Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1201 - Definitions and acronyms used in this subpart.

(a) The terms used in this subpart are defined in the Act, in subpart A of this part, or in this section as follows:

Air pollution control system means the equipment used to reduce the release of particulate matter and other pollutants to the atmosphere.

Automatic waste feed cutoff (AWFCO) system means a system comprised of cutoff valves, actuator, sensor, data manager, and other necessary components and electrical circuitry designed, operated and maintained to stop the flow of hazardous waste to the combustion unit automatically and immediately (except as provided by § 63.1206(c)(3)(viii)) when any operating requirement is exceeded.

Btu means British Thermal Units.

By-pass duct means a device which diverts a minimum of 10 percent of a cement kiln's off gas, or a device which the Administrator determines on a case-by-case basis diverts a sample of kiln gas that contains levels of carbon monoxide or hydrocarbons representative of the levels in the kiln.

Combustion chamber means the area in which controlled flame combustion of hazardous waste occurs.

Continuous monitor means a device which continuously samples the regulated parameter specified in § 63.1209 without interruption, evaluates the detector response at least once every 15 seconds, and computes and records the average value at least every 60 seconds, except during allowable periods of calibration and except as defined otherwise by the CEMS Performance Specifications in appendix B, part 60 of this chapter.

Dioxin/furan and dioxins and furans mean tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octa-chlorinated dibenzo dioxins and furans.

Existing source means any affected source that is not a new source.

Feedrate operating limits means limits on the feedrate of materials (e.g., metals, chlorine) to the combustor that are established based on comprehensive performance testing. The limits are established and monitored by knowing the concentration of the limited material (e.g., chlorine) in each feedstream and the flowrate of each feedstream.

Feedstream means any material fed into a hazardous waste combustor, including, but not limited to, any pumpable or nonpumpable solid, liquid, or gas.

Flowrate means the rate at which a feedstream is fed into a hazardous waste combustor.

Hazardous waste is defined in § 261.3 of this chapter.

Hazardous waste burning cement kiln means a rotary kiln and any associated preheater or precalciner devices that produce clinker by heating limestone and other materials for subsequent production of cement for use in commerce, and that burns hazardous waste at any time.

Hazardous waste combustor means a hazardous waste incinerator, hazardous waste burning cement kiln, hazardous waste burning lightweight aggregate kiln, hazardous waste liquid fuel boiler, hazardous waste solid fuel boiler, or hazardous waste hydrochloric acid production furnace.

Hazardous waste hydrochloric acid production furnace and Hazardous Waste HCl production furnace mean a halogen acid furnace defined under § 260.10 of this chapter that produces aqueous hydrochloric acid (HCl) product and that burns hazardous waste at any time.

Hazardous waste incinerator means a device defined as an incinerator in § 260.10 of this chapter and that burns hazardous waste at any time. For purposes of this subpart, the hazardous waste incinerator includes all associated firing systems and air pollution control devices, as well as the combustion chamber equipment.

Hazardous waste lightweight aggregate kiln means a rotary kiln that produces clinker by heating materials such as slate, shale and clay for subsequent production of lightweight aggregate used in commerce, and that burns hazardous waste at any time.

Hazardous waste liquid fuel boiler means a boiler defined under § 260.10 of this chapter that does not burn solid fuels and that burns hazardous waste at any time. Liquid fuel boiler includes boilers that only burn gaseous fuel.

Hazardous waste residence time means the time elapsed from cutoff of the flow of hazardous waste into the combustor (including, for example, the time required for liquids to flow from the cutoff valve into the combustor) until solid, liquid, and gaseous materials from the hazardous waste (excluding residues that may adhere to combustion chamber surfaces and excluding waste-derived recycled materials such as cement kiln dust and internally recycled metals) exit the combustion chamber. For combustors with multiple firing systems whereby the residence time may vary for the firing systems, the hazardous waste residence time for purposes of complying with this subpart means the longest residence time for any firing system in use at the time of the waste cutoff.

Hazardous waste solid fuel boiler means a boiler defined under § 260.10 of this chapter that burns a solid fuel and that burns hazardous waste at any time.

Initial comprehensive performance test means the comprehensive performance test that is used as the basis for initially demonstrating compliance with the standards.

In-line kiln raw mill means a hazardous waste burning cement kiln design whereby kiln gas is ducted through the raw material mill for portions of time to facilitate drying and heating of the raw material.

Instantaneous monitoring for combustion system leak control means detecting and recording pressure, without use of an averaging period, at a frequency adequate to detect combustion system leak events from hazardous waste combustion.

Monovent means an exhaust configuration of a building or emission control device (e.g. positive pressure fabric filter) that extends the length of the structure and has a width very small in relation to its length (i.e., length to width ratio is typically greater than 5:1). The exhaust may be an open vent with or without a roof, louvered vents, or a combination of such features.

MTEC means maximum theoretical emissions concentration of metals or HCl/Cl, expressed as µg/dscm, and is calculated by dividing the feedrate by the gas flowrate.

New source means any affected source the construction or reconstruction of which is commenced after the dates specified under §§ 63.1206(a)(1)(i)(B), (a)(1)(ii)(B), and (a)(2)(ii).

One-minute average means the average of detector responses calculated at least every 60 seconds from responses obtained at least every 15 seconds.

Operating record means a documentation retained at the facility for ready inspection by authorized officials of all information required by the standards to document and maintain compliance with the applicable regulations, including data and information, reports, notifications, and communications with regulatory officials.

Operating requirements means operating terms or conditions, limits, or operating parameter limits developed under this subpart that ensure compliance with the emission standards.

Preheater tower combustion gas monitoring location means a location within the preheater tower of a dry process cement kiln downstream (in terms of gas flow) of all hazardous waste firing locations and where a representative sample of combustion gas to measure combustion efficiency can be monitored.

Raw material feed means the prepared and mixed materials, which include but are not limited to materials such as limestone, clay, shale, sand, iron ore, mill scale, cement kiln dust and flyash, that are fed to a cement or lightweight aggregate kiln. Raw material feed does not include the fuels used in the kiln to produce heat to form the clinker product.

Research, development, and demonstration source means a source engaged in laboratory, pilot plant, or prototype demonstration operations:

(1) Whose primary purpose is to conduct research, development, or short-term demonstration of an innovative and experimental hazardous waste treatment technology or process; and

(2) Where the operations are under the close supervision of technically-trained personnel.

Rolling average means the average of all one-minute averages over the averaging period.

Run means the net period of time during which an air emission sample is collected under a given set of operating conditions. Three or more runs constitutes a test. Unless otherwise specified, a run may be either intermittent or continuous.

Run average means the average of the one-minute average parameter values for a run.

System removal efficiency means [1 − Emission Rate (mass/time) / Feedrate (mass/time)] X 100.

TEQ means the international method of expressing toxicity equivalents for dioxins and furans as defined in U.S. EPA, Interim Procedures for Estimating Risks Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and -dibenzofurans (CDDs and CDFs) and 1989 Update, March 1989.

You means the owner or operator of a hazardous waste combustor.

(b) The acronyms used in this subpart refer to the following:

AWFCO means automatic waste feed cutoff.

CAS means chemical abstract services registry.

CEMS means continuous emissions monitoring system.

CMS means continuous monitoring system.

DRE means destruction and removal efficiency.

MACT means maximum achievable control technology.

MTEC means maximum theoretical emissions concentration.

NIC means notification of intent to comply.

[64 FR 53038, Sept. 30, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 42297, July 10, 2000; 65 FR 67271, Nov. 9, 2000; 66 FR 35103, July 3, 2001; 67 FR 6986, Feb. 14, 2002; 67 FR 77691, Dec. 19, 2002; 70 FR 59540, Oct. 12, 2005]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1201