Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 52.71 - Scope of subpart.

This subpart sets out the requirements and procedures applicable to Commission issuance of combined licenses for nuclear power facilities.

§ 52.73 - Relationship to other subparts.

(a) An application for a combined license under this subpart may, but need not, reference a standard design certification, standard design approval, or manufacturing license issued under subparts B, E, or F of this part, respectively, or an early site permit issued under subpart A of this part. In the absence of a demonstration that an entity other than the one originally sponsoring and obtaining a design certification is qualified to supply a design, the Commission will entertain an application for a combined license that references a standard design certification issued under subpart B of this part only if the entity that sponsored and obtained the certification supplies the design for the applicant's use.

(b) The Commission will require, before granting a combined license that references a standard design certification, that information normally contained in certain procurement specifications and construction and installation specifications be completed and available for audit if the information is necessary for the Commission to make its safety determinations, including the determination that the application is consistent with the certification information.

§ 52.75 - Filing of applications.

(a) Any person except one excluded by § 50.38 of this chapter may file an application for a combined license for a nuclear power facility with the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

(b) The application must comply with the applicable filing requirements of §§ 52.3 and 50.30 of this chapter.

(c) The fees associated with the filing and review of the application are set forth in 10 CFR part 170.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 73 FR 5724, Jan. 31, 2008; 84 FR 65645, Nov. 29, 2019]
§ 52.77 - Contents of applications; general information.

The application must contain all of the information required by 10 CFR 50.33.

§ 52.79 - Contents of applications; technical information in final safety analysis report.

(a) The application must contain a final safety analysis report that describes the facility, presents the design bases and the limits on its operation, and presents a safety analysis of the structures, systems, and components of the facility as a whole. The final safety analysis report shall include the following information, at a level of information sufficient to enable the Commission to reach a final conclusion on all safety matters that must be resolved by the Commission before issuance of a combined license:

(1)(i) The boundaries of the site;

(ii) The proposed general location of each facility on the site;

(iii) The seismic, meteorological, hydrologic, and geologic characteristics of the proposed site with appropriate consideration of the most severe of the natural phenomena that have been historically reported for the site and surrounding area and with sufficient margin for the limited accuracy, quantity, and time in which the historical data have been accumulated;

(iv) The location and description of any nearby industrial, military, or transportation facilities and routes;

(v) The existing and projected future population profile of the area surrounding the site;

(vi) A description and safety assessment of the site on which the facility is to be located. The assessment must contain an analysis and evaluation of the major structures, systems, and components of the facility that bear significantly on the acceptability of the site under the radiological consequence evaluation factors identified in paragraphs (a)(1)(vi)(A) and (a)(1)(vi)(B) of this section. In performing this assessment, an applicant shall assume a fission product release 5 from the core into the containment assuming that the facility is operated at the ultimate power level contemplated. The applicant shall perform an evaluation and analysis of the postulated fission product release, using the expected demonstrable containment leak rate and any fission product cleanup systems intended to mitigate the consequences of the accidents, together with applicable site characteristics, including site meteorology, to evaluate the offsite radiological consequences. Site characteristics must comply with part 100 of this chapter. The evaluation must determine that:

5 The fission product release assumed for this evaluation should be based upon a major accident, hypothesized for purposes of site analysis or postulated from considerations of possible accidental events. These accidents have generally been assumed to result in substantial meltdown of the core with subsequent release into the containment of appreciable quantities of fission products.

(A) An individual located at any point on the boundary of the exclusion area for any 2-hour period following the onset of the postulated fission product release, would not receive a radiation dose in excess of 25 rem 6 total effective dose equivalent (TEDE).

6 A whole body dose of 25 rem has been stated to correspond numerically to the once in a lifetime accidental or emergency dose for radiation workers which, according to NCRP recommendations at the time could be disregarded in the determination of their radiation exposure status (see NBS Handbook 69 dated June 5, 1959). However, its use is not intended to imply that this number constitutes an acceptable limit for an emergency dose to the public under accident conditions. Rather, this dose value has been set forth in this section as a reference value, which can be used in the evaluation of plant design features with respect to postulated reactor accidents, to assure that these designs provide assurance of low risk of public exposure to radiation, in the event of an accident.

(B) An individual located at any point on the outer boundary of the low population zone, who is exposed to the radioactive cloud resulting from the postulated fission product release (during the entire period of its passage) would not receive a radiation dose in excess of 25 rem TEDE; and

(2) A description and analysis of the structures, systems, and components of the facility with emphasis upon performance requirements, the bases, with technical justification therefor, upon which these requirements have been established, and the evaluations required to show that safety functions will be accomplished. It is expected that reactors will reflect through their design, construction, and operation an extremely low probability for accidents that could result in the release of significant quantities of radioactive fission products. The descriptions shall be sufficient to permit understanding of the system designs and their relationship to safety evaluations. Items such as the reactor core, reactor coolant system, instrumentation and control systems, electrical systems, containment system, other engineered safety features, auxiliary and emergency systems, power conversion systems, radioactive waste handling systems, and fuel handling systems shall be discussed insofar as they are pertinent. The following power reactor design characteristics and proposed operation will be taken into consideration by the Commission:

(i) Intended use of the reactor including the proposed maximum power level and the nature and inventory of contained radioactive materials;

(ii) The extent to which generally accepted engineering standards are applied to the design of the reactor;

(iii) The extent to which the reactor incorporates unique, unusual or enhanced safety features having a significant bearing on the probability or consequences of accidental release of radioactive materials;

(iv) The safety features that are to be engineered into the facility and those barriers that must be breached as a result of an accident before a release of radioactive material to the environment can occur. Special attention must be directed to plant design features intended to mitigate the radiological consequences of accidents. In performing this assessment, an applicant shall assume a fission product release 7 from the core into the containment assuming that the facility is operated at the ultimate power level contemplated;

7 The fission product release assumed for this evaluation should be based upon a major accident, hypothesized for purposes of site analysis or postulated from considerations of possible accidental events. These accidents have generally been assumed to result in substantial meltdown of the core with subsequent release into the containment of appreciable quantities of fission products.

(3) The kinds and quantities of radioactive materials expected to be produced in the operation and the means for controlling and limiting radioactive effluents and radiation exposures within the limits set forth in part 20 of this chapter;

(4) The design of the facility including:

(i) The principal design criteria for the facility. Appendix A to part 50 of this chapter, “General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants,” establishes minimum requirements for the principal design criteria for water-cooled nuclear power plants similar in design and location to plants for which construction permits have previously been issued by the Commission and provides guidance to applicants in establishing principal design criteria for other types of nuclear power units;

(ii) The design bases and the relation of the design bases to the principal design criteria;

(iii) Information relative to materials of construction, arrangement, and dimensions, sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that the design will conform to the design bases with adequate margin for safety.

(5) An analysis and evaluation of the design and performance of structures, systems, and components with the objective of assessing the risk to public health and safety resulting from operation of the facility and including determination of the margins of safety during normal operations and transient conditions anticipated during the life of the facility, and the adequacy of structures, systems, and components provided for the prevention of accidents and the mitigation of the consequences of accidents. Analysis and evaluation of ECCS cooling performance and the need for high-point vents following postulated loss-of-coolant accidents shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of §§ 50.46 and 50.46a of this chapter;

(6) A description and analysis of the fire protection design features for the reactor necessary to comply with 10 CFR part 50, appendix A, GDC 3, and § 50.48 of this chapter;

(7) A description of protection provided against pressurized thermal shock events, including projected values of the reference temperature for reactor vessel beltline materials as defined in §§ 50.60 and 50.61(b)(1) and (b)(2) of this chapter;

(8) An analysis and description of the equipment and systems for combustible gas control as required by § 50.44 of this chapter;

(9) The coping analyses, and any design features necessary to address station blackout, as described in § 50.63 of this chapter;

(10) A description of the program, and its implementation, required by § 50.49(a) of this chapter for the environmental qualification of electric equipment important to safety and the list of electric equipment important to safety that is required by 10 CFR 50.49(d);

(11) A description of the program(s), and their implementation, necessary to ensure that the systems and components meet the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants in accordance with 50.55a of this chapter;

(12) A description of the primary containment leakage rate testing program, and its implementation, necessary to ensure that the containment meets the requirements of appendix J to 10 CFR part 50;

(13) A description of the reactor vessel material surveillance program required by appendix H to 10 CFR part 50 and its implementation;

(14) A description of the operator training program, and its implementation, necessary to meet the requirements of 10 CFR part 55;

(15) A description of the program, and its implementation, for monitoring the effectiveness of maintenance necessary to meet the requirements of § 50.65 of this chapter;

(16)(i) The information with respect to the design of equipment to maintain control over radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents produced during normal reactor operations, as described in § 50.34a(d) of this chapter;

(ii) A description of the process and effluent monitoring and sampling program required by appendix I to 10 CFR part 50 and its implementation.

(17) The information with respect to compliance with technically relevant positions of the Three Mile Island requirements in § 50.34(f) of this chapter, with the exception of § 50.34(f)(1)(xii), (f)(2)(ix), (f)(2)(xxv), and (f)(3)(v);

(18) If the applicant seeks to use risk-informed treatment of SSCs in accordance with § 50.69 of this chapter, the information required by § 50.69(b)(2) of this chapter;

(19) Information necessary to demonstrate that the plant complies with the earthquake engineering criteria in 10 CFR part 50, appendix S;

(20) Proposed technical resolutions of those Unresolved Safety Issues and medium- and high-priority generic safety issues which are identified in the version of NUREG-0933 current on the date up to 6 months before the docket date of the application and which are technically relevant to the design;

(21) Emergency plans complying with the requirements of § 50.47 of this chapter, and appendix E to part 50 of this chapter, or for a small modular reactor or a non-light-water reactor license applicant, emergency plans complying with either the requirements in § 50.160 of this chapter, or the requirements in appendix E to part 50 of this chapter and § 50.47(b) of this chapter;

(22)(i) All emergency plan certifications that have been obtained from the State and local governmental agencies with emergency planning responsibilities must state that:

(A) The proposed emergency plans are practicable;

(B) These agencies are committed to participating in any further development of the plans, including any required field demonstrations; and

(C) These agencies are committed to executing their responsibilities under the plans in the event of an emergency;

(ii) If certifications cannot be obtained after sustained, good faith efforts by the applicant, then the application must contain information, including a utility plan, sufficient to show that the proposed plans provide reasonable assurance that adequate protective measures can and will be taken in the event of a radiological emergency at the site.

(23) [Reserved]

(24) If the application is for a nuclear power reactor design which differs significantly from light-water reactor designs that were licensed before 1997 or use simplified, inherent, passive, or other innovative means to accomplish their safety functions, the application must describe how the design meets the requirements in § 50.43(e) of this chapter;

(25) A description of the quality assurance program, applied to the design, and to be applied to the fabrication, construction, and testing, of the structures, systems, and components of the facility. Appendix B to 10 CFR part 50 sets forth the requirements for quality assurance programs for nuclear power plants. The description of the quality assurance program for a nuclear power plant must include a discussion of how the applicable requirements of appendix B to 10 CFR part 50 have been and will be satisfied, including a discussion of how the quality assurance program will be implemented;

(26) The applicant's organizational structure, allocations or responsibilities and authorities, and personnel qualifications requirements for operation;

(27) Managerial and administrative controls to be used to assure safe operation. Appendix B to 10 CFR part 50 sets forth the requirements for these controls for nuclear power plants. The information on the controls to be used for a nuclear power plant shall include a discussion of how the applicable requirements of appendix B to 10 CFR part 50 will be satisfied;

(28) Plans for preoperational testing and initial operations;

(29)(i) Plans for conduct of normal operations, including maintenance, surveillance, and periodic testing of structures, systems, and components;

(ii) Plans for coping with emergencies, other than the plans required by § 52.79(a)(21);

(30) Proposed technical specifications prepared in accordance with the requirements of §§ 50.36 and 50.36a of this chapter;

(31) For nuclear power plants to be operated on multi-unit sites, an evaluation of the potential hazards to the structures, systems, and components important to safety of operating units resulting from construction activities, as well as a description of the managerial and administrative controls to be used to provide assurance that the limiting conditions for operation are not exceeded as a result of construction activities at the multi-unit sites;

(32) The technical qualifications of the applicant to engage in the proposed activities in accordance with the regulations in this chapter;

(33) A description of the training program required by § 50.120 of this chapter and its implementation;

(34) A description and plans for implementation of an operator requalification program. The operator requalification program must as a minimum, meet the requirements for those programs contained in § 55.59 of this chapter;

(35)(i) A physical security plan, describing how the applicant will meet the requirements of 10 CFR part 73 (and 10 CFR part 11, if applicable, including the identification and description of jobs as required by § 11.11(a) of this chapter, at the proposed facility). The plan must list tests, inspections, audits, and other means to be used to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR parts 11 and 73, if applicable;

(ii) A description of the implementation of the physical security plan;

(36)(i) A safeguards contingency plan in accordance with the criteria set forth in appendix C to 10 CFR part 73. The safeguards contingency plan shall include plans for dealing with threats, thefts, and radiological sabotage, as defined in part 73 of this chapter, relating to the special nuclear material and nuclear facilities licensed under this chapter and in the applicant's possession and control. Each application for this type of license shall include the information contained in the applicant's safeguards contingency plan. 8 (Implementing procedures required for this plan need not be submitted for approval.)

8 A physical security plan that contains all the information required in both § 73.55 of this chapter and appendix C to 10 CFR part 73 satisfies the requirement for a contingency plan.

(ii) A training and qualification plan in accordance with the criteria set forth in appendix B to 10 CFR part 73.

(iii) A cyber security plan in accordance with the criteria set forth in § 73.54 of this chapter;

(iv) A description of the implementation of the safeguards contingency plan, training and qualification plan, and cyber security plan; and

(v) Each applicant who prepares a physical security plan, a safeguards contingency plan, a training and qualification plan, or a cyber security plan, shall protect the plans and other related Safeguards Information against unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the requirements of § 73.21 of this chapter.

(37) The information necessary to demonstrate how operating experience insights have been incorporated into the plant design;

(38) For light-water reactor designs, a description and analysis of design features for the prevention and mitigation of severe accidents, e.g., challenges to containment integrity caused by core-concrete interaction, steam explosion, high-pressure core melt ejection, hydrogen combustion, and containment bypass;

(39) A description of the radiation protection program required by § 20.1101 of this chapter and its implementation.

(40) A description of the fire protection program required by § 50.48 of this chapter and its implementation.

(41) For applications for light-water-cooled nuclear power plant combined licenses, an evaluation of the facility against the Standard Review Plan (SRP) revision in effect 6 months before the docket date of the application. The evaluation required by this section shall include an identification and description of all differences in design features, analytical techniques, and procedural measures proposed for a facility and those corresponding features, techniques, and measures given in the SRP acceptance criteria. Where a difference exists, the evaluation shall discuss how the proposed alternative provides an acceptable method of complying with the Commission's regulations, or portions thereof, that underlie the corresponding SRP acceptance criteria. The SRP is not a substitute for the regulations, and compliance is not a requirement;

(42) Information demonstrating how the applicant will comply with requirements for reduction of risk from anticipated transients without scram (ATWS) events in § 50.62 of this chapter;

(43) Information demonstrating how the applicant will comply with requirements for criticality accidents in § 50.68 of this chapter;

(44) A description of the fitness-for-duty program required by 10 CFR part 26 and its implementation.

(45) The information required by § 20.1406 of this chapter.

(46) A description of the plant-specific probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and its results.

(47) For applications for combined licenses which are subject to 10 CFR 50.150(a), the information required by 10 CFR 50.150(b).

(b) If the combined license application references an early site permit, then the following requirements apply:

(1) The final safety analysis report need not contain information or analyses submitted to the Commission in connection with the early site permit, provided, however, that the final safety analysis report must either include or incorporate by reference the early site permit site safety analysis report and must contain, in addition to the information and analyses otherwise required, information sufficient to demonstrate that the design of the facility falls within the site characteristics and design parameters specified in the early site permit.

(2) If the final safety analysis report does not demonstrate that design of the facility falls within the site characteristics and design parameters, the application shall include a request for a variance that complies with the requirements of §§ 52.39 and 52.93.

(3) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that all terms and conditions that have been included in the early site permit, other than those imposed under § 50.36b, will be satisfied by the date of issuance of the combined license. Any terms or conditions of the early site permit that could not be met by the time of issuance of the combined license, must be set forth as terms or conditions of the combined license.

(4) If the early site permit approves complete and integrated emergency plans, or major features of emergency plans, then the final safety analysis report must include any new or additional information that updates and corrects the information that was provided under § 52.17(b), and discuss whether the new or additional information materially changes the bases for compliance with the applicable requirements. The application must identify changes to the emergency plans or major features of emergency plans that have been incorporated into the proposed facility emergency plans and that constitute or would constitute a reduction in effectiveness under § 50.54(q) of this chapter.

(5) If complete and integrated emergency plans are approved as part of the early site permit, new certifications meeting the requirements of paragraph (a)(22) of this section are not required.

(c) If the combined license application references a standard design approval, then the following requirements apply:

(1) The final safety analysis report need not contain information or analyses submitted to the Commission in connection with the design approval, provided, however, that the final safety analysis report must either include or incorporate by reference the standard design approval final safety analysis report and must contain, in addition to the information and analyses otherwise required, information sufficient to demonstrate that the characteristics of the site fall within the site parameters specified in the design approval. In addition, the plant-specific PRA information must use the PRA information for the design approval and must be updated to account for site-specific design information and any design changes or departures.

(2) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that all terms and conditions that have been included in the design approval will be satisfied by the date of issuance of the combined license.

(d) If the combined license application references a standard design certification, then the following requirements apply:

(1) The final safety analysis report need not contain information or analyses submitted to the Commission in connection with the design certification, provided, however, that the final safety analysis report must either include or incorporate by reference the standard design certification final safety analysis report and must contain, in addition to the information and analyses otherwise required, information sufficient to demonstrate that the site characteristics fall within the site parameters specified in the design certification. In addition, the plant-specific PRA information must use the PRA information for the design certification and must be updated to account for site-specific design information and any design changes or departures.

(2) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that the interface requirements established for the design under § 52.47 have been met.

(3) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that all requirements and restrictions set forth in the referenced design certification rule, other than those imposed under § 50.36b, must be satisfied by the date of issuance of the combined license. Any requirements and restrictions set forth in the referenced design certification rule that could not be satisfied by the time of issuance of the combined license, must be set forth as terms or conditions of the combined license.

(e) If the combined license application references the use of one or more manufactured nuclear power reactors licensed under subpart F of this part, then the following requirements apply:

(1) The final safety analysis report need not contain information or analyses submitted to the Commission in connection with the manufacturing license, provided, however, that the final safety analysis report must either include or incorporate by reference the manufacturing license final safety analysis report and must contain, in addition to the information and analyses otherwise required, information sufficient to demonstrate that the site characteristics fall within the site parameters specified in the manufacturing license. In addition, the plant-specific PRA information must use the PRA information for the manufactured reactor and must be updated to account for site-specific design information and any design changes or departures.

(2) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that the interface requirements established for the design have been met.

(3) The final safety analysis report must demonstrate that all terms and conditions that have been included in the manufacturing license, other than those imposed under § 50.36b, will be satisfied by the date of issuance of the combined license. Any terms or conditions of the manufacturing license that could not be met by the time of issuance of the combined license, must be set forth as terms or conditions of the combined license.

(f) Each applicant for a combined license under this subpart shall protect Safeguards Information against unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the requirements in §§ 73.21 and 73.22 of this chapter, as applicable.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 73 FR 63571, Oct. 24, 2008; 74 FR 13970, Mar. 27, 2009; 74 FR 28147, June 12, 2009; 76 FR 72600, Nov. 23, 2011; 78 FR 34249, June 7, 2013; 84 FR 63568, Nov. 18, 2019; 88 FR 80078, Nov. 16, 2023]
§ 52.80 - Contents of applications; additional technical information.

The application must contain:

(a) The proposed inspections, tests, and analyses, including those applicable to emergency planning, that the licensee shall perform, and the acceptance criteria that are necessary and sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that, if the inspections, tests, and analyses are performed and the acceptance criteria met, the facility has been constructed and will be operated in conformity with the combined license, the provisions of the Act, and the Commission's rules and regulations.

(1) If the application references an early site permit with ITAAC, the early site permit ITAAC must apply to those aspects of the combined license which are approved in the early site permit.

(2) If the application references a standard design certification, the ITAAC contained in the certified design must apply to those portions of the facility design which are approved in the design certification.

(3) If the application references an early site permit with ITAAC or a standard design certification or both, the application may include a notification that a required inspection, test, or analysis in the ITAAC has been successfully completed and that the corresponding acceptance criterion has been met. The Federal Register notification required by § 52.85 must indicate that the application includes this notification.

(b) An environmental report, either in accordance with 10 CFR 51.50(c) if a limited work authorization under 10 CFR 50.10 is not requested in conjunction with the combined license application, or in accordance with §§ 51.49 and 51.50(c) of this chapter if a limited work authorization is requested in conjunction with the combined license application.

(c) If the applicant wishes to request that a limited work authorization under 10 CFR 50.10 be issued before issuance of the combined license, the application must include the information otherwise required by 10 CFR 50.10, in accordance with either 10 CFR 2.101(a)(1) through (a)(4), or 10 CFR 2.101(a)(9).

(d) The applicant's plans for implementing the requirements of § 50.155 of this chapter including a schedule for achieving full compliance with these requirements, and a description of the equipment upon which the strategies and guidelines required by § 50.155(b)(1) of this chapter rely, including the planned locations of the equipment and how the equipment meets the requirements of § 155(c) of this chapter.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 72 FR 57447, Oct. 9, 2007; 74 FR 13970, Mar. 27, 2009; 84 FR 39719, Aug. 8, 2019]
§ 52.81 - Standards for review of applications.

Applications filed under this subpart will be reviewed according to the standards set out in 10 CFR parts 20, 50, 51, 54, 55, 73, 100, and 140.

§ 52.83 - Finality of referenced NRC approvals; partial initial decision on site suitability.

(a) If the application for a combined license under this subpart references an early site permit, design certification rule, standard design approval, or manufacturing license, the scope and nature of matters resolved for the application and any combined license issued are governed by the relevant provisions addressing finality, including §§ 52.39, 52.63, 52.98, 52.145, and 52.171.

(b) While a partial decision on site suitability is in effect under 10 CFR 2.627(b)(2), the scope and nature of matters resolved in the proceeding are governed by the finality provisions in 10 CFR 2.629.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 84 FR 63568, Nov. 18, 2019]
§ 52.85 - Administrative review of applications; hearings.

A proceeding on a combined license is subject to all applicable procedural requirements contained in 10 CFR part 2, including the requirements for docketing (§ 2.101 of this chapter) and issuance of a notice of hearing (§ 2.104 of this chapter). If an applicant requests a Commission finding on certain ITAAC with the issuance of the combined license, then those ITAAC will be identified in the notice of hearing. All hearings on combined licenses are governed by the procedures contained in 10 CFR part 2.

§ 52.87 - Referral to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS).

The Commission shall refer a copy of the application to the ACRS. The ACRS shall report on those portions of the application that concern safety and shall apply the standards referenced in § 52.81, in accordance with the finality provisions in § 52.83.

§ 52.89 - [Reserved]
§ 52.91 - Authorization to conduct limited work authorization activities.

(a) If the application does not reference an early site permit which authorizes the holder to perform the activities under 10 CFR 50.10(d), the applicant may not perform those activities without obtaining the separate authorization required by 10 CFR 50.10(d). Authorization may be granted only after the presiding officer in the proceeding on the application has made the findings and determination required by 10 CFR 50.10(e), and the Director of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation makes the determination required by 10 CFR 50.10(e).

(b) If, after an applicant has performed the activities permitted by a limited work authorization issued under § 50.10 of this chapter, the application for the combined license is withdrawn or denied, then the applicant shall implement the approved site redress plan.

[72 FR 57447, Oct. 9, 2007, as amended at 84 FR 65645, Nov. 29, 2019; 89 FR 57721, July 16, 2024]
§ 52.93 - Exemptions and variances.

(a) Applicants for a combined license under this subpart, or any amendment to a combined license, may include in the application a request for an exemption from one or more of the Commission's regulations.

(1) If the request is for an exemption from any part of a referenced design certification rule, the Commission may grant the request if it determines that the exemption complies with any exemption provisions of the referenced design certification rule, or with § 52.63 if there are no applicable exemption provisions in the referenced design certification rule.

(2) For all other requests for exemptions, the Commission may grant a request if it determines that the exemption complies with § 52.7.

(b) An applicant for a combined license who has filed an application referencing an early site permit issued under subpart A of this part may include in the application a request for a variance from one or more site characteristics, design parameters, or terms and conditions of the permit, or from the site safety analysis report. In determining whether to grant the variance, the Commission shall apply the same technically relevant criteria as were applicable to the application for the original or renewed site permit. Once a construction permit or combined license referencing an early site permit is issued, variances from the early site permit will not be granted for that construction permit or combined license.

(c) An applicant for a combined license who has filed an application referencing a nuclear power reactor manufactured under a manufacturing license issued under subpart F of this part may include in the application a request for a departure from one or more design characteristics, site parameters, terms and conditions, or approved design of the manufactured reactor. The Commission may grant a request only if it determines that the departure will comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 52.7, and that the special circumstances outweigh any decrease in safety that may result from the reduction in standardization caused by the departure.

(d) Issuance of a variance under paragraph (b) or a departure under paragraph (c) of this section is subject to litigation during the combined license proceeding in the same manner as other issues material to that proceeding.

§ 52.97 - Issuance of combined licenses.

(a)(1) After conducting a hearing in accordance with § 52.85 and receiving the report submitted by the ACRS, the Commission may issue a combined license if the Commission finds that:

(i) The applicable standards and requirements of the Act and the Commission's regulations have been met;

(ii) Any required notifications to other agencies or bodies have been duly made;

(iii) There is reasonable assurance that the facility will be constructed and will operate in conformity with the license, the provisions of the Act, and the Commission's regulations.

(iv) The applicant is technically and financially qualified to engage in the activities authorized; and

(v) Issuance of the license will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; and

(vi) The findings required by subpart A of part 51 of this chapter have been made.

(2) The Commission may also find, at the time it issues the combined license, that certain acceptance criteria in one or more of the inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria (ITAAC) in a referenced early site permit or standard design certification have been met. This finding will finally resolve that those acceptance criteria have been met, those acceptance criteria will be deemed to be excluded from the combined license, and findings under § 52.103(g) with respect to those acceptance criteria are unnecessary.

(b) The Commission shall identify within the combined license the inspections, tests, and analyses, including those applicable to emergency planning, that the licensee shall perform, and the acceptance criteria that, if met, are necessary and sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that the facility has been constructed and will be operated in conformity with the license, the provisions of the Act, and the Commission's rules and regulations.

(c) A combined license shall contain the terms and conditions, including technical specifications, as the Commission deems necessary and appropriate.

§ 52.98 - Finality of combined licenses; information requests.

(a) After issuance of a combined license, the Commission may not modify, add, or delete any term or condition of the combined license, the design of the facility, the inspections, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria contained in the license which are not derived from a referenced standard design certification or manufacturing license, except in accordance with the provisions of § 52.103 or § 50.109 of this chapter, as applicable.

(b) If the combined license does not reference a design certification or a reactor manufactured under a manufacturing license issued under subpart F of this part, then a licensee may make changes in the facility as described in the final safety analysis report (as updated), make changes in the procedures as described in the final safety analysis report (as updated), and conduct tests or experiments not described in the final safety analysis report (as updated) under the applicable change processes in 10 CFR part 50 (e.g., § 50.54, § 50.59, or § 50.90 of this chapter).

(c) If the combined license references a certified design, then—

(1) Changes to or departures from information within the scope of the referenced design certification rule are subject to the applicable change processes in that rule; and

(2) Changes that are not within the scope of the referenced design certification rule are subject to the applicable change processes in 10 CFR part 50, unless they also involve changes to or noncompliance with information within the scope of the referenced design certification rule. In these cases, the applicable provisions of this section and the design certification rule apply.

(d) If the combined license references a reactor manufactured under a manufacturing license issued under subpart F of this part, then—

(1) Changes to or departures from information within the scope of the manufactured reactor's design are subject to the change processes in § 52.171; and

(2) Changes that are not within the scope of the manufactured reactor's design are subject to the applicable change processes in 10 CFR part 50.

(e) The Commission may issue and make immediately effective any amendment to a combined license upon a determination by the Commission that the amendment involves no significant hazards consideration, notwithstanding the pendency before the Commission of a request for a hearing from any person. The amendment may be issued and made immediately effective in advance of the holding and completion of any required hearing. The amendment will be processed in accordance with the procedures specified in 10 CFR 50.91.

(f) Any modification to, addition to, or deletion from the terms and conditions of a combined license, including any modification to, addition to, or deletion from the inspections, tests, analyses, or related acceptance criteria contained in the license is a proposed amendment to the license. There must be an opportunity for a hearing on the amendment.

(g) Except for information sought to verify licensee compliance with the current licensing basis for that facility, information requests to the holder of a combined license must be evaluated before issuance to ensure that the burden to be imposed on the licensee is justified in view of the potential safety significance of the issue to be addressed in the requested information. Each evaluation performed by the NRC staff must be in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(f) and must be approved by the Executive Director for Operations or his or her designee before issuance of the request.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 86 FR 43402, Aug. 9, 2021]
§ 52.99 - Inspection during construction; ITAAC schedules and notifications; NRC notices.

(a) Licensee schedule for completing inspections, tests, or analyses. The licensee shall submit to the NRC, no later than 1 year after issuance of the combined license or at the start of construction as defined at 10 CFR 50.10(a), whichever is later, its schedule for completing the inspections, tests, or analyses in the ITAAC. The licensee shall submit updates to the ITAAC schedules every 6 months thereafter and, within 1 year of its scheduled date for initial loading of fuel, the licensee shall submit updates to the ITAAC schedule every 30 days until the final notification is provided to the NRC under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(b) Licensee and applicant conduct of activities subject to ITAAC. With respect to activities subject to an ITAAC, an applicant for a combined license may proceed at its own risk with design and procurement activities, and a licensee may proceed at its own risk with design, procurement, construction, and preoperational activities, even though the NRC may not have found that any one of the prescribed acceptance criteria are met.

(c) Licensee notifications—(1) ITAAC closure notification. The licensee shall notify the NRC that prescribed inspections, tests, and analyses have been performed and that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met. The notification must contain sufficient information to demonstrate that the prescribed inspections, tests, and analyses have been performed and that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met.

(2) ITAAC post-closure notifications. Following the licensee's ITAAC closure notifications under paragraph (c)(1) of this section until the Commission makes the finding under 10 CFR 52.103(g), the licensee shall notify the NRC, in a timely manner, of new information that materially alters the basis for determining that either inspections, tests, or analyses were performed as required, or that acceptance criteria are met. The notification must contain sufficient information to demonstrate that, notwithstanding the new information, the prescribed inspections, tests, or analyses have been performed as required, and the prescribed acceptance criteria are met.

(3) Uncompleted ITAAC notification. If the licensee has not provided, by the date 225 days before the scheduled date for initial loading of fuel, the notification required by paragraph (c)(1) of this section for all ITAAC, then the licensee shall notify the NRC that the prescribed inspections, tests, or analyses for all uncompleted ITAAC will be performed and that the prescribed acceptance criteria will be met prior to operation. The notification must be provided no later than the date 225 days before the scheduled date for initial loading of fuel, and must provide sufficient information to demonstrate that the prescribed inspections, tests, or analyses will be performed and the prescribed acceptance criteria for the uncompleted ITAAC will be met, including, but not limited to, a description of the specific procedures and analytical methods to be used for performing the prescribed inspections, tests, and analyses and determining that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met.

(4) All ITAAC complete notification. The licensee shall notify the NRC that all ITAAC are complete.

(d) Licensee determination of non-compliance with ITAAC. (1) In the event that an activity is subject to an ITAAC derived from a referenced standard design certification and the licensee has not demonstrated that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met, the licensee may take corrective actions to successfully complete that ITAAC or request an exemption from the standard design certification ITAAC, as applicable. A request for an exemption must also be accompanied by a request for a license amendment under 10 CFR 52.98(f).

(2) In the event that an activity is subject to an ITAAC not derived from a referenced standard design certification and the licensee has not demonstrated that the prescribed acceptance criteria are met, the licensee may take corrective actions to successfully complete that ITAAC or request a license amendment under 10 CFR 52.98(f).

(e) NRC inspection, publication of notices, and availability of licensee notifications. The NRC shall ensure that the prescribed inspections, tests, and analyses in the ITAAC are performed.

(1) At appropriate intervals until the last date for submission of requests for hearing under 10 CFR 52.103(a), the NRC shall publish notices in the Federal Register of the NRC staff's determination of the successful completion of inspections, tests, and analyses.

(2) The NRC shall make publicly available the licensee notifications under paragraph (c) of this section. The NRC shall, no later than the date of publication of the notice of intended operation required by 10 CFR 52.103(a), make publicly available those licensee notifications under paragraph (c) of this section that have been submitted to the NRC at least seven (7) days before that notice.

[77 FR 51892, Aug. 28, 2012]
§ 52.103 - Operation under a combined license.

(a) The licensee shall notify the NRC of its scheduled date for initial loading of fuel no later than 270 days before the scheduled date and shall notify the NRC of updates to its schedule every 30 days thereafter. Not less than 180 days before the date scheduled for initial loading of fuel into a plant by a licensee that has been issued a combined license under this part, the Commission shall publish notice of intended operation in the Federal Register. The notice must provide that any person whose interest may be affected by operation of the plant may, within 60 days, request that the Commission hold a hearing on whether the facility as constructed complies, or on completion will comply, with the acceptance criteria in the combined license, except that a hearing shall not be granted for those ITAAC which the Commission found were met under § 52.97(a)(2).

(b) A request for hearing under paragraph (a) of this section must show, prima facie, that—

(1) One or more of the acceptance criteria of the ITAAC in the combined license have not been, or will not be, met; and

(2) The specific operational consequences of nonconformance would be contrary to providing reasonable assurance of adequate protection of the public health and safety.

(c) The Commission, acting as the presiding officer, shall determine whether to grant or deny the request for hearing in accordance with the applicable requirements of 10 CFR 2.309. If the Commission grants the request, the Commission, acting as the presiding officer, shall determine whether during a period of interim operation there will be reasonable assurance of adequate protection to the public health and safety. The Commission's determination must consider the petitioner's prima facie showing and any answers thereto. If the Commission determines there is such reasonable assurance, it shall allow operation during an interim period under the combined license.

(d) The Commission, in its discretion, shall determine appropriate hearing procedures, whether informal or formal adjudicatory, for any hearing under paragraph (a) of this section, and shall state its reasons therefore.

(e) The Commission shall, to the maximum possible extent, render a decision on issues raised by the hearing request within 180 days of the publication of the notice provided by paragraph (a) of this section or by the anticipated date for initial loading of fuel into the reactor, whichever is later.

(f) A petition to modify the terms and conditions of the combined license will be processed as a request for action in accordance with 10 CFR 2.206. The petitioner shall file the petition with the Secretary of the Commission. Before the licensed activity allegedly affected by the petition (fuel loading, low power testing, etc.) commences, the Commission shall determine whether any immediate action is required. If the petition is granted, then an appropriate order will be issued. Fuel loading and operation under the combined license will not be affected by the granting of the petition unless the order is made immediately effective.

(g) The licensee shall not operate the facility until the Commission makes a finding that the acceptance criteria in the combined license are met, except for those acceptance criteria that the Commission found were met under § 52.97(a)(2). If the combined license is for a modular design, each reactor module may require a separate finding as construction proceeds.

(h) After the Commission has made the finding in paragraph (g) of this section, the ITAAC do not, by virtue of their inclusion in the combined license, constitute regulatory requirements either for licensees or for renewal of the license; except for the specific ITAAC for which the Commission has granted a hearing under paragraph (a) of this section, all ITAAC expire upon final Commission action in the proceeding. However, subsequent changes to the facility or procedures described in the final safety analysis report (as updated) must comply with the requirements in §§ 52.98(e) or (f), as applicable.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 89 FR 57721, July 16, 2024]
§ 52.104 - Duration of combined license.

A combined license is issued for a specified period not to exceed 40 years from the date on which the Commission makes a finding that acceptance criteria are met under § 52.103(g) or allowing operation during an interim period under the combined license under § 52.103(c).

§ 52.105 - Transfer of combined license.

A combined license may be transferred in accordance with § 50.80 of this chapter.

§ 52.107 - Application for renewal.

The filing of an application for a renewed license must be in accordance with 10 CFR part 54.

§ 52.109 - Continuation of combined license.

Each combined license for a facility that has permanently ceased operations, continues in effect beyond the expiration date to authorize ownership and possession of the production or utilization facility, until the Commission notifies the licensee in writing that the license is terminated. During this period of continued effectiveness the licensee shall—

(1) Take actions necessary to decommission and decontaminate the facility and continue to maintain the facility, including, where applicable, the storage, control and maintenance of the spent fuel, in a safe condition; and

(2) Conduct activities in accordance with all other restrictions applicable to the facility in accordance with the NRC's regulations and the provisions of the combined license for the facility.

§ 52.110 - Termination of license.

(a)(1) When a licensee has determined to permanently cease operations the licensee shall, within 30 days, submit a written certification to the NRC, consistent with the requirements of § 52.3(b)(8);

(2) Once fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel, the licensee shall submit a written certification to the NRC that meets the requirements of § 52.3(b)(9); and

(3) For licensees whose licenses have been permanently modified to allow possession but not operation of the facility, before September 27, 2007, the certification required in paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall be deemed to have been submitted.

(b) Upon docketing of the certifications for permanent cessation of operations and permanent removal of fuel from the reactor vessel, or when a final legally effective order to permanently cease operations has come into effect, the 10 CFR part 52 license no longer authorizes operation of the reactor or emplacement or retention of fuel into the reactor vessel.

(c) Decommissioning will be completed within 60 years of permanent cessation of operations. Completion of decommissioning beyond 60 years will be approved by the Commission only when necessary to protect public health and safety. Factors that will be considered by the Commission in evaluating an alternative that provides for completion of decommissioning beyond 60 years of permanent cessation of operations include unavailability of waste disposal capacity and other site-specific factors affecting the licensee's capability to carry out decommissioning, including presence of other nuclear facilities at the site.

(d)(1) Before or within 2 years following permanent cessation of operations, the licensee shall submit a post-shutdown decommissioning activities report (PSDAR) to the NRC, and a copy to the affected State(s). The report must include a description of the planned decommissioning activities along with a schedule for their accomplishment, an estimate of expected costs, and a discussion that provides the reasons for concluding that the environmental impacts associated with site-specific decommissioning activities will be bounded by appropriate previously issued environmental impact statements.

(2) The NRC shall notice receipt of the PSDAR and make the PSDAR available for public comment. The NRC shall also schedule a public meeting in the vicinity of the licensee's facility upon receipt of the PSDAR. The NRC shall publish a document in the Federal Register and in a forum, such as local newspapers, that is readily accessible to individuals in the vicinity of the site, announcing the date, time and location of the meeting, along with a brief description of the purpose of the meeting.

(e) Licensees shall not perform any major decommissioning activities, as defined in § 50.2 of this chapter, until 90 days after the NRC has received the licensee's PSDAR submittal and until certifications of permanent cessation of operations and permanent removal of fuel from the reactor vessel, as required under § 52.110(a)(1), have been submitted.

(f) Licensees shall not perform any decommissioning activities, as defined in § 52.1, that—

(1) Foreclose release of the site for possible unrestricted use;

(2) Result in significant environmental impacts not previously reviewed; or

(3) Result in there no longer being reasonable assurance that adequate funds will be available for decommissioning.

(g) In taking actions permitted under § 50.59 of this chapter following submittal of the PSDAR, the licensee shall notify the NRC in writing and send a copy to the affected State(s), before performing any decommissioning activity inconsistent with, or making any significant schedule change from, those actions and schedules described in the PSDAR, including changes that significantly increase the decommissioning cost.

(h)(1) Decommissioning trust funds may be used by licensees if—

(i) The withdrawals are for expenses for legitimate decommissioning activities consistent with the definition of decommissioning in § 52.1;

(ii) The expenditure would not reduce the value of the decommissioning trust below an amount necessary to place and maintain the reactor in a safe storage condition if unforeseen conditions or expenses arise; and

(iii) The withdrawals would not inhibit the ability of the licensee to complete funding of any shortfalls in the decommissioning trust needed to ensure the availability of funds to ultimately release the site and terminate the license.

(2) Initially, 3 percent of the generic amount specified in § 50.75 of this chapter may be used for decommissioning planning. For licensees that have submitted the certifications required under § 52.110(a) and commencing 90 days after the NRC has received the PSDAR, an additional 20 percent may be used. A site-specific decommissioning cost estimate must be submitted to the NRC before the licensee may use any funding in excess of these amounts.

(3) Within 2 years following permanent cessation of operations, if not already submitted, the licensee shall submit a site-specific decommissioning cost estimate.

(4) For decommissioning activities that delay completion of decommissioning by including a period of storage or surveillance, the licensee shall provide a means of adjusting cost estimates and associated funding levels over the storage or surveillance period.

(i) All power reactor licensees must submit an application for termination of license. The application for termination of license must be accompanied or preceded by a license termination plan to be submitted for NRC approval.

(1) The license termination plan must be a supplement to the FSAR or equivalent and must be submitted at least 2 years before termination of the license date.

(2) The license termination plan must include—

(i) A site characterization;

(ii) Identification of remaining dismantlement activities;

(iii) Plans for site remediation;

(iv) Detailed plans for the final radiation survey;

(v) A description of the end use of the site, if restricted;

(vi) An updated site-specific estimate of remaining decommissioning costs;

(vii) A supplement to the environmental report, under § 51.53 of this chapter, describing any new information or significant environmental change associated with the licensee's proposed termination activities; and

(viii) Identification of parts, if any, of the facility or site that were released for use before approval of the license termination plan.

(3) The NRC shall notice receipt of the license termination plan and make the license termination plan available for public comment. The NRC shall also schedule a public meeting in the vicinity of the licensee's facility upon receipt of the license termination plan. The NRC shall publish a document in the Federal Register and in a forum, such as local newspapers, which is readily accessible to individuals in the vicinity of the site, announcing the date, time and location of the meeting, along with a brief description of the purpose of the meeting.

(j) If the license termination plan demonstrates that the remainder of decommissioning activities will be performed in accordance with the regulations in this chapter, will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to the health and safety of the public, and will not have a significant effect on the quality of the environment and after notice to interested persons, the Commission shall approve the plan, by license amendment, subject to terms and conditions as it deems appropriate and necessary and authorize implementation of the license termination plan.

(k) The Commission shall terminate the license if it determines that—

(1) The remaining dismantlement has been performed in accordance with the approved license termination plan; and

(2) The final radiation survey and associated documentation, including an assessment of dose contributions associated with parts released for use before approval of the license termination plan, demonstrate that the facility and site have met the criteria for decommissioning in subpart E to 10 CFR part 20.

(l) For a facility that has permanently ceased operation before the expiration of its license, the collection period for any shortfall of funds will be determined, upon application by the licensee, on a case-by-case basis taking into account the specific financial situation of each licensee.

[72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, as amended at 89 FR 64353, Aug. 7, 2024]
authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 103, 104, 147, 149, 161, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 189, 223, 234 (42 U.S.C. 2133,2134,2167,2169,2201,2231,2232,2233,2235,2236,2239,2273,2282; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202, 206, 211 (42 U.S.C. 5841,5842,5846,5851; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note
source: 72 FR 49517, Aug. 28, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 52.93