Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 1421.5 - Eligible commodities.

(a) Commodities eligible to be pledged as collateral for a MAL made under this part are:

(1) Barley, corn, grain sorghum, oats, peanuts, soybeans, oilseeds, wheat, dry peas, lentils, chickpeas, rice and other crops designated by CCC produced and mechanically harvested in the United States;

(2) Dual purpose sorghum varieties as determined by CCC; and

(3) Wool and mohair produced and shorn from live animals in the United States.

(b) A commodity produced on land owned or otherwise in the possession of the United States that is occupied without the consent of the United States is not an eligible commodity.

(c)(1) To be an eligible commodity, the commodity must be merchantable for food, feed, or other uses determined by CCC and must not contain mercurial compounds, toxin producing molds, or other substances poisonous to humans or animals. A commodity containing vomitoxin, aflatoxin, or Aspergillus mold may not be pledged for a nonrecourse MAL made under this part, except as provided by CCC in the MAL note and security agreement.

(2) The determination of eligibility for rice includes class, grade, grading factor, milling yields, and other quality factors and will be based upon the U.S. Standards for Rice as applied to rough rice whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection.

(3) The determination of eligibility for peanuts includes type, quality, and quantity.

(4) With regard to barley, canola, corn, flaxseed, grain sorghum, oats, rice, soybeans, sunflower seed for extraction of oil, wheat, and other commodities designated by CCC, the determination of eligibility will be based upon the Official U.S. Standards for Grain: U.S. Standards for Whole Dry Peas, Split Peas, and Lentils for dry peas and lentils; and the U.S. Standards for Beans for chickpeas, whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection.

(5) With regard to hull-less barley, hull-less oats, mustard seed, rapeseed, safflower seed, and sunflower seed used for a purpose other than to extract oil, the determination of eligibility will be based on quality requirements established and announced by CCC, whether or not such determinations are made on the basis of an official inspection. The costs of an official quality determination may be paid by CCC. The quality requirements that are used in administering MALs and LDPs for the oilseeds in this paragraph are available in USDA State and county FSA service centers.

(6) With regard to farm-stored peanuts, the determination of eligibility will be determined at the time of delivery to CCC by a Federal or State Inspector authorized or licensed by the Secretary.

(d) Eligible wool and mohair must:

(1) Have been produced and sheared from live sheep and goats, of domestic origin and located in the U.S. for a period of not less than 30 calendar days prior to shearing.

(2) Be of merchantable quality deemed by CCC to be suitable for MAL and must have been shorn in the United States.

(e) When certifying acreage on farms in which an interest is held, the producer must provide acceptable evidence of the commodity from which the county committee may determine whether the eligible production claimed by the producer is reasonable for the production practices on such farm or have either the eligible or ineligible commodity measured by a representative of the county FSA service center at the producer's expense, before commingling.

(f) A commodity that is purchased, substituted, or acquired by sale, gift, or exchange of an existing harvested, sheared, or slaughtered commodity, or through any other transaction is ineligible to be pledged as collateral for a MAL; in addition an LDP will not be made with respect to such commodities.

[67 FR 63511, Oct. 11, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 32422, June 6, 2006; 74 FR 15651, Apr. 7, 2009; 75 FR 19193, Apr. 14, 2010; 80 FR 121, Jan. 2, 2015; 86 FR 70705, Dec. 13, 2021]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 7231-7237,7931,and,15.S.C. 714b and c
cite as: 7 CFR 1421.5