Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 622.101 - Permits.

(a) Gulf aquaculture permit. For a person to deploy or operate an aquaculture facility in the Gulf EEZ or sell or attempt to sell, at the first point of sale, an allowable aquaculture species cultured in the Gulf EEZ, a Gulf aquaculture permit must have been issued to that person for that aquaculture facility, and the permit must be prominently displayed and available for inspection at the aquaculture facility. The permit number should also be included on the buoys or other floating devices used to mark the restricted access zone of the operation as specified in § 622.104(c).

(1) Eligibility requirement for a Gulf aquaculture permit. Eligibility for a Gulf aquaculture permit is limited to U.S. citizens as defined in the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended, and permanent resident aliens lawfully accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the U.S. in accordance with U.S. immigration laws.

(2) Application for a Gulf aquaculture permit. Application forms are available from the RA. A completed application form and all required supporting documents must be submitted by the applicant (in the case of a corporation, an officer; in the case of a partnership, a general partner) to the RA at least 180 days prior to the date the applicant desires the permit to be effective. An applicant must provide all information indicated on the application form including:

(i) Applicant's name, address, and telephone number.

(ii) Business name, address, telephone number, date the business was formed, and, if the applicant is a corporation, corporate structure and shareholder information.

(iii) Information sufficient to document eligibility as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien.

(iv) Description of the exact location (i.e., global positioning system (GPS) coordinates) and dimensions of the proposed aquaculture facility and proposed site, including a map of the site to scale.

(v) A baseline environmental survey of the proposed aquaculture site. The assessment must be conducted, and the data, analyses, and results must be summarized and presented, consistent with the guidelines specified by NMFS. NMFS' guidelines will include methods and procedures for conducting diver and video surveys, measuring hydrographic conditions, collecting and analyzing benthic sediments and infauna, and measuring water quality characteristics. The guidelines will be available on the Web site and from the RA upon request.

(vi) A list of allowable aquaculture species to be cultured; estimated start up production level by species; and the estimated maximum total annual poundage of each species to be harvested from the aquaculture facility.

(vii) Name and address or specific location of each hatchery that would provide juvenile animals for grow-out at the proposed aquaculture facility located within the Gulf EEZ and a copy of all relevant, valid state or Federal aquaculture permits issued to the hatchery.

(viii) A description of the aquaculture system(s) to be used, including the number, size and dimensions of the aquaculture system(s), a description of the mooring system(s) used to secure the aquaculture system(s), and documentation of the aquaculture system's ability to withstand physical stress, such as hurricanes, wave energy, etc., including a copy of any available engineering analysis.

(ix) A description of the equipment and methods to be used for feeding, transporting, maintaining, and removing cultured species from aquaculture systems.

(x) A copy of the valid USCG certificate of documentation or, if not documented, a copy of the valid state registration certificate for each vessel involved in the aquaculture operation; and documentation or identification numbers for any aircraft or vehicles involved.

(xi) Documentation certifying that:

(A) the applicant agrees to immediately remove cultured animals remaining in approved aquaculture systems from the Gulf EEZ as ordered by the RA if it is discovered that the animals are genetically engineered or transgenic;

(B) the applicant agrees to immediately remove cultured animals remaining in approved aquaculture systems from the Gulf EEZ as ordered by the RA if fish are discovered to be infected with a World Organization of Animal Health (OIE) reportable pathogen that represents a new detection in the Gulf or a new detection for that cultured species in the U.S. is found at the facility, or additional pathogens that are subsequently identified as reportable pathogens in the National Aquatic Animal Health Plan (NAAHP), or any other pathogen determined by NMFS and APHIS to pose a significant threat to the health of wild aquatic organisms; and,

(C) the applicant agrees to immediately remove all components of the aquaculture system and cultured animals remaining in approved aquaculture systems from the Gulf EEZ as ordered by the RA if there are any other violations of the permit conditions or regulations other than those listed in paragraphs (a)(2)(xi)(A) and (B) of this section which causes the RA to order such removal.

(xii) Documentation certifying the applicant has obtained an assurance bond sufficient to cover the costs of removal of all components of the aquaculture facility, including cultured animals remaining in approved aquaculture systems, from the Gulf EEZ. The assurance bond would not be required to cover the costs of removing an oil and gas platform. The RA will provide applicants a form and associated guidance for complying with the assurance bond requirement. The applicant must also provide documentation certifying the applicant has established a standby trust fund into which any payments made towards the assurance bond can be deposited. The trustee of the standby trust may not be the same entity as the permittee. The assurance bond is payable at the discretion of the RA to a designee as specified in the bond or to a standby trust. When the RA directs the payment into a standby trust, all amounts paid by the assurance bond provider must be deposited directly into the standby trust fund for distribution by the trustee in accordance with the RA's instructions. A permittee will be deemed to be without the required financial assurance in the event of bankruptcy of the trustee or issuing institution, or a suspension or revocation of the authority of the trustee institution to act as trustee or of the institution issuing the assurance bond. The permittee must establish other financial assurance within 60 days after such an event.

(xiii) Certification by the applicant that all broodstock, or progeny of such wild broodstock, used to provide juveniles to the aquaculture facility will be or were originally harvested from U.S. waters of the Gulf, and will be or were from the same population or subpopulation (based on the best scientific information available) where the facility is located, and that each individual broodstock was marked or tagged at the hatchery to allow for identification of those individuals used in spawning.

(xiv) Certification by the applicant that no genetically engineered or transgenic animals are used or possessed for culture purposes at the aquaculture facility.

(xv) Copy of a contractual arrangement with an identified aquatic animal health expert to provide services to the aquaculture facility has been obtained. A copy of the license or certification also must be provided to NMFS.

(xvi) A copy of an emergency disaster plan, developed for and to be used by the operator of the aquaculture facility, that includes, procedures for preparing or if necessary removing aquaculture systems, aquaculture equipment, and cultured animals in the event of a disaster (e.g., hurricane, tsunami, harmful algal bloom, chemical or oil spill, etc.);

(xvii) Any other information concerning the aquaculture facility or its operations or equipment, as specified on the application form.

(xviii) Any other information that may be necessary for the issuance or administration of the Gulf aquaculture permit, as specified on the application form.

(b) Gulf aquaculture dealer permit. For a dealer to receive fish cultured by an aquaculture facility in the Gulf EEZ, that dealer must first obtain a Gulf aquaculture dealer permit. However, an owner or operator of an aquaculture facility with a Gulf aquaculture permit may purchase juvenile fish for grow-out from a hatchery located in the Gulf EEZ without obtaining a dealer permit. To obtain a dealer permit, the applicant must have a valid state wholesaler's license in the state(s) where the dealer operates, if required by such state(s), and must have a physical facility at a fixed location in such state(s).

(1) Application for a Gulf aquaculture dealer permit. Application forms are available from the RA. The application must be submitted by the owner (in the case of a corporation, an officer; in the case of a partnership, a general partner). Completed application forms and all required supporting documents must be submitted to the RA at least 30 days prior to the date on which the applicant desires to have the permit made effective. An applicant must provide the following:

(i) A copy of each state wholesaler's license held by the dealer.

(ii) Name, address, telephone number, date the business was formed, and other identifying information of the business.

(iii) The address of each physical facility at a fixed location where the business receives fish from an aquaculture facility in the Gulf EEZ.

(iv) Name, address, telephone number, other identifying information, and official capacity in the business of the applicant.

(v) Any other information that may be necessary for the issuance or administration of the permit, as specified on the application form.

(2) [Reserved]

(c) Permit requirements for other aquaculture-related activities. For a person to do any of the following, such person must have in his/her possession and make available upon request by NMFS or an authorized officer, a copy of a valid Gulf aquaculture permit with an original (not copied) signature of the permit owner or owner's agent:

(1) Possess or transport fish in or from the Gulf EEZ to be cultured at an aquaculture facility (e.g., brood stock, fingerlings) or possess or transport fish from an aquaculture facility for landing ashore and sale.

(2) Operate, in support of aquaculture related activities, any vessel, vehicle, or aircraft authorized for use in operations related to an aquaculture facility, i.e., those registered for aquaculture operation use.

(3) Harvest and retain on board a vessel live wild broodstock for use in an aquaculture facility regardless of where the broodstock is harvested or possessed.

(d) Permit-related procedures—(1) Fees. A fee is charged for each application for a permit submitted under this section and for each request for renewal, transfer or replacement of such permit. The amount of each fee is calculated in accordance with the procedures of the NOAA Finance Handbook, available from the RA, for determining the administrative costs of each special product or service. The fee may not exceed such costs and is specified with each application form. The appropriate fee must accompany each application or request for renewal, transfer or replacement.

(2) Review and notifications regarding a Gulf aquaculture permit. (i) The RA will review each application and make a preliminary determination whether the application is complete. An application is complete when all requested forms, information, and documentation have been received. If the RA determines that an application is complete, notification of receipt of the application will be published in the Federal Register with a brief description of the proposal and specifying the intent of NMFS to issue a Gulf aquaculture permit. The public will be given up to 45 days to comment, and comments will be requested during public testimony at a Council meeting. The RA will consult with other Federal agencies, as appropriate, and the Council concerning the permit application during the period in which public comments have been requested. The RA will notify the applicant in advance of any Council meeting at which the application will be considered, and offer the applicant the opportunity to appear in support of the application. The RA may consider revisions to the application made by the applicant in response to public comment before approving or denying it.

(ii) As soon as practicable after the opportunity for public comment ends, the RA will notify the applicant and the Council in writing of the decision to grant or deny the Gulf aquaculture permit. If the RA grants the permit, the RA will publish a notification of the permit approval in the Federal Register. If the RA denies the permit, the RA will advise the applicant, in writing, of the reasons for the denial and publish a notification in the Federal Register announcing the denial and the basis for it. Grounds for denial of a Gulf aquaculture permit include the following:

(A) The applicant has failed to disclose material information or has made false statements with respect to any material fact, in connection with the Gulf aquaculture permit application;

(B) Based on the best scientific information available, issuance of the permit would pose significant risk to wild fish stocks, marine mammals, threatened or endangered species, essential fish habitat, public health, or safety; or,

(C) Activities proposed to be conducted under the Gulf aquaculture permit are inconsistent with aquaculture regulations in this section, the management objectives of the FMP, or the Magnuson-Stevens Act or other applicable law.

(D) Use of the proposed site is denied based on the criteria set forth in § 622.103(a)(4).

(3) Initial issuance. (i) Upon receipt of an incomplete application, the RA will notify the applicant of the deficiency. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiency within 60 days of the date of the RA's letter of notification or request an extension of time by contacting the NMFS Southeast Regional Office before the end of the 60-day timeframe, the application will be considered abandoned.

(ii) Prior to issuance of a Gulf aquaculture permit, a copy of currently valid Federal permits (e.g., ACOE Section 10 permit, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit) applicable to the proposed aquaculture site, facilities, or operations, must be submitted to NMFS.

(iii) The RA will issue an initial permit to an applicant after the review and notification procedures set forth in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section are complete and the decision to grant the permit is made under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section. The initial permit will be issued 30 days after the RA notifies the applicant of the decision to grant the permit, unless NMFS receives a written request from the applicant before the end of the 30 day period to defer issuance of the permit. If the applicant requests a deferral, NMFS will include this information in the notification of permit approval published in the Federal Register as specified in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section and will publish a Federal Register notice upon permit issuance. Permit issuance will be deferred for two years from the date of the RA notification unless the applicant sends a written request to NMFS to issue the permit at an earlier date. This written request must be received by NMFS at least 30 days prior to the date the applicant desires the permit to be effective.

(4) Duration. A Gulf aquaculture permit will initially be issued for a 10-year period and may be renewed in 5-year increments thereafter. An aquaculture dealer permit is an annual permit and must be renewed annually. A permit remains valid for the period specified on it unless it is revoked, suspended, or modified pursuant to subpart D of 15 CFR part 904 or the aquaculture facility is sold and the permit has not been transferred or the dealership is sold. Once the aquaculture permit is no longer valid, all components of the aquaculture facility, including cultured animals remaining in approved aquaculture systems, must be removed immediately from the Gulf EEZ.

(5) Transfer. (i) A Gulf aquaculture permit is transferable to an eligible person, i.e., a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien if the geographic location of the aquaculture site remains unchanged. An eligible person who acquires an aquaculture facility that is currently permitted and who desires to conduct activities for which a permit is required may request that the RA transfer the permit to him/her. At least 30 days prior to the desired effective date of the transfer, such a person must complete and submit to the RA or via the Web site a permit transfer request form that is available from the RA. The permit transfer request form must be accompanied by the original Gulf aquaculture permit, a copy of a signed bill of sale or equivalent acquisition papers, and a written agreement between the transferor and transferee specifying who is assuming the responsibilities and liabilities associated with the Gulf aquaculture permit and the aquaculture facility, including all the terms and conditions associated with the original issuance of the Gulf aquaculture permit. All applicable permit requirements and conditions must be satisfied prior to a permit transfer, including any necessary updates, e.g., updates regarding required certifications, legal responsibility for assurance bond, other required permits, etc. The seller must sign the back of the Gulf aquaculture permit, and have the signed transfer document notarized. Final transfer of a Gulf aquaculture permit will occur only after the RA provides official notice to both parties that the transferee is eligible to receive the permit and that the transfer is otherwise valid.

(ii) An aquaculture dealer permit is not transferable.

(6) Renewal. An aquaculture facility owner or aquaculture dealer who has been issued a permit under this subpart must renew such permit consistent with the applicable duration of the permit specified in paragraph (d)(4) of this section. The RA will mail an aquaculture facility owner or aquaculture dealer whose permit is expiring an application for renewal at least 6 months prior to the expiration date of a Gulf aquaculture facility permit and approximately 2 months prior to the expiration date of an aquaculture dealer permit. An aquaculture facility owner or aquaculture dealer who does not receive a renewal application from the RA within the time frames indicated in this paragraph must contact the RA and request a renewal application. The applicant must submit a completed renewal application form and all required supporting documents to the RA at least 120 days prior to the date on which the applicant desires to have a Gulf aquaculture permit made effective and at least 30 days prior to the date on which the applicant desires to have an aquaculture dealer permit made effective. If the RA receives an incomplete application, the RA will notify the applicant of the deficiency. If the applicant fails to correct the deficiency within 60 days of the date of the RA's letter of notification or request an extension of time by contacting the NMFS Southeast Regional Office before the end of the 60 day timeframe, the application will be considered abandoned.

(7) Display. A Gulf aquaculture permit issued under this section must be prominently displayed and available for inspection at the aquaculture facility. The permit number should also be included on the buoys or other floating devices used to mark the restricted access zone of the operation as specified in § 622.104(c). An aquaculture dealer permit issued under this section, or a copy thereof, must be prominently displayed and available on the dealer's premises. In addition, a copy of the dealer's permit, or the aquaculture facility's permit (if the fish have not yet been purchased by a dealer), must accompany each vehicle that is used to receive fish harvested from an aquaculture facility in the Gulf EEZ. A vehicle operator must present the permit or a copy for inspection upon the request of an authorized officer.

(8) Sanctions and denials. A Gulf aquaculture permit or aquaculture dealer permit issued pursuant to this section may be revoked, suspended, or modified, and such permit applications may be denied, in accordance with the procedures governing enforcement-related permit sanctions and denials found at subpart D of 15 CFR part 904.

(9) Alteration. A Gulf aquaculture permit or aquaculture dealer permit that is altered, erased, or mutilated is invalid.

(10) Replacement. A replacement Gulf aquaculture permit or aquaculture dealer permit may be issued. An application for a replacement permit is not considered a new application.

(11) Change in application information. An aquaculture facility owner or aquaculture dealer who has been issued a permit under this subpart must notify the RA within 30 days after any change in the applicable application information specified in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section. If any change in the information is not reported within 30 days aquaculture operations may no longer be conducted under the permit.

authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 78 FR 22952, Apr. 17, 2013, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 50 CFR 622.101