Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1400 - Applicability and designation of affected sources.

(a) Applicability. The provisions of this subpart apply to the owner or operator of processes that produce amino/phenolic resins and that are located at a plant site that is a major source as defined in § 63.2.

(b) Affected source. The affected source is:

(1) The total of all amino/phenolic resin process units (APPU);

(2) The associated heat exchange systems;

(3) Equipment required by, or utilized as a method of compliance with, this subpart which may include control devices and recovery devices;

(4) Equipment that does not contain organic hazardous air pollutants (HAP) and is located within an APPU that is part of an affected source;

(5) Vessels and equipment storing and/or handling material that contain no organic HAP and/or organic HAP as impurities only;

(6) Equipment that is intended to operate in organic HAP service for less than 300 hours during the calendar year;

(7) Each waste management unit; and

(8) Maintenance wastewater.

(c) Existing affected source. The affected source to which the existing source provisions of this subpart apply is defined in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) New affected source. The affected source to which the new source provisions of this subpart apply is:

(1) Each affected source defined in paragraph (b) of this section that commences construction or reconstruction after December 14, 1998;

(2) Each additional group of one or more APPU and associated heat exchange systems that has the potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of any organic HAP or 25 tons per year or more of any combination of organic HAP that commences construction after December 14, 1998; or

(3) Each group of one or more process units and associated heat exchange systems that are converted to APPUs after December 14, 1998, that has the potential to emit 10 tons per year or more of any organic HAP or 25 tons per year or more of any combination of organic HAP.

(e) APPUs without organic HAP. An APPU that is part of an affected source, as defined in paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, but that does not use or manufacture any organic HAP, is not subject to any other provisions of this subpart and is not required to comply with the provisions of subpart A of this part. When requested by the Administrator, the owner or operator shall demonstrate that the APPU does not use or manufacture any organic HAP. Types of information that could document this determination include, but are not limited to, records of chemicals purchased for the process, analyses of process stream composition, engineering calculations, or process knowledge.

(f) Exemption from equipment leak provisions. Affected sources with actual annual production of amino/phenolic resin equal to or less than 800 megagrams per year (Mg/yr) for the 12-month period preceding December 14, 1998 are exempt from the equipment leak provisions specified in § 63.1410. The owner or operator utilizing this exemption shall recheck the actual annual production of amino/phenolic resins for each 12-month period following December 14, 1998. The beginning of each 12-month period shall be the anniversary of December 14, 1998. If the actual annual production of amino/phenolic resins is greater than 800 Mg/yr for any 12-month period, the owner or operator shall comply with § 63.1410 for the life of the affected source or until the affected source is no longer subject to the provisions of this subpart.

(g) Primary product determination and applicability. For purposes of this paragraph, amino resins and phenolic resins shall be considered to be the same product and production time or production mass of amino and phenolic resins shall be combined for purposes of determining the primary product under this paragraph (g). If the owner or operator determines that a process unit is not an APPU under paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section, the owner or operator shall, when requested by the Administrator, demonstrate that the process unit is not an APPU.

(1) Applicability determinations for process units producing multiple products. A process unit that produces more than one intended product at the same time is an APPU if amino/phenolic resin production accounts for the greatest percent of the annual design capacity on a mass basis. If a process unit has the same annual design capacity on a mass basis for two or more products, the process unit shall be an APPU if amino/phenolic resins are one of those products.

(2) Flexible operations process unit determination based on operating time. A flexible operations process unit is an APPU if amino/phenolic resins will be produced for the greatest operating time over the 5 years following December 14, 1998 at existing process units, or for the first year after the process unit begins production of any product for new process units.

(3) Flexible operations process unit determination based on mass production basis. A flexible operations process unit that will manufacture multiple products equally based on operating time is an APPU if amino/phenolic resins account for the greatest percentage of the expected production on a mass basis over the 5 years following December 14, 1998 at existing process units, or for the first year after the process unit begins production of any product for new process units.

(4) Flexible operations process unit default determination. If the owner or operator cannot determine whether or not amino/phenolic resins are the primary product of a flexible operations process unit in accordance with paragraphs (g)(2) and (3) of this section, the flexible operations process unit shall be designated as an APPU if amino/phenolic resins were produced for 5 percent or greater of the total operating time since December 14, 1998 for existing process units. The flexible operations process unit shall be designated as an APPU if the owner or operator anticipates that amino/phenolic resins will be manufactured in the flexible operations process unit at any time in the first year after the date the unit begins production of any product for new process units.

(5) Annual applicability determination for non-APPUs that have produced amino/phenolic resins. Once per year beginning December 14, 2003, the owner or operator of each flexible operations process unit that is not designated as an APPU, but that has produced amino/phenolic resins at any time in the preceding 5-year period or since the date that the unit began production of any product, whichever is shorter, shall perform an evaluation to determine whether the process unit has become an APPU. A flexible operations process unit has become an APPU if amino/phenolic resins were produced for the greatest operating time over the preceding 5-year period or since the date that the process unit began production of any product, whichever is shorter.

(6) Applicability determination for non-APPUs that have not produced amino/phenolic resins. The owner or operator that anticipates the production of amino/phenolic resins in a process unit that is not designated as an APPU, and in which no amino/phenolic resins have been produced in the previous 5-year period or since the date that the process unit began production of any product, whichever is shorter, shall determine if the process unit will become an APPU. The owner or operator shall use the procedures in paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) of this section to determine if the process unit is designated as an APPU, with the following exception: for existing process units, production shall be projected for the 5 years following the date that the owner or operator anticipates initiating the production of amino/phenolic resins, instead of the 5 years following December 14, 1998.

(7) Redetermination of applicability to APPU that are flexible operations process units. Whenever changes in production occur that could reasonably be expected to cause a flexible operations process unit to no longer be an APPU (i.e., amino/phenolic resins will no longer be the primary product according to the determination procedures in paragraphs (g)(2) through (4) of this section), the owner or operator shall reevaluate the status of the process unit as an APPU. A flexible operations process unit has ceased to be an APPU subject to this subpart if the following criteria are met:

(i) If amino/phenolic resins were not produced for the greatest operating time over the preceding 5-year period or since the date that the process unit began production of any product, whichever is shorter;

(ii) If the new primary product, which is not amino/phenolic resins, is subject to another subpart of this part; and

(iii) If the owner or operator has notified the Administrator of the pending change in status for the flexible operations process unit, as specified in § 63.1417(h)(4).

(8) APPU terminating production of all amino/phenolic resins. If an APPU terminates the production of all amino/phenolic resins and does not anticipate the production of any amino/phenolic resins in the future, the process unit is no longer an APPU and is not subject to this subpart after notification is made to the Administrator, as specified in § 63.1417(h)(4).

(h) Storage vessel applicability determination. The owner or operator of a storage vessel at a new affected source shall determine assignment to a process unit as follows:

(1) If a storage vessel is already subject to another subpart of part 63 on January 20, 2000, said storage vessel shall continue to be assigned to the process unit subject to the other subpart.

(2) If a storage vessel is dedicated to a single process unit, the storage vessel shall be assigned to that process unit.

(3) If a storage vessel is shared among process units, then the storage vessel shall be assigned to that process unit located on the same plant site as the storage vessel that has the greatest input into or output from the storage vessel (i.e., said process unit has the predominant use of the storage vessel).

(4) If predominant use cannot be determined for a storage vessel that is shared among process units, and if one or more of those process units is an APPU subject to this subpart, the storage vessel shall be assigned to any of the APPUs.

(5) [Reserved]

(6) If the predominant use of a storage vessel varies from year to year, then predominant use shall be determined based on the use as follows:

(i) For existing affected sources, use shall be determined based on the following:

(A) The year preceding January 20, 2000; or

(B) The expected use for the 5 years following January 20, 2000.

(ii) For new affected sources, use shall be determined based on the first 5 years after initial start-up.

(7) Where the storage vessel is located in a tank farm (including a marine tank farm), the assignment of the storage vessel shall be determined according to paragraphs (h)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section. Only those storage vessels where a portion or all of the input into or output from the storage vessel is hardpiped directly to one or more process units are covered by this paragraph.

(i) The storage vessel is assigned to a process unit if the product or raw material entering or leaving the process unit flows directly into (or from) the storage vessel in the tank farm without passing through any intervening storage vessel. An intervening storage vessel means a storage vessel connected by hardpiping both to the process unit and to the storage vessel in the tank farm.

(ii) If there are two or more process units that meet the criteria of paragraph (h)(7)(i) of this section with respect to a storage vessel, the storage vessel shall be assigned to one of those process units according to the provisions of paragraphs (h)(3) through (6) of this section.

(8) If the storage vessel begins receiving material from (or sending material to) a process unit that was not included in the initial determination, or ceases to receive material from (or send material to) a process unit, the owner or operator shall reevaluate the applicability of this subpart to the storage vessel according to the procedures in paragraphs (h)(3) through (7) of this section.

(i) Applicability of other subparts to this subpart. Paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) describe the applicability of other subparts to this subpart.

(1) After the compliance dates specified in this section, a storage vessel that is assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart that is also subject to and complying with the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, shall continue to comply with 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb. After the compliance dates specified in this section, a storage vessel that is assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart that is also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, but the owner or operator has not been required to apply controls as part of complying with 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb, is required to comply only with the provisions of this subpart. After the compliance dates specified in this section, said storage vessel shall no longer be subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart Kb.

(2) Affected sources subject to this subpart that are also subject to the provisions of subpart Q of this part shall comply with both subparts.

(3) After the compliance dates specified in this section, an affected source subject to this subpart that is also subject to the provisions of 40 CFR part 60, subpart VV, or the provisions of subpart H of this part, is required to comply only with the provisions of this subpart. After the compliance dates specified in this section, said source shall no longer be subject to 40 CFR part 60, subpart VV, or subpart H of this part, as appropriate.

(4) After the applicable compliance date specified in this subpart, if a heat exchange system subject to this subpart is also subject to a standard identified in paragraph (i)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section, compliance with the applicable provisions of the standard identified in paragraph (i)(4)(i) or (ii) of this section shall constitute compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart with respect to that heat exchange system.

(i) Subpart F of this part.

(ii) A subpart of this part that requires compliance with § 63.104 (e.g., subpart U of this part).

(5) After the compliance dates specified in this subpart, if any combustion device, recovery device or recapture device subject to this subpart is also subject to monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 40 CFR part 264, subparts AA, BB, or CC, or is subject to monitoring and recordkeeping requirements in 40 CFR part 265, subparts AA, BB, or CC, and the owner or operator complies with the periodic reporting requirements under 40 CFR part 264, subparts AA, BB, or CC, that would apply to the device if the facility had final-permitted status, the owner or operator may elect to comply either with the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this subpart, or with the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 40 CFR parts 264 and/or 265, as described in this paragraph, which shall constitute compliance with the monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements of this subpart. If the owner or operator elects to comply with the monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in 40 CFR parts 264 and/or 265, the owner or operator shall report all information required by § 63.1417(f), Periodic Reports, as part of complying with the requirements of 40 CFR parts 264 and/or 265.

(j) Applicability of general provisions. Table 1 of this subpart specifies the provisions of subpart A of this part that apply and do not apply to owners and operators of affected sources subject to this subpart.

(k) Applicability of this subpart. (1) The emission limitations set forth in this subpart and the emission limitations referred to in this subpart shall apply at all times except during periods of non-operation of the affected source (or specific portion thereof) resulting in cessation of the emissions to which this subpart applies.

(2) The emission limitations set forth in 40 CFR part 63, subpart UU, as referred to in § 63.1410, shall apply at all times except during periods of non-operation of the affected source (or specific portion thereof) in which the lines are drained and depressurized resulting in cessation of the emissions to which § 63.1410 applies.

(3) The owner or operator shall not shut down items of equipment that are required or utilized for compliance with this subpart during times when emissions are being routed to such items of equipment if the shutdown would contravene requirements of this subpart applicable to such items of equipment.

(4) General duty. At all times, the owner or operator must operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not require the owner or operator to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by the applicable standard have been achieved. Determination of whether a source is operating in compliance with operation and maintenance requirements will be based on information available to the Administrator, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, review of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source.

[65 FR 3290, Jan. 20, 2000, as amended at 71 FR 20460, Apr. 20, 2006; 79 FR 60929, Oct. 8, 2014; 83 FR 51852, Oct. 15, 2018]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1400