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18. A change to subheadings 3214.10 through 3214.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from subheading 3824.50.
19. (A) A change to subheading 3215.11 from any other heading; or
(B) A change to subheading 3215.11 from any other subheading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than 35 percent based on the build-up method or 45 percent based on the build-down method.
20. (A) A change to subheading 3215.19 from any other heading; or
(B) A change to subheading 3215.19 from any other subheading, provided there is a regional value content of not less than 35 percent based on the build-up method or 45 percent based on the build-down method.
21. A change to subheading 3215.90 from any other heading.
Chapter 33.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 33 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to subheadings 3301.12 through 3301.13 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
1A. (A)A change to essential oils of bergamot or lime of subheading 3301.19 from any other good; or
(B) A change to other goods of subheading 3301.19 from essential oils of bergamot or lime of subheading 3301.19 or from any other subheading.
1B. A change to subheadings 3301.24 through 3301.25 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
1C. (A)A change to essential oils of geranium, jasmine, lavender, lavandin or vetiver of subheading 3301.29 from any other good; or
(B) A change to other goods of subheading 3301.29 from essential oils of geranium, jasmine, lavender, lavandin or vetiver or from any other subheading.
(B) A change to other goods of subheading 3301.29 from essential oils of geranium, jasmine, lavender, lavandin or vetiver or from any other subheading.
1D. A change to subheadings 3301.30 through 3301.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2. A change to heading 3302 from any other heading, except from subheading 2106.90 or headings 2207, 2208 or 3301.
3. A change to heading 3303 from any other heading, except from subheading 3302.90.
4. A change to subheadings 3304.10 through 3304.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
5. A change to subheadings 3305.10 through 3305.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
6. A change to subheading 3306.10 from any other subheading.
7. A change to subheading 3306.20 from any other subheading, except from chapter 54.
8. A change to subheading 3306.90 from any other subheading.
9. A change to subheadings 3307.10 through 3307.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
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Chapter 34.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 34 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to heading 3401 from any other heading.
2. A change to subheading 3402.11 from any other subheading, except from mixed alkylbenzenes of heading 3817.
3. A change to subheadings 3402.12 through 3402.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
4. A change to subheading 3402.90 from any other heading.
5. A change to subheading 3403.11 through 3403.19 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from headings 2710 or 2712.
6. A change to subheadings 3403.91 through 3403.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
7. A change to subheading 3404.20 from any other subheading.
8. (A) A change to artificial waxes of chemically prepared lignite of subheading 3404.90 from any other good of subheading 3404.90 or from any other subheading; or
(B) A change to other goods of subheading 3404.90 from any other subheading, except from heading 1521 or subheadings 2712.20 or 2712.90.
9. A change to subheadings 3405.10 through 3405.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
10. A change to headings 3406 through 3407 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Chapter 35.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 35 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to subheadings 3501.10 through 3501.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2. A change to subheadings 3502.11 through 3502.19 from any other subheading outside that group, except from heading 0407.
3. A change to subheadings 3502.20 through 3502.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
4. A change to headings 3503 through 3504 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
5. A change to subheading 3505.10 from any other subheading.
6. A change to subheading 3505.20 from any other subheading, except from heading 1108.
7. A change to subheading 3506.10 from any other subheading, except from heading 3503 or subheading 3501.90.
8. A change to subheadings 3506.91 through 3506.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
9. A change to subheadings 3507.10 through 3507.90 from any other heading.
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Chapter 36.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 36 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to headings 3601 through 3606 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Chapter 37.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 37 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to headings 3701 through 3703 from any heading outside that group.
2. A change to headings 3704 through 3706 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
3. A change to subheadings 3707.10 through 3707.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
Chapter 38.
Chapter rule 1: Any good of chapter 38 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to subheading 3801.10 from any other subheading.
2. A change to subheading 3801.20 from any other subheading, except from heading 2504 or subheading 3801.10.
3. A change to subheading 3801.30 from any other subheading.
4. A change to subheading 3801.90 from any other subheading, except from heading 2504.
5. A change to headings 3802 through 3805 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
6. A change to subheadings 3806.10 through 3806.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
7. A change to heading 3807 from any other heading.
8. A change to subheadings 3808.52 through 3808.59 from any other subheading outside that group, provided that 40 percent by weight of the active ingredient or ingredients is originating.
9. A change to subheadings 3808.61 through 3808.99 from any other subheading outside that group, except from subheading 1302.19 or from any insecticide classified in chapter 28 or 29.
[10-12A. Rules 10-12A deleted.]
13. A change to subheading 3809.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3505.10.
14. A change to subheadings 3809.91 through 3808.93 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
15. A change to headings 3810 through 3816 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
16. A change to heading 3817 from any other heading, except from subheading 2902.90.
17. A change to heading 3818 from any other heading.
18. A change to heading 3819 from any other heading, except from heading 2710.
19. A change to heading 3820 from any other heading, except from subheading 2905.31.
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20. A change to heading 3821 from any other heading.
21. A change to heading 3822 from any other heading, except from subheadings 3002.10 or 3502.90 or heading 3504.
22. A change to subheadings 3823.11 through 3823.13 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, except from heading 1520.
23. A change to subheading 3823.19 from any other subheading.
24. A change to subheading 3823.70 from any other subheading, except from heading 1520.
25. A change to subheading 3824.10 from any other subheading, except from heading 3505, subheadings 3806.10 or 3806.20, or headings 3903, 3905, 3906, 3909, 3911 or 3913.
[TCR 26 deleted.]
27. A change to subheading 3824.30 from any other subheading, except from heading 2849.
28. A change to subheading 3824.40 from any other subheading.
29. A change to subheading 3824.50 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3214.90.
30. A change to subheading 3824.60 from any other subheading.
31. A change to subheadings 3824.84 through 3824.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in such a subheading is attributable to one substance or compound.
32. A change to subheadings 3825.10 through 3825.20 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in such a subheading is attributable to one substance or compound.
33. A change to subheading 3825.30 from any other heading.
34. A change to subheadings 3825.41 through 3825.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in such a subheading is attributable to one substance or compound.
35. A change to heading 3826 from any other heading, provided that no more than 60 percent by weight of the good classified in such a heading is attributable to one substance or compound.
Chapter 39.
Chapter rule: Any good of chapter 39 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if the chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to headings 3901 through 3915 from any other heading, including another heading within that group, provided that the domestic polymer content is not less than 40 percent by weight of the total polymer content.
2. A change to subheadings 3916.10 through 3916.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
3. A change to subheadings 3917.10 through 3917.40 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
4. A change to subheadings 3918.10 through 3918.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
5. A change to subheading 3919.10 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3919.90.
6. A change to subheading 3919.90 from any other subheading, except from subheading 3919.10.
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7. A change to subheadings 3920.10 through 3920.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
8. A change to subheadings 3921.11 through 3921.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
9. A change to headings 3922 through 3926 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Chapter 40.
Chapter rule: Any good of chapter 40 that is a product of a chemical reaction, as defined in subdivision (n)(v) of this note, shall be considered to be an originating good if chemical reaction occurred in the territory of Singapore or of the United States.
1. A change to subheadings 4001.10 through 4001.22 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
2. A change to subheading 4001.29 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 4001.21 through 4001.22.
3. A change to subheading 4001.30 from any other subheading.
4. A change to subheadings 4002.11 through 4002.70 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
5. A change to subheadings 4002.80 through 4002.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group, provided that the domestic rubber content is not less than 40 percent by weight of the total rubber content.
6. A change to headings 4003 through 4004 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
7. A change to heading 4005 from any other heading, except from headings 4001 or 4002.
8. A change to headings 4006 through 4010 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
9. A change to subheadings 4011.10 through 4011.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
10. A change to subheadings 4012.11 through 4012.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
11. A change to heading 4013 from any other heading.
12. A change to subheadings 4014.10 through 4014.90 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
13. A change to heading 4015 from any other heading.
14. A change to subheadings 4016.10 through 4016.99 from any other subheading, including another subheading within that group.
15. A change to heading 4017 from any other heading.
Chapter 41.
1. A change to headings 4101 through 4103 from any other chapter.
2. A change to headings 4104 through 4115 from any other heading, including another heading within that group.
Chapter 42.
1. A change to heading 4201 from any other heading.
2. A change to subheading 4202.11 from any other chapter.
3. A change to subheading 4202.12 from any other chapter, except from headings 5407, 5408 or 5512 through 5516 or tariff items 5903.10.15, 5903.10.18, 5903.10.20, 5903.10.25, 5903.2.15, 5903.20.18, 5903.20.20, 5903.20.25, 5903.90.15, 5903.90.18, 5903.90.20, 5903.90.25, 5906.99.20, 5906.99.25, 5907.00.05, 5907.00.15 or 5907.00.60.