page 164    NAFTA
12. North American Free Trade Agreement. [Note deleted July 1, 2021; superseded by general note 11 as of July 1, 2020.]

13. Pharmaceutical products. Whenever a rate of duty of "Free" followed by the symbol "K" in parentheses appears in the "Special" subcolumn for a heading or subheading, any product (by whatever name known) classifiable in such provision which is the product of a country eligible for tariff treatment under column 1 shall be entered free of duty, provided that such product is included in the pharmaceutical appendix to the tariff schedule. Products in the pharmaceutical appendix include the salts, esters and hydrates of the International Non-proprietary Name (INN) products enumerated in table 1 of the appendix that contain in their names any of the prefixes or suffixes listed in table 2 of the appendix, provided that any such salt, ester or hydrate is classifiable in the same 6-digit tariff provision as the relevant product enumerated in table 1.

14. Intermediate chemicals for dyes. Whenever a rate of duty of "Free" followed by the symbol "L" in parentheses appears in the special subcolumn for a heading or subheading, any product classifiable in such provision which is the product of a country eligible for tariff treatment under column 1 shall be entered free of duty, provided that such product is listed in the intermediate chemicals for dyes appendix to the tariff schedule.

15 Exclusions. Whenever any agricultural product of chapters 2 through 52, inclusive, is of a type (i) subject to a tariff-rate quota and (ii) subject to the provisions of subchapter IV of chapter 99, entries of such products described in this note shall not be counted against the quantity specified as the in-quota quantity for any such product in such chapters:

(a) such products imported by or for the account of any agency of the U.S. Government;

(b) such products imported for the personal use of the importer, provided that the net quantity of such product in any one shipment does not exceed 5 kilograms;

(c) such products, which will not enter the commerce of the United States, imported as samples for taking orders, for exhibition, display or sampling at a trade fair, for research, for use by embassies of foreign governments or for testing of equipment, provided that written approval of the Secretary of Agriculture or his designated representative the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is presented at the time of entry;

(d) blended syrups containing sugars derived from sugar cane or sugar beets, capable of being further processed or mixed with similar or other ingredients, and not prepared for marketing to the ultimate consumer in the identical form and package in which imported, provided that, subject to approval of the Foreign Trade Zones Board, such syrups are manufactured in and entered from a U.S. foreign trade zone by a foreign trade zone user whose facilities were in operation on June 1, 1990, to the extent that the annual quantity entered into the customs territory from such zone does not contain a quantity of sugar of nondomestic origin greater than that authorized by the Foreign Trade Zones Board for processing in the zones during calendar year 1985; and

(e) cotton entered under the provisions of U.S. note 6 to subchapter III of chapter 99 and subheadings 9903.52.00 through 9903.52.26, inclusive.

In applying to USDA for approval under subdivision (c) of this note, the importer must identify the product, quantity and intended use of the goods for which exemption is sought. USDA may seek additional information and specify such conditions of entry as it deems necessary to ensure that the product will not enter the commerce of the United States.

The Secretary of Agriculture shall carry out the provisions of this note in consultation with the United States Trade Representative.

16 Products of Countries Designated as Beneficiary Countries under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

(a) The following sub-Saharan African countries, having been designated as beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries for purposes of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), have met the requirements of the AGOA and, therefore, are to be afforded the tariff treatment provided in this note, shall be treated as beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries for purposes of this note:

Republic of Angola Republic of Malawi Republic of Benin Republic of Botswana Islamic Republic of Mauritania Republic of Mauritius Republic of Mozambique Republic of Cape Verde Republic of Namibia Republic of Chad Federal Republic of Nigeria Union of the Comoros Republic of Rwanda