Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 32 - National Defense last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 861.5 - DOD Commercial Airlift Review Board procedures.

(a) This section establishes procedures to be used by the DOD when, in accordance with references in§ 861.1(a) and (b):

(1) An air carrier is subject to review or other action by the DOD Commercial Airlift Review Board, or CARB;

(2) A warning, suspension, temporary nonuse, or reinstatement action is considered or taken against a carrier by the CARB; or

(3) An issue involving an air carrier is referred by the CARB to higher authority for appropriate action.

(b) These procedures apply to air carriers seeking to provide or already providing air transportation services to DOD. It also applies to U.S. or foreign air carriers providing operational support services to DOD which, on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the CARB or higher authority, require some level of oversight by DOD.

(c) An air carrier's sole remedy in the case of a suspension decision by the CARB is the appellate process under this part.

(d) Quality and safety issues relating to air carriers used, or proposing to be used, by DOD, per reference (b) must be referred to the CARB for appropriate disposition.

(e) CARB responsibilities. As detailed in the reference in § 861.1(b), the CARB provides a multifunctional review of the efforts of the DOD Air Carrier Survey and Analysis Office and is the first level decision authority in DOD on quality and safety issues relating to air carriers. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: the review and approval or disapproval of air carriers seeking initial approval to provide air transportation service to DOD; the review and approval or disapproval of air carriers in the program that do not meet DOD quality and safety requirements; the review and approval or disapproval of air carriers in the program seeking to provide a class of service different from that which they are currently approved; taking action to suspend, reinstate, or place into temporary nonuse or extended temporary nonuse, DOD approved carriers; taking action, on an as needed basis, to review, suspend, reinstate, or place into temporary nonuse or extended temporary nonuse, an air carrier providing operational support services to DOD; and, referring with recommendations, issues requiring resolution or other action by higher authority.

(f) CARB administrative procedures—(1) Membership. The CARB will consist of four voting members appointed by USCINCTRANS from USTRANSCOM and its component commands. These members and their alternates will be general officers or their civilian equivalent, with experience in the operations, maintenance, transportation, or air safety fields. A Chairman and alternate will be designated. Nonvoting CARB members will be appointed as necessary by USCINCTRANS. A non-voting recorder will also be appointed.

(2) Decisions. Decisions of the CARB will be taken by a majority vote of the voting members present, with a minimum of three voting members (or their alternates) required to constitute a quorum. In the event of a tie, the Chair of the CARB will decide the issue.

(3) Meetings of the CARB. The CARB may meet either in person or by some electronic means. It will be convened by either USCINCTRANS or the Chair of the CARB. The meeting date, time, and site of the CARB will be determined at the time of the decision to convene the CARB. Minutes of CARB meetings will be taken by the recorder, summarized, and preserved with all other records relating to the CARB meeting. The recorder will ensure the air carrier and appropriate DOD and federal agencies are notified of the CARB's decision(s) and reasons therefore. In the event of a fatal accident, the CARB shall convene as soon as possible but not later than 72 hours after notification by the Chair.

(g) CARB operating procedures—(1) Placing an air carrier into temporary nonuse. (i) In case of a fatal aircraft accident or for other good cause, two or more voting members of the CARB may jointly make an immediate determination whether to place the air carrier involved into a temporary nonuse status pending suspension proceedings. Prior notice to the air carrier is not required.

(ii) The carrier shall be promptly notified of the temporary nonuse determination and the basis therefore.

(iii) Temporary nonuse status terminates automatically if suspension proceedings are not commenced, as set out in paragraph (g)(2) of this section, within 30 days of inception unless the CARB and air carrier mutually agree to extend the temporary nonuse status.

(2) Suspension of an air carrier. (i) On a recommendation of the DOD Air Carrier Survey and Analysis Office or any individual voting member of the CARB, the CARB shall consider whether or not to suspend a DOD approved air carrier.

(ii) If the CARB determines that suspension may be appropriate, it shall notify the air carrier that suspension action is under consideration and of the basis for such consideration. The air carrier will be offered a hearing within 15 days of the date of the notice, or other such period as granted by the CARB, at which the air carrier may be present and may offer evidence. The hearings shall be as informal as practicable, consistent with administrative due process. Formal rules of evidence do not apply.

(iii) The types of evidence which may be considered includes, but is not limited to:

(A) Information and analysis provided by the DOD Air Carrier Survey and Analysis Office.

(B) Information submitted by the air carrier.

(C) Information relating to action that may have been taken by the air carrier to:

(1) Correct the specific deficiencies that led the CARB to consider suspension; and

(2) Preclude recurring similar deficiencies.

(D) Other matters the CARB deems relevant.

(iv) The CARB's decisions on the reception or exclusion of evidence shall be final.

(v) Air carriers shall have the burden of proving their suitability to safely perform DOD air transportation and/or operational support services by clear and convincing evidence.

(vi) After the conclusion of such hearing, or if no hearing is requested and attended by the air carrier within the time specified by the CARB, the CARB shall consider the matter and make a final decision whether or not to suspend the air carrier or to impose such lesser sanctions as appropriate. The air carrier will be notified of the CARB's decision.

(3) Reinstatement. (i) The CARB may consider reinstating a suspended carrier on either CARB motion or carrier motion, unless such carrier has become ineligible in the interim.

(ii) The carrier has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that reinstatement is warranted. The air carrier must satisfy the CARB that the deficiencies, which led to suspension, have been corrected and that action has been implemented to preclude the recurrence of similar deficiencies.

(iii) Air carrier evidence in support of reinstatement will be provided in a timely manner to the CARB for its review. The CARB may independently corroborate the carrier-provided evidence and may, at its option, convene a hearing and request the participation of the air carrier.

(4) Appeal of CARB decisions. (i) An air carrier placed in suspension by the CARB may administratively appeal this action to USCINCTRANS. An appeal, if any, must be filed in writing, with the DOD Air Carrier Survey and Analysis Office, and postmarked within 15 workdays of receipt of notice of the CARB's suspension decision. In the sole discretion of USCINCTRANS, and for good cause shown, the suspension may be stayed pending action on the appeal.

(ii) Air carriers shall not be entitled to a de novo hearing or personal presentation before the appellate authority.

(iii) The decision of the appellate authority is final and is not subject to further administrative review or appeal.

(5) Referral of issues to higher authorities. The approval or disapproval of an air carrier for use by DOD, the placing of approved carriers into temporary nonuse status, and the suspension and reinstatement of approved carriers, are all decisions which must be made by the CARB. Other matters may be referred by the CARB to USCINCTRANS for appropriate action, with or without recommendations by the CARB. The CARB will forward for decision, through USCINCTRANS to the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) (USD(AT&L)), all air carrier use/nonuse recommendations involving foreign air carriers other than those providing charter transportation or operational support service to the Department of Defense.

authority: 10 U.S.C. 2640,8013
source: 67 FR 65698, Oct. 28, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 32 CFR 861.5