Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 22 - Foreign Relations last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 22.1 - Schedule of fees.

The following table sets forth the fees for the following categories listed on the U.S. Department of State's Schedule of Fees for Consular Services:

Schedule of Fees for Consular Services

Item No. Fee
Passport and Citizenship Services
1. Passport Book or Card Execution: Required for first-time applicants and others who must apply in person$35
2. Passport Book Application Services for:
(a) Applicants age 16 or over (including renewals)$50
(b) Applicants under age 16$20
(c) [Reserved]
(d) Passport book replacement for name change if submitted within one year of passport issuanceNO FEE.
(e) Passport book replacement for passport book limited in validity if submitted within one year of passport issuance. (Passport books limited in validity because of multiple losses, thefts, damage, or mutilations cannot be replaced)NO FEE.
(f) Passport book replacement for data correction (name, date of birth, place of birth, sex printed erroneously) if submitted within one year of passport issuanceNO FEE.
(g) Passport book security surcharge (enhanced border security fee)$80
3. Expedited service: Passport processing within the expedited processing period published on the Department's website (see 22 CFR 51.56(b)) and/or in-person service at a U.S. Passport Agency (not applicable abroad)$60.
4. Exemptions: The following applicants are exempted from all passport fees listed in Item 2 above:
(a) Officers or employees of the United States and their immediate family members (22 U.S.C. 214) and Peace Corps Volunteers and Leaders (22 U.S.C. 2504(h)) proceeding abroad or returning to the United States in the discharge of their official dutiesNO FEE.
(b) U.S. citizen seamen who require a passport in connection with their duties aboard an American flag vessel (22 U.S.C. 214(a))NO FEE.
(c) Widows, children, parents, or siblings of deceased members of the Armed Forces proceeding abroad to visit the graves of such members (22 U.S.C. 214(a))NO FEE.
(d) Employees of the American National Red Cross proceeding abroad as members of the Armed Forces of the United States (10 U.S.C. 2602(c))NO FEE.
5. Travel Letter: Provided in rare, life-or-death situations as an emergency accommodation to a U.S. citizen returning to the United States when the consular officer is unable to issue a passport bookNO FEE unless consular time charges (Item 75) apply.
6. File search and verification of U.S. citizenship: When applicant has not presented evidence of citizenship and previous records must be searched (except for an applicant abroad whose passport was stolen or lost abroad or when one of the exemptions is applicable)$150.
7. Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States$100.
8. Administrative Processing of Request for Certificate of Loss of Nationality2,350
9. Passport Card Application Services for:
(a) Applicants age 16 or over (including renewals) [Adult Passport Card]$30.
(b) Applicants under age 16 [Minor Passport Card]$15.
(c) Passport card replacement for name change if submitted within one year of passport issuanceNO FEE.
(d) Passport card replacement for data correction (name, date of birth, place of birth, sex printed erroneously) if submitted within one year of passport issuanceNO FEE.
(Item 10 vacant.)
Overseas Citizens Services
Arrests, Welfare and Whereabouts and Related Services
11. Arrest and prison visitsNO FEE.
12. Assistance regarding the welfare and whereabouts of a U.S. Citizen, including child custody inquiries and processing of repatriation and emergency dietary assistance loansNO FEE.
(Item 13 vacant.)
Death and Estate Services
14. Assistance to next-of-kin:
(a) After the death of a U.S. citizen abroad (providing assistance in disposition of remains, making arrangements for shipping remains, issuing Consular Mortuary Certificate, and providing up to 20 original Consular Reports of Death)NO FEE.
(b) Making arrangements for a deceased non-U.S. citizen family member (providing assistance in shipping or other disposition of remains of a non-U.S. Citizen)$200 plus expenses.
15. Issuance of Consular Mortuary Certificate on behalf of a non-U.S. Citizen$60.
16. Acting as a provisional conservator of estates of U.S. Citizens:
(a) Taking possession of personal effects; making an inventory under an official seal (unless significant time and/or expenses incurred)NO FEE.
(b) Overseeing the appraisal, sale, and final disposition of the estate, including disbursing funds, forwarding securities, etc. (unless significant time and/or expenses incurred)NO FEE.
(c) For services listed in Item 16(a) or (b) when significant time and/or expenses are incurredConsular time (Item 75) plus expenses.
(Items 17 through 19 vacant.)
Nonimmigrant Visa Services
20. Filing Nonimmigrant Visa Petition Based on Blanket L Petition (collected for USCIS and subject to change)For fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
(a) Petition for a nonimmigrant worker (Form I-129)For fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
(b) Nonimmigrant petition based on blanket L petitionFor fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
21. Nonimmigrant Visa Application and Border Crossing Card Processing Fees (per person):
(a) Non-petition-based nonimmigrant visa (except E category)$185
(b) H, L, O, P, Q and R category nonimmigrant visa205
(c) E category nonimmigrant visa315
(d) K category (fiancé) nonimmigrant visa$265
(e) Border crossing card—age 15 and over (10 year
(f) Border crossing card—under age 15; for Mexican citizens if parent or guardian has or is applying for a border crossing card (valid 10 years or until the applicant reaches age 15, whichever is sooner)$15
22. EXEMPTIONS from Nonimmigrant Visa Application Processing Fee:
(a) Applicants for A, G, C-3, NATO and diplomatic visas as defined in 22 CFR 41.26NO FEE.
(b) Applicants for J visas participating in official U.S. Government sponsored educational and cultural exchangesNO FEE.
(c) Replacement machine-readable visa when the original visa was not properly affixed or needs to be reissued through no fault of the applicantNO FEE.
(d) Applicants exempted by international agreement as determined by the Department, including members and staff of an observer mission to United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly, and their immediate familiesNO FEE.
(e) Applicants traveling to provide charitable services as determined by the DepartmentNO FEE.
(f) U.S. government employees traveling on official businessNO FEE.
(g) A parent, sibling, spouse, or child of a U.S. government employee killed in the line of duty who is traveling to attend the employee's funeral and/or burial; or a parent, sibling, spouse, son, or daughter of a U.S. government employee critically injured in the line of duty for visitation during emergency treatment and convalescenceNO FEE.
23. Nonimmigrant Visa Issuance Fee, including Border-Crossing Cards (Reciprocity Fee)RECIPROCAL.
24. EXEMPTIONS from Nonimmigrant Visa Issuance Fee:
(a) An official representative of a foreign government or an international or regional organization of which the U.S. is a member; members and staff of an observer mission to United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly; and applicants for diplomatic visas as defined under item 22(a); and their immediate familiesNO FEE.
(b) An applicant transiting to and from the United Nations HeadquartersNO FEE.
(c) An applicant participating in a U.S. government sponsored programNO FEE.
(d) An applicant traveling to provide charitable services as determined by the DepartmentNO FEE.
25. Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee for Visa Applicant included in L Blanket Petition (principal applicant only)$500.
(Items 26 through 30 vacant.)
Immigrant and Special Visa Services
31. Filing Immigrant Visa Petition (collected for USCIS and subject to change):
(a) Petition to classify status of alien relative for issuance of immigrant VisaFor fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
(b) Petition to classify orphan as an immediate relativeFor fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
32. Immigrant Visa Application Processing Fee (per person)
(a) Immediate relative and family preference applications$325
(b) Employment-based applications$345
(c) Other immigrant visa applications (including I-360 self-petitioners and special immigrant visa applicants)$205
(d) Certain Iraqi and Afghan special immigrant visa applicationsNO FEE.
(e) Certain adoptee applicants for replacement Immigrant Visas as described in 22 CFR 42.71(b)(2)NO FEE.
(f) Certain immigrant visa applicants previously refused pursuant to Proclamation 9645 or Proclamation 9983, as described in 22 CFR 42.71(b)(3)NO FEE.
33. Diversity Visa Lottery Fee (per person applying as a result of the lottery program)$330.
34. Affidavit of Support Review (only when reviewed domestically)$120
(a) Certain immigrant visa applicants previously refused solely pursuant to Proclamation 9645 or Proclamation 9983, as described in 22 CFR 42.71(b)(3)NO FEE.
35. Special Visa Services:
(a) Determining Returning Resident Status$180
(b) Waiver of two year residency requirement$120
(c) Waiver of immigrant visa ineligibility (collected for USCIS and subject to change)For fee amount, see 8 CFR 103.7(b)(1).
(d) Refugee or significant public benefit parole case processingNO FEE.
(Items 36 through 40 vacant.)
Documentary Services
41. Providing notarial service:
(a) First service (seal)$50.
(b) Each additional seal provided at the same time in connection with the same transaction$50.
42. Certification of a true copy or that no record of an official file can be located (by a post abroad):
(a) First Copy$50.
(b) Each additional copy provided at the same time$50.
43. Provision of documents, certified copies of documents, and other certifications by the Department of State (domestic):
(a) Documents relating to births, marriages, and deaths of U.S. citizens abroad originally issued by a U.S. embassy or consulate$50.
(b) Issuance of Replacement Report of Birth Abroad$50.
(c) Certified copies of documents relating to births and deaths within the former Canal Zone of Panama from records maintained by the Canal Zone Government from 1904 to September 30, 1979$50.
(d) Certifying a copy of a document or extract from an official passport record$50.
(e) Certifying that no record of an official file can be located$50.
(f) Each additional copy provided at same time$50.
44. Authentications (by posts abroad):
(a) Authenticating a foreign notary or other foreign official seal or signature$50.
(b) Authenticating a U.S. Federal, State, or territorial seal$50.
(c) Certifying to the official status of an officer of the U.S. Department of State or of a foreign diplomatic or consular officer accredited to or recognized by the U.S. Government$50.
(d) Each authentication$50.
45. Exemptions: Notarial, certification, and authentication fees (Items 41-44) or passport file search fees (Item 6) will not be charged when the service is performed:
(a) At the direct request of any Federal Government agency, any state or local government, the District of Columbia, or any of the territories or possessions of the United States (unless significant costs would be incurred)NO FEE.
(b) With respect to documents to be presented by claimants, beneficiaries, or their witnesses in connection with obtaining Federal, state, or municipal benefitsNO FEE.
(c) For U.S. citizens outside the United States preparing ballots for any public election in the United States or any of its territoriesNO FEE.
(d) At the direct request of a foreign government or an international agency of which the United States is a member if the documents are for official noncommercial useNO FEE.
(e) At the direct request of a foreign government official when appropriate or as a reciprocal courtesyNO FEE.
(f) At the request of direct-hire U.S. Government personnel, Peace Corps volunteers, or their dependents stationed or traveling officially in a foreign countryNO FEE.
(g) With respect to documents whose production is ordered by a court of competent jurisdictionNO FEE.
(h) With respect to affidavits of support for immigrant visa applicationsNO FEE.
(i) With respect to endorsing U.S. Savings Bonds CertificatesNO FEE.
46. Authentications (by the Office of Authentications domestically):
(a) Each basic authentication service$20
(Items 47 through 50 vacant.)
Judicial Assistance Services
51. Processing letters rogatory and Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) judicial assistance cases, including providing seal and certificate for return of letters rogatory executed by foreign officials$2,275.
52. Taking depositions or executing commissions to take testimony:
(a) Scheduling/arranging appointments for depositions, including depositions by video teleconference (per daily appointment)$1,283.
(b) Attending or taking depositions, or executing commissions to take testimony (per hour or part thereof)$309 per hour plus expenses.
(c) Swearing in witnesses for telephone depositionsConsular time (Item 75) plus expenses.
(d) Supervising telephone depositions (per hour or part thereof over the first hour)Consular time (Item 75) plus expenses.
(e) Providing seal and certification of depositions$415.
53. Exemptions: Deposition or executing commissions to take testimony. Fees (Item 52) will not be charged when the service is performed:
(a) At the direct request of any Federal Government agency, any state or local government, the District of Columbia, or any of the territories or possessions of the United States (unless significant time required and/or expenses would be incurred)NO FEE.
(b) Executing commissions to take testimony in connection with foreign documents for use in criminal cases when the commission is accompanied by an order of Federal court on behalf of an indigent partyNO FEE.
(Items 54 through 60 vacant.)
Services Relating to Vessels and Seamen
61. Shipping and Seaman's services: Including but not limited to recording a bill of sale of a vessel purchased abroad, renewal of a marine radio license, and issuance of certificate of American ownershipConsular time (Item 75) plus expenses.
(Items 62 through 70 vacant.)
Administrative Services
71. Non-emergency telephone calls$10 plus long distance charge.
72. Setting up and maintaining a trust account: For 1 year or less to transfer funds to or for the benefit of a U.S. citizen in need in a foreign country$30.
73. Transportation charges incurred in the performance of fee and no-fee services when appropriate and necessaryExpenses incurred.
74. [Reserved]
75. Consular Time Charges: As required by this schedule and for fee services performed away from the office or during after-duty hours (per hour or part thereof/per consular officer)$135
76. Photocopies (per page)$1.
(Items 77 through 80 vacant.)
[75 FR 36532, June 28, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 76035, Dec. 6, 2011; 77 FR 18913, Mar. 29, 2012; 79 FR 51253, Aug. 28, 2014; 79 FR 79066, Dec. 31, 2014; 80 FR 53709, Sept. 8, 2015; 80 FR 72591, Nov. 20, 2015; 83 FR 4428, Jan. 31, 2018; 84 FR 35298, July 23, 2019; 86 FR 31616, June 15, 2021; 86 FR 31618, June 15, 2021; 86 FR 59615, Oct. 28, 2021; 87 FR 2704, Jan. 19, 2022; 86 FR 16638, Mar. 24, 2022; 88 FR 35762, June 1, 2023; 88 FR 18248, Mar. 28, 2023]
authority: 8 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1153 note, 1157 note, 1183a note, 1184(c)(12), 1201(c), 1351, 1351 note, 1713, 1714, 1714 note; 10 U.S.C. 2602(c); 22 U.S.C. 214,214,1475e,2504,2651a,4206,4215,4219,6551; 31 U.S.C. 9701; E.O. 10718, 22 FR 4632, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 382; E.O. 11295, 31 FR 10603, 3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 570
source: 46 FR 58071, Nov. 30, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 22 CFR 22.1