Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jan 28, 2025
§ 156.8 - Refusal of service; denial or withdrawal of service.

(a) Service under this part will be refused if the conditions stated in §§ 156.5 and 156.6 are not met.

(b) Service under this part may be withdrawn from, or denied to, any applicant by the Administrator, for such period as the Administrator may prescribe, when the Administrator is satisfied, after opportunity for hearing before a proper official has been accorded the applicant, that the applicant or other operator of the plant where service has been or would be furnished under the application, or the agent or employee of such applicant or operator within the scope of his employment, has persistently failed to give the inspector full and correct information with respect to the processing procedures, handling, and storage of animal products intended for certification or certified; or has given to any employee of the Department false information in connection with service under this part; or has altered or imitated any certificate, mark, or device provided for under this part; or has used any such certificate, mark, or device without authority from the Administrator, or any imitation of any such certificate, mark, or device, on or with respect to any animal products; or has knowingly and without promptly notifying the Administrator retained possession of any such device or imitation thereof or altered or imitation certificate or of any animal products marked with any such device without authority from the Administrator or marked with any imitation of such device; or has given or attempted to give, for any purpose whatsoever, any money, favor, or other thing of value, to any employee of the Department authorized to perform any function under this part; or has interfered with or obstructed, or attempted to interfere with or to obstruct, any employee of the Department in or with respect to the performance of his duties under this part by intimidation, threats, assaults, or any other improper means. The inspector assigned to any plant may suspend service at such plant for any of the reasons set forth in this paragraph, without hearing, and in that event shall report his actions to the Administrator, and the Administrator may continue such suspension or otherwise deny or suspend service at any plant for any of such reasons, without hearing, pending final disposal of the matter under this paragraph.

(c) All final orders in any proceeding to deny or withdraw the service for any of the reasons set forth in paragraph (b) of this section (except orders required for good cause to be held confidential and not cited as precedents) shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk of the Department and be available to public inspection.

[23 FR 10111, Dec. 23, 1958, as amended at 57 FR 30899, July 13, 1992; 62 FR 19040, Apr. 18, 1997]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1622 and 1624; 21 U.S.C. 136a; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4
source: 23 FR 10111, Dec. 23, 1958, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 156.8