Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 22, 2025
Title 10 - Energy last revised: Feb 20, 2025
§ 431.323 - Materials incorporated by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this subpart with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) must publish a document in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. All approved incorporation by reference (IBR) material is available for inspection at DOE, and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact DOE at: the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Program, Sixth Floor, 950 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024, (202) 586-9127, [email protected], For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email: [email protected], or go to: The material may be obtained from the sources in the following paragraphs of this section.
(b) ANSI. American National Standards Institute, 25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; 212-642-4900;
(1) ANSI C78.43-2017, American National Standard for Electric Lamps—Single-Ended Metal Halide Lamps, approved December 21, 2017; IBR approved for § 431.324.
(2) ANSI C78.44-2016, American National Standard for Electric Lamps—Double-Ended Metal Halide Lamps, approved July 1, 2016; IBR approved for § 431.324.
(3) ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020), American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts—Ballasts for High-Intensity Discharge Lamps—Methods of Measurement, approved March 30, 2020; IBR approved for §§ 431.322; 431.324.
(4) ANSI C82.9-2016, American National Standard for Lamp Ballasts—High Intensity Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps—Definitions, approved July 12, 2016; IBR approved for §§ 431.322; 431.324.
(c) IEC. International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 rue de Varembé, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 131, CH—1211 Geneva 20—Switzerland, +41 22 919 02 11, or go to
(1) IEC 63103, Lighting Equipment—Non-active Mode Power Measurement, Edition 1.0, dated 2020-07; IBR approved for § 431.324.
(2) [Reserved]
(d) NFPA. National Fire Protection Association, 11 Tracy Drive, Avon, MA 02322, 1-800-344-3555, or go to;
(1) NFPA 70-2002 (“NFPA 70”), National Electrical Code 2002 Edition, IBR approved for § 431.326;
(2) [Reserved]
(e) UL. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., COMM 2000, 1414 Brook Drive, Downers Grove, IL 60515, 1-888-853-3503, or go to
(1) UL 1029 (ANSI/UL 1029-2007) (“UL 1029”), Standard for Safety High-Intensity-Discharge Lamp Ballasts, 5th edition, May 25, 1994, which consists of pages dated May 25, 1994, September 28, 1995, August 3, 1998, February 7, 2001 and December 11, 2007, IBR approved for § 431.326.
(2) [Reserved]
[74 FR 12075, Mar. 23, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 10966, Mar. 9, 2010; 87 FR 37699, June 24, 2022]
§ 431.324 - Uniform test method for the measurement of energy efficiency and standby mode energy consumption of metal halide lamp ballasts.
(a) Scope. This section provides test procedures for measuring, pursuant to EPCA, the energy efficiency of metal halide lamp ballasts. After July 25, 2022, and prior to December 21, 2022, any representations with respect to energy use or efficiency of metal halide lamp fixtures must be in accordance with the results of testing pursuant to this section or the test procedures as they appeared in 10 CFR 431.324 as it appeared in the 10 CFR parts 200-499 edition revised as of January 1, 2022. On or after December 21, 2022, any representations, including certifications of compliance for metal halide lamp fixtures subject to any energy conservation standard, made with respect to the energy use or efficiency of metal halide lamp fixtures must be made in accordance with the results of testing pursuant to this section.
(b) Active mode procedure—(1) General instructions. Specifications in referenced standards that are recommended, that “shall” or “should” be met, or that are not otherwise explicitly optional, are mandatory. In cases where there is a conflict between any industry standard(s) and this section, the language of the test procedure in this section takes precedence over the industry standard(s).
(2) Test conditions and setup. (i) The power supply, ballast conditions, lamp position, and instrumentation must all conform to the requirements specified in Section 4.0 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020) (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323).
(ii) Airflow in the room for the testing period must be ≤0.5 meters/second.
(iii) Test circuits must be in accordance with the circuit connections specified in Section 6.3 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020).
(iv) For ballasts designed to operate lamps rated less than 150 W that have 120 V as an available input voltage, testing must be performed at 120 V. For ballasts designed to operate lamps rated less than 150 W that do not have 120 V as an available voltage, testing must be performed at the highest available input voltage. For ballasts designed to operate lamps rated greater than or equal to 150 W that have 277 V as an available input voltage, testing must be conducted at 277 V. For ballasts designed to operate lamps rated greater than or equal to 150 W that do not have 277 V as an available input voltage, testing must be conducted at the highest available input voltage.
(v) Operate dimming ballasts at maximum input power.
(vi) Select the metal halide lamp for testing as follows:
(A) The metal halide lamp used for testing must meet the specifications of a reference lamp as defined by ANSI C82.9-2016 and the rated values of the corresponding lamp data sheet as specified in ANSI C78.43-2017 (both incorporated by reference; see § 431.323) for single-ended lamps and ANSI C78.44-2016 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323) for double-ended lamps.
(B) Ballasts designated with ANSI codes corresponding to more than one lamp must be tested with the lamp having the highest nominal lamp wattage as specified in ANSI C78.43-2017 or ANSI C78.44-2016, as applicable.
(C) Ballasts designated with ANSI codes corresponding to both ceramic metal halide lamps (code beginning with “C”) and quartz metal halide lamps (code beginning with “M”) of the same nominal lamp wattage must be tested with the quartz metal halide lamp.
(3) Test method—(i) Stabilization criteria—(A) General instruction. Lamp must be seasoned as prescribed in Section 4.4.1 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020).
(B) Basic stabilization method. Lamps using the basic stabilization method must be stabilized in accordance with Section 4.4.2 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020). Stabilization is reached when the lamp's electrical characteristics vary by no more than 3-percent in three consecutive 10- to 15-minute intervals measured after the minimum burning time of 30 minutes.
(C) Alternative stabilization method. In cases where switching from the reference ballast to test ballast without extinguishing the lamp is impossible, such as for low-frequency electronic ballasts, the alternative stabilization method must be used. Lamps using the alternative stabilization method must be stabilized in accordance with Section 4.4.3 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020).
(ii) Test measurements. (A) The ballast input power during operating conditions must be measured in accordance with the methods specified in Sections 6.1 and 6.8 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020).
(B) The ballast output (lamp) power during operating conditions must be measured in accordance with the methods specified in Sections 6.2 and 6.10 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020).
(C) For ballasts with a frequency of 60 Hz, the ballast input and output power shall be measured after lamps have been stabilized according to Section 4.4 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020) using a wattmeter with accuracy specified in Section 4.5 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (R2020); and
(D) For ballasts with a frequency greater than 60 Hz, the ballast input and output power shall have a basic accuracy of ±0.5 percent at the higher of either 3 times the output operating frequency of the ballast or 2.4 kHz.
(iii) Calculations. (A) To determine the percent efficiency of the ballast under test, divide the measured ballast output (lamp) power, as measured in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, by the measured ballast input power, as measured in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section. Calculate percent efficiency to three significant figures.
(B) [Reserved]
(c) Standby mode procedure—(1) General instructions. Measure standby mode energy consumption only for a ballast that is capable of operating in standby mode. Specifications in referenced standards that are recommended, that “shall” or “should” be met, or that are not otherwise explicitly optional, are mandatory. When there is a conflict, the language of the test procedure in this section takes precedence over IEC 63103 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323).
(2) Test conditions and setup. (i) Establish and maintain test conditions and setup in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(ii) Connect each ballast to a lamp as specified in paragraph (b)(2)(vi) of this section. Note: ballast operation with a reference lamp is not required.
(3) Test method and measurement. (i) Turn on all of the lamps at full light output. If any lamp is not functional, replace the lamp and repeat the test procedure. If the ballast will not operate any lamps, replace the unit under test.
(ii) Send a signal to the ballast instructing it to have zero light output using the appropriate ballast communication protocol or system for the ballast being tested.
(iii) Stabilize the ballast prior to measurement using one of the methods as specified in Section 5.4 of IEC 63103.
(iv) Measure the standby mode energy consumption in watts using one of the methods as specified in Section 5.4 of IEC 63103.
[87 FR 37699, June 24, 2022]
§ 431.321 - Purpose and scope.
This subpart contains energy conservation requirements for metal halide lamp ballasts and fixtures, pursuant to Part A of Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6291-6309.
[75 FR 10966, Mar. 9, 2010]
§ 431.322 - Definitions concerning metal halide lamp ballasts and fixtures.
Active mode means the condition in which an energy-using product:
(1) Is connected to a main power source;
(2) Has been activated; and
(3) Provides one or more main functions.
Ballast means a device used with an electric discharge lamp to obtain necessary circuit conditions (voltage, current, and waveform) for starting and operating.
Ballast efficiency means, in the case of a high intensity discharge fixture, the efficiency of a lamp and ballast combination, expressed as a percentage, and calculated in accordance with the following formula: Efficiency = Pout/Pin where:
(1) Pout equals the measured operating lamp wattage; and
(2) Pin equals the measured operating input wattage.
(3) The lamp, and the capacitor when the capacitor is provided, shall constitute a nominal system in accordance with the ANSI C78.43-2017 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323);
(4) For ballasts with a frequency of 60 Hz, Pin and Pout shall be measured after lamps have been stabilized according to Section 4.4 of ANSI C82.6-2015 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323) using a wattmeter with accuracy specified in Section 4.5 of ANSI C82.6-2015; and
(5) For ballasts with a frequency greater than 60 Hz, Pin and Pout shall have a basic accuracy of ±0.5 percent at the higher of either 3 times the output operating frequency of the ballast or 2.4 kHz.
Basic model means all units of a given type of covered product (or class thereof) manufactured by one manufacturer, having the same primary energy source, and which have essentially identical electrical, physical, and functional (or hydraulic) characteristics that affect energy consumption, energy efficiency, water consumption, or water efficiency, and are rated to operate a given lamp type and wattage.
Ceramic metal halide lamp means a metal halide lamp with an arc tube made of ceramic materials.
Electronic ballast means a device that uses semiconductors as the primary means to control lamp starting and operation.
General lighting application means lighting that provides an interior or exterior area with overall illumination.
High-frequency electronic metal halide ballast means an electronic ballast that operates a lamp at an output frequency of 1000 Hz or greater.
Metal halide ballast means a ballast used to start and operate metal halide lamps.
Metal halide lamp means a high intensity discharge lamp in which the major portion of the light is produced by radiation of metal halides and their products of dissociation, possibly in combination with metallic vapors.
Metal halide lamp fixture means a light fixture for general lighting application designed to be operated with a metal halide lamp and a ballast for a metal halide lamp.
Nonpulse-start electronic ballast means an electronic ballast with a starting method other than pulse-start.
Off mode means the condition in which an energy-using product:
(1) Is connected to a main power source; and
(2) Is not providing any standby or active mode function.
PLC control signal means a power line carrier (PLC) signal that is supplied to the ballast using the input ballast wiring for the purpose of controlling the ballast and putting the ballast in standby mode.
Probe-start metal halide ballast means a ballast that starts a probe-start metal halide lamp that contains a third starting electrode (probe) in the arc tube, and does not generally contain an igniter but instead starts lamps with high ballast open circuit voltage.
Pulse-start metal halide ballast means an electronic or electromagnetic ballast that starts a pulse-start metal halide lamp with high voltage pulses, where lamps shall be started by the ballast first providing a high voltage pulse for ionization of the gas to produce a glow discharge and then power to sustain the discharge through the glow-to-arc transition.
Quartz metal halide lamp means a metal halide lamp with an arc tube made of quartz materials.
Reference lamp is a metal halide lamp that meets the operating conditions of a reference lamp as defined by ANSI C82.9-2016 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323).
Standby mode means the condition in which an energy-using product:
(1) Is connected to a main power source; and
(2) Offers one or more of the following user-oriented or protective functions:
(i) To facilitate the activation or deactivation of other functions (including active mode) by remote switch (including remote control), internal sensor, or timer;
(ii) Continuous functions, including information or status displays (including clocks) or sensor-based functions.
[74 FR 12075, Mar. 23, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 10966, Mar. 9, 2010; 74 FR 12074, Mar. 23, 2009; 79 FR 7843, Feb. 10, 2014; 87 FR 37699, June 24, 2022]
§ 431.326 - Energy conservation standards and their effective dates.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each metal halide lamp fixture manufactured on or after January 1, 2009, and designed to be operated with lamps rated greater than or equal to 150 watts but less than or equal to 500 watts shall contain—
(1) A pulse-start metal halide ballast with a minimum ballast efficiency of 88 percent;
(2) A magnetic probe-start ballast with a minimum ballast efficiency of 94 percent; or
(3) A nonpulse-start electronic ballast with either a minimum ballast efficiency of 92 percent for wattages greater than 250 watts; or a minimum ballast efficiency of 90 percent for wattages less than or equal to 250 watts.
(b) The standards described in paragraph (a) of this section do not apply to—
(1) Metal halide lamp fixtures with regulated lag ballasts;
(2) Metal halide lamp fixtures that use electronic ballasts that operate at 480 volts; or
(3) Metal halide lamp fixtures that;
(i) Are rated only for 150 watt lamps;
(ii) Are rated for use in wet locations; as specified by the National Fire Protection Association in NFPA 70 (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323); and
(iii) Contain a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified in UL 1029, (incorporated by reference; see § 431.323).
(c) Except when the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are more stringent (i.e., require a larger minimum efficiency value) or as provided by paragraph (e) of this section, each metal halide lamp fixture manufactured on or after February 10, 2017, must contain a metal halide ballast with an efficiency not less than the value determined from the appropriate equation in the following table:
Designed to be
operated with lamps of the following rated lamp wattage
| Tested input
| Minimum standard equation‡‡
≥50 W and ≤100 W | Tested at 480 V | (1/(1 + 1.24 × P^(−0.351))) − 0.020††
≥50 W and ≤100 W | All others | 1/(1 + 1.24 × P^(−0.351))
>100 W and <150† W | Tested at 480 V | (1/(1 + 1.24 × P^(−0.351))) − 0.020
>100 W and <150† W | All others | 1/(1 + 1.24 × P^(−0.351))
≥150 ‡ W and ≤250 W | Tested at 480 V | 0.880
≥150 ‡ W and ≤250 W | All others | For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 0.880
| | For >200 W and ≤250 W: 1/(1 + 0.876 × P^(−0.351))
>250 W and ≤500 W | Tested at 480 V | For >250 and <265 W: 0.880
| | For ≥265 W and ≤500 W: (1/(1 + 0.876 × P^(−0.351)) − 0.010
>250 W and ≤500 W | All others | 1/(1 + 0.876 × P^(−0.351))
>500 W and ≤1000 W | Tested at 480 V | For >500 W and ≤750 W: 0.900
| | For >750 W and ≤1000 W: 0.000104 × P + 0.822
| | For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast
>500 W and ≤1000 W | All others | For >500 W and ≤750 W: 0.910
| | For >750 W and ≤1000 W: 0.000104 × P + 0.832
| | For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast
(d) Except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section, metal halide lamp fixtures manufactured on or after February 10, 2017, that operate lamps with rated wattage >500 W to ≤1000 W must not contain a probe-start metal halide ballast.
(e) The standards described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section do not apply to—
(1) Metal halide lamp fixtures with regulated-lag ballasts;
(2) Metal halide lamp fixtures that use electronic ballasts that operate at 480 volts; and
(3) Metal halide lamp fixtures that use high-frequency electronic ballasts.
[74 FR 12075, Mar. 23, 2009, as amended at 79 FR 7844, Feb. 10, 2014]
source: 64 FR 54141, Oct. 5, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 431.321