Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 71.81 - Applicability of operating controls and procedures.

A licensee subject to this part, who, under a general or specific license, transports licensed material or delivers licensed material to a carrier for transport, shall comply with the requirements of this subpart G, with the quality assurance requirements of subpart H of this part, and with the general provisions of subpart A of this part.

§ 71.83 - Assumptions as to unknown properties.

When the isotopic abundance, mass, concentration, degree of irradiation, degree of moderation, or other pertinent property of fissile material in any package is not known, the licensee shall package the fissile material as if the unknown properties have credible values that will cause the maximum neutron multiplication.

§ 71.85 - Preliminary determinations.

Before the first use of any packaging for the shipment of licensed material—

(a) The certificate holder shall ascertain that there are no cracks, pinholes, uncontrolled voids, or other defects that could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the packaging;

(b) Where the maximum normal operating pressure will exceed 35 kPa (5 lbf/in 2) gauge, the certificate holder shall test the containment system at an internal pressure at least 50 percent higher than the maximum normal operating pressure, to verify the capability of that system to maintain its structural integrity at that pressure;

(c) The certificate holder shall conspicuously and durably mark the packaging with its model number, serial number, gross weight, and a package identification number assigned by the NRC. Before applying the model number, the certificate holder shall determine that the packaging has been fabricated in accordance with the design approved by the Commission; and

(d) The licensee shall ascertain that the determinations in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section have been made.

[60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended at 80 FR 34013, June 12, 2015]
§ 71.87 - Routine determinations.

Before each shipment of licensed material, the licensee shall ensure that the package with its contents satisfies the applicable requirements of this part and of the license. The licensee shall determine that—

(a) The package is proper for the contents to be shipped;

(b) The package is in unimpaired physical condition except for superficial defects such as marks or dents;

(c) Each closure device of the packaging, including any required gasket, is properly installed and secured and free of defects;

(d) Any system for containing liquid is adequately sealed and has adequate space or other specified provision for expansion of the liquid;

(e) Any pressure relief device is operable and set in accordance with written procedures;

(f) The package has been loaded and closed in accordance with written procedures;

(g) For fissile material, any moderator or neutron absorber, if required, is present and in proper condition;

(h) Any structural part of the package that could be used to lift or tie down the package during transport is rendered inoperable for that purpose, unless it satisfies the design requirements of § 71.45;

(i) The level of non-fixed (removable) radioactive contamination on the external surfaces of each package offered for shipment is as low as reasonably achievable, and within the limits specified in DOT regulations in 49 CFR 173.443;

(j) External radiation levels around the package and around the vehicle, if applicable, will not exceed the limits specified in § 71.47 at any time during transportation; and

(k) Accessible package surface temperatures will not exceed the limits specified in § 71.43(g) at any time during transportation.

§ 71.88 - Air transport of plutonium.

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general licenses and notwithstanding any exemptions stated directly in this part or included indirectly by citation of 49 CFR chapter I, as may be applicable, the licensee shall assure that plutonium in any form, whether for import, export, or domestic shipment, is not transported by air or delivered to a carrier for air transport unless:

(1) The plutonium is contained in a medical device designed for individual human application; or

(2) The plutonium is contained in a material in which the specific activity is less than or equal to the activity concentration values for plutonium specified in Appendix A, Table A-2, of this part, and in which the radioactivity is essentially uniformly distributed; or

(3) The plutonium is shipped in a single package containing no more than an A2 quantity of plutonium in any isotope or form, and is shipped in accordance with § 71.5; or

(4) The plutonium is shipped in a package specifically authorized for the shipment of plutonium by air in the Certificate of Compliance for that package issued by the Commission.

(b) Nothing in paragraph (a) of this section is to be interpreted as removing or diminishing the requirements of § 73.24 of this chapter.

(c) For a shipment of plutonium by air which is subject to paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the licensee shall, through special arrangement with the carrier, require compliance with 49 CFR 175.704, U.S. Department of Transportation regulations applicable to the air transport of plutonium.

[60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 3795, Jan. 26, 2004]
§ 71.89 - Opening instructions.

Before delivery of a package to a carrier for transport, the licensee shall ensure that any special instructions needed to safely open the package have been sent to, or otherwise made available to, the consignee for the consignee's use in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1906(e).

§ 71.91 - Records.

(a) Each licensee shall maintain, for a period of 3 years after shipment, a record of each shipment of licensed material not exempt under § 71.14, showing where applicable—

(1) Identification of the packaging by model number and serial number;

(2) Verification that there are no significant defects in the packaging, as shipped;

(3) Volume and identification of coolant;

(4) Type and quantity of licensed material in each package, and the total quantity of each shipment;

(5) For each item of irradiated fissile material—

(i) Identification by model number and serial number;

(ii) Irradiation and decay history to the extent appropriate to demonstrate that its nuclear and thermal characteristics comply with license conditions; and

(iii) Any abnormal or unusual condition relevant to radiation safety;

(6) Date of the shipment;

(7) For fissile packages and for Type B packages, any special controls exercised;

(8) Name and address of the transferee;

(9) Address to which the shipment was made; and

(10) Results of the determinations required by § 71.87 and by the conditions of the package approval.

(b) Each certificate holder shall maintain, for a period of 3 years after the life of the packaging to which they apply, records identifying the packaging by model number, serial number, and date of manufacture.

(c) The licensee, certificate holder, and an applicant for a CoC, shall make available to the Commission for inspection, upon reasonable notice, all records required by this part. Records are only valid if stamped, initialed, or signed and dated by authorized personnel, or otherwise authenticated.

(d) The licensee, certificate holder, and an applicant for a CoC shall maintain sufficient written records to furnish evidence of the quality of packaging. The records to be maintained include results of the determinations required by § 71.85; design, fabrication, and assembly records; results of reviews, inspections, tests, and audits; results of monitoring work performance and materials analyses; and results of maintenance, modification, and repair activities. Inspection, test, and audit records must identify the inspector or data recorder, the type of observation, the results, the acceptability, and the action taken in connection with any deficiencies noted. These records must be retained for 3 years after the life of the packaging to which they apply.

[60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 3795, Jan. 26, 2004; 80 FR 34013, June 12, 2015]
§ 71.93 - Inspection and tests.

(a) The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall permit the Commission, at all reasonable times, to inspect the licensed material, packaging, premises, and facilities in which the licensed material or packaging is used, provided, constructed, fabricated, tested, stored, or shipped.

(b) The licensee, certificate holder, and applicant for a CoC shall perform, and permit the Commission to perform, any tests the Commission deems necessary or appropriate for the administration of the regulations in this chapter.

(c) The certificate holder and applicant for a CoC shall notify the NRC, in accordance with § 71.1, 45 days in advance of starting fabrication of the first packaging under a CoC. This paragraph applies to any packaging used for the shipment of licensed material which has either—

(1) A decay heat load in excess of 5 kW; or

(2) A maximum normal operating pressure in excess of 103 kPa (15 lbf/in 2) gauge.

[69 FR 3796, Jan. 26, 2004]
§ 71.95 - Reports.

(a) The licensee, after requesting the certificate holder's input, shall submit a written report to the Commission of—

(1) Instances in which there is a significant reduction in the effectiveness of any NRC-approved Type B or Type AF packaging during use; or

(2) Details of any defects with safety significance in any NRC-approved Type B or fissile material packaging, after first use.

(3) Instances in which the conditions of approval in the Certificate of Compliance were not observed in making a shipment.

(b) The licensee shall submit a written report to the Commission of instances in which the conditions in the certificate of compliance were not followed during a shipment.

(c) Each licensee shall submit, in accordance with § 71.1, a written report required by paragraph (a) or (b) of this section within 60 days of the event or discovery of the event. The licensee shall also provide a copy of each report submitted to the NRC to the applicable certificate holder. Written reports prepared under other regulations may be submitted to fulfill this requirement if the reports contain all the necessary information, and the appropriate distribution is made. Using an appropriate method listed in § 71.1(a), the licensee shall report to: ATTN: Document Control Desk, Director, Division of Fuel Management, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. These written reports must include the following:

(1) A brief abstract describing the major occurrences during the event, including all component or system failures that contributed to the event and significant corrective action taken or planned to prevent recurrence.

(2) A clear, specific, narrative description of the event that occurred so that knowledgeable readers conversant with the requirements of part 71, but not familiar with the design of the packaging, can understand the complete event. The narrative description must include the following specific information as appropriate for the particular event.

(i) Status of components or systems that were inoperable at the start of the event and that contributed to the event;

(ii) Dates and approximate times of occurrences;

(iii) The cause of each component or system failure or personnel error, if known;

(iv) The failure mode, mechanism, and effect of each failed component, if known;

(v) A list of systems or secondary functions that were also affected for failures of components with multiple functions;

(vi) The method of discovery of each component or system failure or procedural error;

(vii) For each human performance-related root cause, a discussion of the cause(s) and circumstances;

(viii) The manufacturer and model number (or other identification) of each component that failed during the event; and

(ix) For events occurring during use of a packaging, the quantities and chemical and physical form(s) of the package contents.

(3) An assessment of the safety consequences and implications of the event. This assessment must include the availability of other systems or components that could have performed the same function as the components and systems that failed during the event.

(4) A description of any corrective actions planned as a result of the event, including the means employed to repair any defects, and actions taken to reduce the probability of similar events occurring in the future.

(5) Reference to any previous similar events involving the same packaging that are known to the licensee or certificate holder.

(6) The name and telephone number of a person within the licensee's organization who is knowledgeable about the event and can provide additional information.

(7) The extent of exposure of individuals to radiation or to radioactive materials without identification of individuals by name.

(d) Report legibility. The reports submitted by licensees and/or certificate holders under this section must be of sufficient quality to permit reproduction and micrographic processing.

[69 FR 3796, Jan. 26, 2004, as amended at 75 FR 73945, Nov. 30, 2010; 79 FR 75740, Dec. 19, 2014; 84 FR 65645, Nov. 29, 2019]
§ 71.97 - Advance notification of shipment of irradiated reactor fuel and nuclear waste.

(a)(1) As specified in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, each licensee shall provide advance notification to the governor of a State, or the governor's designee, of the shipment of licensed material, within or across the boundary of the State, before the transport, or delivery to a carrier, for transport, of licensed material outside the confines of the licensee's plant or other place of use or storage.

(2) As specified in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, after June 11, 2013, each licensee shall provide advance notification to the Tribal official of participating Tribes referenced in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section, or the official's designee, of the shipment of licensed material, within or across the boundary of the Tribe's reservation, before the transport, or delivery to a carrier, for transport, of licensed material outside the confines of the licensee's plant or other place of use or storage.

(b) Advance notification is also required under this section for the shipment of licensed material, other than irradiated fuel, meeting the following three conditions:

(1) The licensed material is required by this part to be in Type B packaging for transportation;

(2) The licensed material is being transported to or across a State boundary en route to a disposal facility or to a collection point for transport to a disposal facility; and

(3) The quantity of licensed material in a single package exceeds the least of the following:

(i) 3000 times the A1 value of the radionuclides as specified in appendix A, Table A-1 for special form radioactive material;

(ii) 3000 times the A2 value of the radionuclides as specified in appendix A, Table A-1 for normal form radioactive material; or

(iii) 1000 TBq (27,000 Ci).

(c) Procedures for submitting advance notification. (1) The notification must be made in writing to:

(i) The office of each appropriate governor or governor's designee;

(ii) The office of each appropriate Tribal official or Tribal official's designee; and

(iii) The Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response.

(2) A notification delivered by mail must be postmarked at least 7 days before the beginning of the 7-day period during which departure of the shipment is estimated to occur.

(3) A notification delivered by any other means than mail must reach the office of the governor or of the governor's designee or the Tribal official or Tribal official's designee at least 4 days before the beginning of the 7-day period during which departure of the shipment is estimated to occur.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Contact information for each State, including telephone and mailing addresses of governors and governors' designees, and participating Tribes, including telephone and mailing addresses of Tribal officials and Tribal official's designees, is available on the NRC Web site at:

(iii) A list of the names and mailing addresses of the governors' designees and Tribal officials' designees of participating Tribes is available on request from the Director, Division of Materials Safety, Security, State, and Tribal Programs, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

(4) The licensee shall retain a copy of the notification as a record for 3 years.

(d) Information to be furnished in advance notification of shipment. Each advance notification of shipment of irradiated reactor fuel or nuclear waste must contain the following information:

(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the shipper, carrier, and receiver of the irradiated reactor fuel or nuclear waste shipment;

(2) A description of the irradiated reactor fuel or nuclear waste contained in the shipment, as specified in the regulations of DOT in 49 CFR 172.202 and 172.203(d);

(3) The point of origin of the shipment and the 7-day period during which departure of the shipment is estimated to occur;

(4) The 7-day period during which arrival of the shipment at State boundaries or Tribal reservation boundaries is estimated to occur;

(5) The destination of the shipment, and the 7-day period during which arrival of the shipment is estimated to occur; and

(6) A point of contact, with a telephone number, for current shipment information.

(e) Revision notice. A licensee who finds that schedule information previously furnished to a governor or governor's designee or a Tribal official or Tribal official's designee, in accordance with this section, will not be met, shall telephone a responsible individual in the office of the governor of the State or of the governor's designee or the Tribal official or the Tribal official's designee and inform that individual of the extent of the delay beyond the schedule originally reported. The licensee shall maintain a record of the name of the individual contacted for 3 years.

(f) Cancellation notice. (1) Each licensee who cancels an irradiated reactor fuel or nuclear waste shipment for which advance notification has been sent shall send a cancellation notice to the governor of each State or to the governor's designee previously notified, each Tribal official or to the Tribal official's designee previously notified, and to the Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response.

(2) The licensee shall state in the notice that it is a cancellation and identify the advance notification that is being canceled. The licensee shall retain a copy of the notice as a record for 3 years.

[60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended at 67 FR 3586, Jan. 25, 2002; 68 FR 14529, Mar. 26, 2003; 68 FR 23575, May 5, 2003; 68 FR 58818, Oct. 10, 2003; 74 FR 62683, Dec. 1, 2009; 75 FR 73945, Nov. 30, 2010; 77 FR 34204, June 11, 2012; 78 FR 17021, Mar. 19, 2013; 79 FR 75741, Dec. 19, 2014; 80 FR 74981, Dec. 1, 2015; 83 FR 30288, June 28, 2018; 83 FR 58723, Nov. 21, 2018; 85 FR 65663, Oct. 16, 2020]
§ 71.99 - Violations.

(a) The Commission may obtain an injunction or other court order to prevent a violation of the provisions of—

(1) The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended;

(2) Title II of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended; or (3) A regulation or order issued pursuant to those Acts.

(b) The Commission may obtain a court order for the payment of a civil penalty imposed under section 234 of the Atomic Energy Act:

(1) For violations of—

(i) Sections 53, 57, 62, 63, 81, 82, 101, 103, 104, 107, or 109 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended;

(ii) Section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act;

(iii) Any rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant to the sections specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section; or

(iv) Any term , condition, or limitation of any license issued under the sections specified in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

(2) For any violation for which a license may be revoked under section 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

§ 71.100 - Criminal penalties.

(a) Section 223 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, provides for criminal sanctions for willful violation of, attempted violation of, or conspiracy to violate, any regulation issued under sections 161b, 161i, or 161o of the Act. For purposes of section 223, all the regulations in part 71 are issued under one or more of sections 161b, 161i, or 161o, except for the sections listed in paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) The regulations in part 71 that are not issued under sections 161b, 161i, or 161o for the purposes of section 223 are as follows: §§ 71.0, 71.2, 71.4, 71.6, 71.7, 71.10, 71.31, 71.33, 71.35, 71.37, 71.38, 71.39, 71.40, 71.41, 71.43, 71.45, 71.47, 71.51, 71.55, 71.59, 71.65, 71.71, 71.73, 71.74, 71.75, 71.77, 71.99, and 71.100.

[60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 3796, Jan. 26, 2004]
authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 53, 57, 62, 63, 81, 161, 182, 183, 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2073,2077,2092,2093,2111,2201,2232,2233,2273,2282,2297f; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202, 206, 211 (42 U.S.C. 5841,5842,5846,5851; Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, sec. 180 (42 U.S.C. 10175); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note
source: 60 FR 50264, Sept. 28, 1995, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 71.88