Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 13 - Business Credit and Assistance last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 107.50 - Definition of terms.

Accrual Debenture means a Debenture issued at face value that accrues interest over its ten-year term, as to which instrument SBA guarantees both the principal and unpaid accrued interest.

Accrual Small Business Investment Company (“Accrual SBIC”) means a Section 301(c) Partnership Licensee, licensed under § 107.300 and approved by SBA to issue Accrual Debentures. Accrual SBICs shall be limited to a maximum of one and one quarter tiers of Leverage.

Accumulated Prioritized Payments has the meaning set forth in § 107.1520.

Act means the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended.

Adjustments has the meaning set forth in § 107.1520.

Affiliate or Affiliates has the meaning set forth in § 121.103 of this chapter.

Annual Charge means:

Annual Charge means an annual fee on the principal amount of outstanding Debentures which is payable to SBA by Licensees, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in §§ 107.585 and 107.1130(d).

Articles mean articles of incorporation or charter for a Corporate Licensee and the partnership agreement or certificate for a Partnership Licensee.

Assistance or Assisted means Financing of or management services rendered to a Small Business by a Licensee pursuant to the Act and these regulations.

Associate of a Licensee means any of the following:

(1)(i) An officer, director, employee or agent of a Corporate Licensee;

(ii) A Control Person, employee or agent of a Partnership Licensee;

(iii) An Investment Adviser/Manager of any Licensee, including any Person who contracts with a Control Person of a Partnership Licensee to be the Investment Adviser/Manager of such Licensee; or

(iv) Any Person regularly serving a Licensee on retainer in the capacity of attorney at law.

(2) Any Person who owns or controls, or who has entered into an agreement to own or control, directly or indirectly, at least 10 percent of any class of stock of a Corporate Licensee or a limited partner's interest of at least 10 percent of the partnership capital of a Partnership Licensee. However, an entity Institutional Investor, as a limited partner in a Partnership Licensee, is not considered an Associate solely because such Person's investment in the Partnership, including commitments, represents 10 percent or more but less than 50 percent of the Licensee's partnership capital, provided that such investment also represents no more than five percent of such Person's net worth and such limited partner also has no role in the management of the subject Licensee, with no right to control or approve any matter (other than such entity's vote as a limited partner) involving the Licensee.

(3) Any officer, director, partner (other than a limited partner), manager, agent, or employee of any Associate described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition.

(4) Any Person that directly or indirectly Controls, or is Controlled by, or is under Common Control with, a Licensee.

(5) Any Person that directly or indirectly Controls, or is Controlled by, or is under Common Control with, any Person described in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this definition.

(6) Any Close Relative of any Person described in paragraphs (1),(2), (4), and (5) of this definition.

(7) Any Secondary Relative of any Person described in paragraphs (1), (2), (4), and (5) of this definition.

(8) Any concern in which—

(i) Any person described in paragraphs (1) through (6) of this definition is an officer; general partner, or managing member; or

(ii) Any such Person(s) singly or collectively Control or own, directly or indirectly, an equity interest of at least 10 percent (excluding interests that such Person(s) own indirectly through ownership interests in the Licensee).

(9) Any concern in which any Person(s) described in paragraph (7) of this definition singly or collectively own (including beneficial ownership) a majority equity interest, or otherwise have Control. As used in this paragraph (9), “collectively” means together with any Person(s) described in paragraphs (1) though (7) of this definition.

(10) For the purposes of this definition, if any Associate relationship described in paragraphs (1) through (7) of this definition exists at any time within six months before or after the date that a Licensee provides Financing, then that Associate relationship is considered to exist on the date of the Financing.

(11) If any Licensee has any ownership interest in another Licensee, the two Licensees are Associates of each other.

Capital Call Line has the meaning set forth in § 107.550(c).

Capital Impairment has the meaning set forth in § 107.1830(c).

Central Registration Agent or CRA means one or more agents appointed by SBA for the purpose of issuing TCs and performing the functions enumerated in § 107.1620 and performing similar functions for Debentures and Participating Securities funded outside the pooling process.

Charge has the same meaning as Annual Charge.

Close Relative of an individual means:

(1) A current or former spouse;

(2) A father, mother, guardian, brother, sister, son, daughter; or

(3) A father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law.

Combined Capital means the sum of Regulatory Capital and outstanding Leverage.

Commitment means a written agreement between a Licensee and an eligible Small Business that obligates the Licensee to provide Financing (except a guarantee) to that Small Business in a fixed or determinable sum, by a fixed or determinable future date. In this context the term “agreement” means that there has been agreement on the principal economic terms of the Financing. The agreement may include reasonable conditions precedent to the Licensee's obligation to fund the commitment, but these conditions must be outside the Licensee's control.

Common Control means a condition where two or more Persons, either through ownership, management, contract, or otherwise, are under the Control of one group or Person. Two or more Licensees are presumed to be under Common Control if they are Affiliates of each other by reason of common ownership or common officers, directors, or general partners; or if they are managed or their investments are significantly directed either by a common independent investment advisor or managerial contractor, or by two or more such advisors or contractors that are Affiliates of each other. This presumption may be rebutted by evidence satisfactory to SBA.

Control means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a Licensee or other concern, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise.

Control Person means any Person that controls a Licensee, either directly or through an intervening entity. A Control Person includes:

(1) A general partner of a Partnership Licensee;

(2) Any Person serving as the general partner, officer, director, or manager (in the case of a limited liability company) of any entity that controls a Licensee, either directly or through an intervening entity;

(3) Any Person that—

(i) Controls or owns, directly or through an intervening entity, at least 30 percent of a Partnership Licensee or any entity described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition; and

(ii) Participates in the investment decisions of the general partner of such Partnership Licensee; provided that, if at least 30% of Regulatory Capital is unaffiliated and unassociated with management of the Licensee, the management company of the Licensee is a government sponsored non-profit entity, the general partners of the Licensee are bound by a fiduciary duty to the investors in the Licensee, and such members of the general partner may not be hired or removed directly or indirectly by such government sponsor, the management of the Licensee will be deemed to be free from any outside Control; and

(4) Any Person that controls or owns, directly or through an intervening entity, at least 50 percent of a Partnership Licensee or any entity described in paragraphs (1) or (2) of this definition.

Corporate Licensee. See definition of Licensee in this section.

Cost of Money has the meaning set forth in § 107.855.

Debenture Rate means the interest rate, as published from time to time in the Federal Register by SBA, for ten year debentures issued by Licensees and funded through public sales of certificates bearing SBA's guarantee. User or guarantee fees, if any, paid by a Licensee are not considered in determining the Debenture Rate.

Debentures means debt obligations issued by Licensees pursuant to section 303(a) of the Act and held or guaranteed by SBA.

Debt Securities has the meaning set forth in § 107.815.

Disadvantaged Business means a Small Business that is at least 50 percent owned, and controlled and managed, on a day to day basis, by a person or persons whose participation in the free enterprise system is hampered because of social or economic disadvantages.

Distributable Securities means equity securities that are determined by SBA (with the advice of a third party expert in the marketing of securities) to meet each of the following requirements:

(1) The securities (which may include securities that are salable pursuant to the provisions of Rule 144 (17 CFR 230.144) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended) are salable immediately without restriction under Federal and state securities laws;

(2) The securities are of a class:

(i) Which is listed and registered on a national securities exchange, or

(ii) For which quotation information is disseminated in the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System and as to which transaction reports and last sale data are disseminated pursuant to Rule 11Aa3-1 (17 CFR 240.11Aa3-1) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and

(3) The quantity of such securities to be distributed to SBA can be sold over a reasonable period of time without having an adverse impact upon the price of the security.

Distribution means any transfer of cash or non-cash assets to SBA, its agent or Trustee, or to partners in a Partnership Licensee, or to shareholders in a Corporate Licensee. Capitalization of Retained Earnings Available for Distribution constitutes a Distribution to the Licensee's non-SBA partners or shareholders.

Early Stage SBIC means a Section 301(c) Partnership Licensee, licensed pursuant to § 107.310 of this part, in which at least 50 percent of all Loans and Investments (in dollars) must be made to Small Businesses that are “early stage” companies at the time of the Licensee's initial Financing (see also § 107.1810(f)(11)). For the purposes of this definition, an “early stage” company is one that has never achieved positive cash flow from operations in any fiscal year.

Earmarked Assets has the meaning set forth in § 107.1510(b). (See also § 107.1590.)

Earmarked Profit (Loss) has the meaning set forth in § 107.1510.

Earned Prioritized Payments has the meaning set forth in § 107.1520.

Energy Saving Activities means any of the following:

(1) Manufacturing or research and development of products, integral product components, integral material, or related software that meet one or more of the following:

(i) Improves residential energy efficiency as demonstrated by meeting Department of Energy or Environmental Protection Agency criteria for use of the Energy Star trademark label;

(ii) Improves commercial energy efficiency as demonstrated by being in the upper 25% of efficiency for all similar products as designated by the Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program;

(iii) Improves automobile efficiency or reduces consumption of non-renewable fuels through the use of advanced batteries, power electronics, or electric motors; advanced combustion engine technology; alternative fuels; or advanced materials technologies, such as lightweighting;

(iv) Improves industrial energy efficiency through combined heat and power (CHP) prime mover or power generation technologies, heat recovery units, absorption chillers, desiccant dehumidifiers, packaged CHP systems, more efficient process heating equipment, more efficient steam generation equipment, heat recovery steam generators, or more efficient use of water recapture, purification and reuse for industrial application;

(v) Advances commercialization of technologies developed by recipients of awards from the Department of Energy under the Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy, Small Business Innovation Research, or Small Business Technology Transfer programs;

(vi) Reduces the consumption of non-renewable energy by providing renewable energy sources, as demonstrated by meeting the standards, applicable to the year in which the investment is made, for receiving a Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 45 or an Energy Credit as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 48;

(vii) Reduces the consumption of non-renewable energy for electric power generation as described in Internal Revenue Code Section 48(c)(1)(A) by providing highly efficient energy conversion systems that can use renewable or non-renewable fuel through fuel cells; or

(viii) Improves electricity delivery efficiency by supporting one or more of the smart grid functions as identified in 42 U.S.C. 17386(d), by means of a product, service, or functionality that serves one or more of the following smart grid operational domains: Equipment manufacturing, customer systems, advanced metering infrastructure, electric distribution systems, electric transmission systems, storage systems, and cyber security.

(2) Installation and/or inspection services associated with the deployment of energy saving products as identified by meeting one or more of the following standards:

(i) Deploys products that qualify, in the year in which the investment is made, for installation-related Federal Tax Credits for Residential Consumer Energy Efficiency;

(ii) Deploys products related to commercial energy efficiency as demonstrated by deploying commercial equipment that is in the upper 25% of efficiency for all similar products as designated by the Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program;

(iii) Deploys combined heat and power products, goods, or services;

(iv) Deploys products that qualify, in the year in which the investment is made, for receiving a Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 45 or an Energy Credit as defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 48; or

(v) Deploys a product, service, or functionality that improves electricity delivery efficiency by supporting one or more of the smart grid functions as identified in 42 U.S.C. 17386(d), and that serves one or more of the following smart grid operational domains: Equipment manufacturing, customer systems, advanced metering infrastructure, electric distribution systems, electric transmission systems, or grid cyber security.

(3) Auditing or consulting services performed with the objective of identifying potential improvements of the type described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition.

(4) Other manufacturing, service, or research and development activities that use less energy to provide the same level of energy service or reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy by providing renewable energy sources, as determined by SBA. A Licensee must obtain such determination in writing prior to providing Financing to a Small Business. SBA will consider factors including but not limited to:

(i) Results of energy efficiency testing performed in accordance with recognized professional standards, preferably by a qualified third-party professional, such as a certified energy assessor, energy auditor, or energy engineer;

(ii) Patents or grants awarded to or licenses held by the Small Business related to Energy Saving Activities listed in subsection (1) or (2) above;

(iii) For research and development of products or services that are anticipated to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, written evidence from an independent, certified third-party professional of the feasibility, commercial potential, and projected energy savings of such products or services; and

(iv) Eligibility of the product or service for a Federal tax credit cited in this definition that is not available in the year in which the investment is made, but was available in a previous year.

Energy Saving Qualified Investment means a Financing which:

(1) Is made by a Licensee licensed after September 30, 2008;

(2) Is in the form of a Loan, Debt Security, or Equity Security, each as defined in this section;

(3) Is made to a Small Business that is primarily engaged in Energy Saving Activities. A Licensee must obtain a determination from SBA prior to the provision of Financing as to whether a Small Business is primarily engaged in Energy Saving Activities. SBA will consider the distribution of revenues, employees and expenditures, intellectual property rights held, and Energy Saving Activities described in a business plan presented to investors as part of a formal solicitation in making its determination. However, a Small Business is presumed to be primarily engaged in Energy Saving Activities, and no pre-Financing determination by SBA is required, if:

(i) The Small Business derived at least 50% of its revenues during its most recently completed fiscal year from Energy Saving Activities; or

(ii) The Small Business will utilize 100% of the Financing proceeds received from a Licensee to engage in Energy Saving Activities.

Equity Capital Investments means investments in a Small Business in the form of common or preferred stock, limited partnership interests, options, warrants, or similar equity instruments, including subordinated debt with equity features if such debt provides only for interest payments contingent upon and limited to the extent of earnings. Equity Capital Investments must not require amortization. Equity Capital Investments may be guaranteed; however, neither Equity Capital Investments nor such guarantee may be collateralized or otherwise secured. Investments classified as Debt Securities (see §§ 107.800 and 107.815) are not precluded from qualifying as Equity Capital Investments.

Equity Securities has the meaning set forth in § 107.800.

Final Licensing Fee has the meaning set forth in § 107.300.

Financing or Financed means outstanding financial assistance provided to a Small Business by a Licensee, whether through:

(1) Loans;

(2) Debt Securities;

(3) Equity Securities;

(4) Guarantees; or

(5) Purchases of securities of a Small Business through or from an underwriter (see § 107.825).

GAAP means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and refers to established financial accounting and reporting standards for public and private companies and not-for-profit organizations.

Guaranty Agreement means the contract entered into by SBA which is a guarantee backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government as to timely payment of principal and interest on Debentures or the Redemption Price of and Prioritized Payments on Participating Securities and SBA's rights in connection with such guarantee.

Includible Non-Cash Gains means those non-cash gains (as reported on SBA Form 468) that are realized in the form of Publicly Traded and Marketable securities or investment grade debt instruments. For purposes of this definition, investment grade debt instruments means those instruments that are rated “BBB” or “Baa”, or better, by Standard & Poor's Corporation or Moody's Investors Service, respectively. Non-rated debt may be considered to be investment grade if Licensee obtains a written opinion from an investment banking firm acceptable to SBA stating that the non-rated debt instrument is equivalent in risk to the issuer's investment grade debt.

Inflation Adjustment is the methodology used to increase SBIC administrative fees using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers (CPI-U), calculated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), using the U.S. city average for all items, not seasonally adjusted, with the base period of 1982 − 84 = 100. To calculate the Inflation Adjustment, each year, SBA will divide the CPI-U from the most recent June by the CPI-U from June of the preceding year. If the result is greater than 1, SBA will increase the relevant fees as follows:

(1) Multiply the result by the current fee; and

(2) Round to the nearest $100.

Initial Licensing Fee has the meaning set forth in § 107.300.

Institutional Investor means:

(1) Entities. Any of the following entities if the entity has a net worth (exclusive of unfunded commitments from investors) of at least $1 million, or such higher amount as is specified in paragraph (1) of this definition. (See also § 107.230(b)(4) for limitations on the amount of an Institutional Investor's commitment that may be included in Private Capital.)

(i) A State or National bank, trust company, savings bank, or savings and loan association.

(ii) An insurance company.

(iii) A 1940 Act Investment Company or Business Development Company (each as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (15 U.S.C. 8a-1 et seq.).

(iv) A holding company of any entity described in paragraph (1)(i), (ii) or (iii) of this definition.

(v) An employee benefit or pension plan established for the benefit of employees of the Federal government, any State or political subdivision of a State, or any agency or instrumentality of such government unit.

(vi) An employee benefit or pension plan (as defined in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (Pub. L. 93-406, 88 Stat. 829), excluding plans established under section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 401(k)), as amended).

(vii) A trust, foundation or endowment exempt from Federal income taxation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(viii) A corporation, partnership or other entity with a net worth (exclusive of unfunded commitments from investors) of more than $10 million.

(ix) A State, a political subdivision of a State, or an agency or instrumentality of a State or its political subdivision.

(x) An entity managed by an SEC regulated Registered Investment Adviser in good standing, provided the Licensee's limited partnership agreement (or other governing agreement) contains sufficient provisions to ensure collectability.

(xi) Any other entity that SBA determines to be an Institutional Investor.

(2) Individuals. (i) Any of the following individuals if he/she is also a permanent resident of the United States:

(A) An individual who is an Accredited Investor (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (15 U.S.C. 77a-77aa)) and whose commitment to the Licensee is backed by a letter of credit from a State or National bank acceptable to SBA.

(B) An individual whose personal net worth is at least $2 million and at least ten times the amount of his or her commitment to the Licensee. The individual's personal net worth must not include the value of any equity in his or her most valuable residence.

(C) An individual whose personal net worth (determined in accordance with paragraph (2)(i)(B) of this definition) is at least $10 million.

(ii) Any individual who is not a permanent resident of the United States but who otherwise satisfies paragraph (2)(i) of this definition provided such individual has irrevocably appointed an agent within the United States for the service of process.

Investment Adviser/Manager means any Person who furnishes advice or assistance with respect to operations of a Licensee under a written contract executed in accordance with the provisions of § 107.510.

Lending Institution means a concern that is operating under regulations of a state or Federal licensing, supervising, or examining body, or whose shares are publicly traded and listed on a recognized stock exchange or NASDAQ and which has assets in excess of $500 million; and which, in either case, holds itself out to the public as engaged in the making of commercial and industrial loans and whose lending operations are not for the purpose of financing its own or an Associate's sales or business operations.

Leverage means:

Leverage means financial assistance provided to a Licensee by SBA, either through the purchase or guaranty of a Licensee's Debentures, and any other SBA financial assistance evidenced by a security of the Licensee.

Leverageable Capital means Regulatory Capital, excluding unfunded commitments.

Leveraged Licensee means a Licensee which has outstanding Leverage, Leverage commitments, or intends to issue Leverage in the future.

Licensee means either a corporation (Corporate Licensee), or a limited partnership organized pursuant to § 107.160 (Partnership Licensee), to which a license has been granted pursuant to the Act. For certain purposes, the Entity General Partner of a Partnership Licensee is treated as if it were a Licensee (see § 107.160(b)(2)).

LMI Enterprise means:

(1) A Small Business that has at least 50% of its employees or tangible assets located in LMI Zone(s) or in which at least 35% of the full-time employees have primary residences in LMI Zone(s), in either case determined as of the time of application for SBIC financing; or

(2) A Small Business that does not meet the requirements of paragraph (1) of this definition as of the time of application for SBIC financing but that certifies at such time that it intends to meet the requirements within 180 days after the closing of the SBIC financing. A Small Business qualifying under this paragraph (2) will no longer be an LMI Enterprise as of the 180th day after the closing of the SBIC financing unless, on or before such date, at least 50% of its employees or tangible assets are located in LMI Zones or at least 35% of its full-time employees have primary residences in LMI Zones.

LMI Investment means a financing of an LMI Enterprise, made after September 30, 1999, in the form of equity securities or debt securities that are junior to all existing or future secured borrowings of the business. The debt securities may be guaranteed and may be secured by the assets of the LMI Enterprise, but the guarantee may not be collateralized or otherwise secured.

LMI Zone means any area located within a HUBZone (as defined in 13 CFR 126.103), an Urban Empowerment Zone or Urban Enterprise Community (as designated by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development), a Rural Empowerment Zone or Rural Enterprise Community (as designated by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture), an area of Low Income or Moderate Income (as recognized by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council), or a county with Persistent Poverty (as classified by the Economic Research Service of the Department of Agriculture).

Loan has the meaning set forth in § 107.810.

Loans and Investments means Portfolio Securities, Assets Acquired in Liquidation of Portfolio Securities, Operating Concerns Acquired, and Notes and Other Securities Received, as set forth in the Statement of Financial Position of SBA Form 468.

Management Expenses has the meaning set forth in § 107.520.

1940 Act Company means a Licensee which is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

1980 Act Company means a Licensee which is registered under the Small Business Investment Incentive Act of 1980.

Non-leveraged Licensee means a Licensee which has no outstanding Leverage or Leverage commitment, no earmarked assets, and certifies to SBA (in writing) that it will not seek Leverage in the future.

Original Issue Price means the price paid by the purchaser for securities at the time of issuance.

Participating Securities means preferred stock, preferred limited partnership interests, or similar instruments issued by Licensees, including debentures having interest payable only to the extent of earnings, all of which are subject to the terms set forth in §§ 107.1500 through 107.1590 and section 303(g) of the Act.

Partnership Licensee. See definition of Licensee in this section.

Payment Date means:

(1) For a Participating Securities issuer, each February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 during the term of a Participating Security, or

(2) For an Early Stage SBIC, each March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1 during the term of a Debenture.

Person means a natural person or legal entity.

Pool means an aggregation of SBA guaranteed Debentures or SBA guaranteed Participating Securities approved by SBA.

Portfolio means the securities representing a Licensee's total outstanding Financing of Small Businesses. It does not include idle funds or assets acquired in liquidation of Portfolio securities.

Portfolio Concern means a Small Business Assisted by a Licensee.

Preferred Securities means nonvoting preferred stock or nonvoting limited partnership interests issued to SBA prior to October 1, 1996, by a Section 301(d) Licensee. Such securities were issued at par value in the case of preferred stock, or at face value in the case of preferred limited partnership interests.

Prioritized Payments has the meaning set forth in § 107.1520.

Private Capital has the meaning set forth in § 107.230.

Profit Participation has the meaning set forth in § 107.1500(c)(3).

Publicly Traded and Marketable means securities that are salable without restriction or that are salable within 12 months pursuant to Rule 144 (17 CFR 230.144) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, by the holder thereof (or in the case of an In-kind Distribution by the distributee thereof), and are of a class which is traded on a regulated stock exchange, or is listed in the Automated Quotation System of the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ), or has, at a minimum, at least two market makers as defined in the relevant sections of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (15 U.S.C. 77b et seq.), and in all cases the quantity of which can be sold over a reasonable period of time without having an adverse impact upon the price of the stock.

Qualified Non-private Funds has the meaning set forth in § 107.230.

Redemption Price means the amount required to be paid by the issuer, or successor to the issuer, of Preferred or Participating Securities to repurchase such securities from the holder. The Redemption Price shall be the Original Issue Price less any prepayments or prior redemptions.

Regulatory Capital means:

(1) General. Regulatory Capital means Private Capital, excluding non-cash assets contributed to a Licensee or a license applicant and non-cash assets purchased by a license applicant, unless such assets have been converted to cash or have been approved by SBA for inclusion in Regulatory Capital. For purposes of this definition, sales of contributed non-cash assets with recourse or borrowing against such assets shall not constitute a conversion to cash. Regulatory Capital becomes Leverageable Capital when it is paid in.

(2) Exclusion of questionable commitments. An investor's commitment to a Licensee is excluded from Regulatory Capital if SBA determines that there is a lack of enforceable legal agreements under United States law or there is an issue of collectability for financial or any other reason, provided, however, that the unfunded commitment of an investor that has satisfied the applicable net worth test set forth in the definition of Institutional Investor will not be of questionable collectability (for financial reasons) if the Licensee's limited partnership agreement (or other governing agreement) contains sufficient provisions to ensure collectability.

Reinvestor SBIC has the meaning set forth in § 107.720(a)(2).

Retained Earnings Available for Distribution (READ) means Undistributed Net Realized Earnings less any Unrealized Depreciation on Loans and Investments (as reported on SBA Form 468) and represents the amount that a Licensee may distribute to investors (including SBA) in accordance with § 107.585 as a profit Distribution, or transfer to Private Capital.

Revenue-Based Financing and Revenue-Based Loan have the meaning set forth in § 107.810.

SBA means the Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street, SW., Washington, DC 20416.

SBIC means Small Business Investment Company and has the same meaning as “Licensee” as set forth in this section.

SBIC website means the website maintained by SBA at, which contains information on the SBIC program, including notices, policies, procedures, and forms pertaining to the program.

Secondary Relative of an individual means:

(1) A grandparent, grandchild, or any other ancestor or lineal descendent who is not a Close Relative;

(2) An uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or first cousin; or

(3) A spouse of any person described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this definition.

Section 301(c) Licensee has the meaning set forth in § 107.100.

Section 301(d) Licensee means a company licensed prior to October 1, 1996 under section 301(d) of the Act as in effect on the date of licensing, that may provide Assistance only to Disadvantaged Businesses. A Section 301(d) Licensee may be organized as a for-profit corporation, as a non-profit corporation, or as a limited partnership.

Short-term Financing means Financing with a term of less than one year in accordance with the regulations.

Small Business means a small business concern as defined in section 103(5) of the Act (including its Affiliates), which for purposes of size eligibility, meets the applicable criteria set forth in part 121 of this chapter.

Smaller Enterprise has the meaning set forth in § 107.710.

Start-up Financing means an Equity Capital Investment in a Small Business that—

(1) Has not had sales exceeding $3,000,000 or positive cash flow from operations in any of its last three full fiscal years; and

(2) Was not formed to acquire any existing business, unless the acquired business satisfies paragraphs (1) and (2) of this definition.

State means one of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa.

Temporary Debt has the meaning set forth in § 107.570.

Total Intended Leverage Commitment means the dollar amount or ratio of SBA Leverage commitments to Private Capital commitments. The final Total Intended Leverage Commitment dollar amount applied in the Accrual Debenture SBA Share calculation will be finalized no later than 12 months after licensure or upon the Licensee's final close, whichever occurs first.

Total Private Capital Commitment has the meaning set forth in § 107.300.

Trust means the legal entity created for the purpose of holding guaranteed Debentures or Participating Securities and the guaranty agreement related thereto, receiving, holding and making any related payments, and accounting for such payments.

Trust Certificate Rate means a fixed rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury at the time Participating Securities or Debentures are pooled, taking into consideration the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with maturities comparable to the maturities of the Trust Certificates being guaranteed by SBA, adjusted to the nearest one-eighth of one percent.

Trust Certificates (TCs) means certificates issued by SBA, its agent or Trustee and representing ownership of all or a fractional part of a Trust or Pool of Debentures or Participating Securities.

Trustee means the trustee or trustees of a Trust.

Underlicensed State means a State in which the number of operating licensees per capita is less than the median number of operating licensees per capita for all States, where the per capita per State is based on the most recent resident population published by the U.S. Census as of the date of the calculation. SBA publishes a notice with the current list of Underlicensed States on the SBIC website.

Undistributed Net Realized Earnings means Undistributed Realized Earnings less Non-cash Gains/Income, each as reported on SBA Form 468.

Unrealized Appreciation means the amount by which a Licensee's valuation of each of its Loans and Investments, as determined by its Board of Directors or General Partner(s) in accordance with Licensee's valuation policies, exceeds the cost basis thereof.

Unrealized Depreciation means the amount by which a Licensee's valuation of each of its Loans and Investments, as determined by its Board of Directors or General Partner(s) in accordance with Licensee's valuation policies, is below the cost basis thereof.

Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Securities Held means the sum of the Unrealized Appreciation and Unrealized Depreciation on all of a Licensee's Loans and Investments, less estimated future income tax expense or estimated realizable future income tax benefit, as appropriate.

Venture Capital Financing has the meaning set forth in § 107.1160.

Watchlist has the meaning set forth in § 107.1850.

Wind-down Plan has the meaning set forth in § 107.590.

[61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996; 61 FR 41496, Aug. 9, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 11759, Mar. 13, 1997; 63 FR 5865, Feb. 5, 1998; 64 FR 52645, Sept. 30, 1999; 64 FR 70995, Dec. 20, 1999; 69 FR 8098, Feb. 23, 2004; 77 FR 23378, Apr. 19, 2012; 77 FR 25051, Apr. 27, 2012; 79 FR 62823, Oct. 21, 2014; 82 FR 39340, Aug. 18, 2017; 82 FR 52184, Nov. 13, 2017; 88 FR 46005, July 18, 2023; 89 FR 3547, Jan. 19, 2024]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 662,681,687b,687k
source: 61 FR 3189, Jan. 31, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 13 CFR 107.50