(a) Submission of requests. Except as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, requesters must submit FOIA requests in writing to OPD through the following options:
(1) Online FOIA portal: Link available from the agency's www.ssa.gov/foia website or the National FOIA Portal at www.FOIA.gov.
(2) Email: [email protected].
(3) Mail: SSA Office of Privacy and Disclosure, ATTN: Freedom of Information Officer, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235.
(b) Requests for copies of Deceased Individual's Application for a Social Security Card (SS-5) or Numident record. Requesters may use the Form SSA-711, Request for a Deceased Individual's Social Security Record, to request a copy of a deceased individual's original SS-5 or Numident record. When the Form SSA-711 is used, it may be submitted to the office listed on the form or as directed in paragraph (a) of this section.