Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 239.9 - Application processing procedures.

(a) Acceptance of applications. The district will accept applications (DD Form 1607) for HAP and Expanded HAP benefits submitted through the U.S. Mail or other delivery system direct to the appropriate district office. See § 239.15 of this part for a list of District field offices.

(1) Applications for benefits by members of the Armed Forces due to eligibility pursuant to § 239.6(a)(4) of this part because of permanent reassignment must be submitted directly to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers field office identified in § 239.15 of this part by U.S. Mail or commercial delivery service, and must be postmarked or deposited with the commercial delivery service no later than September 30, 2012. Applications postmarked or deposited after September 30, 2012, will not be accepted.

(2) Applications of eligible personnel for benefits due to eligibility pursuant to § 239.6(a)(3) of this part because of BRAC 2005 must be submitted directly to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers field office identified in § 239.15 of this part by U.S. Mail or commercial delivery service, and must be postmarked or deposited with the commercial delivery service no later than September 30, 2012. Applications postmarked or deposited after September 30, 2012, will not be accepted.

(b) Application Form (DD Form 1607). Should the DD form 1607 not provide all the information required to process Expanded HAP applications, Districts must provide applicants appropriate supplemental instructions.

(c) Assignment of application numbers. (1) Assignment of application numbers. When a District receives an application, it will assign the application number and develop and maintain an individual file for each property. Applications for programs located in another District will not be assigned a number, but will be forwarded immediately to the District having jurisdiction. An application number, once assigned, will not be reassigned regardless of the disposition of the original application. Reactivation or reopening of a withdrawn application does not require a new application or application number.

(2) Method of assignment. An application will be numbered in the following manner:

(i) Agency code. Code to indicate the Federal agency accountable for installation being closed or applicant support:

(A) 1—Army

(B) 2—Air Force

(C) 3—Navy

(D) 4—Marine Corps

(E) 5—Defense Agencies

(F) 6—Non-Defense Agencies

(G) 7—U.S. Coast Guard

(ii) District code.

(A) Sacramento: L2

(B) Savannah: K6

(C) Fort Worth: M2

(iii) Applicant category code (military/civilian/wounded/surviving spouse/PCS):

(A) 1 = Civilian (BRAC)

(B) 2 = Military (BRAC)

(C) 3 = Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentalities

(D) 4 = Military Wounded

(E) 5 = Civilian Wounded

(F) 6 = Surviving Spouse (military deceased)

(G) 7 = Surviving Spouse (civilian employee deceased)

(H) 8 = Military PCS

(iv) State: State abbreviation.

(v) Installation number: The five digit ZIP Code of the applicant's present (former, if they have already moved) installation, offices, or unit address. Examples are:

(A) For a BRAC 05 applicant moving from the closing Saint Louis, Missouri, DFAS office to Minneapolis, Minnesota, use the ZIP Code of the city from which he or she is moving, e.g., 63101, for St. Louis, Missouri.

(B) For wounded warrior or surviving spouse who moved from primary residence, use present installation or home town.

(C) For Service members who are eligible based on PCS criteria, use ZIP Code of installation from which they depart.

(vi) Application Number: Sequential beginning with 0001.

Example 1:

2 K6 2 NH0 3 8 0 30 0 0 1

Air Force-SAS Dist.-Mil BRAC-NH-Pease AFB-Applicant #

Example 2:

1-K 6- 4- NY-1 3 6 0 2-0 0 0 2

Army-SAS Dist-Mil Wounded-NY-Ft Drum-Applicant #

(d) Real Estate Values. (1) Because the PFMV is the purchase price for Expanded HAP, no appraisal of the property is required. Supporting documentation to establish purchase price must be furnished by the applicant. Generally, Form HUD-1 will suffice.

(2) Districts are responsible for ensuring primary residence values are appropriate and applicants receive deserved benefit payments. Districts will use the CoreLogic AVM to determine the valuation of individual primary residences.

[75 FR 69873, Nov. 16, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 39628, July 5, 2012]
source: 75 FR 69873, Nov. 16, 2010, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 239.9