Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 76.31 - Periodic application requirement.

The Corporation shall periodically apply to the Commission for a certificate of compliance, in accordance with § 76.36, on or before April 15 of the year specified in an existing certificate of compliance as determined by the Commission, but not less frequently than every 5 years.

[62 FR 6670, Feb. 12, 1997]
§ 76.33 - Application procedures.

(a) Filing requirements. (1) An application for a certificate of compliance must be tendered by filing the application with the Director of the NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, with copies sent to the NRC Region III Office and appropriate resident inspector, in accordance with § 76.5. If the application is to be submitted electronically, see Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the Commission at

(2) The application must include the full name, address, age (if an individual), and citizenship of the applicant. If the applicant is a corporation or other entity, the application must indicate the State where it was incorporated or organized; the location of the principal office; and the names, addresses, and citizenship of its principal officers. The applicant shall include any known information concerning the control or ownership, if any, exercised over the applicant by any alien, foreign corporation, or foreign government.

(b) Oath or affirmation. An application for a certificate of compliance must be executed in a signed original by a duly authorized officer of the Corporation under oath or affirmation.

(c) Pre-filing consultation. The Corporation may confer with the Commission's staff before filing an application.

(d) Additional information. At any time during the review of an application, the Corporation may be required to supply additional information to the Commission's staff to enable the Commission or the Director, as appropriate, to determine whether the certificate should be issued or denied, or to determine whether a compliance plan should be approved.

(e) Withholdable information. If an application contains Restricted Data, National Security Information, Safeguards Information, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, proprietary data, or other withholdable information, the applicant shall ensure that the withholdable information is separate from the information to be made publicly available.

[64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999, as amended at 68 FR 58822, Oct. 10, 2003; 74 FR 62685, Dec. 1, 2009]
§ 76.35 - Contents of application.

The application for a certificate of compliance must include the information identified in this section.

(a) A safety analysis report which must include the following information:

(1) The activities and locations involving special nuclear material and the general plan for carrying out these activities;

(2) The name, amount, and specifications (including the chemical and physical form and, where applicable, isotopic content) of the special nuclear material, source and byproduct material the Corporation proposes to use, possess or produce, including any material held up in equipment from previous operations;

(3) The qualifications requirements, including training and experience, of the Corporation's management organization and key individuals responsible for safety in accordance with the regulations in this chapter;

(4) An assessment of accidents based on the requirements of § 76.85;

(5) A training program that meets the requirements of § 76.95;

(6) A description of equipment and facilities which will be used by the Corporation to protect health and minimize danger to life or property (such as handling devices, working areas, shields, measuring and monitoring instruments, devices for the treatment and disposal of radioactive effluent and wastes, storage facilities, provisions for protection against natural phenomena, fire protection systems, criticality accident alarm systems, etc.);

(7) A description of the management controls and oversight program to ensure that activities directly relevant to nuclear safety and safeguards and security are conducted in an appropriately controlled manner that ensures protection of employee and public health and safety and protection of the national security interests; and

(8) A description of the plant site, and a description of the principal structures, systems, and components of the plant.

(b) A plan prepared and approved by DOE for achieving compliance with respect to any areas of noncompliance with the NRC's regulations that are identified by the Corporation as of the date of the application that includes:

(1) A description of the areas of noncompliance;

(2) A plan of actions and schedules for achieving compliance; and

(3) A justification for continued operation with adequate safety and safeguards.

(c) Any relevant information concerning deviations from the published Environmental Impact Statement, Environmental Assessments, or environmental permits under which the plants currently operate from which the Commission can prepare an environmental assessment related to the compliance plan.

(d) A quality assurance program that meets the requirements of § 76.93.

(e) Technical safety requirements in accordance with § 76.87. A summary statement of the bases or reasons for the requirements, other than those covering administrative controls, must also be included in the application, but will not be considered part of the technical safety requirements.

(f) An emergency plan that meets the requirements of § 76.91.

(g) A compliance status report that includes the status of various State, local and Federal permits, licenses, approvals, and other entitlements, as described in § 51.45(d) of this chapter. The report must include environmental and effluent monitoring data.

(h) A fundamental nuclear material control plan which describes the measures used to control and account for special nuclear material that the Corporation uses, possesses, or has access to. The plan must describe, as appropriate:

(1) How formula quantities of strategic special nuclear material will be controlled and accounted for in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E;

(2) How special nuclear material of moderate strategic significance will be controlled and accounted for in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E; and

(3) How special nuclear material of low strategic significance will be controlled and accounted for in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E.

(i) A transportation protection plan which describes the measures used to protect shipments of special nuclear material of low strategic significance in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E when in transit offsite.

(j) A physical protection plan which describes the measures used to protect special nuclear material that the Corporation uses, possesses, or has access to at fixed sites. The plan must describe, as appropriate:

(1) How formula quantities of special nuclear material will be protected against both theft and radiological sabotage in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E;

(2) How special nuclear material of moderate strategic significance will be protected in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E;

(3) How special nuclear material of low strategic significance will be protected in accordance with the relevant requirements of subpart E; and

(4) The measures used to protect special nuclear material while in transit between protected areas, all of which are located on a single fixed site under the control of the applicant. The level of protection afforded the material while in transit may not be less than that afforded the same material while it was within the protected area from which transit began.

(k) A plan describing the facility's proposed security procedures and controls as set forth in § 95.15(b) of this chapter for protection of classified matter.

(l)(1) In response to a written request by the Commission, each applicant for a certificate and each recipient of a certificate shall submit facility information, as described in § 75.10 of this chapter, on IAEA Design Information Questionnaire forms and site information on DOC/NRC Form AP-A and associated forms;

(2) As required by the Additional Protocol, shall submit location information described in § 75.11 of this chapter on DOC/NRC Form AP-1 and associated forms; and

(3) Shall permit verification thereof by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); and shall take other action as may be necessary to implement the US/IAEA Safeguards Agreement, as described in Part 75 of this chapter.

(m) A description of the program, as appropriate, for processing, management, and disposal of mixed and radioactive wastes and depleted uranium generated by operations. This description must be limited to processing, management, and disposal activities conducted during operation of the facilities while under lease to the Corporation. The application must also include a description of the waste streams generated by enrichment operations, annual volumes of depleted uranium and waste expected, identification of radioisotopes contained in the waste, physical and chemical forms of the depleted uranium and waste, plans for managing the depleted uranium and waste, and plans for ultimate disposition of the waste and depleted uranium before turnover of the facilities to the Department of Energy under the terms of the lease agreement between the United States Enrichment Corporation and the Department.

(n) A description of the funding program to be established to ensure that funds will be set aside and available for those aspects of the ultimate disposal of waste and depleted uranium, decontamination and decommissioning, relating to the gaseous diffusion plants leased to the Corporation by the Department of Energy, which are the financial responsibility of the Corporation. The Corporation shall establish financial surety arrangements to ensure that sufficient funds will be available for the ultimate disposal of waste and depleted uranium, and decontamination and decommissioning activities which are the financial responsibility of the Corporation. The funding mechanism, such as prepayment, surety, insurance, or external sinking fund, must ensure availability of funds for any activities which are required to be completed both before or after the return of the gaseous diffusion facilities to the department of Energy in accordance with the lease between the Department and the Corporation. The funding program must contain a basis for cost estimates used to establish funding levels and must contain means of adjusting cost estimates and associated funding levels over the duration of the lease. The funding program need not address funding for those aspects of decontamination and decommissioning of the gaseous diffusion plants assigned to the Department of Energy under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. The Corporation should address the adequacy of the financing mechanism selected in its periodic application for certification.

[59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, as amended at 62 FR 6670, Feb. 12, 1997; 64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999; 73 FR 78614, Dec. 23, 2008; 85 FR 65664, Oct. 16, 2020]
§ 76.36 - Renewals.

(a) The Corporation shall file periodic applications for renewal, as required by § 76.31.

(b) Information contained in previous applications, statements, or reports filed with the Commission may be referenced as part of the application, provided that the reference is clear and specific.

(c) An application for renewal is subject to the requirements in § 76.33 and must contain the following information:

(1) The information specified in § 76.35; or,

(2) A statement by the Corporation that the NRC may rely upon the information provided in the previous application(s) upon which the existing certificate is based, except for:

(i) Any proposed changes in the existing certificate of compliance conditions or technical safety requirements;

(ii) Any proposed changes to the documents submitted with the previous application in accordance with § 76.35;

(iii) Any changes which the Corporation has made without prior NRC approval pursuant to § 76.68; and,

(iv) Any changes to certificate conditions or technical safety requirements for which the Corporation has sought and received Commission approval pursuant to § 76.45.

(d) The changes which are submitted as part of an application for renewal in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section, must be in the form of specific changes to the documentation specified in § 76.35. The changes must be marked and dated for easy identification.

[59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, as amended at 62 FR 6670, Feb. 12, 1997; 64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999]
§ 76.37 - Federal Register notice.

The Director may, at his or her discretion, publish in the Federal Register:

(a) A notice of the filing of an application specifying that copies of the application, except for Restricted Data, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, Classified National Security Information, Safeguards Information, Proprietary Data, or other withholdable information will be made available for the public inspection at the NRC Web site,;

(b) A notice of opportunity for written public comment on the application for renewal; and

(c) The date of any scheduled public meeting regarding the application for renewal.

[64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999, as amended at 64 FR 48955, Sept. 9, 1999]
§ 76.39 - Public meeting.

(a) A public meeting will be held on an application for renewal if the Director, in his or her discretion, determines that a meeting is in the public interest with respect to a decision on the application for renewal.

(b) Conduct of public meeting.

(1) The Director shall conduct any public meeting held on the application for renewal.

(2) Public meetings will take place near the locale of the subject plant, unless otherwise specified by the Director.

(3) A public meeting will be open to all interested members of the public and be conducted as deemed appropriate by the Director.

(4) Members of the public will be given an opportunity during a public meeting to make their views regarding the application for renewal known to the Director.

(5) A transcript will be kept of each public meeting.

(6) No Restricted Data, Classified National Security Information, Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information, Safeguards Information, Proprietary Data, or other withholdable information may be introduced at the meeting.

[59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, as amended at 64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999]
§ 76.41 - Record underlying decisions.

(a) Any decision of the Commission or its designee under this part in any proceeding regarding an application for a certificate must be based on information in the record and facts officially noticed in the proceeding.

(b) All public comments and correspondence in any proceeding regarding an application for a certificate must be made a part of the public docket of the proceeding, except as provided under 10 CFR 2.390.

[59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, as amended at 69 FR 2281, Jan. 14, 2004]
§ 76.43 - Date for decision.

The Director will render a decision on an application within 6 months of the receipt of the application unless the Director alters the date for decisions and publishes notice of the new date in the Federal Register.

[62 FR 6670, Feb. 12, 1997]
§ 76.45 - Application for amendment of certificate.

(a) Contents of an amendment application. In addition to the application for certification submitted under § 76.31, the Corporation may at any time apply for an amendment of the certificate to cover proposed new or modified activities. The amendment application should contain sufficient information for the NRC to make findings of compliance or acceptability for the proposed activities in the same manner as was required for the original certificate.

(b) Oath or affirmation. An application for an amendment of the certificate of compliance must be executed in a signed original by the Corporation under oath or affirmation.

(c) Amendment application determinations. If the NRC staff approves an application for a certificate amendment, it will be effective on a date specified by the NRC staff. If an application for a certificate amendment is not approved by the NRC staff, the Corporation will be informed in writing. The NRC staff may, at its discretion, publish notice of its determination on an amendment application in the Federal Register.

(d) Request for review of staff's determination on an amendment application. The Corporation, or any person whose interest may be affected, may file a petition requesting the Director's review of an NRC staff determination on an amendment application. A petition requesting the Director's review may not exceed 30 pages and must be filed within 30 days after the date of the NRC staff's determination. Any person described in this paragraph may file a written response to a petition requesting the Director's review. This response may not exceed 30 pages and must be filed within 15 days after the filing date of the petition requesting the Director's review. The Director may adopt, modify, or set aside the findings, conclusions, conditions, or terms in the NRC staff's amendment determination by providing a written basis for the action. If the Director does not issue a decision or take other appropriate action within 60 days after receiving the petition for review, the NRC staff's determination on the amendment application remains in effect.

(e) Request for review of a Director's decision. The Corporation, or any person whose interest may be affected and who filed a petition for review or filed a response to a petition for review under § 76.45(d), may file a petition requesting the Commission's review of a Director's decision on an amendment application.

(1) A petition requesting the Commission's review may not exceed 30 pages and must be filed within 30 days after the date of the Director's decision. A petition requesting the Commission's review may be either:

(i) Delivered to the Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff of the Office of the Secretary at One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852; or

(ii) Sent by mail or telegram to the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff.

(2) Any person described in paragraph (e) of this section may file a written response to a petition requesting the Commission's review. This response may not exceed 30 pages and must be filed within 15 days after the filing date of the petition requesting the Commission's review.

(3) The Commission may adopt, by order, further procedures that, in its judgment, would serve the purpose of review of the Director's decision. The Commission may adopt, modify, or set aside the findings, conclusions, conditions, or terms in the Director's amendment review decision and will state the basis of its action in writing. If the Commission does not issue a decision or take other appropriate action within 90 days after receiving the petition for review, the Director's decision, under § 76.45(d), on the amendment application remains in effect.

[64 FR 44649, Aug. 17, 1999]
authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 122, 161, 193(f), 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2152,2201,2243,2273,2282,2297f; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 206, 211 (42 U.S.C. 5841,5846,5851; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note
source: 59 FR 48960, Sept. 23, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 76.37