You must report GHG emissions under this subpart if your facility contains an electrical equipment manufacturing or refurbishing process and the facility meets the requirements of § 98.2(a)(2). To calculate total annual GHG emissions for comparison to the 25,000 metric ton CO2e per year emission threshold in § 98.2(a)(2), follow the requirements of § 98.2(b), with one exception. Instead of following the requirement of § 98.453 to calculate emissions from electrical equipment manufacture or refurbishment, you must calculate emissions of each fluorinated GHG that is a component of a reportable insulating gas and then sum the emissions of each fluorinated GHG resulting from manufacturing and refurbishing electrical equipment using equation SS-1 to this section.
E = Annual production process emissions for threshold applicability purposes (metric tons CO2e).
Pj = Total annual purchases of reportable insulating gas j (lbs).
GHGi,w = The weight fraction of fluorinated GHG i in reportable insulating gas j if reportable insulating gas j is a gas mixture. If not a mixture, use 1.
GWPi = Gas-appropriate GWP as provided in table A-1 to subpart A of this part.
EF = Emission factor for electrical transmission and distribution equipment (lbs emitted/lbs purchased). For all gases, use an emission factor of 0.1.
i = Fluorinated GHG contained in the electrical transmission and distribution equipment.
0.000453592 = Conversion factor from lbs to metric tons.