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 6A, (A) A change to Pacific Bluefin tuna of subheading 0303.45 by a combination of 3 or more processes, including freezing, cleaning, gutting, removing of gills, scaling and de-heading; or

(B) A change to any other good of subheading 0303.45 from any other chapter.

7. Producing goods of subheading 0303.49 by a combination of 3 or more processes, including freezing, cleaning, gutting, removing of gills, scaling and de-heading.

7A, Producing goods of subheadings 0303.55 through 0303.59 by a combination of 3 or more process including freezing, cleaning, gutting, removing of gills, scaling and de-heading.

8. A change to subheading 0303.89 from any other chapter, or the raising of goods of such subheading from fry, including fingerlings.

9. A change to headings 0304 through 0308 from any other chapter.

Chapter 4.

1. A change to headings 0401 through 0410 from any other chapter, except from dairy preparations containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids of subheading 1901.90 and products containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids of subheading 2106.90.

Chapter 5.

1. A change to headings 0501 through 0511 from any other chapter.

Chapter 6.

1. A change to headings 0601 through 0604 from any other chapter.

Chapter 7.

1. A change to headings 0701 through 0714 from any other chapter.

Chapter 8.

1. A change to headings 0801 through 0814 from any other chapter.

Chapter 9.

1. A change to subheadings 0901.11 through 0901.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.

2. A change to headings 0902 through 0910 from any other chapter.

3. A change to subheading 0904.12 from any other subheading.

4. A change to subheading 0906.20 from any other subheading.

5. A change to subheading 0910.99 from any other heading.

Chapter 10.

1. A change to headings 1001 through 1008 from any other chapter.

Chapter 11.

1. A change to headings 1101 through 1109 from any other chapter.

Chapter 12.

1. A change to headings 1201 through 1214 from any other chapter.
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Chapter 13.

1. A change to headings 1301 through 1302 from any other chapter.

Chapter 14.

1. A change to headings 1401 through 1404 from any other chapter.

Chapter 15.

1. A change to headings 1501 through 1518 from any other chapter, except from heading 3823.

2. A change to heading 1520 from any other heading, except from heading 3823.

3. A change to headings 1521 through 1522 from any other chapter.

Chapter 16.

1. A change to headings 1601 through 1605 from any other chapter.

Chapter 17.

1. A change to headings 1701 through 1703 from any other chapter.

2. A change to heading 1704 from any other heading.

Chapter 18.

1. A change to headings 1801 through 1805 from any other chapter.

2. A change to subheading 1806.10 from any other heading, provided that such products of 1806.10 containing 90 percent or more by dry weight of sugar do not contain nonoriginating sugar of chapter 17 and that products of 1806.10 containing less than 90 percent by dry weight of sugar do not contain more than 35 percent of nonoriginating sugar of chapter 17 nor more than 35 percent by weight of non-originating cocoa powder of heading 1805.

3. A change to subheading 1806.20 from any other heading.

4. A change to subheading 1806.31 from any other subheading.

5. A change to subheading 1806.32 from any other heading.

6. A change to subheading 1806.90 from any other subheading.

Chapter 19.

1. A change to subheading 1901.10 from any other chapter, provided that products of 1901.10 containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids do not contain non-originating dairy products of chapter 4.

2. A change to subheading 1901.20 from any other chapter, provided that products of 1901.20 containing over 25 percent by weight of butterfat and not put up for retail sale, do not contain non-originating dairy products of chapter 4.

3. A change to subheading 1901.90 from any other chapter, provided that products of 1901.90 containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids do not contain non-originating dairy products of chapter 4.

4. A change to headings 1902 through 1905 from any other chapter.
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 Chapter 20.

Chapter rule 1: Fruit, nut and vegetable preparations of chapter 20 that have been prepared or preserved by freezing, by packing (including canning) in water, brine or natural juices or by roasting, either dry or in oil (including processing incidental to freezing, packing or roasting), shall be treated as an originating good only if the fresh good were wholly produced or obtained entirely in the territory of Singapore or of the United States, or both.

1. A change to headings 2001 through 2008 from any other chapter.

2. A change to subheading 2008.11 from any other heading, except from heading 1202 and except as provided for in the chapter rule 1 to this chapter.

3. A change to subheadings 2009.11 through 2009.39 from any other chapter, except from heading 0805.

4. A change to subheadings 2009.41 through 2009.89 from any other chapter.

5. A change to subheading 2009.90 from any other chapter or a change to subheading 2009.90 from any other subheading within chapter 20, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided that a single juice ingredient, or juice ingredients from a single country other than Singapore or the United States, constitute in single strength form no more than 60 percent by volume of the good.

Chapter 21.

1. A change to headings 2101 through 2103 from any other chapter.

2. A change to subheading 2103.20 from any other chapter, provided that tomato ketchup of subheading 2103.20 does not contain non-originating products of subheading 2002.90.

3. A change to heading 2104 from any other chapter.

4. A change to heading 2105 from any other heading, except from chapter 4 or from dairy preparations containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids of subheading 1901.90.

5. A change to fruit and vegetable juices of subheading 2106.90 from any other chapter, except from headings 0805 or 2009, or from fruit or vegetable juices of subheading 2202.99.

6. A change to goods of subheading 2106.90 containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids from any other chapter, except from dairy products of chapter 4 or from dairy preparations of subheading 1901.90.

7. A change to sugar syrups of subheading 2106.90 from any other chapter, except from sugar of chapter 17.

8. (A) A change to mixtures of juices of subheading 2106.90 from any other chapter, except from heading 2009 or from mixtures of juices of subheading 2202.99.

(B) A change to mixtures of juices of subheading 2106.90 from any other subheading within chapter 21, from heading 20.09 or from mixtures of juices of subheading 2202.99, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided that a single juice ingredient or juice ingredients from one country other than Singapore or the United States constitutes in single strength form no more than 60 percent by volume of the good.

9. A change to compound alcoholic preparations of subheading 2106.90 from any other subheading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

10. A change to any other goods of heading 2106 from any other chapter.

Chapter 22.

1. A change to heading 2201 from any other chapter.

2. A change to subheading 2202.10 from any other chapter.
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3. A change to subheading 2202.91 from any other chapter.

4. A change to a single fruit or single vegetable juice of subheading 2202.99 from any other chapter, except from headings 0805 or 2009, or from fruit or vegetable juices of subheading 2106.90; or

5. A change to mixtures of juices of subheading 2202.99:

(A) from any other chapter, except from heading 2009 or from mixtures of juices of subheading 2106.90; or

(B) from any other subheading within chapter 22, from heading 2009 or from mixtures of juices of subheading 2106.90, whether or not there is also a change from any other chapter, provided that a single juice ingredient, or juice ingredients from one country other than Singapore or the United States, constitutes in single strength form no more than 60 percent by volume of the good; or

6. A change to beverages containing milk of subheading 2202.99 from any other chapter, except from chapter 4 or from dairy preparations containing over 10 percent by weight of milk solids of subheading 1901.90; or

6A. A change to any other good of subheading 2202.99 from any other chapter.

7. A change to heading 2203 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

8. A change to heading 2204 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

9. A change to heading 2205 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

10. A change to heading 2206 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

11. A change to heading 2207 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

12. A change to heading 2208 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

13. A change to heading 2209 from any other heading, except from headings 2203 through 2209.

Chapter 23.

1. A change to headings 2301 through 2308 from any other chapter.

2. A change to subheading 2309.10 from any other heading.

3. A change to subheading 2309.90 from any other heading, except from chapter 4 or subheading 1901.90.

Chapter 24.

1. A change to headings 2401 through 2403 from any other chapter, or from wrapper tobacco not threshed or similarly processed of chapter 24, or from homogenized or reconstituted tobacco suitable for use as wrapper tobacco of chapter 24.

Chapter 25.

1. A change to headings 2501 through 2516 from any other heading, including another heading in that group.

2. A change to subheadings 2517.10 through 2517.20 from any other heading.

3. A change to subheading 2517.30 from any other subheading.

4. A change to subheadings 2517.41 through 2517.49 from any other heading.

5. A change to headings 2518 through 2530 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
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 Chapter 26.

1. A change to headings 2601 through 2621 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.

Chapter 27.

Chapter rule: Any good of chapter 27 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.

1. A change to headings 2701 through 2706 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.

2. (A) A change to subheadings 2707.10 through 2707.99 from any other heading; or

(B) A change to subheadings 2707.10 through 2707.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that the good entered under the terms of this note is the product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note.

3. A change to headings 2708 through 2709 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.

4. (A) A change to heading 2710 from any other heading; or

(B) A change to any good of heading 2710 from any other good of heading 2710, provided that the good classified in heading 2710 is the product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note.

5. .A change to subheadings 2711.11 through 2711.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 2711.21.

6. A change to subheading 2711.21 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2711.11.

7. A change to subheading 2711.29 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2711.12 through 2711.21.

8. A change to headings 2712 through 2714 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.

9. A change to heading 2715 from any other heading, except from heading 2714 or subheading 2713.20.

10. A change to heading 2716 from any other heading.

Chapter 28.

Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 28 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.

1. A change to subheadings 2801.10 through 2801.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.

2. A change to heading 2802 from any other heading, except from heading 2503.

3. A change to heading 2803 from any other heading.

4. A change to subheadings 2804.10 through 2804.50 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.

5. A change to subheading 2804.61 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2804.69.

6. A change to subheading 2804.69 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2804.61.

7. A change to subheadings 2804.70 through 2804.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.

8. A change to heading 2805 from any other heading.