Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.11985 - What notifications and reports must I submit and when?

In addition to the notifications and reports required in subpart A of this part, as specified in Table 4 to this subpart, you must submit the additional information and reports specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, as applicable.

(a) Notification of compliance status. When submitting the notification of compliance status required in § 63.9(h), you must also include the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1) through (9) of this section, as applicable.

(1) You must include an identification of the storage vessels subject to this subpart, including the capacity and liquid stored for each vessel. You must submit the information specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section for each pressure vessel.

(2) You must include the information specified in § 63.1039(a) for equipment leaks.

(3) You must include an identification of the heat exchange systems that are subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(4) You must include the operating limit for each monitoring parameter identified for each control device used to meet the emission limits in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart, as determined pursuant to § 63.11935(d). This report must include the information in § 63.11935(d)(2), as applicable.

(5) You must include the records specified in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable, for process vents.

(i) You must include the performance test records specified in § 63.11990(f)(1), as applicable. These reports must include one complete test report for each test method used for each process vent. A complete test report must include a brief process description, sampling site description, description of sampling and analysis procedures and any modifications to standard procedures, quality assurance procedures, record of operating conditions during the test, record of preparation of standards, record of calibrations, raw data sheets for field sampling, raw data sheets for field and laboratory analyses, documentation of calculations and any other information required by the test method. For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission point using the same method, the results and any other information required in applicable sections of this subpart must be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.

(ii) You must include the information specified in paragraphs (a)(5)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section for batch process vent operations.

(A) Descriptions of worst-case operating and/or testing conditions for control devices including results of emissions profiles.

(B) Calculations used to demonstrate initial compliance according to §§ 63.11945 and 63.11950, including documentation of the proper operation of a process condenser(s) as specified in § 63.11950(c)(2)(ii).

(C) Data and rationale used to support an engineering assessment to calculate emissions in accordance with § 63.11950(i).

(iii) If you use a control device other than those listed in § 63.11940 for your process vent, then you must include a description of the parameters to be monitored to ensure the control device is operated in conformance with its design and achieves the specified emission limitation; an explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter; and a description of the methods and procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper operation of the control device, the schedule for this demonstration, and a statement that you will establish an operating limit for the monitored parameter as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section.

(6) [Reserved]

(7) You must include the records specified in paragraphs (a)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section, as applicable, for resin strippers.

(i) You must include an identification of each resin stripper and resin type subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(ii) You must include results of the initial testing used to determine initial compliance with the stripped resin limits in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.

(8) You must include the records specified in paragraphs (a)(8)(i) and (ii) of this section, as applicable, for process wastewater.

(i) You must include an identification of each process wastewater stream subject to the requirements of this subpart, and the results of your determination for each stream as to whether it must be treated to meet the limits of Table 1 or 2 to this subpart. You must also include a description of the treatment process to be used for each process wastewater stream that requires treatment.

(ii) You must include results of the initial sampling used to determine initial compliance with the vinyl chloride and total non-vinyl chloride organic HAP limits in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart.

(9) You must include a certification of compliance, signed by a responsible official, as applicable that states the following:

(i) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for storage vessels.”

(ii) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for equipment leaks.”

(iii) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for heat exchange systems.”

(iv) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for HAP emissions from process vents.”

(v) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for other emission sources.”

(vi) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for the stripped resin.”

(vii) “This facility complies with the requirements in this subpart for wastewater.”

(b) Compliance reports. When submitting the excess emissions and continuous monitoring system performance report and summary report required in § 63.10(e)(3), you must also include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (12) of this section, as applicable. This report is referred to in this subpart as your compliance report.

(1) You must include a copy of the inspection record specified in § 63.11990(b)(2) for each storage vessel when a defect, failure, or leak is detected. You must also include a copy of the applicable information specified in § 63.1039(b)(5) through (8) of subpart UU of this part for each pressure vessel.

(2) You must include the information specified in § 63.1039(b) for equipment leaks, except for releases from pressure relief devices. For any releases from pressure relief devices, you must submit the report specified in paragraph (c)(7) of this section instead of the information specified in § 63.1039(b)(4) of subpart UU of this part.

(3) You must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) through (vi) of this section for heat exchange systems.

(i) The number of heat exchange systems in HAP service.

(ii) The number of heat exchange systems in HAP service found to be leaking.

(iii) A summary of the monitoring data that indicate a leak, including the number of leaks determined to be equal to or greater than the leak definition.

(iv) If applicable, the date a leak was identified, the date the source of the leak was identified and the date of repair.

(v) If applicable, a summary of each delayed repair, including the original date and reason for the delay and the date of repair, if repaired during the reporting period.

(vi) If applicable, an estimate of total VOC or vinyl chloride emissions for each delayed repair over the reporting period.

(4) You must include the records specified in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable, for process vents, resin strippers, and wastewater.

(i) Deviations using CEMS or CPMS. For each deviation from an emission limit or operating limit where a CEMS or CPMS is being used to comply with the process vent emission limits in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart, you must include the information in paragraphs (b)(4)(i)(A) through (E) of this section.

(A) For CEMS, the 3-hour block average value calculated for any period when the value is higher than an emission limit in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart or when the value does not meet the data availability requirements defined in § 63.11890(c).

(B) For CPMS, the average value calculated for any day (based on the data averaging periods for compliance specified in Table 5 to this subpart) that does not meet your operating limit established according to § 63.11935(d) or that does not meet the data availability requirements specified in § 63.11890(c).

(C) The cause for the calculated emission level or operating parameter level to not meet the established emission limit or operating limit.

(D) For deviations caused by lack of monitoring data, the duration of periods when monitoring data were not collected.

(E) Operating logs of batch process operations for each day during which the deviation occurred, including a description of the operating scenario(s) during the deviation.

(ii) New operating scenario. Include each new operating scenario that has been operated since the time period covered by the last compliance report and has not been submitted in the notification of compliance status report or a previous compliance report. For each new operating scenario, you must provide verification that the operating conditions for any associated control or treatment device have not been exceeded and constitute proper operation for the new operating scenario. You must provide any required calculations and engineering analyses that have been performed for the new operating scenario. For the purposes of this paragraph (b)(4)(ii), a revised operating scenario for an existing process is considered to be a new operating scenario when one or more of the data elements listed in § 63.11990(e)(4) have changed.

(iii) Process changes. You must document process changes, or changes made to any of the information submitted in the notification of compliance status report or a previous compliance report, that is not within the scope of an existing operating scenario, in the compliance report. The notification must include all of the information in paragraphs (b)(4)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) A description of the process change.

(B) Revisions to any of the information reported in the original notification of compliance status report as provided in paragraph (a) of this section.

(C) Information required by the notification of compliance status report, as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, for changes involving the addition of processes, components, or equipment at the affected source.

(5) You must submit the applicable information specified in paragraphs (b)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section for process vents.

(i) For catalytic thermal oxidizers for which you have selected the alternative monitoring specified in § 63.11940(b)(3), results of the annual catalyst sampling and inspections required by § 63.11940(b)(3)(i) and (ii) including any subsequent corrective actions taken.

(ii) For regenerative adsorbers, results of the adsorber bed outlet volatile organic compounds concentration measurements specified in § 63.11940(d)(7).

(iii) For non-regenerative adsorbers, results of the adsorber bed outlet volatile organic compounds concentration measurements specified in § 63.11940(e)(2).

(6) You must include the records specified in § 63.11990(j) for other emission sources.

(7) For resin stripper operations, you must include results of daily vinyl chloride and monthly total non-vinyl chloride organic HAP concentration results for each resin type produced within the PVCPU that did not meet the stripped resin emission limits in Table 1 or 2 to this subpart, as applicable.

(8) You must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(8)(i) and (ii) of this section for your wastewater streams.

(i) Results of daily vinyl chloride and monthly total non-vinyl chloride organic HAP concentration results for each process wastewater stream discharged from the affected source that did not meet the process wastewater emission limits in Tables 1 or 2 to this subpart.

(ii) If you must comply with § 63.11965, then you must include any other applicable information that is required by the reporting requirements specified in § 63.146.

(9) For closed vent systems subject to the requirements of § 63.11930, you must include the information specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(i) through (iv) of this section, as applicable.

(i) As applicable, records as specified in § 63.11930(g)(1)(i) for all times when flow was detected in the bypass line, the vent stream was diverted from the control device, or the flow indicator was not operating.

(ii) As applicable, records as specified in § 63.11930(g)(1)(ii) for all occurrences of all periods when a bypass of the system was indicated (the seal mechanism is broken, the bypass line valve position has changed, or the key for a lock-and-key type lock has been checked out, and records of any car-seal that has been broken).

(iii) Records of all times when monitoring of the system was not performed as specified in § 63.11930(d) and (e), or repairs were not performed as specified in § 63.11930(f), or records were not kept as specified in § 63.11930(g)(2).

(iv) Records of each time an alarm on a closed vent system operating in vacuum service is triggered as specified in § 63.11930(h) including the cause for the alarm and the corrective action taken.

(10) Closed vent system in vacuum service, bypass deviation, or pressure vessel closure device deviation report. If any pressure vessel closure device or closed vent system that contains a bypass has directly discharged to the atmosphere, or any closed vent system that is designed to be in vacuum service and is operating and but not in vacuum service, as specified in § 63.11910(c)(4), § 63.11930(c) or § 63.11930(h), you must submit to the Administrator the following information:

(i) The source, nature and cause of the discharge.

(ii) The date, time and duration of the discharge.

(iii) An estimate of the quantity of vinyl chloride and total HAP emitted during the discharge and the method used for determining this quantity.

(iv) The actions taken to prevent this discharge.

(v) The measures adopted to prevent future such discharges

(11) Affirmative defense report. If you seek to assert an affirmative defense, as provided in § 63.11895, then you must submit a written report as specified in § 63.11895(b) to demonstrate, with all necessary supporting documentation, that you have met the requirements set forth in § 63.11895(a).

(12) Overlap with Title V reports. Information required by this subpart, which is submitted with a Title V periodic report, does not need to be included in a subsequent compliance report required by this subpart or subpart referenced by this subpart. The Title V report must be referenced in the compliance report required by this subpart.

(c) Other notifications and reports. You must submit the other notification and reports, as specified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (9) of this section, as applicable.

(1) Notification of inspection. To provide the Administrator the opportunity to have an observer present, you must notify the Administrator at least 30 days before an inspection required by § 63.11910(a)(3). If an inspection is unplanned and you could not have known about the inspection 30 days in advance, then you must notify the Administrator at least 7 days before the inspection. Notification must be made by telephone immediately followed by written documentation demonstrating why the inspection was unplanned. Alternatively, the notification including the written documentation may be made in writing and sent so that it is received by the Administrator at least 7 days before the inspection. If a delegated state or local agency is notified, you are not required to notify the Administrator. A delegated state or local agency may waive the requirement for notification of inspections.

(2) Batch precompliance report. You must submit a batch precompliance report at least 6 months prior to the compliance date of this subpart that includes a description of the test conditions, data, calculations and other information used to establish operating limits according to § 63.11935(d) for all batch operations. If you use an engineering assessment as specified in § 63.11950(i), then you must also include data or other information supporting a finding that the emissions estimation equations in § 63.11950(a) through (h) are inappropriate. If the EPA disapproves the report, then you must still be in compliance with the emission limitations and work practice standards of this subpart by your compliance date. To change any of the information submitted in the report, you must notify the EPA 60 days before you implement the planned change.

(3) Other control device reporting provisions. If you are using a control device other than those listed in this subpart, then you must submit the information as specified in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section.

(i) A description of the proposed control device.

(ii) A description of the parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure the control device is operated in conformance with its design and achieves the performance level as specified in this subpart and an explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s).

(iii) The frequency and content of monitoring, recording, and reporting if monitoring and recording is not continuous, or if the compliance report information, as specified in paragraph (b)(4)(i)(A) of this section, will not contain 3-hour block average values when the monitored parameter value does not meet the established operating limit. The rationale for the proposed monitoring, recording and reporting system must be included.

(4) Request for approval to use alternative monitoring methods. Prior to your initial notification of compliance status, you may submit requests for approval to use alternatives to the continuous operating parameter monitoring specified in this rule, as provided for in § 63.11940(h), following the same procedure as specified in § 63.8. The information specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section must be included.

(i) A description of the proposed alternative system.

(ii) Information justifying your request for an alternative method, such as the technical or economic infeasibility, or the impracticality, of the affected source using the required method.

(5) Request for approval to monitor alternative parameters. Prior to your initial notification of compliance status, you may submit requests for approval to monitor a different parameter than those established in § 63.11935(d), following the same procedure as specified for alternative monitoring methods in § 63.8. The information specified in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section must be included in the request.

(i) A description of the parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure the control technology or pollution prevention measure is operated in conformance with its design and achieves the specified emission limit and an explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s).

(ii) A description of the methods and procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper operation of the control device, the schedule for this demonstration, and a statement that you will establish an operating limit for the monitored parameter(s) as part of the notification of compliance status if required under this subpart, unless this information has already been submitted.

(iii) The frequency and content of monitoring, recording, and reporting, if monitoring and recording is not continuous. The rationale for the proposed monitoring, recording, and reporting system must be included.

(6) [Reserved]

(7) Pressure relief device deviation report. If any pressure relief device in HAP service has discharged to the atmosphere as specified in § 63.11915(c), then you must submit to the Administrator within 10 days of the discharge the following information:

(i) The source, nature, and cause of the discharge.

(ii) The date, time, and duration of the discharge.

(iii) An estimate of the quantity of vinyl chloride and total HAP emitted during the discharge and the method used for determining this quantity.

(iv) The actions taken to prevent this discharge.

(v) The measures adopted to prevent future such discharges.

(8) Commencing and ceasing operation of continuous emissions monitoring systems. Before starting or stopping the use of CEMS you must notify the Administrator as specified in § 63.11935(b)(7).

(9) Data submittal. (i) Within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test (see § 63.2) required by this subpart, you must submit the results of performance tests electronically to the EPA's WebFIRE database by using the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) that is accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) ( Performance test data must be submitted in the file format generated through use of the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) (see Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically to WebFIRE. Owners or operators who claim that some of the information being submitted for performance tests is confidential business information (CBI) must submit a complete ERT file including information claimed to be CBI on a compact disk or other commonly used electronic storage media (including, but not limited to, flash drives) to the EPA. The electronic media must be clearly marked as CBI and mailed to U.S. EPA/OAPQS/CORE CBI Office, Attention: WebFIRE Administrator, MD C404-02, 4930 Old Page Rd., Durham, NC 27703. The same ERT file with the CBI omitted must be submitted to the EPA via CDX as described earlier in this paragraph. At the discretion of the delegated authority, you must also submit these reports, including the confidential business information, to the delegated authority in the format specified by the delegated authority.

(ii) Within 60 days after the date of completing each CEMS performance evaluation test (see § 63.2), you must submit the relative accuracy test audit data electronically into the EPA's CDX by using the ERT, as mentioned in paragraph (c)(9)(i) of this section. Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically to the EPA's CDX.

(iii) All reports required by this subpart not subject to the requirements in paragraphs (c)(9)(i) and (ii) of this section must be sent to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13. The Administrator or the delegated authority may request a report in any form suitable for the specific case (e.g., by electronic media such as Excel spreadsheet, on CD or hard copy). The Administrator retains the right to require submittal of reports subject to paragraphs (c)(9)(i) and (ii) of this section in paper format.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.11985