Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 240.19h-1 - Notice by a self-regulatory organization of proposed admission to or continuance in membership or participation or association with a member of any person subject to a statutory disqualification, and applications to the Commission for relief therefrom.

(a) Notice of admission or continuance notwithstanding a statutory disqualification. (1) Any self-regulatory organization proposing, conditionally or unconditionally, to admit to, or continue any person in, membership or participation or (in the case of a national securities exchange or registered securities association) association with a member, notwithstanding a statutory disqualification, as defined in section 3(a)(39) of the Act, with respect to such person, shall file a notice with the Commission of such proposed admission or continuance. If such disqualified person has not consented to the terms of such proposal, notice of the organization's action shall be filed pursuant to rule 19d-1 under the Act and not this rule.

(2) With respect to a person associated with a member of a national securities exchange or registered securities association, notices need be filed with the Commission pursuant to this rule only if such person:

(i) Controls such member, is a general partner or officer (or person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions) of such member, is an employee who, on behalf of such member, is engaged in securities advertising, public relations, research, sales, trading, or training or supervision of other employees who engage or propose to engage in such activities, except clerical and ministerial persons engaged in such activities, or is an employee with access to funds, securities or books and records, or

(ii) Is a broker or dealer not registered with the Commission, or controls such (unregistered) broker or dealer or is a general partner or officer (or person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions) of such broker or dealer.

(3) A notice need not be filed with the Commission pursuant to this rule if:

(i) The person subject to the statutory disqualification is already a participant in, a member of, or a person associated with a member of, a self-regulatory organization, and the terms and conditions of the proposed admission by another self-regulatory organization are the same in all material respects as those imposed or not disapproved in connection with such person's prior admission or continuance pursuant to an order of the Commission under paragraph (d) of this section or other substantially equivalent written communication.

(ii) The self-regulatory organization finds, after reasonable inquiry, that except for the identity of the employer concerned, the terms and conditions of the proposed admission or continuance are the same in all material respects as those imposed or not disapproved in connection with a prior admission or continuance of the person subject to the statutory disqualification pursuant to an order of the Commission under paragraph (d) of this section or other substantially equivalent written communication and that there is no intervening conduct or other circumstance that would cause the employment to be inconsistent with the public interest or the protection of investors;

(iii) The disqualification consists of (A) an injunction from engaging in any action, conduct, or practice specified in section 15(b)(4)(C) of the Act, which injunction was entered 10 or more years prior to the proposed admission or continuance—Provided, however, That in the case of a final or permanent injunction which was preceded by a preliminary injunction against the same person in the same court proceeding, such ten-year period shall begin to run from the date of such preliminary injunction—and/or (B) a finding by the Commission or a self-regulatory organization of a willful violation of the Act, the Securities Act of 1933, the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Investment Company Act of 1940, or a rule or regulation under one or more of such Acts and the sanction for such violation is no longer in effect;

(iv) The disqualification previously (A) was a basis for the institution of an administrative proceeding pursuant to a provision of the federal securities laws, and (B) was considered by the Commission in determining a sanction against such person in the proceeding; and the Commission concluded in such proceeding that it would not restrict or limit the future securities activities of such person in the capacity now proposed or, if it imposed any such restrictions or limitations for a specified time period, such time period has elapsed;

(v) The disqualification consists of a court order or judgment of injunction or conviction, and such order or judgment (A) expressly includes a provision that, on the basis of such order or judgment, the Commission will not institute a proceeding against such person pursuant to section 15(b) or 15B of the Act or that the future securities activities of such persons in the capacity now proposed will not be restricted or limited or (B) includes such restrictions or limitations for a specified time period and such time period has elapsed; or

(vi) In the case of a person seeking to become associated with a broker or dealer or municipal securities dealer, the Commission has previously consented to such proposed association pursuant to section 15(b)(6) or 15B(c)(4) of the Act.

In the case of an admission to membership, participation, or association, if an exception provided for in this paragraph (a)(3) is applicable, the self-regulatory organization shall, pursuant to its rules, determine when the admission to membership, participation, or association shall become effective.

(4) If a self-regulatory organization determines to admit to, or continue any person in, membership, participation, or association with a member pursuant to an exception from the notice requirements provided in paragraph (a)(3)(ii), (iv) or (v) of this section, such organization shall, within 14 calendar days of its making of such determination, furnish to the Commission, by letter, a notification setting forth, as appropriate:

(i) The name of the person subject to the statutory disqualification;

(ii) The name of the person's prospective and immediately preceding employers who are (were) brokers or dealers or municipal securities dealers;

(iii) The name of the person's prospective supervisor(s);

(iv) The respective places of such employments as reflected on the records of the self-regulatory organization;

(v) If applicable, the findings of the self-regulatory organization referred to in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section and the nature (including relevant dates) of the previous Commission or court determination referred to in paragraph (a)(3)(iv) or (v) of this section; and

(vi) An identification of any other self-regulatory organization which has indicated its agreement with the terms and conditions of the proposed admission or continuance;

(5) If a notice or notification has been previously filed or furnished pursuant to this rule by a self-regulatory organization, any other such organization need not file or furnish a separate notice or notification pursuant to this rule with respect to the same matter if such other organization agrees with the terms and conditions of the membership, participation or association reflected in the notice or notification so filed or furnished, and such agreement is set forth in the notice or notification.

(6) The notice requirements of sections 6(c)(2), 15A(g)(2), and 17A(b)(4)(A) of the Act concerning an action of a self-regulatory organization subject to one (or more) of such sections and this paragraph (a) shall be satisfied by a notice with respect to such action filed in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.

(7) The Commission, by written notice to a self-regulatory organization on or before the thirtieth day after receipt of a notice under this Rule, may direct that such organization not admit to membership, participation, or association with a member any person who is subject to a statutory disqualification for a period not to exceed an additional 60 days beyond the initial 30 day notice period in order that the Commission may extend its consideration of the proposal; Provided, however, That during such extended period of consideration, the Commission will not direct the self-regulatory organization to bar the proposed admission to membership, participation or association with a member pursuant to section 6(c)(2), 15A(g)(2), or 17A(b)(4)(A) of the Act, and the Commission will not institute proceedings pursuant to section 15(b) or 15B of the Act on the basis of such disqualification if the self-regulatory organization has permitted the admission to membership, participation or association with a member, on a temporary basis, pending a final Commission determination.

(b) Preliminary notifications. Promptly after receiving an application for admission to, or continuance in, participation or membership in, or association with a member of, a self-regulatory organization which would be required to file with the Commission a notice thereof pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section if such admission or continuance is ultimately proposed by such organization, the organization shall file with the Commission a notification of such receipt. Such notification shall include, as appropriate:

(1) The date of such receipt;

(2) The names of the person subject to the statutory disqualification and the prospective employer concerned together with their respective last known places of residence or business as reflected on the records of the organization;

(3) The basis for any such disqualification including (if based on a prior adjudication) a copy of the order or decision of the court, the Commission, or the self-regulatory organization which adjudicated the matter giving rise to the disqualification; and

(4) The capacity in which the person concerned is proposed to be employed.

(c) Contents of notice of admission or continuance. A notice filed with the Commission pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall contain the following, as appropriate:

(1) The name of the person concerned together with his last known place of residence or business as reflected on the records of the self-regulatory organization;

(2) The basis for any such disqualification from membership, participation or association including (if based on a prior adjudication) a copy of the order or decision of the court, the Commission or the self-regulatory organization which adjudicated the matter giving rise to such disqualification;

(3) In the case of an admission, the date upon which it is proposed by the organization that such membership, participation or association shall become effective, which shall be not less than 30 days from the date upon which the Commission receives the notice;

(4) A description by or on behalf of the person concerned of the activities engaged in by the person since the disqualification arose, the prospective business or employment in which the person plans to engage and the manner and extent of supervision to be exercised over and by such person. This description shall be accompanied by a written statement submitted to the self-regulatory organization by the proposed employer setting forth the terms and conditions of such employment and supervision. The description also shall include (i) the qualifications, experience and disciplinary records of the proposed supervisors of the person and their family relationship (if any) to that person; (ii) the findings and results of all examinations conducted, during the two years preceding the filing of the notice, by self-regulatory organizations of the main office of the proposed employer and of the branch office(s) in which the employment will occur or be subject to supervisory controls; (iii) a copy of a completed Form U-4 with respect to the proposed association of such person and a certification by the self-regulatory organization that such person is fully qualified under all applicable requirements to engage in the proposed activities; and (iv) the name and place of employment of any other associated person of the proposed employer who is subject to a statutory disqualification (other than a disqualification specified in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section);

(5) If a hearing on the matter has been held by the organization, a certified record of the hearing together with copies of any exhibits introduced therein;

(6) All written submissions not included in a certified oral hearing record which were considered by the organization in its disposition of the matter;

(7) An identification of any other self-regulatory organization which has indicated its agreement with the terms and conditions of the proposed admission or continuance;

(8) All information furnished in writing to the self-regulatory organization by the staff of the Commission for consideration by the organization in its disposition of the matter or the incorporation by reference of such information, and a statement of the organization's views thereon; and

(9) Such other matters as the organization or person deems relevant.

If the notice contains assertions of material facts not a matter of record before the self-regulatory organization, such facts shall be sworn to by affidavit of the person or organization offering such facts for Commission consideration. The notice may be accompanied by a brief.

(d) Application to the Commission for relief from certain statutory disqualifications. The filing of a notice pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall neither affect nor foreclose any action which the Commission may take with respect to such person pursuant to the provisions of section 15(b), 15B or 19(h) of the Act or any rule thereunder. Accordingly, a notice filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section with respect to the membership, participation, or association of any person subject to an “applicable disqualification,” as defined in paragraph (f) of this section, may be accompanied by an application by or on behalf of the person concerned to the Commission for an order declaring, as applicable, that notwithstanding such disqualification, the Commission:

(1) Will not institute proceedings pursuant to section 15(b)(1)(B), 15(b)(4), 15(b)(6), 15B(a)(2), 15B(c)(2), 19(h)(2) or 19(h)(3) of the Act if such person seeks to obtain or continue registration as a broker or dealer or municipal securities dealer or association with a broker or dealer or municipal securities dealer so registered, or membership or participation in a self-regulatory organization;

(2) Will not direct otherwise, as provided in section 6(c)(2), 15A(g)(2) or 17A(b)(4)(A) of the Act; and

(3) Will deem such person qualified pursuant to Rule G-4 of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board under the Act.

If a Commission consent is required in order to render a proposed association lawful under section 15(b)(6) or 15B(c)(4) of the Act, an application by or on behalf of the person seeking such consent shall accompany the notice of the proposed association filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section. The Commission may, in its discretion and subject to such terms and conditions as it deems necessary, issue such an order and consent should the Commission determine not to object to the position of the self-regulatory organization set forth in the notice or application; Provided, however, That nothing herein shall foreclose the right of any person, at his election, to apply directly to the Commission for such consent, if he makes such application pursuant to the terms of an existing order of the Commission under section 15(b)(6) or 15B(c)(4) of the Act limiting his association with a broker or dealer or municipal securities dealer but explicitly granting him such a right to apply for entry or reentry at a later time.

(e) Contents of application to the Commission. An application to the Commission pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section shall consist of the following, as appropriate:

(1) The name of the person subject to the disqualification together with his last known place of residence or business as reflected on the records of the self-regulatory organization;

(2) A copy of the order or decision of the court, the Commission or the self-regulatory organization which adjudicated the matter giving rise to such “applicable disqualification”;

(3) The nature of the relief sought and the reasons therefor;

(4) A description of the activities engaged in by the person since the disqualification arose;

(5) A description of the prospective business or employment in which the person plans to engage and the manner and extent of supervision to be exercised over and by such person. This description shall be accompanied by a written statement submitted to the self-regulatory organization by the proposed employer setting forth the terms and conditions of such employment and supervision. The description also shall include (i) the qualifications, experience, and disciplinary records of the proposed supervisors of the person and their family relationship (if any) to that person; (ii) the findings and results of all examinations conducted, during the two years preceding the filing of the application, by self-regulatory organizations of the main office of the proposed employer and of the branch office(s) in which the employment will occur or be subject to supervisory controls; (iii) a copy of a completed Form U-4 with respect to the proposed association of such person and a certification by the self-regulatory organization that such person is fully qualified under all applicable requirements to engage in the proposed activities; and (iv) the name and place of employment of any other associated person of the proposed employer who is subject to a statutory disqualification (other than a disqualification specified in paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section);

(6) If a hearing on the matter has been held by the organization, a certified copy of the hearing record, together with copies of any exhibits introduced therein;

(7) All written submissions not included in a certified oral hearing record which were considered by the organization in its disposition of the matter;

(8) All information furnished in writing to the self-regulatory organization by the staff of the Commission for consideration by the organization in its disposition of the matter or the incorporation by reference of such information, and a statement of the organization's views thereon; and

(9) Such other matters as the organization or person deems relevant.

If the application contains assertions of material facts not a matter of record before the organization, such facts shall be sworn to by affidavit of the person or organization offering such facts for Commission consideration.

(f) Definitions. For purposes of this rule:

(1) The term applicable disqualification shall mean:

(i) Any effective order of the Commission pursuant to section 15(b) (4) or (6), 15B(c) (2) or (4) or 19(h) (2) or (3) of the Act—

(A) Revoking, suspending or placing limitations on the registration, activities, functions, or operations of a broker or dealer;

(B) Suspending, barring, or placing limitations on the association, activities, or functions of an associated person of a broker or dealer;

(C) Suspending or expelling any person from membership or participation in a self-regulatory organization; or

(D) Suspending or barring any person from being associated with a member of a national securities exchange or registered securities association;

(ii) Any conviction of injunction of a type described in section 15(b)(4) (B) or (C) of the Act; or

(iii) A failure under the provisions of Rule G-4 of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board under the Act, to meet qualifications standards, and such failure may be remedied by a finding or determination by the Commission pursuant to such rule(s) that the person affected nevertheless meets such standards.

(2) The term control shall mean the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a company whether through ownership of securities, by contract or otherwise; Provided, however, That

(i) Any person who, directly or indirectly, (A) has the right to vote 10 percent or more of the voting securities, (B) is entitled to receive 10 percent or more of the net profits, or (C) is a director (or person occupying a similar status or performing similar functions) of a company shall be presumed to be a person who controls such company;

(ii) Any person not covered by paragraph (i) shall be presumed not to be a person who controls such company; and

(iii) Any presumption may be rebutted on an appropriate showing.

(g) Where it deems appropriate to do so, the Commission may determine whether to (1) direct, pursuant to section 6(c)(2), 15A(g)(2) or 17A(b)(4)(A) of the Act, that a proposed admission covered by a notice filed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section shall be denied or an order barring a proposed association issued or (2) grant or deny an application filed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section on the basis of the notice or application filed by the self-regulatory organization, the person subject to the disqualification, or other applicant (such as the proposed employer) on behalf of such person, without oral hearing. Any request for oral hearing or argument should be submitted with the notice or application.

(h) The Rules of Practice (17 CFR part 201) shall apply to proceedings under this rule to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this rule.

(15 U.S.C. 78a et seq., as amended by Pub. L. 94-29 (June 4, 1975) and by Pub. L. 98-38 (June 6, 1983), particularly secs. 11A, 15, 19 and 23 thereof (15 U.S.C. 78k-1,78,I,Dec. 3, 1981, as amended at 48 FR 53691, Nov. 29, 1983]
cite as: 17 CFR 240.19h-1