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31. A change to subheading 2906.29 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2707.99 or 3301.90.
32. A change to subheading 2907.11 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2707.99.
33. A change to subheadings 2907.12 through 2907.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 2707.99.
34. A change to subheading 2907.23 from any other subheading.
35. A change to subheading 2907.29 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2707.99.
36. A change to heading 2908 from any other heading.
37. A change to subheadings 2909.11 through 2909.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
38. A change to subheading 2909.50 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90.
39. A change to subheading 2909.60 from any other subheading.
40. A change to subheadings 2910.10 through 2910.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
41. A change to heading 2911 from any other heading.
42. A change to subheadings 2912.11 through 2912.12 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
43. (A) A change to subheadings 2912.19 through 2912.49 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90; or
(B) A change to n-butanal (butyraldehyde, normal isomer) from any other subheading.
44. A change to subheadings 2912.50 through 2912.60 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
45. A change to heading 2913 from any other heading.
46. A change to subheadings 2914.11 through 2914.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
47. A change to subheadings 2914.21 through 2914.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
48. A change to subheading 2914.23 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90.
49. A change to subheading 2914.29 from pine oils of subheading 3805.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90 or from goods other than pine oils of subheading 3805.90.
50. A change to subheading 2914.31 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2914.39 or 3301.90.
51. A change to subheading 2914.39 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2914.31 or 3301.90.
52. A change to subheadings 2914.40 through 2914.79 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
53. A change to subheadings 2915.11 through 2915.33 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
54. A change to subheadings 2915.36 through 2915.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
55. A change to subheadings 2915.40 through 2915.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
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56. A change to subheadings 2916.11 through 2916.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
57. A change to subheadings 2916.31 through 2916.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
58. A change to subheadings 2917.11 through 2917.39 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
59. A change to subheadings 2918.11 through 2918.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
60. A change to subheading 2918.23 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3301.90.
61. A change to subheadings 2918.29 through 2918.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
62. A change to subheading 2918.30 from any other subheading.
63. A change to subheadings 2918.91 through 2918.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
64. A change to heading 2919 from any other heading.
65. A change to subheadings 2920.11 through 2920.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
66. A change to subheadings 2921.11 through 2911.59 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
67. A change to subheading 2922.11 through 2922.50 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
68. A change to subheadings 2923.10 through 2923.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
69. A change to subheadings 2924.11 through 2924.29 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
70. A change to subheadings 2925.11 through 2925.29 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
71. A change to subheadings 2926.10 through 2926.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
72. A change to headings 2927 through 2928 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
73. A change to subheadings 2929.10 through 2929.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
74. A change to subheadings 2930.20 through 2930.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
75. A change to heading 2931 from any other heading.
76. A change to subheadings 2932.11 through 2932.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3301.90.
77. A change to subheadings 2933.11 through 2933.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
78. A change to subheadings 2934.10 through 2934.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
79. A change to heading 2935 from any other heading.
80. A change to subheadings 2936.21 through 2936.29 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
81. (A) A change to unmixed provitamins of subheading 2936.90 from any other good of subheading 2936.90 or from any other subheading; or
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(B) A change to other goods of subheading 2936.90 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2936.21 through 2936.29.
82. A change to headings 2937 through 2941 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
83. A change to heading 2942 from any other chapter.
Chapter 30.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 30 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States..
1. A change to subheading 3001.20 from any other subheading.
2. A change to glands and other organs, dried, whether or not powdered of subheading 3001.90 from any other good of subheading 3001.90 or from any other subheading, except from subheadings 0206.10 through 0208.90 or subheading 0305.20, headings 0504 or 0510 or subheading 0511.99, if the change from these provisions is not to a powder classified in subheading 3001.10.
3. A change to subheadings 3002.11 through 3002.19 from any other subheading outside that group.
3A. A change to subheadings 3002.20 through 3002.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
4. A change to subheading 3003.10 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2941.10, 2941.20 or 3003.20.
5. A change to subheading 3003.20 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2941.30 through 2941.90.
6. A change to subheading 3003.31 from any other subheading, except from subheading 2937.12.
7. A change to subheading 3003.39 from any other subheading, except from hormones or their derivatives classified in chapter 29.
8. A change to subheadings 3003.41 through 3003.49 from any other subheading outside that group, except from heading 1211, subheadings 1302.11, 1302.19, 1302.20 or 1302.39 or alkaloids or derivatives thereof classified in chapter 29.
9. A change to subheadings 3003.60 through 3003.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that the domestic content of the therapeutic or prophylactic component is no less than 40 percent by weight of the total therapeutic or prophylactic content.
10. A change to subheading 3004.10 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2941.10, 2941.20, 3003.10 or 3003.20.
11. A change to subheading 3004.20 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2941.30 through 2941.90 or 3003.20.
12. A change to subheading 3004.31 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2937.12.
13. A change to subheading 3004.32 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.39 or adrenal cortical hormones classified in chapter 29.
14. A change to subheading 3004.39 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.39 or hormones or derivatives thereof classified in chapter 29.
15. A change to subheadings 3004.41 through 3004.49 from any other subheading outside that group, except from heading 1211, subheadings 1302.11, 1302.19, 1302.20 or 1302.39 or alkaloids or derivatives thereof classified in chapter 29.
16. A change to subheading 3004.50 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90 or vitamins classified in chapter 29 or products classified in heading 2936.
16A. A change to subheading 3004.60 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90.
17. A change to subheading 3004.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3003.90.
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18. A change to subheadings 3005.10 through 3005.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
19. A change to subheading 3006.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 1212.20 or 4206.10.
20. A change to subheadings 3006.20 through 3006.92 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Chapter 31.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 31 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to heading 3101 from any other heading, except from subheading 2301.20 or from powders and meals of subheading 0506.90, heading 0508 or subheadings 0511.91 or 0511.99.
2. A change to subheadings 3102.10 through 3102.21 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3. A change to subheading 3102.29 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 3102.21 or 3102.30.
4. A change to subheading 3102.30 from any other subheading.
5. A change to subheading 3102.40 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3102.30.
6. A change to subheading 3102.50 from any other subheading.
7. A change to subheading 3102.60 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 2834.29 or 3102.30.
[TCR 8 deleted.]
9. A change to subheading 3102.80 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 3102.10 or 3102.30.
10. (A) A change to calcium cyanamide of subheading 3102.90 from other goods of subheading 3102.90 or from any other subheading; or
(B) A change to any other goods of subheading 3102.90 from any other heading.
11. A change to subheadings 3103.11 through 3103.19 from any other subheading outside that group.
12. (A) A change to basic slag of subheading 3103.90 from any other goods of subheading 3103.90 or from any other subheading; or
(B) A change to any other goods of subheading 3103.90 from any other heading.
13. A change to subheadings 3104.20 through 3104.30 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
(A) A change to carnallite, sylvite or other crude natural potassium salts of subheading 3104.90 from any other subheading or from other goods of subheading 3104.90; or
(B) A change to other goods of subheading 3104.90 from any other heading.
15. A change to subheading 3105.10 from any other chapter.
16. A change to subheading 3105.20 from any other heading, except from headings 3102 through 3104.
17. A change to subheadings 3105.30 through 3105.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
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18. A change to subheadings 3105.51 through 3105.59 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheadings 3102.10 through 3103.90 or 3105.30 through 3105.40.
19. A change to subheading 3105.60 from any other subheading, except from headings 3103 through 3104.
20. A change to subheading 3105.90 from any other chapter, except from subheading 2834.21.
Chapter 32.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 32 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to subheadings 3201.10 through 3201.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2. A change to subheadings 3202.10 through 3202.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3. A change to heading 3203 from any other heading.
4. A change to subheading 3204.11 through 3204.17 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
5. A change to subheading 3204.19 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 3204.11 through 3204.17.
6. A change to subheadings 3204.20 through 3204.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
7. A change to heading 3205 from any other heading.
8. A change to subheading 3206.11 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3206.19.
9. A change to subheading 3206.19 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3206.11.
10. A change to subheadings 3206.20 through 3206.42 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
10A. (A) A change to pigments or preparations based on cadmium compounds of subheading 3206.49 from any other good of subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
(B) A change to pigments or preparations based on hexacyanoferrates of subheading 3206.49 from any other good of subheading 3206.49 or from any other subheading; or
(C) A change to other goods of subheading 3206.49 from any other subheading.
10B. A change to subheading 3206.50 from any other subheading.
11. A change to subheadings 3207.10 through 3207.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
12. A change to subheadings 3208.10 through 3208.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
13. A change to subheadings 3209.10 through 3209.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
14. A change to heading 3210 from any other heading.
15. A change to heading 3211 from any other heading, except from subheading 3806.20.
16. A change to subheadings 3212.10 through 3212.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
17. A change to heading 3213 from any other heading.