(a) For a WEC applicable facility meeting all criteria in § 99.30(a) through (e), you may elect to report information regarding an exemption for unreasonable delay in permitting of gathering or transmission infrastructure for a given reporting year. The unreasonable delay exemption information to be reported is described in paragraph (b) of this section. The unreasonable delay exemption information shall be submitted as described in § 99.7.
(b) For each unreasonable delay exemption, the WEC obligated party must report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (13) of this section.
(1) The company name and name of the facility that submitted the environmental permit application to construct and/or operate gathering or transmission infrastructure.
(2) For reporting year 2025 and later, for a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, as that industry segment term is defined in § 98.230 of this chapter, the well-pad ID, as reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(1)(iii)(B) of this chapter, of each well-pad impacted by the unreasonable delay in environmental permitting of gathering or transmission infrastructure.
(3) The date the environmental permit application request experiencing an unreasonable delay to build gathering or transmission infrastructure was submitted to the permitting authority and the date the permitting authority determined the application to be technically complete.
(4) A certification that the WEC obligated party seeking to exempt a portion of its facility applicable emissions from a WEC applicable facility has not contributed to the unreasonable delay, has been responsive to the relevant permitting authority regarding the environmental permit application and is not a plaintiff in litigation related to the environmental permit application. For purposes of this paragraph, responsive shall be interpreted to mean that the entity has responded to all requests from the permitting authority within the time frame requested or agreed to by the relevant authority or within thirty (30) days if no timeframe is specified.
(5) A listing of methane emissions mitigation activities that are impacted by the unreasonable permitting delay.
(6) The estimated date to commence operation of the gathering or transmission infrastructure if the application had been approved within thirty-six (36) months.
(7) If the application has been approved and operations commenced during the reporting year, the first date that offtake to the gathering or transmission infrastructure from the implementation of methane emissions mitigation occurred.
(8) The beginning and ending date for which the eligible delay limited the offtake of increased volume associated with methane emissions mitigation activities for the reporting year as determined according to § 99.32(a).
(9) The increased volumes of gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation as determined according to § 99.32(b), in thousand standard cubic feet. For reporting year 2024, report these values for the WEC applicable facility. For reporting year 2025 and later, if the WEC applicable facility is in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, report these values for each well-pad site reported in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Report the increased volumes associated with each of the following:
(i) Onsite fuel source.
(ii) Another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source.
(iii) Reinjection into a well.
(iv) Flaring.
(10) The quantity of methane emissions to be exempted due to the unreasonable delay for the reporting year calculated as specified in § 99.32.
(i) For a WEC applicable facility in the offshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, report the following for the WEC applicable facility:
(A) The result of equation C-1 of § 99.32(c)(1), in metric tons CH4.
(B) The quantity of methane emissions from another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, (EUse,CH4), in metric tons CH4.
(C) The quantity of methane emissions from reinjection of recovered gas (EReinject,CH4), in metric tons CH4.
(D) The quantity of methane emissions from flaring (EFlare,CH4), in metric tons CH4.
(E) The total quantity of natural gas that was flared at the WEC applicable facility in the reporting year, in thousand scf.
(ii) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, for reporting year 2024 report the following for the WEC applicable facility:
(A) The result of equation C-2 of § 99.32(c)(2), in metric tons CH4.
(B) The quantity of methane emissions from use as an onsite fuel source of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EFuel,CH4), as calculated in equation C-5 to § 99.32(c)(5), in metric tons CH4.
(C) The quantity of methane emissions from another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, (EUse,CH4), as calculated in equation C-6 to § 99.32(c)(6), in metric tons CH4.
(D) The quantity of methane emissions from reinjection of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EReinject,CH4), as calculated in equation C-7 to § 99.32(c)(7), in metric tons CH4.
(E) The quantity of methane emissions from flaring of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EFlare,CH4), as calculated in equation C-8B to § 99.32(c)(8), in metric tons CH4.
(iii) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment, for reporting year 2025 and later, report the following for each well-pad site reported in paragraph (b)(2) of this section:
(A) The result of equation C-4 of § 99.32(c)(4), in metric tons CH4.
(B) The quantity of methane emissions from use as an onsite fuel source of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EFuel,CH4), as calculated in equation C-5 to § 99.32(c)(5), in metric tons CH4.
(C) The quantity of methane emissions from another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, (EUse,CH4), as calculated in equation C-6 to § 99.32(c)(6), in metric tons CH4.
(D) The quantity of methane emissions from reinjection of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EReinject,CH4), as calculated in equation C-7 to § 99.32(c)(7), in metric tons CH4.
(E) The quantity of methane emissions from flaring of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EFlare,CH4), as calculated in equation C-8B to § 99.32(c)(8), in metric tons CH4.
(iv) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that reported emissions from use as an onsite fuel source of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (EFuel,CH4), report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(iv)(A) and (B) of this section, as applicable. For reporting year 2024, report each value for the WEC applicable facility. For reporting year 2025 and later, report the value for each well-pad site.
(A) The quantity of methane emissions from combustion of increased volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation in stationary or portable fuel combustion equipment as calculated using the methods in § 98.233(z) of this chapter (ECombEq,CH4), in metric tons CH4.
(B) The total volume of natural gas combusted in reciprocating internal combustion engines with crankcase vents during the reporting year (VRICE), in thousand scf.
(v) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that reported emissions from reinjection into a well (EReinject,CH4), report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(v)(A) and (B) of this section, as applicable. For reporting year 2024, report each value for the WEC applicable facility. For reporting year 2025 and later, report the value for each well-pad site.
(A) A list including each centrifugal compressor unique name or ID as submitted in the part 98 report for the WEC applicable facility that was used in the reinjection into wells of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (i.e., that was included in CountCent,Reinject of equation C-7 of this part). For reporting year 2024, use the values reported to § 98.236(o)(1)(i) of this chapter. For reporting year 2025 and later, use the values reported to § 98.236(o)(1)(ii) of this chapter.
(B) A list of each reciprocating compressor unique name or ID as submitted to in the part 98 report for the WEC applicable facility that was used in the reinjection into wells of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation (i.e., that was included in CountRecip,Reinject of equation C-7 of this part). For reporting year 2024, use the values reported to § 98.236(p)(1)(i) of this chapter. For reporting year 2025 and later, use the values reported to § 98.236(p)(1)(ii) of this chapter.
(vi) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that reported emissions from flaring (EFlare,CH4), report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(vi)(A) and (B) of this section for all reporting years. For reporting year 2025 and later, report the information specified in paragraph (b)(10)(vi)(C) of this section. For reporting year 2024, report the information specified in paragraph (b)(10)(vi)(A) for the WEC applicable facility. For reporting year 2025 and later, report the information specified in paragraph (b)(10)(vi)(A) for each well-pad site.
(A) The unique name or ID as reported pursuant to § 98.236(n)(1) of this chapter for each flare stack that flared gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation.
(B) For each flare stack reported to paragraph (b)(10)(vi)(A) of this section, report the volume of natural gas resulting from methane emissions mitigation implementation that was flared at that flare as determined according to § 99.32(b)(4), in thousand scf.
(C) For each flare stack reported to paragraph (b)(10)(vi)(A) of this section, indicate if flow for each stream to the flare was measured or determined in accordance with § 98.233(n)(3)(ii) of this chapter and that stream or combination of streams contained only flow resulting from the environmental permit delay. If so, report the unique ID as reported pursuant to § 98.236(n)(3) of this chapter for each stream that contained only flow resulting from the environmental permit delay.
(vii) For a WEC applicable facility in the onshore petroleum and natural gas production industry segment that reported emissions from another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, (EUse,CH4) and/or emissions from reinjection into a well (EReinject,CH4) and quantified the equipment leaks associated with either/both use(s), report the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(vii)(A) through (F) of this section, as applicable. For reporting year 2024, report this information for the WEC applicable facility. For reporting year 2025 and later, report this information for each well-pad site. Report separately the information specified in paragraphs (b)(10)(vii)(A) through (F) of this section, as applicable, related to another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, and related to reinjection into a well.
(A) Indicate the method used to calculate equipment leak emissions (i.e., § 99.32(c)(9)(i), (ii), or (iii)).
(B) If the method in § 99.32(c)(9)(i) is used to calculate equipment leak emissions, you must report the following information for each leak: the leak detection survey method used, component type as reported in § 98.236(q) of this chapter, the volumetric flow rate of the natural gas leak in standard cubic feet per hour and the duration of the measured leak as determined in accordance with § 99.32(c)(9)(i), in hours. The measured leak rate, the component type and duration of measured leaks must only include those components associated with another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, or associated with reinjection into a well.
(C) If the method in § 99.32(c)(9)(ii) is used to calculate equipment leak emissions, you must report the following information for each component identified as leaking: the leak detection survey method used, the component type as specified in § 98.233(q)(2)(iii) of this chapter and the time the surveyed component is assumed to be leaking and operational, in hours. The component type and time the surveyed components are assumed to be leaking and operational must only include those components associated with another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, or associated with reinjection into a well.
(D) If the method in § 99.32(c)(9)(iii) is used to calculate equipment leak emissions, you must report the counts of each component type listed in § 98.233(r)(2) of this chapter that are associated with a useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, or associated with reinjection into a well.
(E) The mole fraction of CH4 in produced gas for the sub-basin in which the useful purpose or reinjection occurred, as reported pursuant to § 98.236(aa)(1)(ii)(I) of this chapter, unitless. For RY2024, if multiple sub-basins were impacted by the unreasonable delay, report the value of the flow-weighted average mole fraction for the sub-basins in which the useful purpose or reinjection occurred.
(F) The equipment leak emissions qualifying for exemption from another useful purpose that an otherwise purchased fuel or raw material would have served, excluding use as an onsite fuel source, or reinjection into a well as calculated in accordance with paragraphs § 99.32(c)(9)(i), (ii), or (iii), metric tons CH4.
(11) A certification of the facility's compliance with all applicable local, State, and Federal regulations regarding emissions from the activities listed in § 99.30(d) that occurred as a result of a delay in environmental permitting of gathering or transmission infrastructure.
(12) For each environmental permit relevant to the exemption, the name/type of permit, permitting agency, contact information at the permitting agency, and a link to information on the permit (e.g., available through the permitting agency), if available.
(13) Upon request, any other documentation deemed necessary by the Administrator to verify eligibility under this section.