Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 224.101 - Enumeration of endangered marine and anadromous species.

(a) The regulations in this part identify the species under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Commerce that have been determined to be endangered species pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act, and provide for the conservation of such species by establishing rules and procedures to governing activities involving the species.

(b) The regulations in this part apply only to the endangered species enumerated in this section.

(c) The provisions of this part are in addition to, and not in lieu of, other regulations of parts 222 through 226 of this chapter which prescribe additional restrictions or conditions governing endangered species.

(d) The table below identifies the species under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Commerce that have been determined to be endangered pursuant to section 4(a) of the Act, species treated as endangered because they are sufficiently similar in appearance to endangered species, and experimental populations of endangered species.

(e) The columns entitled “Common name,” “Scientific name,” and “Description of listed entity” define the species within the meaning of the Act. In the “Common name” column, experimental populations are identified as “XE” for essential populations or “XN” for nonessential populations. Species listed based on similarity of appearance are identified as “S/A.” Although a column for “Common name” is included, common names cannot be relied upon for identification of any specimen, because they may vary greatly in local usage. The “Scientific name” column provides the most recently accepted scientific name, relying to the extent practicable on the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. In cases in which confusion might arise, a synonym(s) will be provided in parentheses. The “Description of listed entity” column identifies whether the listed entity comprises the entire species, a subspecies, or a distinct population segment (DPS) and provides a description for any DPSs. Unless otherwise indicated in the “Description of listed entity” column, all individual members of the listed entity and their progeny retain their listing status wherever found, including individuals in captivity. Information regarding the general range of the species, subspecies, or DPS may be found in the Federal Register notice(s) cited in the “Citation(s) for listing determination(s)” column.

(f) The “Citation(s) for listing determination(s)” column provides reference to the Federal Register notice(s) determining the species' status under the Act. The abbreviation “(SPR)” (significant portion of its range) after a citation indicates that the species was listed based on its status in a significant portion of its range. If a citation does not include the “(SPR)” notation, it means that the species was listed based on its status throughout its entire range. For “(SPR)” listings, a geographical description of the SPR may be found in the referenced Federal Register Notice. The “(SPR)” notation serves an informational purpose only and does not imply any limitation on the application of the prohibitions or restrictions of the Act or implementing rules.

(g) The “Critical habitat” and “ESA rules” columns provide cross-references to other sections in this part and part 226. The term “NA” appearing in the “Critical habitat” column indicates that there are no critical habitat designations for that species; similarly, the term “NA” appearing in the “ESA rules” column indicates that there are no ESA rules for that species. However, all other applicable rules in parts 222 through 226 and part 402 still apply to that species. Also, there may be other rules in this title that relate to such wildlife. The “ESA rules” column is not intended to list all Federal, state, tribal, or local governmental regulations that may apply to the species.

(h) The endangered species under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Commerce are:

Species 1 Citation(s) for listing
ESA rules
Common name Scientific name Description of listed entity
Marine Mammals
Dolphin, Atlantic humpbackSousa teusziiEntire species89 FR 12980, 2/21/2024NANA
Dolphin, Chinese River (aka baiji)Lipotes vexilliferEntire species54 FR 22906, May 30, 1989NANA.
Dolphin, MauiCephalorhynchus hectori mauiEntire subspecies82 FR 43701, September 19, 2017NANA
Dolphin, South Asian River (Indus River subspecies)Platanista gangetica minorEntire subspecies55 FR 50835, Dec. 11, 1990NANA.
Dolphin, Taiwanese humpbackSousa chinensis taiwanensisEntire subspecies83 FR 21182, May 9, 2018NANA
Porpoise, Gulf of California harbor (aka vaquita or cochito)Phocoena sinusEntire species50 FR 1056, Jan. 9, 1985NANA.
Sea lion, Steller (Western DPS)Eumetopias jubatusSteller sea lions born in the wild, west of 144° W. Long. Also, Steller sea lions born in captivity whose mother was born in the wild, west of 144° W. Long., and progeny of these captives62 FR 24345, May 5, 1997226.202224.103, 226.202.
Seal, Hawaiian monkNeomonachus schauinslandi (= Monachus schauinslandi)Entire Species41 FR 51611, Nov. 23, 1976226.201NA.
Seal, Mediterranean monkMonachus monachusEntire species35 FR 8491, June 2, 1970NANA.
Seal, ringed (Ladoga subspecies)Phoca (=Pusa) hispida ladogensisEntire subspecies77 FR 76706; Dec. 28, 2012NANA.
Seal, ringed (Saimaa subspecies)Phoca (=Pusa) hispida saimensisEntire subspecies58 FR 26920, May 6, 1993NANA.
Whale, beluga (Cook Inlet DPS)Delphinapterus leucasBeluga whales originating from Cook Inlet, Alaska73 FR 62919, Oct. 22, 2008226.220NA.
Whale, blueBalaenoptera musculusEntire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NANA.
Whale, bowheadBalaena mysticetusEntire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NANA.
Whale, false killer (Main Hawaiian Islands Insular DPS)Pseudorca crassidensFalse killer whales found from nearshore of the main Hawaiian Islands out to 140 km (approximately 75 nautical miles) and that permanently reside within this geographic range77 FR 70915, Nov. 28, 2012§ 226.226NA.
Whale, fin or finbackBalaenoptera physalusEntire species35 FR 8491, June 2, 1970NANA.
Whale, gray (Western North Pacific DPS)Eschrichtius robustusWestern North Pacific (Korean) gray whales35 FR 8491, June 2, 1970; 59 FR 31094, June 16, 1994NANA.
Whale, humpback (Arabian Sea DPS)Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whales that breed and feed in the Arabian Sea81 FR 62260, Sept. 8, 2016NANA.
Whale, humpback (Cape Verde Islands/Northwest Africa DPS)Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whales that breed in waters surrounding the Cape Verde Islands in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean, as well as those that breed in an undetermined breeding area in the eastern tropical Atlantic (possibly Canary Current) and feed along the Iceland Shelf and Sea and the Norwegian Sea81 FR 62260, Sept. 8, 2016NANA.
Whale, humpback (Central America DPS)Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whales that breed in waters off Central America in the North Pacific Ocean and feed along the West Coast of the United States and southern British Columbia81 FR 62260, Sept. 8, 2016226.227
Whale, humpback (Western North Pacific DPS)Megaptera novaeangliaeHumpback whales that breed or winter in the area of Okinawa and the Philippines in the Kuroshio Current (as well as unknown breeding grounds in the Western North Pacific Ocean), transit the Ogasawara area, or feed in the North Pacific Ocean, primarily in the West Bering Sea and off the Russian coast and the Aleutian Islands81 FR 62260, Sept. 8, 2016226.227
Whale, killer (Southern Resident DPS)Orcinus orcaKiller whales from the J, K, and L pods80 FR 7380, Feb. 10, 2015226.206224.103.
Whale, North Atlantic rightEubalaena glacialisEntire species73 FR 12024, Mar. 6, 2008226.203224.103, 224.105.
Whale, North Pacific rightEubalaena japonicaEntire species73 FR 12024, Mar. 6, 2008226.215224.103.
Whale, Rice'sBalaenoptera riceiEntire Species84 FR 15446, April 15, 2019NANA.
Whale, seiBalaenoptera borealisEntire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NANA.
Whale, Southern rightEubalaena australisEntire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NANA.
Whale, spermPhyseter macrocephalus (= catodon)Entire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NANA.
Reptiles 2
Sea snake, duskyAipysurus fuscusEntire species80 FR 60560, Oct. 7, 2015NANA.
Sea turtle, green (Central South Pacific DPS)Chelonia mydasGreen sea turtles originating from the Central South Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following coordinates: 9° N., 175° W. in the northwest; 9° N., 125° W. in the northeast; 40° S., 96° W. in the southeast; 40° S., 176° E. in the southwest; and 13° S., 171° E. in the west81 FR 20058, Apr. 6, 2016NA224.104.
Sea turtle, green (Central West Pacific DPS)Chelonia mydasGreen sea turtles originating from the Central West Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following coordinates: 41° N., 146° E. in the northwest; 41° N., 169° E. in the northeast; 9° N., 175° W. in the east; 13° S., 171° E. in the southeast; along the northern coast of the island of New Guinea; and 4.5° N., 129° E. in the west81 FR 20058, Apr. 6, 2016NA224.104.
Sea turtle, green (Mediterranean DPS)Chelonia mydasGreen sea turtles originating from the Mediterranean Sea, bounded by 5.5° W. Long. in the west81 FR 20058, Apr. 6, 2016NA224.104.
Sea turtle, hawksbillEretmochelys imbricataEntire species35 FR 8491, June 2, 1970226.209224.104.
Sea turtle, Kemp's ridleyLepidochelys kempiiEntire species35 FR 18319, Dec. 2, 1970NA224.104.
Sea turtle, leatherbackDermochelys coriaceaEntire species35 FR 8491, June 2, 1970226.207224.104.
Sea turtle, loggerhead (Mediterranean Sea DPS)Caretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtles originating from the Mediterranean Sea east of 5°36′ W. Long76 FR 58868, Sept. 22, 2011NA224.104.
Sea turtle, loggerhead (North Indian Ocean DPS)Caretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtles originating from the North Indian Ocean north of the equator and south of 30° N. Lat76 FR 58868, Sept. 22, 2011NA224.104.
Sea turtle, loggerhead (North Pacific Ocean DPS)Caretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtles originating from the North Pacific north of the equator and south of 60° N. Lat76 FR 58868, Sept. 22, 2011NA224.104.
Sea turtle, loggerhead (Northeast Atlantic Ocean DPS)Caretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtles originating from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean north of the equator, south of 60° N. Lat., and east of 40° W. Long., except in the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar where the eastern boundary is 5°36′ W. Long76 FR 58868, Sept. 22, 2011NA224.104.
Sea turtle, loggerhead (South Pacific Ocean DPS)Caretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtles originating from the South Pacific south of the equator, north of 60° S. Lat., west of 67° W. Long., and east of 141° E. Long76 FR 58868, Sept. 22, 2011NA224.104.
Sea turtle, olive ridleyLepidochelys olivaceaBreeding colony populations on the Pacific coast of Mexico43 FR 32800, July 28, 1978NA224.104.
Angelshark, commonSquatina squatinaEntire species81 FR 50394, Aug. 1, 2016NANA.
Angelshark, ArgentineSquatina argentinaEntire species82 FR 21722, May 10, 2017NANA
Angelshark, sawbackSquatina aculeataEntire species81 FR 50394, Aug. 1, 2016NANA.
Angelshark, smoothbackSquatina oculataEntire species81 FR 50394, Aug. 1, 2016NANA.
Angelshark, spinySquatina guggenheimEntire species82 FR 21722, May 10, 2017NANA
Bocaccio (Puget Sound/Georgia Basin DPS)Sebastes paucispinisBocaccio residing within the Puget Sound/Georgia Basin to the Northern Boundary of the Northern Strait of Georgia along the southern contours of Quadra Island, Maurelle Island and Sonora Island, all of Bute Inlet The Western Boundary of the U.S. side in the Strait of Juan de Fuca is N 48 7′16″, W123 17′15″ in a straight line to the Canadian side at N 48 24′40″, 123 17′38″75 FR 22276, Apr. 28, 2010226.224NA.
Grouper, gulfMycteroperca jordaniEntire species81 FR 72545, Oct. 20, 2016NANA.
Guitarfish, BrazilianRhinobatos horkeliiEntire species82 FR 21722, May 10, 2017NANA
Salmon, Atlantic (Gulf of Maine DPS)Salmo salarNaturally spawned Atlantic salmon originating from the Gulf of Maine, including such Atlantic salmon originating from watersheds from the Androscoggin River northward along the Maine coast to the Dennys River. Also, Atlantic salmon from two artificial propagation programs: Green Lake National Fish Hatchery (GLNFH) and Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery (CBNFH). This DPS does not include landlocked salmon and those salmon raised in commercial hatcheries for aquaculture74 FR 29344, June 19, 2009226.217NA.
Salmon, Chinook (Sacramento River winter-run ESU)Oncorhynchus tshawytschaNaturally spawned winter-run Chinook salmon originating from the Sacramento River and its tributaries. Also, winter-run Chinook salmon from the following artificial propagation programs: The Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery (Supplementation and Captive Broodstock)70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005226.204NA
Salmon, Chinook (Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU)Oncorhynchus tshawytschaNaturally spawned spring-run Chinook salmon originating from Columbia River tributaries upstream of the Rock Island Dam and downstream of Chief Joseph Dam (excluding the Okanogan River subbasin). Also, spring-run Chinook salmon from the following artificial propagation programs: The Twisp River Program; Chief Joseph spring Chinook Hatchery Program (Okanogan release); Methow Program; Winthrop National Fish Hatchery Program; Chiwawa River Program; White River Program; and the Nason Creek Program70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005226.212NA
Salmon, coho (Central California Coast ESU)Oncorhynchus kisutchNaturally spawned coho salmon originating from rivers south of Punta Gorda, California to and including Aptos Creek, as well as such coho salmon originating from tributaries to San Francisco Bay. Also, coho salmon from the following artificial propagation programs: The Don Clausen Fish Hatchery Captive Broodstock Program; the Scott Creek/King Fisher Flats Conservation Program; and the Scott Creek Captive Broodstock Program70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005; 77 FR 19552, Apr. 2, 2012226.210NA
Salmon, sockeye (Snake River ESU)Oncorhynchus nerkaNaturally spawned anadromous and residual sockeye salmon originating from the Snake River basin. Also, sockeye salmon from the Redfish Lake Captive Broodstock Program and the Snake River Sockeye Salmon Hatchery Program70 FR 37160, June 28, 2005226.205NA
Sawfish, dwarfPristis clavataEntire species79 FR 73978, Dec. 12, 2014NANA.
Sawfish, greenPristis zijsronEntire species79 FR 73978, Dec. 12, 2014NANA.
Sawfish, largetoothPristis pristis (formerly Pristis perotteti, Pristis pristis, and Pristis microdon)Entire species79 FR 73978, Dec. 12, 2014NANA.
Sawfish, narrowAnoxypristis cuspidataEntire species79 FR 73978, Dec. 12, 2014NANA.
Sawfish, smalltooth (United States DPS)Pristis pectinataSmalltooth sawfish originating from U.S. waters68 FR 15674, Apr. 1, 2003226.218NA.
Sawfish, smalltooth (Non-U.S. DPS)Pristis pectinataSmalltooth sawfish originating from non-U.S. waters79 FR 73978, Dec. 12, 2014NANA.
Shark, daggernoseIsogomphodon oxyrhynchusEntire species82 FR 21722, May 10, 2017NANA
Shark, scalloped hammerhead (Eastern Atlantic DPS)Sphyrna lewiniScalloped hammerhead sharks originating from the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, including all waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and delineated by the following boundary lines: bounded to the west by 30° W. long., to the north by 40° N. lat., to the south by 36° S. lat., and to the east by 20° E. long79 FR 38214, July 3, 2014NANA.
Shark, scalloped hammerhead (Eastern Pacific DPS)Sphyrna lewiniScalloped hammerhead sharks originating from the Eastern Pacific Ocean, delineated by the following boundary lines: bounded to the north by 40° N lat. and to the south by 36° S lat. The western boundary line extends from 140° W. long. due south to 10° N., then due west along 10° N. lat. to 150° W. long., then due south to 4° S. lat., then due east along 4° S. lat. to 130° W. long, and then extends due south along 130° W. long79 FR 38214, July 3, 2014NANA.
Shark, striped smoothhoundMustelus fasciatusEntire species82 FR 21722, May 10, 2017NANA
Steelhead (Southern California DPS)Oncorhynchus mykissNaturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss (steelhead) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Santa Maria River to the U.S.-Mexico Border71 FR 834, Jan. 5, 2006226.211NA.
Sturgeon, AdriaticAcipenser naccariiEntire species79 FR 31222, June 2, 2014NANA.
Sturgeon, Atlantic (Atlantic subspecies; Carolina DPS)Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchusAtlantic sturgeon originating from watersheds (including all rivers and tributaries) from Albemarle Sound southward along the southern Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina coastal areas to Charleston Harbor77 FR 5914, Feb. 6, 2012NANA.
Sturgeon, Atlantic (Atlantic subspecies; Chesapeake Bay DPS)Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchusAnadromous Atlantic sturgeon originating from watersheds that drain into the Chesapeake Bay and into coastal waters from the Delaware-Maryland border on Fenwick Island to Cape Henry, Virginia77 FR 5880, Feb. 6, 2012NANA.
Sturgeon, Atlantic (Atlantic subspecies; New York Bight DPS)Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchusAnadromous Atlantic sturgeon originating from watersheds that drain into coastal waters, including Long Island Sound, the New York Bight, and Delaware Bay, from Chatham, Massachusetts to the Delaware-Maryland border on Fenwick Island77 FR 5880, Feb. 6, 2012NANA.
Sturgeon, Atlantic (Atlantic subspecies; South Atlantic DPS)Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchusAtlantic sturgeon originating from watersheds (including all rivers and tributaries) of the ACE (Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto) Basin southward along the South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida coastal areas to the St. Johns River, Florida77 FR 5914, Feb. 6, 2012NANA.
Sturgeon, ChineseAcipenser sinensisEntire species79 FR 31222, June 2, 2014NANA.
Sturgeon, EuropeanAcipenser sturioEntire species79 FR 31222, June 2, 2014NANA.
Sturgeon, KalugaHuso dauricusEntire species79 FR 31222, June 2, 2014NANA.
Sturgeon, SakhalinAcipenser mikadoiEntire species79 FR 31222, June 2, 2014NANA.
Sturgeon, shortnoseAcipenser brevirostrumEntire species32 FR 4001, Mar. 11, 1967NANA.
TotoabaCynoscion macdonaldiEntire species44 FR 29480, May 21, 1979NANA.
Abalone, blackHaliotis cracherodiiEntire species74 FR 1937, Jan. 14, 2009226.221NA.
Abalone, whiteHaliotis sorenseniEntire species66 FR 29054, May 29, 2001NANA.
Coral, [no common name]Cantharellus noumeaeEntire species80 FR 60560, Oct. 7, 2015NANA.
Coral, [no common name]Tubastraea floreanaEntire species80 FR 60560, Oct. 7, 2015NANA.

1 Species includes taxonomic species, subspecies, distinct population segments (DPSs) (for a policy statement, see 61 FR 4722, February 7, 1996), and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs) (for a policy statement, see 56 FR 58612, November 20, 1991).

2 Jurisdiction for sea turtles by the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, is limited to turtles while in the water.

[79 FR 20814, Apr. 14, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 31227, June 2, 2014; 79 FR 38241, July 3, 2014; 79 FR 68372, Nov. 17, 2014; 79 FR 74005, Dec. 12, 2014; 79 FR 78725, Dec. 31, 2014; 80 FR 7978, Feb. 13, 2015; 80 FR 7390, Feb. 10, 2015; 80 FR 60564, Oct. 7, 2015; 81 FR 20090, Apr. 6, 2016; 81 FR 50400, Aug. 1, 2016; 81 FR 62320, Sept. 8, 2016; 81 FR 72549, Oct. 20, 2016; 82 FR 7720, Jan. 23, 2017; 82 FR 21740, May 10, 2017; 82 FR 43710, Septt. 19, 2017; 83 FR 21186, May 9, 2018; 83 FR 35091, July 24, 2018]; 84 FR 15487, Apr. 15, 2019; 85 FR 81836, Dec. 17, 2020; 86 FR 21152, Apr. 21, 2021; 86 FR 47024, Aug. 23, 2021; 86 FR 74380, Dec. 30, 2021; 89 FR 12985, Feb. 21, 2024]
source: 64 FR 14066, Mar. 23, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 224.101