Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 225.3 - Schedule of records and periods of retention.
Table of Contents Corporate and General 1. Reports to stockholders. 2. Organizational documents. 3. Contracts including amendments and agreements. 4. Accountants' and auditors' reports. Information Technology Management 5. Automatic data processing records. General Accounting Records 6. General and subsidiary ledgers. 7. Journals: General and subsidiary. 8. Journal vouchers and journal entries. 9. Cash books. 10. Voucher registers. 11. Vouchers. Insurance 12. Insurance records. Operations and Maintenance 13. Production—Gas. 14. Transmission and distribution—Gas. 14.1. Underground storage of natural gas. 15. Maintenance work orders and job orders. Plant and Depreciation 16. Plant ledgers. 17. Construction work in progress ledgers. 18. Retirement work in progress ledgers. 19. Summary sheets. 20. Appraisals and valuations. 21. Engineering records. 22. Contracts relating to natural gas. 23. Reclassification of natural gas plant account records. 24. Accumulated depreciation and depletion of natural gas plant account records. Purchase and Stores 25. Procurement. 26. Material ledgers. 27. Materials and supplies received and issued. 28. Records of sales of scrap and materials and supplies. Revenue Accounting and Collection 29. Customers' service applications and contracts. 30. Rate schedules. 31. Maximum demand and demand meter record cards. 32. Miscellaneous billing data. 33. Revenue summaries. Tax 34. Tax records. Treasury 35. Statements of funds and deposits. 36. Records of deposits with banks and others. 37. Records of receipts and disbursements. Miscellaneous 38. Statistics. 39. Budgets and other forecasts. 40. Records of predecessors companies. 41. Reports to Federal and State regulatory commissions. 42. Advertising.

Schedule of Records and Periods of Retention

Item No. and description Retention period
Corporate and General
1. Reports to stockholders: Annual reports or statements to stockholders5 years.
2. Organizational documents:
(a) Minute books of stockholders', directors', and directors' committee meetings5 years or termination of the corporation's existence, whichever occurs first.
(b) Titles, franchises, and licenses: Copies of formal orders of regulatory commissions served upon the natural gas company6 years after final non-appealable order.
3. Contracts including amendments and agreements (except contracts provided for elsewhere):
(a) Service contracts, such as for management, accounting, and financial servicesAll contracts, related memoranda, and revisions should be retained for 4 years after expiration or until the conclusion of any contract disputes pertaining to such contracts, whichever is later.
(b) Contracts with others for transportation or for the purchase, sale or interchange of productAll contracts, related memoranda, and revisions should be retained for 4 years after expiration or until the conclusion of any contract disputes or governmental proceedings pertaining to such contracts, whichever is later.
(c) Memoranda essential to clarifying or explaining provisions of contracts listed above, including requests for discountsFor the same periods as contracts to which they relate.
(d) Card or book records of contracts, leases, and agreements made that show dates of expirations, renewals, memoranda of receipts, and payments under such contractsFor the same periods as contracts to which they relate.
4. Accountants' and auditors' reports:
(a) Reports of examinations and audits by accountants and auditors not in the regular employ of the natural gas company (such as reports of public accounting firms and Commission accountants)5 years after the date of the report.
(b) Internal audit reports and working papers5 years after the date of the report.
Information Technology Management
5. Automatic data processing records (retain original source data used as input for data processing and data processing report printouts for the applicable periods prescribed elsewhere in the schedule): Software program documentation and revisions thereto.Retain as long as it represents an active viable program or for periods prescribed for related output data, whichever is shorter.
General Accounting Records
6. General and subsidiary ledgers:
(a) Ledgers:
(1) General ledgers10 years.
(2) Ledgers subsidiary or auxiliary to general ledgers except ledgers provided for elsewhere10 years.
(b) Indexes:
(1) Indexes to general ledgers10 years.
(2) Indexes to subsidiary ledgers except ledgers provided for elsewhere10 years.
(c) Trial balance sheets of general and subsidiary ledgers2 years.
7. Journals: General and subsidiary10 years.
8. Journal vouchers and journal entries including supporting detail:
(a) Journal vouchers and journal entries10 years.
(b) Analyses, summarizations, distributions, and other computations which support journal vouchers and journal entries:
(1) Charging plant accounts25 years. See § 225.2(g).
(2) Charging all other accounts6 years.
9. Cash books: General and subsidiary or auxiliary books5 years after close of fiscal year.
10. Voucher registers: Voucher registers or similar records when used as a source document5 years. See § 225.2(g).
11. Vouchers:
(a) Paid and canceled vouchers (1 copy-analysis sheets showing detailed distribution of charges on individual vouchers and other supporting papers)5 years. See § 225.2(g).
(b) Original bills and invoices for materials, services, etc., paid by vouchers5 years. See § 225.2(g).
(c) Paid checks and receipts for payments of specific vouchers5 years.
(d) Authorization for the payment of specific vouchers5 years. See § 225.2(g).
(e) Lists of unaudited bills (accounts payable), list of vouchers transmitted, and memoranda regarding changes in audited billsDestroy at option.
(f) Voucher indexesDestroy at option.
12. Insurance records:
(a) Records of insurance policies in force, showing coverage, premiums paid, and expiration datesDestroy at option after expiration.
(b) Records of amounts recovered from insurance companies in connection with losses and of claims against insurance companies, including reports of losses, and supporting papers6 years. See § 225.2(g).
Operations and Maintenance
13. Production—Gas:
(a) Recording instrument charts such as pressure (static and/or differential), temperature, specific gravity, heating value, etcIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(b) Test of heating value at stations and outlying pointsIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(c) Records of gas produced, out, and holder stockIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(d) Analysis of (gas produced) B.T.U. and sulphur contentIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(e) Well records, including clearing, bailing, shooting etc., records; rock pressure; open flow; production, gas analysts' reports etc1 year after field or relevant production area abandoned
(f) Gas measuring recordsIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
14. Transmission and distribution—Gas:
(a) Substation and transmission line logIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(b) System operator's daily logs and reports of operationIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(c) Gas measuring recordsIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(d) Transmission line operating reportsIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(e) Compression operation and reportsIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
(f) Recording instrument charts such as pressure (static and/or differential), temperature, specific heating value, etcIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
14.1 Underground storage of natural gas:
(a) Well records, reports, and logs which include data relating to pressures, injected volumes, withdrawn volumes, core analysis, daily volumes of gas injected into and withdrawn from reservoir, cushion, and working gas volumes for each reservoir1 year after reservoir, field, or relevant storage area is abandoned.
(b) Records containing information relating to reservoir gas leakage, showing the total gas leakage, and recycled gas1 year after reservoir, field, or relevant storage area is abandoned.
(c) Records on back pressure tests field data1 year or until superseded.
(d) Records on back pressure test results, gas analysis1 year or until superseded.
15. Maintenance work orders and job orders:
(a) Authorizations for expenditures for maintenance work to be covered by work orders, including memoranda showing the estimates of costs to be incurred5 years.
(b) Work order sheets to which are posted in detail the entries for labor, material, and other charges in connection with maintenance, and other work pertaining to natural gas company operations5 years.
(c) Summaries of expenditures on maintenance and job orders and clearances to operating other accounts (exclusive of plant accounts)5 years.
Plant and Depreciation
16. Plant ledgers:
(a) Ledgers of natural gas company's plant accounts including land and other detailed ledgers showing the cost of plant by class25 years. See § 225.2(g).
(b) Continuing plant inventory ledger, book or card records showing description, location, quantities, cost, etc., of physical units (or items) of natural gas plant owned25 years. See § 225.2(g).
17. Construction work in progress ledgers:
(a) Construction work in progress ledgers5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(b) Work order sheets to which are posted in summary form or in detail the entries for labor, materials, and other charges for natural gas company's plant additions and the entries closing the work orders to plant in service at completion5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(c) Authorizations for expenditures for additions to natural gas company plant, including memoranda showing the detailed estimates of cost, and the bases therefor (including original and revised or subsequent authorizations)5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(d) Requisitions and registers of authorizations for natural gas company plant expenditures5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(e) Completion or performance reports showing comparison between authorized estimates and actual expenditures for natural gas company plant additions5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(f) Analysis or cost reports showing quantities of materials used, unit costs, number of man-hours etc., in connection with completed construction project5 years after clearance to the plant account, provided continuing plant inventory records are maintained; otherwise 5 years after plant is retired.
(g) Records and reports pertaining to progress of construction work, the order in which jobs are to be completed, and similar records which do not form a basis of entries to the accountsDestroy at option.
(h) Well-drilling logs and well construction records1 year after field or well is abandoned.
18. Retirement work in progress ledgers, work orders, and supplemental records:
(a) Work order sheets to which are posted the entries for removal costs, materials recovered, and credits to natural gas company plant accounts for cost of plant retirement5 years after plant is retired.
(b) Authorizations for retirement of natural gas company plant, including memoranda showing the basis for determination of cost of plant to be retired, and estimates of salvage and removal costs5 years after plant is retired.
(c) Registers of retirement work5 years.
19. Summary sheets, distribution sheets, reports, statements, and papers directly supporting debits and credits to natural gas company plant accounts not covered by construction or retirement work orders and their supporting records5 years.
20. Appraisals and valuations:
(a) Appraisals and valuations made by the company of its properties or investments or of the properties or investments of any associated companies. Includes all records essential thereto3 years after appraisal.
(b) Determinations of amounts by which properties or investments of the company or any of its associated companies will be either written up or written down as a result of:
(1) Mergers or acquisitions10 years after completion of transaction or as ordered by the Commission.
(2) Asset impairments10 years after recognition of asset impairment.
(3) Other bases10 years after the asset was written up or down.
21. The original or reproduction of engineering records, drawings, and other supporting data for proposed or as-constructed gas facilities: Maps, diagrams, profiles, photographs, field survey notes, plot plan, detail drawings, records of engineering studies, and similar records showing the location of proposed or as-constructed facilitiesRetained until retired or abandoned.
22. Contracts relating to natural gas plant:
(a) Contracts relating to acquisition or sale of plant6 years after plant is retired or sold.
(b) The primary records of gas acreage owned, leased or optioned excluding deeds and leases but including such records as lease sheets, leasehold cards, and option agreements6 years after plant is retired or sold.
23. Records pertaining to reclassification of natural gas plant accounts to conform to prescribed systems of accounts including supporting papers showing the bases for such reclassifications6 years.
24. Records of accumulated provisions for depreciation and depletion of gas plant and supporting computation of expense:
(a) Detailed records or analysis sheets segregating the accumulated depreciation according to functional classification of plant25 years.
(b) Records reflecting the service life of property and the percentage of salvage and cost of removal for property retired from each account for depreciable natural gas plant25 years.
Purchases and Stores
25. Procurement:
(a) Agreements entered into for the acquisition of goods or the performance of services. Includes all forms of agreements not specifically set forth in Subsection 7 such as but not limited to: Letters of intent, exchange of correspondence, master agreements, term contracts, rental agreements, and the various types of purchase orders:
(1) For goods or services relating to plant construction6 years. See § 225.2(g).
(2) For other goods or services6 years.
(b) Supporting documents including accepted and unaccepted bids or proposals (summaries of unaccepted bids or proposals may be kept in lieu of originals) evidencing all relevant elements of the procurement6 years. See § 225.2(g).
26. Material ledgers: Ledger sheets of materials and supplies received, issued, and on hand6 years after the date records/ledgers were created.
27. Materials and supplies received and issued: Records showing the detailed distribution of materials and supplies issued during accounting periods6 years. See § 225.2(g).
28. Records of sales of scrap and materials and supplies:
(a) Authorization for sale of scrap and materials and supplies3 years.
(b) Contracts for sale of scrap and materials and supplies3 years.
Revenue Accounting and Collection
29. Customers' service applications and contracts: Contracts, including amendments for extensions of service, for which contributions are made by customers and others4 years after expiration.
30. Rate schedules: General files of published rate sheets and schedules of natural gas company service (including schedules suspended or superseded)6 years after published rate sheets and schedules are superseded or no longer used to charge for services.
31. Maximum demand, pressure, temperature, and specific gravity charts and demand meter record cardIf the measurement data have not been disputed or adjusted, destroy after 1 year.
32. Miscellaneous billing data: Billing department's copies of contracts with customers (other than contracts in general files)Destroy at option.
33. Revenue summaries: Summaries of monthly operating revenues according to classes of service. Including summaries of forfeited discounts and penalties5 years.
34. Tax records:
(a) Copies of tax returns and supporting schedules filed with taxing authorities, supporting working papers, records of appeals of tax bills, and receipts for payment. See Subsection 11(b) for vouchers evidencing disbursements:
(1) Income tax returns2 years after final tax liability is determined.
(2) Property tax returns2 years after final tax liability is determined.
(3) Sales and other use taxes2 years.
(4) Other taxes2 years after final tax liability is determined.
(5) Agreements between associate companies as to allocation of consolidated income taxes2 years after final tax liability is determined.
(6) Schedule of allocation of consolidated Federal income taxes among associate companies2 years after final tax liability is determined.
(b) Filings with taxing authorities to qualify employee benefit plans5 years after discontinuance of plan.
(c) Information returns and reports to taxing authorities3 years after final tax liability is determined.
35. Statements of funds and deposits:
(a) Statements of periodic deposits with fund administrators or trusteesRetain records for the most recent 3 years.
(b) Statements of periodic withdrawals from fundRetain records for the most recent 3 years.
(c) Statements prepared by fund administrator or trustees of fund activity including:Retain records until the fund is dissolved or terminated.
(1) Beginning of the year fund balance
(2) Deposits with the fund;
(3) Acquisition of investments held by the fund;
(4) Disposition of investments held by the fund;
(5) Disbursements from the fund, including party to whom disbursement was made; and,
(6) End of year fund balance.
36. Records of deposits with banks and others:
(a) Statements from depositories showing the details of funds received, disbursed, transferred, and balances on depositDestroy at option after completion of audit by independent accountants.
(b) Check stubs, registers, or other records of checks issued3 years.
37. Records of receipts and disbursements:
(a) Daily or other periodic statements of fund receipts or disbursementsDestroy at option after completion of annual audit by independent accountants.
(b) Records or periodic statements of outstanding vouchers, checks, drafts, etc., issued and not presentedDestroy at option after completion of annual audit by independent accountants.
(c) Reports of associates showing working fund transactions and summaries thereofDestroy at option after completion of annual audit by independent accountants.
(d) Reports of revenue collections by field cashiers, pay stations, etcDestroy at option after completion of annual audit by independent accountants.
38. Statistics: Financial, operating, and statistical reports used for internal administrative or operating purposes5 years.
39. Budgets and other forecasts (prepared for internal administrative or operating purposes) of estimated future income, receipts, and expenditures in connection with financing, construction and operations, including acquisitions and disposals of properties or investments3 years.
40. Records of predecessor companiesRetain consistent with the requirements for the same types of records of the natural gas company.
41. Reports to Federal and State regulatory commissions including annual financial, operating, and statistical reports5 years.
42. Advertising: Copies of advertisements by or for the company on behalf of itself or any associate company in newspapers, magazines, and other publications, including costs and other records relevant thereto (excluding advertising of appliances, employment opportunities, routine notices, and invitations for bids all of which may be destroyed at option)2 years.
[Order 617, 65 FR 48161, Aug. 7, 2000; 65 FR 50638, Aug. 21, 2000]

cite as: 18 CFR 225.3