Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 150.5 - Exchange-set speculative position limits and exemptions therefrom.

(a) Requirements for exchange-set limits on commodity derivative contracts subject to Federal speculative position limits set forth in § 150.2—(1) Exchange-set limits. For any commodity derivative contract that is subject to a Federal speculative position limit under § 150.2, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall set a speculative position limit no higher than the level specified in § 150.2.

(2) Exemptions to exchange-set limits. A designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility may grant exemptions from any speculative position limits it sets under paragraph (a)(1) of this section in accordance with the following:

(i) Exemption levels. An exemption that conforms to an exemption the Commission identified in:

(A) Sections 150.3(a)(1)(i), (a)(2)(i), (a)(4) and (a)(5) may be granted at a level that exceeds the level of the applicable Federal limit in § 150.2;

(B) Sections 150.3(a)(1)(ii) and (a)(2)(ii) may be granted at a level that exceeds the level of the applicable Federal limit in § 150.2, provided the exemption is first approved in accordance with § 150.3(b) or 150.9, as applicable;

(C) Section 150.3(a)(3) may be granted at a level that exceeds the level of the applicable Federal limit in § 150.2, provided that, a division of the Commission has first approved such exemption pursuant to a request submitted under § 140.99(a)(1) of this chapter; and

(D) An exemption of the type that does not conform to any of the exemptions identified in § 150.3(a) must be granted at a level that does not exceed the applicable Federal limit in § 150.2 and that complies with paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(G) of this section, unless the Commission has first approved such exemption pursuant to § 150.3(b) or pursuant to a request submitted under § 140.99(a)(1).

(ii) Application for exemption from exchange-set limits. With respect to a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility that elects to grant exemptions under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section:

(A) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the designated contract market or swap execution facility shall require an entity to file an application requesting such exemption in advance of the date that such position would be in excess of the limits then in effect. Such application shall include any information needed to enable the designated contract market or swap execution facility and the Commission to determine whether the facts and circumstances demonstrate that the designated contract market or swap execution facility may grant an exemption. Any application for a bona fide hedging transaction or position shall include a description of the applicant's activity in the cash markets and swaps markets for the commodity underlying the position for which the application is submitted, including, but not limited to, information regarding the offsetting cash positions.

(B) The designated contract market or swap execution facility may adopt rules that allow a person, due to demonstrated sudden or unforeseen increases in its bona fide hedging needs, to file an application to request a recognition of a bona fide hedging transaction or position within five business days after the person established the position that exceeded the applicable exchange-set speculative position limit.

(C) The designated contract market or swap execution facility must require that any application filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section include an explanation of the circumstances warranting the sudden or unforeseen increases in bona fide hedging needs.

(D) If an application filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section is denied, the applicant must bring its position within the designated contract market or swap execution facility's speculative position limits within a commercially reasonable time as determined by the designated contract market or swap execution facility.

(E) The Commission will not pursue an enforcement action for a position limits violation for the person holding the position during the period of the designated contract market or swap execution facility's review nor once the designated contract market or swap execution facility has issued its determination, so long as the application was submitted in good faith and the applicant brings its position within the designated contract market or swap execution facility's speculative position limits within a commercially reasonable time as determined by the designated contract market or swap execution facility.

(F) The designated contract market or swap execution facility shall require, for any such exemption granted, that the entity re-apply for the exemption at least annually;

(G) The designated contract market or swap execution facility:

(1) May, in accordance with the designated contract market or swap execution facility's rules, deny any such application, or limit, condition, or revoke any such exemption, at any time after providing notice to the applicant, and

(2) Shall consider whether the requested exemption would result in positions that would not be in accord with sound commercial practices in the relevant commodity derivative market and/or that would exceed an amount that may be established and liquidated in an orderly fashion in that market; and

(H) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(G) of this section, the designated contract market or swap execution facility may grant exemptions, subject to terms, conditions, or limitations, that require a person to exit any referenced contract positions in excess of position limits during the lesser of the last five days of trading or the time period for the spot month in such physical-delivery contract, or to otherwise limit the size of such position during that time period. Designated contract markets and swap execution facilities may refer to paragraph (b) of appendix B or appendix G to part 150, for guidance regarding the foregoing, as applicable.

(3) Exchange-set limits on pre-existing positions—(i) Pre-existing positions in a spot month. A designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall require compliance with spot month exchange-set speculative position limits for pre-existing positions in commodity derivative contracts other than pre-enactment swaps and transition period swaps.

(ii) Pre-existing positions in a non-spot month. A single month or all-months-combined speculative position limit established under paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall apply to any pre-existing positions in commodity derivative contracts, other than pre-enactment swaps and transition period swaps.

(4) Monthly reports detailing the disposition of each exemption application. (i) For commodity derivative contracts subject to Federal speculative position limits, the designated contract market or swap execution facility shall submit to the Commission a report each month showing the disposition of any exemption application, including the recognition of any position as a bona fide hedging transaction or position, the exemption of any spread transaction or other position, the renewal, revocation, or modification of a previously granted recognition or exemption, and the rejection of any application, as well as the following details for each application:

(A) The date of disposition;

(B) The effective date of the disposition;

(C) The expiration date of any recognition or exemption;

(D) Any unique identifier(s) the designated contract market or swap execution facility may assign to track the application, or the specific type of recognition or exemption;

(E) If the application is for an enumerated bona fide hedging transaction or position, the name of the enumerated bona fide hedging transaction or position listed in appendix A to this part;

(F) If the application is for a spread transaction listed in the spread transaction definition in § 150.1, the name of the spread transaction as it is listed in § 150.1;

(G) The identity of the applicant;

(H) The listed commodity derivative contract or position(s) to which the application pertains;

(I) The underlying cash commodity;

(J) The maximum size of the commodity derivative position that is recognized by the designated contract market or swap execution facility as a bona fide hedging transaction or position, specified by contract month and by the type of limit as spot month, single month, or all-months-combined, as applicable;

(K) Any size limitations or conditions established for a spread exemption or other exemption; and

(L) For a bona fide hedging transaction or position, a concise summary of the applicant's activity in the cash markets and swaps markets for the commodity underlying the commodity derivative position for which the application was submitted.

(ii) The designated contract market or swap execution facility shall submit to the Commission the information required by paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section:

(A) As specified by the Commission on the Forms and Submissions page at; and

(B) Using the format, coding structure, and electronic data transmission procedures approved in writing by the Commission.

(b) Requirements for exchange-set limits on commodity derivative contracts in a physical commodity that are not subject to the limits set forth in § 150.2—(1) Exchange-set spot-month limits. For any physical commodity derivative contract that is not subject to a Federal speculative position limit under § 150.2, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall set a speculative position limit as follows:

(i) Spot month speculative position limit levels. For any commodity derivative contract subject to paragraph (b) of this section, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall establish speculative position limits for the spot month no greater than 25 percent of the estimated spot month deliverable supply, calculated separately for each month to be listed.

(ii) Additional sources for compliance. Alternatively, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility may submit rules to the Commission establishing spot month speculative position limits other than as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, provided that each limit is set at a level that is necessary and appropriate to reduce the potential threat of market manipulation or price distortion of the contract's or the underlying commodity's price or index.

(2) Exchange-set limits or accountability outside of the spot month—(i) Non-spot month speculative position limit or accountability levels. For any commodity derivative contract subject to paragraph (b) of this section, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall adopt either speculative position limits or position accountability outside of the spot month at a level that is necessary and appropriate to reduce the potential threat of market manipulation or price distortion of the contract's or the underlying commodity's price or index.

(ii) Additional sources for compliance. A designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility may refer to the non-exclusive acceptable practices in paragraph (b) of appendix F of this part to demonstrate to the Commission compliance with the requirements of paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section.

(3) Look-alike contracts. For any newly listed commodity derivative contract subject to paragraph (b) of this section that is substantially the same as an existing contract listed on a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility, the designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility listing such newly listed contract shall adopt spot month, individual month, and all-months-combined speculative position limits comparable to those of the existing contract. Alternatively, if such designated contract market or swap execution facility seeks to adopt speculative position limits that are not comparable to those of the existing contract, such designated contract market or swap execution facility shall demonstrate to the Commission how the levels comply with paragraphs (b)(1) and/or (b)(2) of this section.

(4) Exemptions to exchange-set limits. A designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility may grant exemptions from any speculative position limits it sets under paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section in accordance with the following:

(i) An entity seeking an exemption shall be required to apply to the designated contract market or swap execution facility for any such exemption from its speculative position limit rules; and

(ii) A designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility may deny any such application, or limit, condition, or revoke any such exemption, at any time after providing notice to the applicant. Such designated contract market or swap execution facility shall consider whether the requested exemption would result in positions that would not be in accord with sound commercial practices in the relevant commodity derivative market and/or would exceed an amount that may be established and liquidated in an orderly fashion in that market.

(c) Requirements for security futures products. For security futures products, speculative position limits and position accountability requirements are specified in § 41.25 of this chapter.

(d) Rules on aggregation. For commodity derivative contracts in a physical commodity, a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility shall have aggregation rules that conform to § 150.4.

(e) Requirements for submissions to the Commission. In order for a designated contract market or swap execution facility that is a trading facility to adopt speculative position limits and/or position accountability pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) of this section and/or to elect to offer exemptions from any such levels pursuant to such paragraphs, the designated contract market or swap execution facility shall submit to the Commission pursuant to part 40 of this chapter rules establishing such levels and/or exemptions. To the extent that a designated contract market or swap execution facility adopts speculative position limit levels, such part 40 submission shall also include the methodology by which such levels are calculated. The designated contract market or swap execution facility shall review such speculative position limit levels regularly for compliance with this section and update such speculative position limit levels as needed.

(f) Delegation of authority to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight—(1) Commission delegations. The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time, the authority in paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section to provide instructions regarding the submission to the Commission of information required to be reported, pursuant to paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, by a designated contract market or swap execution facility, to specify the manner for submitting such information on the Forms and Submissions page at, and to determine the format, coding structure, and electronic data transmission procedures for submitting such information.

(2) Commission consideration of delegated matter. The Director of the Division of Market Oversight may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated in this section.

(3) Commission authority. Nothing in this section prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this section.

[86 FR 3470, Jan. 14, 2021]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a,2,5,6,6a,6c,6f,6g,6t,12a,and,as,Pub. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010)
source: 52 FR 38923, Oct. 20, 1987, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 150.5