Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 3565.3 - Definitions.

Administrator. The Administrator of the Rural Housing Service, or his or her designee.

Agency. The Rural Housing Service, or a successor agency.

Allowable claim amount. The total losses incurred by the lender, as calculated pursuant to subpart J of this part.

Applicable Federal Rate (AFR). The interest rate set by the federal government for federal financing programs pursuant to section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Approved lender. An eligible lender who has been authorized by the Agency to originate and service guaranteed multifamily loans under the program.

Assignment. The delivery by a lender to the Agency of the note and any other security instruments securing the guaranteed loan; and any and all liens, interest, or claims the lender may have against the borrower.

Assistance. Financial assistance in the form of a loan guarantee or interest credit received from the Agency.

Borrower. The individuals or entities responsible for repaying the loans.

Claim. The presentation to the Agency of a demand for payment for losses incurred on a loan guaranteed under the program.

Conditional commitment. The written commitment by the Agency to guarantee a loan subject to the stated terms and conditions.

Construction and permanent loan. A loan which provides advances during the construction period and remains in place as a permanent loan at the completion of construction.

Construction contingency reserve. A cash reserve of at least two percent of the construction contract, inclusive of the contractor's fee and all hard and soft costs that must be set up and fully funded by the closing of the construction loan. This reserve will be held by the lender, and funds will only be disbursed for change order requests approved by the Agency and the lender. Unused funds from the construction contingency reserve will be held in the operating and maintenance reserve and cannot be released to the borrower until the project reaches an occupancy of 90% for 90 consecutive days. In addition the reserve accounts established in the conditional commitment must be fully funded prior to the release of the construction contingency reserve. These requirements remain in effect regardless of whether the lender has established a lease-up reserve in lieu of the occupancy requirement.

Correspondent relationship. A contractual relationship between an approved lender and a non-approved lender or mortgage broker in which the correspondent performs certain origination, underwriting or servicing functions for the approved lender.

Default. Failure by a borrower to meet any obligation or term of a loan, grant, or regulatory agreement, or any program requirement.

Delinquency. Failure to make a timely payment under the terms of the promissory note or regulatory agreement.

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A federal agency which may be a partner in some of the Agency guarantees.

Due diligence. The process of evaluating real estate in the context of a real estate transaction for the presence of contamination from release of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other environmental hazards and determining what effect, if any, the contamination has on the regulatory status or security value of the property.

Eligible borrower. A borrower who meets the requirements of subpart D of this part.

Eligible lender. A lender who meets the requirements of subpart C of this part or any successor regulation.

Eligible loan. A loan that meets the requirements of subpart E of this part or any successor regulation.

Eligible rural area. An eligible rural area is an area which meets the requirements of part 3550 of this chapter or any successor regulation.

Fannie Mae. A Federally chartered, publicly owned enterprise created by Congress to purchase, sell or otherwise facilitate the purchase or sale of mortgages in the secondary mortgage market.

Federal Home Loan Bank System. A system of member savings and loans, banks and other lenders whose primary business is the making of housing loans.

Final claim payment. The amount due to the lender (or the Agency) after disposition of the collateral is complete and the proceeds from liquidation, as well as any other claim payments, are applied against the allowable claim amount.

Foreclosure. The process by which the ownership interest of a borrower in a mortgaged property is extinguished and the security is liquidated with the proceeds applied to the loan.

Freddie Mac. A Federally chartered, publicly owned enterprise created to purchase, sell or otherwise facilitate the purchase or sale of mortgages in the secondary mortgage market.

Ginnie Mae. Ginnie Mae is a reference to the Government National Mortgage Association.

Government National Mortgage Association. The Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) is a government corporation within the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ginnie Mae guarantees privately issued securities backed by mortgages or loans which are insured or guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), or the Rural Housing Service (RHS) and certain other loans or mortgages guaranteed or insured by the Government.

GRRHP. Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program.

Guarantee fees. The fees paid by the lender to the Agency for the loan guarantee.

(1) An initial guarantee fee is due at the time the guarantee is issued.

(2) An annual guarantee fee is due at the beginning of each year that the guarantee remains in effect.

Guaranteed loan. Any loan for which the Agency provides a loan guarantee.

Holder. A person or entity, other than the lender, who owns all or part of the guaranteed portion of the loan with no servicing responsibilities. When the single note option is used and the lender assigns a part or all of the guaranteed note to an assignee, the assignee becomes a Holder only when the Agency receives notice and the transaction is completed through use of an assignment guarantee agreement form approved by the Agency.

Housing Finance Agency (HFA). A state or local government instrumentality authorized to issue housing bonds or otherwise provide financing for housing. Identity of interest. With respect to a project, an actual or apparent financial interest of any type, that exists or will exist among the borrower, contractor, lender, syndicator, management agent, suppliers of materials or services, including professional services, or vendors (including servicing and property disposal), in any combination of relationships which may result in an actual or perceived conflict of interest

Income eligibility. A determination that the income of a tenant at initial occupancy does not exceed 115 percent of the area median income as such area median income is defined by HUD or a successor agency.

Indian tribe. Any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation, as defined by or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975 (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.); or any entity established by the governing body of an Indian tribe, as described in this definition, for the purpose of financing economic development.

Interest credit. A subsidy available to eligible borrowers that reduces the effective interest rate of the loan to the Applicable Long Term Monthly AFR.

Land lease. A written agreement between a landowner and a borrower for the possession and use of real property for a specified period of time.

Lease. A contract containing the rights and obligations of a tenant or cooperative member and a borrower, including the amount of the monthly occupancy charge and other terms under which the tenant will occupy the housing.

Lease-up period. The period of time that begins when the first unit in the project receives a certificate of occupancy until the time that occupancy of 90% of the units for a minimum of 90 consecutive days is achieved.

Lease-up reserve. A cash deposit which is available to a property to help pay operating costs and debt service at the initiation of operations while units are being leased to their initial occupants.

Lender. A bank or other financial institution, including a housing finance agency, that originates or services the guaranteed loan.

Lender agreement. The written agreement between the Agency and the lender containing the requirements the lender must meet on a continuing basis to participate in the program.

Loan. A mechanism by which a lender funds the acquisition and development of a multifamily project. A loan in this context is secured by a mortgage executed by the lender and borrower.

Loan guarantee. A pledge to pay part of the loss incurred by a lender in the event of default by the borrower.

Loan guarantee agreement. The written agreement between the Agency and the lender containing the terms and conditions of the guarantee with respect to an individual loan.

Loan participation. A loan made by more than one lender wherein each lender funds an individual portion of the loan.

Loan-to-cost ratio. The amount of the loan divided by the total cost to develop the project.

Loan-to-value ratio. The amount of the loan divided by the appraised market value of the project.

Maximum guarantee payment. The maximum payment by the Agency under the guarantee agreement computed by applying the guarantee percentage times the allowable claim amount, but not to exceed original principal amount.

Mortgage. A written instrument evidencing or creating a lien against real property for the purpose of providing collateral to secure the repayment of a loan. For program purposes, this may include a deed of trust or any similar document.

Multifamily project. A project designed with five or more living units.

Negligent servicing or origination. Negligent servicing or origination is a failure to perform those services which a reasonably prudent lender would perform in servicing or originating its own portfolio and includes not only the failure to act but also the failure to act in a timely manner.

Non-monetary default. A default that does not involve the payment of money.

Note. Any note, bond, assumption agreement, or other evidence of indebtedness pertaining to a guaranteed loan.

Office of Inspector General (OIG). The agency of USDA established under the Inspector General Act.

Operating and maintenance reserve. A cash reserve required of all projects of at least two percent of the loan amount held by the lender that is used for the up-keep of the project.

Payment effective date. For the month payment is due, the day of the month on which payment will be effectively applied to the account by the lender, regardless of the date payment is received.

Permanent loan. A permanent loan is defined as a mortgage loan usually covering development costs, interim loans, construction loans, financing expenses, marketing, administrative, legal, and other Agency approved costs. This loan differs from the construction loan in that financing goes into place after the project is completely constructed and open for occupancy. It is a long-term obligation, generally for a period of no less than 25 years and no more than 40 years.

Prepayment. The payment of the outstanding balance on a loan prior to the note's maturity date.

Project. The total number of rental housing units and related facilities subject to a guaranteed loan that are operated under one management plan and one Regulatory Agreement.

Program requirements. Any requirements contained in any loan document, guarantee agreement, statute, regulation, handbook, or administrative notice.

Promissory note. See “Note”.

Qualified alien. For the purposes of this part, qualified alien refers to any person lawfully admitted into the country who meets the criteria of 42 U.S.C. 1436a.

Real estate owned. Denotes real estate that has been acquired by the lender or the Agency (often known as “inventory property”).

Recourse. The lender's right to seek satisfaction from the borrower's personal financial resources or other resources for monetary default.

Regulatory agreement. The agreement that establishes the relationship among the Agency, the lender, and the borrower; and contains the borrower's responsibilities with respect to all aspects of the management and operation of the project.

RHS. The Rural Housing Service within the Rural Development mission area, or a successor agency, which administers section 538 guarantees.

Rural area. A geographic area as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949.

Rural Development. A mission area within USDA which includes RHS, Rural Utilities Service, and Rural Business-Cooperative Service.

Servicing. The broad scope of activities undertaken to manage the performance of a loan throughout its term and to assure compliance with the program requirements.

Single asset ownership. A borrower who owns only one project.

Surplus cash. The borrower's remaining funds at the project's fiscal year end, after making all required payments, excluding required reserves and escrows.

Tenant. The individual that holds the right to occupy a unit in accordance with the terms of a lease executed with the project owner.

U.S. citizen. An individual who resides as a citizen in any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marinas, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, or the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

USDA. The United States Department of Agriculture.

[63 FR 39458, July 22, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 16970, Apr. 9, 2002; 70 FR 2930, Jan. 19, 2005; 76 FR 3, Jan. 3, 2011; 84 FR 55035, Oct. 15, 2019]
source: 63 FR 39458, July 22, 1998, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 3565.3