Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 281.9 - Funding.

(a) Agency of State government. From the funds available to carry out this provision beginning July 1, 1979, FNS may pay to each agency of State government administering a SNAP on a reservation, 75 percent of all approved administrative costs, such as: Certification, issuance, outreach, fair hearings and quality control, incurred on the reservation for residents of the reservation and approved by FNS to meet standards set by the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008. FNS may pay each agency of State government administering a SNAP on a reservation 75 percent of all approved administrative costs incurred off the reservation for activities begun after the effective date of these regulations that are primarily directed at providing better services for Indians on the reservation, such as hiring an interpreter or an Indian outreach worker, or moving a certification or issuance center closer to a reservation. The provisions of part 277 apply to any funds received under this section.

(b) Indian tribal organization acting as State agency. From the funds available to carry out the provisions of this part beginning October 1, 1979, FNS is authorized to pay to each ITO acting as a State agency and administering a SNAP on a reservation 75 percent of all administrative costs approved by FNS as needed for operation of a SNAP on a reservation. Any approval for payment of funds in excess of 75 percent must be based on compelling justification that such additional amounts are necessary for the effective operation of SNAP on the reservation. The provisions of part 277 apply to any funds received under this section.

authority: 7 U.S.C. 2011-2036.
source: 44 FR 35925, June 19, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 281.9