Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 273.5 - On-time performance and train delays.

(a) Customer on-time performance—(1) Metric. The customer on-time performance metric is the percentage of all customers on an intercity passenger rail train who arrive at their detraining point no later than 15 minutes after their published scheduled arrival time, reported by train and by route.

(2) Standard. The customer on-time performance minimum standard is 80 percent for any 2 consecutive calendar quarters.

(3) Application. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, the customer on-time performance standard shall apply to a train beginning on the first full calendar quarter after May 17, 2021.

(ii) If a train schedule is a disputed schedule on or before May 17, 2021, then the customer on-time performance standard for the disputed schedule shall apply beginning on the second full calendar quarter after May 17, 2021.

(b) Ridership data. The ridership data metric is the number of host railroads to whom Amtrak has provided ridership data consistent with this paragraph (b), reported by host railroad and by month. Not later than December 16, 2020, Amtrak must provide host railroad-specific ridership data to each host railroad for the preceding 24 months. On the 15th day of every month following December 16, 2020, Amtrak must provide host railroad-specific ridership data to each host railroad for the preceding month.

(c) Certified schedule—(1) Metric. The certified schedule metric is the number of certified schedules, uncertified schedules, and disputed schedules, reported by train, by route, and by host railroad (excluding switching and terminal railroads), identified in a notice to the Federal Railroad Administrator by Amtrak:

(i) On December 16, 2020;

(ii) On January 19, 2021;

(iii) On February 16, 2021;

(iv) On March 16, 2021;

(v) On April 16, 2021;

(vi) On May 17, 2021;

(vii) On November 16, 2021; and

(viii) Every 12 months after November 16, 2021.

(2) Reporting. If a train schedule is reported as a an uncertified schedule under paragraph (c)(1)(vi), (vii), or (viii) of this section, then Amtrak and the host railroad must transmit a joint letter and status report on the first of each month following the report, signed by their respective chief executive officers to each U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative whose district is served by the train, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives, the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, the Secretary of Transportation, and the Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, which states:

(i) The Amtrak train schedule(s) at issue;

(ii) The specific components of the train schedule(s) on which Amtrak and host railroad cannot reach agreement;

(iii) Amtrak's position regarding the disagreed upon components of the train schedule(s);

(iv) Host railroad's position regarding the disagreed upon components of the train schedule(s); and

(v) Amtrak and the host railroad's plan and expectation date to resolve the disagreement(s). The requirement to transmit this joint letter and status report ends for the train schedule at issue when the uncertified schedule becomes a certified schedule.

(3) Ongoing coordination between Amtrak and host railroads. When conditions have changed that impact a certified schedule, Amtrak or a host railroad may seek to modify the certified schedule. The customer on-time performance standard in paragraph (a)(2) of this section remains in effect for the existing certified schedule, until a modified schedule is jointly certified.

(d) Train delays. The train delays metric is the minutes of delay for all Amtrak-responsible delays, host-responsible delays, and third party delays, for the host railroad territory within each route. The train delays metric is reported by delay code by: total minutes of delay; Amtrak-responsible delays; Amtrak's host-responsible delays; Amtrak's host responsible delays and Amtrak-responsible delays, combined; non-Amtrak host-responsible delays; and third party delays. The train delays metric is also reported by the number of non-Amtrak host-responsible delay minutes disputed by host railroad and not resolved by Amtrak.

(e) Train delays per 10,000 train miles. The train delays per 10,000 train miles metric is the minutes of delay per 10,000 train miles for all Amtrak-responsible and host-responsible delays, for the host railroad territory within each route.

(f) Station performance. The station performance metric is the number of detraining passengers, the number of late passengers, and the average minutes late that late customers arrive at their detraining stations, reported by route, by train, and by station. The average minutes late per late customer calculation excludes on-time customers that arrive no later than 15 minutes after their scheduled time.

(g) Host running time. The host running time metric is the average actual running time and the median actual running time compared with the scheduled running time between the first and final reporting points for a host railroad set forth in the Amtrak schedule skeleton, reported by route, by train, and by host railroad (excluding switching and terminal railroads).

authority: Sec. 207, Div. B, Pub. L. 110-432; 49 U.S.C. 24101,note; 49 U.S.C. 103(j); 49 CFR 1.81; 49 CFR 1.88; and 49 CFR 1.89
source: 85 FR 73000, Nov. 16, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 273.5