(a) Establishment of the Board. There is hereby established a Softwood Lumber Board to administer the terms and provisions of the Order and promote the use of softwood lumber. The Board shall be composed of manufacturers for the U.S. market who manufacture and domestically ship or import 15 million board feet or more of softwood lumber in the United States during a fiscal period. Seats on the Board shall be apportioned based on the volume of softwood lumber production that is manufactured and shipped within the United States by domestic manufacturers and the volume of softwood lumber imported into the United States. Seats on the Board shall also be apportioned based on size of operation within each geographic region, as specified in paragraphs (b)(l) and (2) of this section. For purposes of this section, “large” means manufacturers for the U.S. market who account for the top two-thirds of the total annual volume of assessable softwood lumber and “small” means those who account for the remaining one-third of the total annual volume of assessable softwood lumber. If there are no eligible nominees for a large or small seat within a region, that seat may be filled by a nominee representing an eligible manufacturer for the U.S. market of any size. Should the size of a manufacturer for the U.S. market change during a member's or alternate's term of office, that member or alternate may serve for the remainder of the term.
(b) Composition of the Board. The Board shall be composed of 15 members and four alternates, as follows:
(1) Domestic manufacturers. Domestic manufacturers must reside in the United States. Ten members and two alternates shall represent domestic manufacturers who reside in the following three regions:
(i) Five members and one alternate shall represent manufacturers of softwood lumber in the U.S. South Region, which consists of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Of these five members, two members must represent large, two members must represent small, and one member may represent domestic manufacturers of any size. The region's alternate may represent domestic manufacturers of any size;
(ii) Four members and one alternate shall represent manufacturers of softwood lumber in the U.S. West Region, which consists of the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Of these four members, two members must represent large, one member must represent small, and one member may represent domestic manufacturers of any size. The region's alternate may represent domestic manufacturers of any size; and
(iii) One member shall represent manufacturers of softwood lumber in the Northeast and Lake States Region, which consists of the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin and all other parts of the United States not listed in paragraph (b)(1)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section. This member may represent domestic manufacturers of any size.
(2) Importers. Four members and one alternate shall represent importers. Of these four members, two members must represent large, one member must represent small, and one member may represent importers of any size. The alternate may represent importers of any size from any region. At least three of the members must import softwood lumber from the following regions:
(i) Two members must import softwood lumber from the Canadian West Region, which consists of the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta; and
(ii) One member must import softwood lumber from the Canadian East Region, which consists of the Canadian territories and all other Canadian provinces not listed in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section that import softwood lumber into the United States.
(3) Public Member. One member and one alternate of the Board shall represent the public. The public member and alternate may not be manufacturers for the U.S. market as defined in section 1217.14.
(c) Periodic review. In each five-year period, but not more frequently than once in each three-year period, the Board shall:
(1) Review, based on a three-year average, the geographical distribution of the volume of softwood lumber production that is manufactured and shipped within the United States by domestic manufacturers and the volume of softwood lumber imported into the United States; and
(2) Review, based on a three-year average, the distribution of the size of operations within each region; and
(3) If warranted, recommend to the Secretary the reapportionment of the Board membership to reflect changes in the geographical distribution of the volume of softwood lumber production that is manufactured and shipped within the United States by domestic manufacturers and the volume of softwood lumber imported into the United States. The distribution of volumes between regions and the distribution of the size of operations within regions shall also be considered. The number of Board members may also be changed. Any changes in Board composition shall be implemented by the Secretary through rulemaking.
[84 FR 50299, Sept. 25, 2019]
[76 FR 46193, Aug. 2, 2011, as amended at 85 FR 45059, July 27, 2020; 89 FR 58250, July 18, 2024]