Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 63.506 - General recordkeeping and reporting provisions.

(a) Data retention. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall keep copies of all applicable records and reports required by this subpart for at least 5 years, as specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, with the exception listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(1) All applicable records shall be maintained in such a manner that they can be readily accessed. The most recent 6 months of records shall be retained on site or shall be accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provide access within 2 hours after a request. The remaining 4 and one-half years of records may be retained offsite. Records may be maintained in hard copy or computer-readable form including, but not limited to, on microfilm, computer, floppy disk, magnetic tape, or microfiche.

(2) If an owner or operator submits copies of reports to the appropriate EPA Regional Office, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of reports. If the EPA Regional Office has waived the requirement of § 63.10(a)(4)(ii) for submittal of copies of reports, the owner or operator is not required to maintain copies of those reports.

(b) Subpart A requirements. The owner or operator of an affected source shall comply with the applicable recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 40 CFR part 63, subpart A as specified in Table 1 of this subpart. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the requirements specified in paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section.

(1) Malfunction records. Each owner or operator of an affected source subject to this subpart shall maintain records of the occurrence and duration of each malfunction of operation (i.e., process equipment), air pollution control equipment, or monitoring equipment. Each owner or operator shall maintain records of actions taken during periods of malfunction to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.483(a), including corrective actions to restore malfunctioning process and air pollution control and monitoring equipment to its normal or usual manner of operation.

(i) Records of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction. Except as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i)(D) of this section, the owner or operator shall keep the records specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) through (b)(1)(i)(C) of this section.

(A) Records of the occurrence and duration of each start-up, shutdown, and malfunction of operation of process equipment or control devices or recovery devices or continuous monitoring systems used to comply with this subpart during which excess emissions occur.

(B) For each start-up, shutdown, or malfunction during which excess emissions occur, records reflecting whether the procedures specified in the affected source's start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan were followed, and documentation of actions taken that are not consistent with the plan. For example, if a start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan includes procedures for routing a control device to a backup control device, records shall be kept of whether the plan was followed. These records may take the form of a “checklist,” or other form of recordkeeping that confirms conformance with the start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plan for the event.

(C) Records specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) and (B) of this section are not required if they pertain solely to Group 2 emission points that are not included in an emissions average.

(D) On and after July 15, 2027, paragraphs (b)(1)(i)(A) through (b)(1)(i)(C) no longer apply; however, for historical compliance purposes, a copy of these records must be retained and available on-site for five years after July 15, 2027.

(ii) Reports of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction. For the purposes of this subpart, the semiannual start-up, shutdown, and malfunction reports shall be submitted on the same schedule as the Periodic Reports required under paragraph (e)(6) of this section instead of the schedule specified in § 63.10(d)(5)(i). The reports shall include the information specified in § 63.10(d)(5)(i). On and after July 15, 2027, this paragraph no longer applies.

(2) Application for approval of construction or reconstruction. For new affected sources, each owner or operator shall comply with the provisions in § 63.5 regarding construction and reconstruction, excluding the provisions specified in § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H), (d)(1)(iii), (d)(2), and (d)(3)(ii).

(c) [Reserved]

(d) Recordkeeping and documentation. Owners or operators required to keep continuous records shall keep records as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(7) of this section, unless an alternative recordkeeping system has been requested and approved as specified in paragraph (g) of this section, and except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section. If a monitoring plan for storage vessels pursuant to § 63.484(k) requires continuous records, the monitoring plan shall specify which provisions, if any, of paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(7) of this section apply. As described in § 63.484(k), certain storage vessels are not required to keep continuous records as specified in this paragraph. Owners and operators of such storage vessels shall keep records as specified in the monitoring plan required by § 63.484(k). Paragraphs (d)(8) and (d)(9) of this section specify documentation requirements.

(1) The monitoring system shall measure data values at least once every 15 minutes.

(2) The owner or operator shall record either each measured data value or block average values for 1 hour or shorter periods calculated from all measured data values during each period. If values are measured more frequently than once per minute, a single value for each minute may be used to calculate the hourly (or shorter period) block average instead of all measured values. Owners or operators of batch front-end process vents shall record each measured data value.

(3) Daily average (or batch cycle daily average) values of each continuously monitored parameter shall be calculated for each operating day as specified in paragraphs (d)(3)(i) through (d)(3)(ii) of this section, except as specified in paragraphs (d)(6) and (d)(7) of this section.

(i) The daily average value or batch cycle daily average shall be calculated as the average of all parameter values recorded during the operating day, except as specified in paragraph (d)(7) of this section. For batch front-end process vents, as specified in § 63.491(e)(2)(i), only parameter values measured during those batch emission episodes, or portions thereof, in the batch cycle that the owner or operator has chosen to control shall be used to calculate the average. The calculated average shall cover a 24-hour period if operation is continuous, or the number of hours of operation per operating day if operation is not continuous.

(ii) The operating day shall be the period that the owner or operator specifies in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status for purposes of determining daily average values or batch cycle daily average values of monitored parameters.

(4)-(5) [Reserved]

(6) Records required when all recorded values are within the established limits. If all recorded values for a monitored parameter during an operating day are above the minimum level or below the maximum level established in the Notification of Compliance Status or operating permit, the owner or operator may record that all values were above the minimum level or below the maximum level rather than calculating and recording a daily average (or batch cycle daily average) for that operating day.

(7) Monitoring data recorded during periods identified in paragraphs (d)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section shall not be included in any average computed under this subpart. Records shall be kept of the times and durations of all such periods and any other periods during process or control device or recovery device operation when monitors are not operating.

(i) Monitoring system breakdowns, repairs, calibration checks, and zero (low-level) and high-level adjustments; or

(ii) Periods of non-operation of the affected source (or portion thereof), resulting in cessation of the emissions to which the monitoring applies.

(8) For continuous monitoring systems used to comply with this subpart, records documenting the completion of calibration checks, and records documenting the maintenance of continuous monitoring systems that are specified in the manufacturer's instructions or that are specified in other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment would reasonably be expected to monitor accurately.

(9) The owner or operator of an affected source granted a waiver under § 63.10(f) shall maintain the information, if any, specified by the Administrator as a condition of the waiver of recordkeeping or reporting requirements.

(e) Reporting and notification. In addition to the reports and notifications required by subpart A, as specified in Table 1 of this subpart, the owner or operator of an affected source shall prepare and submit the reports listed in paragraphs (e)(3) through (e)(8) of this section, as applicable. All reports required by this subpart, and the schedule for their submittal, are listed in Table 9 of this subpart.

(1) Owners and operators shall not be in violation of the reporting requirements of this subpart for failing to submit information required to be included in a specified report if the owner or operator meets the requirements in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (e)(1)(iii) of this section. Examples of circumstances where this paragraph may apply include information related to newly-added equipment or emission points, changes in the process, changes in equipment required or utilized for compliance with the requirements of this subpart, or changes in methods or equipment for monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting.

(i) The information was not known in time for inclusion in the report specified by this subpart;

(ii) The owner or operator has been diligent in obtaining the information; and

(iii) The owner or operator submits a report according to the provisions of paragraphs (e)(1)(iii)(A) through (e)(1)(iii)(C) of this section.

(A) If this subpart expressly provides for supplements to the report in which the information is required, the owner or operator shall submit the information as a supplement to that report. The information shall be submitted no later than 60 days after it is obtained, unless otherwise specified in this subpart.

(B) If this subpart does not expressly provide for supplements, but the owner or operator must submit a request for revision of an operating permit pursuant to part 70 or part 71, due to circumstances to which the information pertains, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the request for revision to the operating permit.

(C) In any case not addressed by paragraph (e)(1)(iii)(A) or (e)(1)(iii)(B) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit the information with the first Periodic Report, as required by this subpart, which has a submission deadline at least 60 days after the information is obtained.

(2) All reports required under this subpart shall be sent to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13. If acceptable to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of a source, reports may be submitted on electronic media.

(3) Precompliance Report. Owners or operators of affected sources requesting an extension for compliance; requesting approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping, or alternative controls; requesting approval to use engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, as described in § 63.488(b)(6)(i); wishing to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.505(c) or (d); shall submit a Precompliance Report according to the schedule described in paragraph (e)(3)(i) of this section. The Precompliance Report shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (e)(3)(ii) through (vii) of this section, as appropriate.

(i) Submittal dates. The Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator no later than December 19, 2000. If a Precompliance Report was submitted prior to June 19, 2000 and no changes need to be made to that Precompliance Report, the owner or operator shall re-submit the earlier report or submit notification that the previously submitted report is still valid. Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in the Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed approved. For new affected sources, the Precompliance Report shall be submitted to the Administrator with the application for approval of construction or reconstruction required in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(ix) of this section.

(ii) A request for an extension for compliance, as specified in § 63.481(e), may be submitted in the Precompliance Report. The request for a compliance extension shall include the data outlined in § 63.6(i)(6)(i)(A), (B), and (D), as required in § 63.481(e)(1).

(iii) The alternative monitoring parameter information required in paragraph (f) of this section shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report if, for any emission point, the owner or operator of an affected source seeks to comply through the use of a control technique other than those for which monitoring parameters are specified in this subpart or in subpart G of this part, or seeks to comply by monitoring a different parameter than those specified in this subpart or in subpart G of this part.

(iv) If the affected source seeks to comply using alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping as specified in paragraph (g) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit a request for approval in the Precompliance Report.

(v) The owner or operator shall report the intent to use alternative controls to comply with the provisions of this subpart in the Precompliance Report. The Administrator may deem alternative controls to be equivalent to the controls required by the standard, under the procedures outlined in § 63.6(g).

(vi) If a request for approval to use engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, as described in § 63.488(b)(6)(i)(C) is being made, the information required by § 63.488(b)(6)(iii)(B) shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report.

(vii) If an owner or operator establishes parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.505(c) or (d), the following information shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report:

(A) Identification of which procedures (i.e., § 63.505(c) or (d)) are to be used; and

(B) A description of how the parameter monitoring level is to be established. If the procedures in § 63.505(c) are to be used, a description of how performance test data will be used shall be included.

(viii) [Reserved]

(ix) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(ix)(A), or (e)(3)(ix)(B) of this section. Unless the Administrator objects to a request submitted in a supplement to the Precompliance Report within 45 days after its receipt, the request shall be deemed approved.

(A) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to clarify or modify information previously submitted.

(B) Supplements to the Precompliance Report may be submitted to request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(iii) of this section; to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping, as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(iv) of this section; to use alternative controls, as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(v) of this section; to use engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(vi) of this section; or to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.505(c) or (d), as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(vii) of this section.

(4) Emissions Averaging Plan. For all existing affected sources using emissions averaging, an Emissions Averaging Plan shall be submitted for approval according to the schedule and procedures described in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section. The Emissions Averaging Plan shall contain the information specified in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, unless the information required in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section is submitted with an operating permit application. An owner or operator of an affected source who submits an operating permit application instead of an Emissions Averaging Plan shall submit the information specified in paragraph (e)(8) of this section. In addition, a supplement to the Emissions Averaging Plan, as required under paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this section, is to be submitted whenever additional alternative controls or operating scenarios may be used to comply with this subpart. Updates to the Emissions Averaging Plan shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (e)(4)(iv) of this section.

(i) Submittal and approval. The Emissions Averaging Plan shall be submitted no later than September 19, 2000, and is subject to Administrator approval. If an Emissions Averaging Plan was submitted prior to June 19, 2000 and no changes need to be made to that Emissions Averaging Plan, the owner or operator shall re-submit the earlier plan or submit notification that the previously submitted plan is still valid. The Administrator shall determine within 120 days whether the Emissions Averaging Plan submitted presents sufficient information. The Administrator shall either approve the Emissions Averaging Plan, request changes, or request that the owner or operator submit additional information. Once the Administrator receives sufficient information, the Administrator shall approve, disapprove, or request changes to the plan within 120 days.

(ii) Information required. The Emissions Averaging Plan shall contain the information listed in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii)(A) through (e)(4)(ii)(N) of this section for all emission points included in an emissions average.

(A) The required information shall include the identification of all emission points and process back-end operations in the planned emissions average and, where applicable, notation of whether each storage vessel, continuous front-end process vent, batch front-end process vent, aggregate batch vents stream, and process wastewater stream is a Group 1 or Group 2 emission point, as defined in § 63.482 or as designated under § 63.503(c)(2).

(B) The required information shall include the projected emission debits and credits for each emission point and the sum for the emission points involved in the average calculated according to § 63.503. The projected credits shall be greater than or equal to the projected debits, as required under § 63.503(e)(3).

(C) The required information shall include the specific control technology or pollution prevention measure that will be used for each emission point included in the average and date of application or expected date of application.

(D) The required information shall include the specific identification of each emission point affected by a pollution prevention measure. To be considered a pollution prevention measure, the criteria in § 63.503(j)(1) shall be met. If the same pollution prevention measure reduces or eliminates emissions from multiple emission points in the average, the owner or operator shall identify each of these emission points.

(E) The required information shall include a statement that the compliance demonstration, monitoring, inspection, recordkeeping, and reporting provisions in § 63.503(m), (n), and (o) that are applicable to each emission point in the emissions average will be implemented beginning on or before the date of compliance.

(F) The required information shall include documentation of the data listed in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii)(F)(1) through (e)(4)(ii)(F)(5) of this section for each storage vessel and continuous front-end process vent included in the average.

(1) The required documentation shall include the values of the parameters used to determine whether the emission point is Group 1 or Group 2. Except as specified in paragraph (e)(4)(ii)(F)(6) of this section, where a TRE index value is used for continuous front-end process vent group determination, the estimated or measured values of the parameters used in the TRE equation in § 63.115(d) and the resulting TRE index value shall be submitted.

(2) The required documentation shall include the estimated values of all parameters needed for input to the emission debit and credit calculations in § 63.503(g) and (h). These parameter values shall be specified in the affected source's Emissions Averaging Plan (or operating permit) as enforceable operating conditions. Changes to these parameters shall be reported in an update to the Emissions Averaging Plan, as required by paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(B)(2) of this section.

(3) The required documentation shall include the estimated percent reduction if a control technology achieving a lower percent reduction than the efficiency of the applicable reference control technology or standard is or will be applied to the emission point.

(4) The required documentation shall include the anticipated nominal efficiency if a control technology achieving a greater percent emission reduction than the efficiency of the reference control technology is or will be applied to the emission point. The procedures in § 63.503(i) shall be followed to apply for a nominal efficiency, and the report specified in paragraph (e)(7)(ii) of this section shall be submitted with the Emissions Averaging Plan as specified in paragraph (e)(7)(ii)(A) of this section.

(5) The required documentation shall include the monitoring plan specified in § 63.122(b), to include the information specified in § 63.120(d)(2)(i) and in either § 63.120(d)(2)(ii) or (d)(2)(iii) for each storage vessel controlled with a closed-vent system using a control device other than a flare.

(6) For each affected source as described in § 63.480, beginning no later than the compliance dates specified in § 63.481(n), that last sentence of paragraph (e)(4)(ii)(F)(1) of this section no longer applies.

(G) The information specified in paragraph (f) of this section shall be included in the Emissions Averaging Plan for:

(1) Each continuous front-end process vent subject to § 63.485 controlled by a pollution prevention measure or control technique for which monitoring parameters or inspection procedures are not specified in § 63.114; and

(2) Each storage vessel controlled by pollution prevention or a control technique other than an internal or external floating roof or a closed vent system with a control device.

(H) The required information shall include documentation of the data listed in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii)(H)(1) through (e)(4)(ii)(H)(4) of this section for each process wastewater stream included in the average.

(1) The required documentation shall include the data used to determine whether the wastewater stream is a Group 1 or Group 2 wastewater stream.

(2) The required documentation shall include the estimated values of all parameters needed for input to the wastewater emission credit and debit calculations in § 63.503(g)(5) and (h)(5). These parameter values shall be specified in the affected source's Emissions Averaging Plan (or operating permit) as enforceable operating conditions. Changes to these parameters shall be reported as required by paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(B)(2) of this section.

(3) The required documentation shall include the estimated percent reduction if:

(i) A control technology that achieves an emission reduction less than or equal to the emission reduction that would otherwise have been achieved by a steam stripper designed to the specifications found in § 63.138(g) is or will be applied to the wastewater stream, or

(ii) A control technology achieving less than or equal to 95 percent emission reduction is or will be applied to the vapor stream(s) vented and collected from the treatment processes, or

(iii) A pollution prevention measure is or will be applied.

(4) The required documentation shall include the anticipated nominal efficiency if the owner or operator plans to apply for a nominal efficiency under § 63.503(i). A nominal efficiency shall be applied for if:

(i) A control technology that achieves an emission reduction greater than the emission reduction that would have been achieved by a steam stripper designed to the specifications found in § 63.138(g), is or will be applied to the wastewater stream; or

(ii) A control technology achieving greater than 95 percent emission reduction is or will be applied to the vapor stream(s) vented and collected from the treatment processes.

(I) For each pollution prevention measure, treatment process, or control device used to reduce air emissions of organic HAP from wastewater and for which no monitoring parameters or inspection procedures are specified in § 63.143, the information specified in paragraph (f) of this section (Alternative Monitoring Parameters) shall be included in the Emissions Averaging Plan.

(J) The required information shall include documentation of the data required by estimated values of all parameters needed for input to the emission debit and credit calculations in § 63.503(g) and (h) for each process back-end operation included in an emissions average. These values shall be specified in the affected source's Emissions Averaging Plan (or operating permit) as enforceable operating conditions. Changes to these parameters shall be reported as required by paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(B)(2) of this section.

(K) The required information shall include documentation of the information required by § 63.503(k). The documentation shall demonstrate that the emissions from the emission points proposed to be included in the average will not result in greater hazard or, at the option of the Administrator, greater risk to human health or the environment than if the emission points were not included in an emissions average.

(L) The required information shall include documentation of the data listed in paragraphs (e)(4)(ii)(L)(1) through (e)(4)(ii)(L)(3) of this section for each batch front-end process vent and aggregate batch vent stream included in the average.

(1) The required documentation shall include the values of the parameters used to determine whether the emission point is Group 1 or Group 2.

(2) The required information shall include the estimated values of all parameters needed for input to the emission debit and credit calculations in § 63.503(g) and (h). These parameter values shall be specified in the affected source's Emissions Averaging Plan (or operating permit) as enforceable operating conditions. Changes to these parameters shall be reported as required by paragraph (e)(4)(iv) of this section.

(3) For batch front-end process vents, the required documentation shall include the estimated percent reduction for the batch cycle. For aggregate batch vent streams, the required documentation shall include the estimated percent reduction achieved on a continuous basis.

(M) For each pollution prevention measure or control device used to reduce air emissions of organic HAP from batch front-end process vents or batch vent streams and for which no monitoring parameters or inspection procedures are specified in § 63.489, the information specified in paragraph (f) of this section, Alternative Monitoring Parameters, shall be included in the Emissions Averaging Plan.

(N) The required information shall include documentation of the data required by § 63.503(k). The documentation shall demonstrate that the emissions from the emission points proposed to be included in the emissions average will not result in greater hazard or, at the option of the Administrator, greater risk to human health or the environment than if the emission points were not included in an emissions average.

(iii) Supplement to Emissions Averaging Plan. The owner or operator required to prepare an Emissions Averaging Plan under paragraph (e)(4) of this section shall also prepare a supplement to the Emissions Averaging Plan for any additional alternative controls or operating scenarios that may be used to achieve compliance.

(iv) Updates to Emissions Averaging Plan. The owner or operator of an affected source required to submit an Emissions Averaging Plan under paragraph (e)(4) of this section shall also submit written updates of the Emissions Averaging Plan to the Administrator for approval under the circumstances described in paragraphs (e)(4)(iv)(A) through (e)(4)(iv)(C) of this section unless the relevant information has been included and submitted in an operating permit application or amendment.

(A) The owner or operator who plans to make a change listed in either paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(A)(1) or (e)(4)(iv)(A)(2) of this section shall submit an Emissions Averaging Plan update at least 120 days prior to making the change.

(1) An Emissions Averaging Plan update shall be submitted whenever an owner or operator elects to achieve compliance with the emissions averaging provisions in § 63.503 by using a control technique other than that specified in the Emissions Averaging Plan, or plans to monitor a different parameter or operate a control device in a manner other than that specified in the Emissions Averaging Plan.

(2) An Emissions Averaging Plan update shall be submitted whenever an emission point or an EPPU is added to an existing affected source and is planned to be included in an emissions average, or whenever an emission point not included in the emissions average described in the Emissions Averaging Plan is to be added to an emissions average. The information in paragraph (e)(4) of this section shall be updated to include the additional emission point.

(B) The owner or operator who has made a change as defined in paragraph (e)(4)(iv)(B)(1) or (e)(4)(iv)(B)(2) of this section shall submit an Emissions Averaging Plan update within 90 days after the information regarding the change is known to the affected source. The update may be submitted in the next quarterly periodic report if the change is made after the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due.

(1) An Emissions Averaging Plan update shall be submitted whenever a process change is made such that the group status of any emission point in an emissions average changes.

(2) An Emissions Averaging Plan update shall be submitted whenever a value of a parameter in the emission credit or debit equations in § 63.503(g) or (h) changes such that it is below the minimum or above the maximum established level specified in the Emissions Averaging Plan and causes a decrease in the projected credits or an increase in the projected debits.

(C) The Administrator shall approve or request changes to the Emissions Averaging Plan update within 120 days of receipt of sufficient information regarding the change for emission points included in emissions averages.

(5) Notification of Compliance Status. For existing and new affected sources, a Notification of Compliance Status shall be submitted. For equipment leaks subject to § 63.502, the owner or operator shall submit the information required in § 63.182(c) in the Notification of Compliance Status within 150 days after the first applicable compliance date for equipment leaks in the affected source, and an update shall be provided in the first Periodic Report that is due at least 150 days after each subsequent applicable compliance date for equipment leaks in the affected source. For all other emission points, including heat exchange systems, the Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the information listed in paragraphs (e)(5)(i) through (xiii) of this section, as applicable, and shall be submitted no later than 150 days after the compliance dates specified in this subpart.

(i) The results of any emission point group determinations, process section applicability determinations, performance tests, inspections, any other information used to demonstrate compliance, values of monitored parameters established during performance tests, and any other information required to be included in the Notification of Compliance Status under §§ 63.122 and 63.484 for storage vessels, § 63.117 for continuous front-end process vents, § 63.492 for batch front-end process vents, § 63.499 for back-end process operations, § 63.146 for process wastewater, and § 63.503 for emission points included in an emissions average. In addition, the owner or operator of an affected source shall comply with paragraphs (e)(5)(i)(A) and (B) of this section.

(A) For performance tests, group determinations, and process section applicability determinations that are based on measurements, the Notification of Compliance Status shall include one complete test report, except as specified in paragraph (e)(5)(i)(B) of this section, for each test method used for a particular kind of emission point. For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission point using the same method, the results and any other information, from the test report, that is requested on a case-by-case basis by the Administrator shall be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.

(B) If the performance test results have been submitted electronically via the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) in accordance with paragraph (i) of this section, the unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date that such performance test was conducted may be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status in lieu of the performance test report. The performance test results must be submitted to CEDRI by the date the Notification of Compliance Status is submitted. A complete test report shall include a brief process description, sampling site description, description of sampling and analysis procedures and any modifications to standard procedures, quality assurance procedures, record of operating conditions during the test, record of preparation of standards, record of calibrations, raw data sheets for field sampling, raw data sheets for field and laboratory analyses, documentation of calculations, and any other information required by the test method.

(ii) For each monitored parameter for which a maximum or minimum level is required to be established under § 63.114(e) and § 63.485(k) for continuous front-end process vents, § 63.489 for batch front-end process vents and aggregate batch vent streams, § 63.497 for back-end process operations, § 63.143(f) for process wastewater, § 63.503(m) for emission points in emissions averages, paragraph (e)(8) of this section, or paragraph (f) of this section, the information specified in paragraphs (e)(5)(ii)(A) through (e)(5)(ii)(E) of this section shall be submitted in the Notification of Compliance Status, unless this information has been established and provided in the operating permit application. Further, as described in § 63.484(k), for those storage vessels for which the monitoring plan required by § 63.484(k) specifies compliance with the provisions of § 63.505, the owner or operator shall provide the information specified in paragraphs (e)(5)(ii)(A) through (e)(5)(ii)(D) of this section for each monitoring parameter, unless this information has been established and provided in the operating permit application. For those storage vessels for which the monitoring plan required by § 63.484(k) does not require compliance with the provisions of § 63.505, the owner or operator shall provide the information specified in § 63.120(d)(3) as part of the Notification of Compliance Status, unless this information has been established and provided in the operating permit application.

(A) The required information shall include the specific maximum or minimum level of the monitored parameter(s) for each emission point.

(B) The required information shall include the rationale for the specific maximum or minimum level for each parameter for each emission point, including any data and calculations used to develop the level and a description of why the level indicates proper operation of the control device.

(C) The required information shall include a definition of the affected source's operating day, as specified in paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section, for purposes of determining daily average values of monitored parameters.

(D) For batch front-end process vents, the required information shall include a definition of each batch cycle that requires the control of one or more batch emission episodes during the cycle, as specified in § 63.490(c)(2) and 63.505(b)(3)(iii).

(E) The required information shall include a definition of the affected source's operating month for the purposes of determining monthly average values of residual organic HAP.

(iii) For emission points included in an emissions average, the Notification of Compliance Status shall contain the values of all parameters needed for input to the emission credit and debit equations in § 63.503(g) and (h), calculated or measured according to the procedures in § 63.503(g) and (h), and the resulting calculation of credits and debits for the first quarter of the year. The first quarter begins on the compliance date specified.

(iv) [Reserved]

(v) The determination of applicability for flexible operation units as specified in § 63.480(f).

(vi) The parameter monitoring levels for flexible operation units, and the basis on which these levels were selected, or a demonstration that these levels are appropriate at all times, as specified in § 63.480(f)(7).

(vii) The results for each predominant use determination made under § 63.480(g), for storage vessels assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart.

(viii) The results for each predominant use determination made under § 63.480(h) for recovery operations equipment assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart.

(ix) For owners and operators of Group 2 batch front-end process vents establishing a batch mass input limitation, as specified in § 63.490(f), the affected source's operating year for purposes of determining compliance with the batch mass input limitation.

(x) If any emission point is subject to this subpart and to other standards as specified in § 63.481(k), and if the provisions of § 63.481(k) allow the owner or operator to choose which testing, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping provisions will be followed, then the Notification of Compliance Status shall indicate which rule's requirements will be followed for testing, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping.

(xi) An owner or operator who transfers a Group 1 wastewater stream or residual removed from a Group 1 wastewater stream for treatment pursuant to § 63.132(g) shall include in the Notification of Compliance Status the name and location of the transferee and a description of the Group 1 wastewater stream or residual sent to the treatment facility.

(xii) An owner or operator complying with paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall notify the Administrator of the election to comply with paragraph (h)(1) of this section as part of the Notification of Compliance Status, or as part of the appropriate Periodic Report, as specified in paragraph (e)(6)(ix) of this section.

(xiii) For flares subject to the requirements in § 63.508, owners and operators must also submit the information in this paragraph in a supplement to the Notification of Compliance Status within 150 days after the first applicable compliance date for flare monitoring. The supplement to the Notification of Compliance Status must include flare design (e.g., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or non-assisted); all visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the initial visible emissions demonstration required by § 63.670(h), as applicable; and all periods during the compliance determination when the pilot flame or flare flame is absent.

(6) Periodic Reports. For existing and new affected sources, the owner or operator shall submit Periodic Reports as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(i) through (xiii) of this section. In addition, for equipment leaks subject to § 63.502, the owner or operator shall submit the information specified in § 63.182(d) under the conditions listed in § 63.182(d) as part of the Periodic Report required by this paragraph (e)(6), and for heat exchange systems subject to § 63.502(n), the owner or operator shall submit the information specified in § 63.104(f)(2) as part of the Periodic Report required by this paragraph (e)(6). Section § 63.505 shall govern the use of monitoring data to determine compliance for Group 1 emission points and for Group 1 and Group 2 emission points included in emissions averages with the following exception: As discussed in § 63.484(k), for storage vessels to which the provisions of § 63.505 do not apply, as specified in the monitoring plan required by § 63.120(d)(2), the owner or operator is required to comply with the requirements set out in the monitoring plan, and monitoring records may be used to determine compliance. On and after July 15, 2027 or once the reporting template for this subpart has been available on the CEDRI website for 1 year, whichever date is later, owners and operators must submit all subsequent reports following the procedure specified in § 63.9(k), except any medium submitted through mail must be sent to the attention of the Polymers and Resins Sector Lead. Owners and operators must use the appropriate electronic report template on the CEDRI website ( for this subpart. The date report templates become available will be listed on the CEDRI website. Unless the Administrator or delegated state agency or other authority has approved a different schedule for submission of reports under § 63.9(i) and § 63.10(a), the report must be submitted by the deadline specified in this subpart, regardless of the method in which the report is submitted.

(i) Except as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(xi) and (xii) of this section, a report containing the information in paragraph (e)(6)(ii) of this section or paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (x) and (xiii) of this section, as appropriate, shall be submitted semiannually no later than 60 days after the end of each 6-month period. The first report shall be submitted no later than 240 days after the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due and shall cover the 6-month period beginning on the date the Notification of Compliance Status is due. All periodic reports must contain the company name and address (including county), as well as the beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.

(ii) If none of the compliance exceptions in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (ix) or (xiii) of this section occurred during the 6-month period, the Periodic Report required by paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section shall be a statement that there were no compliance exceptions as described in this paragraph for the 6-month period covered by that report and that none of the activities specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (ix) or (xiii) of this section occurred during the 6-month period covered by that report.

For an owner or operator of an affected source complying with the provisions of §§ 63.484 through 63.501 for any emission point, Periodic Reports shall include:

(A) All information specified in § 63.122(a)(4) for storage vessels, §§ 63.117(a)(3) and 63.118(f) and 63.485(s)(5) for continuous front-end process vents, § 63.492 for batch front-end process vents and aggregate batch vent streams, § 63.499 for back-end process operations, § 63.104(f)(2) for heat exchange systems, and §§ 63.146(c) through 63.146(g) for process wastewater.

(B) The daily average values or batch cycle daily average values of monitored parameters for all excursions, as defined in § 63.505(g) and § 63.505(h). For excursions caused by lack of monitoring data, the start date and time and duration (in hours) of periods when monitoring data were not collected shall be specified.

(C) For each affected source as described in § 63.480, beginning no later than the compliance dates specified in § 63.481(n), for each excursion that is not an excused excursion, the report must include the date of the excursion, a list of the affected sources or equipment, an estimate of the quantity in pounds of each regulated pollutant emitted over any emission limit, a description of the method used to estimate the emissions, the cause of the excursion (including unknown cause, if applicable), as applicable, and the corrective action taken.

(D) The information in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii)(D)(1) through (e)(6)(iii)(D)(5) of this section, as applicable:

(1) Any supplements to the Emissions Averaging Plan, as required in paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this section;

(2) Notification if a process change is made such that the group status of any emission point changes from Group 2 to Group 1. The owner or operator is not required to submit a notification of a process change if that process change caused the group status of an emission point to change from Group 1 to Group 2. However, until the owner or operator notifies the Administrator that the group status of an emission point has changed from Group 1 to Group 2, the owner or operator is required to continue to comply with the Group 1 requirements for that emission point. This notification may be submitted at any time.

(3) Notification if one or more emission points (other than equipment leaks) or one or more EPPU is added to an affected source. The owner or operator shall submit the information contained in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii)(D)(3)(i) through (e)(6)(iii)(D)(3)(ii) of this section.

(i) A description of the addition to the affected source; and

(ii) Notification of the group status of the additional emission point or all emission points in the EPPU.

(4) Notification if a standard operating procedure, as defined in § 63.500(a)(2), is changed and the change has the potential for increasing the concentration of carbon disulfide in the crumb dryer exhaust. This notification shall also include a summary of the test results of the carbon disulfide concentration resulting from the new standard operating procedure. The results of the performance test must be submitted according to paragraph (i) of this section by the date the Periodic Report is submitted.

(5) For process wastewater streams sent for treatment pursuant to § 63.132(g), reports of changes in the identity of the treatment facility or transferee.

(E) The start date, start time, duration in hours, and a brief description for each type of malfunction which occurred during the reporting period and which caused or may have caused any applicable emission limitation to be exceeded. The report must also include a description of actions taken by an owner or operator during a malfunction of an affected source to minimize emissions in accordance with § 63.483(a), including actions taken to correct a malfunction.

(iv) For each batch front-end process vent with a batch mass input limitation, every second Periodic Report shall include the mass of HAP or material input to the batch unit operation during the 12-month period covered by the preceding and current Periodic Reports, and a statement of whether the batch front-end process vent was in or out of compliance with the batch mass input limitation.

(v) Except as specified in paragraph (i) of this section, if any performance tests are reported in a Periodic Report, the following information shall be included:

(A) One complete test report shall be submitted for each test method used for a particular kind of emission point tested. A complete test report shall contain the information specified in paragraph (e)(5)(i)(B) of this section.

(B) For additional tests performed for the same kind of emission point using the same method, results and any other information, pertaining to the performance test, that is requested on a case-by-case basis by the Administrator shall be submitted, but a complete test report is not required.

(vi) Notification of a change in the primary product of an EPPU, in accordance with the provisions in § 63.480(f). This includes a change in primary product from one elastomer product to either another elastomer product or to a non-elastomer product.

(vii) The results for each change made to a predominant use determination made under § 63.480(g) for a storage vessel that is assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart after the change.

(viii) The results for each change made to a predominant use determination made under § 63.480(h) for recovery operations equipment assigned to an affected source subject to this subpart after the change.

(ix) An owner or operator complying with paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall notify the Administrator of the election to comply with paragraph (h)(1) of this section as part of the Periodic Report or as part of the Notification of Compliance Status as specified in paragraph (e)(5)(xi) of this section.

(x) An owner or operator electing not to retain daily average or batch cycle daily average values under paragraph (h)(2) of this section shall notify the Administrator as specified in paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section.

(xi) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit quarterly reports for all emission points included in an emissions average as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(xi)(A) through (C) of this section.

(A) The quarterly reports shall be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of each quarter. The first report shall be submitted with the Notification of Compliance Status no later than 150 days after the compliance date.

(B) The quarterly reports shall include the information specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(xi)(B)(1) through (e)(6)(xi)(B)(7) of this section for all emission points included in an emissions average.

(1) The credits and debits calculated each month during the quarter;

(2) A demonstration that debits calculated for the quarter are not more than 1.30 times the credits calculated for the quarter, as required under § 63.503(e)(4);

(3) The values of any inputs to the debit and credit equations in § 63.503(g) and (h) that change from month to month during the quarter or that have changed since the previous quarter;

(4) Except as specified in paragraph (i) of this section, results of any performance tests conducted during the reporting period including one complete report for each test method used for a particular kind of emission point as described in paragraph (e)(6)(v) of this section. If the performance test was submitted to CEDRI, include the unit(s) tested, the pollutant(s) tested, and the date of the performance test(s) in the quarterly report. The performance test results must be submitted to CEDRI by the date the quarterly report is due;

(5) Reports of daily average values or batch cycle daily averages of monitored parameters for excursions as defined in § 63.505(g) or (h) and the date of the excursion;

(6) For excursions caused by lack of monitoring data, the start date and time and duration in hours of periods when monitoring data were not collected shall be specified; and

(7) Any other information the affected source is required to report under the operating permit or Emissions Averaging Plan for the affected source.

(C) Every fourth quarterly report shall include the following:

(1) A demonstration that annual credits are greater than or equal to annual debits as required by § 63.503(e)(3); and

(2) A certification of compliance with all the emissions averaging provisions in § 63.503.

(xii) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit quarterly reports for particular emission points and process sections not included in an emissions average as specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(xii)(A) through (D) of this section.

(A) The owner or operator of an affected source shall submit quarterly reports for a period of 1 year for an emission point or process section that is not included in an emissions average if:

(1) A control or recovery device for a particular emission point or process section has more excursions, as defined in § 63.505(g) or (h), than the number of excused excursions allowed under § 63.505(i) for a semiannual reporting period; or

(2) The Administrator requests that the owner or operator submit quarterly reports for the emission point or process section.

(B) The quarterly reports shall include all information specified in paragraphs (e)(6)(iii) through (ix) of this section, as applicable to the emission point or process section for which quarterly reporting is required under paragraph (e)(6)(xii)(A) of this section. Information applicable to other emission points within the affected source shall be submitted in the semiannual reports required under paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section.

(C) Quarterly reports shall be submitted no later than 60 days after the end of each quarter.

(D) After quarterly reports have been submitted for an emission point for 1 year without more excursions occurring (during that year) than the number of excused excursions allowed under § 63.505(i), the owner or operator may return to semiannual reporting for the emission point or process section.

(xiii) The information specified in § 63.108(l)(2).

(7) Other reports. Other reports shall be submitted as specified in paragraphs (e)(7)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) For storage vessels, the notifications of inspections required by § 63.484 shall be submitted, as specified in § 63.122(h)(1) and (h)(2).

(ii) For owners or operators of affected sources required to request approval for a nominal control efficiency for use in calculating credits for an emissions average, the information specified in § 63.503(i) shall be submitted, as specified in paragraph (e)(7)(ii)(A) or (e)(7)(ii)(B) of this section, as appropriate.

(A) If use of a nominal control efficiency is part of the initial Emissions Averaging Plan described in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, the information shall be submitted with the Emissions Averaging Plan.

(B) If an owner or operator elects to use a nominal control efficiency after submittal of the initial Emissions Averaging Plan as described in paragraph (e)(4)(ii) of this section, the information shall be submitted at the discretion of the owner or operator.

(iii) For back-end process operations using a control or recovery device to comply with §§ 63.493 through 63.500, the compliance redetermination report required by § 63.499(d) shall be submitted within 180 days after the process change.

(iv) When the conditions of §§ 63.480(f)(3)(iii), (f)(9), or 63.480(f)(10)(iii) are met, reports of changes to the primary product for an EPPU or process unit, as required by §§ 63.480(f)(3)(iii), 63.480(f)(9), or 63.480(f)(10)(iii)(C), respectively, shall be submitted.

(v) Owners or operators of EPPU or emission points (other than equipment leak components subject to § 63.502) that are subject to § 63.480(i)(1) or (i)(2) shall submit a report as specified in paragraphs (e)(7)(v)(A) and (B) of this section.

(A) Reports shall include:

(1) A description of the process change or addition, as appropriate;

(2) The planned start-up date and the appropriate compliance date, according to § 63.480(i)(1) or (2);

(3) Identification of the group status of emission points (except equipment leak components subject to the requirements in § 63.502) specified in paragraphs (e)(7)(v)(A)(3)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable.

(i) All the emission points in the added EPPU, as described in § 63.480(i)(1).

(ii) All the emission points in an affected source designated as a new affected source under § 63.480(i)(2)(i).

(iii) All the added or created emission points as described in § 63.480(i)(2)(ii) or (i)(2)(iii).

(4) If the owner or operator wishes to request approval to use alternative monitoring parameters, alternative continuous monitoring or recordkeeping, alternative controls, engineering assessment to estimate emissions from a batch emissions episode, or wishes to establish parameter monitoring levels according to the procedures contained in § 63.505(c) or (d), a Precompliance Report shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph (e)(7)(v)(B) of this section.

(B) Reports shall be submitted as specified in paragraphs (e)(7)(v)(B)(1) through (e)(7)(v)(B)(3) of this section, as appropriate.

(1) Owners or operators of an added EPPU subject to § 63.480(i)(1) shall submit a report no later than 180 days prior to the compliance date for the EPPU.

(2) Owners or operators of an affected source designated as a new affected source under § 63.480(i)(2)(i) shall submit a report no later than 180 days prior to the compliance date for the affected source.

(3) Owners and operators of any emission point (other than equipment leak components subject to § 63.502) subject to § 63.480(i)(2)(ii) or (i)(2)(iii) shall submit a report no later than 180 days prior to the compliance date for those emission points.

(vi) For fenceline monitoring systems subject to § 63.184, each owner or operator must submit the Fenceline Monitoring Reports required by § 63.182(e) on a quarterly basis following the procedures specified in § 63.182(e).

(8) Operating permit application. An owner or operator who submits an operating permit application instead of an Emissions Averaging Plan or a Precompliance Report shall include the following information with the operating permit application:

(i) The information specified in paragraph (e)(4) of this section for points included in an emissions average; and

(ii) The information specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, Precompliance Report, as applicable.

(f) Alternative monitoring parameters. The owner or operator of an affected source who has been directed by any section of this subpart, or any section of another subpart referenced by this subpart, that expressly references this paragraph (f) or § 63.151(f) to set unique monitoring parameters, or who requests approval to monitor a different parameter than those listed in § 63.484 for storage vessels, § 63.114 for continuous front-end process vents, § 63.489 for batch front-end process vents and aggregate batch vent streams, § 63.497 for back-end process operations, or § 63.143 for process wastewater shall submit the information specified in paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(3) of this section in the Precompliance Report, as required by paragraph (e)(3) of this section. The owner or operator shall retain for a period of 5 years each record required by paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(3) of this section.

(1) The required information shall include a description of the parameter(s) to be monitored to ensure the recovery device, control device, or pollution prevention measure is operated in conformance with its design and achieves the specified emission limit, percent reduction, or nominal efficiency, and an explanation of the criteria used to select the parameter(s).

(2) The required information shall include a description of the methods and procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper operation, the schedule for this demonstration, and a statement that the owner or operator will establish a level for the monitored parameter as part of the Notification of Compliance Status report required in paragraph (e)(5) of this section, unless this information has already been included in the operating permit application.

(3) The required information shall include a description of the proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting system, to include the frequency and content of monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting. Further, the rationale for the proposed monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting system shall be included if either condition in paragraph (f)(3)(i) or (f)(3)(ii) of this section is met:

(i) If monitoring and recordkeeping is not continuous, or

(ii) If reports of daily average values will not be included in Periodic Reports when the monitored parameter value is above the maximum level or below the minimum level as established in the operating permit or the Notification of Compliance Status.

(g) Alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping. An owner or operator choosing not to implement the continuous parameter operating and recordkeeping provisions listed in § 63.485 for continuous front-end process vents, § 63.486 for batch front-end process vents and aggregate batch vent streams, § 63.493 for back-end process operations, and § 63.501 for process wastewater, may instead request approval to use alternative continuous monitoring and recordkeeping provisions according to the procedures specified in paragraphs (g)(1) through (g)(4) of this section. Requests shall be submitted in the Precompliance Report as specified in paragraph (e)(3)(iv) of this section, if not already included in the operating permit application, and shall contain the information specified in paragraphs (g)(2)(ii) and (g)(3)(ii) of this section, as applicable.

(1) The provisions in § 63.8(f)(5)(i) shall govern the review and approval of requests.

(2) An owner or operator of an affected source that does not have an automated monitoring and recording system capable of measuring parameter values at least once every 15 minutes and that does not generate continuous records may request approval to use a nonautomated system with less frequent monitoring, in accordance with paragraphs (g)(2)(i) and (g)(2)(ii) of this section.

(i) The requested system shall include manual reading and recording of the value of the relevant operating parameter no less frequently than once per hour. Daily average or batch cycle daily average values shall be calculated from these hourly values and recorded.

(ii) The request shall contain:

(A) A description of the planned monitoring and recordkeeping system;

(B) Documentation that the affected source does not have an automated monitoring and recording system;

(C) Justification for requesting an alternative monitoring and recordkeeping system; and

(D) Demonstration to the Administrator's satisfaction that the proposed monitoring frequency is sufficient to represent control or recovery device operating conditions, considering typical variability of the specific process and control or recovery device operating parameter being monitored.

(3) An owner or operator may request approval to use an automated data compression recording system that does not record monitored operating parameter values at a set frequency, but that records all values that meet set criteria for variation from previously recorded values, in accordance with paragraphs (g)(3)(i) and (g)(3)(ii) of this section.

(i) The requested system shall be designed to:

(A) Measure the operating parameter value at least once during every 15 minute period;

(B) Except for the monitoring of batch front-end process vents, record at least four values each hour during periods of operation;

(C) Record the date and time when monitors are turned off or on;

(D) Recognize unchanging data that may indicate the monitor is not functioning properly, alert the operator, and record the incident;

(E) Calculate daily average or batch cycle daily average values of the monitored operating parameter based on all measured data; and

(F) If the daily average is not an excursion, as defined in § 63.505 (g) or (h), the data for that operating day may be converted to hourly average values and the four or more individual records for each hour in the operating day may be discarded.

(ii) The request shall contain:

(A) A description of the monitoring system and data compression recording system, including the criteria used to determine which monitored values are recorded and retained;

(B) The method for calculating daily averages and batch cycle daily averages; and

(C) A demonstration that the system meets all criteria in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this section.

(4) An owner or operator may request approval to use other alternative monitoring systems according to the procedures specified in § 63.8(f)(4).

(h) Reduced recordkeeping program. For any parameter with respect to any item of equipment, the owner or operator may implement the recordkeeping requirements in paragraph (h)(1) or (h)(2) of this section as alternatives to the continuous operating parameter monitoring and recordkeeping provisions that would otherwise apply under this subpart. The owner or operator shall retain for a period of 5 years each record required by paragraph (h)(1) or (h)(2) of this section, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(D) of this section.

(1) The owner or operator may retain only the daily average or the batch cycle daily average value, and is not required to retain more frequent monitored operating parameter values, for a monitored parameter with respect to an item of equipment, if the requirements of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (h)(1)(vi) of this section are met. An owner or operator electing to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section shall notify the Administrator in the Notification of Compliance Status as specified in paragraph (e)(5)(xii) of this section, or, if the Notification of Compliance Status has already been submitted, in the Periodic Report immediately preceding implementation of the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section, as specified in paragraph (e)(6)(ix) of this section.

(i) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unrealistic or impossible data during periods of normal operation (e.g., a temperature reading of −200 °C on a boiler), and will alert the operator by alarm or other means. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All instances of the alarm or other alert in an operating day constitute a single occurrence.

(ii) The monitoring system generates, updated at least hourly throughout each operating day, a running average of the monitoring values that have been obtained during that operating day, and the capability to observe this running average is readily available to the Administrator on-site during the operating day. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence of any period meeting the criteria in paragraphs (h)(1)(ii)(A) through (h)(1)(ii)(C) of this section. All instances in an operating day constitute a single occurrence.

(A) The running average is above the maximum or below the minimum established limits;

(B) The running average is based on at least six one-hour average values; and

(C) The running average reflects a period of normal operation.

(iii) The monitoring system is capable of detecting unchanging data during periods of normal operation, except in circumstances where the presence of unchanging data is the expected operating condition based on past experience (e.g., pH in some scrubbers), and will alert the operator by alarm or other means. The owner or operator shall record the occurrence. All instances of the alarm or other alert in an operating day constitute a single occurrence.

(iv) The monitoring system will alert the owner or operator by an alarm or other means, if the running average parameter value calculated under paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section reaches a set point that is appropriately related to the established limit for the parameter that is being monitored.

(v) The owner or operator shall verify the proper functioning of the monitoring system, including its ability to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section, at the times specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(v)(A) through (h)(1)(v)(C) of this section. The owner or operator shall document that the required verifications occurred.

(A) Upon initial installation.

(B) Annually after initial installation.

(C) After any change to the programming or equipment constituting the monitoring system, which might reasonably be expected to alter the monitoring system's ability to comply with the requirements of this section.

(vi) The owner or operator shall retain the records identified in paragraphs (h)(1)(vi)(A) through (h)(1)(vi)(D) of this section.

(A) Identification of each parameter, for each item of equipment, for which the owner or operator has elected to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h) of this section.

(B) A description of the applicable monitoring system(s), and how compliance will be achieved with each requirement of paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (h)(1)(v) of this section. The description shall identify the location and format (e.g., on-line storage, log entries) for each required record. If the description changes, the owner or operator shall retain both the current and the most recent superseded description. The description, and the most recent superseded description, shall be retained as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(D) of this section.

(C) A description, and the date, of any change to the monitoring system that would reasonably be expected to impair its ability to comply with the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section.

(D) Owners and operators subject to paragraph (h)(1)(vi)(B) of this section shall retain the current description of the monitoring system as long as the description is current. The current description shall, at all times, be retained on-site or be accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request. The owner or operator shall retain all superseded descriptions for at least 5 years after the date of their creation. Superseded descriptions shall be retained on-site (or accessible from a central location by computer or other means that provides access within 2 hours after a request) for at least 6 months after their creation. Thereafter, superseded descriptions may be stored off-site.

(2) If an owner or operator has elected to implement the requirements of paragraph (h)(1) of this section for a monitored parameter with respect to an item of equipment and a period of 6 consecutive months has passed without an excursion as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator is no longer required to record the daily average or batch cycle daily average value, for any operating day when the daily average or batch cycle daily average value is less than the maximum, or greater than the minimum established limit. With approval by the Administrator, monitoring data generated prior to the compliance date of this subpart shall be credited toward the period of 6 consecutive months, if the parameter limit and the monitoring accomplished during the period prior to the compliance date was required and/or approved by the Administrator.

(i) If the owner or operator elects not to retain the daily average or batch cycle daily average values, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator in the next Periodic Report as specified in paragraph (e)(6)(x) of this section. The notification shall identify the parameter and unit of equipment.

(ii) If, on any operating day after the owner or operator has ceased recording daily average or batch cycle daily average values as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, there is an excursion as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section, the owner or operator shall immediately resume retaining the daily average or batch cycle daily average value for each operating day and shall notify the Administrator in the next Periodic Report. The owner or operator shall continue to retain each daily average or batch cycle daily average value until another period of 6 consecutive months has passed without an excursion as defined in paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.

(iii) The owner or operator shall retain the records specified in paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, for the duration specified in paragraph (h) of this section. For any calendar week, if compliance with paragraphs (h)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section does not result in retention of a record of at least one occurrence or measured parameter value, the owner or operator shall record and retain at least one parameter value during a period of normal operation.

(iv) For the purposes of paragraph (h) of this section, an excursion means that the daily average or batch cycle daily average value of monitoring data for a parameter is greater than the maximum, or less than the minimum established value, except as provided in paragraphs (h)(2)(iv)(A) and (h)(2)(iv)(B) of this section.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) An excused excursion, as described in § 63.505(i), shall not be considered an excursion for the purposes of paragraph (h)(2) of this section.

(i)(1) Except as specified in paragraph (i)(3) of this section, as of January 1, 2012, and within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test, as defined in § 63.2 and as required in this subpart, you must submit performance test data, except opacity data, electronically to EPA's Central Data Exchange by using the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) (see or other compatible electronic spreadsheet. Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically into EPA's WebFIRE database. Except as specified in paragraph (i)(3) of this section, as of January 1, 2012, and within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test, as defined in § 63.2 and as required in this subpart, you must submit performance test data, except opacity data, electronically to EPA's Central Data Exchange by using the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) (see or other compatible electronic spreadsheet. Only data collected using test methods compatible with ERT are subject to this requirement to be submitted electronically into EPA's WebFIRE database.

(2) All reports required by this subpart not subject to the requirements in paragraphs (i)(1) of this section must be sent to the Administrator at the appropriate address listed in § 63.13. If acceptable to both the Administrator and the owner or operator of a source, these reports may be submitted on electronic media. The Administrator retains the right to require submittal of reports subject to paragraph (i)(1) of this section in paper format.

(3) Beginning no later than July 15, 2024, owners and operators must submit performance test reports in accordance with this paragraph. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, within 60 days after the date of completing each performance test required by this subpart, owners and operators must submit the results of the performance test following the procedures specified in § 63.9(k). Data collected using test methods supported by the EPA's Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) as listed on the EPA's ERT website ( at the time of the test must be submitted in a file format generated through the use of the EPA's ERT. Alternatively, owners and operators may submit an electronic file consistent with the extensible markup language (XML) schema listed on the EPA's ERT website. Data collected using test methods that are not supported by the EPA's ERT as listed on the EPA's ERT website at the time of the test must be included as an attachment in the ERT or alternate electronic file.

[62 FR 46925, Sept. 5, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 11547, Mar. 9, 1999; 65 FR 38076, June 19, 2000; 66 FR 36928, July 16, 2001; 71 FR 20457, Apr. 20, 2006; 76 FR 22593, Apr. 21, 2011; 89 FR 43257, May 16, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401
source: 57 FR 61992, Dec. 29, 1992, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 63.506