Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.124 - Process vents and storage vessels that are in ethylene oxide service—procedures to determine compliance.

This section applies beginning no later than the compliance dates specified in § 63.100(k)(11). In order to demonstrate compliance with the emission limits and work practice standards specified in § 63.113(j) (for process vents in ethylene oxide service) and § 63.119(a)(5) (for storage vessels in ethylene oxide service), owners and operators must meet the requirements specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

(a) For initial compliance, owners and operators must comply with paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section, as applicable.

(1) If an owner or operator chooses to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a flare as specified in § 63.113(j)(1) or § 63.119(a)(5)(i), then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148 and conduct the initial visible emissions demonstration required by § 63.670(h) as specified in § 63.108.

(2) If an owner or operator chooses to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a non-flare control device that reduces ethylene oxide by greater than or equal to 99.9 percent by weight as specified in § 63.113(j)(2) or § 63.119(a)(5)(ii), then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148 and paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (viii) of this section.

(i) Conduct an initial performance test of the control device that is used to comply with the percent reduction requirement at the inlet and outlet of the control device. For purposes of compliance with this paragraph, owners and operators may not use a design evaluation. This paragraph does not apply if the conditions specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(i)(A) through (D) of this section are met for a previously conducted measurement or performance test.

(A) No changes have been made to the process since the time of the measurement or performance test;

(B) The operating conditions and test methods used during measurement or performance test conform to the ethylene oxide related requirements of this subpart;

(C) The control device and process parameter values established during the previously conducted measurement or performance test are used to demonstrate continuous compliance with the ethylene oxide related requirements of this subpart; and

(D) The previously conducted measurement or performance test was completed within the last 60 months.

(ii) Conduct the performance test according to the procedures in § 63.116(c). Except as specified in § 63.109(a)(6), use Method 18 of appendix A-6 to part 60 of this chapter or Method 320 of appendix A to this part to determine the ethylene oxide concentration. Use Method 1 or 1A of appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter to select the sampling sites at each sampling location. Determine the gas volumetric flowrate using Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D of appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter. Use Method 4 of appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter convert the volumetric flowrate to a dry basis.

(iii) Calculate the mass emission rate of ethylene oxide entering the control device and exiting the control device using equations 1 and 2 to this paragraph.

Equations 1 and 2 to Paragraph (a)(2)(iii) E,inlet = K C,inlet M Qinlet (Eq. 1) E,outlet = K C,outlet M Qoutlet (Eq. 2) Where: E,inlet, E,outlet = Mass rate of ethylene oxide at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, kilogram per hour. C,inlet, C,outlet = Concentration of ethylene oxide in the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, parts per million by volume. M = Molecular weight of ethylene oxide, 44.05 grams per gram-mole. Qinlet, Qoutlet = Flow rate of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry standard cubic meter per minute. K = Constant, 2.494 × 10−6 (parts per million)−1 (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) (kilogram per gram) (minutes per hour), where standard temperature (gram-mole per standard cubic meter) is 20 °C.

(iv) Calculate the percent reduction from the control device using equation 3 to this paragraph. An owner or operator has demonstrated initial compliance with § 63.113(j)(2) or § 63.119(a)(5)(ii) if the overall reduction of ethylene oxide is greater than or equal to 99.9 percent by weight.

Equation 3 to Paragraph (a)(2)(iv) Percent reduction = (E,inlet−E,outlet)/E,inlet * 100 (Eq.3) Where: E,inlet, E,outlet = Mass rate of ethylene oxide at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, kilogram per hour, calculated using Equations 1 and 2 to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section.

(v) If a new control device is installed, then conduct a performance test of the new device following the procedures in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(vi) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a scrubber with a reactant tank, then the owner or operator must establish operating parameter limits by monitoring the operating parameters specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(vi)(A) through (C) of this section during the performance test.

(A) Scrubber liquid-to-gas ratio (L/G), determined from the total scrubber liquid inlet flow rate and the inlet or exit gas flow rate. Determine the average L/G during the performance test as the average of the test run averages. Alternatively, separately monitor the total scrubber liquid flow rate and gas flow rate through the scrubber. Determine the average total scrubber liquid flow rate and gas flow through the scrubber as the average of the test run averages.

(B) Scrubber liquid pH of the liquid in the reactant tank. The pH may be measured at any point between the discharge from the scrubber column and the inlet to the reactant tank. Determine the average pH during the performance test as the average of the test run averages.

(C) Temperature of the scrubber liquid entering the scrubber column. The temperature may be measured at any point after the heat exchanger and prior to entering the top of the scrubber column. Determine the average inlet scrubber liquid temperature as the average of the test run averages.

(vii) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a thermal oxidizer, then the owner or operator must establish operating parameter limits by monitoring the operating parameters specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(vii)(A) and (B) of this section during the performance test.

(A) Combustion chamber temperature. Determine the average combustion chamber temperature during the performance test as the average of the test run averages.

(B) Flue gas flow rate. Determine the average flue gas flow rate during the performance test as the average of the test run averages.

(viii) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a control device other than a flare, scrubber with a reactant tank, or thermal oxidizer, then the owner or operator must notify the Administrator of the operating parameters that are planned to be monitored during the performance test prior to establishing operating parameter limits for the control device.

(3) If an owner or operator chooses to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a non-flare control device that reduces ethylene oxide to less than 1 ppmv as specified in § 63.113(j)(2) or § 63.119(a)(5)(ii), then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148 and either paragraph (a)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) Install a continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) to continuously monitor the ethylene oxide concentration at the exit of the control device. The CEMS must meet the requirements of either paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A) or (B) of this section. Comply with the requirements specified in § 63.2450(j) for CEMS.

(A) An FTIR CEMS meeting the requirements of Performance Specification 15 of appendix B to part 60 of this chapter.

(B) A gas chromatographic CEMS meeting the requirements of Performance Specification 9 of appendix B to part 60 of this chapter.

(ii) If the owner or operator does not install a CEMS under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, then the owner or operator must comply with paragraphs (a)(3)(ii)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) Conduct an initial performance test at the outlet of the control device that is used to comply with the concentration requirement.

(B) Conduct the performance test according to the procedures in § 63.116(c). Except as specified in § 63.109(a)(6), use Method 18 of appendix A-6 to part 60 of this chapter or Method 320 of appendix A to this part to determine the ethylene oxide concentration. If the non-flare control device is a combustion device, correct the ethylene oxide concentration to 3 percent oxygen according to § 63.116(c)(iii)(B), except “TOC or organic HAP” and “TOC (minus methane and ethane) or organic HAP” in the Variables Cc and Cm must be replaced with “ethylene oxide”. An owner or operator has demonstrated initial compliance with § 63.113(j)(2) or § 63.119(a)(5)(ii), if the ethylene oxide concentration is less than 1 ppmv.

(C) Comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(v) through (viii) of this section, as applicable.

(4) If owners and operators choose to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a non-flare control device that reduces ethylene oxide to less than 5 pounds per year for all combined process vents within the process as specified in § 63.113(j)(2), then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148 and paragraphs (a)(4)(i) through (iv) of this section.

(i) Conduct an initial performance test of the control device that is used to comply with the mass emission limit requirement at the outlet of the control device.

(ii) Conduct the performance test according to the procedures in § 63.116(c). Except as specified in § 63.109(a)(6), use Method 18 of appendix A-6 to part 60 of this chapter or Method 320 of appendix A to this part to determine the ethylene oxide concentration. Use Method 1 or 1A of appendix A-1 to part 60 of this chapter to select the sampling site. Determine the gas volumetric flowrate using Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2. Use Method 4 of appendix A-3 to part 60 of this chapter to convert the volumetric flowrate to a dry basis.

(iii) Calculate the mass emission rate of ethylene oxide exiting the control device using Equation 2 to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section. An owner or operator has demonstrated initial compliance with § 63.113(j)(2) if the ethylene oxide from all process vents (controlled and uncontrolled) within the process is less than 5 pounds per year when combined.

(iv) Comply with the requirements specified in paragraphs (a)(2)(v) through (viii) of this section, as applicable.

(b) For continuous compliance, owners and operators must comply with paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section, as applicable.

(1) If an owner or operator chooses to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed vent system to a flare as specified in § 63.113(j)(1) or § 63.119(a)(5)(i), then the owner or operator must comply with §§ 63.148 and 63.108.

(2) If you choose to reduce emissions of ethylene oxide by venting emissions through a closed-vent system to a non-flare control device that reduces ethylene oxide to less than 1 ppmv as specified in § 63.113(j)(2) or § 63.119(a)(5)(ii), and you choose to comply with paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, then continuously monitor the ethylene oxide concentration at the exit of the control device using an FTIR CEMS meeting the requirements of Performance Specification 15 of appendix B to part 60 of this chapter and § 63.2450(j). If an owner or operator uses an FTIR CEMS, then the owner or operator does not need to conduct the performance testing required in paragraph (b)(3) of this section or the operating parameter monitoring required in paragraphs (b)(4) through (6) of this section.

(3) Conduct a performance test no later than 60 months after the previous performance test and reestablish operating parameter limits following the procedures in paragraph (a)(2) through (4) of this section. The Administrator may request a repeat performance test at any time. For purposes of compliance with this paragraph, owners and operators may not use a design evaluation.

(4) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a scrubber with a reactant tank, then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148 and meet the operating parameter limits specified in paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Minimum scrubber liquid-to-gas ratio (L/G), equal to the average L/G measured during the most recent performance test. Determine total scrubber liquid inlet flow rate with a flow sensor with a minimum accuracy of at least ±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured, or 1.9 liters per minute (0.5 gallons per minute), whichever is greater. Determine gas flow rate at either the inlet or the exit of the scrubber with a flow sensor with a minimum accuracy of at least ±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured, or 280 liters per minute (10 cubic feet per minute), whichever is greater. If gas flow rate is determined at the inlet of the scrubber, ensure that all gas flow through the scrubber is accounted for at the measurement location. Compliance with the minimum L/G operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis. Alternatively, minimum total scrubber liquid flow rate, equal to the average total scrubber liquid inlet flow rate measured during the most recent performance test, and maximum gas flow rate through the scrubber, equal to the average gas flow rate through the scrubber during the most recent performance test. Compliance with the total scrubber liquid flow rate and gas flow rate through the scrubber must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis.

(ii) Maximum scrubber liquid pH of the liquid in the reactant tank, equal to the average pH measured during the most recent performance test. Compliance with the pH operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis. Use a pH sensor with a minimum accuracy of ±0.2 pH units.

(iii) Pressure drop across the scrubber column, within the pressure drop range specified by the manufacturer or established based on engineering analysis. Compliance with the pressure drop operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis. Use pressure sensors with a minimum accuracy of ±5 percent over the normal operating range or 0.12 kilopascals, whichever is greater.

(iv) Maximum temperature of the scrubber liquid entering the scrubber column, equal to the average temperature measured during the most recent performance test. Compliance with the inlet scrubber liquid temperature operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis. Use a temperature sensor with a minimum accuracy of ±1 percent over the normal range of the temperature measured, expressed in degrees Celsius, or 2.8 degrees Celsius, whichever is greater.

(v) Liquid feed pressure to the scrubber column within the feed pressure range specified by the manufacturer or established based on engineering analysis. Compliance with the liquid feed pressure operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis. Use a pressure sensor with a minimum accuracy of ±5 percent over the normal operating range or 0.12 kilopascals, whichever is greater.

(5) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a thermal oxidizer, then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148, and the owner or operator must meet the operating parameter limits specified in paragraphs (b)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section and the requirements in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section.

(i) Minimum combustion chamber temperature, equal to the average combustion chamber temperature measured during the most recent performance test. Determine combustion chamber temperature with a temperature sensor with a minimum accuracy of at least ±1 percent over the normal range of temperature measured, expressed in degrees Celsius, or 2.8 degrees Celsius, whichever is greater. Compliance with the minimum combustion chamber temperature operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis.

(ii) Maximum flue gas flow rate, equal to the average flue gas flow rate measured during the most recent performance test. Determine flue gas flow rate with a flow sensor with a minimum accuracy of at least ±5 percent over the normal range of flow measured, or 280 liters per minute (10 cubic feet per minute), whichever is greater. Compliance with the maximum flue gas flow rate operating limit must be determined continuously on a 1-hour block basis.

(iii) The owner or operator must maintain the thermal oxidizer in accordance with good combustion practices that ensure proper combustion. Good combustion practices include, but are not limited to, proper burner maintenance, proper burner alignment, proper fuel to air distribution and mixing, routine inspection, and preventative maintenance.

(6) If an owner or operator vents emissions through a closed vent system to a control device other than a flare, scrubber with a reactant tank, or thermal oxidizer, then the owner or operator must comply with § 63.148, and the owner or operator must monitor the operating parameters identified in paragraph (a)(2)(viii) of this section and meet the established operating parameter limits to ensure continuous compliance. The frequency of monitoring and averaging time will be determined based upon the information provided to the Administrator.

[89 FR 43193, May 16, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.124