Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 30, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 08, 2025
§ 99.20 - How will the waste emissions threshold for each WEC applicable facility be determined?

The methane waste emissions threshold for each applicable industry segment within a WEC applicable facility for the reporting year will be calculated as described in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section, as applicable. The methane waste emissions threshold for each WEC applicable facility will be determined as described in paragraph (e) of this section.

(a) For each offshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment or onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that sends natural gas to sale at a WEC applicable facility, the facility waste emissions threshold will be calculated using equation B-1 of this section.

Where: THis,Prod = The methane waste emissions threshold for the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility for the reporting year in the production sector that has natural gas sent to sale, metric tons (mt) CH4. 0.002 = Industry segment-specific methane intensity threshold, as specified in CAA section 136(f), for methane emissions for applicable facilities with natural gas sales in the production sector, thousand standard cubic feet (Mscf) CH4 per Mscf of natural gas sent to sale. ρCH4 = Density of methane = 0.0192 kilograms per standard cubic foot (kg/scf) = 0.0192 metric tons per thousand standard cubic feet (mt/Mscf). Qng,Prod = The total quantity of natural gas that is sent to sale from the WEC applicable facility in the reporting year, as reported pursuant to part 98, subpart W of this chapter. For onshore petroleum and natural gas production, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(1)(i)(B) of this chapter, in Mscf. For offshore petroleum and natural gas production, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(2)(i) of this chapter, in Mscf.

(b) For each offshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment or onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that has no natural gas sent to sale at a WEC applicable facility, the facility waste emissions threshold will be calculated using equation B-2 of this section.

Where: THis,Prod = The annual methane waste emissions threshold for the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility in the production sector that has no natural gas sent to sale, mt CH4. 10 = Industry segment-specific methane intensity threshold, as specified in CAA section 136(f), for applicable facilities with no natural gas sales in the production sector, mt CH4 per million barrels oil sent to sale. Qo,Prod = The total quantity of crude oil that is sent to sale from the WEC applicable facility in the reporting year, as reported pursuant to part 98, subpart W of this chapter. For onshore petroleum and natural gas production, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(1)(i)(C) of this chapter, in barrels. For offshore petroleum and natural gas production, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(2)(ii) of this chapter, in barrels. 10−6 = Conversion from barrels to million barrels.

(c) For each onshore natural gas processing industry segment, liquefied natural gas storage industry segment, the liquefied natural gas import and export equipment industry segment, or the onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting industry segment at a WEC applicable facility, the facility waste emissions threshold will be calculated using equation B-3 of this section.

Where: THis,NonProd = The annual methane waste emissions threshold for the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility in the nonproduction sector, mt CH4. 0.0005 = Industry segment-specific methane intensity threshold, as specified in CAA section 136(f), for applicable facilities in the nonproduction sector, Mscf CH4 per Mscf of natural gas sent to sale from or through the facility. ρCH4 = Density of methane = 0.0192 kg/scf = 0.0192 mt/Mscf. Qng,NonProd = The total quantity of natural gas that is sent to sale from or through the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility in the reporting year as reported pursuant to part 98, subpart W of this chapter. For RY 2024 for onshore natural gas processing, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(3)(ii) of this chapter, in Mscf and for RY 2025 and later, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(3)(ix) of this chapter, in Mscf. For LNG import and export, you must use the sum of the quantities reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(6) and (7) of this chapter, in Mscf. For LNG storage, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(8)(ii) of this chapter, in Mscf. For onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(10)(ii) of this chapter, in Mscf.

(d) For each onshore natural gas transmission compression industry segment, underground natural gas storage industry segment, or onshore natural gas transmission pipeline industry segment at a WEC applicable facility, the facility waste emissions threshold will be calculated using equation B-4 of this section.

Where: THis,Tran = The annual methane waste emissions threshold for the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility in the transmission sector, mt CH4. 0.0011 = Industry segment-specific methane intensity threshold, as specified in CAA section 136(f), for applicable facilities in the transmission sector, Mscf CH4 per Mscf of natural gas sent to sale from or through the facility. ρCH4 = Density of methane = 0.0192 kg/scf = 0.0192 mt/Mscf. Qng,Tran = The total quantity of natural gas that is sent to sale from or through the industry segment at a WEC applicable facility in the reporting year as reported pursuant to part 98, subpart W of this chapter. For onshore natural gas transmission compression, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(4)(i) of this chapter, in Mscf. For underground natural gas storage, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(5)(ii) of this chapter, in Mscf. For onshore natural gas transmission pipeline, you must use the quantity reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(11)(iv) of this chapter, in Mscf.

(e) For each WEC applicable facility that operates in a single industry segment, the methane waste emissions threshold shall be equal to the value calculated in equation B-1, equation B-2, equation B-3, or equation B-4 of this section, as applicable. For each WEC applicable facility that operates in two or more industry segments, the facility waste emissions threshold will be calculated using equation B-5 of this section.

Where: THWAF = The WEC applicable facility waste emissions threshold, mt CH4. THis,s = The industry segment waste emissions threshold, as calculated in equation B-3 or equation B-4 of this section, for each industry segment “s” at the WEC applicable facility, mt CH4. N = Number of industry segments at the WEC applicable facility.
source: 89 FR 91165, Nov. 18, 2024, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 99.20