Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 100.3 - Applicability and scope.

(a) The regulations in this part implement the provisions of Title VIII of ANILCA relevant to the taking of fish and wildlife on public land in the State of Alaska. The regulations in this part do not permit subsistence uses in Glacier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, Katmai National Park, and that portion of Denali National Park established as Mt. McKinley National Park prior to passage of ANILCA, where subsistence taking and uses are prohibited. The regulations in this part do not supersede agency-specific regulations.

(b) The regulations contained in this part apply on all public lands, including all inland waters, both navigable and non-navigable, within and adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the following areas, and on the marine waters as identified in the following areas:

(1) Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, including the:

(i) Karluk Subunit: All of the submerged land and water of the Pacific Ocean (Sheliokof Strait) extending 3,000 feet from the shoreline between a point on the spit at the meander corner common to Sections 35 and 36 of Township 30 South, Range 33 West, and a point approximately 1 1/4 miles east of Rocky Point within Section 14 of Township 29 South, Range 31, West, Seward Meridian as described in Public Land Order 128, dated June 19, 1943;

(ii) Womens Bay Subunit: Womens Bay, Gibson Cove, portions of St. Paul Harbor and Chiniak Bay: All of the submerged land and water as described in Public Land Order 1182, dated July 7, 1955 (U.S. Survey 21539);

(iii) Afognak Island Subunit: All submerged lands and waters of the Pacific Ocean lying within 3 miles of the shoreline as described in Proclamation No. 39, dated December 24, 1892;

(iv) Simeonof Subunit: All of the submerged land and water of Simeonof Island together with the adjacent waters of the Pacific Ocean extending 1 mile from the shoreline as described in Public Land Order 1749, dated October 30, 1958; and

(v) Semidi Subunit: All of the submerged land and water of the Semidi Islands together with the adjacent waters of the Pacific Ocean lying between parallels 55°57′57″00-56°15′57″00 North Latitude and 156°30′00″-157°00′00″ West Longitude as described in Executive Order 5858, dated June 17, 1932;

(2) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, including those waters shoreward of the line of extreme low water starting in the vicinity of Monument 1 at the intersection of the International Boundary line between the State of Alaska and the Yukon Territory; Canada, and extending westerly, along the line of extreme low water across the entrances of lagoons such that all offshore bars, reefs and islands, and lagoons that separate them from the mainland to Brownlow Point, approximately 70°10′ North Latitude and 145°51′ West Longitude;

(3) National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, including those waters shoreward of a line beginning at the western bank of the Colville River following the highest highwater mark westerly, extending across the entrances of small lagoons, including Pearl Bay, Wainwright Inlet, the Kuk River, Kugrau Bay and River, and other small bays and river estuaries, and following the ocean side of barrier islands and sandspits within three miles of shore and the ocean side of the Plover Islands, to the northwestern extremity of Icy Cape, at approximately 70°21′ North Latitute and 161°46′ West Longitude; and

(4) Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, including Nunivak Island: the submerged land and water of Nunivak Island together with the adjacent waters of the Bering Sea extending, for Federal Subsistence Management purposes, 3 miles from the shoreline of Nunivak Island as described in Executive Order No. 5059, dated April 15, 1929.

(5) Southeastern Alaska, including the:

(i) Makhnati Island Area: Land and waters beginning at the southern point of Fruit Island, 57°02′35″ north latitude, 135°21′07″ west longitude as shown on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8244, May 21, 1941; from the point of beginning, by metes and bounds; S 58° W, 2,500 feet, to the southern point of Nepovorotni Rocks; S 83° W, 5,600 feet, on a line passing through the southern point of a small island lying about 150 feet south of Makhnati Island; N 6° W, 4,200 feet, on a line passing through the western point of a small island lying about 150 feet west of Makhnati Island, to the northwestern point of Signal Island; N 24° E, 3,000 feet, to a point, 57°03′15″ north latitude, 134°23′07″ west longitude; East, 2,900 feet, to a point in course No. 45 in meanders of U.S. Survey No. 1496, on west side of Japonski Island; southeasterly, with the meanders of Japonski Island, U.S. Survey No. 1,496 to angle point No. 35, on the southwestern point of Japonski Island; S 60° E, 3,300 feet, along the boundary line of Naval reservation described in Executive Order No. 8216, July 25, 1939, to the point of beginning, and that part of Sitka Bay lying south of Japonski Island and west of the main channel, but not including Aleutski Island as revoked in Public Land Order 925, October 27, 1953, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the southeast point of Japonski Island at angle point No. 7 of the meanders of U.S. Survey No. 1496; thence east approximately 12.00 chains to the center of the main channel; thence S 45° E. along the main channel approximately 20.00 chains; thence S 45° W, approximately 9.00 chains to the southeastern point of Aleutski Island; thence S 79° W, approximately 40.00 chains to the southern point of Fruit Island; thence N 60° W, approximately 50.00 chains to the southwestern point of Japonski Island at angle point No. 35 of U.S. Survey No. 1496; thence easterly with the meanders of Japonski Island to the point of beginning including Charcoal, Harbor, Alice, Love, and Fruit islands and a number of smaller unnamed islands.

(ii) Tongass National Forest:

Table 1 to Paragraph (b)(5)(ii)

Name Chart No. or
meridian name
Area description Longitude/
(A) Beacon Point, Frederick Sound, and Kupreanof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8210—Sheet No. 16The point begins on the low-water line at N 63° W, true and approximately 1,520 feet from Beacon Point beacon; thence due south true 1,520 feet; thence true east 1,800 feet, more or less to an intersection with a low-water line; thence following, is the low-water line round the point to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 133°00′ W Lat. 56°56 1/4′ N.
(B) Bushy Island and Snow PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart, labeled No. 8160—Sheet No. 12The reference location is marked as 64 south, 80 east, CRM, SEC. 31/32 on the map labeled, USS 1607. The point begins on a low-water line about 1/4 nautical mile and southwesterly from the northwest point of the island, from which a left tangent to an island that is 300 yards in diameter and 100 yards offshore, bears the location—N 60° W, true; thence S 60° E, true and more or less 2,000 feet to an intersection with a low-water line on the easterly side of the island; thence forward along the winding of the low-water line northwesterly and southwesterly to the point of beginning, including all adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°58′ W Lat. 56°16 1/2′ N.
(C) Cape Strait, Frederick Sound, and Kupreanof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8210—Sheet No. 16The reference location is marked as 56 south, 77478 east, CRM, on the map labeled as USS 1011. It begins at a point on a low-water line that is westerly from the lighthouse and distant 1,520 feet in a direct line from the center of the concrete pier upon which the light tower is erected; thence South 45° E, true by 1,520 feet; thence east true by 1,520 feet, more or less to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northwesterly and westerly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 133°05′ W Lat. 57°00′ N.
(D) Point Colpoys and Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Prince of Wales Island—Sheet No. 12The reference location is marked as 64 south, 78 east, CRM, SECs. 10, 11, 12 on the map labeled as USS 1634. Location is north of a true east-and-west line running across the point to 1,520 feet true south from the high-water line at the northernmost extremity. Map includes all adjacent rocks and ledges not covered at low water and also includes two rocks awash about 1 1/4 nautical miles East and South and 75° East, respectively, from the aforementioned point.Approx. Long. 133°12′ W Lat. 56°20′ N.
(E) Vank Island and Stikine StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 18. Located at 62 south, 82 east, CRM, SEC 34, on the map labeled as USS 1648This part of the island is lying south of a true east-and-west line that is drawn across the island from low water to low water. Island is 760 feet due north from the center of the concrete pier upon which the structure for the light is erected.Approx. Long. 132°35′ W Lat. 56°27′ N.
(F) High Point, Woronkofski IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 18The location begins at a point on low water at the head of the first bight easterly of the point and about 1/8 nautical mile distant therefrom; thence south true 1,520 feet; thence west true 1,100 feet, more or less to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northerly and easterly, following the windings of the low-water line to point of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°33′ W Lat. 56°24′ N.
(G) Key Reef and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 11The reference location is marked as 66 south, 81 east, CRM, SEC 11. The reef lies 1 3/4 miles S 80° E, true, from Bluff Island and becomes awash at extreme high water. Chart includes all adjacent ledges and rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°50′ W Lat. 56°10′ N.
(H) Low Point, Zarembo IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 22The location begins at a point on a low-water line that is 760 feet in a direct line, easterly, from the center of Low Point Beacon. The position is located on a point of shoreline about 1 mile easterly from Low Point; thence S 35°, W true 760 feet; thence N 800 feet and W 760 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°55 1/2′ W Lat. 56°27 1/2′ N.
(I) McNamara Point and Zarembo IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 25Location begins at a point on a low-water line that is 1,520 feet in a direct line, northerly, from McNamara Point Beacon—a slatted tripod structure; thence true east 1,520 feet; thence true south, more or less, 2,500 feet to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northwesterly and northerly following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 133°04′ W Lat. 56°20′ N.
(J) Mountain Point and Wrangell NarrowsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8170—Sheet No. 27The location begins at a point on a low-water line southerly from the center of Mountain Point Beacon and distant there from 1,520 feet in a direct line; thence true west 1,520 feet; thence true north, more or less, 3,480 feet to an intersection with the low-water line; thence southeasterly and southerly following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°57 1/2′ W Lat. 56°44′ N.
(K) Angle Point, Revillagigedo Channel, and Bold IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 3The reference location is marked as 76 south, 92 east, CRM, USS 1603. The location begins at a point on a low-water line abreast of the lighthouse on Angle Point, the southwestern extremity of Bold Island; thence easterly along the low-water line to a point that is 3,040 feet in a straight line from the beginning point; thence N 30° W True 3,040 feet; thence true west to an intersection with the low-water line, 3,000 feet, more or less; thence southeasterly along the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 131°26′ W Lat. 55°14′ N.
(L) Cape Chacon, Dixon Entrance, and Prince of Wales IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8074—Sheet No. 29The reference location is marked as 83 south, 89 and 90 east, CRM, USS 1608. The location begins at a point at the low-water mark on the shoreline of Dixon Entrance from which the southern extremity of Cape Chacon bears south 64° true east and approximately 3/4 nautical miles; thence N 45° true east and about 1 nautical mile, more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line on the shore of Clarence Strait; thence southerly, following the meanderings of the low-water line of the shore, to and around Cape Chacon, and continuing to the point of beginning. Reference includes all adjacent islands, islets, rocks, and reefs that are not covered at the low-water line.Approx. Long 132° W Lat. 54°42′ N.
(M) Lewis Reef and Tongass NarrowsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8094—Sheet No. 71The reference location is marked as 75 south, 90 east, CRM, SEC 9. The area point begins at the reef off Lewis Point and partly bare at low water. This part of the reef is not covered at low water and lies on the northeast side of a true northwest-and-southeast line that is located 300 feet true southwest from the center of the concrete pier of Lewis Reef Light.Approx. Long. 131°44 1/2′ W Lat. 55°22′25″ N.
(N) Lyman Point and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8076—Sheet No. 8The reference location is marked as 73 south, 86 east, CRM, SEC 13, on a map labeled as USS 2174 TRC. It begins at a point at the low-water mark. The aforementioned point is 300 feet in a direct line easterly from Lyman Point light; thence due south 300 feet; thence due west to a low-water mark 400 feet, more or less; thence following the winding of the low-water mark to the place of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°18′ W Lat. 55°32′ N.
(O) Narrow Point, Clarence Strait, and Prince of Wales IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 9The reference location is marked as 70 south, 84 east, CRM, on a map labeled as USS 1628. The point begins at a point on a low-water line about 1 nautical mile southerly from Narrow Point Light, from which point a left tangent to a high-water line of an islet about 500 yards in diameter and about 300 yards offshore, bears south 30° true east; thence north 30° W, true 7,600 feet; thence N 60° E, 3,200 feet, more or less to an intersection with a low-water line; thence southeasterly, southerly, and southwesterly, following the winding of the low-water line to the point of beginning. The map includes all adjacent rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°28′ W Lat. 55°47 1/2′ N.
(P) Niblack Point, Cleveland Peninsula, and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8102—Sheet No. 6The location begins at a point on a low-water line from which Niblack Point Beacon, a tripod anchored to three concrete piers, bears southeasterly and is 1,520 feet in a direct line; thence true northeast 1,520 feet; thence true southeast 3,040 feet; thence true southwest at 600 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line; thence northwesterly following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°07′ W Lat. 55°33′ N.
(Q) Rosa Reef and Tongass NarrowsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8094—Sheet No. 71The reference location is marked as 74 south, 90 east, CRM, SEC 31. That part of the reef is not covered at low water and lies east of a true north-and-south line, located 600 feet true west from the center of the concrete pier of Rosa Reef Light. The reef is covered at high water.Approx. Long. 131°48′ W Lat. 55°24′15″ N.
(R) Ship Island and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 9The reference location is marked as 72 south, 86 east, CRM, SEC 27. The point begins as a small island on the northwesterly side of the Clarence Strait, about 10 nautical miles northwesterly from Caamano Point and 1/4 mile off the shore of Cleveland Peninsula. The sheet includes all adjacent islets and rocks not connected to the main shore and not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°12′ W Lat. 55°36′ N.
(S) Spire Island Reef and Revillagigedo ChannelU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 3The reference location is marked as 76 south, 92 east, CRM, SEC 19. The detached reef, covered at high water and partly bare at low water, is located northeast of Spire Island. Spire Island Light is located on the reef and consists of small houses and lanterns surmounting a concrete pier.Approx. Long 131°30′ W Lat. 55°16′ N.
(T) Surprise Point and Nakat InletU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8051—Sheet No. 1The reference location is marked as 80 south, 89 east, CRM. This point lies north of a true east-and-west line. The true east-and-west line lies 3,040 feet true south from the northernmost extremity of the point together with adjacent rocks and islets.Approx. Long. 130°44′ W Lat. 54°49′ N.
(U) Caamano Point, Cleveland Peninsula, and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8102—Sheet No. 6Location consists of everything apart of the extreme south end of the Cleveland Peninsula lying on a south side of a true east-and-west line that is drawn across the point at a distance of 800 feet true north from the southernmost point of the low-water line. This includes off-lying rocks and islets that are not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 131°59′ W Lat. 55°30′ N.
(V) Meyers Chuck and Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8124—Sheet No. 26The tidelands and the small island is about 150 yards in diameter and located about 200 yards northwest of Meyers Island.Approx. Long. 132°16′ W Lat. 55°44 1/2′ N.
(W) Round Island and Cordova BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8145—Sheet No. 36The tidelands and the southwestern island of the group is about 700 yards long, including off-lying rocks and reefs that are not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°30 1/2′ W Lat. 54°46 1/2′ N.
(X) Mary IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8145—Sheet No. 36The reference location begins at a point that is placed at a low-water mark. The aforementioned point is southward 500 feet from a crosscut on the side of a large rock on the second point below Point Winslow and Mary Island; thence due west 3/4 mile, statute; thence due north to a low-water mark; thence following the winding of the low water to the place of beginning.Approx. Long. 131°11′00″ W Lat. 55°05′55″ N.
(Y) Tree PointU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8145—Sheet No. 36The reference location starts at a point of a low-water mark. The aforementioned point is southerly 1/2 mile from the extreme westerly point of a low-water mark on Tree Point, on the Alaska Mainland; thence due true east, 3/4 mile; thence due north 1 mile; thence due west to a low-water mark; thence following the winding of the low-water mark to the place of beginning.Approx. Long. 130°57′44″ W Lat. 54°48′27″ N.
(Z) Warm Springs Bay, Chatham Strait, and Baranof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8243—Sheet No. 51The reference location is marked as 55 south, 67 east, CRM, SECS 20 and 21, U.S. Survey No. 1649. The location begins at a point on the low-water line south side of the entrance to Warm Springs Bay, westerly side of Chatham Strait and distant 400 feet westerly in a direct line from the center of the concrete slab, 4 feet square, upon which the structure of the Warm Springs Bay light is erected; thence south true 400 feet; thence east true 600 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northerly and westerly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°46′48″ W Lat. 57°04 3/4′ N.
(AA) Killisnoo Harbor Southern Entrance and Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8285—Sheet No. 53The reference location is marked as 50 south, 66 east, CRM. The location is marked at a reef off the southeastern extremity of Killisnoo Island, bare at low water and covered at high water, including all that part of the reef bounded by the low-water line and a northeast-and-southwest true line drawn tangent to the high-water line of the island. Killisnoo Harbor Southern Entrance Light is located upon a concrete pier on the outer part of the reef.Approx. Long. 134°34′ W Lat. 57°28′ N.
(BB) Killisnoo Harbor and Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8285—Sheet No. 53The reference location is marked as 51 south, 68 east, CRM, SEC 7. The location is marked at a small rock bare at low water and covered at high water. The point is located 80 yards off the shore of Killisnoo Island in Killisnoo Harbor, 300 yards northwesterly from the wharf, and occupied by a concrete pier and superstructure supporting Killisnoo Harbor Light.Approx. Long. 134°33 3/4′ W Lat. 57°28′ N.
(CC) Point Gardner, Chatham Strait, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8212—Sheet No. 50The reference location is marked as 56 south, 68 east, CRM, SEC 16, U.S. Survey No. 1637. The location begins at a point on the low-water line of Chatham Strait northward of the point and distant 1,000 feet in a straight line from the center of the concrete slab 4 feet square upon which the structure of Point Gardner Light is erected; thence S 80° E true 1,200 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line on the shore of Surprise Harbor; thence southerly, westerly, and northerly, following the winding of the low-water line to the point of beginning, and including islets and rocks lying within 3/8 mile southward of the Point.Approx. Long. 134°37′ W Lat. 57°01′ N.
(DD) Point Gambier, Stephens Passage, and Entrance to Gambier BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 18The reference location is marked as 51 south, 72 east, CRM, SEC 22, U.S. Survey No. 1638. All that part of Gambier Island lies southeastward of a true northeast-and-southeast line drawn across the island and lies 1,520 feet distant from the high-water mark at the southeastern extremity of the island, including all adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 133°50′ W Lat. 57°26′ N.
(EE) Gambier Bay Entrance, Stephens Passage, and Gambier BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8224—Sheet No. 72The reference location is marked as 51 south, 72 east, CRM, SEC 7. The reef is covered at high water and bare at low water, located about 3/8 nautical mile northeast of northwest point of Gain Island. The proposed reservation includes that part of the reef not covered at low water and lying southeast of a northeast-and-southwest line located at a distance of 600 feet northwest of the Gambier Bay Entrance Light structure, which consists of a small house and skeleton steel tower surmounting a concrete pier.Approx. Long. 133°55′ W Lat. 57°28′ N.
(FF) False Point Pybus, Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8224—Sheet No. 11The location begins at a point 1,285 feet northwest true from the center of False Point Beacon, a slatted tripod located on the point about 1 nautical mile southerly from False Point Pybus, thence east true 1,170 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line, thence southerly and westerly following the windings and indentations of the low-water line to a point from which the point of beginning bears north true, thence north true, 1,000 feet, more or less, to a point of beginning.Approx. Long. 133°52 1/2′ W Lat. 57°21′ N.
(GG) The Brothers Island, Stephens PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 18The reference location is marked as 49 south, 61 east, CRM. The point is located on the westerly side of the southern end of Stephens Passage. All of the eastern group of islands known as The Brothers, being about 1/2 nautical mile long and 1/3 nautical mile wide and about 232 feet high, including all adjacent islets and rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 133°47′ W Lat. 57°17 1/2′ N.
(HH) Cape Fanshaw and Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8216—Sheet 17The reference location is marked as 54 south, 74 and 75 east, U.S. Survey No. 1610. All of the cape that is west of a true north-and-south line drawn 1,520 feet due east of the westernmost part of the high-water line at the point, including all adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 133°34′21″ W Lat. 57°11′02″ N.
(II) West Point, Kupreanof Island, and the Entrance to Portage BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8210. See sheet for East Point, No. 9All of that part of the point lying east of a true north-and-south line drawn across the point at a distance of 600 feet west of the most easterly part of the low-water line at the point.Approx. Long. 133°20′ W Lat. 57°00′ N.
(JJ) East Point, Kupreanof Island, and the Entrance to Portage BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8210—Sheet No. 9All of that part of the point lying on the west side of a true north-and-south line drawn across the point at a distance of 600 feet east true from the most westerly part of the low-water line at the point.Approx. Long. 133°19′ W Lat. 57°00′ N.
(KK) Kingsmill Point, Chatham Strait, Kuiu IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8214—Sheet No. 48The reference location is marked as 58 south, 70 east, CRM, SEC 17, U.S. Survey No. 1621. The location begins at a point on a low-water line southward of the point and distant 1,200 feet in a direct line from the center of the concrete slab upon which the structure of Kingsmill Point Light is erected; thence east true 900 feet; thence north true 2,300 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line northeastward of the point; thence southwesterly and southerly along the windings of a low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°25′ W Lat. 56°50 1/2′ N.
(LL) Washington Bay, Chatham Strait, and Kuiu IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8241—Sheet No. 47The reference location is marked as 59 south, 70 east, CRM, SEC 33, U.S. Survey No. 1650. All that part of the land on the south side of the entrance to Washington Bay lying on the northwesterly side of the straight line bearing N 55° E and S 55° W true drawn across the land from the low-water line in Chatham Strait to a low-water line in Washington Bay, said line being distant 300 feet S 35° E true from a point on the low-water line between the two headlands, from which a left tangent to the high-water line of a small island lying 130 yards offshore in the bight bears N 35° W true; and including the aforementioned island.Approx. Long. 134°10′ W Lat. 56°40′ N.
(MM) Point Ellis, Chatham Strait, and Bay of PillarsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8241—Sheet No. 46The reference location is marked as 43 south, 65 east, CRM. The small island N 58° W true 3/8 mile from Pt. Ellis, including adjacent reefs and rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 134°19′16″ W Lat. 56°33′28″ N.
(NN) Point Crowley, Chatham Strait, and Kuiu IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 45The reference location is marked as 66 south, 72 east, CRM, SECS 22 and 27, U.S. Survey No. 2171. All that part of Kuiu Island in the vicinity of Point Crowley lying west of a true north-and-south line drawn across the point at a distance of 3,040 feet east true from the center of the concrete slab 4 feet by 6 feet upon which the structure for Point Crowley Light is erected, and including all adjacent islets and rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 134°16′ W Lat. 56°07′ N.
(OO) Strait Island and Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 40The reference location is marked as 59 south, 70 east, CRM, SEC 8, U.S. Survey No. 1604. The southeastern island of the group, including adjacent and outlying rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 133°42′ W Lat. 56°24′ N.
(PP) Povornotni Island and Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8282—Sheet No. 31The island is about 200 yards long, off Pogibshi Point, including adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 135°33′ W Lat. 57°30 1/2′ N.
(QQ) Tenakee Inlet and Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet No. 55All of the small islands and associated tidelands are located about 300 yards off South Passage Point, including rock awash shown on the chart 1/2 nautical mile northeasterly from South Passage Point.Approx. Long. 134°56′ W Lat. 57°46′ N.
(RR) Danger Point, Chatham Strait, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8247—Sheet No. 54The reference location is marked as 50 south, 67 east, CRM, SECS 25 and 26, U.S. Survey No. 1613. The location begins at a point on a low-water line southward of Danger Point and distant 700 feet in a direct line from the center of the concrete slab, 4 feet square, upon which the structure of Danger Point Light is erected; thence northeast true 1,000 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line eastward of Danger Point; thence westerly, etc., following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning, including rocks and reefs off the point not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 134°36′ W Lat. 57°30′ 30″ N.
(SS) Point Hugh, Stephens Passage, Glass Peninsula, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 18The reference location is marked as 49 south, 72 east, CRM, U.S. Survey No. 1641. The location begins at a point on a low-water line on the easterly side of Glass Peninsula about 1 1/2 nautical miles northerly from Point Hugh 1 1/4 nautical miles in a direct line southerly from the center of a concrete slab 4 feet square, upon which is erected the structure of Point Hugh Light; thence west true, 1,520 feet; thence N 4° W, true 2 1/4 nautical miles, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence southeasterly and southerly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 133°52′ W Lat. 57°37′ N.
(TT) Point Styleman, Stephens Passage, and north side of the entrance to Port SnettishamU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8227—Sheet No. 30All of that part of the point lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the point at a distance of 700 feet north true from the southernmost part of the high-water line, including adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 133°53 1/2′ W Lat. 57°58 1/2′ N.
(UU) Kakul Narrows and Perils StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8282—Sheet No. 20The two islets are about 150 yards and 100 yards long, respectively, on the east side of Kakul Narrows, and all of the off-lying group of rocks northward named on the Chart Channel Islets, including all adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 135°41′ W Lat. 57°22′ N.
(VV) Channel Rock and Sitka SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8244—Sheet No. 63The reference location is marked as 56 south, 63 east, CRM. The location is marked by a rock covered at high water and bare at low water, located 1/4 nautical mile north of Japonski Island.Approx. Long. 135°22′ W Lat. 57°03 1/2′ N.
(WW) Harbor Rock and Sitka HarborU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8244—Sheet No. 63The reference location is marked as 56 south, 63 east, CRM. The location is marked at a small rock covered at high water and bare at low water, located 300 yards north of the naval wharf on Japonski Island.Approx. Long. 135°20′48″ W Lat. 57°03 1/8″ N.
(XX) False Point Retreat, Lynn Canal, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No. 12The location begins at a point near the west shore of Mansfield Peninsula about 2 1/2 nautical miles southerly from Pt. Retreat, from which the center of False Point Retreat Beacon, a slatted tripod anchored to concrete piers, bears west true, distant 900 feet, thence southwest true 900 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line, thence northwesterly, northerly, and northeasterly, following the winding of the low-water line, to a point from which the point of the beginning bears southeast true, thence southeast true 600 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°58′ W Lat. 58°22′ N.
(YY) Shelter Island, Stephens Passage, and the Southeastern Part of Shelter IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No 23The reference location is marked as 40 south, 64 east, CRM, SEC 26, U.S. Survey No. 1645. The location begins at a point on a low-water line on the eastern side of the island about 1,000 yards northward of the extreme southeastern point of the island, from which the center of a concrete slab 4 feet square, upon which Shelter Island Light is erected, is distant 1,000 feet in a straight line bearing S 23° E approximately; thence S 65° W true 600 feet; thence S 23° E, true, 2,000 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line; thence northeasterly, northerly, and northwesterly, following the windings of the low-water line, to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°48′ W Lat. 58°22 1/2″ N.
(ZZ) Clear Point, Lynn Canal, the Entrance to Funter Bay, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheets No. 23 & No. 24The reference location is marked as 42 south, 64 east, CRM, SEC 10, U.S. Survey No. 1612. The location begins at a point on a low-water line about 700 feet northerly from the southern extremity of Clear Point, from which a right tangent to the high-water line, distant about 500 feet bears east true; thence west true, 800 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line; thence southerly, etc., following the windings of the low-water line around the Point to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°55′ W Lat. 58°15′ N.
(AAA) Point Augusta, Chatham Strait, and Chichagof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet No. 55The reference location is marked as 44 south, 64 east, CRM, U.S. Survey No. 1633. All of that part of the land in the vicinity of Point Augusta bounded by the low-water line and a straight line bearing N 42° W and S 42° E true, distant 2,280 feet S 48° W true, from the center of the concrete slab 4 feet square upon which the structure of Point Augusta Light is erected, including all adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 134°58′ W Lat. 58°03′ N.
(BBB) Middle Point, Stephens Passage and Douglas IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8235—Sheet No. 22The reference location is marked as 42 south, 66 east, CRM, SEC 9, U.S. Survey No. 2170. This area is about 4 1/2 miles northwesterly from Point Hilda. The location begins at a point on a low-water line from which the center of a concrete slab 4 feet square upon which Middle Point Light is erected, is distant 400 feet in a straight line and bearing southerly; thence east true 900 feet; thence south true 500 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence westerly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°37′ W Lat. 58°15′ N.
(CCC) Point Hilda, Stephens Passage, and Douglas IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8235—Sheet No. 112The reference location is marked as 42 south, 67 east, CRM, SECS 19 and 20, U.S. Survey No. 1640. That part of the Point, including tide lands not covered at low water, lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the Point at a distance of 600 feet north, true, from the high-water line at the southernmost part of the point.Approx. Long. 134°30′ W Lat. 58°13′ N.
(DDD) Point Arden, Stephens Passage, and Admiralty IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet No. 20The reference location is marked as 43 south, 68 and 69 east, CRM, U.S. Survey No. 1632. The location begins at a point on a low-water line southward of Point Arden from which the center of a concrete slab upon which Point Arden Light is erected, is distant 3,040 feet in a straight line; thence N 60° W true, 8,000 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northeasterly, southeasterly, easterly, and southerly, following the winding of a low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°10′ W Lat. 58°9 1/2′ N.
(EEE) Grand Island and Stephens PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet No. 15The location begins at a point on a low-water line, east shore of Grand Island, 1,520 feet in a direct line, southerly, from the center of Grand Island Beacon, a slatted tripod anchored to concrete piers, thence west true 1,520 feet, thence north true 1,824 feet more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°06′ W Lat. 58°06′ N.
(FFF) Grave Point and Stephens PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8229—Sheet No. 19The reference location is marked as 44 south, 70 east, CRM, SEC 7, U.S. Survey No. 1617. The location begins at a point at a low-water line on the northwesterly side of the entrance to Taku Harbor, from which a left tangent to the high-water line at the northern extremity of Stockade Point, distant about 700 yards, bears S 75° E, true; thence N 75° W, true 4,000 feet, more or less to an intersection with a low-water line northward of Grave Point; thence southerly, easterly, and northeasterly, following the windings of a low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 134°03′ W Lat. 58°04′ N.
(GGG) Low Point, Chilkoot InletU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8303—Sheet No. 27The reference location is marked as 30 south, 60 east, CRM, SECS 18 and 19, U.S. Survey No. 1625. The location begins at a point on the low-water line northeasterly from Low Point Light and 900 feet in a direct line from the center of the slab 4 feet square upon which the structure for the light is erected; thence S 60° E, true, 1,560 feet; thence S 30° W, true, 1,000 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northwesterly and northeasterly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 135°21′ W Lat. 59°16′ N.
(HHH) Point St. Mary, Lynn Canal, North Side of Entrance to Berners BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No. 29All that part of the point lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the same at a distance of 3,040 feet north true from the high-water line at the southernmost part of the point; including off-lying rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 135°01′ W Lat. 58°44′ N.
(III) Little Island, Lynn CanalU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No. 25The reference location is marked as 38 south, 63 east, CRM, SEC 29. The location begins as a small island 1/2 mile N 16° W from Ralston Island, including adjacent rocks and ledges not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 135°02′ W Lat. 58°32 1/2′ N.
(JJJ) Lemesurier Island, Icy StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304—Sheet No. 59The reference location is marked as 41 south, 57 west, CRM, SECS 14 and 15, U.S. Survey No. 1623. All that part of the northeastern extremity of the island lying north of a true east-and-west line drawn across the point at a distance of 1,520 feet south true from the center of the concrete slab 4 feet square upon which the structure of the light is erected, including all adjacent rocks and islets not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 136°02′ W Lat. 58°19′ N.
(KKK) The Sisters, Icy StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302. See sheet for Spasskaia Island, No. 42The island is about 6 1/2 nautical miles westerly from Point Couverden, about 1/2 mile long and 150 feet high, including adjacent rocks and islets not covered at low water, and Sisters Reef, located 1 mile to westward.Approx. Long. 135°15 1/2′ W Lat. 58°11′ N.
(LLL) Spasskaia Island, Icy StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No. 42The location begins as two small islets about 30 feet high located about 7 3/4 nautical miles southwesterly from Point Couverden, including adjacent rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 135°10′ W Lat. 58°07 1/2′ N.
(MMM) Lord Rock, Dixon EntranceU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8051—Sheet No. 1The reference location is marked as 82 south, 98 east, CRM, SEC 30. The location is a small bare rock about 10 feet high, lying about 3/4 mile SW from the south group of Lord Island.Approx. Long. 130°49′ W Lat. 54°44′ N.
(NNN) Boat Rock, Dixon EntranceU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8051—Sheet No. 1The reference location is marked as 82 south, 98 east, CRM, SEC 8. The point is a small barren rock about 5 feet high, located about 200 yards offshore, about 2 miles northeasterly from Cape Fox, west side of Nakat Bay.Approx. Long. 130°48′ W Lat. 54°47′ N.
(OOO) Black Rock, Revillagigedo ChannelU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 2The reference location is marked as 79 south, 95 east, CRM, SEC 14. Barren rock about 26 feet height located 3 1/2 nautical miles southwest true, from Kah Shakes Point.Approx. Long. 131°04′ W Lat. 55°01′ N.
(PPP) Hog Rocks, Revillagigedo ChannelU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 3The reference location is marked as 77 south, 94 east, CRM, SEC 20. The location consists of a group of barren rocks 1.6 nautical miles N 70° true east from Middy Point, Ham Island.Approx. Long. 131°17′ W Lat. 55°10′30″ N.
(QQQ) Mountain Point, Revillagigedo ChannelU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8094—Sheet No. 4The reference location is marked as 76 south, 91 east, CRM, SEC 11. The location begins at a point on the low-water line 900 feet from the southernmost extremity of Mountain Point, and bearing approximately N 70° true east, therefrom; thence N 45° true west, 2,100 feet; thence west true, 2,400 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence along a low-water line, southeasterly, easterly, and northeasterly to the beginning point.Approx. Long. 131°32′ W Lat. 55°17 1/2′ N.
(RRR) Peninsula Point, Tongass NarrowsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8094—Sheet No. 5The reference location is marked as 75 south, 90 east, CRM, SEC 9. The location consists of a small island about 100 yards southwest of Peninsula Point.Approx. Long. 131°44′ W Lat. 55°23′ N.
(SSS) Channel Island, Tongass NarrowsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8094—Sheet No. 5The reference location is marked as 75 south, 90 east, CRM, SEC 5. The point is a small island in Tongass Narrows about 1 1/4 nautical miles NW from Peninsula Point.Approx. Long. 131°46′ W Lat. 55°23 3/4′ N.
(TTT) Bluff Point, Behm Canal, Entrance to Yes BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8105—Sheet No. 6The reference location is marked as 69 south, 89 east, CRM, SEC 15, U.S. Survey No. 1605. Location consists of everything apart of the point lying east of a true north-and-south line 570 feet westerly from a high-water line of the easterly extremity of the Bluff.Approx. Long. 131°45′ W Lat. 55°53′ N.
(UUU) Moira Rock, Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 7The reference location is marked as 78 south, 89 east, CRM, SEC 33. The location is a small rock in the entrance to Moira Sound about 30 feet high, about 1.6 miles due true south from Adams Point.Approx. Long. 132°00′ W Lat. 55°04′ N.
(VVV) Skin Island, Clarence StraitsU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 7The reference location is marked as 76 south, 88 east, CRM, SEC 5/8. The location is a small island in the entrance to Cholmondeley Sound, about 1 mile off the western shore in Clarence Strait.Approx. Long. 132°04′ W Lat. 55°18′ N.
(WWW) Hump Island, Cholmondeley SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 7The reference location is marked as 76 south, 90 east, CRM. The location is a small island in Cholmondeley Sound, about 4 1/2 nautical miles from Chasina Point.Approx. Long. 132°05′ W Lat. 55°13 1/2′ N.
(XXX) Ratz Harbor, Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8124—Sheet No. 10The reference location is marked as 69 south, 84 east, CRM, SEC 18. The location is the outermost small islet on the northwest side of the entrance to Ratz Harbor.Long. 132°36′ W Lat. 55°53 1/2′ N.
(YYY) Beck Island, Kashevarof PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 11The reference location is marked as 67 south, 81 east, CRM, SEC 22. The location consists of an island lying 3/4 mile N 36° W, true from Coffman Island.Approx. Long. 132°52′ W Lat. 56°03′ N.
(ZZZ) Vichnefski Rock, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 12The reference location is marked as 63 south, 79 east, CRM, SEC 1. The location is indicated by a rock awash at extreme high water, located 3/4 mile NW of Point St. John, Zarembo Island.Approx. Long. 133°01′ W Lat. 56°26′ N.
(AAAA) Point Alexander, Wrangell Strait, Mitkof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8170—Sheet No. 13The reference location is marked as 62 south, 80 east, CRM, SEC 8. The point is indicated by a small rocky ledge lying about 75 yards offshore at Point Alexander, Mitkof Island.Approx. Long. 132°57′ W Lat. 56°30 1/2′ N.
(BBBB) Midway Rock, Wrangell StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8170—Sheet No. 13The reference location is marked as 62 south, 80 east, CRM, SEC 5. The location is indicated by a rock 400 yards from easterly shore and about 1 1/4 miles from the southerly entrance to the strait.Approx. Long. 132°58′ W Lat. 56°31 1/4′ N.
(CCCC) Anchor Point, Wrangell StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8170—Sheet No. 14The reference location is marked as 60 south, 79 east, CRM, SEC 26, USS 1601. The location is at the south side of Blind Slough. The location consists of everything apart of the point north of a true east-and-west line lying 300 feet south true from the high-water mark at the northern extremity of the point.Approx. Long. 132°55 1/2′ W Lat. 56°38 1/4′ N.
(DDDD) Mitkof Island, Wrangell StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8170—Sheet No. 15The location consists of everything apart of the northern extremity of Mitkof Island, at the entrance to Wrangell Strait, north of a true east-and-west line lying 200 feet south true from the high-water mark at the northernmost point of the shoreline.Approx. Long. 132°56′ W Lat. 56°49 1/4′ N.
(EEEE) Duck Point, Fanshaw BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8216—Sheet No. 17The reference location is marked as 54 south, 75 east, CRM, SEC 9. The point starts at a small rock close to shore off Duck Point, Whitney Island, and on which a light is being maintained.Approx. Long. 133°30 1/2′ W Lat. 57°12 1/2′ N.
(FFFF) Marmion Island, Gastineau ChannelU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8235—Sheet No. 21The reference location is marked as 42 south, 68 east, CRM, SEC 26, USS 1740. The location is a small island about 200 yards long by 100 yards wide, near Point Tantallon, and the westerly side of the entrance to Gastineau Channel.Approx. Long. 134°15′ W Lat. 56°12′ N.
(GGGG) Little Chilkat Island, Chilkoot InletU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8303—Sheet No. 26The reference location is marked as 32 south, 60 east, CRM, SECS 22, 23, and 26. This location is the most northerly island of the Chilkat group, the same being about 5/8 nautical mile long and located about 1 nautical mile southeast of Seduction Point.Approx. Long. 135°15′ W Lat. 59°05′ N.
(HHHH) Barren Island, Dixon EntranceU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8100—Sheet No. 28The island is bare rock, about 20 feet high, and lies off the west side entrance to Revillagigedo Channel, approximately 6 1/2 miles south of the southern extremity of Duke Island.Approx. Long. 131°20′ W Lat. 54°45′ N.
(IIII) Dewey Rocks, Cordova BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 30The reference location is marked as 15 south, 3 west, CRM. The location is marked by a small rock about 12 feet high, about 1 1/2 miles S 5° E, from Round Island in the entrance to Cordova Bay.Approx. Long. 132°30′ W Lat. 54°45′ N.
(JJJJ) Mellen Rock, Cordova BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 30The reference location is marked as 79 south, 85 east, CRM, SEC 7. The location is marked by a small rock about 12 feet high, in Cordova Bay, 3/4 mile off the eastern shore of Sukkwan Island.Approx. Long. 132°40′ W Lat. 55°02′ N.
(KKKK) Sukkwan Narrows, Sukkwan IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8153—Sheet No. 31The reference location is marked as 77 south, 83 east, CRM, SECS 12 and 13, USS 1647. The location begins at a point of a low-water line on the north end of Sukkwan Island, eastern part of Sukkwan Narrows, from which a rock awash 150 yards offshore bears north true; thence S 60° W, true, 750 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence northerly, northeasterly, and easterly, following the windings of the low-water line to the point of the beginning. The location includes adjacent rocks not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°50′30″ W Lat. 55°12′ N.
(LLLL) Rose Inlet, Tlenak StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 32The location consists of all of the outer island located in the entrance to Rose Inlet.Approx. Long. 132°56′ W Lat. 54°57 1/2′ N.
(MMMM) Klawock Reef, San Alberto BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8155—Sheet No. 33The reference location is marked as 73 south, 81 east, CRM, SEC 9. The location is indicated by a rock covered at high water and bare at low water, located 800 yards N 28° W true, from the northern extremity of Fish Egg Island. The structure supporting the light is erected on a concrete pier.Approx. Long. 133°10 1/2′ W Lat. 55°30 1/2′ N.
(NNNN) Point McCartey, Nichols PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 34The reference location is marked as 78 south, 91 east, CRM, SECS 9 and 16. The location is at the southeasternmost islet in Bronaugh Island Group. Islet is on the west side of the entrance to Nichols Passage, 1 1/2 miles S 54° E from Dall Head.Approx. Long. 131°43′ W Lat. 55°07′ N.
(OOOO) Warburton Island, Nichols PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8074—Sheet No. 35The reference location is marked as 78 south, 91 east, CRM, SEC 1. The location consists of all of the island, which is located about 2 miles west of Metlakatla.Approx. Long. 131°38′ W Lat. 55°08′ N.
(PPPP) Blank Island, Nichols PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8075—Sheet No. 36The reference location is marked as 76 south, 91 east, CRM, SEC 19. The location consists of the southern island of the group in the north end of Nichols Passage, at the entrance of Blank Inlet, Gravina Island.Approx. Long. 131°38′ W Lat. 55°16′ N.
(QQQQ) Stikine Strait Island, Stikine StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 37The reference location is marked as 65 south, 82 east, CRM, SEC 22. The location consists of a small island about 1/2 mile N 16° E, true, from Steamer Point, Elolin Island.Approx. Long. 132°43′ W Lat. 56°13′ N.
(RRRR) Point Craig, Sumner Strait, Zarembo IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 38The reference location is marked as 62 south, 81 east, CRM, USS 1635. The location consists of everything apart of Zarembo Island in the vicinity of Point Craig lying on the north side of a true east-and-west line drawn across the point 750 feet due south of the northernmost extremity of the point.Approx. Long. 132°44′ W Lat. 56°27 1/2′ N.
(SSSS) The Eye Opener, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 39The reference location is marked as 63 south, 78 east, CRM, SEC 20. The location is indicated by a bare rock in the middle of Sumner Strait, 3 miles due north from Pine Point, Prince of Wales Island.Approx. Long. 133°16′ W Lat. 56°23′ N.
(TTTT) Beauclerc Island, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 40The reference location is marked as 65 south, 75 east, CRM, SEC 5. The location starts at a small island in the entrance to Port Beauclerc, located about 4 nautical miles south of Boulder Point.Approx. Long. 133°50 1/2′ W Lat. 56°15′ N.
(UUUU) Shakan Bay, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8176—Sheet No. 41The reference location is marked as 66 south, 76 east, CRM, SEC 14. The location consists of all of the island named Station Island, located 1/4 mile northwest of Kosciusko Island and 1/4 mile east of Shakan Islands, south side of the entrance to Shakan Strait.Approx. Long. 133°37′ W Lat. 56°09′ N.
(VVVV) Spanish Island, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 42The reference location is marked as 68 south, 73 east, CRM, SECS 10 and 15. The location consists of the northernmost island in the group, about 1 1/2 miles S 44° E from Cape Decision, Kuiu Island.Approx. Long. 134°06′ W Lat. 55°59′ N.
(WWWW) Turnabout Island, Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 43The reference location is marked as 55 south, 72 east, CRM, SEC 4. The location is a small island about 1/4 mile long, located 4 1/2 miles N 22° E from Cape Bendel, Kupreanof Island, being the northwestern island of the group.Approx. Long. 133°59′ W Lat. 57°07 1/2′ N.
(XXXX) Pybus Bay, Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8218—Sheet No. 18The reference location is marked as 55 south, 63 east, CRM. The location consists of all of the small island in Pybus Bay, located 3 1/8 nautical miles N 77° W true from Point Pybus.Approx. Long. 134°04 1/2′ W Lat. 57°19′ N.
(YYYY) Murder Cove, Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8242—Sheet No. 43AThe reference location is marked as 56 south, 68 east, CRM, SEC 11. The location begins as a small rocky islet located on the east side of Murder Cove, 3/8 nautical mile N 45° W true from Walker Point, Admiralty Island.Approx. Long. 134°33′ W Lat. 57°01 1/2′ N.
(ZZZZ) Cape Ommaney, Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8250—Sheet No. 44The reference location is marked as 66 south, 69 east, CRM, SEC 12. The location consists of all of Wooden Island, located about 1/2 mile southeasterly from Cape Ommaney, Baranof Island.Approx. Long. 134°40′ W Lat. 56°09 1/2′ N.
(AAAAA) Red Bluff Bay, Baranof Island, Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8242—Sheet No. 49The reference location is marked as 43 south, 65 east, CRM. The location begins at the first and most southeasterly island in the entrance to the Bay.Approx. Long. 134°42 1/2′ W Lat. 56°50 1/2′ N.
(BBBBB) Point Craven, Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8283—Sheet No. 52The reference location is marked as 51 south, 66 east, CRM, SEC 8. The location consists of a small island about 300 yards S 52° E true from the southeastern point of Chichagof Island on the west side of the entrance to Sitkoh Bay.Approx. Long. 134°51 1/2′ W Lat. 57°27′ N.
(CCCCC) Tenakee, Tenakee Inlet, Chichagof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet No. 55The reference location is marked as 47 south, 63 east, CRM, SEC 22. The location consists of all of a small island located just off the north shore of the inlet, about 3/4 nautical mile eastward of Tenakee Village.Approx. Long. 135°12′ W Lat. 57°47′ N.
(DDDDD) Hawk Inlet Entrance, Chatham StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8300—Sheet Nos. 55 and 56The reference location is marked as 47 south, 61 east, CRM. The location starts at a small island on the south side of the entrance to Hawk Inlet upon which Hawk Inlet Entrance Light is maintained.Approx. Long. 134°46′ W Lat. 58°05′ N.
(EEEEE) Rocky Island, Icy StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8302—Sheet No. 57The location begins at an island that is about 50 feet high and 600 feet long, located 3/4 mile S 10° E, true, from Point Couverden.Approx. Long. 135°02 1/2′ W Lat. 58°11′ N.
(FFFFF) Inner Point Sophia, Icy Strait, Chichagof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304—Sheet No. 58The reference location is marked as 43 south, 61 east, CRM, SEC 20, USS 1620. The location consists of everything apart of the Point bounded by a low-water line, and a true north-and-south line and a true east-and-west line, 200 feet east and 200 feet south, respectively, from the center of the structure supporting the light, consisting of a skeleton tower on four concrete piers.Approx. Long. 135°28′ W Lat. 58°08′ N.
(GGGGG) North Inian Pass, Icy StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304—Sheet No. 60The reference location is marked as 41 south, 55 east, CRM, SEC 34, USS 1629. The location consists of everything apart of all the northwestern extremity of North Inian Island lying on the northwestern side of a true northeast-and-southwest line drawn across the island at a distance of 1,520 feet southeast true from the center of the concrete slab 4 feet by 6 feet, upon which the structure of the North Inian Pass Light is erected.Approx. Long. 136°24′ W Lat. 58°16′ N.
(HHHHH) Vitskari Rocks, Sitka SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8240—Sheet No. 61The reference location is marked as 56 south, 62 east, CRM, SEC 22. The location consists of all of a group of rocks located about 3 nautical miles easterly from Point of Shoals.Approx. Long. 135°32 1/2′ W Lat. 57°00′ N.
(IIIII) The Eckholms, Sitka SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8244—Sheet No. 62The reference location is marked as 56 south, 63 east, CRM, SEC 14, USS 3926. The location consists of a group of three small islands and including also a fourth islet called Liar Rock on the charts and located 150 yards N 75° W from the Eckholms.Approx. Long. 135°21 1/2′ W Lat. 57°00′30″ N.
(JJJJJ) Old Sitka Rocks, Sitka SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8281—Sheet No. 64The reference location is marked as 55 south, 63 east, CRM, SEC 9. The location starts at a group of rocks about 3/4 mile (nautical) north of Halibut Point.Approx. Long. 135°24′ W Lat. 57°07′ N.
(KKKKK) Sergius Point, Peril Strait, Chichagof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8282—Sheet No. 65The reference location is marked as 51 south, 61 east, CRM, SEC 33, USS 1644. The location consists of everything apart of Sergius Point lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the point at a distance of 300 feet north true from the high-water line at the southernmost extremity of the point.Approx. Long. 135°38′ W Lat. 57°24 1/2′ N.
(LLLLL) Deep Bay Entrance, Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8282—Sheet No. 66The point begins at a small islet in the middle of the entrance to Deep Bay, about midway between Little Island and Big Island.Approx. Long. 135°35 1/2′ W Lat. 57°26′ N.
(MMMMM) Rose Channel Rock, Rose Channel, Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8282—Sheet No. 66The reference location is marked as 80 south, 83 east, CRM, SEC 5. The location begins at a small rock 250 yards northwest of Little Rose Island.Approx. Long. 135°33′ W Lat. 57°27 1/2′ N.
(NNNNN) Otstoia Island, Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8283—Sheet No. 67The location begins at an island about 500 yards long and 200 yards wide, located 1 mile west of Nismeni Point.Approx. Long. 135°26′34″ W Lat. 57°33′ N.
(OOOOO) McClellan Rock, Peril StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8283—Sheet No. 68The reference location is marked as 51 south, 65 east, CRM, SEC 17. The location begins at a rock about 600 feet S 22° W, true off Lindenberg Head.Approx. Long. 135°01′ W Lat. 57°27′ N.
(PPPPP) Klag Bay Entrance, Klag BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8280—Sheet No. 69The reference location is marked as 49 south, 58 east, CRM, SECS 21 and 22. The location is marked by the two islands lying on either side of the narrow entrance to Klag Bay, known as “The Gate,” the one on the western side being, about 3/4 mile by 3/4 mile in extent, and the one on the eastern side being about 200 yards in diameter.Approx. Long. 136°06 1/2′ W Lat. 57°36 1/2′ N.
(QQQQQ) Cape Edwards, Kukkan BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8250—Sheet No. 70The reference location is marked as 54 south, 63 east, CRM. The location consists of everything apart of the point lying on the west side of a true north-and-south line located 1,520 feet east true from the center of the concrete slab upon which Cape Edward Entrance Light is erected.Approx. Long. 136°15′ W Lat. 57°40′ N.
(RRRRR) Lisianski Strait Entrance, Outside CoastU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8250—Sheet No. 70The reference location is marked as 46 south, 55 east, CRM, SECS 25 and 36. The location is shown as a small island 1/3 nautical mile long located in the southeast entrance to Lisiaunski Strait about 3/4 nautical mile east of Point Theodore.Approx. Long. 136°26′ W Lat. 57°50′ N.
(SSSSS) Ocean Cape, Yakutat BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8455—Sheet No. 73The reference location is marked as 27 south, 33 east, CRM, SECS 32. The location begins at a point on the low-water line southeasterly from the Cape and distant from Ocean Cape Light 1,520 feet in a straight line; thence northeast true 600 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line in Ankau Creek; thence following the windings of the low-water line of Ankau Creek northerly, etc., to the intersection with an east-and-west line located 3,040 feet north of the light; thence west true 400 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line; thence along the low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 139°52′ W Lat. 59°32 1/2′ N.
(TTTTT) Point Carrew, Yakutat BayU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8455—Sheet No. 73The reference location is marked as 27 south, 33 east, CRM, SECS 29. The location consists of everything apart of the Point lying north of a true east-and-west line located 1,000 feet south true from the high-water line at the northernmost extremity of the point.Approx. Long. 139°50′ W Lat. 59°33 1/2′ N.
(UUUUU) Point Francis, Behm CanalU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8105—Sheet No. 110The reference location is marked as 76 south, 88 east, CRM. The location includes that part of the Point lying east of a true north-and-south line drawn across the Point at a distance of 1,200 feet west true from the high-water line at the easternmost extremity of the Point, including the island lying close to the south side of the Point.Approx. Long 131°50′ W Lat. 55°40′ N.
(VVVVV) Cape Decision, Chatham Strait, Kuiu IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8152—Sheet No. 111The reference location is marked as 67 and 68 south, 73 east, CRM, USS 1609. The location includes that part of the southern extremity of Kuiu Island lying south of a true east-and-west line located at a distance of 4,560 feet north true from the high-water line at the southernmost extremity of the Point.Approx. Long 134°08′ W Lat. 56°00′ N.
(WWWWW) Point Adolphus, Icy Strait, Chichagof IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304—Sheet No. 113The reference location is marked as 41 south, 59 east, CRM, SECS 28, 29, and 30, USS 1631. The location includes all of that part of the point lying north of a true east-and-west line drawn across the same at a distance of 1,520 feet south true from the high-water line at the northernmost extremity of the Point.Approx. Long 135°47 1/2′ W Lat. 58°13′ N.
(XXXXX) The Twins, Sitka SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8244—Sheet No. 114The reference location is marked as 56 south, 63 east, CRM, SEC 12, USS 3255-TRH and USS 3926-L111A. The location is three small islands about 75 by 150 yards in extent altogether located about 3/8 nautical mile northeast of Galankin Island, the eastern island of the group.Approx. Long 135°18 3/4′ W Lat. 57°02′ N.
(YYYYY) Althorp Rock, Port AlthorpU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304—Sheet No. 1The location is indicated by a small rock about 15 feet high, near the middle of Port Althorp.Approx. Long. 136°21 1/2′ W Lat. 58°10′ N.
(ZZZZZ) Amelius Island, Sumner StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 2The location is indicated by a small island about 400 yards in diameter 1 3/4 nautical miles 147° true from Point Amelius and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 133°52′ W Lat. 56°10 1/2′ N.
(AAAAAA) Bluff Island, Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 5The location is an island about 3/4 mile long and one of the easterly islands of the Kashevarof group.Approx. Long. 132°53′ W Lat. 56°10′ N.
(BBBBBB) Fannie Island, Port SnettishamU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8227—Sheet No. 13The location is an island off Prospect Point, about 1/4 nautical mile long by about 150 yards wide and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 133°47′ W Lat. 58°02 1/2′ N.
(CCCCCC) Goat Island, Tlevak StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8151—Sheet No. 14The location includes all of that part of the southeastern extremity of Goat Island lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the point at a distance of 1,200 feet north of the southernmost extremity of the island and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 132°53′ W Lat. 55°10′ N.
(DDDDDD) Guide Island, Tlevak StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8151—Sheet No. 4The location is an island in the northerly part of Tlevak Strait, between Prince of Wales Island and Dall Island and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 133°04′ W Lat. 55°13′ N.
(EEEEEE) Kasaan Bay, Clarence StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8084—Sheet No. 21The location is indicated by an unnamed island about 840 yards long by 340 yards wide located near the head of Kasaan Bay 1 3/8 nautical miles 66° true from Mound Point and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 132°31 1/4′ W Lat. 55°35′ N.
(FFFFFF) McFarland Island, Tlevak StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8148—Sheet No. 24The location is on the southern part of one of the westerly islands of the group about 2 nautical miles long; all that part of the island lying south of a true east-and-west line drawn across the island at a distance of 3,040 feet north from the southernmost part of the high-water line at the south end of the island, including the small islet near the southeast side and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 132°55′ W Lat. 55°03′ N.
(GGGGGG) Peep Rock, Karheen PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8171—Sheet No. 28The location consists of a small islet located 3/4 nautical mile 306° true from the cannery wharf at Karheen and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 133°20′ W Lat.55°49′ N.
(HHHHHH) Round Point, Southeastern Shore of Zarembo IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 37The location is indicated by a southwestern island of the group about 700 yards long, including off-lying rocks and reefs not covered at low water.Approx. Long. 132°39 1/2′ W Lat. 56°16 1/2′ N.
(IIIIII) Round Rock, Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 38The location consists of a barren rock about 40 feet high located 3 nautical miles 254° true from the south end of West Brother Island.Approx. Long. 133°56′ W Lat. 57°15 1/2′ N.
(JJJJJJ) Snipe Rock, Ogden PassageU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8280—Sheet No. 40The location consists of a small barren rock occupied by the structure of Snipe Rock Light, located 340 yards 147° true from the south point of Herbert Graves Island.Approx. Long. 136°10 1/2′ W Lat. 57°38′ N.
(KKKKKK) South Craig Point, Zarembo IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160—Sheet No. 41The location consists of all of that part of the point lying on the easterly side of a true north-and-south line drawn across the point at a distance of 800 feet west true from the most easterly projection of the low-water line.Approx. Long. 132°37 1/2′ W Lat. 56°23′ N.
(LLLLLL) Sukoi Islets, Frederick SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8200—Sheet No. 43The location consists of the western group of islands and associated tidelands.Approx. Long. 132°56′ W Lat. 56°54′ N.
(MMMMMM) Three Hill Island, Cross SoundU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8304. See sheet for Althorp Rock, No. 1The location consists of Pinnacle rock about 32 feet high on the north shore of Three Hill Island occupied by Three Hill Island Light.Approx. Long. 136°24′ W Lat. 58°11′ N.
(NNNNNN) Turn Point, Portland CanalU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8051—Sheet No. 44The location begins at a point on the low-water line, west shore of Portland Canal, 3,040 feet in a direct line, southerly from the center of Turn Point Beacon, a tripod anchored to concrete piers, thence west true 1,520 feet, thence north true, 5,050 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the low-water line, thence southeasterly and southerly following the windings of a low-water line to the point of beginning.Approx. Long. 130°03 1/2′ W Lat. 55°26 1/2′ N.
(OOOOOO) Turn Rock, Tlevak StraitU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8151. See sheet for Goat Island, No. 14The location includes a small rock, awash at the highest tide, located near the south shore Goat Island and occupied by Turn Rock Beacon; a spindle and concrete pier.Approx. Long. 132°55′ W Lat. 55°10′ N.
(PPPPPP) Woronkofski Point, Woronkofski IslandU.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 8160. See sheet for High Point, No. 18The location begins at a point from which Woronkofski Beacon, a white slatted tripod, bears west true, distant 1,520 feet, thence south true 1,100 feet, thence west true 1,824 feet, more or less, to an intersection with a low-water line, thence northeasterly and easterly, following the windings of the low-water line, to a point from which point of beginning bears south true, thence south true, 420 feet, more or less, to point of beginning.Approx. Long. 132°30′ W Lat. 56°26′ N.
(QQQQQQ) Old Edna BaySection 28, T. 68 S., R. 76 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 28 at a point described as N 55°56′59.3412″ W 133°39′50.9538″, thence easterly to N 55°56′59.5176″ W 133°39′49.1904″, thence southerly to N 55°56′55.7802″ W 133°39′48.0054″, thence westerly to N 55°56′55.6044″ W 133°39′49.7736″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 55°56′59.3412″ W 133°39′50.9538″.
(RRRRRR) Fick Cove LTFSections 17 and 18, T. 49 S., R. 61 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in section 17 at a point described as N 57°37′35.5542″ W 135°40′22.5588″, thence southeasterly to N 57°37′33.3804″ W 135° 40′15.9198″, thence southwesterly to N 57°37′29.0922″ W 135°40′20.802″, thence northwesterly to N 57°37′31.2666″ W 135°40′27.4398″, thence northeasterly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°37′35.5542″ W 135°40′22.5588″.
(SSSSSS) Fick Cove RoadSection 18, T. 49 S., R. 61 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 18 at a point described as N 57°37′23.1672″ W 135°40′40.9182″, thence easterly to N 57°37′23.7318″ W 135°40′31.6482″, thence southerly to N 57°37′22.0332″ W 135°40′31.2918″, thence westerly to N 57°37′21.468″ W 135°40′40.5582″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°37′23.1672″ W 135°40′40.9182″.
(TTTTTT) Fish BaySection 17, T. 52 S., R. 62 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 17 at a point described as N 57°21′27.6768″ W 135° 30′35.949″, thence northeasterly to N 57°21′28.9506″ W 135°30′29.8548″, thence southeasterly to N 57°21′27.7596″ W 135°30′29.0016″, thence southwesterly to N 57°21′26.4852″ W 135°30′35.0958″, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°21′27.6768″ W 135°30′35.949″.
(UUUUUU) Hollis LTFSection 4, T. 74 S., R. 84 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 4 at a point described as N 55°28′51.2724″ W 132°39′13.4532″, thence easterly N 55°28′51.4884″ W 132°39′06.0660″, thence southerly N 55°28′51.4884″ W 132°39′05.9580″, thence westerly N 55°28′50.0700″ W 132°39′13.3452″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 55°28′51.2724″ W 132°39′13.4532″.
(VVVVVV) Hollis RoadSection 4, T. 74 S., R. 84 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 4 at a point described as N 55°28′59.6748″ W 132°39′04.9644″, thence easterly N 55°28′ 59.4084″ W 132°39′01.1304″, thence southerly N 55°28′58.2456″ W 132°39′01.3824″, thence westerly N 55°28′58.5120″ W 132°39′05.2164″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 55°28′59.6748″ W 132°39′04.9644″.
(WWWWWW) Klu BaySection 33, T. 69 S., R. 91 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 33 at a point described as N 55°50′41.5068″ W 131°28′02.4924″, thence northeasterly N 55°50′41.6400″ W 131°28′01.6788″, thence southeasterly N 55°50′40.1172″ W 131°28′00.8868″, thence southwesterly N 55°50′39.9804″ W 131°28′01.7004″, thence northwesterly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 55°50′41.5068″ W 131°28′02.4924″.
(XXXXXX) Patterson Bay—Road Location 1Section 5, T. 49 S., R. 60 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 5 at a point described as N 57°39′18.2448″ W 135°48′42.4836″, thence easterly N 57°39′ 18.3312″ W 135°48′39.5748″, thence southerly N 57°39′17.6472″ W 135°48′39.5028″, thence westerly N 57°39′17.5608″ W 135°48′42.4116″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°39′18.2448″ W 135°48′42.4836″.
(YYYYYY) Patterson Bay—Road Location 2Section 4, T. 49 S., R. 60 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 4 at a point described as N 57°39′21.5244″ W 135°48′20.7036″, thence southeasterly N 57°39′21.0564″ W 135°48′19.9764″, thence southwesterly N 57°39′20.0700″ W 135°48′22.1940″, thence northwesterly N 57°39′20.5380″ W 135°48′22.9212″, thence northeasterly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°39′21.5244″ W 135°48′20.7036″.
(ZZZZZZ) Patterson Bay LTFSection 36, T. 48 S., R. 59 E., and Section 4, T. 49 S., R. 60 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 36, T. 48 S., R. 59 E., CRM at a point described as N 57°39′26.6544″ W 135°47′42.2844″, thence easterly N 57°39′27.2520″ W 135°47′30.6852″, thence southerly N 57°39′25.5960″ W 135°47′30.3900″, thence westerly N 57°39′25.0020″ W 135°47′41.9892″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 57°39′26.6544″ W 135°47′42.2844″.
(AAAAAAA) Thorne Bay—Davidson LandingSection 34, T. 72 S., R. 84 E., Copper River MeridianThe location begins in Section 34 at a point described as N 55°40′13.1628″, W 132°31′26.3388″, thence easterly to N 55°40′13.2312″, W 132°31′23.8332″, thence southerly to N 55°40′10.9056″, W 132°31′23.6388″, thence westerly to N 55°40′10.8372″, W 132°31′26.1444″, thence northerly to the point of beginning.Approx. N 55°40′13.1628″, W 132°31′26.3388″.

(c) The regulations contained in this part apply on all public lands, excluding marine waters, but including all inland waters, both navigable and non-navigable, within and adjacent to the exterior boundaries of the following areas:

(1) Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge; (2) Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve; (3) Becharof National Wildlife Refuge; (4) Bering Land Bridge National Preserve; (5) Cape Krusenstern National Monument; (6) Chugach National Forest; (7) Denali National Preserve and the 1980 additions to Denali National Park; (8) Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve; (9) Glacier Bay National Preserve; (10) Innoko National Wildlife Refuge; (11) Izembek National Wildlife Refuge; (12) Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge; (13) Katmai National Preserve; (14) Kenai National Wildlife Refuge; (15) Kobuk Valley National Park; (16) Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge; (17) Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge; (18) Lake Clark National Park and Preserve; (19) Noatak National Preserve; (20) Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge; (21) Selawik National Wildlife Refuge; (22) Steese National Conservation Area; (23) Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge; (24) Togiak National Wildlife Refuge; (25) Tongass National Forest, including Admiralty Island National Monument and Misty Fjords National Monument; (26) White Mountain National Recreation Area; (27) Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve; (28) Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve; (29) Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge; (30) All components of the Wild and Scenic River System located outside the boundaries of National Parks, National Preserves, or National Wildlife Refuges, including segments of the Alagnak River, Beaver Creek, Birch Creek, Delta River, Fortymile River, Gulkana River, and Unalakleet River.

(d) The regulations contained in this part apply on all other public lands, other than to the military, U.S. Coast Guard, and Federal Aviation Administration lands that are closed to access by the general public, including all non-navigable waters located on these lands.

(e) The public lands described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section remain subject to change through rulemaking pending a Department of the Interior review of title and jurisdictional issues regarding certain submerged lands beneath navigable waters in Alaska.

[70 FR 76407, Dec. 27, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 49999, Aug. 24, 2006; 74 FR 34696, July 17, 2009; 83 FR 23817, May 23, 2018; 89 FR 22954, Apr. 3, 2024]
cite as: 50 CFR 100.3