Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 2462.1 - Publication of notice of, and public hearings on, proposed classification.

The authorized officer shall publish a notice of his proposed classification in the Federal Register and an announcement in a newspaper having general circulation in the area or areas in the vicinity of the affected land. The notice shall include the legal description of the affected land, the law or laws under which the lands would be disposed of together with such other information as the authorized officer deems pertinent. Copies of the notice will be sent to the head of the governing body of the political subdivision of the State, if any, having jurisdiction over zoning in the geographic area within which the affected lands are located, the governor of that State and the BLM multiple use advisory board in that State, the land-use planning officer and land-use planning committees, if any, of the county, in which the affected lands are located, the authorized user or users of the lands or their selected representatives, all petitioner-applicants involved, and any other party the authorized officer determines to have an interest in the proper use of the lands. The authorized officer will hold a public hearing on the proposal if (a) the proposed classification will affect more than 25,000 acres or (b) he determines that sufficient public interest exists to warrant the time and expense of a hearing.

cite as: 43 CFR 2462.1