8 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (66) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 19.1 cm by 8.3 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (67) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 19.7 cm by 11.8 cm by 8.3 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (68) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 19.7 cm by 9.8 cm by 16.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (69) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 21 cm by 13.3 cm by 9 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (70) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 23.5 cm by 8 cm by 13.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (71) Push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 6 cm by 14.1 cm by 11 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (72) Push-pull switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, designed for use in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (73) Bullet connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (74) Butt connectors, other than closed end, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (75) Closed-end butt connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (76) Crimp connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (77) Insulated tab electrical connectors and tab receptacle electrical connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, crimp-type, with either a tab measuring not over 6.4 mm in width or a receptacle for tabs measuring not over 6.4 mm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (78) Junction blocks, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (79) Lug connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (80) Ring connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (81) Spade connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (82) Spring clip ("alligator clip") terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (83) Terminal blocks, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (84) Wire tap connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (85) Magnesium anodes, each not exceeding 48 kg in weight (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9040)
        • (86) Disposable self-adhesive brain monitoring sensor patches for use with an oximeter, each incorporating a circuit board, light-emitting diode (LED), photo diodes and memory device and a connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (87) Disposable stainless steel subdermal needle electrodes with accompanying harness for use with electromyography (EMG) equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (88) Disposable surface electrodes for intra-operative neuromonitoring (?IONM?) systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (89) Machines for testing the hardness of metals (described in statistical reporting number 9024.10.0000)
      • (n) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note:expired.]
        • (1) Heat exchangers, the foregoing comprising parts of goods of heading 8402 and each fitted for heat recovery steam generator (described in statistical reporting number 8402.90.0010)
        • (2) Drums, exhaust stacks, and inlet duct panel assemblies of heat recovery steam generators (described in statistical reporting number 8402.90.0090)
        • (3) Water tanks for steam or other vapor generating boilers (described in statistical reporting number 8402.90.0090)
        • (4) Compression-ignition engines with maximum power exceeding 50 kW but not exceeding 120 kW, each valued over $6,000 but not over $9,500 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8408.90.9010)
        • (5) Compression-ignition engines, exceeding 149.2 kW but not exceeding 373 kW and valued over $9,800 but not over $12,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8408.90.9020)
        • (6) Aircraft gas turbine compressor cases of steel and Inconel alloy, each valued over $3,000 but not over $4,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8411.99.9090)
        • (7) Engine stationary seal air supports of Inconel alloy, each measuring over 35 cm but not over 35.5 cm in outer diameter and over 3.5 cm but not over 4 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8411.99.9090)
        • (8) Direct acting and spring return pneumatic actuators, each rated at a maximum pressure of 10 bar and valued over $68 but not over $72 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8412.39.0080)
        • (9) Spring-operated motors, each valued over $3,000 but not over $3,600 (described in statistical reporting number 8412.80.1000)
        • (10) Gear-type hydraulic fluid power pumps, handheld, battery powered, the foregoing not over 5 cm in width and valued not over $6 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8413.60.0030)
        • (11) Centrifugal water pumps incorporating thermal cut-offs, each with discharge outlet 5.08 cm or more in diameter, valued over $66 but not over $96 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2015)
        • (12) Motor vehicle oil pump housings (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9010)
        • (13) Impellers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (14) Parts of oil and gas extraction beam pumps, other than hydraulic power pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting numbers 8413.91.9065, 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (15) Pedestals of pump assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (16) Pump bases, of plastic, designed to protect the pump impellers from obstructions (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (17) Pump casings and bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (18) Pump covers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (19) Pump expellers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (20) Pump grease cups and grease cup adapters (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (21) Pump liners (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (22) Pump manifolds (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (23) Pump parts, of plastics, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (24) Pump shaft castings, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (25) Pump throatbushes (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (26) Pump volutes (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (27) Structural pump bases, of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (28) Compressors, other than screw type, used in air conditioning equipment in motor vehicles, each valued over $88 but not over $92 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8030)
        • (29) Compressors, other than screw type, of a kind used in household refrigerators, air conditioners and heat pumps, rated at more than 1/4 horsepower but not more than 1 horsepower, each valued not over $150 (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8050)
        • (30) Fork-lift trucks, propane gas powered, having a rated lift capacity over 9.5 metric tons but not exceeding 33 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8427.20.8000 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.20.8090 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (31) Motor grader weighing more than 14 metric tons but not over 21 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8429.20.0000)
        • (32) Self-propelled pneumatic compactors, each weighing over 14 metric tons but not over 28 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8429.40.0040)
        • (33) New articulated shovel loaders, wheeled, each with 4-wheel drive, rear mounted engine and a bucket capacity of under 1.5 m3, rated at not over 26 horsepower (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1015)
        • (34) Integrated tractor shovel loaders, each with 4 wheel drive, a bucket capacity of at least 3.8 m3 but less than 5.2 m3 and an operating weight of 17.5 metric tons or more but not over 20 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1040)
        • (35) Shovel loaders with an operating weight of from 30 metric tons to 36 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1045)
        • (36) Shovel loaders with an operating weight of from 30 metric tons to 36 metric tons (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1050)
        • (37) Rubber track shovel loaders having a lift capacity not over 375 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.5010)
        • (38) Grooved wire rope drum valued over $350 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.10.0010)
        • (39) Escalator drive assemblies consisting of a motor, planetary gear and gearbox (described in statistical reporting number 8431.31.0040)
        • (40) Escalator steps (described in statistical reporting number 8431.31.0040)
        • (41) Parts of passenger or freight elevators consisting of any of the following: elevator emergency brake and speed governor apparatus, scissor lift assemblies, telescoping boom lift assemblies or articulating boom lift assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8431.31.0060)
        • (42) Counterweights for log handling equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0070)
        • (43) Backhoe counterweights each weighing more than 400 kg but not more than 600 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9044)
        • (44) Excavator crawler shoes (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9044)
        • (45) Seeder or spreader baffle and baffle assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (46) Seeder or spreader frames (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (47) Seeder or spreader handles (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (48) Seeder or spreader hopper assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (49) Seeder or spreader hopper grates (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (50) Seeder or spreader impellers (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (51) Chipper/shredder machines, electrically powered (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (52) Chipper/shredder machines, gasoline powered, valued less than $250 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (53) Malt production equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (54) Horizontal lathes, electrically powered not over 1.5 horsepower (described in statistical reporting number 8458.19.0020)
        • (55) Feeder and vibratory flow equipment and parts thereof designed for use in screening or sorting machines; housings and noise reduction enclosures; the foregoing described in statistical reporting number 8474.90.0010)
        • (56) Press machines for bamboo or other materials of a woody nature (described in statistical reporting number 8479.30.0000)
        • (57) Electric wire coil-winder machines (described in statistical reporting number 8479.81.0000)
        • (58) Insulated mixing chambers of stainless steel, each having a capacity of 5 m3 to 25 cubic meters (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0040)
        • (59) Check valves of steel having an internal diameter not less than 4.8 cm or exceeding 62.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.30.2090)
        • (60) Bodies of pressure-reducing valves other than hand-operated or check valves and valves classified in 8481.20, such bodies of brass (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9060)
        • (61) Bodies of valves other than hand-operated or check valves and valves classified in 8481.20, such bodies measuring over 18 cm but not exceeding 19 cm in length, valued over $55 but not over $65 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9060)
        • (62) Flanged wheel hub bearing units with ball bearings, each having an inner diameter exceeding 2.2 cm but not exceeding 2.8 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5016)
        • (63) Wheel hub angular contact bearing units, not flanged, valued over $2 but not over $10 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5024)
        • (64) Inner bearing rings (described in statistical reporting number 8482.99.0500)
        • (65) Non-toothed gears for office printers, each valued not over $7 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.40.9000)
        • (66) Non-grooved pulleys, each incorporating a deep groove roller bearing (described in statistical reporting number 8483.50.9080)
        • (67) Non-grooved pulleys, zinc plated, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.50.9080)
        • (68) Hubs for conveyor pulleys with an outside diameter of more than 5 cm but not more than 56 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.8080)
        • (69) Handles for machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8487.90.0080)
        • (70) Electric motors of a width exceeding 7.5 cm but not exceeding 7.8 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (71) DC motors, each valued over $125, with attached stranded copper cord (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (72) AC motors, multi-phase, each of an output exceeding 75 kW but less than 149.2 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.4080)
        • (73) AC generators, each weighing over 250 kg but not more than 1 metric ton and valued not over $2,400 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.62.0000)
        • (74) Transformers designed to control horizontal motion of electron beams in cathode-ray tubes (described in statistical reporting number 8504.33.0020)
        • (75) Static converter covers, bases and housings (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9650)
        • (76) Furnace casings (described in statistical reporting number 8514.90.8000)
        • (77) Structural components for industrial furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8514.90.8000)
        • (78) Manually operated rework stations, including soldering/desoldering stations (described in statistical reporting number 8515.19.0000)
        • (79) Machines and apparatus for arc (including plasma arc) welding, each valued not over $500 (described in statistical reporting number 8515.39.0020)
        • (80) Hand-held transceivers (except Citizen's Band and except low-power radiotelephonic operating on frequencies from 49.82 MHz to 49.90 MHz), valued not over $70 each (described in statistical reporting number 8525.60.1030)
        • (81) Fixed capacitors valued not over $4 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8532.10.0000)
        • (82) Fixed oil-filled capacitors rated at 1 kV to 25 kV (described in statistical reporting number 8532.10.0000)
        • (83) Tantalum capacitors having a conductive polymer cathode, valued not over $4 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8532.21.0050)
        • (84) Tantalum capacitors, each measuring 7.3 mm by 4.3 mm by 1.9 mm and valued not over $4 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.21.0050)
        • (85) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors, each valued not over $3.20 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0085)
        • (86) Contactors, for a voltage not exceeding 60 V and with contacts rated at or more than 10 A, each valued not over $39 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.41.0045)
        • (87) Rotary switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring not more than 5.5 cm by 5.0 cm by 3.4 cm, each with 2 to 8 spade terminals and an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (88) Rotary switches, single pole, single throw (SPST), rated at over 5 A, each measuring not more than 14.6 cm by 8.9 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (89) Momentary contact switches rated at or under 5 A, each designed for use as a motor vehicle overdrive switch (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9031)
        • (90) Momentary contact switches rated at or under 5 A, valued not over $4 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9031)
        • (91) Rocker switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, designed for use in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (92) Molded buttons (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.6000)
        • (93) Molded housings and covers (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.6000)
        • (94) Tanks for dead tank circuit breakers, of aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.8120)
        • (95) Aluminum anodes for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
        • (96) Chlorine generator chambers containing titanium plates for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
        • (97) Zinc anodes for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
        • (98) Weather station sets, each consisting of a monitoring display and outdoor weather sensors, having a transmission range of not over 140 m and valued not over $50 per set (described in statistical reporting number 9015.80.8080)
        • (99) Veterinary ultrasound device with black-and-white image quality used as a medical diagnostic tool (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (100) Microwave ablation antennas, whether or not with attached controls, as parts of ablation systems used to ablate live tumors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (101) Parts and accessories of electro-surgical instruments and appliances, other than extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (102) Smoke evacuation pencils with accompanying tubing and hoses designed to integrate smoke evacuation into electrosurgery by combining both features into a single handpiece, which is designed to apply mono-polar electrosurgical energy to target tissue in a surgical setting while simultaneously evacuating smoke from the surgical site (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (103) Suction coagulators, consisting of a hand-piece with mechanical and/or electrical controls and a disposable shaft, used for the coagulation of tissue and aspiration of fluids during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (104) Vessel sealing and dividing devices that use electrical energy to separate and seal tissue during open or laparoscopic surgical procedures, consisting of a handpiece with mechanical and/or electrical controls, and a bipolar electrode intended to deliver electrosurgical current from a system generator directly to tissues for cutting/coagulation/ablation (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (105) Dental X-ray alignment and positioning apparatus, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (106) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (107) Overhead tube suspension used to hold and position X-ray generating equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (108) Instruments and apparatus that chemically analyze food to detect the presence of gluten or peanuts, valued at less than $55 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 9027.80.4530)
        • (109) Picoammeters with recording devices (described in statistical reporting number 9030.39.0100)
        • (110) (Humidistats, each with outdoor sensor, such humidistats valued not over $40 each (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.6070)?
      • (o) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and (d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47236 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note:expired.]
        • (1) Chlorinated polyethylene elastomer[s], in white or pale yellow powder form, containing 28 to 44 percent by weight of chlorine (described in statistical reporting number 3901.90.1000)
        • (2) Polytetrafluoroethylene ((C2F4)n), having a particle size of 5 to 500 microns and a melting point of 315 to 329 degrees Celsius (described in statistical reporting number 3904.61.0090)
        • (3) Expandable plastics beads, 0.30 to 0.50 mm in diameter, consisting of copolymers of methylmethacrylate (62 to 64 percent by weight) and styrene (26 to 28 percent by weight) (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.2000)
        • (4) Polyol blends containing 92 percent or more by weight of polyether polyol (CAS number 9049-71-2) and 2.5 [percent] or more by weight of N,N-dimethylcyclohexamine (described in statistical reporting number 3907.20.0000)
        • (5) Hot melt flat shapes of biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film with an acrylic emulsion (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (6) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 m in length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (7) Polyvinyl chloride film, coated on one side with pressure sensitive solvent-acrylic adhesive that allows for easy removal from a flat glass or flat, rigid, clear plastics surface, 106.7 cm, 137.2 cm or 152.4 cm in width, and 30.38 m or 49.99 m in length, with regular perforations measuring 1.5 to 1.6 mm in diameter, where the perforations cover 30, 40 or 50 percent of the surface area (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (8) Printed rectangular polyethylene sheets depicting images on one side, with self-adhesive edges protected with peel-off liners on the other side, measuring 30.5 cm by 45.7 cm or 30.5 cm by 25.4 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (9) Self-adhesive colored or printed polyvinyl chloride film with a peelable liner, in rolls, measuring 30.5 cm or 50.8 cm in width and 3.05 m to 6.10 m in length, of a kind used for lining shelves or drawers (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (10) Printed, nonpermeable plastic film of ethylene designed for use in packaging personal care products such as baby wipes, adult wipes and similar wet stack products (provided for in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (11) Polyethylene film of a kind used for wrapping perishable foods, in rolls measuring 30.5 cm in width and up to 76.2 m in length, with a starter edge tab, put up in retail packages incorporating a built-in slide cutter and grip strip for holding the film in place until subsequent use (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (12) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (13) Spark-ignition rotary or reciprocating internal combustion piston engines to be installed in agricultural or horticultural machinery or equipment, 4,476 W or more but not more than 37.6 kW, each valued not over $180 (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.1020)
        • (14) Gas (natural or liquid propane (LP)) engines each having a displacement of more than 2 liters but not more than 2.5 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9010)
        • (15) Spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines, not elsewhere specified or included, 746 W or greater but not exceeding 4,476 W, with an engine displacement of not more than 430 cc (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9040)
        • (16) Heat guns (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9585)
        • (17) Heated tissue preparation microscope slide flattening tables (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9585)
        • (18) Tissue sample paraffin floatation baths (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9585)
        • (19) Air amplifiers powered solely by an external source of compressed air, which is routed through the apparatus in such a manner as to draw in ambient air, increase its speed and direct the air through an output port, each such apparatus not exceeding 1 kg in weight (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (20) Apparatus capable of generating and projecting liquid particles of a size that simulates haze, fog or snow (depending on the composition of the liquid or powdered source), whether or not incorporating laser or other lighting apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (21) Apparatus capable of mechanically generating and projecting bubbles from a liquid source, each apparatus weighing more than 2.5 kg but not more than 6.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (22) Aroma-spraying sets, each of which includes a battery-powered aerosol apparatus and a glass bottle containing not more than 25 ml of essential oil solution, each set weighing not more than 300 g (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (23) Collars of a size suitable for dogs or cats, fitted with a means to provide a stimulus to the animal, by means of a sprayer, whether or not combined with a static electric discharge device or sound emitter; and such collars capable of being controlled by an external transmission device, whether or not the controller is presented with the collar as a set (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (24) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (25) Oral irrigators (dental water-jet machines) (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (26) Parts washers, each consisting of a steel basin having a capacity no greater than 100 liters, steel drain plug, support legs and a shelf, a recirculating centrifugal pump assembly, a power cord incorporating an electrical fusible link, a gooseneck spigot assembly, with a steel lid held by a ?piano-type? hinge and by a lid support bracket incorporating a mechanical fusible link (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (27) Rotary surface washers, consisting of a tube, at one end of which is a fitting suitable for connection to an external power washer and a handle for controlling the position of the apparatus, and at the other end of which is an assembly of one or more rotating brushes that receive the output of the external power washer (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (28) Wet- and dry-diffusion apparatus fitted for incorporation into scent-releasing machines (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (29) Walk behind rotary tillers, electric powered, individually weighing less than 14 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0060)
        • (30) Fertilizer distributors with a capacity not exceeding 40 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.42.0000)
        • (31) Benchtop drill presses, each with a power rating of less than 750 watts and valued under $1,000 each (described in statistical reporting number 8465.95.0055)
        • (32) Bearing housings each valued over $2,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.30.8020)
        • (33) AC motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each with attached actuators, crankshafts or gears (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
        • (34) C-frame 2-pole AC electric motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each valued not over $4 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
        • (35) Electric motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each valued over $28 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
        • (36) Amorphous silicon solar chargers with a power output of 100 W or less (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.8010)
        • (37) Electric motors, each with an output rating not exceeding 800 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.52.4000)
        • (38) Armature shafts for electric motors of heading 8501 (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.9520)
        • (39) Windshield wiper motor covers and shafts (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.9520)
        • (40) Leakage current detection and interruption (LCDI) cords (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (41) Control boards for stoves, ranges and ovens of heading 8516 (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.3000)
        • (42) Zener diodes, each valued not over $0.25 (described in statistical reporting number 8541.10.0050)
        • (43) Position or speed sensors for motor vehicle transmission systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (44) Wheel speed sensors for anti-lock motor vehicle braking systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (45) Antenna amplifiers, each valued not over $15 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (46) Antenna noise suppressors, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (47) Apparatus using passive infrared detection sensors designed for turning lights on and off (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (48) Audio controllers, each valued not over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (49) Audio mixers, each valued not over $75 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (50) Devices incorporating sensors and monitors for identifying encoded television and radio signal information of survey participants (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (51) Electrically powered cat noise control devices (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (52) Electrically powered combs of a kind used on pets (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (53) Electrically powered dog training, controlling, repelling or locating apparatus whether or not put up in kits, including dog collars fitted with GPS or other transmitting or receiving devices and electrical barrier transmitter devices (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (54) Electrically powered insect control apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (55) Electrically powered static-emitting plastic strips designed for use in training or controlling pets (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (56) LED lamps for flash curing nail polish (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (57) Liquid leak detectors (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (58) Multiple device remote controls, other than radio remote control, each valued not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (59) Robots, programmable, measuring not more than 40 cm high by 22 cm wide by 27 cm deep, incorporating an LCD display, camera and microphone but without "hands" (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (60) Couplers, knuckles and yokes and parts thereof for vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (61) Motorcycles (including mopeds), with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc, valued not over $500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8711.10.0000)
        • (62) Polarizing film, of triacetate, with a pressure sensitive adhesive backing (described in statistical reporting number 9001.20.0000)
        • (63) Digital clinical thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (64) Cooking thermometers, including candy and deep-fry thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (65) Infrared thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (66) Combined thermometer and hygrometer devices (described in statistical reporting number 9025.80.1000)
        • (67) Pulse output gas meters of a kind that can be read remotely (described in statistical reporting number 9028.10.0000)
        • (68) Pulse output water meters, of cast stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 9028.20.0000)
        • (69) Fingertip pulse oximeters (described in statistical reporting number 9029.20.4080)
      • (p) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (2) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (3) Kayak paddles, double ended, with shafts of aluminum and blades of fiberglass reinforced nylon (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.3000)
        • (4) High tenacity polyester yarn not over 600 decitex (described in statistical reporting number 5402.20.3010)
        • (5) Nonwovens weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2 in rolls, not impregnated coated or covered (described in statistical reporting number 5603.92.0090)
        • (6) Pet cages of steel (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9080)
        • (7) Carts, not mechanically propelled, each with three or four wheels, of the kind used for household shopping (described in statistical reporting number 8716.80.5090)
        • (8) Truck trailer skirt brackets, other than parts of general use of Section XV (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5060)
        • (9) Inflatable boats, other than kayaks and canoes, with over 20 gauge polyvinyl chloride (PVC), each valued at $500 or less and weighing not over 52 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8903.10.0060)
        • (10) Inflatable kayaks and canoes, with over 20 gauge polyvinyl chloride (PVC), each valued at $500 or less and weighing not over 22 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8903.10.0060)
      • (q) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Heat exchangers, the foregoing comprising parts of goods of heading 8402 and each fitted for heat recovery generator (described in statistical reporting number 8402.90.0010)
        • (2) Hydraulic powered swing, winch and travel drives, axial piston type, with attached gearboxes, each valued over $2,000 but not over $7,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8412.29.8045)
        • (3) Lubricating oil transfer pumps, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, each with a 1.5 kW motor (described in statistical reporting number 8413.19.0000)
        • (4) Oil well and oil field reciprocating positive displacement plunger pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.50.0010)
        • (5) Positive displacement piston liquid pumps designed for use with gas or electric powered pressure washers, rated for an output of 7 liters or more but not exceeding 16 liters per minute at a pressure of 17 MPa or more but not exceeding 28 MPa (described in statistical reporting number 8413.50.0090)
        • (6) Non-hydraulic rotary positive displacement pumps, not configured as roller pumps, each weighing less than 5.5 kg and valued not over $25 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.60.0090)
        • (7) Submersible centrifugal pumps (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines other than stock pumps imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device; each of the foregoing incorporating a magnetic drive motor (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (8) Submersible centrifugal pumps (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing for table-top decorative use incorporating a cascading water feature (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (9) Submersible centrifugal pumps (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines; other than stock pumps imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing capable of operating at 3,700 liters or more but not exceeding 41,000 liters per hour (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (10) Submersible centrifugal pumps, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device; other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines; other than stock pumps imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard; the foregoing rated not over 1.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (11) Tabletop water fountains designed for indoor use, the essential character of which is imparted by submersible centrifugal pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (12) Non-submersible centrifugal pumps for liquids (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing comprising single-stage, single-suction, close-coupled, with a discharge outlet under 5.08 cm in diameter, valued over $4 but not over $6.50 each (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2005)
        • (13) Non-submersible centrifugal pumps for liquids (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing comprising single-stage, single-suction, close-coupled centrifugal motor pumps with a discharge outlet 5.08 cm or over in diameter, rated at 37 W or more but not exceeding 80 W and with a flow rate of 17 liters per minute or more (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2015)
        • (14) Non-submersible centrifugal pumps for liquids (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing operating at a voltage of 120 V and a frequency of 60 Hz, valued over $4 but not over $9 each (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2022)
        • (15) Non-submersible centrifugal pumps for liquids (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing comprising single-stage, single-suction, close-coupled, with discharge outlet under 5.08 cm in diameter each valued over $150,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2025)
        • (16) Pet water drinking fountains, not incorporating centrifugal pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.81.0040)
        • (17) Pumps (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines, other than centrifugal pumps), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing rated at 37 W or more but not exceeding 80 W, with a flow rate of 17 liters or more per minute (described in statistical reporting number 8413.81.0040)
        • (18) Tubes of copper alloy for use in solenoid fuel pumps, each valued not over $1 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9010)
        • (19) Parts of pumps, other than fuel-injection pumps for compression-ignition engines or stock pumps imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard, the foregoing of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (20) Rods and couplings designed for use with oil and gas field pumps, the foregoing of American Petroleum Institute grade (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting numbers 8413.91.9065, 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (21) Volutes of a kind designed for use with centrifugal sump pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (22) Air conditioner compressors of a kind used in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.4000)
        • (23) Compressors designed for use in household refrigerators, not exceeding 187 W (1/4 horsepower), each valued not over $30 (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.4000)
        • (24) Single phase, rotating piston type rotary compressors with split capacitor motors and refrigerant pumps, valued not over $70 (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.4000)
        • (25) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity ranging from 2.3 kW to 5.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
        • (26) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity of 750 W or more but not exceeding 1.4 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
        • (27) Scroll compressors, each exceeding 2,238 W (3 horsepower) but not exceeding 7,460 W (10 horsepower), valued over $200 but not over $1500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8070)
        • (28) Scroll-type compressors, each exceeding 7,460 W (10 horsepower), valued over $200 but not over $1500 (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8080)
        • (29) Compressor housings designed for turbochargers (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.4165)
        • (30) Mineral slab production equipment including exhaust gas treatment apparatus therefor (described in statistical reporting number 8417.80.0000)
        • (31) Twin reactor pyrolysis waste processing equipment consisting of two twin primary and one secondary processing units (described in statistical reporting number 8417.80.0000)
        • (32) Parts of dry hearth melting furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8417.90.0000)
        • (33) Portable domestic ice cube makers of stainless steel, valued not over $70 each (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0110)
        • (34) Absorption liquid chilling units valued over $130,000 each (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0160)
        • (35) Chest-type coolers, compression type, with an interior volume exceeding 440 liters but not exceeding 600 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0180)
        • (36) Upright freezers, compression type, with an interior volume exceeding 1,300 liters but not exceeding 2,100 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8418.69.0180)
        • (37) Brazed aluminum plate-fin heat exchangers, each valued not over $250 (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.1000)
        • (38) Heat exchanger units, designed for use as part of a heat exchange system weighing more than 27 metric tons but not more than 32 metric tons and incorporating shell-and-tube type heat exchangers (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (39) Heat exchanger units, designed for use as part of a heat exchange system weighing more than 40 but not more than 44 metric tons and designed to incorporate an ethylene dichloride vent eductor liquid cooler (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (40) Heat exchanger units, designed for use as part of a heat exchange system weighing more than 63.5 metric tons and not designed to operate with chilled MCB Coolers using propylene refrigerant (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (41) Heat exchanger units, designed for use individually or as part of a system weighing more than 63.5 metric tons and not designed to operate with chilled MCB coolers using propylene refrigerant (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (42) Heat exchangers, each valued not over $17,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (43) Industrial tubular heat exchange units (described in statistical reporting number 8419.50.5000)
        • (44) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
        • (45) Calendering machines other than for metals or glass, such machines each weighing more than 12,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9040)
        • (46) Thermal roll laminators, each valued not over $450 (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9040)
        • (47) Cutting pads, platforms, base plates, pads, shims, trays, which function as guides for hand-operated table-top calendering machines of a width not exceeding 51 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (48) Glass water filtration pitchers and filters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (49) Household alkaline water ionizer and filtration apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (50) Household water filter cartridges (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (51) Ionization filters valued over $35 but not over $45 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (52) Water filters for pet water fountains (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (53) Accumulators for heat pumps and air conditioners, valued over $8 but not over $12 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (54) Basket, Y-type or duplex strainers, each having a threaded or flanged-style end (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (55) Cage-type cartridges, designed to remove water directly from fuel tanks, valued not over $2 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (56) Filtering or purifying machinery valued over $2,500,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (57) Hydraulic fluid filters, rated at less than 100 kPa, measuring no more than 10 cm in diameter and 12 cm in length, each valued not more than $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (58) Filtration or purifying machinery for liquid chemical polymers, of steel housing, with sintered metal cylindrical filters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (59) Receiver-driers for air conditioning units used in commercial vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (60) Stainless steel mesh filters with plastic cores, of a kind used for preventing clogs in paint sprayers, each valued not over $1.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (61) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8090)
        • (62) Fiberglass-reinforced polyethylene pressure vessels (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (63) Parts of filters, each valued not over $8 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (64) Parts of swimming pool vacuum cleaners (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (65) Self-cleaning filters, of stainless steel, of a kind suitable for use in filtering municipal, agricultural or industrial water supplies, valued over $700 but not over $800 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (66) Swimming pool filter cartridges (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (67) Paint sprayer filters of paper, with steel mesh casings and plastic end caps, valued not over $1 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0080)
        • (68) Parts of vortex gas separators (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0080)
        • (69) Vacuum sealing machines, each valued over $30 but not over $40 (described in statistical reporting number 8422.30.9191)
        • (70) 3-member slides with ball bearings, of stainless steel, for use in household dishwashers (described in statistical reporting number 8422.90.0640)
        • (71) Stamped outer door panels of stainless steel for household dishwashing machines (described in statistical reporting number 8422.90.0640)
        • (72) Electronic scales for continuous weighing of quartz, powder and resin on conveyors, capable of measuring 2 kg or more but not exceeding100 kg of materials per minute (described in statistical reporting number 8423.20.1000)
        • (73) Winches, each having a steel frame with a ratchet and pawl mechanism, operated manually (described in statistical reporting number 8425.39.0100)
        • (74) Electric operator-riding pallet trucks, each with a load capacity not exceeding 3,700 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8010, prior to July 1, 2019 or described in 8427.10.8030, post July 1, 2019)
        • (75) Electric operator-riding reach-type fork-lift trucks, each with a load capacity exceeding 1,300 kg but not exceeding 2,100 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8010, prior to July 1, 2019 or described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8030, post July 1, 2019)
        • (76) Rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks, each powered by an internal combustion engine, with pneumatic tires, having a load capacity of 900 kg or more but not exceeding 18,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.20.4000)
        • (77) Rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks, each powered by an internal combustion engine, with solid tires, having a load capacity of 1,300 kg or more but not exceeding 3,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.20.4000)
        • (78) Baggage carriers, of polyethylene, suitable for use solely or principally with conveyers of subheading 8428.39 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (79) Continuous action elevators and conveyors of the kind designed for use in airports for handling baggage (described in statistical reporting number 8428.39.0000)
        • (80) Roller conveyors with pallet rotators or pallet corner rotators (described in statistical reporting number 8428.39.0000)
        • (81) Rotary positioning machines for use with machine tools (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (82) Shovel loaders, each with a bucket capacity of 11.4 m3 to 12 m3, and an operating weight of 30,000 kg or more but not exceeding 36,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1055)
        • (83) Winch handles (described in statistical reporting number 8431.10.0090)
        • (84) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with self-propelled works trucks powered by an electric motor and fitted with lifting or handling equipment of subheading 8427.10 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (85) Drive frames weighing over 3.6 metric tons and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (86) Grappler attachments, other than buckets, each valued over $250 but not over $350 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.41.0040)
        • (87) Grappler buckets, each valued over $800 but not over $900 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.41.0040)
        • (88) Bridge plug assemblies for oil and gas boring or sinking machinery, other than for offshore oil and natural gas drilling and production platforms (described in statistical reporting number 8431.43.8060)
        • (89) Metal frames or assemblies of a kind suitable for use as attachments to agricultural tractors (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9020)
        • (90) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on excavators and wheel loaders (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
        • (91) Counterweight castings of iron or steel, designed for use on skid loaders (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (92) Dredge cutter teeth, comprising parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of heading 8429 or 8430 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
        • (93) Parts of harrows or cultivators incorporating bearings (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0050)
        • (94) Ductile iron casting, weighing more than 0.75 kg but not more than 18.25 kg, with a maximum dimension exceeding 190 mm but not exceeding 695 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (95) Electrically powered granulator machine (described in statistical reporting number 8436.10.0000)
        • (96) Animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (97) Parts of animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.99.0090)
        • (98) Machines, of a kind used to produce cylindrical paper drinking straws (described in statistical reporting number 8441.40.0000)
        • (99) Ink cartridges, each weighing more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2010 )
        • (100) Paper handling assemblies as described in additional U.S. note 2(g) to chapter 84 (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2050)
        • (101) Printer maintenance kits consisting of two or more replacement parts for printer units of subheading 8443.32.10 specified in additional U.S. note 2 to chapter 84 (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2050)
        • (102) Die casting machines with casting volume not to exceed 5,278 cm3, die height of not less than 360 mm but not more than 1,000 mm, and die locking force of not less than 6,600 kN but not more than 8,400 kN (described in statistical reporting number 8454.30.0010)
        • (103) Cylindrical side guides, the foregoing comprising parts of metal-rolling mills (described in statistical reporting number 8455.90.8000)
        • (104) Horizontal lathes for removing metal, electrically powered, not numerically controlled, each with mill head attachment mounted above the lathe headstock (described in statistical reporting number 8458.19.0020)
        • (105) Way-type unit head machine tools, each valued over $1,800 but not over $2,200 (described in statistical reporting number 8459.10.0000)
        • (106) New numerically-controlled milling machines capable of end beveling pipe of an outside diameter of 60 cm or more but not exceeding 305 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8459.61.0080)
        • (107) Benchtop milling machines, not numerically controlled, valued over $400 but not over $700 each (described in statistical reporting number 8459.69.0020)
        • (108) Press brakes, not numerically controlled, having a drive capacity rating of 3kW (described in statistical reporting number 8462.29.0030)
        • (109) New hydraulic shearing machines, not numerically controlled, with a power of 7.5 kW, valued at $3,025 or more each (described in statistical reporting number 8462.39.0050)
        • (110) Hydraulic presses, not numerically controlled, each valued over $85,000 but not over $110,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8462.91.8090)
        • (111) Machines for end-forming metal pipes, such pipes ranging in outside diameter from 60 cm or more but not exceeding 305 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8462.91.8090)
        • (112) Woodworking routers, each with a 1,306 W (1-3/4 horsepower) motor and valued not over $60 (described in statistical reporting number 8465.92.0051)
        • (113) Woodworking lathes, each with a motor of 224 watts (0.3 horsepower) or more but not exceeding 896 W (1.2 horsepower), the foregoing which operate at speeds of 600 to 3,500 rpm, valued not over $130 each (described in statistical reporting number 8465.99.0220)
        • (114) Tool holders of a kind used to hold various types of metal working tools for use on milling machine spindles (described in statistical reporting number 8466.10.0175)
        • (115) [Deleted.]
        • (116) Work stands designed for use with miter saws, whether or not wheeled (described in statistical reporting number 8466.92.5010)
        • (117) Rotary grinders for working in the hand, suitable for metal working, each valued under $10 (described in statistical reporting number 8467.11.1040)
        • (118) Rotary sanders for working in the hand, suitable for metal working, each valued under $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8467.11.1040)
        • (119) Pneumatic rotary cutters, suitable for metal working, each with a maximum blade diameter of 11 cm and a maximum speed of 20,000 rpm, valued under $10 each (described in statistical reporting number 8467.11.1080)
        • (120) External optical disk drive storage units enclosed in cases, each valued under $60 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.70.9000)
        • (121) Parts of automatic teller machines (described in statistical reporting number 8473.40.8600)
        • (122) Stationary sand screening equipment having more than 90 but less than 182 metric ton per hour capacity (described in statistical reporting number 8474.10.0090)
        • (123) Portable concrete or mortar mixers, electrically powered, with a capacity not exceeding 0.15 m3 [cubic meter] (described in statistical reporting number 8474.31.0000)
        • (124) Mineral pressing machine[s] equipped with vibration motors (described in statistical reporting number 8474.80.0015)
        • (125) Electrically powered cutting machines for working supple plastics, valued not over $300 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8477.80.0000)
        • (126) Injection mold inserts (described in statistical reporting number 8477.90.8501)
        • (127) Mold base parts, each with a length of more than 19 cm but not more than 91 cm, a width of more than 3 cm but not more than 61 cm and a thickness of more than 2 cm but not more than 16 cm; the foregoing preconfigured with standard mill features such as drilled holes, slots and bushings to accommodate the various pins and tube dowels necessary for the functioning of the plastic injection mold (described in statistical reporting number 8477.90.8501)
        • (128) Sidewall plates, top bead rings, bottom bead rings and upper bag clamp rings, of steel, all the foregoing being parts of tire molds (described in statistical reporting number 8477.90.8540)
        • (129) Machines of a kind suitable for mixing granules of rock or similar hard materials with plastic resin to form a homogenous mixture (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0040)
        • (130) Modularized plants for the manufacture of lithium hydroxide by functions involving mixing, kneading or stirring (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0040)
        • (131) Machines for crushing/grinding pills, each valued not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0080)
        • (132) [Deleted.]
        • (133) [Deleted.]
        • (134) Parts of drain and sewer cleaning machines (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (135) Parts of suspension arms of a kind used in dental lighting or delivery systems (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496)
        • (136) Mold bases, of steel, measuring 27.9 cm by 38.1 cm by 45.7 cm, each weighing 409.1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8480.20.0000)
        • (137) Plastic injection molding patterns each valued over $50,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8480.30.0000)
        • (138) Compression type tire molds (described in statistical reporting number 8480.71.8060)
        • (139) Hydraulic solenoid timing valve each valued not over $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.20.0020)
        • (140) Check valves, of plastics or rubber (described in statistical reporting number 8481.30.9000)
        • (141) Ball type angle cock valve bodies, of cast iron, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (142) Valve bodies, of aluminum, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (143) Hydraulic valve parts, other than valve bodies, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (144) Valve pressure relief components, including body covers, and diaphragms (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9085)
        • (145) Unground ball bearings each valued not over $4 (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5004)
        • (146) Thrust bearings each valued not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5008)
        • (147) Wheel hub bearing units, of steel, of a kind used on motor vehicles, trailers and lawn equipment, each having one flange for the wheel and brake attachment and a second flange for attaching to the vehicle suspension, and having a sealed and lubricated double row of bearings (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5016)
        • (148) Angular contact ball bearings, not for use with wheel hub bearing units, having an inner diameter of 25 mm or greater but not exceeding 55 mm, an outer diameter of 50 mm or greater but not exceeding 95 mm, a width of 20 mm or greater but not exceeding 35 mm, with single or double row of steel balls and a cage of steel or plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5028)
        • (149) Angular contact ball bearings, not over 40 mm in width, other than wheel hub bearing units (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5028)
        • (150) Single row angular contact ball bearings, other than wheel hub bearing units, valued over $5.50 but not over $6.25 each (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5028)
        • (151) Single row radial bearings, with an outside diameter less than 9 mm, each valued not over $1 (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5036)
        • (152) Single row radial bearings, with an outside diameter over 100 mm, each valued not over $9 (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5056)
        • (153) Radial double row ball bearings, having an inner diameter of 10 mm or greater but not exceeding 90 mm, an outside diameter of 30 mm or greater but not exceeding 170 mm, and a width of 14.3 mm or greater but not exceeding 68.3 mm, with a cage of steel or plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5060)
        • (154) Tapered roller bearings, with cups having an outside diameter exceeding 102 mm but not exceeding 203 mm, each valued not over $9 (described in statistical reporting number 8482.20.0061)
        • (155) Single row tapered roller bearing cone assemblies for cups having an outside diameter not exceeding 102 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.20.0070)
        • (156) Steel tapered roller bearing cone assemblies, entered without cups, with an inner race that extends beyond the width of the roller cage, for cups having an outside diameter exceeding 102 mm but not exceeding 203 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.20.0081)
        • (157) Tapered roller bearing cone assemblies, each valued not over $9, for cups having an outside diameter exceeding 102 mm but not exceeding 203 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.20.0081)
        • (158) Single row tapered roller bearing cone assemblies for cups having an outside diameter exceeding 203 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.20.0090)
        • (159) Spherical roller bearings, other than single row, with an inside diameter of 20 mm or greater but not exceeding 300 mm, an outside diameter of 50 or greater but not exceeding 300 mm, and a width of 15 mm or greater but not exceeding 100 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8482.30.0080)
        • (160) Cylindrical roller thrust bearings, each having an inside diameter of 77.2 mm, an outer diameter of 95.6 mm, and a width of 3.445 mm, comprising 64 cylindrical rollers measuring 2.24 mm in diameter and 5 mm in length, a steel cage and a steel axial washer (described in statistical reporting number 8482.50.0000)
        • (161) Adapter sleeve assemblies for spherical roller bearings consisting of a tapered sleeve adapter, a locknut and lock washer (described in statistical reporting number 8482.99.6510 )
        • (162) Flywheels of a kind used in manual automotive transmission (described in statistical reporting number 8483.50.6000)
        • (163) Universal joints, each weighing not more than 5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8483.60.4080)
        • (164) Chain sprockets with forged hubs, the foregoing with outer diameter of 59.4 mm or greater but not exceeding 999.4 mm and width of 22.4 mm or greater but not exceeding 114.3 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.1010)
        • (165) Chain sprockets, each not more than 55 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.1050)
        • (166) Gaskets of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal, each of the foregoing valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8484.10.0000)
        • (167) Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, and not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 84, each valued not over $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8487.90.0080)
        • (168) AC motors, C-frame single-phase induction-type, without external housing, of an output not exceeding 18.65 W, not synchrous, each valued not over $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (169) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (170) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, with a height of 97.5 mm or more but not exceeding 127.0 mm and a length of 82.8 mm or more but not exceeding 226.0 mm, with an output of 12 W or more but not exceeding 16 W, 60 hertz (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (171) Shaded-pole AC motors, of an output not exceeding 18.65 W, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020 )
        • (172) Brushless motors, of an output not exceeding 18.65 W, not synchrous, each valued not over $0.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4040)
        • (173) DC servo motors or actuators, of an output of under 18.65 W, valued over $2 but not over $2.50 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (174) Universal AC/DC motors, each rated at more than 37.5 W but not more than 65 W and valued at less than $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.20.2000)
        • (175) Quarter-turn actuator motors, of an output exceeding 746 W, each valued not over $140 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.20.6000)
        • (176) DC motors, brushless, of an output rated at 48 W or greater but not exceeding 60 W, each valued not over $14 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (177) DC motors, brushless, rated at 32 V, designed to operate in saltwater environment, each valued over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (178) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, each incorporating a thermal switch, the foregoing valued not over $22 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (179) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, valued over $2 but not over $30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (180) AC motors, multiphase, of a kind used with paint sprayers to regulate the flow of paint, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, valued not over $200 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (181) Brushless, variable speed, DC motors, of an output of 750 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
        • (182) DC motor and gear box assemblies, of an output of 746 W or more but not exceeding 750 W, of a kind used to open and close a swing door, the foregoing valued not over $300 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
        • (183) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, other than gear motors, each weighing less than 600 grams and valued less than $15 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.2040)
        • (184) AC motors, 3 phase, fitted with a timing belt and of an output not less than 90 W but not exceeding 135 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (185) AC motors, multi-phase, of rolled steel frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (186) AC motors, multiphase, of an output exceeding 74 kW but not exceeding 75 kW, other than for use in civil aircraft (described in statistical reporting number 8501.52.8040)
        • (187) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 93 kW but not exceeding 112 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.4080)
        • (188) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output of 186.5 kW or more but not exceeding 373 kW, having a cast iron frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (189) AC generators, each having copper windings and weighing more than 900 kg but not more than 1700 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8501.63.0000)
        • (190) AC generators, of an output exceeding 750 kVA but not exceeding 10,000 kVA, each having copper windings and weighing more than 1650 kg but not more than 4100 kg, other than for wind-powered generating sets classified within 8502.31.00 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.64.0025)
        • (191) Generator sets each weighing more than 650 kg but not over 830 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8502.11.0000)
        • (192) Armatures, other than for motors of under 18.65 W, other than for generators for civil aircraft, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.6500)
        • (193) Motor field cores, other than for motors of under 18.65 W, other than for generators for civil aircraft, of steel stamping, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.6500)
        • (194) Stators and rotors designed for use with household laundry washing machines or tabletop household appliances, each valued not over $10 (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.6500)
        • (195) Stators and rotors for electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets), 2 or 4 pole type, valued $85 or more but not over $1,700 each (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.6500)
        • (196) Electrical transformers, each weighing not over 500 grams (described in statistical reporting number 8504.32.0000)
        • (197) Printed circuit boards, each measuring no more than 2.3 cm by 13.1 cm, presented with two black plastic pin connectors on opposite ends and/or sides, designed for use in transformers used to provide power to telecommunications networks (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.6500)
        • (198) Dual layer printed circuit board assemblies, each valued over $30 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.7500)
        • (199) Coils for cast epoxy resin transformers, each of the foregoing valued over $6,500 but not over $7,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9646)
        • (200) Conductors of aluminum for electric transformers, static converters and inductors (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9690)
        • (201) Heat sinks of aluminum for inductors (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9690)
        • (202) Inductor parts, of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9690)
        • (203) Toroids of silicon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.9690)
        • (204) Lithium primary batteries valued over $0.50 but not over $0.75 each (described in statistical reporting number 8506.50.0000)
        • (205) Resistance-heated annealing ovens (described in statistical reporting number 8514.10.0000)
        • (206) Resistance-heated glass furnaces, each with continuous conveyance articulating roller and positive press (described in statistical reporting number 8514.10.0000)
        • (207) Resistance-heated strip casting furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8514.40.0000)
        • (208) Manually operated soldering irons and guns, with or without their power supplies but without work stands or other accessory devices (described in statistical reporting number 8515.11.0000)
        • (209) Tungsten electrodes for tungsten inert gas arc welding torches (described in statistical reporting number 8515.90.2000)
        • (210) Transceivers, 10-meter, not hand-held, for operation in infrequencies of 28.000 to 29.700 MHz (described in statistical reporting number 8525.60.1050)
        • (211) GPS apparatus measuring not over 118 mm in height, 120 mm in width and 20 mm in thickness, presented with or without attached antenna or other accessories (described in statistical reporting number 8526.91.0040)
        • (212) GPS apparatus suitable for use with dog or other animal collars (described in statistical reporting number 8526.91.0040)
        • (213) Kits each consisting of GPS apparatus suitable for use with dog or animal collars, a hand-held GPS transmitter and accessories therefor (described in statistical reporting number 8526.91.0040)
        • (214) Radio remote control apparatus of a kind suitable for controlling gas burning fireplaces (described in statistical reporting number 8526.92.5000)
        • (215) 27 MHz radio remote control antennas each of a kind designed to transmit a signal to a dog collar receiver (described in statistical reporting number 8529.10.4040)
        • (216) [Deleted.]
        • (217) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors each valued at not over $4 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0055)
        • (218) Fixed ceramic dielectric multilayer chip capacitors, each valued not over $0.12 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8532.24.0020)
        • (219) Dielectric capacitors of paper or plastics, for AC service, operating at less than 300 V each valued not over $4.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.25.0010)
        • (220) Dielectric capacitors of paper or plastics, for AC service, operating at 300 V or more but not exceeding 600 V, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.25.0020)
        • (221) Double-sided capacitor modules, each containing capacitors operating at 165 farad, 48 V, and 53 watt-hours (described in statistical reporting number 8532.25.0080)
        • (222) Fixed capacitors (the foregoing other than tantalum, aluminum electrolytic, ceramic dielectric, dielectrics of paper or plastics or mica dielectric), each valued over $200 but not over $300 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.29.0040)
        • (223) Variable capacitors (other than mica, ceramic or glass dielectric), each valued over $500 but not over $600 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.30.0090)
        • (224) Metal oxide varistors of ceramic metal oxide materials (described in statistical reporting number 8533.40.4000)
        • (225) Potentiometers (other than cermet or metal glaze), each valued not over $70 (described in statistical reporting number 8533.40.8070)
        • (226) Thermistors (other than cermet or metal glaze), each valued not over $1 (described in statistical reporting number 8533.40.8070)
        • (227) Motor overload protectors for a voltage exceeding 60 V but not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued over $5 but not over $7 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.4000)
        • (228) Contactors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $39 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.49.0065)
        • (229) Motor starters for a voltage exceeding 60 V but not exceeding 1,000 V, valued over $9 but not over $10 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.4000)
        • (230) Rotary switch assemblies, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, rated at not over 5 A, each valued over $2 but not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9020)
        • (231) Snap-action switches, for a voltage not exceeding 250 V, rated not over 8 A (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9040)
        • (232) Limit switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued over $19 but not over $32 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9055)
        • (233) Broken belt switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, designed for use in clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (234) Modular light switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, presented in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) housings, designed for use with a backplate (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (235) Single-pole, double-throw switches, each with a movable contact arm permitting the opening and closing of contact points, of a rating not over 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (236) Switches designed for use in motor vehicles, driver or passenger activated (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (237) Coaxial connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, valued over $0.20 but not over $0.30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4010)
        • (238) Cylindrical multicontact connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $120 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4020)
        • (239) Printed circuit connectors each valued not over $1 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4040)
        • (240) Printed circuit connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, measuring 142 mm long, 20.53 mm high and 6.5 mm wide (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4040)
        • (241) Printed circuit connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, measuring 59.08 mm long, 25.91 mm high and 25.91 mm wide, each valued not over $20 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4040)
        • (242) Printed circuit connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued over $1 but not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4040)
        • (243) Printed circuit connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, stacked, each valued not over $10 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4040)
        • (244) Butt splice connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (245) Kits each containing 40 assorted terminals comprising 12 butt splices, 10 ring terminals, 8 spade terminals and 10 female disconnects, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (246) Kits each containing 80 assorted terminals, valued not over $2, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (247) Ring terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (248) Twist-on wire connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $0.03 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (249) Junction boxes, each valued over $1.40 but not over $1.70 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.8530)
        • (250) Transistors, with a dissipation rate of less than 1 W and an operating frequency of not less than 100 MHz, valued over $0.04 but not over $0.05 each (described in statistical reporting number 8541.21.0075)
        • (251) Bipolar junction transistors, with a dissipation rate of less than 1 W and with an operating frequency of less than 100 MHz (described in statistical reporting number 8541.21.0095)
        • (252) Metal-oxide transistors on a silicon-carbide substrate, with a dissipation rate of 1 W or more (described in statistical reporting number 8541.29.0095)
        • (253) Mounted quartz piezoelectric crystals operating at a supply voltage of 1.5 V or greater but not exceeding 3.75 V and a frequency range not over 175 MHz (described in statistical reporting number 8541.60.0060)
        • (254) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
        • (255) Copper panel or pattern electroplating machines of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.2000)
        • (256) Electrolysis copper etchback and desmear machines of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of printed circuits (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.2000)
        • (257) Coaxial antenna feeder cables designed for use in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8544.30.0000)
        • (258) Ignition coil and wiring sets designed for use with motor vehicle engines, each valued not over $7 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.30.0000)
        • (259) Power supply cables designed for use in aircraft (described in statistical reporting number 8544.30.0000)
        • (260) Wiring sets designed for use with motor vehicle gear shifters, each valued not over $7 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.30.0000)
        • (261) Insulated aluminum cables, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 600 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.9000)
        • (262) Four-wheel off-road vehicles, with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engines, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc, with straddle seat and handlebar control, each with label indicating that vehicle is for operation only by persons at least 16 years of age, each valued not over $5000 (described in statistical reporting number 8703.21.0110)
        • (263) Works trucks, electrical, operator riding, each of a curb weight exceeding 8,500 kg but not exceeding 9,500 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8709.11.0030)
        • (264) Gearhead assemblies, and parts thereof, for use in civil aircraft, each valued not over $40 (described in statistical reporting number 8803.30.0030 )
        • (265) Wing, tail, fuselage and other body sections, including structural components and parts of the foregoing, designed for use on drone aircraft not capable of transporting persons (described in statistical reporting number 8803.90.9060)
        • (266) Motor vehicle lens cover assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 9002.90.9500)
        • (267) Accessories designed for compound optical microscope stages (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
        • (268) Camera adapter mounts designed for compound optical microscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
        • (269) Episcopic fluorescence microscopy accessories designed for compound optical microscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
        • (270) Lasers, other than laser diodes, each valued over $200 but not over $300 (described in statistical reporting number 9013.20.0000)
        • (271) Liquid-crystal displays, each measuring not over 85 cm in diagonal measurement (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.7000)
        • (272) Depth-sounding apparatus, each valued not over $50 (described in statistical reporting number 9014.80.2000)
        • (273) Parts, of plastics, of fish finders of subheading 9014.80.20 (described in statistical reporting number 9014.90.6000)
        • (274) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (275) Portable ultrasonic scanner consoles, each weighing less than 4 kg, presented with or without transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (276) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (277) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (278) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (279) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (280) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (281) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
        • (282) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (283) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (284) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (285) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (286) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (287) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (288) Printed circuit board assemblies, of a kind designed for use in X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (289) Tungsten shielding, containing 90% or more of tungsten, of a kind designed to be attached to the walls of the multileaf collimator of the specific radiotherapy apparatus based on the use of X-rays (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (290) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (291) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients [Compiler's note: may be "for use in immobilizing"], during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
        • (292) Electromagnetic flow meter systems for pipes with outside diameters larger than 183 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9026.10.2040)
        • (293) Digital tire pressure gauges, each valued not over $8.50 (described in statistical reporting number 9026.20.4000)
        • (294) Carbon monoxide sensors, each having a value exceeding $14 but not exceeding $19 (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5910)
        • (295) Hydrogen sulfide sensors, each having a value exceeding $9 but not exceeding $13 (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5910)
        • (296) Nitrogen dioxide sensors, each having a value exceeding $12 but not exceeding $17 (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5910)
        • (297) Sulfur dioxide sensors, each having a value exceeding $24 but not exceeding $29 (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5910)
        • (298) Microtome universal cassette clamps (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5995)
        • (299) Utility meter bases, of plastics, each 17 cm or greater but not exceeding 18 in diameter, incorporating a latching relay, the foregoing valued over $8 but not over $10 (described in statistical reporting number 9028.90.0040)
        • (300) Waveform monitors, each valued over $4,000 but not over $5,000 (described in statistical reporting number 9030.40.0000)
        • (301) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use with X-ray detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9030.90.2500)
        • (302) Oscilloscope probes (described in statistical reporting number 9030.90.8911)
        • (303) Automatic thermostats for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, containing temperature and humidity sensors, designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
        • (304) Thermostats for air conditioning, refrigeration or heating systems, designed for use in motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0060)
        • (305) Thermostats for air conditioning, refrigeration or heating systems, other than for wall mounting, each measuring not more than 15 cm in length, 11 cm in width, and 3 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0060)
        • (306) Battery balancers designed for regulating voltage across batteries, other than for 6, 12 or 24 volt systems (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.4000)
        • (307) Water level and temperature control devices of a kind used in household appliances (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.6040)
        • (308) Flow and liquid level control instruments, each valued not over $10 (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.6060)
        • (309) Printed circuit board assemblies designed to control the flow of paint in paint sprayers (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.6085)
        • (310) Thermostat covers (described in statistical reporting number 9032.90.6120)
      • (r) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.15, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.88.15 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(s)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(s)(ii) to subchapter Ill [of the tariff schedule]. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(s)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(s)(ii) to subchapter Ill are subject to the additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.15, except as provided in (1) heading 9903.88.39 and U.S. note 20(rr) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (2) heading 9903.88.42 and U.S. note 20(uu) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (3) heading 9903.88.44 and U.S. note 20(ww) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (4) heading 9903.88.47 and U.S. note 20(zz) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (5) heading 9903.88.49 and U.S. note 20(bbb) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (6) heading 9903.88.51 and U.S. note 20(ddd) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (7) heading 9903.88.53 and U.S. note 20(fff) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (8) heading 9903.88.55 and U.S. note 20(hhh) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (9) heading 9903.88.57 and U.S. note 20(jjj) to subchapter III of chapter 99, (10) heading 9903.88.65 and U.S. note 20(rrr) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (11) heading 9903.88.66 and U.S. note 20(sss)(iv) to subchapter III of chapter 99, (12) heading 9903.88.67 and U.S. note 20(ttt)(iv) to subchapter III of chapter 99; (13) heading 9903.88.68 and U.S. note 20(uuu)(iv) to subchapter III of chapter 99; or (14) heading 9903.88.69 and U.S. note 20(vvv)(iv) to subchapter III of chapter 99. [Compiler's note: only subdivisions (vvv) and (www) are now in effect.]
        Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.15 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(s)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(s)(ii) to subchapter Ill.
        Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(s)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(s)(ii) to subchapter Ill and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.15.
        The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
        Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.15 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(s)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(s)(ii) to subchapter Ill shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 7.5 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.15.
      • (s) Heading 9903.88.15 applies to:
        • (i) all products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings: [Compiler's note: numbers in this table read from left to right]
          1702.90.64 1702.90.68 1704.90.78 1703.10.301703.10.50
        • (ii) the following products of China:
          • 1. Other printed books, brochures and similar printed matter, provided for in subheading 4901.99.00, except for such printed matter provided for in statistical reporting number 4901.99.0040;
          • 2. Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, provided for in subheading 8517.62.00, except for such machines provided for in statistical reporting numbers 8517.62.0010 and 8517.62.0020;
          • 3. Other seats with wooden frames, not upholstered, provided for in subheading 9401.69.60, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.69.6011 and 9401.69.6031;
          • 4. Other upholstered seats with metal frames, provided for in subheading 9401.71.00, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.71.0001, 9401.71.0005, 9401.71.0006, 9401.71.0008, 9401.71.0011, and 9401.71.0031.
          • 5. Other made-up articles of textile materials, provided for in subheading 6307.90.98, except for respirators of textiles, described in statistical reporting numbers 6307.90.9842, 6307.90.9844 or 6307.90.9850, and except for face masks of textiles, other than disposable, described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9875;
          • 6. Lithium-ion batteries, provided for in subheading 8507.60.00, except for lithium-ion batteries of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of subheadings 8703.40, 8703.50, 8703.60, 8703.70 or 8703.80, described in statistical reporting number 8507.60.0010
      • (t) For the purposes of heading 9903.88.16, products of China, as provided for in this note, shall be subject to an additional 15 percent ad valorem rate of duty. The products of China that are subject to an additional 15 percent rate of duty under heading 9903.88.16 are products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(u)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(u)(ii) to subchapter III. All products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(u)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(u)(ii) are subject to the additional 15 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.16. [Compiler's note:Subdivisions (t) and (u) of this note and heading 9903.88.16 suspended.]
        Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional 15 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.16 shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(u)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(u)(ii) to subchapter III.
        Products of China that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(u)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(u)(ii) to subchapter III and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 15 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.16.
        The additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.16 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.0.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
        Products of China that are provided for in heading 9903.88.16 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 20(u)(i) or described in U.S. note 20(u)(ii) to subchapter III shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional 15 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.88.16.
      • (u) Heading 9903.88.16 applies to: [Compiler's note: Subdivisions (t) and (u) of this note and heading 9903.88.16 suspended. HTS subheadings in table below may appear in sequence reading from left to right.]
        • i) all products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings:
          2931.49.00 2931.90.052931.90.152931.90.26
        • ii) the following products of China:
          • 1. Other non-aromatic organa-inorganic compounds, provided for in subheading 2931.90.90, except for such compounds provided for in statistical reporting numbers 2931.90.9010, 2931.90.9021, 2931.90.9025, and 2931.90.9029;
          • 2. Other upholstered seats with wooden frames, provided for in subheading 9401.61.40, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.61.4011 and 9401.61.4031;
          • 3. Other upholstered seats with metal frames, provided for in subheading 9401.71.00, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.71.0007, 9401.71.0008, 9401.71.0011, and 9401.71.0031;
          • 4. Other seats with metal frames, not upholstered, provided for 9401.79.00, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.79.0006, 9401.79.0011, 9401.79.0015, 9401.79.0025, 9401.79.0035, 9401.79.0046, and 9401.79.0050;
          • 5. Other seats of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in subheading 9401.80.20, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.80.2005, 9401.80.2011, and 9401.80.2031;
          • 6. Other seats of rubber or plastics except for other seats of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in subheading 9401.80.40, except for such seats provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9401.80.4004, 9401.80.4006, 9401.80.4015, 9401.80.4026, 9401.80.4035, and 9401.80.4046;
          • 7. Furniture of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in subheading 9403.70.40, except for such furniture provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9403.770.4001 [Compiler's note: so in original; likely should be 9403.70.4001], 9403.70.4002, 9403.70.4015, 9403.70.4020, and 9403.70.4031; and
          • 8. Plastic furniture except for furniture of reinforced or laminated plastics, provided for in subheading 9403.70.80, except for such furniture provided for in statistical reporting numbers 9403.70.8001, 9403.70.8002, 9403.70.8015, 9403.70.8020, and 9403.70.8031.
      • (v) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47236 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Acrylic acid-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-acrylic ester (AA/AMPS/HPA) terpolymers, presented in dry form (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (2) Copolymers of acrylic acid and 2-acrylamide-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid, valued at $4.00 to $7.00 per kg (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (3) Granular hydrocarbon resins, each pellet not larger than 1 cm in any dimension and having a melting point greater than 95 degrees C but not greater than 105 degrees C, presented in immediate packings of paper, paperboard or kraft paper weighing with their contents greater than 23 kg but not greater than 27 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3911.10.0000)
        • (4) Profile shapes, of a kind used in producing door jambs, composed of a composite of polyvinyl chloride, calcium carbonate and sawdust (described in statistical reporting number 3916.20.0020)
        • (5) Hose of braided polyvinyl chloride, having crimped fittings, designed to carry water, valued not over $2.00 per kg (described in statistical reporting number 3917.23.0000)
        • (6) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (7) Polymer strips curled in helical fashion to form a flexible tube having a constant circular cross-section with a diameter not exceeding 2 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (8) Drinking straws, of plastics, each straw 8 mm or more in outside diameter and 18 cm or more in length (described in statistical reporting number 3917.32.0050)
        • (9) Bulkhead fittings, each comprising a hollow, threaded cylindrical body with a hexagonal or octagonal head on one end, of a length 9.53 cm or more but not exceeding 23.5 cm and having an inside diameter of 1.27 or more but not exceeding 15.24 cm, a polymer gasket and a hexagonal or octagonal tightening nut (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (10) Polyacetal brackets for connectors, of a length measuring 3.84 cm or more but not exceeding 4.57 cm, a width of 0.838 cm and a height of 2.15 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (11) Polyacetal filters measuring 3.76 cm x 3.76 cm x 0.31 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (12) Polyacetal hose barb fittings, with a length of 2.27 cm, width of 0.99 cm and height of 2.29 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (13) Tube, pipe and hose couplings and connectors of plastics, with maximum outside dimensions of 6.5 cm by 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (14) Y-shaped fittings of plastics, each measuring 6.99 cm in length and 3.18 cm or more but not exceeding 3.81 cm in width and height, incorporating a valve stem of plastics and brass in its center (described in statistical reporting number 3917.40.0090)
        • (15) Electrical tape of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls, measuring not more than 2 cm in width, not more than 20.2 m in length, and not more than 0.18 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2020)
        • (16) Transparent tape of plastics with an acrylic emulsion adhesive, in rolls measuring not over 4.8 cm in width, valued not over $.25 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2030)
        • (17) Rolls of polyethylene film coated with a solvent acrylic adhesive (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (18) Heat-sealable printed films, of plastics, having a thickness of more than 20 microns but not more than 30 microns, in rolls wider than 15 cm but not more than 20 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.20.0055)
        • (19) Rolls of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 5.1 cm in width and 182.9 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (20) Sheets of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls measuring 0.6 m or more in width, whether or not printed in various colors, valued at $0.88 or more but not over $2.42 per kg (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (21) Sheets of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 2.44 m or more but not exceeding 3.66 m in width, 3.05 or more but not exceeding 5.18 m in length and 0.5 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (22) Sheets of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 45.72 cm in width, 60.96 cm in length and 0.6096 mm in thickness, coated on both sides with a printable primer (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (23) Sheets of transparent (double polished or super double polished) polyvinyl chloride, whether or not with an integrated pattern, in rolls, measuring 1.37 m or more but not exceeding 1.83 m in width, not more than 54.9 m in length, and 0.075 mm or more but not exceeding 0.51 mm in thickness, valued at $2.35 or more but not exceeding $3.35 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (24) Uncoated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film, containing by weight less than 6% of plasticizers, less than 0.07 mm in thickness, in rolls weighing 1 t or more (described in statistical reporting number 3920.49.0000)
        • (25) Films coated on one or both sides with polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), whether or not having a primer layer between the base and coating; any of the foregoing having a total thickness greater than 0.01 mm but not greater than 0.03 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
        • (26) Sheets of transparent polyurethane, measuring 112 cm in width and 112 cm or more but not exceeding 168 cm in length, whether or not put up in sterile packaging (described in statistical reporting number 3920.99.2000)
        • (27) Printed film of polyvinyl chloride, laminated with foamed-polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester scrim, in rolls, of a kind used for lining shelves or drawers (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.1100)
        • (28) Three-ply polyvinyl chloride film laminated with nonwoven polyester scrim, in rolls, measuring not more than 5 m in width and not more than 91.5 m in length, valued at $2.10 or more but not exceeding $2.40 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.1100)
        • (29) Sheets of foamed polyvinyl chloride combined with a non-textile moisture barrier, in rolls, measuring 45.7 cm in width and 1.83 m in length, each roll weighing not more than 0.39 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.5000)
        • (30) Synthetic leather sheeting, comprising three layers of polycarbonate-type polyurethane, the outer layer surface treated, the middle layer of foamed polyurethane, and the bottom adhesive layer combined with a support layer of polyester knit fabric, weighing 441 g or more but not exceeding 539 g per square meter, in rolls, measuring 1.4 m or more but not exceeding 1.5 m in width and 20 m or more in length (described in statistical reporting number 3921.13.1500)
        • (31) Cellular regenerated cellulose plates (blocks), measuring 99.1 cm by 99.1 cm by 35.6 cm (described in statistical reporting number 3921.14.0000)
        • (32) Non-adhesive translucent ethylene-vinyl acetate, in sheets or rolls, of a kind used for shelf liners (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (33) Plates composed of layers of closed-cell ethylene-vinyl acetate and polyethylene foam, in rectangular shapes, each having a surface area of 2 m or more but not greater than 2.25 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (34) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (35) Sheets of noncellular polyvinyl chloride combined with man-made textile fabric, valued at $6.15 or more but not exceeding $6.30 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1100)
        • (36) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond [Compiler's note: possibly an error] nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m2 [square meters] or more but not exceeding 88 g/m2 [square meters] (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
        • (37) Plastic sheeting, core/scrim woven layer of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) textile strip, coated on both sides with low density polyethylene (LDPE), with a layer of visible black file of linear LDPE, polyvinyl chloride free, weighing not over 1.492 kg/m2 [square meters], in rolls each not over 5 m in width (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1950)
        • (38) Sheets of transparent (double polished or super double polished) laminated polyvinyl chloride, whether or not with an integrated pattern, in rolls, measuring 1.37 m or more but not exceeding 1.83 m in width, not more than 54.9 m in length, and 0.075 mm or more but not exceeding 0.51 mm in thickness, valued at $2.35 or more but not exceeding $3.35 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.4090)
        • (39) Sheets of transparent (double polished or super double polished) polyvinyl chloride, whether or not with an integrated pattern, in rolls, measuring 1.37 m but not exceeding 1.83 m in width, not more than 54.9 m in length, and 0.075 mm but not exceeding 0.51 mm in thickness, valued at $2.35 or more but not exceeding $3.35 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.4090)
        • (40) Girders of iron or steel, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grades 50, 65 or 70 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (41) Pipes of iron or steel, with connectors, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grade 50 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (42) Posts of steel pipe and tube, with ball knobs attached (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (43) Posts of steel pipe and tube, with sill plates and ball studs attached (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (44) Rib nodes of iron or steel, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grades 50, 65 or 70 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (45) Steel upstand support members (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (46) Angle feed racks of galvanized steel, designed for use in the feeding of livestock (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (47) Animal kennels of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (48) Balusters or spindles, of iron or steel, designed for use in handrails (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (49) Chain link fence panels, and fence panel stands and bases, of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (50) Elongated half loops of galvanized steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (51) Gazebos, pergolas and trellises of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (52) Lockup frames of galvanized steel, of a length exceeding 3.0 m, designed for use in controlling the movement of livestock (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (53) Steel plate assemblies conforming to ASTM A709 Grade 50 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (54) Tubes of galvanized steel, coped (notched) on one end, of a length not exceeding 1.0 m (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (55) [Deleted.]
        • (56) Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, to be installed in agricultural or horticultural machinery or equipment, each rated at less than 4,200 W (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.1010)
        • (57) Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines, not elsewhere specified or included, each rated at 4,476 W or more but not exceeding 18.65 kW, with an engine displacement of not more than 690 cc (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9060)
        • (58) Cold plates for preparing tissue samples (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9540)
        • (59) Quenching devices designed to lower the temperature of steel plate using water, each consisting of top cooling headers, bottom cooling headers, a side sweep header, a common control manifold that feeds all the headers, a main supporting frame to support all bottom headers and bottom rolls, a top header supporting sub-frame to support the top headers and top rolls, five top and five bottom rolls, neck bearings, drives and on board piping (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9540)
        • (60) Cold plate machines, each incorporating a flat heat-absorbing metal plate capable of lowering the temperature of paraffin from a liquid to a solid phase, designed for use with microtomes (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9585)
        • (61) Walk behind rotary tillers, electrically powered, each weighing less than 16 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0060)
        • (62) Scarifiers (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0090)
        • (63) Tile saws (described in statistical reporting number 8464.10.0100)
        • (64) Band saw guards (described in statistical reporting number 8466.30.8000)
        • (65) Grinder stands, pedestal rollers and other tool and workpiece stands, supports and platforms (described in statistical reporting number 8466.30.8000)
        • (66) Power tool mounts (described in statistical reporting number 8466.30.8000)
        • (67) Machines for manufacturing laminated or insulated glass, each machine valued over $100,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8475.29.0000)
        • (68) Plain shaft bearings and bushings, without housings, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.30.8090)
        • (69) Parts and accessories, not elsewhere specified or included, each valued not over $2800 (described in statistical reporting number 8486.90.0000)
        • (70) Brushless DC motors, rated at 24V, designed for use in saltwater aquariums (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6040)
        • (71) DC motors, each of an output exceeding 750 W but not over 1.8 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8501.32.2000)
        • [(72) Deleted.]
        • (73) DC motors, of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kW, each with attached actuators, crankshafts or gears (described in statistical reporting number 8501.32.2000)
        • (74) Parts of generators (other than parts of general use as defined in note 2 to section XV), each valued not over $10 (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.9550)
        • (75) Electronic AC lighting control switches, for dimming and turning lights on and off, packaged for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (76) Surface-mount glass passivated rectifiers with a rectified output current not exceeding 1.25 A (described in statistical reporting number 8541.10.0080)
        • (77) Surface-mount transient voltage suppressors having a peak pulse power capacity not exceeding 5 A (described in statistical reporting number 8541.10.0080)
        • (78) Zener diodes having an admissible zener current of not more than 0.15 A at 25 degrees C (described in statistical reporting number 8541.10.0050)
        • (79) Crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells of a kind described in statistical note 11 to chapter 85, made up into panels with a surface area not exceeding 3,061 cm2 [square centimeters] (described in statistical reporting number 8541.40.6015)
        • (80) Solar panels, each of a surface area not exceeding 3,100 cm2 (described in statistical reporting number 8541.40.6015 and 8541.40.6035)
        • (81) 16-gauge 2-conductor wire, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.2000)
        • (82) Electric conductors, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, each overmolded with polypropylene (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.2000)
        • (83) Monopolar conductors for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, other than of copper and not fitted with connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8544.60.6000)
        • (84) Truck bolsters for railway cars, each weighing more than 650 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8607.19.3010)
        • (85) Truck side frames for railway cars, each weighing more than 400 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8607.19.3020)
        • (86) Motorcycles with electric power for propulsion, each of a power not exceeding 1,000 W (described in statistical reporting numbers 8711.60.0050 or 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, effective prior to July 1, 2019)
        • (87) Skateboards with electric power for propulsion, of a power of 1.0 kW or more but not over 2.1 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, prior to July 1, 2019)
        • (88) [Deleted.]
        • (89) Thermometers comprising cable assemblies with sensors, suitable for use in swimming pools, not combined with other instruments, valued not over $10 each (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
      • (w) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Chabazite zeolites having a silica-alumina ratio of 20:1 to 24:1, valued at $31 to $39 per kg (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.3900)
        • (2) Cups of polypropylene, with a fluted wood paper filter fitted and affixed to the inside, measuring 44.1 mm in height, of a kind used to produce capsules for single-cup coffee brewing systems (described in statistical reporting number 3923.90.0080)
        • (3) Anti-electrostatic discharge mats, comprising a conductive rubber mat measuring 40 cm or more but not exceeding 60 cm in width, 80 or more but not exceeding 125 cm in length, and 2 mm in thickness, with integrated discharge points for a grounding wire clip or an anti-static wrist strap, such mats printed on the surface with measuring rules and technical reference data (described in statistical reporting number 4016.91.0000)
        • (4) O-rings, of nitrile rubber, ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber or fluoroelastomers (described in statistical reporting number 4016.93.1010)
        • (5) Dog harnesses and retractable dog leashes (described in statistical reporting number 4201.00.3000)
        • (6) Portable, single-use grills for heating food, each comprising bamboo charcoal fuel, expanded perlite insulation, bamboo rods for suspending foods over the charcoal flame, and cut paper or paperboard in shapes specially designed for assembly of a grill body (described in statistical reporting number 4402.10.0000)
        • (7) Laminated wood flooring panels having a hardwood veneer finished surface and a backing of pine strips or blocks, the panels having tongue-and-groove outer edges and being in thickness greater than 1.4 cm but not greater than 1.5 cm. (described in statistical reporting number 4412.99.5105)
        • (8) Rattan webbing, woven into decorative patterns (described in statistical reporting number 4601.93.0100)
        • (9) Paper pulp sponge blocks, measuring 38 cm by 38 cm by 102 cm (15 inches by 15 inches by 40 inches) (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (10) Woven microfiber fabric of 100 percent polyester, not exceeding 150/75 or 104/72 threads per inch, weighing 83 gram/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5407.10.0010)
        • (11) Woven fabric sheeting of 65 percent polyester and 35 percent cotton, weighing less than 170g/ m2, not exceeding 45/45 or 110/76 threads per inch (described in statistical reporting number 5513.11.0040)
        • (12) Polyester or viscose fabric coated with polyurethane, the foregoing measuring 137 cm (54 inches) in width, and weighing 187 grams/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5903.20.2500)
        • (13) Stainless steel mesh filters (described in statistical reporting number 7314.14.1000)
        • (14) Grills composed of steel wire, each measuring 49 cm by 47 cm (19.25 inches by 18.5 inches), weighing 0.36 kg (0.80 lbs.), designed as cooking surface of barbecue grill (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.6090)
        • (15) Mounting boards of aluminum for guitar sound modifying (?effect?) devices, each consisting of an aluminum frame with above ground slots for the placement of devices and floor level slots for the on/off foot-operated pedal switches which control the modifying devices (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (16) Hand rails of tubular stainless steel, with wall connectors, of a length exceeding 300 mm but not exceeding 1.3 m (described in statistical reporting number 8302.41.6080)
        • (17) Stamped and formed latches of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6085)
        • (18) Stamped and formed brackets of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (19) Spark ignition reciprocating piston engines of a cylinder capacity exceeding 100 cc but not exceeding 250 cc, not exceeding 10.0 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8407.32.9040)
        • (20) Fuel pumps for internal combustion, spark ignition piston engines (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9030)
        • (21) Parts, of aluminum, iron or steel, for blowers other than fans of 8414.51 (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.1080)
        • (22) Mouse input devices for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $70 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
        • (23) Trackpad input units for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
        • (24) Printed circuit assemblies to enhance the graphics performance of automatic data processing (ADP) machines (?accelerator modules?) (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (25) Printed circuit assemblies for rendering images onto computer screens (?graphics processing modules?) (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (26) Printed circuit assemblies, constituting unfinished logic boards (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (27) Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471, whether or not incorporating fan hubs or LEDs but not incorporating other goods of headings 8541 or 8542 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.5100)
        • (28) Refrigerated and heated vending machines for dispensing live bait and fishing tackle, each machine weighing more than 350 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8476.81.0000)
        • (29) Power supplies suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing (ADP) machines or units thereof of heading 8471, each with a power output exceeding 500 W, measuring 148mm in length, 43 mm in width and 335 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.6018)
        • (30) Cold cathode electric neon discharge lamps, measuring 6.5 mm (1/4 inch) or less in diameter and 16 mm (5/8 inch ) or less in length (described in statistical reporting number 8539.39.9000)
        • (31) Guide pins and guide bolts designed for use in brakes and servo-brakes of subheading 8708.30 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5090)
        • (32) Aluminum radiators for motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (other than for tractors suitable for agricultural use), measuring 50 cm or more but not exceeding 77 cm (20 inches to 30 inches) in width, 50 cm or more but not exceeding 77 cm (20 inches to 30 inches) in height, and 5 cm or more but not exceeding 11 cm (2 inches to 4 inches) in thickness, consisting of upper and lower tanks or side tanks welded to a center core (described in statistical reporting number 8708.91.5000)
        • (33) Single-speed bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than 16.3 kg without accessories and not designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 4.13 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (34) Tractor trailer skirts, consisting of panels designed to be attached to each side of a trailer, each with an upper section having a polyethylene core, steel layer and polyester finish coat and each lower section composed of thermoplastic vulcanite compound (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5060)
        • (35) Miniature lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees (described in statistical reporting number 9405.30.0010)
        • (36) LED light fixtures, of a kind used in horticulture, containing over 5,000 LEDs spread across 6 light bars (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (37) Garden, patio and table top wick burning torches for outdoor use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.50.4000)
        • (38) Lamp shades of fabric over metal frame (described in statistical reporting number 9405.99.4090)
      • (x) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Unlimited rotary acting hydraulic motors, gear type, valued at $70 or more but not exceeding $75 each (described in statistical reporting number 8412.29.8015)
        • (2) Modules containing three single-stage, single-suction, frame-mounted centrifugal pumps for liquids, with mechanical seals, with discharge outlets under 4 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2022)
        • (3) Load limiters for water pumps inserted into start/stop internal combustion engines (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.1000)
        • (4) Stainless steel bushings, having a twelve sided outer surface, designed to fit onto a fuel vapor impeller of a kind used for automotive fuel injectors (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.1000)
        • (5) Steel rings with an external diameter not greater than 18 mm designed for use in air conditioning compressors (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.4140)
        • (6) Quench casings for furnace burners (described in statistical reporting number 8417.90.0000)
        • (7) Formed sheet metal guards suitable for attachment to drying rollers in papermaking machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.2000)
        • (8) Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (9) Water filtering apparatus, each valued not over $1.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (10) Liquid treatment process modules designed to separate ethylene dichloride (EDC) from an EDC/water/acid solution, containing an EDC decanter, heat exchangers and pumps, measuring not over 23 meters by 23 meters by 25 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.29.0065)
        • (11) Chlorine absorption process modules designed to dissolve chlorine gas, produced through the interaction of salt water and hydrochloric acid, in a liquid, measuring not over 35 meters by 23 meters by 26 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (12) Gas treatment process modules, each containing a methylenediphenyl diamine (MDA) vent scrubber and nitrogen gas stripping column, designed to use aniline to filter MDA from the nitrogen gas stripping column, measuring not over 26 meters by 21 meters by 17 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (13) Gas treatment process modules, each containing a reactor vent scrubber designed to scrub evaporated phosgenation reaction liquid with chlorobenzene, measuring not over 26 meters by 22 meters by 22 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (14) Gas treatment process modules, each containing scrubbers and decomposers designed to remove hazardous gases on the surface of packing in packed columns, measuring not over 21 meters by 17 meters by 36 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (15) Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) isomers separation process modules designed to purify MDI gas, measuring not over 24 meters by 21 meters by 22 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (16) Modules, each consisting of a carbon dioxide (CO2) stripper and heat exchangers designed to remove CO2 from solutions to produce 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC), measuring not over 20 meters by 20 meters by 17 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (17) Process modules containing activated carbon absorbers designed to absorb volatile organic compounds, measuring not over 21 meters by 20 meters by 15 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (18) Thermal oxidizer modules (TOx) designed to destroy hazardous compounds in water vapors, gases and liquids produced during the ethylene dichloride (EDC) and methylene diphenyl isocyanate (MDI) production processes, containing a combustion chamber and scrubber for conversion of nitrogen oxide (NOX) to nitrogen (N2), measuring not over 35 meters by 20 meters by 14 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (19) Thermal oxidizer modules (TOx) designed to destroy hazardous compounds in water vapors, gases and liquids produced during the ethylene dichloride (EDC) and methylene diphenyl isocyanate (MDI) production processes, containing a combustion chamber and scrubber for conversion of nitrogen oxide (NOX) to nitrogen (N2), measuring not over 31 meters by 24 meters by 20 meters (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8040)
        • (20) Operator riding self-propelled aerial work platforms of a kind described in statistical note 1 to chapter 84 effective July 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, or in statistical note 2 to chapter 84 effective January 1, 2020, powered by an electric motor, with a load capacity not exceeding 1,400 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8010 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8020 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (21) Tractor shovel loaders, each with 4 wheel drive, a bucket capacity of at least 2.9 m3 but under 3.8 m3, engine of 168 kW to 180 kW,operating weight of at least 19 t but no more than 19.2 t (at least 41,887 lbs. but not more than 42,329 lbs.) (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1035)
        • (22) Cement retainer assemblies with diameter of 4.5 cm or more but not exceeding 51 cm and length of 30.5 cm or more but not exceeding 72 cm, composed of cylindrical cast iron components, nitrile rubber seal and brass back-up rings, suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of subheadings 8430.41 or 8430.49 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.43.8060)
        • (23) Snow plow blades and frames therefor (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
        • (24) Wheel and tire assemblies, each having a wheel of plastics no more than 20 cm in diameter and 16 cm in width and having a tire of rubber no more than 40 cm in diameter and 16 cm in width (described in statistical subheading 8432.90.0020)
        • (25) Assemblies of parts of seeders for transmitting mechanical hand motions to the gate mechanism for starting, adjusting and stopping the flow of seeds (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (26) Parts of fertilizer distributors (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (27) Wheels, of plastics, each wheel being not more than 16 cm in diameter and not more than 8 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8432.90.0060)
        • (28) Complete pulp making mills, including pulping machinery, screening machinery, cleaning machinery, settling tanks, pumps and filters, each mill valued in its entirety at more than $2 million and less than $4 million (described in statistical reporting number 8439.10.0010)
        • (29) Complete sections of paper or paperboard making machines, whether or not assembled, for forming (transforming a slurry into a solid sheet) paper or paperboard (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (30) Subassemblies of the pressing and forming sections of paper or paperboard making machines, whether or not assembled, for assisting in replacement of rollers and fabric (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.1000)
        • (31) Sizer nip rolls of steel and cast iron with polymer cover for finishing paper or paperboard (described in statistical reporting number 8439.99.5000)
        • (32) Stapler-stackers of printer units of subheading 8443.32.10, and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2050)
        • (33) Machines for cold forming light-gauge coiled steel (such steel 0.35 cm or more but not exceeding 0.61 cm in thickness) into corrugated or other multi-ribbed panels (such panels 91.4 cm in width) by progressively passing the steel through at least 15 but no more than 20 shaped rolls and cutting to length with a hydraulic shear (described in statistical reporting number 8455.22.0000)
        • (34) Vertical turret lathes, each weighing more than 10,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8458.99.1050)
        • (35) Machines for slitting metal, numerically controlled, new, each weighing over 2,200 kg but not over 2,300 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8462.31.0080)
        • (36) Glass-working machines, numerically controlled, each valued over $50,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8464.90.0110)
        • (37) Woodworking planers with two-knife cutter heads, other than for working in the hand, valued not over $200 each (described in statistical reporting number 8465.92.0034)
        • (38) Edge belt sanders, each valued under $150, other than for working in the hand, designed for a belt width not over 16 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8465.93.0030)
        • (39) Machines for extruding rubber or plastics utilizing two successive single-screw apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8477.20.0005)
        • (40) Extrusion machines for processing rubber, twin-screw type, designed to produce inner liners for tires (described in statistical reporting number 8477.20.0015)
        • (41) Machines for cutting plastics, electrically powered, valued not over $300 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8477.80.0000)
        • (42) Crushing or grinding machines, not used in the manufacture of beverages or crushing of mineral substances, each valued at more than $10,000 (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0080)
        • (43) Safety valves, of brass or bronze, containing a fusible element to automatically close the valve at a set temperature, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.40.0000)
        • (44) Foot valve housings, of a kind incorporated in paint spraying apparatus, with no external measurement greater than 5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9060)
        • (45) Needle roller bearings having an inside diameter of 2.54 cm, an outside diameter of 3.33 cm and a width of 3.81 cm and having cylindrical rollers of a uniform diameter not exceeding 5 mm and having a length which is at least three times the diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8482.40.0000)
        • (46) DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (47) DC gear motor of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, with a spring coupling mechanism, an output shaft and a locking connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (48) DC motor of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, an actuator with an adjustable rod end with bushing, a bushing for rear mounting, a power cable and a connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (49) Wound field two-speed DC motors and permanent magnet brushed DC motors, of an output exceeding 67 W but not exceeding 69 W, valued $8 or more but not exceeding $17 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (50) DC motors, electronically commutated, three-phase, eight-pole of a kind used in HVAC systems, of an output of 750 W, valued not over $100 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
        • (51) Multi-phase AC motors, of an output not exceeding 110 W, other than gear motors (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (52) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 14.92 kW or more but not exceeding 75 kW , not of a kind used in civil aircraft (described in statistical reporting number 8501.52.8040)
        • (53) AC multi-phase motors, each with an output exceeding 450 kW, fitted with pulleys and brakes (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8060)
        • (54) AC generators (alternators) with output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding 375 kVA, designed for electric generating sets of heading 8502 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.62.0000)
        • (55) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, designed for use in vehicles using electric motors for propulsion, including but not limited to material handling equipment, golf carts, sweeper scrubbers and aerial lifts, with a value of $50.00 or more but not exceeding $700.00 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (56) Plastic cases designed to contain 9V alkaline cells, measuring 6.35 cm by 13.34 cm by 3.18 cm, with button connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8506.90.0000)
        • (57) Soldering stations, consisting of a benchtop power source, a hand piece, a power cord and work stand, operating by the power source providing electric radio frequency current to heat the hand piece (described in statistical reporting number 8515.19.0000)
        • (58) Radio remote control apparatus of a kind suitable for opening or closing gates (described in statistical reporting number 8526.92.5000)
        • (59) Printed circuit board assemblies, measuring 27.94 cm in length, 17.78 cm in width and 5.08 cm in height, of a kind used in radio remote controller apparatus for radio remote control of machinery, comprising a copper base to which are attached two capacitors, sixteen relays, sixteen varistors, two rows of terminal block connectors, two fuses in black housings with flat-head screw slots on top and an LED number display (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1660)
        • (60) Aluminum feed horn assemblies measuring 8.4 cm in length and 5.1 cm in diameter, with operating frequencies of 17.8 to 20.2 GHz (receive) and 28 to 30 GHz (transmit), valued at $2.75 or more but not exceeding $2.85 each (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.9900)
        • (61) Aluminum electrolytic fixed capacitors, exceeding 51 mm in diameter, each valued over $6.50 but not over $8 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0085)
        • (62) Multi-layer ceramic, temperature-stable capacitors (temperature coefficient 5XR), with 47 microfarad capacitance, measuring 2 mm by 1.25 mm by 1.25 mm, valued at $0.08 or more but not exceeding $0.12 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 8532.24.0020)
        • (63) Fixed electrical carbon film resistors, not designed for surface mounting by contact, having two leads, with a power handling capacity not over 1 W (described in statistical reporting number 8533.10.0065)
        • (64) Wirewound fixed electrical resistors with a power handling capacity not over 20 W, and with a core of glass, ceramic or metal oxide file (described in statistical reporting number 8533.21.0080)
        • (65) Thermistors of ceramic metal oxide, each with two leads (described in statistical reporting number 8533.21.0090)
        • (66) Contact sensors, of a kind used to detect the pressing and releasing of an automotive accelerator pedal, comprising a ceramic board and a rotor housed in a molded plastics body, which together create a potentiometer (rheostat) controlling the actuation of the engine throttle, valued at $6.70 or more but not exceeding $7.55 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 8533.40.8040)
        • (67) Motor overload protectors, in 1 pole, 2 pole or 3 pole configurations, with electric current load ratings up to 60 A, measuring 19 mm or more but not exceeding 57 mm in height, 102 mm in length, and 76 mm in width, and valued at $6.00 or more but not exceeding $8.40 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.4000)
        • (68) Three-pole contactors, operating at 12 to 60 V, with a plastics housing enclosing three movable, silver cadmium oxide contacts (normally open only) rated at 50 A or more but not exceeding 60 A, an electromagnetic coil, a coil spring, coil terminals, polyester actuator, stationary terminals supported by a polyester component, a coil dust cover and an optional insert for an auxiliary switch, valued at $9.00 or more but not exceeding $10.00 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 8536.41.0045)
        • (69) Rotary switches for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, rated at not over 5 A, containing an aluminum shaft in a push-button actuator connected to a nylon housing containing a printed circuit board (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9020)
        • (70) Momentary contact push-button switches rated at 9 V or more but not exceeding 16 V and not over 50mA, with no dimension exceeding 70 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9031)
        • (71) Push-button and proximity switches rated at not over 5 A, designed for automotive gearshift applications, with or without connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9033)
        • (72) Push-button switches rated at over 5 A but not exceeding 20 A, each article having external connections permitting the switch to be wired in either normally open or normally closed configuration (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9035)
        • (73) Rocker switches, for a current of 16 A or more but not exceeding 20 A (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (74) Switches for domestic clothes dryers, valued over 35 cents but not over 40 cents each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (75) Switches incorporated into latches for domestic appliances, valued over $ 0.90 but not over $1.25 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (76) BNC straight radio frequency (RF) male-pin cylindrical connector/terminator plugs, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, with impedance of 51 ohms, rated up to 1 W, measuring not over 29 mm long by 15 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4010)
        • (77) Electrical connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, of a kind used to make electrical connections in ballast lighting (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (78) Enclosures of alloy steel, containing all the electrical components for underground mining machinery, such enclosures weighing more than 15 t (described in statistical reporting number 8538.10.0000)
        • (79) Polycarbonate cap-shaped covers capable of fitting over a raised control button such as that located on an electronic pet-collar apparatus, each cover 0.39 mm in diameter and 0.134 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.6000)
        • (80) Bodies of gas circuit breakers for electrical utilities, with installed interrupters, each weighing more than 800 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8538.90.8120)
        • (81) Wiring sets for golf carts with electric motor for propulsion (described in statistical reporting number 8544.30.0000)
        • (82) Insulated three conductor cables of copper, for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, for subsea use, of a length exceeding 3.5 km and weighing over 90 t (described in statistical reporting number 8544.60.4000)
        • (83) Digital optical fiber cables, with connectors, of a length exceeding 0.5 m but not exceeding 4.0 m (described in statistical reporting number 8544.70.0000)
        • (84) Gearhead assemblies and parts thereof, for use in civil aircraft other than by the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard, each valued not over $90 (described in statistical reporting number 8803.30.0030)
        • (85) Output carriers, of passivated stainless steel, having a gear measuring 36.754 mm in length and 33.782 mm in diameter, with 17 teeth each of a maximum circular thickness of 0.8306 mm, of a kind used in a gearhead assembly for the high-lift system of aircraft, for use in civil aircraft other than by the Department of Defense or the United States Coast Guard (described in statistical reporting number 8803.30.0030)
        • (86) Flexible pressure sensitive LCD panel display devices used as a surface for electronic writing (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.7000)
        • (87) Therapeutic mouthpieces, of silicone and polycarbonate plastics, having embedded infrared (880 nm) and red (660 nm) LED lights, of a kind used for radiating the upper and lower gum lines within the mouth, valued at $45 or more but not over $50 each (described in statistical reporting number 9018.20.0040)
        • (88) Negative pressure wound therapy systems (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7560)
        • (89) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (90) Programmable DC electronic load instruments capable of presenting a constant load to a device, such as constant resistance, constant voltage, constant current, or constant power, weighing more than 4 kg but less than 8 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9030.33.3800)
        • (91) Current probes for oscilloscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9030.90.8911)
        • (92) Booths, measuring 61 cm in width, 70 cm in length and 94.5 cm in height, with integrated cooling fans and an LCD display with touch-pad controller, of a kind used to demonstrate and assess the effects of alternative lighting conditions on surface colors (described in statistical reporting number 9031.49.9000)
        • (93) 9030.90.4600
        • (94) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, designed for use in artificial lift systems for extracting oil and gas (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (95) Pistons and housings for hydraulic fluid power pumps of the type used in power lawn mowers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9050 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9060 effective January 1, 2019)
        • (96) Furnace roll end-shafts of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8417.90.0000)
        • (97) [Text deleted. See 85 F.R. 42970.]
      • (y) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47236 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Pet urine collection and disposal kits, put up in retail packaging, each comprising seven disposable trays of plastics measuring 8.3 cm in depth, 27.9 cm in length, and 16.5 cm in width, one scoop of plastics and one bottle containing 42 g of absorbent sodium acrylate powder (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (2) 3910.00.0000
        • (3) Elastomeric petroleum resins (CAS No. 64742-16-1) (described in statistical reporting number 3911.10.0000)
        • (4) Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, of cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), each measuring 6.1 m in length and having an outside diameter of 9.5 mm or more but not exceeding 28.6 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3917.32.0020)
        • (5) Self-adhesive tape, of plastics, in rolls measuring 5.08 cm in width, 30.5 m in length and 0.254 mm in thickness, of a kind used for wrapping and sealing connections between metal pipes and fittings (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (6) Self-adhesive tape, of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls measuring 1.905 cm in width, 6.706 m in length and 0.18 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (7) Self-adhesive film, of clear vinyl, exceeding 20 cm in width, designed for use as shelf liner (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5040)
        • (8) Thermoformable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) sheets, with a thickness of 0.35 mm or more but not exceeding 1.7 mm, to which PET glitter flakes are permanently fastened, in rolls not less than 250 mm in width and not more than 1,092 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
        • (9) Colored or printed sheets of cellular ethylene vinyl acetate plastics, in rectangles measuring 15 cm or more but not exceeding 31 cm in width, 22 cm or more but not exceeding 46 cm in length and 2 mm or more but not exceeding 6 mm in thickness, or in rolls measuring 91.44 cm in width, 152.4 cm in length, and 2 mm or more but not exceeding 6 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (10) Unclad glass core rods of high purity silica with a core region infused with germanium dioxide, in which the ratio of the outer diameter of the rod to the diameter of the core region is less than 5:1, such outer diameter not exceeding 65 mm, and in lengths of less than 3 m (described in statistical reporting number 7002.20.1000)
        • (11) Driveway gates and pedestrian gates of galvanized steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (12) Fence panels of galvanized steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (13) Gate posts of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (14) Gates or pens, of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (15) Gestation stalls, farrowing crates and rails therefor, gates and structural support posts, the foregoing of steel, of a kind used in swine penning systems (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (16) Steel chain-link fence panels, each panel wider than 3.5 m but not wider than 4 m and higher than 1.5 m but not higher than 2 m (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (17) Steel wall assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (18) Structural articles of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.9590)
        • (19) Spark ignition internal combustion engines (other than aircraft engines, other than marine propulsion engines, other than reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, other than to be installed in agricultural or horticultural machinery or equipment and other than natural gas or LP engines), rated 746 W or greater but not exceeding 4,476 W, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 220 cc (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9040)
        • (20) Spark ignition internal combustion engines (other than aircraft engines, other than marine propulsion engines, other than reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, other than to be installed in agricultural or horticultural machinery or equipment and other than natural gas or LP engines), rated 4,476 W or greater but not exceeding 16.50 kW, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 710 cc (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9060)
        • (21) Machinery incorporating heat exchangers, valves, pumps, pipes, wiring and instrumentation, designed to change the temperature of gas (described in statistical reporting number 8419.89.9585)
        • (22) Mortising machines, each incorporating a work holder that moves on x-y axes, with a power rating not over 375 W (1/2 horsepower) (described in statistical reporting number 8465.95.0065)
        • (23) Machine tool stands having leveling, stabilizing, attachment or other special features (described in statistical reporting number 8466.30.8000)
        • (24) Radial spherical plain shaft bearings, without housings, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8483.30.8070)
        • (25) Stepper motors, with an output of under 18.65 W, valued not over $1.20 ea. (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.2000)
        • (26) AC electric motors, of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each with attached actuators (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
        • (27) Cylindrical DC electric motors, of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6060)
        • (28) Swing-gate openers comprising a DC motor with an output of 18.65 W or more but less than 35 W, each including an AC power transformer, a wireless remote-control, an electric linear actuator and an emergency key for disconnecting the actuator (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6060)
        • (29) Electric motors, with an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, with attached cables, designed for use in adjusting motor vehicle seats (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
        • (30) Universal AC/DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W each with base metal arms, designed for use in extending or retracting awnings or gates (described in statistical reporting number 8501.20.4000)
        • (31) Universal AC/DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each with attached gear and gear rack track (described in statistical reporting number 8501.20.4000)
        • (32) Universal AC/DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each with gear attached and chain drive (described in statistical reporting number 8501.20.4000)
        • (33) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, with lead wires and electrical connector, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, with a housing not over 100 mm in length and a shaft not over 60 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (34) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (35) DC electric motors, 120 V, with an output not exceeding 140 W, measuring not over 45 mm in diameter and not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (36) DC electric motors, 120 V, with an output not exceeding 90 W, measuring not over 90 mm long by 35 mm wide by 35 mm high (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (37) DC electric motors, 13.5 V, with an output not exceeding 110 W, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, housing not over 120 mm long, a shaft not over 55 mm long and with a mounting flange not over 150 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (38) DC electric motors, 230 V, with an output not exceeding 140 W, measuring not more than 45 mm in diameter and not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (39) DC electric motors, 230 V, with output not exceeding 85 W, measuring not more than 90 mm in length by 35 mm in width by 35 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (40) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, with mounting plate, lead wires and electrical connector, measuring not over 80 mm outside diameter, housing not over 150 mm in length and shaft not over 95 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (41) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 105 W, measuring not over 260 mm in length by 205 mm in width by 825 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (42) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (43) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, containing lead wires and an electrical connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (44) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 80 W, each with a pinion gear, valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (45) DC motors with a power output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 230 W, measuring less than 105 mm in diameter and 50 mm or more but not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (46) DC motors, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each valued not over $18 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (47) Direct Current (DC) permanent magnet motors rated at 90 W or more but not over 110 W and 24 V with torque of 65 Newton meters (Nm) and 2,035 Nm, incorporating a wheel that can manually actuate a valve (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (48) Resin-encapsulated DC permanent magnet brushless motors, with an output of 150 W or more but not exceeding 250 W, designed for use in air conditioning and heat pump systems, measuring 112 mm in diameter and 110 mm or more but not exceeding 122 mm in length (excluding shafts) (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (49) Amorphous silicon solar panel kits, each with an output of 100 W or less (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.8010)
        • (50) Photovoltaic generators of a kind described in statistical note 9 to chapter 85, of an output not exceeding 150 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.8010)
        • (51) End brackets suitable for use solely or principally with generators of heading 8501 (other than generators of statistical reporting number 8501.64.0021) (described in statistical reporting number 8503.00.9550)
        • (52) CB radio antennas (described in statistical reporting number 8529.10.9100)
        • (53) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs), Leakage Current Detection Interrupters (LCDIs), and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (54) Surge protectors of a kind designed to protect a buried-wire pet containment system and its control apparatus, having an energy absorption rating at 120 V of less than 500 joules and 15 A (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (55) Electronic AC passive infrared (PIR) motion sensing switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (56) Fixed set-point pressure switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (57) Humidity triggered switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (58) Occupancy and vacancy sensor switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (59) Retro-reflective infrared beam switches consisting of an infrared LED emitter and detector in a single housing and a reflective disk for mounting at a distance; such emitter-detector units operating at no more than 40 V AC/DC and containing a relay or other switching component to open or close a separate (secondary) circuit (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (60) Wall-mountable dimmer switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (61) Surface-mount glass passivated rectifier diodes, having a rectified output current over 0.5 A but not exceeding 1.25 A (described in statistical reporting number 8541.10.0080)
        • (62) Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), not containing memories, designed for use in engine control units (ECUs) to interface with linear exhaust gas oxygen sensors (UEGOs) (described in statistical reporting number 8542.31.0001)
        • (63) Electrical control devices which modulate electrical signals, not containing two or more apparatus of 8535 or 8536, each valued over $60 but not over $70 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (64) Conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, with 4 unfitted wire connectors and 4 waterproof gel wire splice capsules (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.2000)
        • (65) Copper wire, twenty (20) gauge, insulated with polyvinylchloride (PVC), not fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, not designed for use in telecommunications (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.2000)
        • (66) Sets comprising conductors and markers for electrically powered dog training, controlling, repelling or locating apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8544.49.2000)
        • (67) Bottom shelf coupler assemblies designed for use with coupling systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (68) Buffering/cushioning front retainer plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (69) Buffering/cushioning intermediate aligning and overtravel protection members, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (70) Buffering/cushioning rear aligning and overtravel protection members designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (71) Buffering/cushioning rear structural units, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (72) Buffering/cushioning retention and alignment shafts, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (73) Buffering/cushioning retention caps, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (74) Draft pack rear aligning and overtravel protection members, designed for use with hybrid railcar cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (75) Follower block plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (76) Front draft lugs, designed to stop the movement of buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (77) Rear draft lugs, designed to stop the movement of buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (78) Type F knuckles, designed for use with coupling systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (79) Digital clinical thermometers, valued not over $11 each (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (80) Galileo thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (81) Handheld electronic thermometers, with a metal thermo-couple probe measuring 10 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (82) Thermometers, not combined with other instruments, other than liquid-filled for direct reading, other than pyrometers, other than clinical thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8080 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8060 or 9025.19.8085 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (83) Battery-powered electronic temperature monitors with LCD displays, capable of storing downloadable readings or storing temperature parameters as low as -80 degrees Celsius or as high as 70 degrees Celsius, of a kind used in cold-temperature transport or storage of perishable goods (described in statistical reporting number 9025.80.1000)
        • (84) Portable, wireless enabled, electrical gas monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9027.10.2000)
        • (85) Multimeters, without a recording device , clamp-style, with 10-function LCD digital display for measuring AC/DC voltage and current, resistance and continuity with an autorange of 400 amps, measuring not over 33 cm (13 inches) high by 51 cm (20 inches) wide by 36 cm (14 inches) deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (86) Multimeters, without a recording device, capable of measuring more than one property (such as voltage, amperage, continuity, ground fault) of an electric current in a circuit, self-powered or powered by the circuit it is measuring, each valued not over $16 (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (87) Multimeters, without a recording device, clamp-style, 6-function, autoranging 600 ampere AC only, measuring not over 33 cm (13 inches) high by 15.5 cm (6 inches) wide by 18 cm (7 inches) deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (88) Multimeters, without a recording device, clamp-style, root mean square (RMS) type, for measuring AD/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistance, capacitance and frequency, with 600 V to 1,000 V safety rating (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (89) Multimeters, without a recording device, clamp-style, true root mean square (RMS) type, with 6-function LCD digital display, measuring not over 41 cm high by 33 cm wide by 28 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (90) Multimeters, without a recording device, clamp-style, with 4-function 8-range manual-ranging analog display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, AC current and resistance, measuring not over 30.5 cm (12 inches) high by 13 cm (5 inches) wide by 20.3 cm (8 inches) deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (91) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, for measuring AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistance, capacitance and frequency, with 250 to 1,000 AC/DC volt safety rating, designed for examining electrical motors in household appliances and automobiles (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (92) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, true root mean square (RMS) type, with 10-function 10-range LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, diode, continuity and battery, measuring not over 31 cm high by 21 cm (20.3 cm wide by 12 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (93) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 13-range analog display, measuring not over 28 cm high by 13 cm wide by 20.3 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (94) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 3-function 11-range LCD digital display, manual-ranging, for measuring AC/DC voltage and resistance, measuring not over 23 cm high by 13 cm wide by 26 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (95) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 4-function 14-manual-range LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, resistance and battery, measuring not over 15.5 cm high by 28 cm wide by 28 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (96) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 4-function 14-range manual-ranging LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, resistance and battery, measuring not over 28 cm high by 15.5 cm wide by 26 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (97) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 4-function 17-range autoranging LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, resistance, continuity and diode, measuring not over 20.3 cm high by 8 cm wide by 13 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (98) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 5-function 18-range LCD digital display, with 10 megohm input impedance, for measuring AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance and diode, measuring not over 13 cm high by 23 cm wide by 23 cm deep (described in statistical subheading 9030.31.0000)
        • (99) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 5-function analog display, measuring not over 18 cm high by 13 cm wide by 20.3 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (100) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 5-function, 12-range analog display, measuring not over 13 cm high by 20.3 cm wide by 18 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (101) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 6-function 14-range manual-range analog display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, decibels and battery, measuring not over 18 cm high by 13 cm wide by 23 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (102) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 7-function 19-range analog display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, DC current, resistance, continuity, decibel and battery, measuring not over 23 cm high by 64 cm wide by 26 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (103) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 7-function 19-range LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, resistance, continuity, diode, battery and temperature, measuring not over 26 cm high by 26 cm wide by 15.5 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (104) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 7-function 19-range LCD digital display, measuring not over 33 cm high by 13 cm wide by 13 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (105) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 7-function 7-range autoranging LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, resistance, diode, continuity, temperature and battery, measuring not over 28 cm high by 16 cm wide by 26 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (106) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 8-function 28-manual-range LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, continuity, diode and battery, measuring not over 28 cm high by 21 cm wide by 21 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (107) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with 9-function 10-autorange LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, diode and continuity, measuring not over 28 cm high by 21 cm wide by 21 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (108) Multimeters, without a recording device, hand-held, with autoranging LCD digital display, for measuring AC/DC voltage up to 600 volts, current up to 10 amperes, continuity and resistance, measuring not over 28 cm high by 23 cm wide by 18 cm deep (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (109) Multimeters, without a recording device, root mean square (RMS) clamp-style, for measuring AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, resistance, capacitance and frequency, with 600 V safety rating, designed principally for examining electrical motors in household appliances and automobiles (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (110) Multimeters, without recording device, to measure voltage, current, resistance or power (described in statistical reporting number 9030.31.0000)
        • (111) GPS wireless diagnostic tools, each with a recording device, operating at 150 MHz (described in statistical reporting number 9030.84.0000)
        • (112) Skateboards with electric power for propulsion, of a power not exceeding 250 W (described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0050)
        • (113) Multi-phase AC motors of an output of at least 5.8 kW but not exceeding 14.92 kW, each assembled with planetary gears and a gearbox (described in statistical reporting number 8501.52.4000)
      • (z) For purposes of heading 9903.88.21, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2202.99.36, 2202.99.37, 5810.91.00, 5810.92.10, 5810.92.90, 5810.99.10, 5810.99.90, 8205.90.60, 8206.00.00, 8215.20.00, 9017.90.01, 9620.00.15, and 9620.00.30, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01.
      • (aa) For purposes of heading 9903.88.22, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2202.99.36, 2202.99.37, 5810.91.00, 5810.92.10, 5810.92.90, 5810.99.10, 5810.99.90, 8205.90.60, 8206.00.00, 8215.20.00, 9017.90.01, 9620.00.15, and 9620.00.30, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02.
      • (bb) For purposes of heading 9903.88.23, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2202.99.36, 2202.99.37, 5810.91.00, 5810.92.10, 5810.92.90, 5810.99.10, 5810.99.90, 8205.90.60, 8206.00.00, 8215.20.00, 9017.90.01, 9620.00.15, and 9620.00.30, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09.
      • (cc) For purposes of heading 9903.88.24, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2202.99.36, 2202.99.37, 5810.91.00, 5810.92.10, 5810.92.90, 5810.99.10, 5810.99.90, 8205.90.60, 8206.00.00, 8215.20.00, 9017.90.01, 9620.00.15, and 9620.00.30, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15.
      • (dd) For purposes of heading 9903.88.25, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2106.90.52, 2106.90.54, 6103.22.00, 6103.23.00, 6103.29.05, 6103.29.10, 6103.29.20, 6104.22.00, 6104.23.00, 6104.29.05, 6104.29.10, 6203.22.30, 6203.29.10, 6203.29.15, 6203.29.20, 6203.29.30, 6204.21.00, 6204.22.30, 6204.23.00, 6204.29.20, 8215.10.00, 9005.90.40, 9005.90.80, 9110.11.00, 9110.90.20, and 9608.50.00, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01.
      • (ee) For purposes of heading 9903.88.26, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2106.90.52, 2106.90.54, 6103.22.00, 6103.23.00, 6103.29.05, 6103.29.10, 6103.29.20, 6104.22.00, 6104.23.00, 6104.29.05, 6104.29.10, 6203.22.30, 6203.29.10, 6203.29.15, 6203.29.20, 6203.29.30, 6204.21.00, 6204.22.30, 6204.23.00, 6204.29.20, 8215.10.00, 9005.90.40, 9005.90.80, 9110.11.00, 9110.90.20, and 9608.50.00, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02.
      • (ff) For purposes of heading 9903.88.27, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2106.90.52, 2106.90.54, 6103.22.00, 6103.23.00, 6103.29.05, 6103.29.10, 6103.29.20, 6104.22.00, 6104.23.00, 6104.29.05, 6104.29.10, 6203.22.30, 6203.29.10, 6203.29.15, 6203.29.20, 6203.29.30, 6204.21.00, 6204.22.30, 6204.23.00, 6204.29.20, 8215.10.00, 9005.90.40, 9005.90.80, 9110.11.00, 9110.90.20, and 9608.50.00, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03 or 9903.88.09.
      • (gg) For purposes of heading 9903.88.28, the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to entries under subheadings 2106.90.52, 2106.90.54, 6103.22.00, 6103.23.00, 6103.29.05, 6103.29.10, 6103.29.20, 6104.22.00, 6104.23.00, 6104.29.05, 6104.29.10, 6203.22.30, 6203.29.10, 6203.29.15, 6203.29.20, 6203.29.30, 6204.21.00, 6204.22.30, 6204.23.00, 6204.29.20, 8215.10.00, 9005.90.40, 9005.90.80, 9110.11.00, 9110.90.20, and 9608.50.00, if such entries are subject to an applied rate of duty under such enumerated subheadings that is derived from another subheading that is subject to the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15.
      • (II) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Erythritol (CAS No. 149-32-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2905.49.4000)
        • (2) 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (CAS No. 88-30-2) (IUPAC: 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenol), valued over $16 per kg but not over $25 per kg (described in statistical reporting number 2908.99.8000)
        • (3) Sebacic acid (CAS No. 111-20-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.13.0030)
        • (4) 4,4'-Diamino-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid (CAS No. 81-11-8) (described in statistical reporting number 2921.59.2000)
        • (5) Ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (CAS No. 94-09-7) (Benzocaine (INN)) (described in statistical reporting number 2922.49.3700)
        • (6) N-Butyl isocyanate (CAS No. 111-36-4) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.10.2700)
        • (7) Pigment yellow 13 (CAS No. 5102-83-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9050)
        • (8) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film coated with a photoresist solution, in rolls, sensitized, unexposed, without perforations, of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm, not used as graphic arts film (described in statistical reporting number 3702.44.0160)
        • (9) Ceiling tiles of cellular polyvinyl chloride (PVC), in rolls, not backed by textile fibers, each measuring 60 cm by 60 cm by 4 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.5000)
        • (10) Gaskets, washers and other seals (other than O-rings or oil seals), of nitrile rubber, ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber or fluoroelastomers (described in statistical reporting number 4016.93.5050)
        • (11) Brake bushings, hard or soft (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (12) Trays, plates and bowls, of bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 4823.61.0040)
        • (13) Yarn of carded Merino sheep wool, not put up for retail sale, containing 85 percent by weight of wool, of which the average fiber diameter is not more than 25 microns (described in statistical reporting number 5106.10.0090)
        • (14) Woven dyed fabrics of 100 percent textured polyester filament yarn, measuring 332.7 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (15) Nonwoven fabrics of man-made fibers, weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more than 70 g/m2, with a smooth or embossed texture (not impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers), in rolls that are pre-slitted in lengths of not less than 15 cm to not more than 107 cm, for use in the manufacture of personal care wipes (described in statistical reporting number 5603.12.0090)
        • (16) Seat belt webbing of man-made fibers, measuring 25 mm or more but not exceeding 50 mm in width, not cut to specific length (described in statistical reporting number 5806.32.2000)
        • (17) Imitation leather fabrics, of manmade fibers impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with a minimum of 60 percent polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and 75 percent plastics by weight (described in statistical reporting number 5903.10.2090)
        • (18) Fabrics of man-made micro-denier fibers impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with polyurethane, of a width of at least 135 cm but no more than 150 cm, weighing at least 206 g/m2 but not more than 500 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5903.20.2500)
        • (19) Long pile knit fabrics, of acrylic pile on polyester ground, valued not over $16 per m2 (described in statistical reporting number 6001.10.2000)
        • (20) Cement backer boards (CAS No. 1309-48-4) (described in statistical reporting number 6810.99.0080)
        • (21) Tiles of non-recycled glass on a vinyl mesh backing, in a grid pattern of not less than 304 mm by 304 mm and not exceeding 305 mm by 305 mm, for mosaics or other decorative or construction purposes (described in statistical reporting number 7016.10.0000)
        • (22) Microscope slides, each 25 mm by 76 mm, with a 25 mm by 25 mm area coated in printable paint (described in statistical reporting number 7017.90.1000)
        • (23) Articulated chains of iron, not over 8 mm in thickness and valued not over $2 per m (described in statistical reporting number 7315.12.0080)
        • (24) Bolts of alloy steel other than stainless steel, with shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more, valued not over $0.05 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 7318.15.8069)
        • (25) Perforated hollow hex head bolts (?banjo bolts?) of steel other than stainless, with shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more, valued not over $0.07 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 7318.15.8069)
        • (26) Kerosene air heaters, each incorporating a motor-driven fan or blower, each valued at $70 or more but not exceeding $300 (described in statistical reporting number 7322.90.0015)
        • (27) Freestanding cast iron bathtubs, without feet, coated with porcelain enamel, each valued over $275 (described in statistical reporting number 7324.21.5000)
        • (28) Stamped steel rings, measuring 1.22 mm in thickness and 35 mm in diameter, of a kind used with rubber vibration bushings in motor vehicle suspensions (described in statistical reporting number 7326.19.0080)
        • (29) Portable work table bases (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (30) Sawhorses of steel, with folding legs, each with a weight capacity of at least 225 kg but not more than 685 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (31) Decorative copper cup rainfall funnels, each weighing not more than 1.5 kg with a chain measuring 20 cm in length, cups each measuring 80 cm in height, 10 cm in width, 10 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7419.99.5050)
        • (32) Nickel hydroxy carbonate (CAS No. 12607-70-4) (described in statistical reporting number 7501.20.0000)
        • (33) Aluminum desktop stands for laptop computers (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (34) Extension wrenches (described in statistical reporting number 8204.11.0060)
        • (35) Parallel clamps with jaws not more than 10 cm wide (described in statistical reporting number 8205.70.0090)
        • (36) Drill bits of steel, consisting of three legs that are welded together with each leg containing rotating cones, for use in drilling for oil and natural gas (described in statistical reporting number 8207.19.3060)
        • (37) Cylindrical cemented tungsten carbide rod blanks, containing by weight 60 percent or more of tungsten carbide, 30 percent or less of cobalt, and 15 percent or less of nickel (described in statistical reporting number 8209.00.0030)
        • (38) Brake pad clips, of stainless steel, for motor vehicles of headings 8703 and 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8302.30.3060)
        • (39) Fifteen-door refrigerated lockers designed to convey pre-ordered groceries to consumers, measuring not over 80 cm in depth by 230 cm in length by 35 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (40) Nine-door refrigerated lockers designed to convey pre-ordered groceries to consumers, measuring not over 80 cm in depth by 230 cm in length by 35 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (41) Pressure washers (described in statistical reporting number 8424.30.9000)
        • (42) Cash drawers for cash registers of subheading 8470.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.29.0000)
        • (43) Ball valves, of bronze, designed for use in marine engines, generators and air conditioners, in sizes from 6 mm NPT/BSPP [National Pipe Thread/British Standard Parallel Pipe] to 102 mm NPT/BSPP (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1085)
        • (44) Hand operated butterfly valves, of iron, lever operated, designed for use in irrigation systems, such valves each measuring not over 34 cm by 13 cm by 34 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3030)
        • (45) Hand operated butterfly valves, of iron, lever operated, designed for use in irrigation systems, such valves each measuring not over 34 cm by 13 cm by 40 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3030)
        • (46) Hand operated butterfly valves, of iron, lever operated, designed for use in irrigation systems, such valves each measuring not over 46 cm by 18 cm by 50 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3030)
        • (47) Hand operated butterfly valves, of iron, lever operated, designed for use in irrigation systems, such valves each measuring not over 55 cm by 58 cm by 18 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3030)
        • (48) Hand operated butterfly valves, of iron, lever operated, designed for use in irrigation systems, such valves each measuring not over 65 cm by 61 cm by 19 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3030)
        • (49) Faucets of brass, designed for use on centerset and widespread lavatory sinks (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5060)
        • (50) Fan-forced, portable electric space heaters, each having a power consumption of not more than 1.5 kW and weighing more than 1.5 kg but not more than 17 kg, whether or not incorporating a humidifier or air filter (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (51) Fan-forced, portable electric space heaters, each having a power consumption more than 900 W but not more than 1.6 kW and weighing more than 1.5 kg but not more than 17 kg, whether or not incorporating a humidifier or air filter (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (52) Electric fireplace inserts and free-standing electric fireplace heaters, rated at 5,000 British thermal units (BTUs) (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (53) Electric fireplaces, weighing not more than 55 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (54) Mobile wi-fi hotspots (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0020)
        • (55) Magnetic security tags and labels (described in statistical reporting number 8531.90.9001)
        • (56) Printed circuit boards, plastics impregnated, not flexible, having a base wholly of impregnated glass, with fewer than 3 layers of conducting materials, valued over $2 but not over $4.25 each (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
        • (57) Programmable gas ignition safety controls, each measuring at least 4 cm but not more than 5 cm in height, at least 6 cm but not more than 9 cm in width, and not more than 14 cm in depth, weighing at least 190 g but not more than 250 g, and valued not over $15 each, of a kind used in water heaters for recreational vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9160)
        • (58) Gas ignition control relighters, each measuring 5 cm by 4 cm by 10 cm, and weighing not more than 100 kg, of a kind used in gas burner systems or propane vaporizers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (59) Gas ignition safety controls, each measuring at least 3 cm but not more than 6 cm in height, at least 9 cm but not more than 12 cm in width, and at least 13 cm but not more than 14 cm in height, weighing at least 200 g but not more than 400 g, and valued not over $26 each, of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters, or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (60) Hybrid signal processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
        • (62) Insulated electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors of a kind used for telecommunications, each valued over $0.35 but not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.2000)
        • (62) Insulated electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors (other than of a kind used for telecommunications, other than extension cords as defined in statistical note 6 to chapter 85), such conductors measuring not less than 8 m and not more than 10 m in length, incorporating a connector on one end and a weather-resistant compartment and cover designed to house 4 AA batteries on the other end (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (63) Safety seat belts of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, each valued over $3.50 but not over $4.50 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.21.0000)
        • (64) Seat belt retractor assemblies without a ratchet mechanism (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (65) Cast iron parts of differential dampers for motor vehicles of heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.50.8100)
        • (66) Road wheels for the vehicles of heading 8703, of A 356 aluminum, each measuring at least 50.8 cm but not more than 66.04 cm (20 inches to 26 inches) in diameter and at least 25.4 cm but not more than 40.64 cm (10 inches to 16 inches) in width (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4545 prior to January 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4546 effective January 1, 2020 ) [Compiler's note--metric measurements only should be reported; the tariff schedule does not use English units]
        • (67) Clutch covers and discs of steel for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (other than for tractors suitable for agricultural use) (described in statistical reporting number 8708.93.7500)
        • (68) Anti-vibration control components of ASTM A519 1020 cold-drawn precision mechanical tubing of steel, valued over $0.40 each but not over $0.80, for motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (other than for tractors suitable for agricultural use) (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (69) Bicycle frames, of carbon fiber, valued not over $600 each (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.3000)
        • (70) Mobile bases, of which the length of the sides can be adjusted, with a capacity of 182 kg or more but not exceeding 680 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8716.8050.90)
        • (71) Unmounted lenses for rifle scopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes (described in statistical reporting number 9001.90.4000)
        • (72) Clear rectangular filter cover lenses, unmounted, of allyl diglycol carbonate for arc welding helmets, each measuring 50 mm by 110 mm or measuring 115 mm by 135 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9001.90.9000)
        • (73) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, consisting of a kit including a housing for mounting to a pole with an integrated tightening knob and an extension cord measuring not less than 8 m and not more than 10 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (74) Battery-powered timers, with clock or watch movements, with opto-electronic display only, incorporating a 360-degree rotating timer control, a start/stop control, a reset control and an audible alarm, with a maximum time count of 9 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.5510)
        • (75) Battery-powered timers, with clock or watch movements, with opto-electronic display only, incorporating an audible alarm, with dimensions not exceeding 10 cm by 10 cm by 5 cm, weighing no more than 60 grams (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.5510)
        • (76) Foot assemblies of base metal and rubber, designed for folding chairs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (77) Wooden jewelry armoires, each weighing over 13 kg but not over 28 kg, measuring 101 cm in height by 44 cm in width by 30 cm in depth, with 8 drawers (described in statistical reporting number 9403.50.9080)
        • (78) Wooden jewelry armoires, each weighing over 13 kg but not over 28 kg, measuring 102 cm in height by 46 cm in width by 30 cm in depth, with 7 drawers (described in statistical reporting number 9403.50.9080)
        • (79) Bassinets, composed of polyester fabric with frames of steel tubing, each measuring 86 cm in length by 51 cm in width by 88 cm in height, weighing not more than 11 kg, with drop-side rail and adjustable height legs on wheels (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (80) Bassinets, composed of polyester fabric with frames of steel tubing, each measuring 86 cm in length by 52 cm in width by 81 cm in height [and] weighing not more than 11 kg, or 100 cm in length by 65 cm in width by 81 cm in height [and] weighing 13 kg, with drop-side rail and wheels (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (81) Bassinets, composed of polyester fabric with frames of steel tubing, each measuring 91 cm in length and 72 cm in width, weighing not more than 13 kg, with drop-side rail, adjustable height legs on wheels, presented with hanging toys and musical mobile (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (82) Infant bassinets, of metal, plastic and fabric, measuring not over 80 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (83) Desk or table top computer monitor sit/stand workstations, each valued over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8061)
      • (mm) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8409.91.3000
        • (2) 8708.50.9500
        • (3) Floor coverings of polyvinyl chloride, presented in the form of tiles or planks designed to snap together during installation (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.1000)
        • (4) Vinyl floor tiles of polymers of vinyl chloride, designed to click together during installation, each measuring 4.7 mm or more but not over 8 mm in thickness, 18 cm or more but not over 23 cm in width and 120 cm or more but not over 182 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.1000)
        • (5) Vinyl floor tiles of polymers of vinyl chloride, designed to click together during installation, measuring 7 mm in thickness, 18 cm or more but not over 19 cm in width and 120 cm or more but not over 125 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.1000)
        • (6) Dog leads, collars, harnesses, retractable leads, muzzles, and head halters of nylon, polyester or soy-based webbing of various sizes, with or without tie out cables and aerials of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 4201.00.3000); cat leads, harnesses, retractable leads, muzzles and head halters of nylon, polyester or soy-based webbing of various sizes (described in statistical reporting numbers 4201.00.6000), and cat collars (described in statistical reporting numbers 4201.00.3000 or 4201.00.6000)
        • (7) Standard wood moldings, of oak (described in statistical reporting number 4409.29.4100)
        • (8) Engineered flooring, of oak, consisting of a 1.2 mm thick oak veneer top layer, 5.8 mm stone-plastic composite core and a 2 mm polyethylene backing, such flooring coated with aluminum oxide, measuring not over 191 cm long by 19 cm wide by 0.9 cm thick (described in statistical reporting number 4412.99.5105)
        • (9) Flooring panels constructed of a hardwood veneer measuring 0.6 mm or more but not over 1.2 mm in thickness laminated onto a waterproof stone-polymer composite base, with the thickness of each panel between 5 mm and 7.5 mm, with tongue and groove mechanism for installation and an attached foam pad (described in statistical reporting number 4412.99.5105)
        • (10) Assembled fence sections, of reeds held together with rows of wire, each section measuring 1.8 m or more but not over 1.9 m in height and 4.5 m or more but not over 4.6 m in width, or measuring not over 1.3 m in height and not over 2.5 m in width (described in statistical reporting number 4421.91.7020)
        • (11) Rigid boxes of paperboard weighing 1.2 kg per m2 covered with paper with a decorative design, each presented with hang tag, a handle and two imitation leather straps with snaps, such boxes measuring 21 cm or more but not over 23 cm in height, 31 cm or more but not over 33 cm in length and 5 cm or more but not over 9 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4819.50.4040)
        • (12) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0065)
        • (13) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring 107 cm or more but not over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0085)
        • (14) High tenacity single yarn of polyester multifilament, of 554 decitex or more but not over 556 decitex, with twist of 5 turns or more per meter (described in statistical reporting number 5402.20.3030)
        • (15) Sinks, of cast iron enameled with porcelain (described in statistical reporting number 7324.90.0000)
        • (16) Portable drill presses for use with hand drills of subheading 8467.21 (described in statistical reporting number 8467.99.0190)
        • (17) Static converters designed for wireless (inductive) charging of telecommunication apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (18) Gas ignition safety controls, measuring 3.8 to 5.3 cm in height, 6.4 to 10.1 cm in width and 13.2 to 13.9 cm in depth; weighing 160 g to 380 g each; and valued not over $26 each; of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (19) Extension cords, as defined in statistical note 6 to chapter 85, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with a receptacle at one end and a male plug at the other with prongs perpendicular to the rest of the cord, the plug under a cover of plastics measuring 115 mm in length and 70 mm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
        • (20) Casters, with diameter (including, where appropriate, tires) of 20 cm or more but not over 23 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.3000)
        • (21) Bicycle speedometers designed to be handlebar mounted, wired, with a digital display, capable of measuring the following seven variables: current speed, average speed, maximum speed, trip distance, total distance, elapsed time and time (described in statistical reporting number 9029.20.2000)
        • (22) Folding chairs with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each measuring 30 cm or more but not over 97 cm in width, 20 cm or more but not over 89 cm in depth and 30 cm or more but not over 117 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0015)
        • (23) Foldable stools with frames of steel or aluminum, each measuring not over 30.5 cm in width, 26 cm in depth and 39 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (24) Fiberboard sheets, containing phenolic resin, each not exceeding 0.635 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 4411.93.9090)
        • (25) Circular knitted fabrics of polyester and spandex, printed, other than of double knit or interlock construction, on rolls (described in statistical reporting number 6006.34.0080)
        • (26) Cutting pliers, each weighing 90 g or more but not over 545 g, measuring not over 32 cm in length, not over 10.5 cm in width and not over 3 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 8203.20.6030)
        • (27) Bolt-on tips of carbon alloy steel of a kind used in tub or horizontal grinders (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (28) Tool tips, strips and sticks of tungsten carbide (described in statistical reporting number 8209.00.0030)
        • (29) Mountings, each weighing less than 2 kg, designed for use in motor vehicles primarily used for amusement, recreation, sporting and off-road transportation classified in heading 8703 or motorcycles in heading 8711 (described in statistical reporting number 8302.30.3060)
        • (30) Ratcheting chain, rope or cable hoists, other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising motor vehicles, such hoists not powered by an electric motor (described in statistical reporting number 8425.19.0000)
        • (31) Ultrasonic cleaners, with tanks of stainless steel and of a liquid capacity not over 32 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9485)
        • (32) Static converters of a kind used to charge telecommunication apparatus in cars or homes, valued not over $2 each (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (33) Electrical insulators of glass (described in statistical reporting number 8546.10.0000)
        • (34) Road wheels of aluminum for motor vehicles of subheading 8703.21.01, each measuring 30 cm or more but not over 51 cm in diameter and 14 cm or more but not over 28 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4545 prior to January 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4546 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (35) Drive shafts, also known as propeller shafts, that connect a transmission to a differential, allowing a vehicle to move, designed for use in the manufacture of motor vehicles primarily used for amusement, recreation, sporting and off-road transportation classified in heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6805)
        • (36) Tension pole shower caddies, each of which adjusts to a height not to exceed 305 cm, and consists of 5 steel poles, 3 steel wire baskets and small plastic parts to hold the shelves on the poles (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
      • (nn) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Candy lollipops, not containing cocoa, such goods put up for retail sale in packings in the form of a larger plastic lollipop, each comprising a spheroid container with a major axis of 14 cm and a minor axis of 11 cm, with and a plastic stick measuring 22 cm in length inserted in the bottom of the container, with the container portion wrapped in printed plastic film cinched at the container's bottom by a printed hang tag (described in statistical reporting number 1704.90.3550)
        • (2) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (3) Plastic trays, of a kind used for retail packaging, custom vacuum formed from polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene sheets (0.45 to 0.9 mm in thickness), each measuring 7.62 cm or more but not over 53.34 cm in length, 17.15 cm or more but not over 42.55 cm in width, and 3.18 cm or more but not over 15.24 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (4) Nonelectrical graphite sheets, flexible, measuring 1,000 mm in length, 1,000 mm in width, and 0.8 mm or more but not exceeding 1.5 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 6815.10.0100)
        • (5) Grinding beads of yttria-stabilized zirconia (described in statistical reporting number 6909.11.2000)
        • (6) Tube or pipe sleeves (couplings) of alloy steel (except stainless steel), threaded, each weighing 0.19 kg or more but not over 18.2 kg, measuring 305 cm in length, measuring 1.2 cm or more but not over 10.2 cm in diameter, UL listed (described in statistical reporting number 7307.92.3030)
        • (7) Butt welding tube or pipe elbows of galvanized steel, each weighing 0.19 kg or more but not over 17 kg, measuring 12 mm or more but not over 102 mm in inside diameter, UL listed (described in statistical reporting number 7307.93.6000)
        • (8) Foldable stepladders of steel, each with 2, 3 or 4 steps and safety latch, with load capacity of 90 kg or more but not over 140 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8660)
        • (9) Flat panel display mounting adapters of base metal (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (10) Telescoping curtain rod sets put up for retail sale, each set including two or more cylindrical telescoping rods, two or more wall brackets capable of affixing the rods to building components, all the foregoing of steel, and two or more rod finials of resins or other plastics, the foregoing not including mechanisms for opening or closing curtains (described in statistical reporting number 8302.41.6050)
        • (11) Electric display cases incorporating refrigerating equipment designed for commercial use, each with a glass front to display the food or drink being stored (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (12) Wireline bridge plug assemblies for use in oil and gas fields, compliant with Specification 11D1 of the American Petroleum Institute (API), each composed of cylindrically shaped, sand cast, cast iron components with a nitrile rubber sealing element and brass element backup rings, measuring 3.7 cm or more but not over 52 cm in diameter and 30 cm or more but not over 72 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9450)
        • (13) Vacuum cleaners, bagless, upright, capable of operating in wet mode or dry mode, each with self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a tank capacity not over 4 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (14) Vacuum cleaners, bagless, upright, each with self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 liter (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (15) Starter motors for internal combustion gasoline engines designed for use in the lawn, automotive, watercraft, motorcycle, industrial and garden industries (described in statistical reporting number 8511.40.0000)
        • (16) EGR coolant tube assemblies of stainless steel for diesel powered vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180) [Compiler's note: "EGR" likely references "exhaust gas recirculation".]
        • (17) Bicycles, not motorized, each having aluminum- or magnesium- alloy wheels both measuring more than 69 cm but not more than 71 cm in diameter, tires of cross-sectional diameter of 3.5 cm, aluminum frame, a polyurethane/carbon fiber cord drive belt, 3-, 7- or 12-speed rear hub and twist shifter (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (18) Single-speed bicycles meeting the criteria of HTS subheading 8712.00.44, each having steel frame, with aluminum stems, rims and crankset and with rider contact area of plastics, each bicycle weighing not over 11.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.4400)
        • (19) Carts (other than industrial hand trucks and portable luggage carts) that convert into ladders, each weighing not more than 15 kg, measuring not more than 105 cm by 56 cm by 11 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.80.5090)
        • (20) Dump carts, each with a steel frame, a plastic bed and four pneumatic tires on wheels, with a capacity not exceeding 681 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8716.80.5090)
        • (21) Canoes (other than of wood or of metal) each valued over $800, not of a type designed to be principally used with motors or sails (described in statistical reporting number 8903.99.0500)
        • (22) Folding chairs with aluminum frames, each comprising a seat of polyester ripstop fabric and polyester netting and an aluminum frame, weighing not more than 600 g (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0015)
        • (23) Folding tables designed for camping, each composed of a polyester ripstop fabric top designed to assemble onto an aluminum frame, the foregoing when opened for use measures 53.34 cm x 41.91 cm x 36.83 and weighs under 0.9 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (24) Outdoor tables of steel and aluminum, each measuring no more than 93 cm by 93 cm by 63 cm, incorporating a built-in gas-burning fire pit (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (25) Foldable cots with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each with sleeping surface of polyester or nylon fabric, each cot measuring 185 cm or more but not over 230 cm in length, 70 cm or more but not over 105 cm in width and 7 cm or more but not over 58 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (26) Foldable tables with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 156 cm in length, 30 cm or more but not over 80 cm in width and 37 cm or more but not over 113 cm in height, with a tabletop surface of aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (27) Electric household floor-standing lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring 1.22 m or more but not over 2.59 m in height, with an E26 socket (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (28) Electric household floor-standing lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring 77 cm or more but not over 232 cm in height with light-emitting diode (LED) lamp as light source (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (29) Electric household table or desk lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 92 cm in height with an E26 socket (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (30) Electric household table or desk lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring 38 cm or more but not over 87 cm in height, with light-emitting diode (LED) lamp as light source and featuring an AC outlet, a charging pad or USB port designed for the charging of electronic devices (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (31) Electric household floor-standing lamps, of wood, each measuring 115 cm or more but not over 210 cm in height, with an E26 socket (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (32) Electric household table or desk lamps, of wood, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 80 cm in height, with an E26 socket (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
      • (oo) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0304.72.5000
        • (2) 0304.83.1015
        • (3) 0304.83.1020
        • (4) 0304.83.5090
        • (5) 8507.20.4000
        • (6) 8708.50.8500
        • (7) 8708.94.7510
        • (8) 8708.99.8105
        • (9) 8712.00.1520
        • (10) Bananas, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0803.90.0045)
        • (11) Apples, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.30.0000)
        • (12) Peaches, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.40.4000)
        • (13) Pears, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.40.9000)
        • (14) Mixtures of strawberries and bananas, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.50.0020)
        • (15) Mixed seasoning of Himalayan salt, tomato flake, lemon peel, basil, black pepper and sage, put up for retail sale in packages each weighing 200 g (described in statistical reporting number 2103.90.8000)
        • (16) Molded blocks of wood pulp cellulose sponge, each measuring not over 105 cm by 105 cm by 40 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (17) Satin woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, consisting of 63 percent rayon and 37 percent combed cotton, dyed, weighing not over 211 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5408.32.9050)
        • (18) Nonwoven rug pads, each comprising a 100 percent polyester fiber fabric, face laminated to a thermoplastic elastomer and weighing over 150 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5603.94.1090)
        • (19) Ropes of man-made fibers, each measuring 1.7 m or more but not over 6.1 m in length with breaking strength of 22 kg or more but not over 230 kg, with hooks of base metal and locking mechanisms to maintain tension on the rope (described in statistical reporting number 5609.00.3000)
        • (20) Gates for confining children or pets, of steel not coated or plated with precious metals (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9040)
        • (21) Steel electrical boxes, designed for lighting fixtures, switches, receptacles or outlet devices, such boxes weighing 0.4 kg or more but not over 3.5 kg, 10.2 cm in length or more, 5 cm or more but not over 10.2 cm in width and 12 cm in height, the foregoing UL listed (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (22) Telescoping multi-position ladders of aluminum, each with maximum reach height of 4.2 m or more but not over 7.9 m, with locks to adjust the telescoping positions and with load rating of 136 kg or more but not over 170 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5130)
        • (23) Towers of aluminum, unassembled, each designed to be mounted on a boat, incorporating at least one point to which a tow rope may be fastened for towing individuals participating in water sports such as wakeboarding, the assembled tower measuring not over 1.9 m in height and no more than 2.5 m in width (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6055)
        • (24) Towers of aluminum, unassembled, each designed to be mounted on the body of a boat, incorporating a tow point for towing individuals participating in water sports such as wakeboarding, the assembled tower measuring not over 1.6 m in height and not over 2.5 m in width (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6055)
        • (25) Digital electronic scales, not for personal use, not for continuous weighing, other than constant-weight scales, each measuring no more than 195 mm by 165 mm by 60 mm, having a maximum weight capacity of 5 kg, and having the ability to reset tare (zero point reset) multiple times while adding to the article being weighed (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (26) Electronic calculators for desktop use, solar-powered with battery backup (other than with engineering, trigonometric, scientific or construction functions), each measuring 11 cm or more but not over 25 cm in length, 7 cm or more but not over 19.5 cm in width, and 1 cm or more but not over 5 cm in height and weighing 0.058 kg or more but not over 0.34 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8470.10.0040)
        • (27) Electronic calculators, handheld, solar-powered or battery powered (other than with engineering, trigonometric or scientific functions), each measuring 10 cm or more but not over 16 cm in length, 5 cm or more but not over 9 cm in width, and 0.5 cm or more but not over 2 cm in height and weighing 0.02 kg or more but not over 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8470.10.0040)
        • (28) Electronic calculators, handheld, solar-powered or battery powered, with scientific, trigonometric or other advanced mathematical functions, each measuring 11 cm or more but not over 18 cm in length, 6.5 cm or more but not over 9 cm in width and 1 cm or more but not over 3 cm in height and weighing 0.04 kg or more but not over 0.25 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8470.10.0040)
        • (29) Electronic calculating machines, each incorporating a 2 color ink roller printing device, that operates with an external source of power, with a vacuum fluorescent display (VFD), measuring 24 cm or more but not over 27 cm in length, 18 cm or more but not over 21 cm in width and 5 cm or more but not over 7 cm in height and weighing 0.5 kg or more but not over 1.5 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 8470.21.0000)
        • (30) Electronic calculating machines, each incorporating a parallel ribbon ink printing device, that operates with an external source of power, with a vacuum fluorescent display (VFD), measuring 31.75 cm or more but not over 34.3 cm in length, 21.5 cm or more but not over 25.4 cm in width and 7.5 cm or more but not over 9 cm in height and weighing 1.6 kg or more but not over 2 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 8470.21.0000)
        • (31) Electronic calculating machines, each incorporating a ribbon ink printing device, that operates with an external source of power, with a vacuum fluorescent display (VFD), measuring 32 cm or more but not over 35 cm in length, 22 cm or more but not over 26 cm in width and 8 cm or more but not over 9 cm in height and weighing 1.75 kg or more but not over 2 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 8470.21.0000)
        • (32) Electronic calculating machines, each incorporating an ink roller printing device, capable of operating with an external source of power or battery power, with liquid crystal display (LCD), measuring 19 cm or more but not over 26.5 cm in length, 8 cm or more but not over 20 cm in width and 4 cm or more but not over 7 cm in height and weighing 0.3 kg or more but not over 0.7 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 8470.21.0000)
        • (33) Other static converters, rectifiers and rectifying apparatus, with ABS plastic damage resistant box, input and output voltage cables, weighing not more than 0.35 kg, measuring not more than 17 cm in length and 12 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (34) Light-emitting diode (LED) headlights, light bars and cube lights, of a kind designed to be mounted on off-road, all-terrain vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8512.20.2040)
        • (35) Brake drums of grey cast iron for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (other than tractors for agricultural purposes), with an inside diameter of 38 cm or more but not over 42 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5020)
        • (36) Brake discs of grey cast iron for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (other than tractors for agricultural purposes), with an outside diameter of 32 cm or more but not over 44 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5030)
        • (37) Wheel hubs of cast iron, for off-road vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, each weighing 2 kg or more but not exceeding 4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.5300)
        • (38) Upholstered dining chairs, with a wooden frame, other than of teak (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.4011)
        • (39) Chairs with three legs, with frames of steel held together by elastic cord and textile seating material, for outdoor non-household use (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0015)
        • (40) Chairs, each with four legs, a frame of aluminum held together by elastic cord and textile seating material, for outdoor non-household use (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0015)
        • (41) Entry tables of wood other than bent-wood, each measuring 180 cm or more but not over 185 cm in length, 80 cm or more but not over 83 cm in height and over 40 but not over 45 cm in width, with tin top (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (42) 8-light circular electric household chandeliers, of base metal other than brass (described in statistical reporting number 9405.10.6010)
        • (43) Electric household table lamps, with bases of wood, presented with shades, not more than 64 cm in height, each weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (44) Non-electrical wall candelabras, of wood, each with 3 wrought iron candle holders (described in statistical reporting number 9405.50.4000)
      • (pp) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8712.00.1510
        • (2) 8712.00.1550
        • (3) Nonwoven wipes, impregnated with organic surfactant preparations of a kind used to remove hair-color stains from the skin, put up for retail sale in canisters each containing 100 wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000)
        • (4) Endless synchronous belts of vulcanized rubber, molded polyurethane, neoprene, or welded urethane, each of an outside circumference of 60 cm or more but not more than 77 cm and a width of 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 4 cm, weighing 0.18 kg or more but not exceeding 0.45 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4010.35.9000)
        • (5) Briefcases with outer surface of leather, each measuring no more than 37 cm by 45 cm by 17 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4202.11.0030)
        • (6) Storage containers of paulownia wood, each measuring 8 cm or more but not over 41 cm in width, 8 cm or more but not over 41 cm in depth and 9 cm or more but not over 41 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 4420.90.8000)
        • (7) Woven fabric of 100 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, weighing more than 170 g/m2, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (8) Woven fabric of synthetic filament yarn containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, dyed, measuring 249 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (9) Woven dupioni fabric wholly of non-textured dyed polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m2, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (10) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, not flat, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m2,measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (11) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing more than 170 g/m2, measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9935)
        • (12) Woven fabric containing by weight 47 percent of nylon and 53 percent of polyester, dyed, containing textured filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m2, measuring greater than 274 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.72.0015)
        • (13) Woven dyed fabrics wholly of spun polyester, weighing more than 240 g/m2 and measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5512.19.0090)
        • (14) Woven dyed 3-thread twill fabrics containing by weight 65 percent of polyester and 35 percent of cotton staple fibers, not napped, weighing more than 200 g/m2 and exceeding 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5514.22.0020)
        • (15) Storage containers of twisted paper rope, each measuring not less than 8 cm but not more than 39 cm in length, not less than 8 cm but not more than 39 cm in width and not less than 9 cm but not more than 57 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 5609.00.4000)
        • (16) Woven dyed embroidery fabrics containing by weight 55 percent of polyester and 45 percent of nylon, weighing less than 115 g/m2 and measuring 289 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5810.92.9080)
        • (17) Vault doors of stamped, welded and powder-coated 12-gauge carbon steel, each measuring 2 m or more in height, 81 cm or more but not more than 92 cm in width and 7.7 cm in thickness, each fitted with nine locking bolts, a slip-clutch handle and a programmable electric lock with keypad, with mechanical key override, presented with matching door frame (described in statistical reporting number 7308.30.5050)
        • (18) Steel staples suitable for use in powder-actuated handtools, not threaded, each weighing 37 g or more but not over 41 g, measuring 2.8 cm or more but not over 12.7 cm in height, 6.4 cm or more but not over 7.4 cm in width and 3.3 cm or more but not over 12.2 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 7317.00.2000)
        • (19) Safes of 16 gauge carbon steel, each stamped, welded and powder-coated, with a programmable electric lock with keypad, mechanical key override, measuring 27 cm or more but not over 33 cm in length, 21 cm or more but not over 23 cm in width and 6 cm or more but not over 23 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9080)
        • (20) Fish tapes of steel and plastics, each weighing 516 g or more but not over 3,810 g and measuring no greater than 46 cm by 34 cm by 5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (21) Steel clamps with rubber insulation, each weighing not more than 45.4 grams and measuring not more than 26 mm in height, not more than 54 mm in width and not more than 97 mm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (22) Telescoping poles of steel, spring loaded, with ends of plastic, each measuring not less than 127 cm but not more than 314 cm in height and not more than 2.6 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (23) Awning casting endplates, of aluminum, weighing not less than 0.1 kg, measuring not less than 17 cm in length, not less than 10 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7610.90.0080)
        • (24) Decorative cast aluminum endcaps, of a kind used with structural elements of roof-mounted patio awnings for recreational vehicles (RVs), each measuring not more than 19 cm in length, not more than 11.5 cm in width and not more than 3 cm in thickness, weighing not more than 0.15 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 7610.90.0080)
        • (25) Clips of aluminum shaped like the letter "J", with the diameter of the loop not exceeding 13 mm, each with a hole drilled through the long part of the "J" (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (26) Telescoping poles of aluminum, spring loaded, with ends of plastic, each measuring not less than 1.5 m but not more than 3.7 m in height and 2.9 cm or more but not exceeding 3.6 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (27) Awning casting pivots, of zinc coated aluminum, weighing not less than 0.6 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 6 cm in width and not less than 4 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7907.00.6000)
        • (28) Hand tools of steel, similar to pliers, each capable of crimping, stripping and cutting wire, weighing at least 170 g or more but not exceeding 460 g, and measuring not more than 26 cm by jaw opening size of 30 cm by 11 cm by 2.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8203.20.6060)
        • (29) Hand tools of steel similar to pliers, designed for crimping electrical connectors and cutting wire, each weighing 333 g and measuring no more than 26 cm by 11 cm by 2.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8203.20.6060)
        • (30) Cutting parts for rock drilling or earth boring tools, each containing by weight over 0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum or tungsten or over 0.1 percent of vanadium (described in statistical reporting number 8207.19.3090)
        • (31) Sets of flatware of stainless steel, containing no article plated with precious metal, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8215.20.0000)
        • (32) Hydraulic valve lifters of steel with rollers, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 5 cm or more but not over 13 cm in length and 2.5 cm or more but not over 3.9 cm in diameter and weighing 135 g or more but not over 410 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (33) Solid valve lifters of steel, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 19 mm or more but not over 114 mm in length and 6 mm or more but not over 26 mm in diameter and weighing 20 g or more but not over 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (34) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (35) Lubricating pumps for internal combustion piston engines (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9060)
        • (36) Hand- or foot-operated air pumps, each weighing 400 g or more but not over 3 kg, with a maximum pressure of 1.52 MPa, imported with adapters for valves for tires and inner tubes (described in statistical reporting number 8414.20.0000)
        • (37) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC reversible multispeed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, electrically operating baffle, electric keypad and circuit board and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (38) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC single speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, manual baffle, rotary switch and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (39) 12 V fans of a kind used to disperse fragrance oils, measuring over 10 but not over 11 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6595)
        • (40) Portable air compressors, each delivering under 0.57 cubic meters per minute (described in statistical reporting number 8414.80.1685)
        • (41) Winches powered by an electric motor, each weighing 9 kg or more but not exceeding 14 kg, with a pulling capacity of 1,130 kg or more but not exceeding 2,730 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.31.0100)
        • (42) Winches powered by an electric motor, each with a pulling capacity of 4,300 kg or more but not exceeding 7,940 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.31.0100)
        • (43) Ratchet tie down straps, each consisting of straps of textiles measuring not less than 25 mm and not more than 105 mm in width and not more than 12.5 m in length, steel hooks at opposite ends of the straps and a gear and pawl mechanism for adjusting the length of the whole (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9499)
        • (44) Wireless battery chargers for mobile phones, each in the form of a picture frame incorporating a wireless charger or a stand incorporating a wireless charger that permits the mobile phone to be charged while standing on end (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (45) Alternators for motor vehicle charging systems (described in statistical reporting number 8511.50.0000)
        • (46) Alarms to be installed in motor vehicles, each of which provides either a warning sound or a warning sound and a flashing light when a motor vehicle is being operated in reverse (described in statistical reporting number 8512.30.0040)
        • (47) Projectors ("trumpets") of plastics for air horns (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.2000)
        • (48) Color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with C-mount lens mount, weighing not more than 87 g, measuring not more than 109 mm in length and 31 mm in diameter, presented with a cable measuring not more than 1.5 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (49) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with 10 megapixel resolution, weighing not more than 175 g, measuring 63 mm by 37 mm in length, presented with USB cable, reduction lens, eyepiece adapters, software CD and calibration slide (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (50) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with autofocus, C-mount lens mount, 1080p resolution, weighing not more than 450 g, measuring not more than 67 mm by 67 mm by 81 mm, presented with AC power adapter and power cable (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (51) Ultraviolet lamps used for skin tanning purposes, packaged for retail sale and weighing more than 5 kg but less than 10 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8539.49.0040)
        • (52) Hand held, battery-powered electrical devices that administer transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) via adhesive electrode pads attached to the skin (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.8500)
        • (53) Insulated conductors, not of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers and connectors at each end in bundles of 3, 5 or 6 for use in connecting patients to monitoring devices (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (54) Electrical insulators ("wire nuts") of plastics and steel (described in statistical reporting number 8546.90.0000)
        • (55) Motor mount kits each consisting of 3 to 5 components, each of stainless-steel or aluminum combined with a heat resistant rubber material and with holes machined for mounting the engine to the car or truck body, designed for use in aftermarket automotive repair (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.5500)
        • (56) Wear bars comprising strips of carbide for the vehicles of 8703.10.10 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (57) Bicycle saddles, each having a cover of plastics, man-made textile fabrics or a combination of the two (described in statistical reporting number 8714.95.0000)
        • (58) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (59) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (60) Stackable upholstered metal chairs for religious worship settings, capable of interlocking with each other, each with attached holders and racks (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (61) Hunting stands of steel or aluminum (including ladder stands, pod stands, hang-on stands and climbing stands), each of which allows one or more hunters to ascend to a height and sit while waiting for game animals to appear (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (62) Parts of chairs of unfinished plywood, including bodies, legs and arms (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.4080)
        • (63) Chair frames of metal, each with integral bookshelf, capable of being stacked (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (64) Folding wheeled trays, each having a fixed height of no more than 90 cm and a tray measuring not more than 37 cm by 40 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (65) Wheeled trays, each with 5 wheels, 3 bowls of plastic with suction cup bottoms and adjustable height from 65 cm to 108 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (66) Baby crib liners, each composed of two pieces of multi-layer warp polyester knit mesh without any padding, one measuring no more than 29 cm by 283 cm and the other measuring no more than 29 cm by 210 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.6005)
        • (67) Flexible strips having embedded light-emitting diodes electrically connected to a molded electrical end connector, each strip wound onto a reel measuring not more than 25 cm in diameter and not more than 1.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (68) Light boxes, each measuring not more than 32 cm by 58 cm by 12 cm, weighing less than 10 kg, with two biaxial fluorescent lamps that provide light therapy for seasonal and sleep disorders (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (69) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC non-reversible multiple speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, electric keypad and circuit board and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (70) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC non-reversible multiple speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, keypad and circuit board and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (71) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC non-reversible multiple speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, keypad or remote control and circuit board and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (72) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC non-reversible multiple speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, network control system and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (73) Ventilation fans for motor vehicles, consisting of a 12 V DC reversible multiple speed electric motor drawing 5 A, with axial fan blade, electric keypad and circuit board and wire mesh screen, measuring no more than 36 cm by 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
      • (qq) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8425.31.0100
        • (2) 8708.93.7500
        • (3) Alaskan sole (yellowfin, rock or flathead), frozen in blocks, in cases with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015)
        • (4) 0304.83.5015
        • (5) Alaskan plaice, frozen in blocks, in cases each with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5020)
        • (6) 0304.83.5020
        • (7) Slipper lobster meat (Ibicus ciliatus), frozen, raw, whether whole or in pieces, put up for sale in bags each with a net weight of not more than 2.27 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0306.19.0061)
        • (8) King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010)
        • (9) Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022)
        • (10) Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030)
        • (11) Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)
        • (12) Synthetic silica gel, in granules measuring 0.25 to 0.6 mm in diameter, put up in retail packaging, of a kind used for drying and preserving flowers (described in statistical reporting number 2811.22.1000)
        • (13) Nitrous oxide (dinitrogen monoxide) (CAS No. 10024-97-2), pressurized to 250 bars in cylindrical, zinc-coated, steel cartridges, each measuring not more than 18.1 mm in diameter and not more than 65.6 mm in length, containing not more than 8.3 g of nitrous oxide (described in statistical reporting number 2811.29.5000)
        • (14) Fertilizer, derived from soybeans, powdered, put up in bags each with net weight of 23 kg, of which 14 percent by weight is nitrogen (N) and containing no phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) (described in statistical reporting number 3101.00.0000)
        • (15) Laundry detergent powder, put up for retail sale, whether as powder or as water-soluble, pre-measured pods (described in statistical reporting number 3402.20.1100)
        • (16) Herbicide consisting of 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride (CAS No. 1910-42-5) (Paraquat concentrate in liquid form) up to 45 percent concentration with application adjuvants (described in statistical reporting number 3808.93.1500)
        • (17) Supported nickel-based catalysts, of a kind used for methanation, desulfurization, hydrogenation, pre-reforming or reforming of organic chemicals or for protection of hydrotreating catalysts from arsine poisoning (described in statistical reporting number 3815.11.0000)
        • (18) Supported catalysts for high-temperature shift reactions for ammonia, hydrogen, and methanol, with carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide as the active ingredients (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (19) Supported catalysts for polymerization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (20) Supported catalysts of copper oxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients for arsine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000) [Compiler's note: provision corrected retroactively but not currently in effect; see 88 F.R. 8987]
        • (21) Supported catalysts with alumina as the active substance for chlorine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (22) Supported catalysts with copper carbonate or zinc carbonate as the active ingredients for low temperature desulfurization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (23) Supported catalysts with metal sulfide as the active substance for mercury removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (24) Supported catalysts with molybdenum compounds as the active substance for hydrogenation (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (25) Supported catalysts with zinc oxide as the active substance (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (26) Floor coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride, with a rigid core of wood powder composite, with planks glued together, each measuring not less than 115 cm but not more than 130 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.1000)
        • (27) Bags of plastic certified by the Biodegradable Products Institute as being compostable, each measuring 43 cm or more but not more than 107 cm in width and 45 cm or more but not more than 122 cm in length, of sheet or film measuring 0.02 mm or more but not more than 0.056 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3923.29.0000)
        • (28) New pneumatic tires of rubber of a kind used on bicycles, each having a carbon steel wire-reinforced bead and weighing not more than 2.27 kg each (described in statistical reporting number 4011.50.0000)
        • (29) Seamless disposable gloves of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (30) Seamless disposable gloves of natural rubber latex, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (31) Bags of woven nylon with leather trim, each having a metal slide fastener and a locking mechanism on one end of the bag to prevent the slide fastener from opening, measuring 11 cm or more but not more than 20 cm in length, 5 cm or more but not more than 9 cm in width and 7 cm or more but not more than 12 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 4202.22.8100)
        • (32) Zippered containers with outer surface of polyester fabric, each measuring not over 170 mm by 95 mm by 30 mm, with clear touch-sensitive polyvinyl chloride front window, such containers mounted on armband (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.9100)
        • (33) Poles, finials, tiebacks and similar drapery hardware of wood (described in statistical reporting number 4421.99.9780)
        • (34) Paper and paperboard printed labels, personalized, not lithographic, on matte self-adhesive stock, with foil embellishments, each measuring 2 cm or more but not more than 6 cm in diameter, on sheets measuring not more than 21 cm in width and not more than 29 cm in length, packaged in a sealed direct mail package (described in statistical reporting number 4821.10.4000)
        • (35) Drinking straws of paper, each measuring 12.5 cm or more but not more than 26.5 cm in length and 5 mm or more but not more than 10 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 4823.90.8600 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 4823.90.8680 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (36) Dyed sateen fabric containing artificial staple fibers, measuring 292.1 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5516.92.0060)
        • (37) Rugs of 100 percent polyester or polypropylene, with brass grommets and stainless steel springs, each measuring at least 44 cm by 45 cm but not exceeding 56 cm by 59 cm (described in statistical reporting number 5705.00.2030)
        • (38) Fabrics of 100 percent polyester, silicone coated, of a kind suitable for upholstery, weighing more than 90 g/m2, meeting ASTM International standard G21, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) standards 147-2004 and 30 and Chemical Fabric & Film Association (CFFA) standard 141 method II (described in statistical reporting number 5903.90.2000)
        • (39) Cullet of clear soda-lime glass to be used for the production of continuous filament mats (described in statistical reporting number 7001.00.5000)
        • (40) Glass shells fitted for incorporation into glass insulators for use in the transmission of electricity (described in statistical reporting number 7006.00.4050 or 7020.00.6000)
        • (41) Rear-view mirrors of convex glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm and not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 125 mm and not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 97 mm and not more than 180 mm in width, weighing not less than 74 g and not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (42) Rear-view mirrors of flat glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm but not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 163 mm but not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 107 mm but not more than 167 mm in width and weighing not less than 80 g but not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (43) Non-woven fiberglass and polyester composite panels, each panel measuring not less than 120 cm by 242 cm, and not less than 2 mm but not more than 10 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7019.39.1090)
        • (44) Bent bolts, tube nuts, of cold-heading quality carbon steel, measuring 18.75 mm in length and 19.50 mm in outside diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7318.15.2046)
        • (45) Furnace manifold and orifice holder assemblies of steel, with an internal thread and welded flat plate with screw holes, measuring not less than 15 cm in length, not less than 8 cm in width, and not less than 10 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.6060)
        • (46) Cable hooks of steel, each weighing not less than 0.2 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 5 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height with spring loaded closure gate (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (47) Registers, grills and diffusers of steel, of the type used for duct openings of heating and ventilating systems (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (48) Awning stabilizer kits, each comprising two zinc-plated steel constructed spiral stakes with two rolls of cord or two pull-tension straps, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (49) Toilet paper holders of brass with chrome or nickel finish (described in statistical reporting number 7418.20.1000)
        • (50) Hole saw cups, tungsten carbide tipped or bi-metal, measuring not less than 18.5 mm but not more than 166 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8202.99.0000)
        • (51) Sockets of zinc-plated alloy steel to fit 19 mm hex, each with quick-connect shaft, weighing not more than 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 8204.20.0000)
        • (52) Stamping dies of A2 or D2 tool steel, each measuring not less than 60 cm by 60 cm by 32 cm and not more than 370 cm by 155 cm by 125 cm, weighing not less than 1,360 kg or more but not more than 5,450 kg, of a kind suitable for stamping steel or aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 8207.30.6032)
        • (53) Ladder hooks and supports of polyethylene coated steel suitable for carrying waste tanks of recreational vehicles, each weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8302.30.3060)
        • (54) Push bars of aluminum for screen doors of recreational vehicles, each adjustable in length from not less than 500 mm to not more than 825 mm, weighing not more than 600 g (described in statistical reporting number 8302.30.3060)
        • (55) Awning roller bar hanging mountings of polyvinyl chloride for recreational vehicles, each with S-hook hangers having a capacity of not more than 7 kg, weighing not more than 200 g (described in statistical reporting number 8302.41.9080)
        • (56) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (57) Hand-operated pumps, weighing no less than 350 g and no more than 360 g each, designed to inflate or deflate sports balls (described in statistical reporting number 8414.20.0000)
        • (58) Sewing machines, not of the household type, not specially designed to join footwear soles to uppers; each such machine weighing 45 kg or more but not over 140 kg, suitable for sewing leather (described in statistical reporting number 8452.29.9000)
        • (59) Bath and shower faucets of copper, each consisting of a valve in which the temperature of the water exiting the faucet is controlled by an adjustable thermostat set to the user's desire, having a pressure rating under 850 kPa (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (60) Bath and shower faucets of copper, each consisting of a valve to control flow of water, with one inlet port and one outlet port, having a pressure rating under 850 kPa (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (61) Bath and shower faucets of copper, each consisting of a valve to direct flow of water, with one inlet port and two outlet port, having a pressure rating under 850 kPa (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (62) Hand-operated shower faucets of copper, having a pressure rating under 850 kPa (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (63) Water pressure balance valves of brass, each with 1.91 cm inlet and 1.27 cm outlets (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (64) Water pressure balance valves of copper, each with 1.27 cm inlets and 1.27 cm outlets (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (65) Water pressure balance valves of copper, each with 1.91 cm inlets and 1.91 cm outlets (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1020)
        • (66) Faucets of copper having a pressure rating under 850 kPa, for sink and lavatories, each to be deck-mounted through one hole (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1030)
        • (67) Faucets of copper having a pressure rating under 850 kPa, for sinks and lavatories, each to be deck-mounted through three holes of which the distance between the centers of the outermost holes is 20.3 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1030)
        • (68) Faucets of brass having a pressure rating under 850 kPa, for sinks and lavatories, each to be wall-mounted through two holes of which the distance between the centers of the holes is 20.3 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1030)
        • (69) Supply stops of brass, each with 1.91 cm inlet and 1.91 cm outlet (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.1040)
        • (70) Hand-operated valves of plastics, each comprising a bottle lid, drinking spout and flavor dispensing valve (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
        • (71) Hand-operated valves of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic, each a hand operated, quarter-turn ball valve, threaded at one end to receive male end of U.S. garden hose (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
        • (72) Pressure regulating valves of brass, adjustable, each threaded to fit U.S. garden hose, having a maximum input pressure setting of 1.1 MPa, weighing no more than 750 g (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9015)
        • (73) AC fan motors, single phase, of an output not exceeding 500 W, with motor and shaft measuring not more than 40 cm in length, specially designed for the heat pump of a recreational vehicle (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (74) Solar-powered battery chargers, each consisting of an ABS plastic housing, a solar panel charger and a 6 V or 12 V sealed lead acid battery (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (75) Printed circuit board assemblies of a kind used in motor vehicle lighting systems (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.6000)
        • (76) Game calling devices, imported with or without remote control devices, used in hunting to simulate the sound of animals to attract game (described in statistical reporting number 8519.81.3020)
        • (77) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 4 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (78) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 2 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
        • (79) Floor-mounted receptacles conforming to types 1-15R, 5-15R or 5-20R of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (80) Locking adapter plugs, each with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 5-15P plug and NEMA type SS2-50R receptacle, NEMA type 5-15P plug and NEMA type L5-30R receptacle, NEMA type TT-30P plug and NEMA type SS2-50R receptacle or NEMA type TT-30P plug and NEMA type L5-30R receptacle, for connecting to standard 15 A and 30 A residential outlets and power pedestals (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (81) Male electrical plugs of polycarbonate plastics with brass terminals, each conforming to types TT-30P or 14-50P of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), with a handle in the shape of a loop (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (82) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 9 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 5-15P plug on one end and NEMA type 5-15R receptacle on the other (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
        • (83) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 4 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type TT-30P plug on one end and NEMA type TT-30R receptacle on the other or NEMA type 14-50P plug on one end and NEMA type 14-50R receptacle on the other, with handles on each end in the shape of loops (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (84) Cup holder assemblies, designed to be incorporated in the vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (85) Devices for mounting phones on motor vehicle interiors without a Universal Serial Bus (USB) charging port (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (86) Hitches receivers of steel, not suitable for towing applications, each receiver to be clamped onto the rear bumper of a recreational vehicle, such bumpers being square in section and measuring not more than 102 mm on a side (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (87) Tank holders of steel, designed to be mounted to the external rear bumper of a recreational vehicle, to safely secure portable holding tanks while the vehicle is in motion (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (88) Bicycles, not motorized, each having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, fixed gearing and a coaster brake (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.3500)
        • (89) Bicycles, not motorized, having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, each having no more than three speeds and a coaster brake (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.3500)
        • (90) Wheeled trailers suitable for towing behind an adult bicycle, each comprising a frame of aluminum with a hitch mechanism, weighing not more than 17.5 kg, with a capacity of not more than 46 kg, with those trailers designated for carrying children meeting ASTM International standard F1975 (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
        • (91) Kayaks of high-density polyethylene, not inflatable (described in statistical reporting number 8903.99.0500)
        • (92) Electrical levels, each with four indicator lights that change from red to green when the surface on which the device rests is horizontal (described in statistical reporting number 9015.30.4000)
        • (93) Digital electronic balances of 5 cg or better sensitivity, battery powered, with outer housings of plastic, furnished with bowls or stainless steel platforms (described in statistical reporting number 9016.00.2000)
        • (94) Hand-held card counters, each consisting of a plastic case containing a circuit board, rechargeable battery and controls, weighing less than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9029.10.8000)
        • (95) Upholstered seats with wooden frames other than chairs, not of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials, each measuring at least 144 cm but no more than 214 cm in width, at least 81 cm but no more than 89 cm in height and at least 81 cm but not more than 163 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.6011)
        • (96) Covers or shell liners of textile material, cut and sewn to shape, for the seats of heading 9401 (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5021)
        • (97) Parts of seats (other than of seats of a kind used for motor vehicles or of bent-wood seats), consisting of fabric material cut to shape, including liner parts, partially sewn, with zippered cushions, weld cords or piping (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5021)
        • (98) Parts of seats (other than of seats of a kind used for motor vehicles or of bent-wood seats), consisting of leather cut to shape, including liner parts, partially sewn, with zippered cushions, weld cords or piping (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (99) Household furniture of metal and high-pressure laminated bamboo (other than ironing boards, furniture for infants or children or bed frames) (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (100) Lockers, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050 or 9403.20.0078)
        • (101) Display racks of powder coated steel, whether or not on casters, whether or not with LED lighting, each measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in length, at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in width and at least 130 cm but not more than 225 cm in height, with slanted shelves with a lip at the front edge of each that measures 3 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0080 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (102) Display tables of steel, each measuring not less than 92 cm but not more than 254 cm in width, not less than 46 cm but not more than 221 cm in depth and not less than 66 cm but not more than 120 cm in height, with a steel lip around the entire top perimeter edge measuring not more than 3 cm in height, with plastic risers (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0080 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (103) Household furniture of high-pressure laminated bamboo, other than babies' or children's furniture (described in statistical reporting number 9403.82.0015)
        • (104) Bassinets, composed of polyester fabric with frames of steel tubing and partial solid wood rails, each measuring 86 cm by 51 cm by 86 cm, weighing 12 kg, with adjustable height legs on wheels (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (105) Parts of lockers, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8041)
        • (106) Ceiling luminaires of aluminum, with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), measuring at least 26 cm but not exceeding 39 cm in diameter, operating at 120 V or more but not exceeding 277 V, other than for household use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.10.6020)
        • (107) Troffers of aluminum incorporating light-emitting diodes (LEDs), measuring no more than 61 cm by 122 cm, other than for household use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.10.6020)
        • (108) Troffers of aluminum incorporating light-emitting diodes (LEDs), measuring no more than 61 cm by 61 cm, with selectable correlated color temperature, other than for household use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.10.6020)
        • (109) Electric household floor-standing lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring not more than 2 m in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (110) Electric household table or desk lamps, of base metal other than brass, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.6010)
        • (111) Electric household floor-standing lamps, of crystal, each measuring more than 36 cm but not more than 200 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (112) Electric household table or desk lamps, of ceramics, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (113) Electric household table or desk lamps, of concrete, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (114) Electric household table or desk lamps, of crystal, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (115) Electric household table or desk lamps, of glass, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (116) Electric household table or desk lamps, of marble, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (117) Electric household table or desk lamps, of polyester resin or plastics, each measuring not more than 92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (118) Outdoor lighting sets, each containing 6 or 10 polycarbonate bulb sockets (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8410)
        • (119) Flexible strips, each having embedded light-emitting diodes electrically connected to a molded electrical end connector, each strip wound onto a reel measuring not more than 25 cm in diameter and not more than 1.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
      • (rr) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 3401.19.0000
        • (2) 3926.90.9910
        • (3) 4015.19.0510
        • (4) 4015.19.0550
        • (5) 4818.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2020; 4818.90.0020 or 4818.90.0080 effective July 1, 2020
        • (6) 6210.10.5000
        • (7) 6307.90.6090
        • (8) 6307.90.6800
      • (ss) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 6505.00.8015
        • (2) Titanium dioxide (CAS No. 13463-67-7) (described in statistical reporting number 2823.00.0000)
        • (3) D-Ribose (CAS No. 50-69-1) (described in statistical reporting number 2940.00.6000)
        • (4) Mechanical articles for motor vehicles, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, each comprising a guide or a stopper for a sunroof or sunshade and weighing not more than 4 g (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6010)
        • (5) Stuff sacks with outer surface of textiles of man-made fibers, each measuring 77.5 cm or more but not over 127.7 cm in circumference, cylindrical in shape with a single compartment, a drawstring closure at one end and a strap at the other end of the sack (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (6) Covers, of leather, designed for use with telecommunication devices (described in statistical reporting number 4205.00.8000)
        • (7) Two-layer wood flooring consisting of a non-coniferous wood veneer measuring at least 0.6 mm but not more than 1.2 mm in thickness laminated to a single-layer base of fiberboard, each board measuring at least 9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, at least 35 cm but not more than 1.9 m in length and at least 5 mm but not more than 12 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 4412.99.5105)
        • (8) Desk accessories of medium density fiberboard, painted or stained, including but not limited to desk organizers, letter trays, business card holders, incline files, pencil cups, note holders, corner shelves, monitor risers, magazine holders, book ends and storage caddies, each weighing at least 0.06 kg but not more than 5.5 kg, measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 35 cm in length, at least 4 cm but not more than 43 cm in width and at least 4.5 cm or more but not more than 30 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 4420.90.8000)
        • (9) Fabrics wholly of cotton, unbleached, plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m, of numbers 43 to 68 ("cheesecloth"), 3-layer folded and crimped, less than 28 cm wide after folding and crimping, compliant with standards of Aerospace Management Services (AMS) (described in statistical reporting number 5208.11.4090)
        • (10) Fabrics wholly of cotton, bleached, plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m, of numbers 43 to 68 ("cheesecloth"), compliant with standards of Aerospace Management Services (AMS) (described in statistical reporting number 5208.21.4090)
        • (11) Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, dyed, weighing more than 280 g/m2 but not more than 420 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5407.92.2090)
        • (12) Sheeting fabrics containing less than 85 percent by weight of artificial staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, such artificial staple fibers derived from wood, printed (described in statistical reporting number 5516.44.0022)
        • (13) Non-woven fabrics of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in sheets measuring not more than 160 cm by 250 cm, weighing more than 1,800 g/m2but not more than 3,000 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5603.94.9090)
        • (14) Fabrics wholly of polyester, warp knit, bonded to a plain weave backing fabric, measuring not more than 141 cm in width, weighing over 271 g/m2, of a kind used to upholster furniture (described in statistical reporting number 6001.92.0010)
        • (15) Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial staple fibers derived from bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 6003.40.6000)
        • (16) Fabrics wholly of polyester, warp knit, printed, bonded to a woven backing wholly of polyester, weighing not less than 290 g/m2 but not more than 500 g/m2, of a kind used to upholster furniture (described in statistical reporting number 6005.39.0080)
        • (17) Portable outdoor cooker kits, consisting of at least a burner and stand made from steel and/or cast iron, with an adjustable pressure regulator/hose combination for connecting the burner to a source of natural gas or a portable container of liquefied propane (described in statistical reporting number 7321.11.1060)
        • (18) Sewer hose supports constructed of flat strips of aluminum measuring 0.3 cm in thickness and riveted together to extend and retract accordion-style, each not exceeding 4.6 m when extended and weighing not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5150)
        • (19) Clamp edge components of aluminum, with injection molded clamp heads and levers, measuring not less than 60 cm but not more than 127 cm in length, with extensions to 254 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (20) Shovels of aluminum, each of adjustable length measuring not less than 65 cm but not more than 85 cm, weighing less than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8201.10.0000)
        • (21) Automotive polishing attachments specially designed for use with a hand-held drill, each attachment including a 9.5 mm steel drive shaft, internal gear assembly, transverse hand brace and rotating disk components (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (22) Articulating video monitor mounting assemblies of steel and aluminum, each weighing not less than 1.5 kg but not more than 9.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (23) Fuel filters for internal combustion engines, each consisting of a cylindrical case of plastics with an internal mesh filter measuring not more than 8 cm in length and not more than 5.5 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8421.23.0000)
        • (24) Digital electronic scales (other than counting scales or retail scales) having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (25) Jacks of steel with zinc coating for supporting the tongues of trailers, each measuring not less than 60 cm in retracted condition and not less than 85 cm in extended condition, with a maximum width of 17 cm and a maximum load capacity of 455 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.49.0000)
        • (26) Lottery ticket vending terminals, each terminal including a touchscreen monitor, barcode scanner, Wi-fi/Ethernet/Bluetooth connectivities, six USB ports, two LAN ports and two serial ports (described in statistical reporting number 8470.90.0190)
        • (27) Hand-operated flat-back gate valves of cast iron, designed for use with irrigation canals, diversion ditches and the like (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3010)
        • (28) Hand-operated spigot-back gate valves of cast iron, for irrigation canals, diversion ditches and the like (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3010)
        • (29) AC motors, single phase, each of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 335 W, measuring not more than 13 cm in diameter and not more than 13 cm in height and with a shaft measuring not more than 39 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (30) 48 V rectifiers for telecommunications wireline and wireless apparatus, each with output of not less than 2,400 W but not more than 3,000 W, measuring not more than 45 mm by 105 mm by 330 mm, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (31) 48 V rectifiers for telecommunications wireline and wireless apparatus, each with output of not less than 4,000 W but not more than 4,600 W, measuring not more than 165 mm by 95 mm by 305 mm, weighing not more than 4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (32) 48 V rectifiers for telecommunications wireline and wireless apparatus, each with output of not more than 1,200 W output, measuring not more than 50 mm by 90 mm by 260 mm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (33) Power supplies for cable networks, that convert 120 V/60 Hz AC input to either 63 V AC or 87 V AC output, each measuring not more than 200 mm by 425 mm by 270 mm and weighing not more than 27.5 kg, containing printed circuit board assemblies, a transformer, and an oil filled capacitor (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (34) Power supplies for cable networks, that converts 120 V/60 Hz AC or 230 V/50 Hz AC input to 63 V AC or 87 V AC output, each measuring not more than 220 mm by 244 mm by 200 mm and weighing not more than 12 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (35) Power supplies for fiber optic communications equipment, that convert 120-240 V AC to 12 V DC, each measuring no more than 170 mm by 200 mm by 115 mm and having four LED indicators (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (36) Quad output power modules with cut-outs on one side for air flow, each containing a printed circuit board and 4 LED indicators, with external dimensions measuring not more than 361 mm by 125 mm by 75 mm, each weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (37) Power supplies with a power output exceeding 150 W but not exceeding 180 W, 120 V, each measuring no more than 90 mm by 395 mm by 625 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9530)
        • (38) Power supplies, each with 120 V AC input and output, measuring not more than 485 mm by 385 mm by 260 mm, weighing not more than 15 kg, to provide not more than 660 W of power in an uninterruptible manner in the event that a normal source of power fails (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9540)
        • (39) Power supplies, each with 120 V AC input and output, measuring not more than 530 mm by 355 mm by 205 mm, weighing not more than 20 kg, to provide not more than 2,000 W of power in an uninterruptible manner in the event that a normal source of power fails (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9540)
        • (40) Electrical inverters (other than rectifiers, power supplies for automatic data processing equipment or for telecommunications apparatus), each measuring not more than 190 mm by 160 mm by 255 mm, weighing not more than 2.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9570)
        • (41) Tags for acousto-magnetic security systems (described in statistical reporting number 8531.90.9001)
        • (42) Cable lugs of copper, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 12 mm but not more than 155 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (43) Printed circuit board assemblies, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring 3 mm by 169 mm by 137.5 mm, presented with four relays mounted down the center of the assembly and fitted with connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9150)
        • (44) Electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 300 V, insulated with polyvinyl chloride (PVC), each fitted with connectors, measuring not less than 200 mm and not more than 1.2 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (45) Toddler beds of wood, with bars to keep toddler from falling out (described in statistical reporting number 9403.50.9042)
        • (46) Fireplace mantels or surrounds of wood (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (47) Parts of office furniture, each consisting of a modular table base and support of base metals, with electric height adjustment mechanism, weighing not more than 40 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8041)
      • (tt) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 3923.21.0030
        • (2) 3923.21.0095
        • (3) 3926.20.9050
        • (4) 4015.19.1010
        • (5) 5603.12.0090
      • (uu) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures(described in statistical re porting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (2) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics(described in statistical re porting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (3) Pads of foam plastics, with hook and loop fastener straps, integrated arm protectors, and accessory headrest, body straps, lift sheets, hand grips and face masks, of a kind used for positioning patients during medical procedures(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9950 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (4) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms(described in statistical re porting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (5) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers(described in statistical re porting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (6) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (7) Disposable shoe and boot covers of man-made fiber fabrics(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (8) Eye compresses, each consisting of a fabric cover filled with silica or gel beads, with or without a hook-and-loop fastener strap(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (9) Face masks and particulate facepiece respirators, of textile fabrics(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, 6307.90.9870, or 6307.90.9875 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (10) Gel pads of textile materials, each with removable fabric sleeves, in the shape of hearts, circles or quadrants(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (11) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction)(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (12) Laparotomy sponges of cotton(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (13) Patient restraint or safety straps of textile materials, with hook-and-loop or ladder lock fasteners(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (14) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (15) Single-use medical masks of textile material (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, or 6307.90.9870 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Single-use stethoscope covers(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Electromechanical shoe cover dispenser, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.6500)
        • (19) Protective articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000)
      • (vv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 7002.10.2000
        • (2) Tilapias, frozen, each weighing not more than 115 g (described in statistical reporting number 0304.61.0000)
        • (3) Shells of oysters (Crassostrea angulate) (described in statistical reporting number 0508.00.0000)
        • (4) Honeydew melon seeds (described in statistical reporting number 1207.70.0075)
        • (5) Hot pepper seeds, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.6090)
        • (6) F1 hybrid pumpkin seeds, oval in shape, with a white outer husk, measuring not more than 10 mm, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.8055)
        • (7) Eggplant seeds, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.8090)
        • (8) Endive seeds, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.8090)
        • (9) Gourd seeds, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.8090)
        • (10) Tomatillo seeds, of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 1209.91.8090)
        • (11) Crabmeat of red swimming crabs (Portunus haanii) packed fresh and pasteurized or frozen in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2059)
        • (12) Synthetic silica gel, in amorphous granules, of a kind used as a catalyst support (described in statistical reporting number 2811.22.1000)
        • (13) ?-Naphthol (CAS number 90-15-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2907.15.1000)
        • (14) Glyoxal (CAS No. 107-22-2) (described in statistical reporting number 2912.19.3000)
        • (15) (2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)phenylmethanone (CAS No. 131-57-7) (Oxybenzone (INN)) and (2-Hydroxy-4-octoxyphenyl)phenylmethanone (CAS No. 1843-05-6) (Octabenzone (INN)) (described in statistical reporting number 2914.50.3000)
        • (16) 2,2-Dichloroacetyl chloride (CAS No. 79-36-7) (described in statistical reporting number 2915.40.5050)
        • (17) Sodium adipate (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid, disodium salt) (IUPAC name: disodium hexanedioate) (CAS No. 7486-38-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.12.5000)
        • (18) 4-Aminophenol (CAS No. 123-30-8) (described in statistical reporting number 2922.29.8190)
        • (19) Diuron (IUPAC name: 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) (CAS No. 330-54-1) (described in statistical reporting number 2924.21.1600)
        • (20) 2-((3-Fluoro-4-(methylcarbamoyl)-phenyl)amino)-2-methylpropanoic acid (CAS No. 1289942-66-0) (described in statistical reporting number 2924.29.7100)
        • (21) 3,4-Difluorobenzonitrile (CAS No. 64248-62-0) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.90.4300)
        • (22) Octocrylene (IUPAC name: 2-ethylhexyl 2-cyano-3,3-diphenylprop-2-enoate) (CAS No. 6197-30-4) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.90.4801)
        • (23) 3-Cyclopentylacrylonitrile (IUPAC name: (E)-3-Cyclopentylprop-2-enenitrile) (CAS No. 591769-05-0) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.90.5050)
        • (24) Acetonitrile (CAS No. 75-05-8) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.90.5050)
        • (25) N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (IUPAC name: N-Diaminophosphinothioylbutan-1-amine) (CAS No. 94317-64-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5090)
        • (26) (4-Chloro-2-fluoro-3-methoxyphenyl) boronic acid (CAS No. 944129-07-1) (described in statistical reporting number 2931.90.3000)
        • (27) 2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid and its salts (CAS #40372-66-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2931.90.7000)
        • (28) Clothianidin technical (CAS No. 210880-92-5) (IUPAC name: E-1-[(2-Chloro-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl]-3-methyl-2-nitroguanidine) (described in statistical reporting number 2934.10.9000)
        • (29) 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole (CAS No. 149-30-4) (described in statistical reporting number 2934.20.1500)
        • (30) Flux powder consisting wholly of inorganic substances, including but not limited to silicon dioxide, titanium oxide, manganese oxide, aluminum oxide, and calcium fluoride, for submerged arc welding (described in statistical reporting number 3810.90.2000)
        • (31) Chitosan (CAS No. 9012-76-4) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.90.2090)
        • (32) Boxes, cases, crates or similar articles of plastics certified under UN (United Nations) standard 4H2 as suitable for the conveyance of lithium ion batteries and equipment powered by lithium ion batteries (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (33) Parts of fences fabricated from profile shapes of heading 3916 (described in statistical reporting number 3925.90.0000)
        • (34) Gaskets, washers and other seals (other than O-rings) of silicone plastic, each weighing at least 5 g but not more than 400 g (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.4590)
        • (35) Hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings, each weighing at least 10 g but not more than 1,000 g and measuring at least 2 cm but not more than 500 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 4009.11.0000)
        • (36) Hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or otherwise combined only with textile materials, without fittings (described in statistical reporting number 4009.31.0000)
        • (37) Hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or otherwise combined with materials other than metals or textiles, without fittings (described in statistical reporting number 4009.41.0000)
        • (38) New tubeless pneumatic tires of rubber having a "herring-bone" tread and a tire ply rating of 6R, measuring not more than 61 cm in outside diameter and at least 20.3 cm but not more than 25.4 cm in width, for mounting on a rim measuring 35.6 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 4011.90.1010)
        • (39) New radial pneumatic tires of rubber, each with an 8 ply rating, measuring not more than 67 cm in outside diameter and at least 22 cm but not over 28 cm in width, suitable for mounting on a rim measuring 30.5 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 4011.90.2010)
        • (40) New radial pneumatic tires of rubber, measuring 66 cm or more but not exceeding 82 cm in diameter, and 22 cm or more but not exceeding 39 cm in width, with steel internal carcass and sidewalls reinforced with three belts (described in statistical reporting number 4011.90.2010)
        • (41) New bias-ply pneumatic tires of rubber, with a 6 ply rating, each measuring at least 61 cm but not more than 62 cm in diameter, and at least 20 cm but not more than 31 cm in width, suitable for mounting on a rim measuring 30.5 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 4011.90.8010)
        • (42) Compression molded floor mats for golf carts, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber or cellular rubber, each measuring not more than 1,038 mm by 605 mm (described in statistical reporting number 4016.91.0000)
        • (43) Grommets, vibration dampers, and similar protective separators, of molded ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene monomer rubber (EPDM), each weighing not more than 2.27 kg, of a kind used in motorcycles or personal watercraft (PWC) (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (44) Backpacks and duffel bags with an outer surface of a blend of hemp and organic cotton, each measuring not less than 38 cm by 30 cm by 15 cm and not more than 36 cm by 72 cm by 34 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.2000)
        • (45) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 75 cm in height, at least 19 cm but not more than 34 cm in width, and at least 5 cm but not more than 26 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (46) Fishing tackle bags of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 5 cm but not more than 17 cm in width, at least 23 cm but not more than 27 cm in height and at least 37 cm but not more than 43 cm in depth, with a shoulder strap and carrying handles (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (47) Surfboard covers, each with an outer surface of polyester, weighing at least 0.85 kg but not more than 6 kg, measuring at least 150 cm but not more than 307 cm in height and at least 55 cm but not more than 66 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (48) Tote bags with outer surface of man-made fibers, with handles, with printing on front and back, each bag measuring more than 20 cm but not more than 36 cm in width and more than 22 cm but not more than 39 cm in height, with a gusset measuring not more than 16 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (49) Bags with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each with a base of plastics and a coil zipper, weighing 0.22 kg or more but not over 4.6 kg, shaped to fit powersports vehicles (including but not limited to off-road vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and motorcycles) (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.9100)
        • (50) Pouches and tool holsters of woven man-made fibers, each measuring at least 13 cm but not more than 19 cm in height, at least 4 cm but not more than 11 cm in width and at least 3 cm but not more than 5 cm in depth, valued not over $16 each, designed to fit over the wearer's belt or attach to belt loops to provide hands-free carrying of mobile phones, tools, flashlights and articles of similar size (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.9100)
        • (51) Gun cases (boots) of plastics, each with interior padding, dust-proof and water-resistant shell and steel brackets for mounting (described in statistical reporting number 4202.99.9000)
        • (52) Women's, girls', and infants' pants, skirts and dresses, of polyurethane-coated leather of swine or of polyurethane-coated composition leather of swine (described in statistical reporting number 4203.10.4095)
        • (53) Printed cartons, boxes or cases of corrugated paper or paperboard, other than sanitary food or beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 4819.10.0040)
        • (54) Notebooks of paper or paperboard, each incorporating a plastic toy building block on the cover, measuring at least 13 cm but not more than 16 cm on the short side, at least 15 cm but not more than 22 cm on the long side and at least 1 cm but not more than 3 cm in thickness, with at least 192 but no more than 352 ruled or blank pages (described in statistical reporting number 4820.10.2060)
        • (55) Plates, bowls or cups of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 92 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0020)
        • (56) Clamshell containers, pizza pans, lids, compartmentalized and other trays of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 95 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (57) Yarn of cashmere or camel hair, carded but not combed, not put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 5108.10.8000)
        • (58) Polyester filament tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.20.0000)
        • (59) Polypropylene fiber tow measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.40.0000)
        • (60) Textile fabrics of woven polyester or of a blend of cotton and polyester, coated on one side with expanded polyurethane which comprises more than 70 percent of the total weight of the product, the entire thickness of the fabric measuring at least 0.8 mm but not more than 1.22 mm in thickness and weighing at least 350 g/m or more but not more than 425 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5903.20.2000)
        • (61) Circular single knitted fabric, containing by weight 96 percent polyester and 4 percent spandex, dyed (described in statistical reporting number 6006.32.0080)
        • (62) Freestanding bathtubs carved from solid marble blocks, not laminated or glued, each with dimensions not over 215 cm by 125 cm by 70 cm and weighing not more than 1,600 kg (described in statistical reporting number 6802.91.1500)
        • (63) Sinks and sink pedestals of marble for bathroom and kitchen use, each measuring not more than 110 cm by 95 cm by 95 cm and weighing not more than 415 kg (described in statistical reporting number 6802.91.1500)
        • (64) Worked monumental or building stone articles of genuine geological granite, birdbaths, benches, fountains, and fire pits (described in statistical reporting number 6802.93.0090)
        • (65) Sandstone known as brown wave, of a kind used in outdoor living spaces, containing one textured side and up to four chiseled edges with a density of 2,750 kg/m3 (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060)
        • (66) Sandstone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of 200 mm or more but not over 3,100 mm, a width of 100 mm or more but not over 1,380 mm and a thickness of 30 mm or more but not over 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060)
        • (67) Figurines and statuettes of agglomerated stone, each measuring at least 100 mm but not more than 310 mm in height and weighing at least 0.1 kg but not more than 2.1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 6810.99.0080)
        • (68) Synthetic graphite, in the form of rounds measuring at least 5 cm but not more than 153 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm but not more than 204 cm in length, or rectangles measuring at least 40 cm but not more than 61 cm in width, at least 40 cm but not more than 94 cm in height, and 152 cm or more but not more than 280 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 6815.10.0100)
        • (69) Articles of ceramics, other than porcelain or china, having a hardness equivalent of 9 or more on the Mohs scale, machined to shape, weighing not more than 2.4 kg and measuring not more than 45.5 cm by 3.1 cm by 8.9 cm (described in statistical reporting number 6909.12.0000)
        • (70) Inert ceramic rings and spheres, of a kind used for bed grading in mixed-layered filtering and purification columns (described in statistical reporting number 6909.19.5095)
        • (71) Screen protectors of tempered safety glass, transparent, cut, and treated, with adhesive on one side, in rectangular sheets, each weighing at least 6 g but not more than 77 g, each measuring not less than 2.8 cm but not more than 28 cm in height, not less than 1.9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, and not more than 0.1 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (72) Sheets of tempered safety glass, coated with silicone oxide, having a surface area of less than 2.5 m2, designed to be placed over solar cell panels for protection from external damage (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (73) Windshields of laminated safety glass, of a size and shape for vehicles, each weighing at least 10.9 kg but not over 15.4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7007.21.1010)
        • (74) Rear-view mirrors for vehicles, composed of stainless steel, aluminum, glass filled nylon, polyethylene, and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, each weighing at least 500 g but not more than 1 kg, with mirrors measuring at least 180 mm but not more than 400 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (75) Rear-view mirrors for vehicles, each consisting of a multi-curvature convex glass mirror, a steel case and a heating element (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (76) Replacement kits for rear-view mirrors for vehicles, each consisting of a multi-curvature convex mirror, a gasket and a heating element (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (77) Windows of stainless steel incorporating tempered glass, each fitted with a rubber gasket that provides a water-tight seal when closed, designed for installation in ships and boats of chapter 89 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.30.1000)
        • (78) Steel tanks, each of a capacity of at least 477 liters but not over 23,848 liters and weighing at least 100 kg but not more than 2,250 kg, whether or not lined or heat insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment (described in statistical reporting number 7309.00.0030)
        • (79) Square-shaped barrels of stainless steel, each with slatted sides and a maximum capacity of 228 liters (described in statistical reporting number 7310.10.0010 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 7310.10.0015 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (80) Skid chains of steel, with links measuring not over 8 mm in diameter, to fit off-road vehicle tires measuring 63 cm or more but not over 67 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7315.20.1000)
        • (81) Steel cooking grates comprising parts of stoves and ranges, each weighing not less than 1 kg, measuring not less than 40 cm in length, not less than 48 cm in width, and not less than 5 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (82) Bird feeders, predominantly of iron or steel, with glass elements, each feeder measuring at least 25 cm but not more than 36 cm in height, and weighing at least 0.6 kg but not more than 1.4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9080)
        • (83) Parts of showers, comprising shower wand adjustable slide bars, of stainless steel, with or without finishes of other metals, each weighing 0.44 kg or less, measuring at least 48.3 cm but not more than 91.5 cm in length and at least 1.9 cm but not more than 2.6 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7324.90.0000)
        • (84) Shower arms of stainless steel, with or without finishes of other metals, threaded at both ends, each weighing not less than 0.08 kg but not more than 0.35 kg, measuring at least 15 cm but not more than 64 cm in length and not more than 2 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7324.90.0000)
        • (85) Carabiners of stainless steel, not suitable for climbing applications (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (86) Housings of steel designed for oil or natural gas wellheads, each with threaded or welded bottom and threaded top, each weighing at least 284 kg but not more than 1,200 kg, measuring at least 52 cm but not more than 105 cm in length, at least 42 cm but not more than 60 cm in outer diameter, with a bore diameter of not less than 20 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (87) Tubing heads of steel for oil or natural gas wellheads, each measuring at least 39 cm but not more than 107 cm in length, at least 57 cm but not more than 78 cm in outer diameter, with a bore diameter of not less than 13 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (88) Escutcheons of brass, with or without other metal finishes, each weighing not more than 0.5 kg, measuring not more than 23 cm by 23 cm by 3 cm, designed as trim around faucets or shower fixtures (described in statistical reporting number 7419.99.5010)
        • (89) Faucet parts, of brass, designed for holding the aerator, each not over 4 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7419.99.5010)
        • (90) Shower arms of brass, each for connecting the showerhead to the water supply (described in statistical reporting number 7419.99.5010)
        • (91) Carabiners of aluminum, not suitable for climbing applications (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (92) Key rings of zinc, with leather adornment (described in statistical reporting number 7907.00.6000)
        • (93) Kits of auger bits for woodworking of high carbon steel (with cutting part containing by weight over 0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or over 0.1 percent of vanadium), each bit measuring not less than 0.95 cm but not more than 3.81 cm in diameter and not less than 15.24 cm but not more than 45.72 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8207.50.2070)
        • (94) Kits of spade bit blades of high carbon steel (with cutting part not containing by weight over 0.2 percent of chromium, molybdenum, or tungsten or over 0.1 percent of vanadium), each bit measuring at least 0.635 cm but not more than 3.81 cm in diameter and at least 15.24 cm but not more than 45.72 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8207.50.6000)
        • (95) Castors with mountings of steel with wheels of rubber or plastic, each having a wheel diameter (including tires) of more than 60 mm but less than 210 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8302.20.0000)
        • (96) Mountings and fittings suitable for motor vehicles of iron or steel, of aluminum or of zinc, other than pneumatic cylinders (described in statistical reporting number 8302.30.3060)
        • (97) Cleats and chocks of stainless steel for boats and ships (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6055)
        • (98) Screen door cross bars of aluminum, each adjustable, measuring at least 53 cm but not more than 74 cm in length, weighing not more than 0.6 kg, with polypropylene end caps (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6085)
        • (99) Pistons of cast aluminum, of a kind used in spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines for vehicles of heading 8703, each measuring 73 mm in diameter and 45 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.5085)
        • (100) Cylinder heads of aluminum for motorcycle engines, each weighing at least 3.6 kg but not more than 6.4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (101) Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines of the motor vehicles of headings 8703 or 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9090)
        • (102) Stationary air compressors (not reciprocating, not rotary), each powered by 12 V DC motor, with maximum output pressure of 1.04 MPa and maximum output volume of 57 liters/min, weighing not more than 6 kg, with braided output leader hose and one-way check valve attached to the cylinder head (described in statistical reporting number 8414.80.1680)
        • (103) Hydraulic jacks of a kind for raising vehicles, with a lifting capacity of not more than 550 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.42.0000)
        • (104) Hydraulic lifts of steel weighing not more than 30 kg, comprising a base, two lift arms and a hydraulic bottle jack, with a weight limit of not more than 250 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.42.0000)
        • (105) Screw jacks and scissor jacks, each comprising a base, two lift arms and adjustable wheel pads, weighing at least 22 kg but not more than 42 kg, with a weight limit of not more than 342 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.49.0000)
        • (106) Bandsaws for working wood, bench top, each valued under $1,000, with 115 V motor, measuring not more than 88 cm in height, not more than 54 cm in width and not more than 42 cm in depth, weighing not more than 36 kg with a cutting capacity not exceeding 36 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8465.91.0064)
        • (107) Bandsaws for working wood, floor standing, each valued under $1,000, with 115 V motor, measuring not more than 190 cm in height, at least 63 cm but not more than 88 cm in width and at least 63 cm but not more than 66 cm in depth, weighing at least 99 kg but not more than 130 kg with a cutting capacity not exceeding 36 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8465.91.0064)
        • (108) Bandsaws for working wood, valued under $1,000 each, floor standing, with 115 V motor, measuring not over 190 cm in height, at least 63 cm but not more than 88 cm in width and at least 63 cm but not more than 66 cm in depth, weighing at least 99 kg but not more than 130 kg with a cutting capacity not exceeding 36 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8465.91.0064)
        • (109) Straps for securing articles, each consisting of a polyester webbing strap of a width not exceeding 26 mm with steel hooks at the ends and a ratchet mechanism for tightening the strap, in lengths not over 2.5 m (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9499)
        • (110) Handwheel-operated gate valves of forged steel, each measuring at least 37 cm but not more than 102 cm in width (at the circular connector flanges) and at least 55 cm but not more than 288 cm in height (from the bottom of the valve to the top of the handwheel), having a bore measuring at least 5 cm but not more than 18 cm in diameter, weighing at least 79 kg but not more than 3,015 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3055)
        • (111) Camshafts designed for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines for off-road vehicles and snowmobiles (described in statistical reporting number 8483.10.1030)
        • (112) Crankshafts designed for use with diesel engines having a displacement of not more than 12 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8483.10.3050)
        • (113) Toothed wheels and sprockets other than chain sprockets for motorcycles, off-road vehicles and snowmobiles constituting an integral component of an engine or motor (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.5090)
        • (114) Single phase AC electric motors (other than gear motors), of an output of 56 W or more but not exceeding 69 W, each measuring no more than 9 cm in length and no more than 11.5 cm in diameter, weighing no more than 2 kg, in a housing of base metals, with a switch (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
        • (115) Single-phase AC electric motors incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 367 W or more but not exceeding 565 W, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 230 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 7 kg but not more than 11 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 22 cm but not exceeding 34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (116) Single-phase AC electric motors, other than gear motors, whether or not incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 746 W or more but not exceeding 1.13 kW, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 250 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 9 kg but not more than 12.5 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm but not exceeding 36 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.6040)
        • (117) Battery chargers designed to charge the batteries in electrically powered golf carts and similar utility vehicles for a voltage not exceeding 48 V, measuring no more than 20 cm in width, 30 cm in length, and 15 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (118) Static converters, each with output voltage range of 10 V or more but not exceeding 26 V and a power output range of at least 5 A but not more than 240 A, weighing not more than 23 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (119) Inductors, each with inductance of 22 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 198 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 1.9 A (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (120) Inductors, each with inductance of 220 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 550 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 510 milliamps (mA) (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (121) Inductors, each with inductance of 470 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 700 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 540 milliamps (mA) (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (122) Lead-acid storage batteries, 12 V, of a kind used in starting piston engines, each measuring not more than 167 cm in height, at least 91 cm but not more than 92 cm in width and weighing at least 4.8 kg but not more than 5.3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8507.10.0030)
        • (123) Ignition coils for spark-ignition or compression-ignition engines of a kind designed to be mounted in powersports vehicles, including off-road vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and motorcycles (described in statistical reporting number 8511.30.0080)
        • (124) Lighting equipment designed for illuminating the interior of the vehicles of subheading 8701.20 or heading 8702, 8703, 8704, 8705 or 8711 incorporating LED lamps, each measuring not more than 128 mm by 75 mm by 36 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8512.20.2040)
        • (125) Color television cameras of a kind used with vehicle displays (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (126) Radiobroadcast receiver kits, each comprising a radiobroadcast receiver not capable of operating without an external source of power, the foregoing of a kind used in motor vehicles, not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus, incorporating an FM only or AM/FM only tuner, two speakers measuring not more than 135 mm in diameter, a 45 W 4-channel amplifier and an external antenna (described in statistical reporting number 8527.29.4000)
        • (127) Indicator panels incorporating segmented liquid crystal devices (LCDs) suitable for use in motor vehicles and designed to display a limited number of characters or icons, each panel measuring not more than 99 mm in width and not more than 61 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0020)
        • (128) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (129) Printed circuit boards, with a base of glass reinforced epoxy laminate material that is compliant with NEMA grade FR-4 fire resistance, not flexible, with 10 layers, designed for use in a flow meter, and measuring not more than 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm by 0.1575 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (130) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, LED left-handed tail light, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder with a glass transition temperature of 150 degrees C, with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (131) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, LED left-handed tail stop light, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder, with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (132) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, LED right-handed tail stop light, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder, with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (133) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, overhead council assembly of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder, with not more than 0.03 kg of copper, with lead free HASL finish (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (134) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, overhead council unit, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder, with lead free HASL finish (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (135) Printed circuit board, 2 layers, with high- or low-side driver pulse width modulation, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder with a glass transition temperature of 150 degrees C with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (136) Printed circuit board, 4 layers, rear view mirror utilized, of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder, with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (137) Printed circuit boards, formed as 2 layers, DS video mirror of FR-4 woven fiberglass cloth with a flame resistant epoxy resin binder with a glass transition temperature of 150 degrees C with not more than 0.03 kg of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0095)
        • (138) Digital sound processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound, each capable of mixing 16, 24, 32 or 64 channel, each measuring not more than 17 cm in height, not more than 60 cm in depth, and not more than 83 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
        • (139) Electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, with stranded 18-gauge copper wire and SPT-2 outer insulation, with either a 2-prong polarized plug or a 3-prong grounded plug on one end, such plugs with an integrated non-replaceable fuse, such conductors measuring at least 210 cm but not more than 250 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (140) Bumpers of steel or aluminum, other than stampings, for off-road vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.10.3050)
        • (141) Vent insulators to fit a standard vent opening of 35.56 cm by 35.56 cm on a recreational vehicle, each composed of foam encased in polyester fleece fabric, whether or not also featuring reflective foil (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (142) Road wheels of steel for vehicles of heading 8703, each measuring at least 32 cm but not more than 37 cm in diameter, at least 11 cm but not more than 21 cm in width and weighing at least 5.2 kg but not over 6.7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4560)
        • (143) Road wheels of steel for vehicles of heading 8703, each measuring at least 37 cm but not more than 46 cm in diameter and at least 19 cm but not over 26 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4560)
        • (144) Wheel spacers of aluminum for the motor vehicles of heading 8703, measuring at least 25 mm but not more than 45 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.6060)
        • (145) Parts of suspension systems of off-road vehicles of headings 8701 through 8705 and snowmobiles of heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.80.6590)
        • (146) Torque rods, also known as torque arms, radius rods or radius arms (described in statistical reporting number 8708.80.6590)
        • (147) Radiators of aluminum, each measuring at least 335 mm but not more than 630 mm in length, at least 167.5 mm but not more than 355 mm in width, and at least 37.5 mm but not more than 60 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8708.91.5000)
        • (148) Mufflers and exhaust pipes for all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and snowmobiles of heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.92.5000)
        • (149) Steering boxes and steering columns of steel for all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) of heading 8703 and other off-road vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.94.5000)
        • (150) Parts of the motor vehicles of headings 8701, 8702, 8704 and 8705, consisting of housings of cast iron for steering gears, each weighing not more than 20 kg, measuring at least 11 cm but not more than 29 cm in length, at least 9 cm but not more than 19 cm in width, and at least 14 cm but not more than 24 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8708.94.7000)
        • (151) Steering cylinder heads of cast iron for motor vehicles of chapter 87, each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.94.7000)
        • (152) Housing covers (with or without bearings) of carbon steel for steering gears of the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (except for tractors other than road tractors) (described in statistical reporting number 8708.94.7550)
        • (153) Pitman arm retainers of carbon steel designed for steering gears for the vehicles of heading 8701, 8702, 8704, or 8705, other than steering gears for tractors for agricultural use but including those for road tractors (described in statistical reporting number 8708.94.7550)
        • (154) Castings of aluminum for hub lock assemblies of motor vehicles of heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (155) Shift lever weldments, sprockets, shafts, bearing carriers, and rod shifters, all the foregoing being parts of power trains for the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (156) Covers for automobile seats or passenger compartments, of textile fabric, with or without fastening hardware, presented separately or in sets put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (157) Intercooler pipes of cast aluminum, each weighing at least 0.37 kg but not more than 0.643 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (158) Racks designed to fit into receiver hitches of vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, for transporting bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (159) Trailer hitch kits of alloy steel or carbon steel, for the vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, other than tractors, except including road tractors (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (160) Bicycles, including mountain-type, with drop bar, tubeless, folding (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.4800)
        • (161) Trailers with steel or aluminum frames, single axle, each measuring at least 1.5 m but not more than 2.5 m in width, at least 2.4 m but not more than 5.8 m in length, and weighing at least 110 kg but not more than 730 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
        • (162) Castors, each comprising a polyurethane tread over a polypropylene hub, measuring at least 7.5 cm but not more than 20.5 cm in diameter and at least 2.5 cm but not more than 5.5 cm in width, for use with retail shopping carts, material handling carts, light industrial carts, baker carts, laboratory carts, medical carts or pharmaceutical carts (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.3000)
        • (163) Mounted camera lenses, each with a M12 mount configuration, with an 8.46 mm sensor format and focal lengths between 2.8 mm and 16.0 mm, focal ratio (F/No) of 1.4 or greater but not exceeding 6.6 and a fixed iris (described in statistical reporting number 9002.11.9000)
        • (164) Seats of a kind used for automobiles, not reclining, incorporating padding of polymeric foam and seat covers of PVC (described in statistical reporting number 9401.20.0000)
        • (165) Adjustable wire shelving units of steel, other than for household use, comprising vertical poles, foot caps or casters, clips and shelves, each when fully assembled measuring at least 35 cm or more but not more than 183 m in width, at least 35 cm but not more than 77 cm in depth, and at least 137 cm but not more than 183 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081)
        • (166) Storage racks of steel, powder-coated, designed to hang from overhead support, each weighing not more than 37 kg, measuring not more than 123 cm in width, not more than 123 cm in height and not more than 245 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081)
        • (167) Shelving units of chrome plated steel, each consisting of wire shelves measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 62 cm in width and at least 61 cm but not more than 183 cm in length and supporting posts, with leveling feet, measuring not more than 30 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (168) Cabinets of wood with glass fronts, each measuring at least 208 cm but not more than 234 cm in height, at least 86 cm but no more than 128 cm in width and at least 40 cm but not more than 49 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (169) Cabinets of wood with glass fronts, each measuring at least 91 cm but not more than 117 cm in height, at least 165 cm but no more than 216 cm in width and at least 38 cm but not more than 59 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (170) Outdoor tables of artificial stone, each measuring no more than 93 cm by 93 cm by 63 cm, with a built-in gas-burning fire pit (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6015)
        • (171) Sets of rectangular laundry organizers consisting of at least six, but not more than nine collapsible hampers of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) fabric, each with a drawstring top, an exterior zip pocket, and rope handles, designed to stand on the floor and fold up when not in use (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6020)
        • (172) Parts of counters, racks, display cases, and similar fixtures of wood other than cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.7080)
        • (173) Parts of counters, racks, display cases, and similar fixtures of base metal, other than welded wire rack decking (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8041)
        • (174) Lamps with bases of agglomerated stone that are figurines, each measuring at least 45 cm but not more than 77 cm in height, weighing at least 1.3 kg but not more than 2.8 kg, with a decorated fabric shade (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (175) LED lamps other than of base metal, each with height adjustable from at least 19 cm to not more than 38 cm, with touch switch controlling power, brightness and three color modes (warm, bright and natural daylight illumination), 5 V, 2.1 A USB charging port, and digital LCD display featuring time, date, and temperature display (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (176) LED backlight modules, each measuring at least 90 mm but not more than 105 mm in length and at least 45 mm but not more than 55 mm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8200)
        • (177) Flameless pillar candles with LED lamps powered by batteries, each measuring at least 7.6 cm but not more than 20 cm in diameter and having a wax exterior (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
      • (ww) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0505.10.0050
        • (2) 3926.90.9925
        • (3) 6506.10.3045
        • (4) 8512.10.2000
        • (5) 8528.72.6420
        • (6) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (7) Pouches of plastics, of a kind used with manually operated pill or tablet crushers to capture the powdered medicaments(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (8) Refillable dispensers of plastics, designed for mounting on a vertical wall, of a kind used to store and dispense emesis containment bags in medical settings(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (9) Sterile urology drain bags of plastics, designed to fit over a urology table extension, with a flap extension that provides sterile separation of the patient from the table surface and directs fluids into and through a filter at the top of an attached drain hose leading to a collection container(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (10) Ice bags of textile materials, for treating injuries or soreness, each refillable(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (11) Identification wristbands of textile materials, each with a blank panel(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (12) Apparatus suitable for wearing on the wrist, having time-display functions, each article having an accelerometer and being capable of displaying and transmitting data sent to it by a network (e.g., portable ADP unit, LAN or cellular network) (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
      • (xx) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8424.90.9080
        • (2) Seeds of mung beans (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) of a kind used for sowing (described in statistical reporting number 0713.31.1000)
        • (3) Preparations of chopped garlic, certified organic, packaged with water, citric acid, and salt, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 2005.99.9700)
        • (4) Aluminum hydroxide (CAS No. 21645-51-2) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 2818.30.0000)
        • (5) Cubic boron nitride (CAS No. 10043-11-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2850.00.5000)
        • (6) 2-Ethoxynaphthalene (CAS No. 93-18-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2909.30.2000)
        • (7) 1-(4-tert-Butyl-2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dinitrophenyl)ethanone (Musk ketone) (CAS No. 81-14-1) (described in statistical reporting number 2914.79.1000)
        • (8) 2-Cyclohexylethyl acetate (CAS No. 21722-83-8) (described in statistical reporting number 2915.39.4550)
        • (9) Glyoxylic acid (IUPAC name: 2-oxoacetic acid) (CAS No. 298-12-4), imported as a 50-percent aqueous solution (described in statistical reporting number 2918.30.9000)
        • (10) 1-Cyanoguanidine (Dicyandiamide) (CAS No. 461-58-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.20.0000)
        • (11) 1,2-Dibromo-2,4-dicyanobutane (IUPAC Name: 2-bromo-2-(bromomethyl)pentanedinitrile) (CAS No. 35691-65-7) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.90.5050)
        • (12) Mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons, containing 40 to 44 percent by weight of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CAS No. 811-97-2), 56 to 60 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane (CAS No. 354-33-6) and up to 2 percent by weight of lubricating oil (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020)
        • (13) Mixtures containing 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol (CAS No. 108-01-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (14) Sacks and bags of plant-based materials including cornstarch, biodegradable, not containing polyethylene (described in statistical reporting number 3923.29.0000)
        • (15) Wall panels of cellulose polyvinyl chloride, each measuring not less than 123 cm but not more than 245 cm in length, not more than 184 cm in height, and not more than 3 cm in width, put up for retail sale in packs of 6 panels weighing not less than 13.5 kg and not more than 29 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3925.90.0000)
        • (16) Cable protectors of rubber, each measuring not more than 91 cm in length, not more than 51 cm in width and not more than 5.2 cm in height, with 5 channels for multiple cables or hoses not more than 3.8 cm in diameter, with a lid of polyvinyl chloride, weighing not more than 14.5 kg, with a load capacity of not more than 8,200 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (17) Parking stops of recycled rubber, each measuring not more than 185 cm in length, not more than 15.5 cm in width and not more than 10.5 cm in height, weighing not more than 16 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (18) Messenger bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 50 cm by 38 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 2.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.12.8130)
        • (19) Backpacks with hydration system, each measuring not more than 51 cm by 28 cm by 9 cm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.0400)
        • (20) Backpacks of 66.66 tex polyester, each measuring not more than 57 cm by 44 cm by 11 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (21) Duffel bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 81 cm by 39 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (22) Duffel bags made predominantly of man-made fibers, each measuring not more than 98 cm by 52 cm by 17 cm, weighing not more than 7 kg, with wheels (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (23) Garment bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 69 cm by 46 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (24) Shaving/toiletry bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 30 cm by 28 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (25) Padfolios of faux leather or polyester, with or without zippers, each containing a writing pad (described in statistical reporting number 4820.10.2020)
        • (26) Binders with polyester covers, weighing less than 800 g, each measuring less than 36 cm in length, less than 25 cm in width, and less than 6 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4820.30.0040)
        • (27) Chinstraps designed for use on football helmets, each with webbing of woven polyester fabric encased in PVC, foam padding of closed cell foam and buckle clasp of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 6507.00.0000)
        • (28) Front pads and side pads designed for use on football helmets, each helmet with a vinyl top and bottom of PVC, foam padding of closed cell foam and a buckle clasp of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 6507.00.0000)
        • (29) Fiber optic faceplates in the form of sealed glass funnels, for actual use in cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), round, each not more than 5.4 cm in diameter, weighing not more than 78 g, with a maximum thickness of 1.15 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7011.20.4500)
        • (30) Glass faceplates for cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), round, each measuring not more than 8 cm in diameter, not more than 0.36 cm at center thickness, and weighing not more than 50 g (described in statistical reporting number 7011.20.4500)
        • (31) Railroad air brake pipe fitting branch pipe tees of carbon or alloy steel (cast steel), not threaded, with welded sockets, each measuring not less than 7 cm by 5 cm by 5 cm but not more than 11 cm by 13 cm by 13 cm, weighing not less than 0.4 kg but not more than 2.4 kg, conforming to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) specifications S-400 (described in statistical reporting number 7307.19.9080)
        • (32) Railroad tank car serpentine pipe fittings of carbon or alloy steel (cast steel), not threaded but welded to connect to pipes, each weighing not less than 0.9 kg but not more than 3.4 kg, measuring not less than 12 cm by 7 cm by 2 cm but not more than 16 cm by 13 cm by 11 cm, conforming to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) specifications M-1002 (described in statistical reporting number 7307.19.9080)
        • (33) Tire chains of iron or nonalloy steel, with links not over 10 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7315.82.5000)
        • (34) Bolts of galvanized steel, each with hexagonal heads which are fitted with plastic knobs to facilitate installation into a steel nut incorporated in awnings, having threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more (described in statistical reporting number 7318.15.2065)
        • (35) Hose crimp collars of stainless steel, each weighing not more than 0.1 kg, measuring not more than 2.7 cm in diameter, not less than 1.4 cm but not more than 4.2 cm in length, not less than 1.3 cm but not more than 4.3 cm round (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (36) Quick connect body sleeve couplings of steel, with cylinder shape, each measuring not more than 3 cm in length and not more than 4 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (37) Bismuth metal (described in statistical reporting number 8106.00.0000)
        • (38) Flexible tubing of stainless steel, each with an inner hose with garden hose fittings, weighing not more than 1.5 kg, measuring not less than 760 cm but not more than 3,052 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8307.10.3000)
        • (39) Buckles of stainless steel, each incorporating a snap fastener socket and adjustment teeth, designed for use with football helmet chin straps (described in statistical reporting number 8308.90.6000)
        • (40) Sign plates, name plates, address plates, or similar plates of chromium plated base metals or of nickel or aluminum, each weighing not less than 4 g (described in statistical reporting number 8310.00.0000)
        • (41) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 for marine propulsion (other than cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9290)
        • (42) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 (other than for aircraft engines, cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, for vehicles of subheading 8701.20 or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704, for marine propulsion engines or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (43) DC blowers for use in motor vehicle climate control systems, each measuring no less than 323 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and no more than 357 mm by 214 mm by 167 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (44) DC centrifugal radial blowers, each measuring not less than 345 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and not more than 355 mm by 173 mm by 145 mm, of an output of 100 W to 285 W, and weighing at least 1.80 kg but no more than 2.72 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6560)
        • (45) Electrical/battery operated axial leaf blowers (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6590)
        • (46) Parts of fans, consisting of column assemblies comprising telescoping steel tubes, each with a mechanism to lock the assembly at a desired length, and front grills of steel, the foregoing for use in the manufacture of household pedestal fans (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.1040)
        • (47) Retail computing scales, digital with tactile keypad or VGA display, with a maximum weighing capacity of not less than 10 kg but not more than 15.5 kg, measuring not less than 15 cm in width by 20 cm [in] depth but not more than 41 cm in width by 32 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0030)
        • (48) Compact portable shipping scales, of stainless steel, with a maximum weighing capacity of not more than 16 kg, with a digital display, weight below hook, and handles, measuring not less than 19 cm in width, not less than 21 cm in depth, not less than 3 cm in height but not more than 52 cm in width, not more than 41 cm in depth, not more than 13 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (49) Hand-operated trunnion mounted ball valves of steel, each measuring over 5 cm but not exceeding 60 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3070)
        • (50) Parts of spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines or rotary engines, consisting of transmission shafts (including camshafts and crankshafts) and cranks, the foregoing of machined cast iron or other ferrous metals, other than for engines of vehicles of chapter 87 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.10.1050)
        • (51) Manual valve actuators, traveling nut type, of iron, each measuring over 20 cm but not exceeding 200 cm in length, suitable for use with ball, butterfly, plug or quadrosphere valves (described in statistical reporting number 8483.40.5010)
        • (52) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics measuring 12 cm or more but not more than 17 cm in length, which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off-oscillate and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (53) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics measuring 13 cm or more but not more than 16 cm in length, which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (54) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics with on-off and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (55) Electric motors other than gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 60 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each with a rotary switch attached by insulated conductors, enclosed in a housing of base metals (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
        • (56) Electric gear motors, single phase AC, of an output of 74.6 W or more but not exceeding 228 W, each with a spring, a coupling, and a locking connector, the assembly measuring not more than 30 cm in length, not more than 11 cm in width, not more than 16 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (57) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 75 W or more but not exceeding 95 W, enclosed in a housing of plastics which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off-oscillate and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (58) Electric motors other than gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 75 W or more but not exceeding 110 W, each with a switch attached by insulated conductors, enclosed in a round housing of base metals with outside diameter measuring 85 mm or more but not exceeding 95 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (59) Power supplies for automatic data processing machines, each with a power output exceeding 50 W but not exceeding 150 W, weighing not more than 0.5 kg, measuring not more than 12.5 cm in length, not more than 5.6 cm in width and not more than 3.4 cm in depth, with integrated surge protection (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.7007)
        • (60) Rectifiers for charging of batteries, each measuring at least 275 mm but not more than 281 mm in length, at least 243 mm but not more than 249 mm in width and at least 102 mm but not more than 116 mm in height; weighing less than 5 kg, with input and output wires with connectors and attached mounting bracket (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (61) Power adapters for a weather sensor or weather station display (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9580)
        • (62) Robotic vacuum cleaners designed for residential use, each with a self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 50 W and dust bag/receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 L, whether or not shipped with accessories (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (63) Ignition coils for spark-ignition internal combustion engines of a kind used in outdoor power equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8511.30.0080)
        • (64) Solenoid switches used in starter systems of internal combustion engines suitable for use in outdoor power equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8511.80.6000)
        • (65) Fan-forced portable electric heaters, each with a ceramic heating element (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (66) Fan-forced portable electric heaters, each with a resistance heating element (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (67) Portable countertop air fryers of a kind used for domestic purposes (described in statistical reporting number 8516.60.4070)
        • (68) Tubular electric heating resistors (described in statistical reporting number 8516.80.8000)
        • (69) Closed-loop, digital, video security systems, each consisting of one 4- or 8-channel network video recorder (NVR) or one 4- channel gateway that connects wirelessly at least 2 but no more than 8 color television cameras in housings of plastics, cables and power adapters, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (70) Closed-loop, digital, video security systems, each consisting of one 4-, 8- or 16-channel digital video recorder (DVR) that connects via cables to at least 2 but no more than 16 color television cameras in housings of plastics, cables and power adapters, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (71) Indicator panels incorporating light emitting diodes (LEDs), black plastic vacuum form or injection molding backing, with digital or illuminated border, capable of displaying words (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (72) Printed circuit board assemblies specially designed to control sound signals (alarms) in medical infusion pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8531.90.3000)
        • (73) Wall-mounted receptacles conforming to types 1-15R, 5-15R or 5-20R of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, with one or more standard sockets, whether or not incorporating one or more USB ports (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (74) Controllers rated at 120 V, 60 Hz, suitable for electrically controlling hospital beds (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (75) Electric power control bases, which switch an electric load between sources, either manually or automatically, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (76) Electric power control boards, designed for use in gas absorption refrigerators for recreational vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (77) Printed circuit board assemblies specially designed to control medical infusion pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (78) T8 tubular fluorescent lamps, each measuring not less than 60 cm but not exceeding 118 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8539.31.0070)
        • (79) Insulated electrical wiring harnesses with control cords, fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, for incorporation into gas absorption refrigerators for recreational vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (80) Electrical insulators of ceramics, used in high-voltage, low-frequency electrical systems (described in statistical reporting number 8546.20.0030)
        • (81) Ceramic electrical insulators of alumina for gas ignition electrode assemblies, each measuring at least 6.6 cm but not more than 11.5 cm in length and not more than 0.95 cm in diameter, weighing not more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 8546.20.0090)
        • (82) Tire carrier attachments, roof racks, fender liners, side protective attachments, the foregoing of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (83) Road wheels of cast aluminum for vehicles of heading 8703, each measuring 30 cm or more but not exceeding 56 cm in diameter and 15 cm or more but not over 31 cm in width (whether described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4545 prior to January 1, 2020 or described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.4548 post January 1, 2020)
        • (84) Heater coils for use with the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, composed of steel, copper, aluminum and plastic, each not less than 184 mm and not more than 355 mm in height, not less than 350 mm and not more than 774 mm in length and not less than 32 mm and not more than 308 mm in width, each rated at not less than 6,300 kcal per hour and not more than 22,700 kcal per hour (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (85) Hitch riser plates of AISI 8620 alloy steel, each weighing not less than 94 g and not more than 96 g (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (86) Hitches of powder-coated steel for use with the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, designed to distribute weight, incorporating an adjustable sway control clamp, an adjustable hitch head and a chrome-plated hitch ball, each ball not less than 5.5 cm and not more than 6 cm in diameter, each hitch weighing not less than 40 kg and not more than 41 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (87) Hitches of powder-coated steel for use with the motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, for mounting in the bed of a truck, each incorporating two stationary legs, a head, a cross member, a slider, rail adapters, automatic locking jaws and a secondary handle lock, with an adjustable height not less than 36 cm and not more than 46 cm, with a gross trailer weight (GTW) capacity of not more than 9,980 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (88) Bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than 16.3 kg complete without accessories and not designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 4.13 cm, multi-speed (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (89) Bicycles of aluminum having both wheels exceeding 25 cm but not exceeding 70 cm, each valued at less than $45 (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.4800)
        • (90) Bicycle wheel rims, each not less than 30 cm and not more than 75 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8714.92.1000)
        • (91) Bicycle wheel rims of aluminum, each not less than 451 mm and not more than 622 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8714.92.1000)
        • (92) Wheel hubs and spoke hubs for use on trailers or semi-trailers (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5060)
        • (93) Levels, each with a frame of ABS plastics and a paraffin mineral oil filled glass vial, measuring 10.16 cm in length and 3.81 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9015.30.8000)
        • (94) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of a wind vane made of plastics and base metal weighing no more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (95) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly comprising 3 rotating wind cups, bearings, an internal aspirating fan and one or more solar panels (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (96) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly made of plastic and metal comprising 3 wind cups weighing no more than 35 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (97) Laboratory balances with sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with weighing capacity not exceeding 220 g, with touchscreen display, with chemical resistant full metal housing (described in statistical reporting number 9016.00.2000)
        • (98) Portable electrical balances with sensitivity of 5 cg or better, of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 9016.00.2000)
        • (99) 60-minute [Sixty-minute] mechanical count-down kitchen timers (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.8500)
        • (100) Toddler beds, bassinets and cradles, of metal (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0017)
        • (101) Adjustable height folding tables of aluminum, each measuring no more than 183 cm by 122 cm by 72 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (102) Steel mobile tool carts on castors, each measuring not less than 40 cm by 40 cm by 46 cm but not more than 184 cm by 108 cm by 184 cm fitted with two locking cabinets, drawers, and trays (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (103) Tables of stainless steel, each measuring not less than 60 cm but not more than 189 cm in width, not less than 50 cm and not more than 77 cm in depth and not more than 92 cm in height, with adjustable legs (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (104) Work benches of steel, each measuring not less than 152 cm in width and not more than 49 cm in depth, fitted with castors, wood work surfaces of rubberwood and multiple drawers (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (105) Changing tables of wood (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (106) Bed rails, each of which attaches to the side of a bed to prevent the occupant of the bed from rolling out, with a nylon mesh fabric cover (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8041)
        • (107) Candle-shaped lamps, each measuring at least 15 cm but not more than 39 cm in height, incorporating a light-emitting diode (LED) and a switch, powered by batteries or 120 V mains (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (108) Tripods of galvanized steel, each measuring not over 1.2 m in height by 0.2 m in width by 0.2 m in depth, weighing not over 5.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9620.00.3090)
      • (yy) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 4819.50.4060
        • (2) 6902.20.5020
        • (3) Dried broccoli, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 0712.90.8510)
        • (4) Freeze-dried pumpkin, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 0712.90.8580)
        • (5) Dried pomegranate, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 1106.30.4000)
        • (6) Bee pollen, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 1212.99.9200)
        • (7) Brown rice, in powder form, with protein content of at least 80 percent by weight, derived from organic brown rice (described in statistical reporting number 2106.10.0000)
        • (8) Synthetic iron oxide red medium shade, in powder form, Colour Index No. 77491, CAS No. 1309-37-1, water soluble (described in statistical reporting number 2821.10.0020)
        • (9) 2,5,8,11,14,17-Hexaoxanona-decan-19-yl methanesulfonate (IUPAC name: 2-[2-[2-[2-(2-phenylmethoxyethoxy)ethoxy]ethoxy]ethoxy]ethyl methanesulfonate) (CAS No. 1807539-07-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2909.19.1800)
        • (10) Phthalocyanine green 7 quick-set flush pigment, in paste form, Colour Index No. 74260, CAS No. 1328-53-6, water insoluble (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9010)
        • (11) Quinacridone red 122 quick-set flush pigment pigment, in paste form, Colour Index No. 73915, CAS No. 980-26-7, water insoluble (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9021)
        • (12) Prepared pigment pastes, containing 41 percent by weight of Colour Index pigment violet 19 (CAS No. 1047-16-1), 35 percent by weight of plastic resins, 20 percent by weight of linseed oil, and 4 percent by weight of methyl esters of soya fatty acids (methyl soyate), such paste of a kind used for producing printing inks (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9035)
        • (13) Prepared pigment pastes, containing 40 percent by weight of Colour Index pigment yellow 74 (CAS No. 6358-31-2), 36 percent by weight of plastic resins, 18 percent by weight of linseed oil, and 6 percent by weight of methyl esters of soya fatty acids (methyl soyate), such paste of a kind used for producing printing inks (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9055)
        • (14) Prepared pigment pastes, containing 41 percent by weight of Colour Index pigment red 81 (CAS No. 12224-98-5), 35 percent by weight of plastic resins, 20 percent by weight of linseed oil, and 4 percent by weight of methyl esters of soya fatty acids (methyl soyate), of a kind used for producing printing inks (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9086)
        • (15) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000)
        • (16) Artificial graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (17) Natural graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.90.0000)
        • (18) 1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triamine, deammoniated (CAS No. 68649-66-1) (described in statistical reporting number 3810.90.5000)
        • (19) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx) with enhanced mercury oxidation, with oxides of base metals being the active substances, applied to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (20) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx), with base metals being the active substances, applied on a titanium dioxide based ceramic material to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (21) Floor coverings in the form of planks or tiles of vinyl with cores of high density plastic composite or stone polymer composite, each with a surface layer measuring at least 0.1 mm but not more than 0.8 mm in thickness, the whole measuring at least 2 mm but not more 8 mm in thickness, at least 12.5 cm but not more than 61 cm in width and at least 30 cm but not more than 153 cm in length, with edges that are interlocking or simply cut at a 90-degree angle (described in statistical reporting number 3918.10.1000)
        • (22) One-piece stoppers, of polypropiolactone (?PPL?) or polylactic acid (?PLA?) polymers, each comprising a disc-shaped top attached to a rounded, tapered plug with a protruding stirrer, measuring at least 55 mm but not more than 120.7 mm in overall length, and weighing at least 0.6 g but not more than 1.1 g each, of a kind used with lids for beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (23) Expandable garden hoses of rubber sheathed in fiber webbing, each with brass fittings (described in statistical reporting number 4009.32.0050)
        • (24) New non-radial pneumatic tires of rubber, with tread pattern suitable for use on off-road all-terrain vehicles ("ATV") and utility task vehicles ("UTV"), measuring at least 70 cm but not more than 105 cm in diameter, and weighing at least 20 kg but not more than 35 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4011.90.8010)
        • (25) Vibration control goods of rubber, other than natural rubber, for the vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.5500)
        • (26) Automotive constant velocity (?CV?) joint boots and rack and pinion bellows, of neoprene (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (27) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each with padded and insulated zippered compartments measuring not more than 27 cm by 19 cm by 21.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (28) Cases of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring not more than 57 cm by 47 cm by 34 cm, specially fitted to contain a sewing machine, each with outer pockets, side handles and 4 wheels (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (29) Cases of man-made fiber, each measuring not more than 40 cm by 27 cm by 9 cm, with clear zippered pockets, mesh pockets and a carrying handle (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.9100)
        • (30) Three-ply plywood sheets constructed of strips of bamboo, each sheet measuring not more than 122 cm in width and not more than 244 cm in length and at least 2 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 4412.10.0500)
        • (31) Laminated flooring consisting of a bamboo surface layer, measuring 1.5 mm in thickness, laminated onto a base of high density plastic composite or stone plastic composite, each plank measuring at least 7 mm but not more than 9 mm in thickness, at least 126 mm but not more than 204 mm in width and at least 30 cm but not more than 214 cm in length, with locking edges and vinyl padding (described in statistical reporting number 4412.10.9000)
        • (32) Printable glitter paper, at least 0.3 mm in thickness, consisting of base paper coated with polyethylene terephthalate ("PET") glitter flakes, in rolls and sheets not more than 145 cm in width, weighing at least 190 g/m2 but not more than 520 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 4811.51.2050)
        • (33) Printable glitter paper, not more than 0.3 mm in thickness, consisting of a base paper coated with polyethylene terephthalate (?PET?) glitter flakes, in rolls and sheets not more than 145 cm in width, weighing at least 145 g/m2 but not more than 220 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 4811.51.4000)
        • (34) Printable glitter paper, consisting of base paper coated with polyethylene terephthalate (?PET?) glitter flakes, in sheets with one side measuring not more than 36 cm and one side measuring not more than 15 cm, weighing at least 150 g/m2 but not more than 400 g/m2 (described in statistical reporting number 4811.51.6000)
        • (35) Registers to record financial transactions, to be inserted into booklets, of white paper, each measuring at least 9.5 cm but not more than 10.5 cm by at least 6 cm but not more than 7 cm, each weighing at least 8 g but not more than 10 g (described in statistical reporting number 4820.10.4000)
        • (36) Dyed sateen fabric containing at least 85 percent by weight of cotton, measuring at least 292 cm but not more than 293 cm in width, weighing not more than 210 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5208.39.2020)
        • (37) Limestone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of at least 200 mm but not more than 3,100 mm, a width of at least 100 mm but not more than 1,380 mm and a thickness of at least 30 mm but not more than 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.92.0000)
        • (38) Sinks and sink pedestals of natural granite for bathroom and kitchen use, each measuring not more than 110 cm by 95 cm by 95 cm and weighing not more than 415 kg (described in statistical reporting number 6802.93.0090)
        • (39) Basalt with a flamed finish on one side and a length of at least 200 mm but not more than 3,100 mm, a width of at least 100 mm but not more than 1,380 mm and a thickness of at least 30 mm but not more than 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060)
        • (40) Refractory bricks containing 90 percent by weight of silica (described in statistical reporting number 6902.20.1020)
        • (41) Cylinders of ceramic, excluding those of heading 6902, containing by weight at least 50 percent of alumina (Al2O3) [(Al2O3)] or of a mixture or compound of alumina and of silica (SiO2) [(SiO2)] (described in statistical reporting number 6903.20.0000)
        • (42) Convex rear-view mirrors for vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (43) Flat rear-view mirrors for vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (44) Glass mirrors for use on motor vehicles, unframed and unmounted (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (45) Convex glass cones for cathode-ray tubes (?CRTs?), measuring not more than 32 cm across at base of cone, not more than 10 cm across at neck, not more than 42 cm from base to top of neck, and weighing not more than 7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7011.20.4500)
        • (46) Microscope slides, consisting of glass with ground and polished edges with 45-degree corners, each measuring 25 mm in width, 75 mm in length and 1 mm in thickness, put up for retail sale in 72-piece packages (described in statistical reporting number 7017.90.1000)
        • (47) Laboratory glassware of borosilicate glass, consisting of any of the following: 200 mm Liebig condensers; 100 ml graduated cylinders, each with a hexagonal base; 50 ml burets (also known as burettes) with stopcocks; 100 ml volumetric flasks; 9 ml test tubes with rims; 100 ml beakers and 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks (described in statistical reporting number 7017.90.5000)
        • (48) Dielectric nipples of non-alloy steel, with zinc plating and polypropylene lined, measuring at least 1.8 cm National Pipe Thread (?NPT?) by at least 5 cm but not more than 13 cm in length, weighing at least 0.08 kg but not more than 0.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7307.99.5015)
        • (49) Kitchen whisks, hand operated, each consisting of loops of wire of steel coated with silicone, in a handle measuring not more than 26 cm in length and not more than 6 cm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9030)
        • (50) Parts of table, kitchen or other household articles, of steel, consisting of a semi-round wire designed to be incorporated in a trash can as the vertical element to open and close the lid (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9080)
        • (51) Parts of table, kitchen or other household articles, of steel, each consisting of a semi-round wire designed to be incorporated in a trash can as the horizontal element to open and close the lid (described in statistical reporting number 7323.99.9080)
        • (52) Rail air brake crimp hose fittings of cast iron, each measuring at least 2.5 cm by 10.1 cm by 12.7 cm but not more than 5.1 by 10.2 cm by 15.3 cm and weighing at least 0.2 kg but not more than 1 kg, conforming to the Association of American Railroads (?AAR?) specifications M-927 and M-618 (described in statistical reporting number 7325.99.1000)
        • (53) Rail air brake hose connection support castings, each measuring at least 5 cm by 5 cm by 5 cm but not more than 12.7 cm by 12.7 cm by 10.2 cm and weighing at least 0.2 kg but not more than 2.3 kg, conforming to Association of American Railroads (?AAR?) specifications S-4021, S-4003, S-400 and S-4013 (described in statistical reporting number 7325.99.1000)
        • (54) Rail air brake hose couplings ("gladhands") (described in statistical reporting number 7325.99.1000)
        • (55) Rail brake dummy couplings suitable for hose-blocking or testing and calibration of air brake systems, each measuring at least 2.5 cm by 5 cm by 15.2 cm but not more than 5.1 cm by 7.7 cm by 20.4 cm and weighing at least 0.2 kg but not more than 1.4 kg, conforming to the Association of American Railroads specifications (?AAR?) S-436, S-486, and S-491 (described in statistical reporting number 7325.99.1000)
        • (56) Parts of natural gas measuring machines and fracking apparatus, valve seat, carrier, and body, of stainless steel, weighing at least 0.2 kg but not more than 2.3 kg, measuring at least 5 cm but not more than 15.8 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7325.99.5000)
        • (57) Sintered metal fiber filtration media, whether or not of 316L grade stainless steel or other steel alloy, with a nonwoven porous web structure (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (58) Pocket clips of base metals for screwdrivers (described in statistical reporting number 8205.40.0000)
        • (59) Screwdrivers, each measuring at least 12 cm but not more than 14 cm in length, at least 1 cm but not more than 2 cm in depth, weighing at least 13 g but not more than 50 g, with two reversible bits, each bit having heads of different sizes (described in statistical reporting number 8205.40.0000)
        • (60) Kitchen and table implements of iron or steel, non-electric, including but not limited to peelers, graters and whisks (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.3030)
        • (61) Kitchen handtools, consisting of vegetable peelers and avocado preparation tools, with stainless steel blades and handles of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.7500)
        • (62) Unfinished hand-operated tube bender of stainless steel (described in statistical reporting number 8205.59.1000)
        • (63) Parts of handtools of base metal (other than iron, steel, copper or aluminum), each consisting of a valve stem tool, weighing not more than 5 g, measuring not more than 16 mm by 6 mm by 3 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8205.59.8000)
        • (64) Utility knives with carbon steel blades and handles of plastics, each measuring not more than 16 cm by 3.8 cm by 4.5 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8211.93.0060)
        • (65) Mountings and brackets for railway air brake systems, each measuring at least 15.2 cm by 7.6 cm by 114 cm and not more than 42 cm by 34 cm by 115 cm and weighing at least 4 kg and not more than 22 kg, conforming to the Association of American Railroads (?AAR?) specifications S-475, M-201 and S-401 (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.6045)
        • (66) Racks of steel for storing kayaks, paddle boards and fishing poles (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (67) Clasps, frames with clasps, purse feet and rings, all the foregoing of base metal and of a kind used in the making of purses and handbags (described in statistical reporting number 8308.90.9000)
        • (68) Clips, each with an iron spring, polypropylene handle, polystyrene head, with a magnet attached, weighing not more than 0.1 kg, measuring not more than 9 cm in width, not more than 5 cm in depth and not more than 8.6 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8308.90.9000)
        • (69) Carburetors of aluminum, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 (other than for aircraft engines, cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704 or for marine propulsion engines) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (70) Crankcases of aluminum and steel, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 with a cylinder bore measuring at least 85 mm but not more than 92 mm and a displacement not more than 1 liter (other than for aircraft engines, cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704 or for marine propulsion engines) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (71) Vacuum pumps, each composed of a cast aluminum body and an unalloyed steel cover, measuring not more than 85 mm in length, not more than 75 mm in width and not more than 96 mm in height, with a pump volume not more than 200 cc, for use in automotive braking systems (described in statistical reporting number 8414.10.0000)
        • (72) Agricultural and horticultural sprayers, towable, having a capacity not more than 80 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8424.41.1000)
        • (73) Hydraulic floor jacks of steel, each measuring not more than 81 cm by 41 cm by 25 cm, weighing not more than 52 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.42.0000)
        • (74) Telescoping hydraulic transmission jacks, each weighing not more than 90 kg, meeting American Society of Mechanical Engineers Portable Automotive Service Equipment 2014 standard (described in statistical reporting number 8425.42.0000)
        • (75) Pallet jacks, not self-propelled, each measuring not more than 160 cm by 70 cm, with a load capacity of at least 1,950 kg but not more than 2,500 kg, with a pump measuring between 89 mm and 105 mm and steel forks with a Gauge Range between 9-12 (described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0090 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (76) Parts of heat presses (described in statistical reporting number 8451.90.9090)
        • (77) Electric saws for cutting metal pipe, tube, and bar, whereby the blade is brought down to cut metal, not numerically controlled, new, valued under $3,025 each (described in statistical reporting number 8461.50.8020)
        • (78) Machine tool base castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 119 cm but not more than 475 cm in length, at least 56 cm but not more than 206 cm in width and at least 39 cm but not more than 78 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (79) Machine tool bridge castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 89 cm but not more than 168 cm in length, at least 56 cm but not more than 89 cm in width and at least 35 cm but not more than 89 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (80) Machine tool column castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 70 cm but not more than 276 cm in length, at least 33 cm but not more than 115 cm in width and at least 14 cm but not more than 107 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (81) Machine tool saddle castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 56 cm but not more than 700 cm in length, at least 42 cm but not more than 87 cm in width and at least 11 cm but not more than 39 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (82) Machine tool spindle head castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 39 cm but not more than 87 cm in length, at least 31 cm but not more than 65 cm in width and at least 24 cm but not more than 125 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (83) Machine tool table castings of class 30 grey iron or 65-45-12 ductile iron not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, other than machine tools for cutting, grinding or finishing gears, each measuring at least 74 cm but not more than 250 cm in length, at least 33 cm but not more than 110 cm in width and at least 7 cm but not more than 26 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8466.93.1560)
        • (84) Molds (other than blow molds or bladder operated molds) of rubber or plastics, not injection or compression type, for kayaks (described in statistical reporting number 8480.79.9090)
        • (85) Hand-operated sillcocks of stainless steel, each comprising a tubular stainless steel body, plastic check valve, hose connector and valve cover designed to mount flush to vertical or horizontal surfaces (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.3090)
        • (86) Reversing valves for heat pumps, each consisting of brass body with internal piston controlled by solenoid, weighing not more than 0.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9005)
        • (87) Regulator valves for air pressure (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9015)
        • (88) Thermostatic expansion self-regulating valves to control refrigerant for use in air conditioning units and systems (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9015)
        • (89) Air regulator valve assemblies, each weighing not more than 7 kg, with a body, piston or spring and O-rings, with thermostatic actuators (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9045)
        • (90) Internal combustion engine throttle assembly valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9050)
        • (91) Inductive charging sleeves and base stations, put up for retail sale, containing electronic circuitry to inductively charge automatic data processing (?ADP?) machines when used together, with output power of at least 1.8 A but not more than 7.1 A (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.7001)
        • (92) Modular power supplies for optical telecommunication apparatus, each in a rectangular metal enclosure measuring at least 96 mm but not more than 305 mm in width, and at least 40 mm but not more than 96 mm in height, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (93) Power supplies capable of converting 230 V/460 W alternating current to 24 V/97 W direct current, each consisting of a printed circuit board, power supply and a heatsink, enclosed in a metal housing measuring not more than 355 mm by 100 mm by 99 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9520)
        • (94) Power supplies with a power output of at least 150 W but not more than 500 W, each measuring not more than 18 cm by 24 cm by 65 cm, weighing not more than 2.4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9530)
        • (95) Battery chargers, operating on input voltage of at least 100 V but not more than 240 V, with power output of at least 650 W but not more than 1,425 W, with wireless control and communications (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9550)
        • (96) Nickel-metal hydride batteries, with 4.8 V weighing not more than 0.3 kg and measuring 46.5 mm by 46.5 mm by 48.5 mm, or 6 V weighing not more than 0.2 kg and measuring 84 mm by 31 mm by 18 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8507.50.0000)
        • (97) Bronze fittings for illumination sources, each measuring at least 5 cm, but not more than 10.3 cm in diameter, with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm but not more than 5.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.6000)
        • (98) Polycarbonate reflectors, used with illumination sources, each measuring at least 6 cm but not more than 31 cm in length, and weighing at least 45 g but not more than 227 g (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.6000)
        • (99) Reflectors composed of a blend of polycarbonate and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, each measuring at least 6 cm but not more than 31 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.6000)
        • (100) Detectors for indoor use in security applications, capable of detecting breakage of plate, tempered, laminated or wired glass types, and sending an alarm signal to a control panel or central call center (described in statistical reporting number 8531.90.9001)
        • (101) Insulated cables, fitted with modular telephone connectors, having outer sheaths of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.1000)
        • (102) Extension cords conforming to Chapter 85 Statistical Note 6, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V, each not more than 60 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
        • (103) Cable harnesses, each consisting of insulated copper resolver 24 V feedback cables and 230 V AC and 440 V AC power cables with connectors assembled together, whether or not with Ethernet cables, with a net weight not more than 7.3 kg, of a kind used for industrial robots (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (104) Flat wire harnesses with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V, for connecting automotive engine heating products, including but not limited to block heaters, to a power source (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (105) Insulated copper cables twisted together in 3-wire or 6-wire groups with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V, each with a net weight of 1.4 kg and not more than 1.2 m in length, of a kind designed to power industrial robots (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (106) Junction box assemblies, of a kind used in solar panels, incorporating three bypass diodes and two insulated cables fitted with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (107) Bumpers of round tubing or flat sheets of steel, for the front, sides or rear of off-road all-terrain vehicles (?ATVs?) or utility task vehicles (?UTVs?) (described in statistical reporting number 8708.10.3050)
        • (108) Motor vehicle bumper underside attachments, designed to be incorporated onto the vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (109) Spoilers, splitters, diffusers and other devices that provide aerodynamic downforce and engine covers (?hoods?), all the foregoing of fiberglass reinforced plastics or carbon fiber, for the vehicles of heading 8703 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (110) Tonneau covers for pickup trucks, each with soft vinyl panels that fold (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (111) Wheel spacers of aluminum suitable for use on all-terrain vehicles (?ATV?) and utility task vehicles (?UTV?) (described in statistical reporting number 8708.70.6060)
        • (112) Radiator tubes of clad aluminum, high frequency welded, each measuring not more than 310 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8708.91.7550)
        • (113) Flange forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (114) Front output shafts of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1045 carbon steel suitable for use in automatic transmission systems for passenger motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (115) Housings of aluminum used for integrated wheel-end disconnect systems, which lock and disengage the front hubs when switching between 2- and 4-wheel drive (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (116) Hub forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (117) Park gear blanks of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1520 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (118) Stator shafts of Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C grade carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (119) Cargo carriers of powder-coated steel designed to fit into receiver hitches of vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, each measuring not more than 123 cm by 83 cm by 20 cm, with a capacity not more than 228 kg, incorporating a loading ramp (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (120) Front triangles of carbon fiber for bicycle frames (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.9000)
        • (121) Rear wheel swing arms of carbon fiber for bicycle frames (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.9000)
        • (122) Bicycle wheel rims, of carbon fiber, with outer reinforcement around nipple holes, each valued at least $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8714.92.1000)
        • (123) Parts of trailer axles described herein: spindles, spindle brake flanges, brake spiders, tie plates or torsion arms (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5010)
        • (124) Wheels with polyurethane tread over polypropylene hubs, each of a diameter measuring not more than 210 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5045 prior to January 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5048 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (125) Retractable measuring tapes of steel, each measuring at least 3.5 m but not more than 7.8 m in length, weighing at least 90 g but not more than 310 g (described in statistical reporting number 9017.80.0000)
        • (126) Tape measures, each consisting of a steel tape in a housing of translucent plastics, each measuring at least 3 m but not more than 3.1 m in length, weighing at least 77.1 g but not more than 77.2 g (described in statistical reporting number 9017.80.0000)
        • (127) Flexible probes, each measuring at least 1 m but not more than 2 m in length, with a thermistor heat sensor in the tip which transmits heat data directly to a temperature monitor (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (128) Metal casings for, and metal parts of, thermometers of subheading 9025.11.40 designed for use in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (?HVAC?) equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (129) Parts and accessories of thermometers and combinations of thermometers and other instruments, each consisting of a solar radiation shield comprising a housing composed of 99 percent plastics and 1 percent base metal with an integrated hanger loop, weighing not more than 300 g (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (130) Upholstered chairs with wooden frames, other than of teak, not for children or households (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.4031)
        • (131) Seats for infants with steel frames attached to plastic bases, upholstered with textile coverings, each suitable for serving as a stable seat for giving an infant a bath (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0011)
        • (132) Unassembled upholstered chairs with metal frames, other than household chairs, with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (133) Upholstered chairs with frames of iron or steel (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (134) Outdoor household seats with aluminum frames covered in polyethylene rattan wicker, with textile covered cushions (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0011)
        • (135) Seats with metal frames, not upholstered, not folding, suitable for stacking (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0050)
        • (136) Children's rocking stools of plastics, each with a convex-shaped base (described in statistical reporting number 9401.80.2031)
        • (137) Bench frames of cast aluminum, each measuring at least 42 cm but not more than 79 cm in height, and at least 52 cm but not more than 62 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (138) Greaseless cylinders, each measuring at least 7.5 cm but not more than 45 cm in height and having a diameter of not more than 5.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (139) Parts of furniture, consisting of pivoting back supports for chairs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (140) Outdoor household tables with aluminum frames covered in polyethylene rattan wicker (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (141) Bicycle racks of galvanized or black powder coated steel, each comprising one, three or five loops of tubing measuring not more than 7 cm in outside diameter, for either surface or in-ground mount (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (142) Over-bed tables, height-adjustable, each with a steel base with casters and a high-density wooden laminate top with a tilting mechanism (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (143) Light-emitting diode (?LED?) desk lamps, other than of base metal, each with height adjustable from at least 28 cm to not more than 61 cm, with flexible neck, touch switch controlling power and four brightness settings for natural daylight LEDs, with or without 5 V, 2.1 A Universal Serial Bus (?USB?) charging port (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (144) Light-emitting diode (?LED?) floor-standing lamps, other than of base metal, each with height adjustable from at least 124 cm to not more than 181 cm, with flexible neck, touch switch controlling power and brightness settings for natural daylight quality LED illumination, including memory feature to remember last brightness setting when lamp is turned on (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (145) Light-emitting diode (?LED?) floor-standing or table lamps, other than of base metal, each with height adjustable from at least 100 cm to not more than 145 cm with flexible neck, with 2X magnifier measuring not more than 12.8 cm in diameter with 4X spot magnifier (described in statistical reporting number 9405.20.8010)
        • (146) Modular, prefabricated buildings, each with a steel frame (described in statistical reporting number 9406.90.0030)
      • (zz) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 3306.20.0000
        • (2) 6506.10.6030
        • (3) 8512.10.4000
        • (4) [Provision deleted.]
        • (5) Disposable identification wristbands of plastics, designed to be worn by patients during medical procedures, each consisting of a plastics strip with an integrated window for inserting paper with relevant patient identification information, such bracelets measuring 0.95 cm or more but not more than 3.2 cm in width and having a secure closure(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (6) [Provision deleted.]
        • (7) Tracking devices, each device measuring not more than 86 mm on a side (if rectangular) or 28 mm in diameter (if circular) and not more than 7.5 mm in thickness, not weighing more than 15 g, designed to be attached to another article and to establish a Bluetooth connection with another device for the purposes of providing relative location information (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
        • (8) Wireless communication apparatus capable of receiving audio data to be distributed to wireless speakers (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
      • (aaa) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and (f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0713.33.1040
        • (2) 0713.50.1000
        • (3) 1207.70.0020
        • (4) 1207.70.0040
        • (5) 1209.30.0090
        • (6) 1209.91.6010
        • (7) 1209.91.8010
        • (8) 1209.91.8020
        • (9) 1209.91.8040
        • (10) 1209.91.8050
        • (11) 1209.91.8060
        • (12) 1209.91.8070
        • (13) 2916.19.1000
        • (14) 5603.14.9090
        • (15) 5603.92.0090
        • (16) 5603.93.0090
        • (17) 9403.70.4002
        • (18) Freeze-dried or frozen bloodworms (Chironomidae), of a kind used as pet feed, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 0511.91.0090)
        • (19) Freeze-dried or frozen brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana), whole, of a kind used as pet feed, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 0511.91.0090)
        • (20) Freeze-dried shrimp (Penaeus spp.), whole, of a kind used as pet feed, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 0511.91.0090)
        • (21) Freeze-dried tubifex worms, whole, of a kind used as pet feed, put up for retail sale in induction-sealed plastic cans each with a net weight of at least 23 g but not more than 43 g (described in statistical reporting number 0511.91.0090)
        • (22) Dried green seaweed (Porphyra spp.), of a kind used as pet feed, put up for retail sale in containers comprising 24 pre-cut sheets packaged in resealable plastic bags each with a net weight of 23 g (described in statistical reporting number 1212.29.0000)
        • (23) Sodium permanganate (CAS No. 10101-50-5) in 40 percent aqueous solution (described in statistical reporting number 2841.69.0010)
        • (24) Boron carbide (CAS No. 12069-32-8) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 2849.90.1000)
        • (25) Children's acrylic paint sets, each comprising either 6, 12 or 24 jars or pots of different colors of paints, each jar or pot containing at least 5 ml but not more than 23 ml, with a paint brush, such sets put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3213.10.0000)
        • (26) Children's rock painting kits, each comprising various colors of acrylic paints, a paint brush and rocks, each group of rocks weighing at least 900 g but not more than 1,400 g, and accessories including but not limited to swirl sticks or transfer sheets (described in statistical reporting number 3213.10.0000)
        • (27) Children's washable tempera paint sets, each comprising 5 pots of different colors of paints, each pot containing 5 ml, presented with or without a paint brush and put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3213.10.0000)
        • (28) Organic surface-active liquid for washing the skin, not containing any aromatic or modified aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail sale in a bottle of plastics with pump-action top, each bottle measuring not more than 17 cm in width, not more than 27 cm in height and not more than 6.5 cm in length and with a net weight of not more than 0.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000)
        • (29) Toilet seal rings of artificial or prepared waxes (other than polyethylene glycol waxes, waxes containing bleached beeswax or chemically modified lignite waxes) (described in statistical reporting number 3404.90.5150)
        • (30) Artificial graphite, in powder or flake form, for manufacturing into the lithium-ion anode component of batteries (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (31) Mixtures of ammonium ethyl carbamoylphosphonate (Fosamine-ammonium) (CAS No. 25954-13-6) and application adjuvants (described in statistical reporting number 3808.93.5050)
        • (32) Refrigerant gas R-421B, comprising mixtures containing at least 83 percent but not more than 87 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane, at least 13 percent but not more than 17 percent by weight of 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, and at least 0.5 percent but not more than 2 percent by weight of lubricant (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020)
        • (33) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (34) Washing machine tub seals of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber ("NBR"), each bottom seal incorporating a radial ball bearing and locking pin and each top seal presented with a metal shroud and grease installed (described in statistical reporting number 4016.93.5020)
        • (35) Grommets, of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber ("NBR"), each with an inner diameter of not more than 6 cm and an outer diameter of not more than 8 cm, each weighing not more than 10 g, of a kind used in automotive fuel assemblies (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (36) Handbags with outer surface of sheeting of plastics, each measuring not more than 35 cm in width, not more than 20.5 cm in height and not more than 30 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 4202.22.1500)
        • (37) Coin purses with outer surface of laminated plastics, each measuring not more than 8 cm in length, not more than 8 cm in height, and not more than 3 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 4202.32.1000)
        • (38) Garment travel bags of man-made fibers, each weighing at least 0.9 kg but not more than 1.9 kg, measuring at least 100 cm but not more than 170 cm in length, with zippered compartments, with handles to carry in a folded condition and a hanger clamp (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (39) Flooring planks, each measuring at least 121 cm but not more than 122 cm in length and at least 12.7 cm but not more than 19.7 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 4411.13.2000)
        • (40) Boxes of wood, each measuring not more than 30 cm by 13 cm by 20 cm, with hinged top, handle of base metals and 2 clasps (described in statistical reporting number 4420.90.8000)
        • (41) Wood dowel pins, plain, other than coniferous, of birch (Betula spp.), each measuring at least 19.5 cm but not more than 38.5 cm in length and at least 4.7 mm but not more than 8 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 4421.99.1500)
        • (42) Polypropylene roofing underlayment (described in statistical reporting number 4602.90.0000)
        • (43) Diaries, bound, each containing at least 40 sheets but not more than 60 sheets of paper, each presented in a kit also containing a pen and stickers (described in statistical reporting number 4820.10.2010)
        • (44) Albums for samples or collections, each containing at least 15 pages but not more than 20 pages, put up for retail sale in kits, each also containing cards and envelopes, a glue stick, a stencil, a pair of scissors, stamps, sticker sheets, sparkling gemstones, markers and pens (described in statistical reporting number 4820.50.0000)
        • (45) Rugs of hand-knotted pile, of nylon and polypropylene, measuring at least 1.2 m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5701.90.1010)
        • (46) Prepared painting canvas panel boards, each board containing by weight 50 percent canvas, other than of canvas man-made fibers, and 50 percent paper, in sizes measuring at least 9 cm but not more than 29 cm in width, at least 14 cm but not more than 37 cm in height and at least 0.6 cm but not more than 3.5 cm in thickness, put up for retail sale in kits each containing not more than 12 boards (described in statistical reporting number 5901.90.4000)
        • (47) Equipment for scaffolding, comprising galvanized steel frames, posts, planks, bay braces, ledgers, components and accessories, for assembly in ringlock or cuplock configurations measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 3.3 m in height and at least 4 cm but not more than 8.8 m in width, weighing not more than 91 kg, with a load capacity not more than 2,750 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7308.40.0000)
        • (48) Equipment for scaffolding, comprising powder coated or galvanized welded tubular steel frames, braces, guard rail systems, components and accessories, the foregoing for assembly into frame and brace configurations measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 3.3 m in height and at least 4 cm but not more than 8.8 m in width, weighing not more than 91 kg, with a load capacity not more than 2,750 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7308.40.0000)
        • (49) Drums and barrels, of stainless steel, presented empty, each with a capacity of at least 50 liters but not more than 60 liters and weighing at least 12 kg but not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7310.10.0010 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 7310.10.0015 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (50) Containers of stainless steel, of circular cross section, closed by soldering, each with a volume capacity at least 11.4 liters but not more than 26.6 liters, of a kind used for the conveyance of beer (described in statistical reporting number 7310.21.0025)
        • (51) Screws of stainless steel, having shanks or threads with a diameter of at least 6 mm, self-threading with Philips head (described in statistical reporting number 7318.15.8082)
        • (52) Portable grills of iron or steel designed for use with both charcoal and propane as fuels, each presented with a porcelain-coated cast iron cooking grid, a charcoal tray, an air damper, a temperature gauge and independently controlled stainless steel burners (described in statistical reporting number 7321.11.1060)
        • (53) Stainless steel cover assemblies with side shields, comprising parts of stoves and ranges, with cast aluminum front section and black textured finish, each weighing not more than 2.8 kg and measuring at least 35 cm in depth, at least 47 cm in width, and at least 4 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (54) Stainless steel drop-in cooktop assemblies comprising parts of stoves and ranges, with two burners, each weighing not more than 1.2 kg and measuring at least 33 cm in depth, at least 45 cm in width, and at least 2 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (55) Steel drop-in burner box assemblies comprising parts of stoves and ranges, each weighing not more than 4.5 kg and measuring at least 30 cm in depth, at least 43 cm in width and at least 10 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (56) Steel drop-in cooktop assemblies comprising parts of stoves and ranges, with black porcelain, with two burners, each weighing not more than 1.2 kg and measuring at least 12 cm in depth, at least 17 cm in width and at least 0.4 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (57) Steel drop-in cover assemblies with clear or opaque glass comprising parts of stoves and ranges, each measuring not more than 0.4 cm in thickness and at least 42 cm by 52 cm by 4 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (58) Steel griddles comprising parts of stoves and ranges, each measuring at least 47 cm in length, at least 35 cm in width and at least 18 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.1000)
        • (59) Tailor welded blanks of hot-formed steel sheets, cut into D-shaped form, each measuring not more than 2 mm by not more than 1.6 mm (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (60) Water bottle art kits, each comprising a water bottle of aluminum that is Bisphenol A ("BPA")-free, a carabiner clip, with color markers and adhesive acrylic gems, each kit not more than 0.3 kg in weight (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (61) Tungsten carbide rock drilling core bits, with at least 10 percent but not more than 11 percent cobalt content by weight (described in statistical reporting number 8207.19.3060)
        • (62) Pet identification tags of aluminum, each with accompanying split ring for attachment to a collar and weighing not more than 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.4000)
        • (63) Pet identification tags of chrome coated brass, each weighing not more than 10 g (described in statistical reporting number 8302.49.4000)
        • (64) Gun safes with digital keypads, of base metal, each weighing at least 148 kg but not more than 422 kg, measuring at least 141 cm but not more than 183 cm in height, at least 55 cm but not more than 107 cm in width and at least 40 cm but not more than 71 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8303.00.0000)
        • (65) Wind turbine hubs (described in statistical reporting number 8412.90.9081)
        • (66) Upright coolers incorporating refrigerating equipment, each measuring not more than 77 cm in width, not more than 78 cm in depth and not more than 200 cm in height, weighing not more than 127 kg, with one swing-type transparent glass door (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (67) Fuel filters for internal combustion engines, employing paper filtering media, each measuring at least 7 cm but not more than 16 cm in diameter, weighing not more than 120 g (described in statistical reporting number 8421.23.0000)
        • (68) Shipping scales, of aluminum, containing stainless steel and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene ("ABS") plastics, with a maximum weighing capacity of not more than 30 kg, with a graphical display, with a flat top measuring at least 26 cm but not more than 32 cm by at least 29 cm but not more than 36 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (69) Portal cranes, each with a jib or operating arm to extend horizontally from the crane and run on rails, with the crane sitting on a pedestal, each crane with lifting capacity of at least 200 t (described in statistical reporting number 8426.30.0000)
        • (70) Self-regulating valves to control fuel pressure for automotive and marine applications (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.9015)
        • (71) Headlamp assemblies for passenger cars and trucks of subheading 8701.20 or heading 8702, 8703, 8704 or 8705, each comprising a plastic housing, a clear polycarbonate ("PC") lens and light bulbs (described in statistical reporting number 8512.20.2040)
        • (72) Battery holders for bicycle signaling apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.2000)
        • (73) Countertop ovens of stainless steel and plastic, each with capacity of not more than 23 liters and measuring not more than 48 cm in width, not more than 32 cm in depth, and not more than 30 cm in height, weighing not more than 10 kg, each oven with convection, bake, steam and broil functions, controlled manually or by a WiFi-enabled signal (described in statistical reporting number 8516.60.4074)
        • (74) Resonant circuit tags, consisting of at least a tuned capacitor and an antenna, designed for use with a radio frequency surveillance system, the foregoing tags not equipped with memory storage capability or other media (described in statistical reporting number 8531.90.9001)
        • (75) Die-cast aluminum alloy running boards for motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, each measuring not more than 230 cm in length, not more than 21 cm in width and not more than 3 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (76) Unassembled non-upholstered chairs with metal frames (other than household chairs) with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0050)
        • (77) Floor-standing jewelry armoires of medium density fiberboard panels and wood veneer, with locking mechanism (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (78) Floor-standing jewelry armoires with walnut finish, with locking mechanism, mirrored lid, multiple drawers and compartments, measuring not more than 46.5 cm in length, not more than 35 cm in width and not more than 96 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.60.8081)
        • (79) Motorboats with displacement hulls of reinforced fiberglass and wood, each motorboat measuring not less than 14.47 m and not more than 36.57 m in length and weighing not less than 28 t and not more than 363 t, powered by inboard engines, other than inboard/outdrive (described in statistical reporting number 8903.92.0065)
        • (80) Wallets, whether or not with wrist straps, of reinforced plastics, each measuring at least 17.5 cm long by 2 cm wide by 11 cm high and not more than 19 cm long by 2 cm wide by 11 cm high (described in statistical reporting number 4202.32.1000) [Compiler's note: effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 24, 2018, and before August 7, 2020]
        • (81) Mixtures containing N,Ndimethyldodecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112?18?5) and N,N-dimethyltetradecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112?75?4) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297) [Compiler's note: effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 24, 2018, and before August 7, 2020]
      • (bbb) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.49, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 5210.11.4040
        • (2) 5210.11.6020
        • (3) Down of ducks or geese, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation, meeting both test standards 4 and 10.1 of Federal Standard 148a promulgated by the General Services Administration, with a fill power of at least 315 cm3/g but not more than 580 cm3/g (described in statistical reporting number 0505.10.0055)
        • (4) Cyanuric chloride (IUPAC name: 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine) (CAS No. 108-77-0), 99.5 percent or higher in purity (described in statistical reporting number 2933.69.6010)
        • (5) Kneeling pads of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (6) Fittings of plastics, of a kind used to connect mop heads with mop handles(described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (7) Printed books, in the Chinese language (other than dictionaries and encyclopedias, textbooks, directories, bibles, testaments, prayer books and other religious books, technical, scientific and professional books, art and pictorial books, hardbound books, and rack size paperbound books), containing 49 or more pages each (excluding covers) (described in statistical reporting number 4901.99.0093)
        • (8) Women's cut and sewn garden gloves, without fourchettes, cut and sewn from preexisting machine knitted fabric of polyester and cotton jersey, containing 50 percent or more by weight of rubber or plastics, clute cut (described in statistical reporting number 6116.10.4400)
        • (9) Gloves cut and sewn of machine knitted fabric, without fourchettes, with applied polyvinyl chloride dots, such gloves containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, man-made fibers or wool, or any combination thereof and subject to man-made fiber restraints (described in statistical reporting number 6116.10.5520)
        • (10) Gloves, containing less than 50 percent by weight of textile fibers, coated with rubber or plastics designed for enhanced grip (described in statistical reporting number 6116.10.6500)
        • (11) Gloves, cut and sewn of knitted fabric in chief weight of polyester, not impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber, without fourchettes (described in statistical reporting number 6116.93.8800)
        • (12) Gloves of vegetable fibers, without fourchettes, with applied dots of polyvinyl chloride (described in statistical reporting number 6216.00.1720)
        • (13) Shells for pillows and comforters made from microfiber fabric consisting of filament yarns not more than 1.22 decitex, such fabric with a weight of at least 55 g/m2 but not more than 155 g/m2(described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (14) Round wire of nonalloy steel, hot-dipped galvanized with zinc, containing by weight less than 0.25 percent carbon, measuring at least 1.5 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 7217.20.3000)
        • (15) Ring binder mechanisms for loose leaf binders, each measuring at least 132 mm but not more than 134 mm in length and at least 16 mm but not more than 18 mm in width, with 2 prongs seated underneath housing (described in statistical reporting number 8305.10.0010)
        • (16) Three-way hand-operated valve part of brass, suitable for use as an input part on irrigation-grade valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.1000)
        • (17) Lithium-ion batteries of a form other than size designations of the International Electrotechnical Commission (?IEC?) or the American National Standards Institute (?ANSI?), each producing not more than 45 V, with a capacity of at least 6,000 milliamp hours (mAh) but not more than 10 A hours (described in statistical reporting number 8507.60.0020)
        • (18) Optical channel splitters (capable of converting between electrical signals and multiplexed optical signals) (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
        • (19) Television liquid crystal display (?LCD?) main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1300)
        • (20) Safety spectacle frames of plastics conforming to U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards (described in statistical reporting number 9003.11.0000)
        • (21) Spectacle frames of plastics conforming to U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations as approved medical devices (described in statistical reporting number 9003.11.0000)
        • (22) Spectacle frames, other than of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 9003.19.0000)
        • (23) Liquid crystal display (?LCD?) modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.9000)
        • (24) Watch cases of stainless steel and titanium, not gold- or silver-plated, unassembled, each measuring at least 20 mm but not more than 48 mm in diameter and weighing at least 50 g but not more than 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 9111.20.4000)
        • (25) Wristwatch cases of stainless steel, not gold- or silver-plated, including the sapphire crystal, the crown and the case back, each measuring at least 39 mm but not more than 41 mm in diameter and at least 8 mm but not more than 10 mm in thickness, weighing not more than 40 g (described in statistical reporting number 9111.20.4000)
        • (26) Watch dials of brass, each measuring at least 18 mm but not exceeding 50 mm in width and weighing at least 10 g but not more than 20 g (described in statistical reporting number 9114.30.4000)
        • (27) Wristwatch dials of copper, each measuring at least 33 mm but not more than 35 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 9114.30.4000)
        • (28) Wristwatch hands, presented in sets each containing three hands (second, minute and hour) of copper, each hand measuring at least 10 mm but not more than 14 mm in length, faced with lume paint (described in statistical reporting number 9114.90.4000)
        • (29) Parts of child safety seats (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085)
        • (30) Unfinished pads and seats for weight-training exercise machines (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (31) Fish hooks, not snelled (described in statistical reporting number 9507.20.8000)
        • (32) Mop heads of polyester and rayon, lint free, disposable (described in statistical reporting number 9603.90.8050)
        • (33) Tufts of swine hair bristles, oriented with the soft feather tipped ends of the hairs facing up and the hard, root ends of the hairs facing down, with the root ends of the hairs glued together to form a round bottom not more than 7 mm in diameter, for incorporation into brushes (described in statistical reporting number 9603.90.8050)
        • (34) Electrical spark lighters (described in statistical reporting number 9613.80.2090)
      • (ccc) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.50, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Oil well and oil field crank-balanced, long-stroke and beam pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.50.0010)
        • (2) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, other than for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard; the foregoing pumps rated not over 15 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (3) Submersible pump incorporating a magnetic drive motor (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (4) Centrifugal pumps designed for eliminating condensate, the foregoing not elsewhere specified or included (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2090)
        • (5) Housings for water pumps of subheading 8413.30.90 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9010)
        • (6) Solar water heaters incorporating glass tube heat collectors and including glass tubes and stands with tanks (described in statistical reporting number 8419.19.0040)
        • (7) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
        • (8) Garage door opener/closers (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290)
        • (9) Pile drivers, diesel powered (described in statistical reporting number 8430.10.0000)
        • (10) Welded frames designed to support conveyor rollers (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (11) Coupling covers, including center members, flanged hubs, sleeves and shoes (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.8010)
        • (12) AC multi-phase motors, each of an output exceeding 300 kW but not exceeding 310 kW, fitted with pulleys and brakes to raise and lower passenger elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (13) Regenerative speed drive controllers for controlling speed of electric motors for elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (14) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, each such controller measuring 100 mm or more but not over 130 mm in length, 40 mm or more but not over 125 mm in width and 24 mm or more but not over 85 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (15) Projector parts (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.9900)
        • (16) Disposable surface electrodes for intra-operative neuromonitoring (?IONM?) systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
      • (ddd) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.51, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) (also known as crab-eating macaques or long-tailed macaques) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), captive bred for research (described in statistical reporting number 0106.11.0000)
        • (2) Feathers of a kind used for stuffing, of ducks or geese, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation, the foregoing other than feathers meeting both test standards 4 and 10.1 of Federal Standard 148a promulgated by the General Services Administration (described in statistical reporting number 0505.10.0060)
        • (3) Baby bottle nipples of silicone plastics, whether or not presented with closure rings for attaching to bottles (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.0500)
        • (4) Compressive eye masks of blended cotton and spandex fabric, containing low-density polyethylene beads, of a kind used for mitigating migraine headaches or eyestrain (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (5) Shower heads of plastics, designed to be fixed, hand-held, height-adjustable or combinations thereof, and parts of such shower heads (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (6) A-Frame or sandwich board signs of plastics, which can be folded flat for storage and do not contain printed matter (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (7) Brackets of plastics, suitable for mounting on a vertical surface, each measuring at least 90 mm but not more than 200 mm in height, at least 32 mm but not more than 80 mm in width and at least 64 mm but not more than 80 mm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (8) Covers of plastics for battery compartments in combination weather sensors, each cover measuring not more than 90 mm in height by not more than 140 mm in width and valued over $0.60 but not over $0.70 per piece (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (9) Tapered sound-dampening earplugs, each consisting of two plugs of foamed plastics connected by a plastic cord, each plug measuring not more than 3 cm in length and not more than 2 cm in diameter, presented with a carrying case of plastics measuring not more than 6.5 cm in length and not more than 4.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (10) Wallpaper, other than described in subheading 4814.20.00, with floral, landscape, figure or abstract designs or solid backgrounds painted by hand, whether or not with applications of metal leaf (described in statistical reporting number 4814.90.0200)
        • (11) Printed art and pictorial books, valued under $5 each, hardbound, each with silver foil cover and a depiction of the main character on the cover and silver foil and embossing on the dust jacket, with dimensions of at least 13.5 cm but not more than 14.5 cm in length by at least 21 cm but not more than 22 cm in height by at least 2 cm but not more than 3 cm in width and weighing at least 500 g but not more than 600 g (described in statistical reporting number 4901.99.0060)
        • (12) Printed art and pictorial books, each valued at least $5 but not more than $17, each measuring at least 22 cm but not more than 39 cm in height and at least 14 cm but not more than 32 cm in width, weighing not more than 3 kg, with die-cut or tipped-in extra pages and bound with foil stamping or with silkscreen on the cover stock (described in statistical reporting number 4901.99.0065)
        • (13) Dust covers of knitted polyester fabric, designed for bed mattresses and pillows (described in statistical reporting number 6302.10.0020)
        • (14) Pillow covers, not knitted or crocheted, of woven fabrics in chief weight of cotton, with a thread count of at least 1,450/cm2 but not more than 3,900/cm2, each measuring at least 44 cm but not more than 57 cm in width and at least 62 cm but not more than 139 cm in length, incorporating a zippered opening (described in statistical reporting number 6304.92.0000)
        • (15) Comforter shells of fabric in chief weight of polyester, each measuring at least 171 cm but not more than 202 cm in width and at least 227 cm but not more than 230 cm in length, weighing not more than 90 g/m2, with an opening on one side (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Fabric shells for backrests in chief weight of polyester fabric (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Fabric shells for cushions in chief weight of polyester fiber, designed for use with seats of heading 9401 (other than seats for aircraft or motor vehicles) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Shells for life jackets of manmade fibers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (19) Shells for pillows and comforters of microfiber fabric (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (20) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear comprising shells of polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate plastic or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, each with an inner liner of expanded polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, designed for use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
        • (21) Bright C1060 round wire, plated or coated with zinc, containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon, with a diameter measuring 0.034 mm or more but less than 1 mm (described in statistical reporting number 7217.20.4530)
        • (22) Bars and rods of high speed steel, not cold formed, of circular cross-section, in lengths of at least 10 cm but not more than 50 cm (described in statistical reporting number 7228.10.0010)
        • (23) Seamless tubes, of circular cross-section, of 304L stainless steel, cold-rolled, with an external diameter of not more than 21.1 mm, with the thickness of the tube wall not more than 2.9 mm, each tube measuring at least 2,964 mm but not more than 6,350 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 7304.41.6045)
        • (24) Razors of stainless steel, each measuring at least 11 cm but not more than 13 cm in length, weighing not more than 100 g, having a single edge (described in statistical reporting number 8212.10.0000)
        • (25) Sewing machines of the household type, each weighing not more than 22.5 kg, having a touch screen control, a sewing light, a presser foot lifter and an automatic needle threader (described in statistical reporting number 8452.10.0090)
        • (26) Gasoline-powered earth-drilling power augers, each weighing not more than 16 kg, having a gasoline engine of a cylinder displacement not more than 55 cc and an output shaft connectable to an auger bit, whether or not presented with one or more auger bits (described in statistical reporting number 8467.89.5060)
        • (27) Gasoline powered or propane-powered engines of a cylinder displacement not more than 80 cc, each machine including a fitted auger bit specially designed for cutting through ice covers of bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8467.89.5090)
        • (28) Parts of hand-operated faucets, of copper, each weighing not more than 5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.1000)
        • (29) Parts of backflow preventer valves of iron or steel, including valve bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.3000)
        • (30) Digital trail cameras able to capture and record still and moving images in visible light, each with an infrared sensor and lens, whether or not with light-emitting diode (?LED?) lights, modem, antenna and control board, housed in a case of plastics, measuring not more than 16 cm in width, not more than 21 cm in length and not more than 13 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.4000)
        • (31) Kits, each containing protective eyeglasses and ear protective devices (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000)
        • (32) Non-prescription spectacles, other than sunglasses (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000)
        • (33) Prism binoculars, other than for use with infrared light, comprising a plastic, aluminum or magnesium alloy body with a rubber jacket, with magnification ranging from at least 4X but not more than 22X and aperture ranging from at least 21 mm but not more than 56 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9005.10.0040)
        • (34) Rotary microtomes (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.2000)
        • (35) Acoustic upright pianos, other than used, containing a case measuring less than 111.76 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0011)
        • (36) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 111.76 cm or more, but less than 121.92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0021)
        • (37) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 121.92 cm or more but less than 129.54 in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0031)
        • (38) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 129.54 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0041)
        • (39) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 152.4 cm or more but less than 167.64 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0021)
        • (40) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 167.64 cm or more but less than 180.34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0031)
        • (41) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 180.34 cm or more but less than 195.58 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0041)
        • (42) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 195.58 cm or more in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0051)
        • (43) Acoustic guitars, each with a soundboard measuring at least 2 mm but not over 4 mm in thickness, valued not over $100, excluding the value of the case (described in statistical reporting number 9202.90.2000)
        • (44) Harp sharping levers of steel (described in statistical reporting number 9209.92.8000)
        • (45) Parts of a kind used for adjusting motor vehicle seats, consisting of cables of steel in cable housings of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085)
        • (46) Parts of child safety seats incorporating springs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085)
        • (47) Pillow shells of cotton, each filled with goose or duck down (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000)
        • (48) Quilted pillow shells of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000)
        • (49) Quilted pillow shells of man-made fibers (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.2000)
        • (50) Parts and accessories for the exercise machines of subheading 9506.91 (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (51) Arrowheads of metal (described in statistical reporting number 9506.99.0520)
        • (52) Spinning, spincast or baitcast fishing reels, valued over $8.45 each (described in statistical reporting number 9507.30.6000)
        • (53) Paintings, drawings or pastels, each executed entirely by hand (the foregoing other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand-painted or hand-decorated manufactured articles), each measuring not more than 300 cm by not more than 2,000 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9701.10.0000)
        • (54) Collages and similar decorative plaques, whether or not framed (described in statistical reporting number 9701.90.0000)
        • (55) Original engravings, prints and lithographs, framed or not framed (described in statistical reporting number 9702.00.0000)
        • (56) Original sculptures and statuary, in any material (described in statistical reporting number 9703.00.0000)
        • (57) Postage stamps (described in statistical reporting number 9704.00.0000)
        • (58) Collections and collectors' pieces of historical interest, the foregoing other than numismatic coins, archaeological pieces or ethnographic pieces (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0085)
        • (59) Collectors' pieces of mineralogical interest (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0085)
        • (60) Antique silverware of an age exceeding one hundred years (described in statistical reporting number 9706.00.0020)
        • (61) Antique furniture of an age exceeding one hundred years (described in statistical reporting number 9706.00.0040)
      • (eee) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.52, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Direct acting and spring return pneumatic actuators, each rated at a maximum pressure of 10 bar and valued over $68 but not over $72 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8412.39.0080)
        • (2) Pump casings and bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (3) Pump covers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (4) Pump parts, of plastics, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (5) Compressors, other than screw type, used in air conditioning equipment in motor vehicles, each valued over $88 but not over $92 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8030)
        • (6) Structural components for industrial furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8514.90.8000)
        • (7) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors, each valued not over $3.20 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0085)
        • (8) Rotary switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring not more than 5.5 cm by 5.0 cm by 3.4 cm, each with 2 to 8 spade terminals and an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (9) Rotary switches, single pole, single throw (SPST), rated at over 5 A, each measuring not more than 14.6 cm by 8.9 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (10) Zinc anodes for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
        • (11) Weather station sets, each consisting of a monitoring display and outdoor weather sensors, having a transmission range of not over 140 m and valued not over $50 per set (described in statistical reporting number 9015.80.8080)
        • (12) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
      • (fff) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.53, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0505.10.0055
        • (2) 5504.10.0000
        • (3) 8215.99.3500
        • (4) 9506.70.4000
        • (5) 9701.10.0000
        • (6) 9702.00.0000
        • (7) 9703.00.0000
        • (8) 9705.00.0085
        • (9) 9706.00.0020
        • (10) 9706.00.0040
        • (11) 9706.00.0060
        • (12) Sodium alginate resins (CAS No. 9005-38-3) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.10.0000)
        • (13) Boot hangers of plastics and steel, each designed to hold one pair of boots, presented with couplers of plastics to link two or more boot hangers vertically (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (14) Exterior doors having outer faces of plastics with foamed plastics insulation between those faces, each measuring at least 213 cm but not more than 245 cm in height, at least 80 cm but not more than 95 cm in width and not more than 45 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3925.20.0010)
        • (15) Clamps and clips of molded plastics, each with a fastener or adhesive backing for affixing a cord or cable to a flat surface (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Molded shells of plastics, each measuring at least 11.1 cm but not more than 11.7 cm in length and at least 7.9 cm but not more than 8.6 cm in width, weighing at least 38 g but not more than 42 g, having two drilled holes (one near the midpoint of each long side and in horizontal alignment with each other), of a kind used to form a housing for an earphone (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Sets of three polyvinyl chloride-coated foam pads, of plastics, of a kind used to assemble flotation work vests by passing adjustable straps with buckles through slots in the pads, each set comprising two irregularly shaped front/side pads and one rectangular back pad (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Women's knit robes in chief weight of cotton, with hook and loop tab closure (described in statistical reporting number 6108.91.0030)
        • (19) Babies' gowns of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves, neck opening and elasticized bottom opening (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (20) Babies' sleep sacks, knitted, of cotton, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (21) Babies' sleep sacks of cotton interlock knitted fabric, sleeveless, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (22) Babies' swaddle sacks of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves and mitten cuffs (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (23) Babies' blanket sleepers of polyester knitted fleece, sleeveless, each with two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.30.5015)
        • (24) Men's and boys' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6207.91.1000)
        • (25) Women's cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1010)
        • (26) Girls' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1020)
        • (27) Girls' fleece bathrobes, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.92.0020)
        • (28) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0010)
        • (29) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, other than woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0020)
        • (30) Crib sheets of muslin cotton, fitted with elastic (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9020)
        • (31) Protective covers of cotton for pillows, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not napped or printed, each with full encasement construction and zipper opening (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9040)
        • (32) Oven mitts, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, each incorporating a hanging loop, measuring at least 16 cm but not more than 19 cm in width by at least 29 cm but not more than 32 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 6304.92.0000)
        • (33) Handrail covers for spas and pools, the foregoing composed of 95 percent polyester and 5 percent spandex by weight, each measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 306 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (34) Outdoor shelters, each comprising a canopy of textiles, a folding frame and a carrying case with wheels (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (35) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear (other than of reinforced or laminated plastics), each with an inner protective suspension system and a sun visor, each weighing not more than 500 g and designed for off-road use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
        • (36) Folding helmets of injected plastic parts, each measuring not more than 85 mm in thickness when folded, weighing not more than 525 g (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6075)
        • (37) Fittings of galvanized steel, including but not limited to support frames, wings, legs, connector and sign supports, all of which are parts of retail display fixtures (described in statistical reporting number 8302.42.3065)
        • (38) Electric snowblowers, corded or cordless, each weighing not more than 46 kg, with a motor not more than 15 A, wheeled (described in statistical reporting number 8430.20.0060)
        • (39) Cylindrical steel drives specially designed for adjusting color on machines that print on corrugated paper and paperboard, each article measuring at least 8 mm but not more than 9 mm in diameter and at least 2.5 mm but not more than 3 mm in length, and each article weighing at least 12 kg but not more than 14.1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8443.91.3000)
        • (40) Cylindrical steel drives specially designed to control color registration (alignment) and material tension on printing machinery, each drive measuring at least 155 mm but not more than 160 mm in diameter and at least 165 mm but not more than 170 mm in length, weighing at least 3 kg but not more than 4 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8443.91.3000)
        • (41) Electrical automated embroidery machines capable of being programmed by an operator at a machine control console and also capable of saving or loading digital programming commands through a USB port or a local area network connection, each machine having at least two but not more than eight parallel-operating multi-thread embroidery heads and a single liquid-crystal display (?LCD?) panel with a video display diagonal measuring at least 160 mm but not more than 170 mm and associated control panel (described in statistical reporting number 8447.90.5000)
        • (42) Cast iron covers for hand-operated gate valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.3000)
        • (43) Iron or steel bodies of hand-operated disc (or disk) valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.3000)
        • (44) Steel parts of hand-operated gate valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.3000)
        • (45) Lithium-ion batteries consisting of cases of base metal containing 18650 individual lithium-ion battery cells, such batteries having a total capacity of at least 60 but not more than 200 watt hours, with at least one USB Type-C port, at least one USB Type-A port, at least one wireless charging pad and a digital screen that displays the power conditions of the battery (described in statistical reporting number 8507.60.0020)
        • (46) Lithium-ion batteries consisting of cases of base metal containing 18650 individual lithium-ion battery cells, such batteries having a total capacity of at least at least 90 but not more than 6,500 watt hours, with at least one AC outlet, at least one USB port, at least one female barrel port and a digital screen that displays the power conditions of the battery (described in statistical reporting number 8507.60.0020)
        • (47) Electric coffee makers of a kind used for domestic purposes, DC powered via a USB cable, each weighing not more than 0.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.71.0020)
        • (48) Wireless communication apparatus that can receive audio data to be distributed to wireless speakers (described in statistical reporting number 8518.22.0000)
        • (49) Fuse-type incandescent tungsten-filament lamps, designed for a voltage of 12 V or more but not exceeding 14 V, each measuring not more than 7 mm in diameter and not more than 32 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8539.29.3050)
        • (50) Headlight brackets of aluminum, for motorcycles, each measuring not more than 34 cm by 29 cm by 19 cm, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8714.10.0050)
        • (51) Electric guitar kits, each consisting of all of the parts necessary to construct an electric guitar (described in statistical reporting number 9207.90.0040)
        • (52) Parts of music synthesizers of heading 9207, comprising specially designed printed circuit assemblies for affecting the characteristics or qualities of sound (described in statistical reporting number 9209.94.8000)
        • (53) Pre-charged pneumatic ("PCP") air rifles, each measuring at least 101 cm but not more than 115 cm in length, weighing at least 2.8 kg but not more than 3.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9304.00.2000)
        • (54) Modular diving boards, suitable for mounting on boats or docks (described in statistical reporting number 9506.29.0080)
        • (55) Swim masks, snorkeling masks, snorkels and water fins (described in statistical reporting number 9506.29.0080)
        • (56) Balance trainers of plastics, each measuring not more than 120 cm in length by 45 cm in width by 27 cm in height, containing an air bladder (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (57) Exercise machines of steel, each measuring at least 157 cm but not more than 158 cm in length, at least 152 cm but not more than 153 cm in width and at least 88 cm but not more than 90 cm in height, of a kind specifically designed to train the gluteal muscles (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (58) Push-up exercise machines, each consisting of an aluminum extrusion with hard plastic end-caps, a hard plastic center divider, two sliding handles of hard plastics and rubber and a sliding adjustment plate (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (59) Brushes of natural goat hair bristles, which are in lengths of at least 30 mm but not more than 33 mm, enclosed in a plastic protective holder, for cleaning optical lenses (described in statistical reporting number 9603.90.8050)
        • (60) Porous-tipped markers for applying liquid chalk (described in statistical reporting number 9608.20.0000)
        • (61) Gold coins of numismatic (collector?s) interest, 250 years or more in age, of Chinese origin (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0010)
        • (62) Numismatic (collector's) coins (other than archaeological pieces and other than of gold), 250 years or more in age (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0040)
        • (63) Gold coins of numismatic (collector?s) interest, less than 250 years in age, of Chinese origin (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0050)
        • (64) Coins of Chinese origin and of numismatic (collector?s) interest, of any metal other than of gold, less than 250 years in age (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0065)
      • (ggg) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.54, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Polytetrafluoroethylene ((C2F4)n), having a particle size of 5 to 500 microns and a melting point of 315 to 329 degrees Celsius (described in statistical reporting number 3904.61.0090)
        • (2) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 m in length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (3) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (4) Gas (natural or liquid propane (LP)) engines each having a displacement of more than 2 liters but not more than 2.5 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9010)
        • (5) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (6) Walk behind rotary tillers, electric powered, individually weighing less than 14 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0060)
        • (7) AC motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each with attached actuators, crankshafts or gears (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
        • (8) Position or speed sensors for motor vehicle transmission systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (9) Wheel speed sensors for anti-lock motor vehicle braking systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (10) Apparatus using passive infrared detection sensors designed for turning lights on and off (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (11) Liquid leak detectors (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (12) Robots, programmable, measuring not more than 40 cm high by 22 cm wide by 27 cm deep, incorporating an LCD display, camera and microphone but without "hands" (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960)
        • (13) Motorcycles (including mopeds), with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc, valued not over $500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8711.10.0000)
        • (14) Digital clinical thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
      • (hhh) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.55, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8443.32.1050
        • (2) Doorway dust barrier kits, each comprising a sheet of plastics measuring not more than 0.15 mm in thickness, at least 1.2 m but not more than 1.6 m in width and at least 2.1 m but not more than 2.6 m in length, with two parallel slide fasteners extending the full length of the sheet, two metal flap hooks and a roll of tape with adhesive on both sides for securing the sheet to a doorway, such kits put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (3) Heads, plates, grip disks, slide clamps, foot plugs and other parts of plastics, of a kind used in temporary dust barrier systems for interior construction (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (4) Locking zip tie fasteners of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (5) Decorative glassware, each consisting of a rectangular glass box in a brass frame with a hinged top, measuring at least 11.5 cm but not more than 21.5 cm by at least 16 cm but not more than 26.5 cm by at least 3 cm but not more than 8 cm, weighing at least 500 g but not more than 1.5 kg, valued over $5 each (described in statistical reporting number 7013.99.9000 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 7013.99.9010 or 7013.99.9090 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (6) Decorative glassware, each piece consisting of a blown-glass globe, measuring at least 65 mm but not more than 150 mm in diameter, containing a sculpture, water and artificial snow, with a poured-resin base, weighing at least 800 g but not more than 3 kg, valued over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 7013.99.9000 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 7013.99.9090 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (7) Digital optical image scanners with maximum scanning width measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 92 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.8000)
        • (8) Slingshot apparatus, whether or not electrically powered, of a kind used for outdoor games (described in statistical reporting number 9506.99.6080)
        • (9) Swing sets and parts and accessories thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9506.99.6080)
        • (10) Trap shooting launchers and parts and accessories thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9506.99.6080)
      • (iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.56, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0304.72.5000
        • (2) 0304.83.1015
        • (3) 0304.83.1020
        • (4) 0304.83.5015
        • (5) 0304.83.5020
        • (6) 0304.83.5090
        • (7) 3923.21.0095
        • (8) 3926.20.9050
        • (9) 4015.19.1010
        • (10) 4819.50.4060
        • (11) 5603.12.0090
        • (12) 5603.14.9090
        • (13) 5603.92.0090
        • (14) 5603.93.0090
        • (15) 6505.00.8015
        • (16) 8424.90.9080
        • (17) 8425.31.0100
        • (18) 8708.50.8500
        • (19) 8712.00.1510
        • (20) 8712.00.1520
        • (21) 8712.00.1550
        • (22) Alaskan sole (yellowfin, rock or flathead), frozen in blocks, in cases with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015)
        • (23) Bananas, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0803.90.0045)
        • (24) Apples, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.30.0000)
        • (25) Peaches, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.40.4000)
        • (26) Pears, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.40.9000)
        • (27) Mixtures of strawberries and bananas, freeze-dried and sliced, put up for retail sale in packages each having a net weight of 15 g (described in statistical reporting number 0813.50.0020)
        • (28) King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010)
        • (29) Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022)
        • (30) Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030)
        • (31) Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)
        • (32) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (33) Sodium adipate (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid, disodium salt) (IUPAC name: disodium hexanedioate) (CAS No. 7486-38-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.12.5000)
        • (34) 1-Cyanoguanidine (Dicyandiamide) (CAS No. 461-58-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.20.0000)
        • (35) N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (IUPAC name: N-Diaminophosphinothioylbutan-1-amine) (CAS No. 94317-64-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5090)
        • (36) Pigment yellow 13 (CAS No. 5102-83-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3204.17.9050)
        • (37) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000 prior to November 30, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000 effective November 30, 2020)
        • (38) Organic surface-active liquid for washing the skin, not containing any aromatic or modified aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail sale in a bottle of plastics with pump-action top, each bottle measuring not more than 17 cm in width, not more than 27 cm in height and not more than 6.5 cm in length and with a net weight of not more than 0.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000)
        • (39) Laundry detergent powder, put up for retail sale, whether as powder or as water-soluble, pre-measured pods (described in statistical reporting number 3402.20.1100)
        • (40) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film coated with a photoresist solution, in rolls, sensitized, unexposed, without perforations, of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm, not used as graphic arts film (described in statistical reporting number 3702.44.0160)
        • (41) Artificial graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (42) Artificial graphite, in powder or flake form, for manufacturing into the lithium-ion anode component of batteries (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (43) Natural graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.90.0000)
        • (44) Herbicide consisting of 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride (CAS No. 1910-42-5) (Paraquat concentrate in liquid form) up to 45 percent concentration with application adjuvants (described in statistical reporting number 3808.93.1500)
        • (45) Flux powder consisting wholly of inorganic substances, including but not limited to silicon dioxide, titanium oxide, manganese oxide, aluminum oxide, and calcium fluoride, for submerged arc welding (described in statistical reporting number 3810.90.2000)
        • (46) Supported nickel-based catalysts, of a kind used for methanation, desulfurization, hydrogenation, pre-reforming or reforming of organic chemicals or for protection of hydrotreating catalysts from arsine poisoning (described in statistical reporting number 3815.11.0000)
        • (47) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx) with enhanced mercury oxidation, with oxides of base metals being the active substances, applied to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (48) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx), with base metals being the active substances, applied on a titanium dioxide based ceramic material to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (49) Supported catalysts for polymerization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (50) Supported catalysts of copper oxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients for arsine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)[Compiler's note: provision corrected retroactively but not currently in effect; see 88 F.R. 8987]
        • (51) Supported catalysts with copper carbonate or zinc carbonate as the active ingredients for low temperature desulfurization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (52) Supported catalysts with metal sulfide as the active substance for mercury removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (53) Supported catalysts with molybdenum compounds as the active substance for hydrogenation (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (54) Supported catalysts with zinc oxide as the active substance (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (55) Mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons, containing 40 to 44 percent by weight of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CAS No. 811-97-2), 56 to 60 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane (CAS No. 354-33-6) and up to 2 percent by weight of lubricating oil (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020)
        • (56) Refrigerant gas R-421B, comprising mixtures containing at least 83 percent but not more than 87 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane, at least 13 percent but not more than 17 percent by weight of 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, and at least 0.5 percent but not more than 2 percent by weight of lubricant (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020)
        • (57) Mixtures containing N,Ndimethyldodecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112?18?5) and N,N-dimethyltetradecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112?75?4) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (58) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (59) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (60) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (61) One-piece stoppers, of polypropiolactone ("PPL") or polylactic acid ("PLA") polymers, each comprising a disc-shaped top attached to a rounded, tapered plug with a protruding stirrer, measuring at least 55 mm but not more than 120.7 mm in overall length, and weighing at least 0.6 g but not more than 1.1 g each, of a kind used with lids for beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (62) Endless synchronous belts of vulcanized rubber, molded polyurethane, neoprene, or welded urethane, each of an outside circumference of 60 cm or more but not more than 77 cm and a width of 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 4 cm, weighing 0.18 kg or more but not exceeding 0.45 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4010.35.9000)
        • (63) Seamless disposable gloves of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (64) Seamless disposable gloves of natural rubber latex, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (65) Brake bushings, hard or soft (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (66) Cable protectors of rubber, each measuring not more than 91 cm in length, not more than 51 cm in width and not more than 5.2 cm in height, with 5 channels for multiple cables or hoses not more than 3.8 cm in diameter, with a lid of polyvinyl chloride, weighing not more than 14.5 kg, with a load capacity of not more than 8,200 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (67) Parking stops of recycled rubber, each measuring not more than 185 cm in length, not more than 15.5 cm in width and not more than 10.5 cm in height, weighing not more than 16 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
        • (68) Messenger bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 50 cm by 38 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 2.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.12.8130)
        • (69) Backpacks with hydration system, each measuring not more than 51 cm by 28 cm by 9 cm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.0400)
        • (70) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 75 cm in height, at least 19 cm but not more than 34 cm in width, and at least 5 cm but not more than 26 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (71) Duffel bags made predominantly of man-made fibers, each measuring not more than 98 cm by 52 cm by 17 cm, weighing not more than 7 kg, with wheels (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (72) Duffel bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 81 cm by 39 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (73) Stuff sacks with outer surface of textiles of man-made fibers, each measuring 77.5 cm or more but not over 127.7 cm in circumference, cylindrical in shape with a single compartment, a drawstring closure at one end and a strap at the other end of the sack (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (74) Covers, of leather, designed for use with telecommunication devices (described in statistical reporting number 4205.00.8000)
        • (75) Portable, single-use grills for heating food, each comprising bamboo charcoal fuel, expanded perlite insulation, bamboo rods for suspending foods over the charcoal flame, and cut paper or paperboard in shapes specially designed for assembly of a grill body (described in statistical reporting number 4402.10.0000)
        • (76) Fiberboard sheets, containing phenolic resin, each not exceeding 0.635 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 4411.93.9090)
        • (77) Notebooks of paper or paperboard, each incorporating a plastic toy building block on the cover, measuring at least 13 cm but not more than 16 cm on the short side, at least 15 cm but not more than 22 cm on the long side and at least 1 cm but not more than 3 cm in thickness, with at least 192 but no more than 352 ruled or blank pages (described in statistical reporting number 4820.10.2060)
        • (78) Trays, plates and bowls, of bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 4823.61.0040)
        • (79) Plates, bowls or cups of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 92 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0020)
        • (80) Clamshell containers, pizza pans, lids, compartmentalized and other trays of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 95 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (81) Molded blocks of wood pulp cellulose sponge, each measuring not over 105 cm by 105 cm by 40 cm (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (82) Paper pulp sponge blocks, measuring 38 cm by 38 cm by 102 cm (15 inches by 15 inches by 40 inches) (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (83) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0065)
        • (84) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring 107 cm or more but not over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0085)
        • (85) Yarn of cashmere or camel hair, carded but not combed, not put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 5108.10.8000)
        • (86) Woven dyed fabrics of 100 percent textured polyester filament yarn, measuring 332.7 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (87) Woven fabric of 100 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, weighing more than 170 g/m, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (88) Woven fabric of synthetic filament yarn containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, dyed, measuring 249 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (89) Woven dupioni fabric wholly of non-textured dyed polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (90) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, not flat, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (91) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing more than 170 g/m, measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9935)
        • (92) Woven fabric containing by weight 47 percent of nylon and 53 percent of polyester, dyed, containing textured filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring greater than 274 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.72.0015)
        • (93) Polyester filament tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.20.0000)
        • (94) Polypropylene fiber tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.40.0000)
        • (95) Woven dyed fabrics wholly of spun polyester, weighing more than 240 g/m and measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5512.19.0090)
        • (96) Woven dyed 3-thread twill fabrics containing by weight 65 percent of polyester and 35 percent of cotton staple fibers, not napped, weighing more than 200 g/m and exceeding 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5514.22.0020)
        • (97) Nonwoven fabrics of man-made fibers, weighing more than 25 g/m but not more than 70 g/m, with a smooth or embossed texture (not impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers), in rolls that are pre-slitted in lengths of not less than 15 cm to not more than 107 cm, for use in the manufacture of personal care wipes (described in statistical reporting number 5603.12.0090)
        • (98) Non-woven fabrics of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in sheets measuring not more than 160 cm by 250 cm, weighing more than 1,800 g/m but not more than 3,000 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5603.94.9090)
        • (99) Rugs of hand-knotted pile, of nylon and polypropylene, measuring at least 1.2 m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5701.90.1010)
        • (100) Rugs of 100 percent polyester or polypropylene, with brass grommets and stainless steel springs, each measuring at least 44 cm by 45 cm but not exceeding 56 cm by 59 cm (described in statistical reporting number 5705.00.2030)
        • (101) Woven dyed embroidery fabrics containing by weight 55 percent of polyester and 45 percent of nylon, weighing less than 115 g/m and measuring 289 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5810.92.9080)
        • (102) Long pile knit fabrics, of acrylic pile on polyester ground, valued not over $16 per m2 (described in statistical reporting number 6001.10.2000)
        • (103) Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial staple fibers derived from bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 6003.40.6000)
        • (104) Sandstone known as brown wave, of a kind used in outdoor living spaces, containing one textured side and up to four chiseled edges with a density of 2,750 kg/m3 (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060)
        • (105) Sandstone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of 200 mm or more but not over 3,100 mm, a width of 100 mm or more but not over 1,380 mm and a thickness of 30 mm or more but not over 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060)
        • (106) Grinding beads of yttria-stabilized zirconia (described in statistical reporting number 6909.11.2000)
        • (107) Screen protectors of tempered safety glass, transparent, cut, and treated, with adhesive on one side, in rectangular sheets, each weighing at least 6 g but not more than 77 g, each measuring not less than 2.8 cm but not more than 28 cm in height, not less than 1.9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, and not more than 0.1 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (108) Sheets of tempered safety glass, coated with silicone oxide, having a surface area of less than 2.5 m2, designed to be placed over solar cell panels for protection from external damage (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (109) Rear-view mirrors of convex glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm and not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 125 mm and not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 97 mm and not more than 180 mm in width, weighing not less than 74 g and not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (110) Rear-view mirrors of flat glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm but not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 163 mm but not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 107 mm but not more than 167 mm in width and weighing not less than 80 g but not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (111) Tiles of non-recycled glass on a vinyl mesh backing, in a grid pattern of not less than 304 mm by 304 mm and not exceeding 305 mm by 305 mm, for mosaics or other decorative or construction purposes (described in statistical reporting number 7016.10.0000)
        • (112) Windows of stainless steel incorporating tempered glass, each fitted with a rubber gasket that provides a water-tight seal when closed, designed for installation in ships and boats of chapter 89 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.30.1000)
        • (113) Vault doors of stamped, welded and powder-coated 12-gauge carbon steel, each measuring 2 m or more in height, 81 cm or more but not more than 92 cm in width and 7.7 cm in thickness, each fitted with nine locking bolts, a slip-clutch handle and a programmable electric lock with keypad, with mechanical key override, presented with matching door frame (described in statistical reporting number 7308.30.5050)
        • (114) Equipment for scaffolding, comprising powder coated or galvanized welded tubular steel frames, braces, guard rail systems, components and accessories, the foregoing for assembly into frame and brace configurations measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 3.3 m in height and at least 4 cm but not more than 8.8 m in width, weighing not more than 91 kg, with a load capacity not more than 2,750 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7308.40.0000)
        • (115) Articulated chains of iron, not over 8 mm in thickness and valued not over $2 per m (described in statistical reporting number 7315.12.0080)
        • (116) Portable outdoor cooker kits, consisting of at least a burner and stand made from steel and/or cast iron, with an adjustable pressure regulator/hose combination for connecting the burner to a source of natural gas or a portable container of liquefied propane (described in statistical reporting number 7321.11.1060)
        • (117) Grills composed of steel wire, each measuring 49 cm by 47 cm (19.25 inches by 18.5 inches), weighing 0.36 kg (0.80 lbs.), designed as cooking surface of barbecue grill (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.6090)
        • (118) Awning stabilizer kits, each comprising two zinc-plated steel constructed spiral stakes with two rolls of cord or two pull-tension straps, weighing not more than 2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (119) Cable hooks of steel, each weighing not less than 0.2 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 5 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height with spring loaded closure gate (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (120) Tailor welded blanks of hot-formed steel sheets, cut into D-shaped form, each measuring not more than 2 mm by not more than 1.6 mm (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (121) Nickel hydroxy carbonate (CAS No. 12607-70-4) (described in statistical reporting number 7501.20.0000)
        • (122) Mounting boards of aluminum for guitar sound modifying ("effect") devices, each consisting of an aluminum frame with above ground slots for the placement of devices and floor level slots for the on/off foot-operated pedal switches which control the modifying devices (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (123) Kitchen and table implements of iron or steel, non-electric, including but not limited to peelers, graters and whisks (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.3030)
        • (124) Automotive polishing attachments specially designed for use with a hand-held drill, each attachment including a 9.5 mm steel drive shaft, internal gear assembly, transverse hand brace and rotating disk components (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (125) Bolt-on tips of carbon alloy steel of a kind used in tub or horizontal grinders (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (126) Flat panel display mounting adapters of base metal (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (127) Stamped and formed brackets of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (128) Gun safes with digital keypads, of base metal, each weighing at least 148 kg but not more than 422 kg, measuring at least 141 cm but not more than 183 cm in height, at least 55 cm but not more than 107 cm in width and at least 40 cm but not more than 71 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8303.00.0000)
        • (129) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 for marine propulsion (other than cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9290)
        • (130) Hydraulic valve lifters of steel with rollers, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 5 cm or more but not over 13 cm in length and 2.5 cm or more but not over 3.9 cm in diameter and weighing 135 g or more but not over 410 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (131) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 (other than for aircraft engines, cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery, for vehicles of subheading 8701.20 or heading 8702, 8703 or 8704, for marine propulsion engines or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (132) Solid valve lifters of steel, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 19 mm or more but not over 114 mm in length and 6 mm or more but not over 26 mm in diameter and weighing 20 g or more but not over 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (133) Wind turbine hubs (described in statistical reporting number 8412.90.9081)
        • (134) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (135) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (136) Lubricating pumps for internal combustion piston engines (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9060)
        • (137) Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines of the motor vehicles of headings 8703 or 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9090)
        • (138) Vacuum pumps, each composed of a cast aluminum body and an unalloyed steel cover, measuring not more than 85 mm in length, not more than 75 mm in width and not more than 96 mm in height, with a pump volume not more than 200 cc, for use in automotive braking systems (described in statistical reporting number 8414.10.0000)
        • (139) Hand- or foot-operated air pumps, each weighing 400 g or more but not over 3 kg, with a maximum pressure of 1.52 MPa, imported with adapters for valves for tires and inner tubes (described in statistical reporting number 8414.20.0000)
        • (140) DC blowers for use in motor vehicle climate control systems, each measuring no less than 323 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and no more than 357 mm by 214 mm by 167 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (141) DC centrifugal radial blowers, each measuring not less than 345 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and not more than 355 mm by 173 mm by 145 mm, of an output of 100 W to 285 W, and weighing at least 1.80 kg but no more than 2.72 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6560)
        • (142) Portable air compressors, each delivering under 0.57 cubic meters per minute (described in statistical reporting number 8414.80.1685)
        • (143) Parts of fans, consisting of column assemblies comprising telescoping steel tubes, each with a mechanism to lock the assembly at a desired length, and front grills of steel, the foregoing for use in the manufacture of household pedestal fans (described in statistical reporting number 8414.90.1040)
        • (144) Electric display cases incorporating refrigerating equipment designed for commercial use, each with a glass front to display the food or drink being stored (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (145) Upright coolers incorporating refrigerating equipment, each measuring not more than 77 cm in width, not more than 78 cm in depth and not more than 200 cm in height, weighing not more than 127 kg, with one swing-type transparent glass door (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (146) Retail computing scales, digital with tactile keypad or VGA display, with a maximum weighing capacity of not less than 10 kg but not more than 15.5 kg, measuring not less than 15 cm in width by 20 cm depth but not more than 41 cm in width by 32 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0030)
        • (147) Compact portable shipping scales, of stainless steel, with a maximum weighing capacity of not more than 16 kg, with a digital display, weight below hook, and handles, measuring not less than 19 cm in width, not less than 21 cm in depth, not less than 3 cm in height but not more than 52 cm in width, not more than 41 cm in depth, not more than 13 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (148) Ratcheting chain, rope or cable hoists, other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising motor vehicles, such hoists not powered by an electric motor (described in statistical reporting number 8425.19.0000)
        • (149) Winches powered by an electric motor, each with a pulling capacity of 4,300 kg or more but not exceeding 7,940 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.31.0100)
        • (150) Screw jacks and scissor jacks, each comprising a base, two lift arms and adjustable wheel pads, weighing at least 22 kg but not more than 42 kg, with a weight limit of not more than 342 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.49.0000)
        • (151) Portal cranes, each with a jib or operating arm to extend horizontally from the crane and run on rails, with the crane sitting on a pedestal, each crane with lifting capacity of at least 200 t (described in statistical reporting number 8426.30.0000)
        • (152) Sewing machines, not of the household type, not specially designed to join footwear soles to uppers; each such machine weighing 45 kg or more but not over 140 kg, suitable for sewing leather (described in statistical reporting number 8452.29.9000)
        • (153) Lottery ticket vending terminals, each terminal including a touchscreen monitor, barcode scanner, Wi-fi/Ethernet/Bluetooth connectivities, six USB ports, two LAN ports and two serial ports (described in statistical reporting number 8470.90.0190)
        • (154) Mouse input devices for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $70 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
        • (155) Trackpad input units for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
        • (156) Printed circuit assemblies for rendering images onto computer screens ("graphics processing modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (157) Printed circuit assemblies to enhance the graphics performance of automatic data processing (ADP) machines ("accelerator modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (158) Printed circuit assemblies, constituting unfinished logic boards (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (159) Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471, whether or not incorporating fan hubs or LEDs but not incorporating other goods of headings 8541 or 8542 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.5100)
        • (160) Ratchet tie down straps, each consisting of straps of textiles measuring not less than 25 mm and not more than 105 mm in width and not more than 12.5 m in length, steel hooks at opposite ends of the straps and a gear and pawl mechanism for adjusting the length of the whole (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9499)
        • (161) Hand-operated valves of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic, each a hand operated, quarter-turn ball valve, threaded at one end to receive male end of U.S. garden hose (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
        • (162) Hand-operated valves of plastics, each comprising a bottle lid, drinking spout and flavor dispensing valve (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
        • (163) Parts of spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines or rotary engines, consisting of transmission shafts (including camshafts and crankshafts) and cranks, the foregoing of machined cast iron or other ferrous metals, other than for engines of vehicles of chapter 87 (described in statistical reporting number 8483.10.1050)
        • (164) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics measuring 12 cm or more but not more than 17 cm in length, which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off-oscillate and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (165) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics measuring 13 cm or more but not more than 16 cm in length, which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (166) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 38 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each enclosed in a housing of plastics with on-off and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2020)
        • (167) Electric motors other than gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 60 W or more but not exceeding 74.5 W, each with a rotary switch attached by insulated conductors, enclosed in a housing of base metals (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
        • (168) Single phase AC electric motors (other than gear motors), of an output of 56 W or more but not exceeding 69 W, each measuring no more than 9 cm in length and no more than 11.5 cm in diameter, weighing no more than 2 kg, in a housing of base metals, with a switch (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
        • (169) Electric gear motors, single phase AC, of an output of 74.6 W or more but not exceeding 228 W, each with a spring, a coupling, and a locking connector, the assembly measuring not more than 30 cm in length, not more than 11 cm in width, not more than 16 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (170) Electric gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 75 W or more but not exceeding 95 W, enclosed in a housing of plastics which pivots at the end of a support of plastics, the other end of which houses on-off-oscillate and speed controls (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (171) AC motors, single phase, each of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 335 W, measuring not more than 13 cm in diameter and not more than 13 cm in height and with a shaft measuring not more than 39 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (172) Electric motors other than gear motors, single-phase AC, 4-pole permanent split capacitor type, of an output of 75 W or more but not exceeding 110 W, each with a switch attached by insulated conductors, enclosed in a round housing of base metals with outside diameter measuring 85 mm or more but not exceeding 95 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (173) Single-phase AC electric motors incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 367 W or more but not exceeding 565 W, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 230 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 7 kg but not more than 11 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 22 cm but not exceeding 34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (174) Single-phase AC electric motors, other than gear motors, whether or not incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 746 W or more but not exceeding 1.13 kW, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 250 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 9 kg but not more than 12.5 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm but not exceeding 36 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.6040)
        • (175) Power supplies suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing (ADP) machines or units thereof of heading 8471, each with a power output exceeding 500 W, measuring 148mm in length, 43 mm in width and 335 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.6018)
        • (176) Power supplies for cable networks, that convert 120 V/60 Hz AC input to either 63 V AC or 87 V AC output, each measuring not more than 200 mm by 425 mm by 270 mm and weighing not more than 27.5 kg, containing printed circuit board assemblies, a transformer, and an oil filled capacitor (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (177) Static converters designed for wireless (inductive) charging of telecommunication apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (178) Static converters of a kind used to charge telecommunication apparatus in cars or homes, valued not over $2 each (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (179) Power adapters for a weather sensor or weather station display (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9580)
        • (180) Inductors, each with inductance of 22 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 198 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 1.9 A (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (181) Inductors, each with inductance of 220 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 550 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 510 milliamps (mA) (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (182) Inductors, each with inductance of 470 microhenrys (H), a tolerance of no greater than 20 percent, with a DC resistance of 700 milliohms (m?) and a DC current of 540 milliamps (mA) (described in statistical reporting number 8504.50.8000)
        • (183) Robotic vacuum cleaners designed for residential use, each with a self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 50 W and dust bag/receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 L, whether or not shipped with accessories (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (184) Vacuum cleaners, bagless, upright, each with self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 liter (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (185) Starter motors for internal combustion gasoline engines designed for use in the lawn, automotive, watercraft, motorcycle, industrial and garden industries (described in statistical reporting number 8511.40.0000)
        • (186) Projectors ("trumpets") of plastics for air horns (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.2000)
        • (187) Fan-forced portable electric heaters, each with a ceramic heating element (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (188) Fan-forced, portable electric space heaters, each having a power consumption of not more than 1.5 kW and weighing more than 1.5 kg but not more than 17 kg, whether or not incorporating a humidifier or air filter (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (189) Electric fireplace inserts and free-standing electric fireplace heaters, rated at 5,000 British thermal units (BTUs) (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (190) Electric fireplaces, weighing not more than 55 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (191) Portable countertop air fryers of a kind used for domestic purposes (described in statistical reporting number 8516.60.4070)
        • (192) Tubular electric heating resistors (described in statistical reporting number 8516.80.8000)
        • (193) Closed-loop, digital, video security systems, each consisting of one 4-, 8- or 16-channel digital video recorder (DVR) that connects via cables to at least 2 but no more than 16 color television cameras in housings of plastics, cables and power adapters, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (194) Color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with C-mount lens mount, weighing not more than 87 g, measuring not more than 109 mm in length and 31 mm in diameter, presented with a cable measuring not more than 1.5 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (195) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with 10 megapixel resolution, weighing not more than 175 g, measuring 63 mm by 37 mm in length, presented with USB cable, reduction lens, eyepiece adapters, software CD and calibration slide (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (196) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with autofocus, C-mount lens mount, 1080p resolution, weighing not more than 450 g, measuring not more than 67 mm by 67 mm by 81 mm, presented with AC power adapter and power cable (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010)
        • (197) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (198) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 4 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (199) Printed circuit boards, with a base of glass reinforced epoxy laminate material that is compliant with NEMA grade FR-4 fire resistance, not flexible, with 10 layers, designed for use in a flow meter, and measuring not more than 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm by 0.1575 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (200) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 2 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
        • (201) Floor-mounted receptacles conforming to types 1-15R, 5-15R or 5-20R of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.8000)
        • (202) Gas ignition safety controls, measuring 3.8 to 5.3 cm in height, 6.4 to 10.1 cm in width and 13.2 to 13.9 cm in depth; weighing 160 g to 380 g each; and valued not over $26 each; of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (203) Printed circuit board assemblies specially designed to control medical infusion pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (204) Digital sound processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound, each capable of mixing 16, 24, 32 or 64 channel, each measuring not more than 17 cm in height, not more than 60 cm in depth, and not more than 83 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
        • (205) Insulated electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors of a kind used for telecommunications, each valued over $0.35 but not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.2000)
        • (206) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 9 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 5-15P plug on one end and NEMA type 5-15R receptacle on the other (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
        • (207) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 4 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type TT-30P plug on one end and NEMA type TT-30R receptacle on the other or NEMA type 14-50P plug on one end and NEMA type 14-50R receptacle on the other, with handles on each end in the shape of loops (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (208) Insulated conductors, not of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers and connectors at each end in bundles of 3, 5 or 6 for use in connecting patients to monitoring devices (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (209) Junction box assemblies, of a kind used in solar panels, incorporating three bypass diodes and two insulated cables fitted with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (210) Ceramic electrical insulators of alumina for gas ignition electrode assemblies, each measuring at least 6.6 cm but not more than 11.5 cm in length and not more than 0.95 cm in diameter, weighing not more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 8546.20.0090)
        • (211) Electrical insulators ("wire nuts") of plastics and steel (described in statistical reporting number 8546.90.0000)
        • (212) Devices for mounting phones on motor vehicle interiors without a Universal Serial Bus (USB) charging port (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (213) Tire carrier attachments, roof racks, fender liners, side protective attachments, the foregoing of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060)
        • (214) Guide pins and guide bolts designed for use in brakes and servo-brakes of subheading 8708.30 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5090)
        • (215) Flange forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (216) Hub forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (217) Park gear blanks of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1520 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (218) Stator shafts of Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C grade carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (219) Front output shafts of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1045 carbon steel suitable for use in automatic transmission systems for passenger motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (220) Hitches receivers of steel, not suitable for towing applications, each receiver to be clamped onto the rear bumper of a recreational vehicle, such bumpers being square in section and measuring not more than 102 mm on a side (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (221) Bicycles, not motorized, each having aluminum- or magnesium- alloy wheels both measuring more than 69 cm but not more than 71 cm in diameter, tires of cross-sectional diameter of 3.5 cm, aluminum frame, a polyurethane/carbon fiber cord drive belt, 3-, 7- or 12-speed rear hub and twist shifter (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (222) Single-speed bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than 16.3 kg without accessories and not designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 4.13 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (223) Bicycles, not motorized, having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, each having no more than three speeds and a coaster brake (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.3500)
        • (224) Bicycles, including mountain-type, with drop bar, tubeless, folding (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.4800)
        • (225) Bicycle frames, of carbon fiber, valued not over $600 each (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.3000)
        • (226) Bicycle saddles, each having a cover of plastics, man-made textile fabrics or a combination of the two (described in statistical reporting number 8714.95.0000)
        • (227) Wheeled trailers suitable for towing behind an adult bicycle, each comprising a frame of aluminum with a hitch mechanism, weighing not more than 17.5 kg, with a capacity of not more than 46 kg, with those trailers designated for carrying children meeting ASTM International standard F1975 (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
        • (228) Casters, with diameter (including, where appropriate, tires) of 20 cm or more but not over 23 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.3000)
        • (229) Truck trailer skirt brackets, other than parts of general use of Section XV (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.5060)
        • (230) Clear rectangular filter cover lenses, unmounted, of allyl diglycol carbonate for arc welding helmets, each measuring 50 mm by 110 mm or measuring 115 mm by 135 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9001.90.9000)
        • (231) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (232) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (233) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of a wind vane made of plastics and base metal weighing no more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (234) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly comprising 3 rotating wind cups, bearings, an internal aspirating fan and one or more solar panels (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (235) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly made of plastic and metal comprising 3 wind cups weighing no more than 35 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (236) Flexible probes, each measuring at least 1 m but not more than 2 m in length, with a thermistor heat sensor in the tip which transmits heat data directly to a temperature monitor (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (237) Metal casings for, and metal parts of, thermometers of subheading 9025.11.40 designed for use in heating, ventilation and air conditioning ("HVAC") equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (238) Hand-held card counters, each consisting of a plastic case containing a circuit board, rechargeable battery and controls, weighing less than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9029.10.8000)
        • (239) 60-minute [sixty-minute] mechanical count-down kitchen timers (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.8500)
        • (240) Upholstered seats with wooden frames other than chairs, not of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials, each measuring at least 144 cm but no more than 214 cm in width, at least 81 cm but no more than 89 cm in height and at least 81 cm but not more than 163 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.6011)
        • (241) Stackable upholstered metal chairs for religious worship settings, capable of interlocking with each other, each with attached holders and racks (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (242) Unassembled upholstered chairs with metal frames, other than household chairs, with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (243) Folding chairs with aluminum frames, each comprising a seat of polyester ripstop fabric and polyester netting and an aluminum frame, weighing not more than 600 g (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0015)
        • (244) Foldable stools with frames of steel or aluminum, each measuring not over 30.5 cm in width, 26 cm in depth and 39 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (245) Hunting stands of steel or aluminum (including ladder stands, pod stands, hang-on stands and climbing stands), each of which allows one or more hunters to ascend to a height and sit while waiting for game animals to appear (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (246) Unassembled non-upholstered chairs with metal frames (other than household chairs) with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0050)
        • (247) Parts of chairs of unfinished plywood, including bodies, legs and arms (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.4080)
        • (248) Bench frames of cast aluminum, each measuring at least 42 cm but not more than 79 cm in height, and at least 52 cm but not more than 62 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (249) Chair frames of metal, each with integral bookshelf, capable of being stacked (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (250) Foot assemblies of base metal and rubber, designed for folding chairs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081)
        • (251) Household furniture of metal and high-pressure laminated bamboo (other than ironing boards, furniture for infants or children or bed frames) (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (252) Lockers, of steel (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050 or 9403.20.0078)
        • (253) Display racks of powder coated steel, whether or not on casters, whether or not with LED lighting, each measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in length, at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in width and at least 130 cm but not more than 225 cm in height, with slanted shelves with a lip at the front edge of each that measures 3 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0080 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (254) Adjustable wire shelving units of steel, other than for household use, comprising vertical poles, foot caps or casters, clips and shelves, each when fully assembled measuring at least 35 cm or more but not more than 183 m in width, at least 35 cm but not more than 77 cm in depth, and at least 137 cm but not more than 183 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081)
        • (255) Storage racks of steel, powder-coated, designed to hang from overhead support, each weighing not more than 37 kg, measuring not more than 123 cm in width, not more than 123 cm in height and not more than 245 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081)
        • (256) Foldable cots with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each with sleeping surface of polyester or nylon fabric, each cot measuring 185 cm or more but not over 230 cm in length, 70 cm or more but not over 105 cm in width and 7 cm or more but not over 58 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (257) Foldable tables with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 156 cm in length, 30 cm or more but not over 80 cm in width and 37 cm or more but not over 113 cm in height, with a tabletop surface of aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (258) Household furniture of high-pressure laminated bamboo, other than babies' or children's furniture (described in statistical reporting number 9403.82.0015)
        • (259) Bassinets, composed of polyester fabric with frames of steel tubing and partial solid wood rails, each measuring 86 cm by 51 cm by 86 cm, weighing 12 kg, with adjustable height legs on wheels (described in statistical reporting number 9403.89.6003)
        • (260) Baby crib liners, each composed of two pieces of multi-layer warp polyester knit mesh without any padding, one measuring no more than 29 cm by 283 cm and the other measuring no more than 29 cm by 210 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.6005)
        • (261) Bed rails, each of which attaches to the side of a bed to prevent the occupant of the bed from rolling out, with a nylon mesh fabric cover (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.8041)
        • (262) Outdoor lighting sets, each containing 6 or 10 polycarbonate bulb sockets (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8410)
        • (263) Flameless pillar candles with LED lamps powered by batteries, each measuring at least 7.6 cm but not more than 20 cm in diameter and having a wax exterior (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (264) Flexible strips, each having embedded light-emitting diodes electrically connected to a molded electrical end connector, each strip wound onto a reel measuring not more than 25 cm in diameter and not more than 1.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440)
        • (265) Garden, patio and table top wick burning torches for outdoor use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.50.4000)
        • (266) Lamp shades of fabric over metal frame (described in statistical reporting number 9405.99.4090)
      • (jjj) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and 20(s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019), and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.57, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 0505.10.0050
        • (2) 0505.10.0055
        • (3) 3401.19.0000
        • (4) 3926.90.9910
        • (5) 4015.19.0510
        • (6) 4015.19.0550
        • (7) 4818.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2020; 4818.90.0020 or 4818.90.0080 effective July 1, 2020
        • (8) 5210.11.4040
        • (9) 5210.11.6020
        • (10) 5504.10.0000
        • (11) 6210.10.5000
        • (12) 6307.90.6090
        • (13) 6307.90.6800
        • (14) 6506.10.6030
        • (15) Cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) (also known as crab-eating macaques or long-tailed macaques) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), captive bred for research (described in statistical reporting number 0106.11.0000)
        • (16) Feathers of a kind used for stuffing, of ducks or geese, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected or treated for preservation, the foregoing other than feathers meeting both test standards 4 and 10.1 of Federal Standard 148a promulgated by the General Services Administration (described in statistical reporting number 0505.10.0060)
        • (17) Sodium alginate resins (CAS No. 9005-38-3) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.10.0000)
        • (18) Shower heads of plastics, designed to be fixed, hand-held, height-adjustable or combinations thereof, and parts of such shower heads (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (19) Sets of three polyvinyl chloride-coated foam pads, of plastics, of a kind used to assemble flotation work vests by passing adjustable straps with buckles through slots in the pads, each set comprising two irregularly shaped front/side pads and one rectangular back pad (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (20) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (21) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (22) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (23) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (24) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (25) Wallpaper, other than described in subheading 4814.20.00, with floral, landscape, figure or abstract designs or solid backgrounds painted by hand, whether or not with applications of metal leaf (described in statistical reporting number 4814.90.0200)
        • (26) Printed art and pictorial books, each valued at least $5 but not more than $17, each measuring at least 22 cm but not more than 39 cm in height and at least 14 cm but not more than 32 cm in width, weighing not more than 3 kg, with die-cut or tipped-in extra pages and bound with foil stamping or with silkscreen on the cover stock (described in statistical reporting number 4901.99.0065)
        • (27) Women's knit robes in chief weight of cotton, with hook and loop tab closure (described in statistical reporting number 6108.91.0030)
        • (28) Babies' gowns of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves, neck opening and elasticized bottom opening (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (29) Babies' sleep sacks of cotton interlock knitted fabric, sleeveless, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (30) Babies' sleep sacks, knitted, of cotton, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (31) Babies' swaddle sacks of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves and mitten cuffs (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (32) Babies' blanket sleepers of polyester knitted fleece, sleeveless, each with two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.30.5015)
        • (33) Gloves, containing less than 50 percent by weight of textile fibers, coated with rubber or plastics designed for enhanced grip (described in statistical reporting number 6116.10.6500)
        • (34) Men's and boys' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6207.91.1000)
        • (35) Women's cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1010)
        • (36) Girls' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1020)
        • (37) Girls' fleece bathrobes, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.92.0020)
        • (38) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0010)
        • (39) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, other than woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0020)
        • (40) Dust covers of knitted polyester fabric, designed for bed mattresses and pillows (described in statistical reporting number 6302.10.0020)
        • (41) Crib sheets of muslin cotton, fitted with elastic (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9020)
        • (42) Protective covers of cotton for pillows, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not napped or printed, each with full encasement construction and zipper opening (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9040)
        • (43) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (44) Disposable shoe and boot covers of man-made fiber fabrics (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (45) Face masks and particulate facepiece respirators, of textile fabrics (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, 6307.90.9870, or 6307.90.9875 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (46) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (47) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (48) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (49) Single-use medical masks of textile material (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, or 6307.90.9870 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (50) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (51) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (52) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear comprising shells of polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate plastic or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, each with an inner liner of expanded polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, designed for use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
        • (53) Bright C1060 round wire, plated or coated with zinc, containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon, with a diameter measuring 0.034 mm or more but less than 1 mm (described in statistical reporting number 7217.20.4530)
        • (54) Sewing machines of the household type, each weighing not more than 22.5 kg, having a touch screen control, a sewing light, a presser foot lifter and an automatic needle threader (described in statistical reporting number 8452.10.0090)
        • (55) Gasoline-powered earth-drilling power augers, each weighing not more than 16 kg, having a gasoline engine of a cylinder displacement not more than 55 cc and an output shaft connectable to an auger bit, whether or not presented with one or more auger bits (described in statistical reporting number 8467.89.5060)
        • (56) Gasoline powered or propane-powered engines of a cylinder displacement not more than 80 cc, each machine including a fitted auger bit specially designed for cutting through ice covers of bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8467.89.5090)
        • (57) Parts of hand-operated faucets, of copper, each weighing not more than 5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.1000)
        • (58) Apparatus suitable for wearing on the wrist, having time-display functions, each article having an accelerometer and being capable of displaying and transmitting data sent to it by a network (e.g., portable ADP unit, LAN or cellular network) (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
        • (59) Tracking devices, each device measuring not more than 86 mm on a side (if rectangular) or 28 mm in diameter (if circular) and not more than 7.5 mm in thickness, not weighing more than 15 g, designed to be attached to another article and to establish a Bluetooth connection with another device for the purposes of providing relative location information (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
        • (60) Wireless communication apparatus that can receive audio data to be distributed to wireless speakers (described in statistical reporting number 8518.22.0000)
        • (61) Television liquid crystal display ("LCD") main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1300)
        • (62) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000)
        • (63) Prism binoculars, other than for use with infrared light, comprising a plastic, aluminum or magnesium alloy body with a rubber jacket, with magnification ranging from at least 4X but not more than 22X and aperture ranging from at least 21 mm but not more than 56 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9005.10.0040)
        • (64) Liquid crystal display (?LCD?) modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.9000)
        • (65) Watch cases of stainless steel and titanium, not gold- or silver-plated, unassembled, each measuring at least 20 mm but not more than 48 mm in diameter and weighing at least 50 g but not more than 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 9111.20.4000)
        • (66) Watch dials of brass, each measuring at least 18 mm but not exceeding 50 mm in width and weighing at least 10 g but not more than 20 g (described in statistical reporting number 9114.30.4000)
        • (67) Acoustic upright pianos, other than used, containing a case measuring less than 111.76 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0011)
        • (68) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 111.76 cm or more, but less than 121.92 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0021)
        • (69) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 121.92 cm or more but less than 129.54 in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0031)
        • (70) Acoustic upright pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 129.54 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9201.10.0041)
        • (71) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 152.4 cm or more but less than 167.64 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0021)
        • (72) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 167.64 cm or more but less than 180.34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0031)
        • (73) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 180.34 cm or more but less than 195.58 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0041)
        • (74) Acoustic grand pianos (other than used), each containing a case measuring 195.58 cm or more in length (described in statistical reporting number 9201.20.0051)
        • (75) Harp sharping levers of steel (described in statistical reporting number 9209.92.8000)
        • (76) Parts of child safety seats (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085)
        • (77) Parts of child safety seats incorporating springs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085)
        • (78) Pillow shells of cotton, each filled with goose or duck down (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000)
        • (79) Quilted pillow shells of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000)
        • (80) Quilted pillow shells of man-made fibers (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.2000)
        • (81) Balance trainers of plastics, each measuring not more than 120 cm in length by 45 cm in width by 27 cm in height, containing an air bladder (described in statistical reporting number 9506.91.0030)
        • (82) Arrowheads of metal (described in statistical reporting number 9506.99.0520)
        • (83) Brushes of natural goat hair bristles, which are in lengths of at least 30 mm but not more than 33 mm, enclosed in a plastic protective holder, for cleaning optical lenses (described in statistical reporting number 9603.90.8050)
        • (84) Tufts of swine hair bristles, oriented with the soft feather tipped ends of the hairs facing up and the hard, root ends of the hairs facing down, with the root ends of the hairs glued together to form a round bottom not more than 7 mm in diameter, for incorporation into brushes (described in statistical reporting number 9603.90.8050)
        • (85) Paintings, drawings or pastels, each executed entirely by hand (the foregoing other than drawings of heading 4906 and other than hand-painted or hand-decorated manufactured articles), each measuring not more than 300 cm by not more than 2,000 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9701.10.0000)
        • (86) Postage stamps (described in statistical reporting number 9704.00.0000)
        • (87) Collectors' pieces of mineralogical interest (described in statistical reporting number 9705.00.0085)
      • (kkk) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.58, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Submersible centrifugal pumps (other than fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines; other than stock pumps imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard), not fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, the foregoing capable of operating at 3,700 liters or more but not exceeding 41,000 liters per hour (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (2) Tabletop water fountains designed for indoor use, the essential character of which is imparted by submersible centrifugal pumps (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (3) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity ranging from 2.3 kW to 5.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
        • (4) Thermal roll laminators, each valued not over $450 (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9040)
        • (5) Cutting pads, platforms, base plates, pads, shims, trays, which function as guides for hand-operated table-top calendering machines of a width not exceeding 51 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (6) Ionization filters valued over $35 but not over $45 each (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (7) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8090)
        • (8) Parts of swimming pool vacuum cleaners (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040)
        • (9) 3-member slides with ball bearings, of stainless steel, for use in household dishwashers (described in statistical reporting number 8422.90.0640)
        • (10) (Shovel loaders, each with a bucket capacity of 11.4 m3 to 12 m3, and an operating weight of 30,000 kg or more but not exceeding 36,000 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8429.51.1055)
        • (11) Animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (12) Parts of animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.99.0090)
        • (13) Ink cartridges, each weighing more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2010)
        • (14) Printer maintenance kits consisting of two or more replacement parts for printer units of subheading 8443.32.10 specified in additional U.S. note 2 to chapter 84 (described in statistical reporting number 8443.99.2050)
        • (15) Horizontal lathes for removing metal, electrically powered, not numerically controlled, each with mill head attachment mounted above the lathe headstock (described in statistical reporting number 8458.19.0020)
        • (16) New numerically-controlled milling machines capable of end beveling pipe of an outside diameter of 60 cm or more but not exceeding 305 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8459.61.0080)
        • (17) Press brakes, not numerically controlled, having a drive capacity rating of 3kW (described in statistical reporting number 8462.29.0030)
        • (18) New hydraulic shearing machines, not numerically controlled, with a power of 7.5 kW, valued at $3,025 or more each (described in statistical reporting number 8462.39.0050)
        • (19) Tool holders of a kind used to hold various types of metal working tools for use on milling machine spindles (described in statistical reporting number 8466.10.0175)
        • (20) Modularized plants for the manufacture of lithium hydroxide by functions involving mixing, kneading or stirring (described in statistical reporting number 8479.82.0040)
        • (21) Ball type angle cock valve bodies, of cast iron, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (22) Valve bodies, of aluminum, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (23) Hydraulic valve parts, other than valve bodies, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (24) Angular contact ball bearings, not for use with wheel hub bearing units, having an inner diameter of 25 mm or greater but not exceeding 55 mm, an outer diameter of 50 mm or greater but not exceeding 95 mm, a width of 20 mm or greater but not exceeding 35 mm, with single or double row of steel balls and a cage of steel or plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5028)
        • (25) Angular contact ball bearings, not over 40 mm in width, other than wheel hub bearing units (described in statistical reporting number 8482.10.5028)
        • (26) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (27) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, valued over $2 but not over $30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (28) AC motors, multi-phase, of rolled steel frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (29) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output of 186.5 kW or more but not exceeding 373 kW, having a cast iron frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (30) Dual layer printed circuit board assemblies, each valued over $30 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.7500)
        • (31) Transceivers, 10-meter, not hand-held, for operation in infrequencies of 28.000 to 29.700 MHz (described in statistical reporting number 8525.60.1050)
        • (32) Limit switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued over $19 but not over $32 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9055)
        • (33) Modular light switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, presented in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) housings, designed for use with a backplate (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (34) Switches designed for use in motor vehicles, driver or passenger activated (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (35) Coaxial connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, valued over $0.20 but not over $0.30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4010)
        • (36) Butt splice connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (37) Ring terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (38) Twist-on wire connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $0.03 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (39) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
        • (40) Four-wheel off-road vehicles, with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating piston engines, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc, with straddle seat and handlebar control, each with label indicating that vehicle is for operation only by persons at least 16 years of age, each valued not over $5000 (described in statistical reporting number 8703.21.0110)
        • (41) Works trucks, electrical, operator riding, each of a curb weight exceeding 8,500 kg but not exceeding 9,500 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8709.11.0030)
        • (42) Depth-sounding apparatus, each valued not over $50 (described in statistical reporting number 9014.80.2000)
        • (43) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (44) Portable ultrasonic scanner consoles, each weighing less than 4 kg, presented with or without transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (45) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (46) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (47) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (48) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (49) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (50) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
        • (51) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (52) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (53) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (54) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (55) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (56) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (57) Printed circuit board assemblies, of a kind designed for use in X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (58) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (59) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients, during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
        • (60) Automatic thermostats for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, containing temperature and humidity sensors, designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
        • (61) Battery balancers designed for regulating voltage across batteries, other than for 6, 12 or 24 volt systems (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.4000)
        • (62) Thermostat covers (described in statistical reporting number 9032.90.6120)
      • (lll) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.59, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Acrylic acid-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-acrylic ester (AA/AMPS/HPA) terpolymers, presented in dry form (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (2) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (3) Electrical tape of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls, measuring not more than 2 cm in width, not more than 20.2 m in length, and not more than 0.18 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2020)
        • (4) Transparent tape of plastics with an acrylic emulsion adhesive, in rolls measuring not over 4.8 cm in width, valued not over $.25 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2030)
        • (5) Rolls of polyethylene film coated with a solvent acrylic adhesive (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (6) Rolls of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 5.1 cm in width and 182.9 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (7) Films coated on one or both sides with polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), whether or not having a primer layer between the base and coating; any of the foregoing having a total thickness greater than 0.01 mm but not greater than 0.03 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
        • (8) Printed film of polyvinyl chloride, laminated with foamed-polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester scrim, in rolls, of a kind used for lining shelves or drawers (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.1100)
        • (9) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (10) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m or more but not exceeding 88 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
        • (11) Girders of iron or steel, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grades 50, 65 or 70 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (12) Pipes of iron or steel, with connectors, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grade 50 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (13) Posts of steel pipe and tube, with ball knobs attached (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (14) Posts of steel pipe and tube, with sill plates and ball studs attached (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (15) Rib nodes of iron or steel, meeting ASTM standard A572, Grades 50, 65 or 70 (described in statistical reporting number 7308.90.3000)
        • (16) Monopolar conductors for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, other than of copper and not fitted with connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8544.60.6000)
        • (17) Motorcycles with electric power for propulsion, each of a power not exceeding 1,000 W (described in statistical reporting numbers 8711.60.0050 or 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, effective prior to July 1, 2019)
      • (mmm) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.60, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 9030.90.4600
        • (2) Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (3) Operator riding self-propelled aerial work platforms of a kind described in statistical note 1 to chapter 84 effective July 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, or in statistical note 2 to chapter 84 effective January 1, 2020, powered by an electric motor, with a load capacity not exceeding 1,400 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8010 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.10.8020 effective July 1, 2019)
        • (4) Cement retainer assemblies with diameter of 4.5 cm or more but not exceeding 51 cm and length of 30.5 cm or more but not exceeding 72 cm, composed of cylindrical cast iron components, nitrile rubber seal and brass back-up rings, suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of subheadings 8430.41 or 8430.49 (described in statistical reporting number 8431.43.8060)
        • (5) Extrusion machines for processing rubber, twin-screw type, designed to produce inner liners for tires (described in statistical reporting number 8477.20.0015)
        • (6) Safety valves, of brass or bronze, containing a fusible element to automatically close the valve at a set temperature, each valued not over $5 (described in statistical reporting number 8481.40.0000)
        • (7) DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (8) DC motors, electronically commutated, three-phase, eight-pole of a kind used in HVAC systems, of an output of 750 W, valued not over $100 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
        • (9) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
      • (nnn) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.61, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Elastomeric petroleum resins (CAS No. 64742-16-1) (described in statistical reporting number 3911.10.0000)
        • (2) Machine tool stands having leveling, stabilizing, attachment or other special features (described in statistical reporting number 8466.30.8000)
        • (3) Electric motors, with an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, with attached cables, designed for use in adjusting motor vehicle seats (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
        • (4) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, with lead wires and electrical connector, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, with a housing not over 100 mm in length and a shaft not over 60 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (5) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (6) DC electric motors, 120 V, with an output not exceeding 90 W, measuring not over 90 mm long by 35 mm wide by 35 mm high (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (7) DC electric motors, 13.5 V, with an output not exceeding 110 W, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, housing not over 120 mm long, a shaft not over 55 mm long and with a mounting flange not over 150 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (8) DC electric motors, 230 V, with an output not exceeding 140 W, measuring not more than 45 mm in diameter and not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (9) DC electric motors, 230 V, with output not exceeding 85 W, measuring not more than 90 mm in length by 35 mm in width by 35 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (10) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (11) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, containing lead wires and an electrical connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (12) DC motors with a power output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 230 W, measuring less than 105 mm in diameter and 50 mm or more but not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (13) DC motors, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each valued not over $18 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (14) Direct Current (DC) permanent magnet motors rated at 90 W or more but not over 110 W and 24 V with torque of 65 Newton meters (Nm) and 2,035 Nm, incorporating a wheel that can manually actuate a valve (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (15) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs), Leakage Current Detection Interrupters (LCDIs), and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (16) Electronic AC passive infrared (PIR) motion sensing switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (17) Bottom shelf coupler assemblies designed for use with coupling systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (18) Buffering/cushioning front retainer plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (19) Buffering/cushioning intermediate aligning and overtravel protection members, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (20) Buffering/cushioning rear aligning and overtravel protection members designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (21) Buffering/cushioning rear structural units, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (22) Buffering/cushioning retention and alignment shafts, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (23) Buffering/cushioning retention caps, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (24) Draft pack rear aligning and overtravel protection members, designed for use with hybrid railcar cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (25) Follower block plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (26) Type F knuckles, designed for use with coupling systems of vehicles of heading 8605 or 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (27) Digital clinical thermometers, valued not over $11 each (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (28) Portable, wireless enabled, electrical gas monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9027.10.2000)
      • (ooo) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 28710 (June 20, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 32181 (July 11, 2018). Subsequently, the U.S. Trade Representative sought public comment on additional modifications in this investigation in order to address COVID-19. See 85 FR 16987 (March 25, 2020). The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.62, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8090)
        • (2) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
        • (3) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (4) Ultrasonic scanning apparatus, each having dimensions not exceeding 122 cm by 77 cm by 127 cm, whether or not presented with transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (5) Blood pressure monitors suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9530)
        • (6) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (7) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (8) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (9) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (10) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (11) Disposable surface electrodes for Intra-operative neuromonitoring ("IONM") systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (12) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
        • (13) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (14) Anesthetic instruments and appliances suitable for use in medical or surgical sciences, and parts and accessories of the foregoing (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (15) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (16) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (17) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (18) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (19) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (20) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (21) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (22) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (23) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients, during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
        • (24) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
      • (ppp) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Subsequently, the U.S. Trade Representative sought public comment on additional modifications in this investigation in order to address COVID-19. See 85 FR 16987 (March 25, 2020). The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.63, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 9025.19.8010
        • (2) 9025.19.8020
        • (3) 9025.19.8060
        • (4) 9025.19.8085
        • (5) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (6) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 m in length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5060)
        • (7) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (8) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (9) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m or more but not exceeding 88 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
        • (10) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
      • (qqq) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Subsequently, the U.S. Trade Representative sought public comment on additional modifications in this investigation in order to address COVID-19. See 85 FR 16987 (March 25, 2020). The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.64, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 3808.94.1000
        • (2) 3808.94.5010
        • (3) 3808.94.5050
        • (4) 3808.94.5090 prior to July 1, 2021; 3808.94.5080 or 3808.94.5095 effective July 1, 2021
        • (5) 3923.21.0095
        • (6) 3926.20.9050
        • (7) 4015.19.1010
        • (8) 4819.50.4060
        • (9) 5603.12.0090
        • (10) 5603.14.9090
        • (11) 5603.92.0090
        • (12) 5603.93.0090
        • (13) 6505.00.8015
        • (14) 8424.90.9080
        • (15) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (16) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000)
        • (17) Hand soaps and hand sanitizers in the form of liquid or cream put up for retail sale, other than hand sanitizers of heading 3808 (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000)
        • (18) Organic surface-active liquid for washing the skin, not containing any aromatic or modified aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail sale in a bottle of plastics with pump-action top, each bottle measuring not more than 17 cm in width, not more than 27 cm in height and not more than 6.5 cm in length and with a net weight of not more than 0.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 3401.30.5000)
        • (19) Mixtures containing 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol (CAS No. 108-01-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (20) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297)
        • (21) Flexible gas sampling tubes, pipes and hoses, of polyvinyl chloride, with lock connectors at each end (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (22) Flexible oxygen tubes, pipes and hoses presented with integrated molded connectors, of polyvinyl chloride (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (23) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (24) Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene, reclosable, qualifying as Class 1 medical devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under product code NNI (described in statistical reporting number 3923.21.0030)
        • (25) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (26) Aprons, of plastics, of a kind used as personal protection equipment (described in statistical reporting number 3926.20.9010)
        • (27) Seamless disposable gloves of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (28) Seamless disposable gloves of natural rubber latex, other than for surgical or medical use (described in statistical reporting number 4015.19.1010)
        • (29) Nonwoven fabrics of man-made fibers, weighing more than 25 g/m but not more than 70 g/m, with a smooth or embossed texture (not impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers), in rolls that are pre-slitted in lengths of not less than 15 cm to not more than 107 cm, for use in the manufacture of personal care wipes (described in statistical reporting number 5603.12.0090)
        • (30) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (31) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (32) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (33) Data input devices each with display capabilities of a kind used for magnetic resonance imaging (?MRI?) equipment, computed tomography (?CT?) equipment, intraoperative X-ray (?IXR?) equipment or patient monitors (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (34) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (35) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
      • (rrr) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Subsequently, the U.S. Trade Representative sought public comment on additional modifications in this investigation in order to address COVID-19. See 85 FR 16987 (March 25, 2020). The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.65, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 3401.19.0000
        • (2) 3926.90.9910
        • (3) 4015.19.0510
        • (4) 4015.19.0550
        • (5) 4818.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2020; 4818.90.0020 or 4818.90.0080 effective July 1, 2020
        • (6) 5210.11.4040
        • (7) 5210.11.6020
        • (8) 5504.10.0000
        • (9) 6210.10.5010
        • (10) 6210.10.5090
        • (11) 6307.90.6090
        • (12) 6307.90.6800
        • (13) 6307.90.7200
        • (14) Face shields of transparent plastics, whether or not assembled (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9950)
        • (15) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (19) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (20) Gloves, containing less than 50 percent by weight of textile fibers, coated with rubber or plastics designed for enhanced grip (described in statistical reporting number 6116.10.6500)
        • (21) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (22) Disposable shoe and boot covers of man-made fiber fabrics (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (23) Face masks and particulate facepiece respirators, of textile fabrics (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, 6307.90.9870, or 6307.90.9875 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (24) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (25) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (26) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (27) Single-use medical masks of textile material (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9845, 6307.90.9850, or 6307.90.9870 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (28) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (29) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (30) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000 prior to January 1, 2021; described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0010 or 9004.90.0090 effective January 1, 2021)
      • (sss) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.66, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8090 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0190 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (2) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
        • (3) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (4) Ultrasonic scanning apparatus, each having dimensions not exceeding 122 cm by 77 cm by 127 cm, whether or not presented with transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (5) Blood pressure monitors suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9530)
        • (6) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (7) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (8) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (9) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (10) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (11) Disposable surface electrodes for Intra-operative neuromonitoring (?IONM?) systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (12) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
        • (13) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (14) Anesthetic instruments and appliances suitable for use in medical or surgical sciences, and parts and accessories of the foregoing (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (15) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (16) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (17) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (18) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (19) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (20) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (21) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (22) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (23) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients, during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
        • (24) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
        (ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.66, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 9025.19.8010
        • (2) 9025.19.8020
        • (3) 9025.19.8060
        • (4) 9025.19.8085
        • (5) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (6) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (7) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (8) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m or more but not exceeding 88 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
        • (9) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        (iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.66, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 3808.94.1000
        • (2) 3808.94.5010
        • (3) 3923.21.0095
        • (4) 3926.20.9050
        • (5) 4819.50.4060
        • (6) 5603.12.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.12.0070 or 5603.12.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (7) 5603.14.9090
        • (8) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (9) 5603.93.0090
        • (10) 6505.00.8015
        • (11) 8424.90.9080
        • (12) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (13) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000)
        • (14) Mixtures containing 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol (CAS No. 108-01-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (15) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (16) Flexible gas sampling tubes, pipes and hoses, of polyvinyl chloride, with lock connectors at each end (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (17) Flexible oxygen tubes, pipes and hoses presented with integrated molded connectors, of polyvinyl chloride (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (18) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (19) Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene, reclosable, qualifying as Class 1 medical devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under product code NNI (described in statistical reporting number 3923.21.0030)
        • (20) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (21) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (22) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (23) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (24) Data input devices each with display capabilities of a kind used for magnetic resonance imaging (?MRI?) equipment, computed tomography (?CT?) equipment, intraoperative X-ray (?IXR?) equipment or patient monitors (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (25) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (26) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        (iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.66, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 3401.19.0000
        • (2) 3926.90.9910
        • (3) 4818.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2020; 4818.90.0020 or 4818.90.0080 effective July 1, 2020
        • (4) 5210.11.4040
        • (5) 5210.11.6020
        • (6) 5504.10.0000
        • (7) 6210.10.5010
        • (8) 6210.10.5090
        • (9) 6307.90.7200
        • (10) Face shields of transparent plastics, whether or not assembled (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9950)
        • (11) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (12) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (13) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (14) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (15) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (19) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (20) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (21) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (22) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000 prior to January 1, 2021; described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0010 or 9004.90.0090 effective January 1, 2021)
      • (ttt) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) 8412.21.0045
        • (2) 8481.10.0090
        • (3) 8483.50.9040
        • (4) 8525.60.1010
        • (5) 8607.21.1000
        • (6) 9030.90.4600
        • (7) Direct acting and spring return pneumatic actuators, each rated at a maximum pressure of 10 bar and valued over $68 but not over $72 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8412.39.0080)
        • (8) Centrifugal pumps, submersible, other than for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard; the foregoing pumps rated not over 1.5 KW (described in statistical reporting number 8413.70.2004)
        • (9) Breast pumps, whether or not with accessories or batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8413.81.0040)
        • (10) Housings for water pumps of subheading 8413.30.90 (as described in subheading 8413.91.9010)
        • (11) Pump casings and bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (12) Pump covers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (13) Pump parts, of plastics, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (14) Compressors, other than screw type, used in air conditioning equipment in motor vehicles, each valued over $88 but not over $92 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8030)
        • (15) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity ranging from 2.3 kW to 5.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
        • (16) Solar water heaters incorporating glass tube heat collectors and including glass tubes and stands with tanks (described in statistical reporting number 8419.19.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8419.12.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (17) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
        • (18) Thermal roll laminators, each valued not over $450 (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9040)
        • (19) Roller machines designed for cutting, etching or embossing paper, foil or fabric, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
        • (20) Roller machines with dies for embossing paper, manually powered (described in statistical reporting number 8420.10.9080)
        • (21) Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (22) Cutting pads, platforms, base plates, pads, shims, trays, which function as guides for hand-operated table-top calendering machines of a width not exceeding 51 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (23) Filtering or purifying machinery or apparatus of a kind used for waste water treatment (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (24) Hand-held ultraviolet water purifiers, powered by batteries (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (25) Machinery for filtering water, submersible, powered by batteries, manually operated, such machinery designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (26) Filters designed to remove sulfites from wine (described in statistical reporting number 8421.22.0000)
        • (27) Air purification equipment, electrically powered, weighing less than 36 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8015 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0115 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (28) Filter housings, covers, or couplings, the foregoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatus for filtering liquids (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0140 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (29) Parts of swimming pool vacuum cleaners (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0140 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (30) Ratchet winches designed for use with textile fabric strapping (described in statistical reporting number 8425.39.0100)
        • (31) Garage door opener/closers (described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0290 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8428.90.0390 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (32) Pile drivers, diesel powered (described in statistical reporting number 8430.10.0000)
        • (33) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (34) Tines, carriages, and other goods handling apparatus and parts designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (35) Welded frames designed to support conveyor rollers (described in statistical reporting number 8431.39.0010)
        • (36) Vulcanized rubber tracks, each incorporating cords and cleats of steel, designed for use on construction equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8431.49.9095)
        • (37) Animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (38) Parts of animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.99.0090)
        • (39) Automated data processing storage units (other than magnetic disk drive units), not assembled in cabinets for placing on a table or similar place, not presented with any other unit of a system (described in statistical reporting number 8471.70.6000)
        • (40) Reject doors, pin protectors, liners, front walls, grates, hammers, rotor and end disc caps, and anvil and breaker bars, of iron or steel, the foregoing parts of metal shredders (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9596 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (41) Ball type angle cock valve bodies, of cast iron, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (42) Valve bodies, of aluminum, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (43) Angle cock handle assemblies, of iron and steel, each measuring 11.43 cm by 21.59 cm by 5.08 cm and weighing 0.748 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (44) Armatures designed for use in hydraulic solenoid valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (45) C-poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (46) Metering spools, of aluminum, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (47) Pipe brackets of aluminum, each with 4 ports, the foregoing measuring 27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm and weighing 11.34 kg, designed for installation into air brake control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (48) Poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (49) Push pins, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (50) Retainers, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (51) Coupling covers, including center members, flanged hubs, sleeves and shoes (described in statistical reporting number 8483.90.8010)
        • (52) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (53) DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (54) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, valued over $2 but not over $30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (55) DC motors, electronically commutated, three-phase, eight-pole of a kind used in HVAC systems, of an output of 750 W, valued not over $100 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.6000)
        • (56) AC motors, multi-phase, of rolled steel frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (57) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output of 186.5 kW or more but not exceeding 373 kW, having a cast iron frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (58) AC multi-phase motors, each of an output exceeding 300 kW but not exceeding 310 kW, fitted with pulleys and brakes to raise and lower passenger elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (59) Regenerative speed drive controllers for controlling speed of electric motors for elevators (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (60) Speed drive controllers for electric motors, each such controller measuring 100 mm or more but not over 130 mm in length, 40 mm or more but not over 125 mm in width and 24 mm or more but not over 85 mm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.4000)
        • (61) Dual layer printed circuit board assemblies, each valued over $30 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.7500)
        • (62) Structural components for industrial furnaces (described in statistical reporting number 8514.90.8000)
        • (63) Aluminum electrolytic capacitors, each valued not over $3.20 (described in statistical reporting number 8532.22.0085)
        • (64) Rotary switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring not more than 5.5 cm by 5.0 cm by 3.4 cm, each with 2 to 8 spade terminals and an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (65) Rotary switches, single pole, single throw (SPST), rated at over 5 A, each measuring not more than 14.6 cm by 8.9 cm by 14.1 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9025)
        • (66) Modular light switches, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, presented in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) housings, designed for use with a backplate (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (67) Switches designed for use in motor vehicles, driver or passenger activated (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.9065)
        • (68) Coaxial connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, valued over $0.20 but not over $0.30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8536.69.4010)
        • (69) Butt splice connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (70) Ring terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (71) Twist-on wire connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each valued not over $0.03 (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (72) Zinc anodes for use with machines and apparatus for electroplating, electrolysis or electrophoresis (described in statistical reporting number 8543.30.9080)
        • (73) Stereoscopic microscopes, not provided with a means for photographing the image, valued not over $500 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 9011.10.8000)
        • (74) Adapter rings, tubes and extension sleeves, stands and arm assemblies, stages and gliding tables, eyeguards and focusing racks, all the foregoing designed for use with compound optical microscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9011.90.0000)
        • (75) Depth-sounding apparatus, each valued not over $50 (described in statistical reporting number 9014.80.2000)
        • (76) Weather station sets, each consisting of a monitoring display and outdoor weather sensors, having a transmission range of not over 140 m and valued not over $50 per set (described in statistical reporting number 9015.80.8080)
        • (77) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (78) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (79) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (80) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (81) Radiation therapy systems, each encased by steel-based structural shell with gantry cover comprising three pairs of plastics-based panels (described in statistical reporting number 9022.14.0000)
        • (82) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (83) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (84) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (85) Printed circuit board assemblies, of a kind designed for use in X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (86) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (87) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
        • (88) Thermostats designed for air conditioning or heating systems, not designed to connect to the internet, the foregoing designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
        • (89) Battery balancers designed for regulating voltage across batteries, other than for 6, 12 or 24 volt systems (described in statistical reporting number 9032.89.4000)
        • (ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) Acrylic acid-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-acrylic ester (AA/AMPS/HPA) terpolymers, presented in dry form (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (2) Electrical tape of polyvinyl chloride, in rolls, measuring not more than 2 cm in width, not more than 20.2 m in length, and not more than 0.18 mm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2020)
        • (3) Transparent tape of plastics with an acrylic emulsion adhesive, in rolls measuring not over 4.8 cm in width, valued not over $.25 per square meter (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2030)
        • (4) Rolls of polyethylene film coated with a solvent acrylic adhesive (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (5) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 m in length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5040 or 3919.90.5060)
        • (6) Rolls of polyvinyl chloride, measuring 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 5.1 cm in width and 182.9 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 3920.43.5000)
        • (7) Films coated on one or both sides with polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), whether or not having a primer layer between the base and coating; any of the foregoing having a total thickness greater than 0.01 mm but not greater than 0.03 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
        • (8) Printed film of polyvinyl chloride, laminated with foamed-polyvinyl chloride-coated polyester scrim, in rolls, of a kind used for lining shelves or drawers (described in statistical reporting number 3921.12.1100)
        • (9) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (10) Gas (natural or liquid propane (LP)) engines each having a displacement of more than 2 liters but not more than 2.5 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9010)
        • (11) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (12) Walk behind rotary tillers, electric powered, individually weighing less than 14 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8432.29.0060)
        • (13) AC motors, of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, each with attached actuators, crankshafts or gears (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6020)
        • (14) Electric motors, with an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, with attached cables, designed for use in adjusting motor vehicle seats (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
        • (15) DC electric motors, 12 V, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, with lead wires and electrical connector, measuring not over 75 mm outside diameter, with a housing not over 100 mm in length and a shaft not over 60 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (16) DC electric motors, 230 V, with an output not exceeding 140 W, measuring not more than 45 mm in diameter and not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (17) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (18) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, containing lead wires and an electrical connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (19) DC motors with a power output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 230 W, measuring less than 105 mm in diameter and 50 mm or more but not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (20) DC motors, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each valued not over $18 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (21) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs), Leakage Current Detection Interrupters (LCDIs), and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (22) Electronic AC passive infrared (PIR) motion sensing switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (23) Position or speed sensors for motor vehicle transmission systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (24) Wheel speed sensors for anti-lock motor vehicle braking systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (25) Apparatus using passive infrared detection sensors designed for turning lights on and off (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (26) Liquid leak detectors (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (27) Robots, programmable, measuring not more than 40 cm high by 22 cm wide by 27 cm deep, incorporating an LCD display, camera and microphone but without "hands" (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (28) Monopolar conductors for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V, other than of copper and not fitted with connectors (described in statistical reporting number 8544.60.6000)
        • (29) Follower block plates, designed for use with buffering/cushioning systems of freight railcars of heading 8606 (described in statistical reporting number 8607.30.1000)
        • (30) Motorcycles (including mopeds), with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc, valued not over $500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8711.10.0000)
        • (31) Motorcycles with electric power for propulsion, each of a power not exceeding 1,000 W (described in statistical reporting numbers 8711.60.0050 or 8711.60.0090, effective July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8711.60.0000, effective prior to July 1, 2019)
        • (32) Digital clinical thermometers (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (33) Digital clinical thermometers, valued not over $11 each (described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8040 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (34) Portable, wireless enabled, electrical gas monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9027.10.2000)
        • (iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 0304.72.5000
        • (2) 0304.83.1015
        • (3) 0304.83.1020
        • (4) 0304.83.5015
        • (5) 0304.83.5020
        • (6) 0304.83.5090
        • (7) 3923.21.0095
        • (8) 3926.20.9050
        • (9) 5603.12.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.12.0070 or 5603.12.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (10) 5603.14.9090
        • (11) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (12) 5603.93.0090
        • (13) 6505.00.8015
        • (14) 8424.90.9080
        • (15) 8425.31.0100
        • (16) 8708.50.8500
        • (17) 8712.00.1510
        • (18) 8712.00.1520
        • (19) 8712.00.1550
        • (20) Alaskan sole (yellowfin, rock or flathead), frozen in blocks, in cases with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015)
        • (21) King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010)
        • (22) Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022)
        • (23) Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030)
        • (24) Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)
        • (25) Sodium adipate (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid, disodium salt) (IUPAC name: disodium hexanedioate) (CAS No. 7486-38-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.12.5000)
        • (26) 1-Cyanoguanidine (Dicyandiamide) (CAS No. 461-58-5) (described in statistical reporting number 2926.20.0000)
        • (27) N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (IUPAC name: N-Diaminophosphinothioylbutan-1-amine) (CAS No. 94317-64-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5090 prior to January 1, 2024; described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5095 effective January 1, 2024)
        • (28) Artificial graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (29) Artificial graphite, in powder or flake form, for manufacturing into the lithium-ion anode component of batteries (described in statistical reporting number 3801.10.5000)
        • (30) Natural graphite, in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3801.90.0000)
        • (31) Herbicide consisting of 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium dichloride (CAS No. 1910-42-5) (Paraquat concentrate in liquid form) up to 45 percent concentration with application adjuvants (described in statistical reporting number 3808.93.1500)
        • (32) Supported nickel-based catalysts, of a kind used for methanation, desulfurization, hydrogenation, pre-reforming or reforming of organic chemicals or for protection of hydrotreating catalysts from arsine poisoning (described in statistical reporting number 3815.11.0000)
        • (33) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx) with enhanced mercury oxidation, with oxides of base metals being the active substances, applied to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (34) Plate-type supported catalysts (reaction accelerators) for reduction of nitrous oxides (NOx), with base metals being the active substances, applied on a titanium dioxide based ceramic material to a stainless steel mesh (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (35) Supported catalysts for polymerization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (36) Supported catalysts of copper oxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients for arsine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (37) Supported catalysts with copper carbonate or zinc carbonate as the active ingredients for low temperature desulfurization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (38) Supported catalysts with metal sulfide as the active substance for mercury removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (39) Supported catalysts with molybdenum compounds as the active substance for hydrogenation (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (40) Supported catalysts with zinc oxide absorbent as the active substance (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (41) Mixtures containing N,Ndimethyldodecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112-18-5) and N,N-dimethyltetradecan-1-amine (CAS No. 112-75-4) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9297 prior to January 27, 2022; described in 3824.99.9397 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (42) Mixtures of hydrofluorocarbons, containing 40 to 44 percent by weight of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (CAS No. 811-97-2), 56 to 60 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane (CAS No. 354-33-6) and up to 2 percent by weight of lubricating oil (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3827.62.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (43) Refrigerant gas R-421B, comprising mixtures containing at least 83 percent but not more than 87 percent by weight of pentafluoroethane, at least 13 percent but not more than 17 percent by weight of 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane, and at least 0.5 percent but not more than 2 percent by weight of lubricant (described in statistical reporting number 3824.78.0020 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 3827.62.0000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (44) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (45) One-piece stoppers, of polypropiolactone ("PPL") or polylactic acid ("PLA") polymers, each comprising a disc-shaped top attached to a rounded, tapered plug with a protruding stirrer, measuring at least 55 mm but not more than 120.7 mm in overall length, and weighing at least 0.6 g but not more than 1.1 g each, of a kind used with lids for beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (46) Endless synchronous belts of vulcanized rubber, molded polyurethane, neoprene, or welded urethane, each of an outside circumference of 60 cm or more but not more than 77 cm and a width of 2.5 cm or more but not exceeding 4 cm, weighing 0.18 kg or more but not exceeding 0.45 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4010.35.9000)
        • (47) Messenger bags of polyester, each measuring not more than 50 cm by 38 cm by 11 cm, weighing not more than 2.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.12.8130)
        • (48) Backpacks with hydration system, each measuring not more than 51 cm by 28 cm by 9 cm, weighing not more than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.0400)
        • (49) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 75 cm in height, at least 19 cm but not more than 34 cm in width, and at least 5 cm but not more than 26 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (50) Duffel bags made predominantly of man-made fibers, weighing not more than 7 kg, with wheels (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (51) Duffel bags of polyester, weighing not more than 7 kg (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3131)
        • (52) Covers, of leather, designed for use with telecommunication devices (described in statistical reporting number 4205.00.8000)
        • (53) Plates, bowls or cups of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 92 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0020)
        • (54) Clamshell containers, pizza pans, lids, compartmentalized and other trays of molded or pressed bamboo pulp, each weighing at least 3 g but not more than 95 g (described in statistical reporting number 4823.70.0040)
        • (55) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0065)
        • (56) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring 107 cm or more but not over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0085)
        • (57) Yarn of cashmere or camel hair, carded but not combed, not put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 5108.10.8000)
        • (58) Woven dyed fabrics of 100 percent textured polyester filament yarn, measuring 332.7 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (59) Woven fabric of 100 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, weighing more than 170 g/m, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (60) Woven fabric of synthetic filament yarn containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, dyed, measuring 249 cm in width, weighing more than 170 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5407.52.2060)
        • (61) Woven dupioni fabric wholly of non-textured dyed polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (62) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, not flat, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9930)
        • (63) Woven fabric wholly of polyester, dyed, containing non-textured polyester filaments, weighing more than 170 g/m, measuring not over 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.61.9935)
        • (64) Woven fabric containing by weight 47 percent of nylon and 53 percent of polyester, dyed, containing textured filaments, weighing not more than 170 g/m, measuring greater than 274 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5407.72.0015)
        • (65) Polyester filament tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.20.0000)
        • (66) Polypropylene fiber tow, measuring more than 50 ktex but not more than 275 ktex (described in statistical reporting number 5501.40.0000)
        • (67) Woven dyed fabrics wholly of spun polyester, weighing more than 240 g/m and measuring not more than 310 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5512.19.0090)
        • (68) Non-woven fabrics of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), in sheets measuring not more than 160 cm by 250 cm, weighing more than 1,800 g/m but not more than 3,000 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 5603.94.9090)
        • (69) Rugs of hand-knotted pile, of nylon and polypropylene, measuring at least 1.2 m2 (described in statistical reporting number 5701.90.1010)
        • (70) Woven dyed embroidery fabrics containing by weight 55 percent of polyester and 45 percent of nylon, weighing less than 115 g/m and measuring 289 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5810.92.9080)
        • (71) Long pile knit fabrics, of acrylic pile on polyester ground, valued not over $16 per m2 (described in statistical reporting number 6001.10.2000)
        • (72) Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial staple fibers derived from bamboo (described in statistical reporting number 6003.40.6000)
        • (73) Sandstone known as brown wave, of a kind used in outdoor living spaces, containing one textured side and up to four chiseled edges with a density of 2,750 kg/m3 (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
        • (74) Sandstone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of 200 mm or more but not over 3,100 mm, a width of 100 mm or more but not over 1,380 mm and a thickness of 30 mm or more but not over 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
        • (75) Grinding beads of yttria-stabilized zirconia (described in statistical reporting number 6909.11.2000)
        • (76) Screen protectors of tempered safety glass, transparent, cut, and treated, with adhesive on one side, in rectangular sheets, each weighing at least 6 g but not more than 77 g, each measuring not less than 2.8 cm but not more than 28 cm in height, not less than 1.9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, and not more than 0.1 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (77) Sheets of tempered safety glass, coated with silicone oxide, having a surface area of less than 2.5 m2, designed to be placed over solar cell panels for protection from external damage (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (78) Rear-view mirrors of convex glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm and not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 125 mm and not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 97 mm and not more than 180 mm in width, weighing not less than 74 g and not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (79) Rear-view mirrors of flat glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm but not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 163 mm but not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 107 mm but not more than 167 mm in width and weighing not less than 80 g but not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (80) Tiles of non-recycled glass on a vinyl mesh backing, in a grid pattern of not less than 304 mm by 304 mm and not exceeding 305 mm by 305 mm, for mosaics or other decorative or construction purposes (described in statistical reporting number 7016.10.0000)
        • (81) Equipment for scaffolding, comprising powder coated or galvanized welded tubular steel frames, braces, guard rail systems, components and accessories, the foregoing for assembly into frame and brace configurations measuring at least 10 cm but not more than 3.3 m in height and at least 4 cm but not more than 8.8 m in width, weighing not more than 91 kg, with a load capacity not more than 2,750 kg (described in statistical reporting number 7308.40.0000)
        • (82) Portable outdoor cooker kits, consisting of at least a burner and stand made from steel and/or cast iron, with an adjustable pressure regulator/hose combination for connecting the burner to a source of natural gas or a portable container of liquefied propane (described in statistical reporting number 7321.11.1060)
        • (83) Grills composed of steel wire, each measuring 49 cm by 47 cm (19.25 inches by 18.5 inches), weighing 0.36 kg (0.80 lbs.), designed as cooking surface of barbecue grill (described in statistical reporting number 7321.90.6090)
        • (84) Cable hooks of steel, each weighing not less than 0.2 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 5 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height with spring loaded closure gate (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (85) Nickel hydroxy carbonate (CAS No. 12607-70-4) (described in statistical reporting number 7501.20.0000)
        • (86) Mounting boards of aluminum for guitar sound modifying ("effect") devices, each consisting of an aluminum frame with above ground slots for the placement of devices and floor level slots for the on/off foot-operated pedal switches which control the modifying devices (described in statistical reporting number 7616.99.5190)
        • (87) Kitchen and table implements of iron or steel, non-electric, including but not limited to peelers, graters and whisks (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.3030)
        • (88) Automotive polishing attachments specially designed for use with a hand-held drill, each attachment including a 9.5 mm steel drive shaft, internal gear assembly, transverse hand brace and rotating disk components (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (89) Bolt-on tips of carbon alloy steel of a kind used in tub or horizontal grinders (described in statistical reporting number 8207.90.7585)
        • (90) Flat panel display mounting adapters of base metal (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (91) Stamped and formed brackets of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8302.50.0000)
        • (92) Gun safes with digital keypads, of base metal, each weighing at least 148 kg but not more than 422 kg, measuring at least 141 cm but not more than 183 cm in height, at least 55 cm but not more than 107 cm in width and at least 40 cm but not more than 71 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 8303.00.0000)
        • (93) Parts suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines of heading 8407 for marine propulsion (other than cast-iron parts, not advanced beyond cleaning, and machined only for the removal of fins, gates, sprues and risers or to permit location in finishing machinery or connecting rods) (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9290)
        • (94) Hydraulic valve lifters of steel with rollers, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 5 cm or more but not over 13 cm in length and 2.5 cm or more but not over 3.9 cm in diameter and weighing 135 g or more but not over 410 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (95) Solid valve lifters of steel, suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines (other than for aircraft engines, marine propulsion engines or for vehicles of subheading 8701.20, or headings 8702, 8703 or 8704), each measuring 19 mm or more but not over 114 mm in length and 6 mm or more but not over 26 mm in diameter and weighing 20 g or more but not over 250 g (described in statistical reporting number 8409.91.9990)
        • (96) Wind turbine hubs (described in statistical reporting number 8412.90.9081)
        • (97) Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines of the motor vehicles of headings 8703 or 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9090)
        • (98) Vacuum pumps, each composed of a cast aluminum body and an unalloyed steel cover, measuring not more than 85 mm in length, not more than 75 mm in width and not more than 96 mm in height, with a pump volume not more than 200 cc, for use in automotive braking systems (described in statistical reporting number 8414.10.0000)
        • (99) Hand- or foot-operated air pumps, each weighing 400 g or more but not over 3 kg, with a maximum pressure of 1.52 MPa, imported with adapters for valves for tires and inner tubes (described in statistical reporting number 8414.20.0000)
        • (100) DC blowers for use in motor vehicle climate control systems, each measuring no less than 323 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and no more than 357 mm by 214 mm by 167 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (101) DC centrifugal radial blowers, each measuring not less than 345 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and not more than 355 mm by 173 mm by 145 mm, of an output of 100 W to 285 W, and weighing at least 1.80 kg but no more than 2.72 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6560)
        • (102) Electric display cases incorporating refrigerating equipment designed for commercial use, each with a glass front to display the food or drink being stored (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (103) Upright coolers incorporating refrigerating equipment, each measuring not more than 77 cm in width, not more than 78 cm in depth and not more than 200 cm in height, weighing not more than 127 kg, with one swing-type transparent glass door (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (104) Compact portable shipping scales, of stainless steel, with a maximum weighing capacity of not more than 16 kg, with a digital display, weight below hook, and handles, measuring not less than 19 cm in width, not less than 21 cm in depth, not less than 3 cm in height but not more than 52 cm in width, not more than 41 cm in depth, not more than 13 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8423.81.0040)
        • (105) Screw jacks and scissor jacks, each comprising a base, two lift arms and adjustable wheel pads, weighing at least 22 kg but not more than 42 kg, with a weight limit of not more than 342 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8425.49.0000)
        • (106) Sewing machines, not of the household type, not specially designed to join footwear soles to uppers; each such machine weighing 45 kg or more but not over 140 kg, suitable for sewing leather (described in statistical reporting number 8452.29.9000)
        • (107) Trackpad input units for automatic data processing (ADP) machines, each valued over $100 (described in statistical reporting number 8471.60.9050)
        • (108) Printed circuit assemblies for rendering images onto computer screens (?graphics processing modules?) (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (109) Printed circuit assemblies to enhance the graphics performance of automatic data processing (ADP) machines ("accelerator modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (110) Printed circuit assemblies, constituting unfinished logic boards (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (111) Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471, whether or not incorporating fan hubs or LEDs but not incorporating other goods of heading 8541 or 8542 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.5100)
        • (112) Ratchet tie down straps, each consisting of straps of textiles measuring not less than 25 mm and not more than 105 mm in width and not more than 12.5 m in length, steel hooks at opposite ends of the straps and a gear and pawl mechanism for adjusting the length of the whole (described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9499 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8479.89.9599 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (113) Hand-operated valves of plastics, each comprising a bottle lid, drinking spout and flavor dispensing valve (described in statistical reporting number 8481.80.5090)
        • (114) Single phase AC electric motors (other than gear motors), of an output of 56 W or more but not exceeding 69 W, each measuring no more than 9 cm in length and no more than 11.5 cm in diameter, weighing no more than 2 kg, in a housing of base metals, with a switch (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.2040)
        • (115) Electric gear motors, single phase AC, of an output of 74.6 W or more but not exceeding 228 W, each with a spring, a coupling, and a locking connector, the assembly measuring not more than 30 cm in length, not more than 11 cm in width, not more than 16 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (116) AC motors, single phase, each of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 335 W, measuring not more than 13 cm in diameter and not more than 13 cm in height and with a shaft measuring not more than 39 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (117) Single-phase AC electric motors incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 367 W or more but not exceeding 565 W, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 230 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 7 kg but not more than 11 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 22 cm but not exceeding 34 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (118) Single-phase AC electric motors, other than gear motors, whether or not incorporating permanent split capacitors, each of an output range of 746 W or more but not exceeding 1.13 kW, operating at not less than 115 V of alternating current (VAC) but not more than 250 VAC, capable of operating while submerged in water, each weighing at least 9 kg but not more than 12.5 kg, measuring not more than 10 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm but not exceeding 36 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.6040)
        • (119) Power supplies for cable networks, that convert 120 V/60 Hz AC input to either 63 V AC or 87 V AC output, each measuring not more than 200 mm by 425 mm by 270 mm and weighing not more than 27.5 kg, containing printed circuit board assemblies, a transformer, and an oil filled capacitor (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (120) Static converters of a kind used to charge telecommunication apparatus in cars or homes, valued not over $2 each (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.8500)
        • (121) Power adapters for a weather sensor or weather station display (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9580)
        • (122) Robotic vacuum cleaners designed for residential use, each with a self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 50 W and dust bag/receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 L, whether or not shipped with accessories (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (123) Vacuum cleaners, bagless, upright, each with self-contained electric motor of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust receptacle capacity not exceeding 1 liter (described in statistical reporting number 8508.11.0000)
        • (124) Starter motors for internal combustion gasoline engines designed for use in the lawn, automotive, watercraft, motorcycle, industrial and garden industries (described in statistical reporting number 8511.40.0000)
        • (125) Projectors ("trumpets") of plastics for air horns (described in statistical reporting number 8512.90.2000)
        • (126) Fan-forced portable electric heaters, each with a ceramic heating element (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (127) Fan-forced, portable electric space heaters, each having a power consumption of not more than 1.5 kW and weighing more than 1.5 kg but not more than 17 kg, whether or not incorporating a humidifier or air filter (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0030)
        • (128) Electric fireplace inserts and free-standing electric fireplace heaters, rated at 5,000 British thermal units (BTUs) (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (129) Electric fireplaces, weighing not more than 55 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (130) Portable countertop air fryers of a kind used for domestic purposes (described in statistical reporting number 8516.60.4070)
        • (131) Tubular electric heating resistors (described in statistical reporting number 8516.80.8000)
        • (132) Closed-loop, digital, video security systems, each consisting of one 4-, 8- or 16-channel digital video recorder (DVR) that connects via cables to at least 2 but no more than 16 color television cameras in housings of plastics, cables and power adapters, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.83.0000 or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (133) Color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with C-mount lens mount, weighing not more than 87 g, measuring not more than 109 mm in length and 31 mm in diameter, presented with a cable measuring not more than 1.5 m in length (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (134) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with 10 megapixel resolution, weighing not more than 175 g, measuring 63 mm by 37 mm in length, presented with USB cable, reduction lens, eyepiece adapters, software CD and calibration slide (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (135) Digital color video cameras for use with microscopes, each camera with autofocus, C-mount lens mount, 1080p resolution, weighing not more than 450 g, measuring not more than 67 mm by 67 mm by 81 mm, presented with AC power adapter and power cable (described in statistical reporting number 8525.80.3010 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8525.81.0000, 8525.82.0000, or 8525.89.3000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (136) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 4 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (137) Printed circuit boards, with a base of glass reinforced epoxy laminate material that is compliant with NEMA grade FR-4 fire resistance, not flexible, with 10 layers, designed for use in a flow meter, and measuring not more than 6.35 cm by 6.35 cm by 0.1575 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (138) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 2 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
        • (139) Gas ignition safety controls, measuring 3.8 to 5.3 cm in height, 6.4 to 10.1 cm in width and 13.2 to 13.9 cm in depth; weighing 160 g to 380 g each; and valued not over $26 each; of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (140) Digital sound processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound, each capable of mixing 16, 24, 32 or 64 channel, each measuring not more than 17 cm in height, not more than 60 cm in depth, and not more than 83 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
        • (141) Insulated electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors of a kind used for telecommunications, each valued over $0.35 but not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.2000)
        • (142) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 9 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type 5-15P plug on one end and NEMA type 5-15R receptacle on the other (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9010)
        • (143) Extension cords of copper wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheaths, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each measuring at least 4 m but not longer than 16 m in length, with National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) type TT-30P plug on one end and NEMA type TT-30R receptacle on the other or NEMA type 14-50P plug on one end and NEMA type 14-50R receptacle on the other, with handles on each end in the shape of loops (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (144) Insulated conductors, not of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers and connectors at each end in bundles of 3, 5 or 6 for use in connecting patients to monitoring devices (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (145) Junction box assemblies, of a kind used in solar panels, incorporating three bypass diodes and two insulated cables fitted with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (146) Electrical insulators ("wire nuts") of plastics and steel (described in statistical reporting number 8546.90.0000)
        • (147) Tire carrier attachments, roof racks, fender liners, side protective attachments, the foregoing of steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5060 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8708.29.5160 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (148) Guide pins and guide bolts designed for use in brakes and servo-brakes of subheading 8708.30 (described in statistical reporting number 8708.30.5090)
        • (149) Flange forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (150) Hub forgings of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1035 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (151) Park gear blanks of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1520 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (152) Stator shafts of Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C grade carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (153) Front output shafts of Society of Automotive Engineers ("SAE") 1045 carbon steel suitable for use in automatic transmission systems for passenger motor vehicles (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.6890)
        • (154) Hitches receivers of steel, not suitable for towing applications, each receiver to be clamped onto the rear bumper of a recreational vehicle, such bumpers being square in section and measuring not more than 102 mm on a side (described in statistical reporting number 8708.99.8180)
        • (155) Bicycles, not motorized, each having aluminum- or magnesium- alloy wheels both measuring more than 69 cm but not more than 71 cm in diameter, tires of cross-sectional diameter of 3.5 cm, aluminum frame, a polyurethane/carbon fiber cord drive belt, 3-, 7- or 12-speed rear hub and twist shifter (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (156) Single-speed bicycles having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, weighing less than 16.3 kg without accessories and not designed for use with tires having a cross-sectional diameter exceeding 4.13 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.2500)
        • (157) Bicycles, not motorized, having both wheels exceeding 63.5 cm in diameter, each having no more than three speeds and a coaster brake (described in statistical reporting number 8712.00.3500)
        • (158) Bicycle frames, of carbon fiber, valued not over $600 each (described in statistical reporting number 8714.91.3000)
        • (159) Wheeled trailers suitable for towing behind an adult bicycle, each comprising a frame of aluminum with a hitch mechanism, weighing not more than 17.5 kg, with a capacity of not more than 46 kg, with those trailers designated for carrying children meeting ASTM International standard F1975 (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
        • (160) Casters, with diameter (including, where appropriate, tires) of 20 cm or more but not over 23 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8716.90.3000)
        • (161) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (162) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (163) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of a wind vane made of plastics and base metal weighing no more than 25 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (164) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly comprising 3 rotating wind cups, bearings, an internal aspirating fan and one or more solar panels (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (165) Parts and accessories of meteorological instruments and appliances, each consisting of an assembly made of plastic and metal comprising 3 wind cups weighing no more than 35 g (described in statistical reporting number 9015.90.0190)
        • (166) Metal casings for, and metal parts of, thermometers of subheading 9025.11.40 designed for use in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (?HVAC?) equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9025.90.0600)
        • (167) Hand-held card counters, each consisting of a plastic case containing a circuit board, rechargeable battery and controls, weighing less than 1 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9029.10.8000)
        • (168) 60-minute mechanical count-down kitchen timers (described in statistical reporting number 9106.90.8500)
        • (169) Upholstered seats with wooden frames other than chairs, not of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials, each measuring at least 144 cm but no more than 214 cm in width, at least 81 cm but no more than 89 cm in height and at least 81 cm but not more than 163 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.6011)
        • (170) Stackable upholstered metal chairs for religious worship settings, capable of interlocking with each other, each with attached holders and racks (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (171) Unassembled upholstered chairs with metal frames, other than household chairs, with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (172) Hunting stands of steel or aluminum (including ladder stands, pod stands, hang-on stands and climbing stands), each of which allows one or more hunters to ascend to a height and sit while waiting for game animals to appear (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (173) Unassembled non-upholstered chairs with metal frames (other than household chairs) with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0050)
        • (174) Parts of chairs of unfinished plywood, including bodies, legs and arms (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.4080 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.9090 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (175) Bench frames of cast aluminum, each measuring at least 42 cm but not more than 79 cm in height, and at least 52 cm but not more than 62 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (176) Chair frames of metal, each with integral bookshelf, capable of being stacked (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (177) Foot assemblies of base metal and rubber, designed for folding chairs (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.5081 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.99.9081 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (178) Household furniture of metal and high-pressure laminated bamboo (other than ironing boards, furniture for infants or children or bed frames) (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0050)
        • (179) Adjustable wire shelving units of steel, other than for household use, comprising vertical poles, foot caps or casters, clips and shelves, each when fully assembled measuring at least 35 cm or more but not more than 183 m in width, at least 35 cm but not more than 77 cm in depth, and at least 137 cm but not more than 183 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 prior to July 1, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0082 effective July 1, 2022)
        • (180) Display racks of powder coated steel, whether or not on casters, whether or not with LED lighting, each measuring at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in length, at least 60 cm but not more than 125 cm in width and at least 130 cm but not more than 225 cm in height, with slanted shelves with a lip at the front edge of each that measures 3 cm or more in height (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0080 prior to July 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0081 effective July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0082 effective July 1, 2022)
        • (180) Foldable tables with frames of steel and/or aluminum, each measuring 25 cm or more but not over 156 cm in length, 30 cm or more but not over 80 cm in width and 37 cm or more but not over 113 cm in height, with a tabletop surface of aluminum (described in statistical reporting number 9403.20.0090)
        • (182) Household furniture of high-pressure laminated bamboo, other than babies' or children's furniture (described in statistical reporting number 9403.82.0015)
        • (183) Baby crib liners, each composed of two pieces of multi-layer warp polyester knit mesh without any padding, one measuring no more than 29 cm by 283 cm and the other measuring no more than 29 cm by 210 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.6005 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.99.5005 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (184) Flameless pillar candles with LED lamps powered by batteries, each measuring at least 7.6 cm but not more than 20 cm in diameter and having a wax exterior (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9405.42.8440 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (185) Flexible strips, each having embedded light-emitting diodes electrically connected to a molded electrical end connector, each strip wound onto a reel measuring not more than 25 cm in diameter and not more than 1.5 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9405.40.8440 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9405.42.8440 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (186) Garden, patio and table top wick burning torches for outdoor use (described in statistical reporting number 9405.50.4000)
        • (187) Lamp shades of fabric over metal frame (described in statistical reporting number 9405.99.4090)
        • (iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.67, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 0505.10.0050
        • (2) 0505.10.0055
        • (3) 3401.19.0000
        • (4) 3926.90.9910
        • (5) 5210.11.4040
        • (6) 5210.11.6020
        • (7) 5504.10.0000
        • (8) 6506.10.6030
        • (9) Sodium alginate resins (CAS No. 9005-38-3) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.10.0000)
        • (10) Shower heads of plastics, designed to be fixed, hand-held, height-adjustable or combinations thereof, and parts of such shower heads (described in statistical reporting number 3924.90.5650)
        • (11) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (12) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (13) Sets of three polyvinyl chloride-coated foam pads, of plastics, of a kind used to assemble flotation work vests by passing adjustable straps with buckles through slots in the pads, each set comprising two irregularly shaped front/side pads and one rectangular back pad (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (14) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (15) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Wallpaper, other than described in subheading 4814.20.00, with floral, landscape, figure or abstract designs or solid backgrounds painted by hand, whether or not with applications of metal leaf (described in statistical reporting number 4814.90.0200)
        • (17) Women's knit robes in chief weight of cotton, with hook and loop tab closure (described in statistical reporting number 6108.91.0030)
        • (18) Babies' gowns of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves, neck opening and elasticized bottom opening (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (19) Babies' sleep sacks of cotton interlock knitted fabric, sleeveless, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (20) Babies' sleep sacks, knitted, of cotton, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (21) Babies' swaddle sacks of cotton knitted interlock fabric, each with sleeves and mitten cuffs (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (22) Babies' blanket sleepers of polyester knitted fleece, sleeveless, each with two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.30.5015)
        • (23) Men's and boys' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6207.91.1000)
        • (24) Girls' cotton terry bathrobes with muslin trim, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.91.1020)
        • (25) Girls' fleece bathrobes, each beltless but featuring a hook-and-loop tab (described in statistical reporting number 6208.92.0020)
        • (26) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0010)
        • (27) Blankets (other than electric blankets) of cotton, other than woven, each measuring at least 116 cm but not more than 118 cm on an edge (described in statistical reporting number 6301.30.0020)
        • (28) Dust covers of knitted polyester fabric, designed for bed mattresses and pillows (described in statistical reporting number 6302.10.0020)
        • (29) Crib sheets of muslin cotton, fitted with elastic (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9020)
        • (30) Protective covers of cotton for pillows, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not napped or printed, each with full encasement construction and zipper opening (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9040)
        • (31) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (32) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (33) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear comprising shells of polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate plastic or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, each with an inner liner of expanded polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, designed for use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
        • (34) Sewing machines of the household type, each weighing not more than 22.5 kg, having a touch screen control, a sewing light, a presser foot lifter and an automatic needle threader (described in statistical reporting number 8452.10.0090)
        • (35) Tracking devices, each device measuring not more than 86 mm on a side (if rectangular) or 28 mm in diameter (if circular) and not more than 7.5 mm in thickness, not weighing more than 15 g, designed to be attached to another article and to establish a Bluetooth connection with another device for the purposes of providing relative location information (described in statistical reporting number 8517.62.0090)
        • (36) Wireless communication apparatus that can receive audio data to be distributed to wireless speakers (described in statistical reporting number 8518.22.0000)
        • (37) Liquid crystal display ("LCD") modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.9000 prior to January 27, 2022, described in statistical reporting number 8524.11.9000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (38) Television liquid crystal display ("LCD") main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1300)
        • (39) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000 prior to January 1, 2021; described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0010 or 9004.90.0090 effective January 1, 2021)
        • (40) Prism binoculars, other than for use with infrared light, comprising a plastic, aluminum or magnesium alloy body with a rubber jacket, with magnification ranging from at least 4X but not more than 22X and aperture ranging from at least 21 mm but not more than 56 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9005.10.0040)
        • (41) Parts of child safety seats (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.1500 or 9401.99.1085 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (42) Pillow shells of cotton, each filled with goose or duck down (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000 prior to January 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1060 or statistical reporting number 9404.90.1090 effective January 1, 2023)
      • (uuu) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers: [Compiler's note: expired.]
        • (1) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0190)
        • (2) S-band and X-band linear accelerators designed for use in radiation surgery or radiation therapy equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8543.10.0000)
        • (3) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (4) Ultrasonic scanning apparatus, each having dimensions not exceeding 122 cm by 77 cm by 127 cm, whether or not presented with transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (5) Blood pressure monitors suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9530)
        • (6) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (7) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (8) Bismuth germanate crystals with set dimensional and surface finish requirements and used as a detection element in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (9) Magnetic resonance imaging ("MRI") patient enclosure devices, each incorporating radio frequency and gradient coils (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (10) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (11) Disposable surface electrodes for Intra-operative neuromonitoring (?IONM?) systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (12) Otoscopes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.2000)
        • (13) Anesthesia masks (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (14) Anesthetic instruments and appliances suitable for use in medical or surgical sciences, and parts and accessories of the foregoing (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (15) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (16) Printed circuit board assemblies designed for use in displaying operational performance of medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.7580)
        • (17) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (18) X-ray tables (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.2500)
        • (19) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (20) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (21) Parts and accessories, of metal, for mobile X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (22) Vertical stands specially designed to support, contain or adjust the movement of X-ray digital detectors, or the X-ray tube and collimator in complete X-ray diagnostic systems (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (23) Thermoplastic masks of polycaprolactone for the use of immobilizing patients, during the use of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, for radiography or radiotherapy (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.9500)
        • (24) Inoculator sets of plastics, each consisting of a plate with multiple wells, a display tray, and a lid; when assembled, the set measuring 105 mm or more but not exceeding 108 mm in width, 138 mm or more but not exceeding 140 mm in depth, and 6.5 mm or less in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 9027.90.5650)
        (ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 9025.19.8010
        • (2) 9025.19.8020
        • (3) 9025.19.8060
        • (4) 9025.19.8085
        • (5) Molded acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) tubes, of a kind used to effect the sterile transfer of fluid from a bag or vial to another container, each tube measuring 7.5 cm or more but not exceeding 23 cm in length, with an inner diameter of less than 0.65 cm and an outer diameter of less than 9 cm, one end having been angle-cut to form a spike, and having an integrated flange, less than 3 cm in diameter (splash guard) near the spike end and removable polyethylene caps on each end, put up in sterile packing (described in statistical reporting number 3917.29.0090)
        • (6) Rectangular sheets of high-density or low-density polyethylene, 111.75 cm to 215.9 cm in width, and 152.4 cm to 304.8 cm in length, with a sticker attached to mark the center of each sheet, of a kind used in hospital or surgery center operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3920.10.0000)
        • (7) Sheets and strips consisting of both cross-linked polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate, of a width greater than 1 m but not greater than 1.5 m, and a length greater than 1.75 m but not greater than 2.6 m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.19.0000)
        • (8) Polyethylene sheet and film laminated with spunbond-spunbond-spunbond nonwoven polypropylene fabric, measuring 1.12 m or more but not over 1.52 m in width and 1.93 m or more but not over 2.29 m in length, and weighing 55 g/m or more but not exceeding 88 g/m (described in statistical reporting number 3921.90.1500)
        • (9) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        (iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 3808.94.1000
        • (2) 3808.94.5010
        • (3) 3926.20.9050
        • (4) 4819.50.4060
        • (5) 5603.12.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.12.0070 or 5603.12.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (6) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (7) 5603.93.0090
        • (8) 6505.00.8015
        • (9) 8424.90.9080
        • (10) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (11) Disposable cloths of nonwoven textile materials impregnated, coated or covered with organic surface-active preparations for washing the skin, put up for retail sale (described in statistical reporting number 3401.11.5000)
        • (12) Mixtures containing 2-(dimethylamino)ethanol (CAS No. 108-01-0) (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397)
        • (13) Silicon monoxide (SiO) (CAS No. 10097-28-6) in powder form (described in statistical reporting number 3824.99.9397)
        • (14) Flexible gas sampling tubes, pipes and hoses, of polyvinyl chloride, with lock connectors at each end (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (15) Flexible oxygen tubes, pipes and hoses presented with integrated molded connectors, of polyvinyl chloride (described in statistical reporting number 3917.33.0000)
        • (16) Container units of plastics, each comprising a tub and lid therefore, configured or fitted for the conveyance, packing, or dispensing of wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.10.9000)
        • (17) Sacks and bags of polymers of ethylene, reclosable, qualifying as Class 1 medical devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under product code NNI (described in statistical reporting number 3923.21.0030)
        • (18) Injection molded polypropylene plastic caps or lids each weighing not over 24 grams designed for dispensing wet wipes (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (19) Hand pumps (other than for fuel or lubricants, not fitted or designed to be fitted with a metering device), each used to dispense a metered quantity of liquid soap or sanitizer (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (20) Hand pumps for liquids (other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastics (described in statistical reporting number 8413.20.0000)
        • (21) Indicator panels incorporating LEDs, designed for use in medical infusion equipment (described in statistical reporting number 8531.20.0040)
        • (22) Data input devices each with display capabilities of a kind used for magnetic resonance imaging (?MRI?) equipment, computed tomography (?CT?) equipment, intraoperative X-ray (?IXR?) equipment or patient monitors (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (23) Compound binocular optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 1,000X, weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        • (24) Compound optical microscopes (other than stereoscopic microscopes and microscopes for photomicrography, cinemicrography or microprojection), each with magnification of 40X or more but not exceeding 400X, weighing not more than 15 kg (described in statistical reporting number 9011.80.0000)
        (iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.68, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 3401.19.0000
        • (2) 3926.90.9910
        • (3) 5210.11.4040
        • (4) 5210.11.6020
        • (5) 5504.10.0000
        • (6) 6210.10.5010
        • (7) 6210.10.5090
        • (8) 6307.90.7200
        • (9) Face shields of transparent plastics, whether or not assembled (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9950)
        • (10) Bowls of molded plastics, with clips for retaining guide wires during surgical procedures (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (11) Coverings, of plastics, designed to fit over wound sites or casts thereby forming a protective seal for keeping the covered area dry and debris free while showering or bathing (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (12) Disposable graduated medicine dispensing cups of plastics (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (13) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (14) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (15) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (16) Hot packs of textile material, single-use (exothermic chemical reaction) (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Single-use blood pressure cuff sleeves of textile materials (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (19) Single-use stethoscope covers (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (20) Woven gauze sponges of cotton in square or rectangular sizes (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
      • (vvv) (i) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.01 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(a) and 20(b) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.01. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.69, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.01 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 8483.50.9040
        • (2) 8607.21.1000
        • (3) 9030.90.4600
        • (4) Pump casings and bodies (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (5) Pump covers (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (6) Pump parts, of plastics, each valued not over $3 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9080 prior to January 1, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9095 effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019; described in statistical reporting number 8413.91.9085 or 8413.91.9096 effective January 1, 2020)
        • (7) Compressors, other than screw type, used in air conditioning equipment in motor vehicles, each valued over $88 but not over $92 per unit (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8030)
        • (8) Rotary compressors, each exceeding 746 W but not exceeding 2,238 W, with a cooling capacity ranging from 2.3 kW to 5.5 kW (described in statistical reporting number 8414.30.8060)
        • (9) Heat exchanger plates, cores, finned tubes, cones, shells, bonnets, flanges and baffles (described in statistical reporting number 8419.90.3000)
        • (10) Chemically etched dies of steel, steel-rule cutting dies, movable magnetic dies, embossing folders and plastic embossing diffusers, of a kind used in manually-powered roller machines for etching or stenciling a single sheet of cardstock, paper, leather, flexible magnet, plastics, metallic foil, vellum, felt or fabric, such sheets measuring not more than 50.8 cm in width or length (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (11) Cutting pads, platforms, base plates, pads, shims, trays, which function as guides for hand-operated table-top calendering machines of a width not exceeding 51 cm (described in statistical reporting number 8420.99.9000)
        • (12) Machinery for filtering water, submersible, powered by batteries, manually operated, such machinery designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas or similar contained bodies of water (described in statistical reporting number 8421.21.0000)
        • (13) Air purification equipment, electrically powered, weighing less than 36 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8015 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0115 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (14) Disposable plastic filters of a kind suitable for filtering and dehumidifying a patient's breath in a medical device such as a gas analyzer (described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.8090 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.39.0190 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (15) Filter housings, covers, or couplings, the foregoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatus for filtering liquids (described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0040 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8421.99.0140 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (16) Counterweight castings of iron or steel designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (17) Tines, carriages, and other goods handling apparatus and parts designed for use on fork lift and other works trucks (described in statistical reporting number 8431.20.0000)
        • (18) Animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.80.0090)
        • (19) Parts of animal feeding machinery (described in statistical reporting number 8436.99.0090)
        • (20) Reject doors, pin protectors, liners, front walls, grates, hammers, rotor and end disc caps, and anvil and breaker bars, of iron or steel, the foregoing parts of metal shredders (described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9496 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8479.90.9596 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (21) Ball type angle cock valve bodies, of cast iron, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (22) Valve bodies, of aluminum, of valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9020)
        • (23) Angle cock handle assemblies, of iron and steel, each measuring 11.43 cm by 21.59 cm by 5.08 cm and weighing 0.748 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (24) Pipe brackets of aluminum, each with 4 ports, the foregoing measuring 27.9 cm x 20.3 cm x 17.8 cm and weighing 11.34 kg, designed for installation into air brake control valves (described in statistical reporting number 8481.90.9040)
        • (25) Electric motors, AC, permanent split capacitor type, not exceeding 16 W (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4020)
        • (26) DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, other than brushless, measuring less than 38 mm in diameter (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.4060)
        • (27) DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W, valued over $2 but not over $30 each (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.2000)
        • (28) AC motors, multi-phase, of rolled steel frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.51.4040)
        • (29) AC motors, multi-phase, of an output of 186.5 kW or more but not exceeding 373 kW, having a cast iron frame construction (described in statistical reporting number 8501.53.8040)
        • (30) Dual layer printed circuit board assemblies, each valued over $30 but not over $35 (described in statistical reporting number 8504.90.7500)
        • (31) Ring terminals, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8536.90.4000)
        • (32) Weather station sets, each consisting of a monitoring display and outdoor weather sensors, having a transmission range of not over 140 m and valued not over $50 per set (described in statistical reporting number 9015.80.8080)
        • (33) Disposable electrocardiograph (ECG) electrodes (described in statistical reporting number 9018.11.9000)
        • (34) Ultrasonic scanning apparatus, each having dimensions not exceeding 122 cm by 77 cm by 127 cm, whether or not presented with transducer (described in statistical reporting number 9018.12.0000)
        • (35) Blood pressure monitors suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9530)
        • (36) Digital peak flow meters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (37) Fingertip pulse oximeters suitable for use by medical professionals (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9550)
        • (38) Disposable surface electrodes for Intra-operative neuromonitoring ("IONM") systems, each composed of a surface electrode pad, an insulated wire, and a standard DIN 42802 connector (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (39) Parts and accessories of capnography monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.19.9560)
        • (40) Anesthetic instruments and appliances suitable for use in medical or surgical sciences, and parts and accessories of the foregoing (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.3000)
        • (41) Electrosurgical cautery pencils with electrical connectors (described in statistical reporting number 9018.90.6000)
        • (42) Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scanners which utilize multiple PET gantries (frames) on a common base (described in statistical reporting number 9022.12.0000)
        • (43) Radiation therapy systems, each encased by steel-based structural shell with gantry cover comprising three pairs of plastics-based panels (described in statistical reporting number 9022.14.0000)
        • (44) X-ray tube housings and parts thereof (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.4000)
        • (45) Multi-leaf collimators of radiotherapy systems based on the use of X-ray (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (46) Printed circuit board assemblies, of a kind designed for use in X-ray apparatus (described in statistical reporting number 9022.90.6000)
        • (47) Thermostats designed for air conditioning or heating systems, not designed to connect to the internet, the foregoing designed for wall mounting (described in statistical reporting number 9032.10.0030)
        (ii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and 20(d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47326 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.69, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.02 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 9025.19.8010
        • (2) 9025.19.8020
        • (3) 9025.19.8085
        • (4) Acrylic acid-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid-acrylic ester (AA/AMPS/I-IPA) terpolymers, presented in dry form (described in statistical reporting number 3906.90.5000)
        • (5) Rolls of polyethylene film coated with a solvent acrylic adhesive (described in statistical reporting number 3919.10.2055)
        • (6) Polyethylene film, 20.32 to 198.12 cm in width, and 30.5 to 2000.5 min length, coated on one side with solvent acrylic adhesive, clear or in transparent colors, whether or not printed, in rolls (described in statistical reporting number 3919.90.5040 or 3919.90.5060)
        • (7) Films coated on one or both sides with polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) or polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH), whether or not having a primer layer between the base and coating; any of the foregoing having a total thickness greater than 0.01 mm but not greater than 0.03 mm (described in statistical reporting number 3920.62.0090)
        • (8) Gas (natural or liquid propane (LP)) engines each having a displacement of more than 2 liters but not more than 2.5 liters (described in statistical reporting number 8407.90.9010)
        • (9) Dispensers of hand-cleaning or hand-sanitizing solutions, whether employing a manual pump or a proximity-detecting battery-operated pump, each article weighing not more than 3 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8424.89.9000)
        • (10) Electric motors, with an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W, with attached cables, designed for use in adjusting motor vehicle seats (described in statistical reporting number 8501.10.6080)
        • (11) DC electric motors, 24 V, with an output not exceeding 515 W, measuring not over 95 mm in outside diameter, not over 155 mm in length and with a shaft not over 30 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (12) DC electric motors, with an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, containing lead wires and an electrical connector (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (13) DC motors with a power output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 230 W, measuring less than 105 mm in diameter and 50 mm or more but not over 100 mm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (14) DC motors, of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W, each valued not over $18 (described in statistical reporting number 8501.31.4000)
        • (15) Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs), Appliance Leakage Current Interrupters (ALCIs), Leakage Current Detection Interrupters (LCDIs), and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs) (described in statistical reporting number 8536.30.8000)
        • (16) Electronic AC passive infrared (PIR) motion sensing switches (described in statistical reporting number 8536.50.7000)
        • (17) Position or speed sensors for motor vehicle transmission systems, each valued not over $12 (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.4500)
        • (18) Apparatus using passive infrared detection sensors designed for turning lights on and off (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (19) Liquid leak detectors (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (20) Robots, programmable, measuring not more than 40 cm high by 22 cm wide by 27 cm deep, incorporating an LCD display, camera and microphone but without "hands" (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9960 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9860 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (21) Motorcycles (including mopeds), with reciprocating internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc, valued not over $500 each (described in statistical reporting number 8711.10.0000)
        • (22) Portable, wireless enabled, electrical gas monitors (described in statistical reporting number 9027.10.2000)
        (iii) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.03 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(e) and 20(f) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.03, and by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.04 and provided for in U.S. note 20(g) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.04. See 83 Fed. Reg. 47974 (September 21, 2018) and 84 Fed. Reg. 29576 (June 24, 2019). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.69, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.03 or in heading 9903.88.04 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 0304.72.5000
        • (2) 0304.83.1015
        • (3) 0304.83.1020
        • (4) 0304.83.5015
        • (5) 0304.83.5020
        • (6) 0304.83.5090
        • (7) 3808.94.5010
        • (8) 3923.21.0095
        • (9) 5603.92.0090 prior to July 1, 2022; 5603.92.0070 or 5603.92.0095 effective July 1, 2022
        • (10) 5603.93.0090
        • (11) 6505.00.8015
        • (12) 8424.90.9080
        • (13) 8425.31.0100
        • (14) King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010)
        • (15) Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022)
        • (16) Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030)
        • (17) Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)
        • (18) Sodium metal (CAS No. 7440-23-5), in bulk solid form (described in statistical reporting number 2805.11.0000)
        • (19) Sodium adipate (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid, disodium salt) (IUPAC name: disodium hexanedioate) (CAS No. 7486-38-6) (described in statistical reporting number 2917.12.5000)
        • (20) N-(n-Butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (IUPAC name: N-Diaminophosphinothioylbutan-1-amine) (CAS No. 94317-64-3) (described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5090 prior to January 1, 2024; described in statistical reporting number 2929.90.5095 effective January 1, 2024)
        • (21) Supported nickel-based catalysts, of a kind used for methanation, desulfurization, hydrogenation, pre-reforming or reforming of organic chemicals or for protection of hydrotreating catalysts from arsine poisoning (described in statistical reporting number 3815.11.0000)
        • (22) Supported catalysts for polymerization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (23) Supported catalysts of copper oxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients for arsine removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (24) Supported catalysts with copper carbonate or zinc carbonate as the active ingredients for low temperature desulfurization (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (25) Supported catalysts with metal sulfide as the active substance for mercury removal (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (26) Supported catalysts with molybdenum compounds as the active substance for hydrogenation (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (27) Supported catalysts with zinc oxide as the active substance (described in statistical reporting number 3815.19.0000)
        • (28) One-piece stoppers, of polypropiolactone ("PPL") or polylactic acid ("PLA") polymers, each comprising a disc-shaped top attached to a rounded, tapered plug with a protruding stirrer, measuring at least 55 mm but not more than 120.7 mm in overall length, and weighing at least 0.6 g but not more than 1.1 g each, of a kind used with lids for beverage containers (described in statistical reporting number 3923.50.0000)
        • (29) Backpacks with outer surface of textile materials of man-made fibers, each measuring at least 35 cm but not more than 75 cm in height, at least 19 cm but not more than 34 cm in width, and at least 5 cm but not more than 26 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 4202.92.3120)
        • (30) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0065)
        • (31) Silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste other than noil silk, the foregoing not printed, not jacquard woven, measuring 107 cm or more but not over 127 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 5007.20.0085)
        • (32) Long pile knit fabrics, of acrylic pile on polyester ground, valued not over $16 per m2 (described in statistical reporting number 6001.10.2000)
        • (33) Sandstone known as brown wave, of a kind used in outdoor living spaces, containing one textured side and up to four chiseled edges with a density of 2,750 kg/m3 (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
        • (34) Sandstone with a flamed finish on one side and a length of 200 mm or more but not over 3,100 mm, a width of 100 mm or more but not over 1,380 mm and a thickness of 30 mm or more but not over 180 mm (described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0060 prior to July 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 6802.99.0090 effective July 1, 2023)
        • (35) Grinding beads of yttria-stabilized zirconia (described in statistical reporting number 6909.11.2000)
        • (36) Screen protectors of tempered safety glass, transparent, cut, and treated, with adhesive on one side, in rectangular sheets, each weighing at least 6 g but not more than 77 g, each measuring not less than 2.8 cm but not more than 28 cm in height, not less than 1.9 cm but not more than 21 cm in width, and not more than 0.1 cm in thickness (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (37) Sheets of tempered safety glass, coated with silicone oxide, having a surface area of less than 2.5 m2, designed to be placed over solar cell panels for protection from external damage (described in statistical reporting number 7007.19.0000)
        • (38) Rear-view mirrors of convex glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm and not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 125 mm and not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 97 mm and not more than 180 mm in width, weighing not less than 74 g and not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (39) Rear-view mirrors of flat glass for motor vehicles, each measuring not less than 1.75 mm but not more than 2.4 mm in thickness, not less than 163 mm but not more than 210 mm in length, not less than 107 mm but not more than 167 mm in width and weighing not less than 80 g but not more than 188 g (described in statistical reporting number 7009.10.0000)
        • (40) Tiles of non-recycled glass on a vinyl mesh backing, in a grid pattern of not less than 304 mm by 304 mm and not exceeding 305 mm by 305 mm, for mosaics or other decorative or construction purposes (described in statistical reporting number 7016.10.0000)
        • (41) Cable hooks of steel, each weighing not less than 0.2 kg, measuring not less than 9 cm in length, not less than 5 cm in width and not less than 1 cm in height with spring loaded closure gate (described in statistical reporting number 7326.90.8688)
        • (42) Kitchen and table implements of iron or steel, non-electric, including but not limited to peelers, graters and whisks (described in statistical reporting number 8205.51.3030)
        • (43) Cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engines of the motor vehicles of headings 8703 or 8704 (described in statistical reporting number 8413.30.9090)
        • (44) DC blowers for use in motor vehicle climate control systems, each measuring no less than 323 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and no more than 357 mm by 214 mm by 167 mm (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6540)
        • (45) DC centrifugal radial blowers, each measuring not less than 345 mm by 122 mm by 102 mm and not more than 355 mm by 173 mm by 145 mm, of an output of 100 W to 285 W, and weighing at least 1.80 kg but no more than 2.72 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8414.59.6560)
        • (46) Electric display cases incorporating refrigerating equipment designed for commercial use, each with a glass front to display the food or drink being stored (described in statistical reporting number 8418.50.0080)
        • (47) Printed circuit assemblies for rendering images onto computer screens ("graphics processing modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (48) Printed circuit assemblies to enhance the graphics performance of automatic data processing (ADP) machines ("accelerator modules") (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (49) Printed circuit assemblies, constituting unfinished logic boards (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.1180)
        • (50) Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8471, whether or not incorporating fan hubs or LEDs but not incorporating other goods of heading 8541 or 8542 (described in statistical reporting number 8473.30.5100)
        • (51) Electric gear motors, single phase AC, of an output of 74.6 W or more but not exceeding 228 W, each with a spring, a coupling, and a locking connector, the assembly measuring not more than 30 cm in length, not more than 11 cm in width, not more than 16 cm in height (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4020)
        • (52) AC motors, single phase, each of an output exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 335 W, measuring not more than 13 cm in diameter and not more than 13 cm in height and with a shaft measuring not more than 39 cm in length (described in statistical reporting number 8501.40.4040)
        • (53) Power adapters for a weather sensor or weather station display (described in statistical reporting number 8504.40.9580)
        • (54) Starter motors for internal combustion gasoline engines designed for use in the lawn, automotive, watercraft, motorcycle, industrial and garden industries (described in statistical reporting number 8511.40.0000)
        • (55) Electric fireplaces, weighing not more than 55 kg (described in statistical reporting number 8516.29.0090)
        • (56) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 4 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0020)
        • (57) Printed circuit boards, each with a base wholly of plastics impregnated glass, not flexible, with 2 layers of copper (described in statistical reporting number 8534.00.0040)
        • (58) Gas ignition safety controls, measuring 3.8 to 5.3 cm in height, 6.4 to 10.1 cm in width and 13.2 to 13.9 cm in depth; weighing 160 g to 380 g each; and valued not over $26 each; of a kind used in patio heaters, agricultural heaters or clothes dryers (described in statistical reporting number 8537.10.9170)
        • (59) Digital sound processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for the mixing of sound, each capable of mixing 16, 24, 32 or 64 channel, each measuring not more than 17 cm in height, not more than 60 cm in depth, and not more than 83 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 8543.70.9100)
        • (60) Insulated electric conductors for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors of a kind used for telecommunications, each valued over $0.35 but not over $2 (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.2000)
        • (61) Insulated conductors, not of a kind used for telecommunications, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, each with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) covers and connectors at each end in bundles of 3, 5 or 6 for use in connecting patients to monitoring devices (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (62) Junction box assemblies, of a kind used in solar panels, incorporating three bypass diodes and two insulated cables fitted with connectors, for a voltage not more than 1,000 V (described in statistical reporting number 8544.42.9090)
        • (63) Park gear blanks of Society of Automotive Engineers (?SAE?) 1520 carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (64) Stator shafts of Stahlwerk Annahutte ZF34C grade carbon steel (described in statistical reporting number 8708.40.7570)
        • (65) Wheeled trailers suitable for towing behind an adult bicycle, each comprising a frame of aluminum with a hitch mechanism, weighing not more than 17.5 kg, with a capacity of not more than 46 kg, with those trailers designated for carrying children meeting ASTM International standard F1975 (described in statistical reporting number 8716.40.0000)
        • (66) Upholstered seats with wooden frames other than chairs, not of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials, each measuring at least 144 cm but no more than 214 cm in width, at least 81 cm but no more than 89 cm in height and at least 81 cm but not more than 163 cm in depth (described in statistical reporting number 9401.61.6011)
        • (67) Unassembled upholstered chairs with metal frames, other than household chairs, with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood and measuring at least 48 cm but not more than 61 cm in width (described in statistical reporting number 9401.71.0031)
        • (68) Hunting stands of steel or aluminum (including ladder stands, pod stands, hang-on stands and climbing stands), each of which allows one or more hunters to ascend to a height and sit while waiting for game animals to appear (described in statistical reporting number 9401.79.0035)
        • (69) Parts of chairs of unfinished plywood, including bodies, legs and arms (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.4080 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.9090 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (70) Baby crib liners, each composed of two pieces of multi-layer warp polyester knit mesh without any padding, one measuring no more than 29 cm by 283 cm and the other measuring no more than 29 cm by 210 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9403.90.6005 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9403.99.5005 effective January 27, 2022)
        (iv) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.15 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(r) and (s) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.15. See 84 Fed. Reg. 43304 (August 20, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 45821 (August 30, 2019), 84 Fed. Reg. 57144 (October 24, 2019) and 85 Fed. Reg. 3741 (January 22, 2020). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that, as provided in heading 9903.88.69, the additional duties provided for in heading 9903.88.15 shall not apply to the following particular products, which are provided for in the following enumerated statistical reporting numbers:
        • (1) 0505.10.0050
        • (2) 0505.10.0055
        • (3) 3401.19.0000
        • (4) 3926.90.9910
        • (5) 5504.10.0000
        • (6) 6210.10.5010
        • (7) 6210.10.5090
        • (8) 6506.10.6030
        • (9) Sodium alginate resins (CAS No. 9005-38-3) (described in statistical reporting number 3913.10.0000)
        • (10) Single-use sterile drapes and covers of plastics, of a kind used to protect the sterile field in surgical operating rooms (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9989 effective July 1, 2024)
        • (11) Sterile decanters of polystyrene plastics, each of a kind used to transfer aseptic fluids or medication to and from sterile bags, vials or glass containers (described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9990 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9985 effective July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 3926.90.9989 effective July 1, 2024)
        • (12) Babies' sleep sacks of cotton interlock knitted fabric, sleeveless, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (13) Babies' sleep sacks, knitted, of cotton, each with neck opening and two-way zipper (described in statistical reporting number 6111.20.6070)
        • (14) Dust covers of knitted polyester fabric, designed for bed mattresses and pillows (described in statistical reporting number 6302.10.0020)
        • (15) Protective covers of cotton for pillows, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, not napped or printed, each with full encasement construction and zipper opening (described in statistical reporting number 6302.31.9040)
        • (16) Cold packs consisting of a single-use, instant, endothermic chemical reaction cold pack combined with a textile exterior lining (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (17) Laparotomy sponges of cotton (described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9889 prior to July 1, 2020; described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9891 effective July 1, 2020)
        • (18) Athletic, recreational and sporting headgear comprising shells of polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate plastic or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, each with an inner liner of expanded polypropylene or expanded polystyrene, designed for use with bicycles (described in statistical reporting number 6506.10.6045)
        • (19) Sewing machines of the household type, each weighing not more than 22.5 kg, having a touch screen control, a sewing light, a presser foot lifter and an automatic needle threader (described in statistical reporting number 8452.10.0090)
        • (20) Liquid crystal display ("LCD") modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in statistical reporting number 9013.80.9000 prior to January 27, 2022, described in statistical reporting number 8524.11.9000 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (21) Television liquid crystal display ("LCD") main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in statistical reporting number 8529.90.1300)
        • (22) Protective Articles (described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0000 prior to January 1, 2021; described in statistical reporting number 9004.90.0010 or 9004.90.0090 effective January 1, 2021)
        • (23) Prism binoculars, other than for use with infrared light, comprising a plastic, aluminum or magnesium alloy body with a rubber jacket, with magnification ranging from at least 4X but not more than 22X and aperture ranging from at least 21 mm but not more than 56 mm (described in statistical reporting number 9005.10.0040)
        • (24) Parts of child safety seats (described in statistical reporting number 9401.90.1085 prior to January 27, 2022; described in statistical reporting number 9401.91.1500 or 9401.99.1085 effective January 27, 2022)
        • (25) Pillow shells of cotton, each filled with goose or duck down (described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1000 prior to January 1, 2023; described in statistical reporting number 9404.90.1060 or 9404.90.1090 effective January 1, 2023)
      • (www) The U.S. Trade Representative determined to establish a process by which particular products classified in heading 9903.88.02 and provided for in U.S. notes 20(c) and (d) to this subchapter could be excluded from the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02. See 83 Fed. Reg. 40823 (August 16, 2018) and 83 Fed. Reg. 47236 (September 18, 2018). Pursuant to the product exclusion process, the U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties imposed by heading 9903.88.02 and U.S. note 20(d) to this subchapter shall not apply to the products of China described herein and classified in the specified subheadings of heading 8486 of the tariff schedule, when such products of China are entered with a claim for the tariff treatment provided in heading 9903.88.70 of this subchapter:
        • (1) Silicon growth furnaces, including Czochralski crystal growth furnaces, designed for growing monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of a mass exceeding 700 kg, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (2) Band saws designed for cutting or slicing cylindrical monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into square or rectangular ingots (boules), for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (3) Machines designed to align and adhere square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 200 kg to plastic support boards on metal mounting plates to provide support during diamond wire sawing, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (4) Diamond wire saws designed for cutting or slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (5) Wire guide roller machines, presented with diamond wire saws designed for slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, all of the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (6) Coolant fluid recycling machines, presented with diamond wire saws designed for slicing square or rectangular monocrystalline silicon ingots (boules) of an initial mass exceeding 400 kg into solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, all of the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (7) Degumming machines designed to remove adhesives from solar wafers (described in statistical reporting number 8486.10.0000)
        • (8) Texturing, etching, polishing, and cleaning machines designed to prepare, repair, clean, etch, polish or texture the solar wafer substrate, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000)
        • (9) Thermal diffusion quartz-tube furnaces, designed to diffuse dopant impurities into square or rectangular silicon wafers, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next or boat loading or unloading machines, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000)
        • (10) Plasma-enhanced or low-pressure chemical vapor deposition machines designed to deposit amorphous or nanocrystalline layers on one or both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000)
        • (11) Physical vapor deposition (PVD) machines, designed to deposit a thin film of transparent conducting oxide on one or both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000)
        • (12) Screen printing line machines, including sintering furnaces for printing conducting contacts on both surfaces of a solar wafer, whether or not integrated with automation equipment for transferring solar wafers from one process station to the next, and whether or not integrated with equipment for solar cell testing, all the foregoing for use in solar cell manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.20.0000)
        • (13) Machines designed for transporting polysilicon material to growth furnaces and machines designed for transporting monocrystalline ingots (boules) and wafers throughout the solar wafer manufacturing process, including machines for loading or unloading solar wafers during the diamond wire slicing process (described in statistical reporting number 8486.40.0030)
        • (14) Machines designed for lifting, handling, loading, or unloading of solar wafers of a thickness not exceeding 200 micrometers, for use in solar wafer manufacturing (described in statistical reporting number 8486.40.0030)
  • (21)
    • (a) Except as provided in notes 21(u), 21(v), 21(w) and 21(x) of this subdivision, for the purposes of subheadings 9903.89.05 through 9903.89.63, inclusive, and superior text thereto, products of Austria, of Belgium, of Bulgaria, of Croatia, of Republic of Cyprus, of Czech Republic, of Denmark, of Estonia, of Finland, of France, of Germany, of Greece, of Hungary, of Ireland, of Italy, of Latvia, of Lithuania, of Luxembourg, of Malta, of Netherlands, of Poland, of Portugal, of Romania, of Slovakia, of Slovenia, of Spain, of Sweden or of the United Kingdom, as specified in such provisions and this note, shall be subject to additional duties as provided herein. All products of the specified countries that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in this note are subject to the additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05 through 9903.89.63. The duties imposed by such heading and subheadings shall be in addition to the general duty rates provided for in the applicable provisions of the tariff schedule. [Compiler's note: Duties suspended under terms set forth in notice appearing at 86 F.R. 36313, July 9, 2021. Suspension inapplicable to certain goods entered from foreign trade zones.]
      Products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in this note and that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99 shall be subject to the additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05 through 9903.89.63, and any such duty exemption or reduction shall apply only to the permanent general rate prescribed in provisions of chapters 1 through 97 of the tariff schedule.
      The additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05 through 9903.89.63 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50 and 9802.00.60 and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50 and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations or processing performed in one or more of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom and as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
      Products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are described in any of subheading 9903.89.05 through 9903.89.63 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in such subheadings and in this note shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing or other duties (including duties imposed by other provisions of subchapter III of this chapter and safeguard duties set forth in provisions of subchapter IV of this chapter), fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional imposed herein.
    • (b) For purposes of subheading 9903.89.05, the term ?new airplanes or other new aircraft? means airplanes or aircraft with no time in service or hours in flight other than for production testing and for each such airplane?s or aircraft?s flight required to enter the airplane or aircraft into the U.S. customs territory or to arrive at a U.S. port of entry. Such subheading shall not cover used or rebuilt airplanes or other aircraft not covered by the definition of ?new? goods set forth in this subdivision.
    • (c) Subheading 9903.89.10 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below: [Compiler's note: subheading 0403.10.50 superseded by 0403.20.50]
      0403.10.50 0406.30.28 0406.90.94
      0403.90.85 0406.30.34 0805.10.00
      0403.90.90 0406.30.38 0805.21.00
      0405.20.20 0406.30.55 0805.22.00
      0406.10.28 0406.30.69 0805.50.20
      0406.10.54 0406.30.79 0812.10.00
      0406.10.58 0406.40.44 0813.40.30
      0406.10.68 0406.40.48 1602.49.10
      0406.20.51 0406.90.32 1605.53.05
      0406.20.53 0406.90.43 1605.56.05
      0406.20.69 0406.90.52 1605.56.10
      0406.20.77 0406.90.54 1605.56.15
      0406.20.79 0406.90.68 1605.56.20
      0406.20.87 0406.90.72 1605.56.30
      0406.20.91 0406.90.74 1605.56.60
      0406.30.05 0406.90.82 1605.59.05
      0406.30.18 0406.90.92 1605.59.60
    • (d) Subheading 9903.89.13 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Germany, of Spain or of the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
      0203.29.40 0406.10.951509.10.20
      0404.10.05 0406.90.161509.90.20
      0406.10.84 0406.90.562005.70.12
      0406.10.88 2005.70.25
    • (e) Subheading 9903.89.16 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (f) Subheading 9903.89.19 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (g) Subheading 9903.89.22 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (h) Subheading 9903.89.25 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 0406.90.46.
    • (i) Subheading 9903.89.28 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 0406.90.57.
    • (j) Subheading 9903.89.31 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 0406.90.95.
    • (k) Subheading 9903.89.34 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of France, of Germany, of Spain or of the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (l) Subheading 9903.89.37 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Germany that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (m) Subheading 9903.89.40 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 1602.49.20.
    • (n) Subheading 9903.89.43 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Germany or the United Kingdom that are classified in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (o) Subheading 9903.89.46 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Germany, of Ireland, of Italy, of Spain or of the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 2208.70.00.
    • (p) Subheading 9903.89.49 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of the United Kingdom that are either?
      • (1) single-malt Irish or Scotch Whiskies (provided for in subheading 2208.30.30), or
      • (2) provided for in the subheadings enumerated below:
    • (q) Subheading 9903.89.52 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of France or Germany that are classified in subheadings 2007.99.05, 2007.99.10, 2007.99.15, 2007.99.20, 2007.99.25, 2007.99.35, 2007.99.60, or 8214.90.60.
    • (r) Subheading 9903.89.55 and superior text thereto shall apply to all products of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, or the United Kingdom that are classified in subheading 0406.90.99.
    • (s) Subheading 9903.89.57 and superior text thereto shall apply to all of the following products of France and Germany:
      • (1) Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or grape marc (grape brandy), other than Pisco and Singani, in containers each holding not over 4 liters, valued over $38 per proof liter (provided for in subheading 2208.20.40); and
      • (2) products classified in the following 8-digit subheadings: 2204.21.20, 2204.21.30, 2204.21.60, 2204.21.80, 2204.22.20, 2204.22.40, 2204.22.60, 2204.22.80, 2204.29.61, 2204.29.81, 2204.30.00.
    • (t) For purposes of subheading 9903.89.61:
      • (1) ?Fuselages and fuselage sections? means: (a) the complete, tube-like structure comprising the central body portion of an airplane, including accommodations for crew, passengers, and/or cargo, whether or not containing systems, insulation, or other articles; and (b) sections of articles described in (a) that have exterior side surfaces attached to exterior top/crown and bottom/keel surfaces, whether or not designed to be pressurized, and whether or not there are additional articles attached. The term "fuselages and fuselage sections" shall not cover airplane parts, components, or subassemblies (e.g., aft pressure bulkheads, floor panels, seats) when imported unattached to the articles described in (a) and (b) of this subdivision.
      • (2) ?Wings and wing assemblies (other than wings having exterior surfaces of carbon composite material)? means: (a) left or right handed outboard wing structures with fixed structures, whether or not also including moveable structures, having exterior surfaces of other than carbon composite material; (b) center wing boxes having exterior surfaces of other than carbon composite material; and (c) wing assemblies that combine an outboard wing structure with a fixed structure (whether or not having moveable structure) and a center wing boxes, having exterior surfaces of other than carbon composite material. The term ?wings and wing assemblies (other than wings having exterior surfaces of carbon composite material)? shall not cover airplane parts, components or subassemblies when imported unattached to the articles described in in (a), (b), or (c) of this subdivision.
      • (3) ?Horizontal and vertical stabilizers? means a horizontal or vertical stabilizer, whether or not attached to elevators or fuselage/tail cone/empennages structures. The term ?horizontal and vertical stabilizers? does not cover elevators or rudders when imported unattached to a fuselage, tail cone, or empennage structure.
      Such subheading shall not cover other parts of airplanes or helicopter not covered by the definitions set forth in this subdivision.
    • (u) The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05, 9903.89.07, 9903.89.10, 9903.89.13, 9903.89.16, 9903.89.19, 9903.89.22, 9903.89.25, 9903.89.28, 9903.89.31, 9903.89.34, 9903.89.40, 9903.89.43, 9903.89.46, 9903.89.49, 9903.89.50 and 9903.89.55, and as provided by their associated subchapter notes, shall not apply to articles the product of the United Kingdom that are entered on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on March 4, 2021 and before 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on July 4, 2021.
    • (v) The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05, 9903.89.07, 9903.89.10, 9903.89.13, 9903.89.16, 9903.89.19, 9903.89.22, 9903.89.25, 9903.89.28, 9903.89.31, 9903.89.34, 9903.89.37, 9903.89.40, 9903.89.43, 9903.89.46, 9903.89.52, 9903.89.55, 9903.89.57, 9903.89.59, 9903.89.61, and 9903.89.63 and as provided by their associated subchapter notes, shall not apply to articles the product of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden that are entered on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on March 11, 2021 and before 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on July 11, 2021.
    • (w) The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that the additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05, 9903.89.07, 9903.89.10, 9903.89.13, 9903.89.16, 9903.89.19, 9903.89.22, 9903.89.25, 9903.89.28, 9903.89.31, 9903.89.34, 9903.89.40, 9903.89.43, 9903.89.46, 9903.89.49, 9903.89.50 and 9903.89.55, and as provided by their associated subchapter notes, shall not apply to articles the product of the United Kingdom that are entered on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on or after July 4, 2021.
    • (x) The U.S. Trade Representative has determined that additional duties imposed by subheadings 9903.89.05, 9903.89.07, 9903.89.10, 9903.89.13, 9903.89.16, 9903.89.19, 9903.89.22, 9903.89.25, 9903.89.28, 9903.89.31, 9903.89.34, 9903.89.37, 9903.89.40, 9903.89.43, 9903.89.46, 9903.89.52, 9903.89.55, 9903.89.57, 9903.89.59, 9903.89.61, and 9903.89.63, and as provided by their associated subchapter notes, shall not apply to articles the product of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, or Sweden that are entered on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on or after July 11, 2021.
  • 21. (a) For purposes of subheading 9903.19.23, the term ?infant formula base powder? means a dry mixture of protein, fat, and carbohydrates that requires only the addition of vitamins and minerals in order to meet the definition of the term ?infant formula? in section 201(z) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321(z)). 1The note and related subheading expired at the close of Dec. 31, 2022.
    (b) The necessary proof that an import is a qualifying infant formula base powder under subheading 9903.19.23 shall be established by a written notice from the Food and Drug Administration that the base powder shipment qualifies for importation under such subheading.
    (c) The duty-free treatment of infant formula base powder set forth in subheading 9903.19.23 shall apply only with respect to the importation of an aggregate quantity not exceeding 2,600 metric tons of such infant formula base powder.
  • 22. [Note deleted.]
  • 23. [Note deleted.]
  • 24. [Note deleted.]
  • 25. [Note deleted.]
  • 26. [Note deleted.]
  • 27. [Note deleted.]
  • 28. [Note deleted.]
  • 30. (a) For the purposes of heading 9903.90.08, articles that are the product of the Russian Federation, as provided for in subdivisions (a) and (b) of this note, shall be subject to a 35 percent ad valorem rate of duty in lieu of the rates of duty provided for such articles in column 2 of the HTSUS in chapters 1 to 97. All articles that are the product of the Russian Federation that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(b) to subchapter III of chapter 99 are subject to the 35 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.90.08.
    As provided in U.S. note 1 to subchapter III of chapter 99, articles that are the product of the Russian Federation that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(b) to subchapter III of chapter 99 are subject to a 35 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.90.08 in lieu of the rates of duty provided therefor in column 2 of the HTSUS in chapters 1 to 97.
    The duties imposed by heading 9903.90.08 do not apply to goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the duties imposed by heading 9903.90.08 apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the duties imposed by heading 9903.90.08 apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
    Products of the Russian Federation that are provided for in heading 9903.90.08 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(b) to subchapter III of chapter 99 shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the 35 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.90.08.
    • (b) Heading 9903.90.08 applies to all products of the Russian Federation that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings: [Compiler's note: List may appear or continue on a subsequent page; blank cells reflect proclaimed deletions of subheading numbers.]
    • (c) For the purposes of heading 9903.90.09, articles that are the product of the Russian Federation, as provided for in subdivisions (c) and (d) of this note, shall be subject to a 70 percent ad valorem rate of duty in lieu of the rates of duty provided for such articles in column 2 of the HTSUS in chapters 1 to 97. All articles that are the product of the Russian Federation that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(d) to subchapter III of chapter 99 are subject to the 70 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.90.09.
      As provided in U.S. note 1 to subchapter III of chapter 99, articles that are the product of the Russian Federation that are classified in the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(d) to subchapter III of chapter 99 are subject to a 70 percent ad valorem rate of duty under heading 9903.90.09 in lieu of the rates of duty provided therefor in column 2 of the HTSUS in chapters 1 to 97.
      The duties imposed by heading 9903.90.09 do not apply to goods for which entry is claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the duties imposed by heading 9903.90.09 apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the duties imposed by heading 9903.90.09 apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
      Products of the Russian Federation that are provided for in heading 9903.90.09 and classified in one of the subheadings enumerated in U.S. note 30(d) to subchapter III of chapter 99 shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the 70 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by heading 9903.90.09.
    • (d) Heading 9903.90.09 applies to all products of the Russian Federation that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings:
  • 31. (a) As provided in headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07 and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10, products of China shall be subject to additional ad valorem rates of duty, as provided for in this note. The products of China that are subject to additional ad valorem rates of duty in accordance with this note are products of China that are classified in the subheadings, or described in the statistical reporting numbers, enumerated in this note.
    Notwithstanding U.S. note 1 to this subchapter, all products of China that are subject to the additional ad valorem rate of duty imposed by headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07 and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10, shall also be subject to the general rates of duty imposed on products of China classified in the subheadings, or described in the statistical reporting numbers, enumerated in this note.
    Products of China that are classified in the subheadings, or described in the statistical reporting numbers, enumerated in this note that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the HTSUS, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional ad valorem rate of duty imposed by headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07 and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10.
    The additional duties imposed by headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07 and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10, do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, and heading 9802.00.80. For subheadings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable subheading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.
    Products of China that are provided for in headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07 and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10 and classified in one of the subheadings, or described in the statistical reporting numbers, enumerated in this note shall continue to be subject to antidumping, countervailing, or other duties, fees, exactions and charges that apply to such products, as well as to the additional ad valorem rate of duty imposed by headings 9903.91.01, 9903.91.02, 9903.91.03, 9903.91.04, 9903.91.05, 9903.91.06, 9903.91.07, and 9903.91.08 and subheading 9903.92.10.
    • (b) Heading 9903.91.01 applies to products of China that are classified in the 8-digit subheadings, or described in the 10-digit statistical reporting numbers, enumerated in this subdivision, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 27, 2024:
      • (1) N95 respirators of textiles, described in statistical reporting numbers 6307.90.9842 or 6307.90.9844
      • (2) Respirators of textiles, other than N95 respirators, described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9850
      • (3) Face masks of textiles, other than disposable, described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9875
      • (4) Lithium-ion batteries of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of subheadings 8703.40, 8703.50, 8703.60, 8703.70 or 8703.80, described in statistical reporting number 8507.60.0010
        [Compiler's note: HTS subheadings were numbered in the implementing notice as numbers (5) through (352), inclusive, but are not numbered herein for technical reasons. Numbers are listed from left to right rather than vertically.]
      • 2602.00.002605.00.002606.00.002608.00.00
    • (c) Heading 9903.91.02 applies to products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 27, 2024:
      • (1) 8541.42.00
      • (2) 8541.43.00
    • (d) Heading 9903.91.03 applies to products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 27, 2024:
      • (1) 8702.40.31
      • (2) 8702.40.61
      • (3) 8702.90.31
      • (4) 8702.90.61
      • (5) 8703.60.00
      • (6) 8703.70.00
      • (7) 8703.80.00
      • (8) 8703.90.01
      • (9) 9018.31.00
      • (10) 9018.32.00
    • (e) Heading 9903.91.04 applies to facemasks of textiles, disposable, of China, described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9870, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2025, and before January 1, 2026.
    • (f) Heading 9903.91.05 applies to products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2025:
      • (1) 4015.12.10
      • (2) 8541.10.00
      • (3) 8541.21.00
      • (4) 8541.29.00
      • (5) 8541.30.00
      • (6) 8541.49.10
      • (7) 8541.49.70
      • (8) 8541.49.80
      • (9) 8541.49.95
      • (10) 8541.51.00
      • (11) 8541.59.00
      • (12) 8541.90.00
      • (13) 8542.31.00
      • (14) 8542.32.00
      • (15) 8542.33.00
      • (16) 8542.39.00
      • (17) 8542.90.00
    • (g) Heading 9903.91.06 applies to products of China that are classified in the following 8-digit subheadings, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2026:
      • (1) 2504.10.10
      • (2) 2504.10.50
      • (3) 2504.90.00
      • (4) 8505.11.00
      • (5) 8507.60.00
    • (h) Heading 9903.91.07 applies to products of China that are described in the following 10-digit statistical reporting numbers, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2026:
      • (1) N95 respirators of textiles, described in statistical reporting numbers 6307.90.9842 or 6307.90.9844
      • (2) Respirators of textiles, other than N95 respirators, described in statistical reporting number 6307.90.9850
      • (3) Face masks of textiles, described in statistical reporting numbers 6307.90.9870 or 6307.90.9875
    • (i) Heading 9903.91.08 applies to products of China classified in 8-digit subheading 4015.12.10, effective with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2026.
