Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 6 - Domestic Security last revised: Jan 14, 2025
§ 13.20 - Disclosure of Documents.

(a) Upon written request to the Reviewing Official, the Defendant may review, at a time and place convenient to the Authority, any relevant and material Documents, transcripts, records, and other materials that relate to the allegations set out in the Complaint and upon which the findings and conclusions of the Investigating Official under § 13.4(b) are based, unless such Documents are subject to a privilege under Federal law. Special arrangements as to confidentiality may be required by the Reviewing Official, who may also assert privilege or other related doctrines. Upon payment of fees for duplication, the Defendant may obtain copies of such Documents.

(b) Upon written request to the Reviewing Official, the Defendant also may obtain a copy of all exculpatory information in the possession of the Reviewing Official or Investigating Official relating to the allegations in the Complaint, even if it is contained in a Document that would otherwise be privileged. If the Document would otherwise be privileged, only that portion containing exculpatory information must be disclosed.

(c) The notice sent to the Attorney General from the Reviewing Official as described in § 13.5 is not discoverable under any circumstances.

(d) The Defendant may file a motion to compel disclosure of the Documents subject to the provisions of this section. Such a motion may only be filed following the serving of an answer pursuant to § 13.9.

authority: Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2135 (6 U.S.C., Ch. 1, sections 101
source: 70 FR 59211, Oct. 12, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 6 CFR 13.20