Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1112 - Extension of compliance, and performance test, monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting waivers and alternatives.

(a) Extension of compliance—(1) Extension of compliance with emission standards. Until an extension of compliance has been granted by the Administrator under this paragraph, the owner or operator of an affected source subject to the requirements of this subpart shall comply with all applicable requirements of this subpart.

(2) Extension of compliance for early reductions and other reductions. (i) Early reductions. Pursuant to section 112(i)(5) of the Act, if the owner or operator of an existing source demonstrates that the source has achieved a reduction in emissions of hazardous air pollutants in accordance with the provisions of subpart D of this part, the Administrator will grant the owner or operator an extension of compliance with specific requirements of this part, as specified in subpart D of this part.

(ii) Other reductions. Pursuant to section 112(i)(6) of the Act, if the owner or operator of an existing source has installed best available control technology (BACT) (as defined in section 169(3) of the Act) or technology required to meet a lowest achievable emission rate (LAER) (as defined in section 171 of the Act) prior to the promulgation of an emission standard in this part applicable to such source and the same pollutant (or stream of pollutants) controlled pursuant to the BACT or LAER installation, the Administrator will grant the owner or operator an extension of compliance with such emission standard that will apply until the date 5 years after the date on which such installation was achieved, as determined by the Administrator.

(3) Request for extension of compliance. Paragraphs (a)(4) through (7) of this section concern requests for an extension of compliance with a relevant standard under this part (except requests for an extension of compliance under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section will be handled through procedures specified in subpart D of this part).

(4) Requests for extensions of compliance for section 112 standards. (i) Section 112(d) standards. (A) The owner or operator of an existing source who is unable to comply with a relevant standard established under this part pursuant to section 112(d) of the Act may request that the Administrator grant an extension allowing the source up to 1 additional year to comply with the standard, if such additional period is necessary for the installation of controls. The owner or operator of an affected source who has requested an extension of compliance under this paragraph and who is otherwise required to obtain a title V permit shall apply for such permit or apply to have the source's title V permit revised to incorporate the conditions of the extension of compliance. The conditions of an extension of compliance granted under this paragraph will be incorporated into the affected source's title V permit according to the provisions of part 70 or Federal title V regulations in this chapter (42 U.S.C. 7661), whichever are applicable.

(B) Any request under this paragraph for an extension of compliance with a relevant standard shall be submitted in writing to the appropriate authority not later than 12 months before the affected source's compliance date (as specified in § 63.1102) for sources that are not including emission points in an emissions average, or not later than 18 months before the affected source's compliance date (as specified in § 63.1102) for sources that are including emission points in an emissions average. Emission standards established under this part may specify alternative dates for the submittal of requests for an extension of compliance if alternatives are appropriate for the source categories affected by those standards, e.g., a compliance date specified by the standard is less than 12 (or 18) months after the standard's effective date.

(ii) Section 112(f) standards. The owner or operator of an existing source unable to comply with a relevant standard established under this part pursuant to section 112(f) of the Act may request that the Administrator grant an extension allowing the source up to 2 years after the standard's effective date to comply with the standard. The Administrator may grant such an extension if he/she finds that such additional period is necessary for the installation of controls and that steps will be taken during the period of the extension to assure that the health of persons will be protected from imminent endangerment. Any request for an extension of compliance with a relevant standard under this paragraph shall be submitted in writing to the Administrator not later than 15 days after the effective date of the relevant standard.

(5) Requests for extensions of compliance for BACT or LAER. The owner or operator of an existing source who has installed BACT or technology required to meet LAER (as specified in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section) prior to the promulgation of a relevant emission standard in this part may request that the Administrator grant an extension allowing the source 5 years from the date on which such installation was achieved, as determined by the Administrator, to comply with the standard. Any request for an extension of compliance with a relevant standard under this paragraph shall be submitted in writing to the Administrator not later than 120 days after the promulgation date of the standard. The Administrator may grant such an extension if he or she finds that the installation of BACT or technology to meet LAER controls the same pollutant (or stream of pollutants) that would be controlled at that source by the relevant emission standard.

(6) Contents of request. (i) The request for a compliance extension under paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall include the following information:

(A) A description of the controls to be installed to comply with the standard;

(B) A compliance schedule, including the date by which each step toward compliance will be reached. At a minimum, the list of dates shall include:

(1) The date by which contracts for emission control systems or process changes for emission control will be awarded, or the date by which orders will be issued for the purchase of component parts to accomplish emission control or process changes;

(2) The date by which on-site construction, installation of emission control equipment, or a process change is to be initiated;

(3) The date by which on-site construction, installation of emission control equipment, or a process change is to be completed; and

(4) The date by which final compliance is to be achieved.

(C) A description of interim emission control steps, that will be taken during the extension period, including milestones to assure proper operation and maintenance of emission control and process equipment; and

(D) Whether the owner or operator is also requesting an extension of other applicable requirements (e.g., performance testing requirements).

(ii) The request for a compliance extension under paragraph (a)(5) of this section shall include all information needed to demonstrate to the Administrator's satisfaction that the installation of BACT or technology to meet LAER controls the same pollutant (or stream of pollutants) that would be controlled at that source by the relevant emission standard.

(7) Additional advice. Advice on requesting an extension of compliance may be obtained from the Administrator.

(8) Approval of request for extension of compliance. Paragraphs (a)(9) through (14) of this section concern approval of an extension of compliance requested under paragraphs (a)(4) through (6) of this section.

(9) General. Based on the information provided in any request made under paragraphs (a)(4) through (6) of this section, or other information, the Administrator may grant an extension of compliance with an emission standard, as specified in paragraphs (a)(4) and (5) of this section.

(10) Contents of extension. The extension will be in writing and will—

(i) Identify each affected source covered by the extension;

(ii) Specify the termination date of the extension;

(iii) Specify the dates by which steps toward compliance are to be taken, if appropriate;

(iv) Specify other applicable requirements to which the compliance extension applies (e.g., performance tests); and

(v)(A) Under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, specify any additional conditions that the Administrator deems necessary to assure installation of the necessary controls and protection of the health of persons during the extension period; or

(B) Under paragraph (a)(5)of this section, specify any additional conditions that the Administrator deems necessary to assure the proper operation and maintenance of the installed controls during the extension period.

(11) Progress reports. The owner or operator of an existing source that has been granted an extension of compliance under paragraph (a)(10) of this section may be required to submit to the Administrator progress reports indicating whether the steps toward compliance outlined in the compliance schedule have been reached. The contents of the progress reports and the dates by which they shall be submitted will be specified in the written extension of compliance granted under paragraph (a)(9) of this section.

(12) Notifications to owners and operators regarding compliance extensions for section 112(d) standards. (i) The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of approval or intention to deny approval of a request for an extension of compliance within 30 days after receipt of sufficient information to evaluate a request submitted under paragraph (a)(4)(i) or (a)(5) of this section. The 30-day approval or denial period will begin after the owner or operator has been notified in writing that his/her application is complete. The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of the status of his/her application, that is, whether the application contains sufficient information to make a determination, within 30 days after receipt of the original application and within 30 days after receipt of any supplementary information that is submitted.

(ii) When notifying the owner or operator that his/her application is not complete, the Administrator will specify the information needed to complete the application and provide notice of opportunity for the applicant to present, in writing, within 30 days after he/she is notified of the incomplete application, additional information or arguments to the Administrator to enable further action on the application.

(iii) Before denying any request for an extension of compliance, the Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of the Administrator's intention to issue the denial, together with—

(A) Notice of the information and findings on which the intended denial is based; and

(B) Notice of opportunity for the owner or operator to present in writing, within 15 days after he/she is notified of the intended denial, additional information or arguments to the Administrator before further action on the request.

(iv) The Administrator's final determination to deny any request for an extension will be in writing and will set forth the specific grounds on which the denial is based. The final determination will be made within 30 days after presentation of additional information or argument (if the application is complete), or within 30 days after the final date specified for the presentation if no presentation is made.

(13) Notifications to owners and operators regarding compliance extensions for section 112(f) standards. (i) The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of approval or intention to deny approval of a request for an extension of compliance within 30 days after receipt of sufficient information to evaluate a request submitted under paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section. The 30-day approval or denial period will begin after the owner or operator has been notified in writing that his/her application is complete. The Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of the status of his/her application, that is, whether the application contains sufficient information to make a determination, within 15 days after receipt of the original application and within 15 days after receipt of any supplementary information that is submitted.

(ii) When notifying the owner or operator that his/her application is not complete, the Administrator will specify the information needed to complete the application and provide notice of opportunity for the applicant to present, in writing, within 15 days after he/she is notified of the incomplete application, additional information or arguments to the Administrator to enable further action on the application.

(iii) Before denying any request for an extension of compliance, the Administrator will notify the owner or operator in writing of the Administrator's intention to issue the denial, together with—

(A) Notice of the information and findings on which the intended denial is based; and

(B) Notice of opportunity for the owner or operator to present in writing, within 15 days after he/she is notified of the intended denial, additional information or arguments to the Administrator before further action on the request.

(iv) A final determination to deny any request for an extension will be in writing and will set forth the specific grounds on which the denial is based. The final determination will be made within 30 days after presentation of additional information or argument (if the application is complete), or within 30 days after the final date specified for the presentation if no presentation is made.

(14) Termination of extension. The Administrator may terminate an extension of compliance at an earlier date than specified if any specification under paragraphs (a)(10)(iii) or (iv) of this section is not met.

(15) [Reserved]

(16) Administrator's authority. The granting of an extension under this section shall not abrogate the Administrator's authority under section 114 of the Act.

(b) Waiver of performance tests—(1) Applicability of this section. Until a waiver of a performance testing requirement has been granted by the Administrator under this paragraph, the owner or operator of an affected source remains subject to the requirements of this section.

(2) General. Individual performance tests may be waived upon written application to the Administrator if, in the Administrator's judgment, the source is meeting the relevant standard(s) on a continuous basis, or the source is being operated under an extension of compliance, or the owner or operator has requested an extension of compliance and the Administrator is still considering that request.

(3) Request to waive a performance test. (i) If a request is made for an extension of compliance under paragraph (a) of this section, the application for a waiver of an initial performance test shall accompany the information required for the request for an extension of compliance. If no extension of compliance is requested or if the owner or operator has requested an extension of compliance and the Administrator is still considering that request, the application for a waiver of an initial performance test shall be submitted at least 60 days before the performance test if a site-specific test plan is not submitted.

(ii) If an application for a waiver of a subsequent performance test is made, the application may accompany any required compliance progress report, compliance status report, or excess emissions and continuous monitoring system performance report, but it shall be submitted at least 60 days before the performance test if a site-specific test plan is not submitted.

(iii) Any application for a waiver of a performance test shall include information justifying the owner or operator's request for a waiver, such as the technical or economic infeasibility, or the impracticality, of the affected source performing the required test.

(4) Approval of request to waive performance test. The Administrator will approve or deny a request for a waiver of a performance test made under paragraph (b)(3) of this section when he/she—

(i) Approves or denies an extension of compliance under paragraph (a) of this section; or

(ii) Approves or disapproves a site-specific test plan; or

(iii) Makes a determination of compliance following the submission of a required compliance status report or excess emissions and continuous monitoring systems performance report; or

(iv) Makes a determination of suitable progress towards compliance following the submission of a compliance progress report, whichever is applicable.

(5) Administrator's authority. Approval of any waiver granted under this section shall not abrogate the Administrator's authority under the Act or in any way prohibit the Administrator from later canceling the waiver. The cancellation will be made only after notice is given to the owner or operator of the affected source.

(c) Use of an alternative monitoring method—(1) General. Until permission to use an alternative monitoring method has been granted by the Administrator under this paragraph, the owner or operator of an affected source remains subject to the requirements of this section and the relevant standard.

(2) Alternatives to monitoring methods. After receipt and consideration of written application, the Administrator may approve alternatives to any monitoring methods or procedures of this part including, but not limited to, the following:

(i) Alternative monitoring requirements when installation of a CMS specified by a relevant standard would not provide accurate measurements due to liquid water or other interferences caused by substances within the effluent gases;

(ii) Alternative monitoring requirements when the affected source is infrequently operated;

(iii) Alternative monitoring requirements to accommodate CEMS that require additional measurements to correct for stack moisture conditions;

(iv) Alternative locations for installing CMS when the owner or operator can demonstrate that installation at alternate locations will enable accurate and representative measurements;

(v) Alternate methods for converting pollutant concentration measurements to units of the relevant standard;

(vi) Alternate procedures for performing daily checks of zero (low-level) and high-level drift that do not involve use of high-level gases or test cells;

(vii) Alternatives to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods or sampling procedures specified by any relevant standard;

(viii) Alternative CMS that do not meet the design or performance requirements in this part, but adequately demonstrate a definite and consistent relationship between their measurements and the measurements of opacity by a system complying with the requirements as specified in the relevant standard. The Administrator may require that such demonstration be performed for each affected source; or

(ix) Alternative monitoring requirements when the effluent from a single affected source or the combined effluent from two or more affected sources is released to the atmosphere through more than one point.

(3) Conflicts between alternative and required methods. If the Administrator finds reasonable grounds to dispute the results obtained by an alternative monitoring method, requirement, or procedure, the Administrator may require the use of a method, requirement, or procedure specified in this section or in the relevant standard. If the results of the specified and alternative method, requirement, or procedure do not agree, the results obtained by the specified method, requirement, or procedure shall prevail.

(4)(i) Request to use alternative monitoring method. An owner or operator who wishes to use an alternative monitoring method shall submit an application to the Administrator as described in paragraph (c)(4)(ii) of this section. The application may be submitted at any time provided that the monitoring method is not used to demonstrate compliance with a relevant standard or other requirement. If the alternative monitoring method is to be used to demonstrate compliance with a relevant standard, the application shall be submitted not later than with the site-specific test plan required, or with the site-specific performance evaluation plan (if requested), or at least 60 days before the performance evaluation is scheduled to begin.

(ii) The application shall contain a description of the proposed alternative monitoring system and a performance evaluation test plan, if required. In addition, the application shall include information justifying the owner or operator's request for an alternative monitoring method, such as the technical or economic infeasibility, or the impracticality, of the affected source using the required method.

(iii) The owner or operator may submit the information required in this paragraph well in advance of the submittal dates specified in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section to ensure a timely review by the Administrator in order to meet the compliance demonstration date specified in this section or the relevant standard.

(5) Approval of request to use alternative monitoring method. (i) The Administrator will notify the owner or operator of approval or intention to deny approval of the request to use an alternative monitoring method within 30 days after receipt of the original request and within 30 days after receipt of any supplementary information that is submitted. Before disapproving any request to use an alternative monitoring method, the Administrator will notify the applicant of the Administrator's intention to disapprove the request together with—

(A) Notice of the information and findings on which the intended disapproval is based; and

(B) Notice of opportunity for the owner or operator to present additional information to the Administrator before final action on the request. At the time the Administrator notifies the applicant of his or her intention to disapprove the request, the Administrator will specify how much time the owner or operator will have after being notified of the intended disapproval to submit the additional information.

(ii) The Administrator may establish general procedures and criteria in a relevant standard to accomplish the requirements of paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section.

(iii) If the Administrator approves the use of an alternative monitoring method for an affected source under paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section, the owner or operator of such source shall continue to use the alternative monitoring method until he or she receives approval from the Administrator to use another monitoring method as allowed by this subpart or a subpart referenced by this subpart.

(6) Alternative to the relative accuracy test. An alternative to the relative accuracy test for CEMS specified in a relevant standard may be requested as follows:

(i) Criteria for approval of alternative procedures. An alternative to the test method for determining relative accuracy is available for affected sources with emission rates demonstrated to be less than 50 percent of the relevant standard. The owner or operator of an affected source may petition the Administrator under paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section to substitute the relative accuracy test in section 7 of Performance Specification 2 with the procedures in section 10 if the results of a performance test conducted according to the requirements specified in this subpart or subpart referenced by this subpart demonstrate that the emission rate of the pollutant of interest in the units of the relevant standard is less than 50 percent of the relevant standard. For affected sources subject to emission limitations expressed as control efficiency levels, the owner or operator may petition the Administrator to substitute the relative accuracy test with the procedures in section 10 of Performance Specification 2 if the control device exhaust emission rate is less than 50 percent of the level needed to meet the control efficiency requirement. The alternative procedures do not apply if the CEMS is used continuously to determine compliance with the relevant standard.

(ii) Petition to use alternative to relative accuracy test. The petition to use an alternative to the relative accuracy test shall include a detailed description of the procedures to be applied, the location and the procedure for conducting the alternative, the concentration or response levels of the alternative relative accuracy materials, and the other equipment checks included in the alternative procedure(s). The Administrator will review the petition for completeness and applicability. The Administrator's determination to approve an alternative will depend on the intended use of the CEMS data and may require specifications more stringent than in Performance Specification 2.

(iii) Rescission of approval to use alternative to relative accuracy test. The Administrator will review the permission to use an alternative to the CEMS relative accuracy test and may rescind such permission if the CEMS data from a successful completion of the alternative relative accuracy procedure indicate that the affected source's emissions are approaching the level of the relevant standard. The criterion for reviewing the permission is that the collection of CEMS data shows that emissions have exceeded 70 percent of the relevant standard for any averaging period, as specified in the relevant standard. For affected sources subject to emission limitations expressed as control efficiency levels, the criterion for reviewing the permission is that the collection of CEMS data shows that exhaust emissions have exceeded 70 percent of the level needed to meet the control efficiency requirement for any averaging period, as specified in the relevant standard. The owner or operator of the affected source shall maintain records and determine the level of emissions relative to the criterion for permission to use an alternative for relative accuracy testing. If this criterion is exceeded, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator within 10 days of such occurrence and include a description of the nature and cause of the increased emissions. The Administrator will review the notification and may rescind permission to use an alternative and require the owner or operator to conduct a relative accuracy test of the CEMS as specified in section 7 of Performance Specification 2.

(d) Waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements. (1) Until a waiver of a recordkeeping or reporting requirement has been granted by the Administrator under this paragraph, the owner or operator of an affected source remains subject to the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this subpart and any subparts referenced by this subpart.

(2) Recordkeeping or reporting requirements may be waived upon written application to the Administrator if, in the Administrator's judgment, the affected source is achieving the relevant standard(s), or the source is operating under an extension of compliance, or the owner or operator has requested an extension of compliance and the Administrator is still considering that request. Electronic reporting to the EPA cannot be waived, and as such, compliance with the provisions of this paragraph does not relieve owners or operators of affected facilities of the requirement to submit electronic reports required in this subpart to the EPA.

(3) If an application for a waiver of recordkeeping or reporting is made, the application shall accompany the request for an extension of compliance under paragraph (a) of this section, any required compliance progress report or compliance status report required under this part or in the source's title V permit, or an excess emissions and continuous monitoring system performance report required under § 63.999(c) or another subpart referenced by this subpart, whichever is applicable. The application shall include whatever information the owner or operator considers useful to convince the Administrator that a waiver of recordkeeping or reporting is warranted.

(4) The Administrator will approve or deny a request for a waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements under this paragraph when he/she—

(i) Approves or denies an extension of compliance under paragraph (a) of this section; or

(ii) Makes a determination of compliance following the submission of a required Notification of Compliance Status report or excess emissions and continuous monitoring systems performance report; or

(iii) Makes a determination of suitable progress towards compliance following the submission of a compliance progress report, whichever is applicable.

(5) A waiver of any recordkeeping or reporting requirement granted under this paragraph may be conditioned on other recordkeeping or reporting requirements deemed necessary by the Administrator.

(6) Approval of any waiver granted under this section shall not abrogate the Administrator's authority under the Act or in any way prohibit the Administrator from later canceling the waiver. The cancellation will be made only after notice is given to the owner or operator of the affected source.

[64 FR 34921, June 29, 1999, as amended at 85 FR 40440, July 6, 2020]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1112