Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.1423 - Definitions.

(a) The following terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning given them in subparts A (§ 63.2), F (§ 63.101), G (§ 63.111), and H (§ 63.161) as specified after each term:

Act (subpart A) Administrator (subpart A) Automated monitoring and recording system (subpart G) Boiler (subpart G) Bottoms receiver (subpart H) By-product (subpart F) Car-seal (subpart G) Closed-vent system (subpart G) Combustion device (subpart G) Commenced (subpart A) Compliance date (subpart A) Continuous monitoring system (subpart A) Emission standard (subpart A) EPA (subpart A) Equipment (subpart H) Flow indicator (subpart G) Fuel gas (subpart F) Fuel gas system (subpart F) Hard-piping (subpart G) Heat exchange system (subpart F) Impurity (subpart F) Incinerator (subpart G) Major source (subpart A) Malfunction (subpart A) Oil-water separator or organic-water separator (subpart G) Open-ended valve or line (subpart H) Operating permit (subpart F) Organic monitoring device (subpart G) Owner or operator (subpart A) Performance evaluation (subpart A) Performance test (subpart A) Permitting authority (subpart A) Plant site (subpart F) Potential to emit (subpart A) Pressure release (subpart H) Pressure relief device or valve (subpart H) Primary fuel (subpart G) Process heater (subpart G) Process unit shutdown (subpart H) Reactor (subpart G) Recapture device (subpart G) Research and development facility (subpart F) Responsible official (subpart A) Run (subpart A) Secondary fuel (subpart G) Sensor (subpart H) Specific gravity monitoring device (subpart G) State (subpart A) Surge control vessel (subpart H) Temperature monitoring device (subpart G) Test method (subpart A) Total resource effectiveness index value (subpart G) Treatment process (subpart G) Visible emission (subpart A)

(b) All other terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning given them in this section.

Affirmative defense means, in the context of an enforcement proceeding, a response or defense put forward by a defendant, regarding which the defendant has the burden of proof, and the merits of which are independently and objectively evaluated in a judicial or administrative proceeding.

Annual average concentration, as used in conjunction with the wastewater provisions, means the flow-weighted annual average concentration and is determined by the procedures in § 63.144(b), except as provided in § 63.1433(a)(2).

Annual average flow rate, as used in conjunction with the wastewater provisions, is determined by the procedures in § 63.144(c).

Batch cycle means the step or steps, from start to finish, that occur in a batch unit operation.

Batch unit operation means a unit operation involving intermittent or discontinuous feed into equipment, and, in general, involves the emptying of equipment after the batch cycle ceases and prior to beginning a new batch cycle. Mass, temperature, concentration and other properties of the process may vary with time. Addition of raw material and withdrawal of product do not simultaneously occur in a batch unit operation.

Catalyst extraction means the removal of the catalyst using either solvent or physical extraction method.

Construction means the on-site fabrication, erection, or installation of an affected source. Construction also means the on-site fabrication, erection, or installation of a process unit or a combination of process units which subsequently becomes an affected source or part of an affected source due to a change in primary product.

Continuous record means documentation, either in hard copy or computer readable form, of data values measured at least once during approximately equal intervals of 15 minutes and recorded at the frequency specified in § 63.1439(d).

Continuous recorder is defined in § 63.111, except that when the definition in § 63.111 reads “or records 15-minute or more frequent block average values,” the phrase “or records 1-hour or more frequent block average values” shall apply for purposes of this subpart.

Continuous unit operation means a unit operation where the inputs and outputs flow continuously. Continuous unit operations typically approach steady-state conditions. Continuous unit operations typically involve the simultaneous addition of raw material and withdrawal of the product.

Control technique means any equipment or process control used for capturing, recovering, or oxidizing organic hazardous air pollutant vapors. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, absorbers, adsorbers, boilers, condensers, flares, incinerators, process heaters, and scrubbers, or any combination thereof. Process control includes extended cookout (as defined in this section). Condensers operating as reflux condensers that are necessary for processing, such as liquid level control, temperature control, or distillation operation, shall be considered inherently part of the process and will not be considered control techniques.

Emission point means an individual process vent, storage vessel, wastewater stream, or equipment leak.

Epoxide means a chemical compound consisting of a three-membered cyclic ether. Only emissions of epoxides listed in Table 4 of this subpart (i.e., ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, and epichlorohydrin) are regulated by the provisions of this subpart.

Equipment leak means emissions of organic HAP from a connector, pump, compressor, agitator, pressure relief device, sampling connection system, open-ended valve or line, valve, surge control vessel, bottoms receiver, or instrumentation system in organic HAP service.

Extended Cookout (ECO) means a control technique that reduces the amount of unreacted ethylene oxide (EO) and/or propylene oxide (PO) (epoxides) in the reactor. This is accomplished by allowing the product to react for a longer time period, thereby having less unreacted epoxides and reducing epoxides emissions that may have otherwise occurred.

Flexible operation unit means a process unit that manufactures different chemical products by periodically alternating raw materials fed to the process unit or operating conditions at the process unit. These units are also referred to as campaign plants or blocked operations.

Group 1 combination of batch process vents means a collection of process vents in a PMPU from batch unit operations that are associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that meet all of the following conditions:

(1) Has annual nonepoxide organic HAP emissions, determined in accordance with § 63.1428(b), of 11,800 kg/yr or greater, and

(2) Has a cutoff flow rate, determined in accordance with § 63.1428(e), that is greater than or equal to the annual average flow rate, determined in accordance with § 63.1428(d).

Group 2 combination of batch process vents means a collection of process vents in a PMPU from batch unit operations that are associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that is not classified as a Group 1 combination of batch process vents.

Group 1 continuous process vent means a process vent from a continuous unit operation that is associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that meets all of the following conditions:

(1) Has a flow rate greater than or equal to 0.005 standard cubic meters per minute,

(2) Has a total organic HAP concentration greater than or equal to 50 parts per million by volume, and

(3) Has a total resource effectiveness index value, calculated in accordance with § 63.1428(h)(1), less than or equal to 1.0.

Group 2 continuous process vent means a process vent from a continuous unit operation that is associated with the use of a nonepoxide organic HAP to make or modify the product that is not classified as a Group 1 continuous process vent.

Group 1 storage vessel means a storage vessel that meets the applicability criteria specified in Table 3 of this subpart.

Group 2 storage vessel means a storage vessel that does not fall within the definition of a Group 1 storage vessel.

Group 1 wastewater stream means a process wastewater stream at an existing or new affected source that meets the criteria for Group 1 status in § 63.132(c), with the exceptions listed in § 63.1433(a)(2) for the purposes of this subpart (i.e., for organic HAP listed on Table 4 of this subpart only).

Group 2 wastewater stream means any process wastewater stream at an existing affected source or new affected source that does not meet the definition (in this section) of a Group 1 wastewater stream.

In organic hazardous air pollutant service or in organic HAP service means that a piece of equipment either contains or contacts a fluid (liquid or gas) that is at least 5 percent by weight of total organic HAP (as defined in this section), as determined according to the provisions of § 63.180(d). The provisions of § 63.180(d) also specify how to determine that a piece of equipment is not in organic HAP service.

Initial start-up means the first time a new or reconstructed affected source begins production, or, for equipment added or changed as described in § 63.1420(g), the first time the equipment is put into operation to produce a polyether polyol. Initial start-up does not include operation solely for testing equipment. Initial start-up does not include subsequent start-ups of an affected source or portion thereof following malfunctions or shutdowns or following changes in product for flexible operation units. Further, for purposes of § 63.1422, initial start-up does not include subsequent start-ups of affected sources or portions thereof following malfunctions or process unit shutdowns.

Maintenance wastewater is defined in § 63.101, except that the term “polyether polyol manufacturing process unit” shall apply whenever the term “chemical manufacturing process unit” is used. Further, the generation of wastewater from the routine rinsing or washing of equipment in batch operation between batches is not maintenance wastewater, but is considered to be process wastewater, for the purposes of this subpart.

Make or modify the product means to produce the polyether polyol by polymerization of epoxides or other cyclic ethers with compounds having one or more reactive hydrogens, and to incorporate additives (e.g., preservatives, antioxidants, or diluents) in order to maintain the quality of the finished products before shipping. Making and modifying the product for this regulation does not include grafting, polymerizing the polyol, or reacting it with compounds other than EO or PO.

Maximum true vapor pressure is defined in § 63.111, except that the terms “transfer” and “transferred” shall not apply for the purposes of this subpart.

New process unit means a process unit for which the construction or reconstruction commenced after September 4, 1997.

On-site or on site means, with respect to records required to be maintained by this subpart or required by another subpart referenced by this subpart, a location within the plant site where the affected source is located. On-site storage of records includes, but is not limited to, a location at the affected source or PMPU to which the records pertain or a location elsewhere at the plant site where the affected source is located.

Operating day refers to the 24-hour period defined by the owner or operator in the Notification of Compliance Status required by § 63.1439(e)(5). That 24-hour period may be from midnight to midnight or another 24-hour period. The operating day is the 24-hour period for which daily average monitoring values are determined.

Organic hazardous air pollutant(s) (organic HAP) means one or more of the chemicals listed in Table 4 of this subpart, or any other chemical which:

(1) Is knowingly produced or introduced into the manufacturing process other than as an impurity; and

(2) Is listed in Table 2 of 40 CFR part 63, subpart F in the HON.

Polyether polyol means a compound formed through the polymerization of EO or PO or other cyclic ethers with compounds having one or more reactive hydrogens (i.e., a hydrogen atom bonded to nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.) to form polyethers (i.e., compounds with two or more ether bonds). This definition of polyether polyol excludes cellulose ethers (such as methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxy ethyl cellulose, and hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose) and materials regulated under 40 CFR part 63, subparts F, G, and H (the HON), such as glycols and glycol ethers.

Polyether polyol manufacturing process unit (PMPU) means a process unit that manufactures a polyether polyol as its primary product, or a process unit designated as a polyether polyol manufacturing unit in accordance with § 63.1420(e)(2). A polyether polyol manufacturing process unit consists of more than one unit operation. This collection of equipment includes purification systems, reactors and their associated product separators and recovery devices, distillation units and their associated distillate receivers and recovery devices, other associated unit operations, storage vessels, surge control vessels, bottoms receivers, product transfer racks, connected ducts and piping, combustion, recovery, or recapture devices or systems, and the equipment (i.e., all pumps, compressors, agitators, pressure relief devices, sampling connection systems, open-ended valves or lines, valves, connectors, and instrumentation systems that are associated with the PMPU) that are subject to the equipment leak provisions as specified in § 63.1434.

Pressure decay curve is the graph of the reactor pressure versus time from the point when epoxide feed is stopped until the reactor pressure is constant, indicating that most of the epoxide has reacted out of the vapor and liquid phases. This curve shall be determined with no leaks or vents from the reactor.

Primary product is defined in and determined by the procedures specified in § 63.1420(e).

Process unit means a collection of equipment assembled and connected by pipes or ducts to process raw materials and to manufacture a product.

Process vent means a point of emission from a unit operation having a gaseous stream that is discharged to the atmosphere either directly or after passing through one or more combustion, recovery, or recapture devices. A process vent from a continuous unit operation is a gaseous emission stream containing more than 0.005 weight-percent total organic HAP. A process vent from a batch unit operation is a gaseous emission stream containing more than 225 kilograms per year (500 pounds per year) of organic HAP emissions. Unit operations that may have process vents are condensers, distillation units, reactors, or other unit operations within the PMPU. Process vents exclude pressure relief device discharges, gaseous streams routed to a fuel gas system(s), and leaks from equipment regulated under § 63.1434. A gaseous emission stream is no longer considered to be a process vent after the stream has been controlled and monitored in accordance with the applicable provisions of this subpart.

Process wastewater means wastewater which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, or waste product. Examples are product tank drawdown or feed tank drawdown; water formed during a chemical reaction or used as a reactant; water used to wash impurities from organic products or reactants; equipment washes between batches in a batch process; water used to cool or quench organic vapor streams through direct contact; and condensed steam from jet ejector systems pulling vacuum on vessels containing organics.

Product means a compound or material which is manufactured by a process unit. By-products, isolated intermediates, impurities, wastes, and trace contaminants are not considered products.

Product class means a group of polyether polyols with a similar pressure decay curve (or faster pressure decay curves) that are manufactured within a given set of operating conditions representing the decline in pressure versus time. All products within a product class shall have an essentially similar pressure decay curve, and operate within a given set of operating conditions. These operating conditions are: a minimum reaction temperature; the number of -OH groups in the polyol; a minimum catalyst concentration; the type of catalyst (e.g., self-catalyzed, base catalyst, or acid catalyst); the epoxide ratio, or a range for that ratio; and the reaction conditions of the system (e.g., the size of the reactor, or the size of the batch).

Reactor liquid means the compound or material made in the reactor, even though the substance may be transferred to another vessel. This material may require further modifications before becoming a final product, in which case the reactor liquid is classified as an “intermediate.” This material may be complete at this stage, in which case the reactor liquid is classified as a “product.”

Reconstruction means the replacement of components of an affected source or of a previously unaffected stationary source that becomes an affected source as a result of the replacement, to such an extent that:

(1) The fixed capital cost of the new components exceeds 50 percent of the fixed capital cost that would be required to construct a comparable new source; and

(2) It is technologically and economically feasible for the reconstructed source to meet the provisions of this subpart.

Recovery device means an individual unit of equipment capable of and normally used for the purpose of recovering chemicals for fuel value (i.e., net positive heating value), use, reuse, or for sale for fuel value, use, or reuse. Examples of equipment that may be recovery devices include absorbers, carbon adsorbers, condensers (except reflux condensers), oil-water separators or organic-water separators, or organic removal devices such as decanters, strippers, or thin film evaporation units. For the purposes of the monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting requirements of this subpart, recapture devices are considered to be recovery devices.

Residual is defined in § 63.111, except that when the definition in § 63.111 uses the term “Table 9 compounds,” the term “organic HAP listed in Table 9 of subpart G” shall apply, for the purposes of this subpart.

Shutdown means the cessation of operation of an affected source, a PMPU within an affected source, a waste management unit or unit operation within an affected source, equipment required or used to comply with this subpart, or the emptying or degassing of a storage vessel. The purposes for a shutdown may include, but are not limited to, periodic maintenance, replacement of equipment, or equipment repairs. Shutdown does not include the normal periods between batch cycles. For continuous unit operations, shutdown includes transitional conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units. For batch unit operations, shutdown does not include transitional conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units. For purposes of the wastewater provisions, shutdown does not include the routine rinsing or washing of equipment between batch cycles.

Start-up means the setting into operation of an affected source, a PMPU within the affected source, a waste management unit or unit operation within an affected source, equipment required or used to comply with this subpart, or a storage vessel after emptying and degassing. For all processes, start-up includes initial start-up and operation solely for testing equipment. Start-up does not include the recharging of batch unit operations. For continuous unit operations, start-up includes transitional conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units. For batch unit operations, start-up does not include transitional conditions due to changes in product for flexible operation units.

Steady-state conditions means that all variables (temperatures, pressures, volumes, flow rates, etc.) in a process do not vary significantly with time; minor fluctuations about constant mean values may occur.

Storage vessel means a tank or other vessel that is used to store liquids that contain one or more organic HAP. Storage vessels do not include:

(1) Vessels permanently attached to motor vehicles such as trucks, railcars, barges, or ships;

(2) Pressure vessels designed to operate in excess of 204.9 kilopascals and without emissions to the atmosphere;

(3) Vessels with capacities smaller than 38 cubic meters;

(4) Vessels and equipment storing and/or handling material that contains no organic HAP, or organic HAP as impurities only;

(5) Surge control vessels and bottoms receiver tanks;

(6) Wastewater storage tanks; and

(7) Storage vessels assigned to another process unit regulated under another subpart of part 63.

Total organic compounds (TOC) are those compounds, excluding methane and ethane, measured according to the procedures of Method 18 or Method 25A of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.

Unit operation means one or more pieces of process equipment used to make a single change to the physical or chemical characteristics of one or more process streams. Unit operations include, but are not limited to, reactors, distillation units, extraction columns, absorbers, decanters, condensers, and filtration equipment.

Vent stream, as used in reference to process vents, means the emissions from a process vent.

Waste management unit is defined in § 63.111, except that when the definition in § 63.111 uses the term “chemical manufacturing process unit,” the term “PMPU” shall apply for the purposes of this subpart.

Wastewater means water that:

(1) Contains either

(i) An annual average concentration of organic HAP listed in Table 4 of this subpart of at least 5 parts per million by weight and has an annual average flow rate of 0.02 liter per minute or greater, or

(ii) An annual average concentration of organic HAP listed on Table 4 of this subpart of at least 10,000 parts per million by weight at any flow rate; and that

(2) Is discarded from a PMPU that is part of an affected source. Wastewater is process wastewater or maintenance wastewater.

[64 FR 29439, June 1, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 26499, May 8, 2000; 79 FR 17377, Mar. 27, 2014]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.1423