Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space last revised: Jan 22, 2025
§ 325.4 - State and local participation.

(a) DOT, on a periodic basis, will send a questionnaire to each eligible place that is served by not more than one certificated air carrier, or is designated as an eligible place under 49 U.S.C. 41731,or. The questionnaire will be addressed to:

(1) The chief executive of the principal city, or other unit of local government at the affected place, that is named or has been previously named in a qualifying section 41102 certificate. For places in Alaska or Hawaii that are named DOT as eligible place without having been listed on a section 41102 certificate, the principal city is the most populous municipality at the place;

(2) The individual or entity with direct supervision over and responsibility for the airport at the eligible place; and

(3) The State agency with jurisdiction over air transportation in the State containing the eligible place. If there is no such State agency, the questionnaire will be sent to the governor of that State.

(b) Within 60 days after receipt of the questionnaire, five copies of the response shall be filed in the Docket Operations Office, unless the Department specifies another date. If no response is received within the period, essential air service for that eligible place may temporarily be set at the minimum level prescribed in 49 U.S.C. 41737.

(c) Any other interested person may, during the 60-day response period, submit information relevant to the essential air service level of that eligible place by filing in the Docket Operations Office, five copies of a document titled with the name of the place involved.

(d) As necessary, the DOT may request additional information to supplement the questionnaire.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3024-0037) [Docket No. 82, 50 FR 2434, Jan. 16, 1985, as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15938, Apr. 16, 2019]
authority: 49 U.S.C. Chapters 401, 417
source: Docket No. 82, 50 FR 2434, Jan. 16, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 14 CFR 325.4