Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 31, 2025
Title 10 - Energy last revised: Jan 29, 2025
§ 434.501 - General.
501.1 Subpart E permits the use of the Building Energy Cost Compliance Alternative as an alternative to many elements of subpart D. When this subpart is used, it must be used with subpart C and subpart D, 401.1, 401.2, 401.3.4 and in conjunction with the minimum requirements found in subsections 402.1, 402.2, and 402.3., 403.1, 403.2.1-7, 403.2.9 and 404.
501.2 Compliance. Compliance under this method requires detailed energy analyses of the entire Proposed Design, referred to as the Design Energy Consumption; an estimate of annual energy cost for the proposed design, referred to as the Design Energy Cost; and comparison against an Energy Cost Budget. Compliance is achieved when the estimated Design Energy Cost is less than or equal to the Energy Cost Budget. This subpart provides instructions for determining the Energy Cost Budget and for calculating the Design Energy Consumption and Design Energy Cost. The Energy Cost Budget shall be determined through the calculation of monthly energy consumption and energy cost of a Prototype or Reference Building design configured to meet the requirements of subsections 401 through 404.
501.3 Designers are encouraged to employ the Building Energy Cost Budget compliance method set forth in this section for evaluating proposed design alternatives to using the elements prescribed in subpart D. The Building Energy Cost Budget establishes the relative effectiveness of each design alternative in energy cost savings, providing an energy cost basis upon which the building owner and designer may select one design over another. This Energy Cost Budget is the highest allowable calculated energy cost for a specific building design. Other alternative designs are likely to have lower annual energy costs and life cycle costs than those used to minimally meet the Energy Cost Budget.
501.4 The Energy Cost Budget is a numerical reference for annual energy cost. Its purpose is to assure neutrality with respect to choices such as HVAC system type, architectural design and fuel choice by providing a fixed, repeatable budget that is independent of any of these choices wherever possible (i.e., for the prototype buildings). The Energy Cost Budget for a given building size and type will vary only with climate, the number of stories, and the choice of simulation tool. The specifications of the prototypes are necessary to assure repeatability, but have no other significance. They are not necessarily recommended energy conserving practice, or even physically reasonable practice for some climates or buildings, but represent a reasonable worst case of energy cost resulting from compliance with the provisions of subsections 401 through 404.
§ 434.502 - Determination of the annual energy cost budget.
502.1 The annual Energy Cost Budgets shall be determined in accordance with the Prototype Building Procedure in § 434.503 and § 434.504 or the Reference Building Procedure in § 434.505. Both methods calculate an annual Energy Cost by summing the 12 monthly Energy Cost Budgets. Each monthly Energy Cost Budget is the product of the monthly Building Energy Consumption of each type of energy used multiplied by the monthly Energy Cost per unit of energy for each type of energy used.
502.2 The Energy Cost Budget shall be determined in accordance with Equation 502.2.a as follows:
Based on:
ECB = The annual Energy Cost Budget
ECBm = The monthly Energy Cost Budget
BECONmi = The monthly Budget Energy Consumption of the ith type of energy
ECOSmi = The monthly Energy Cost, per unit of the ith type of energy
502.3 The monthly Energy Cost Budget shall be determined using current rate schedules or contract prices available at the building site for all types of energy purchased. These costs shall include demand charges, rate blocks, time of use rates, interruptible service rates, delivery charges, taxes, and all other applicable rates for the type, location, operation, and size of the proposed design. The monthly Budget Energy Consumption shall be calculated from the first day through the last day of each month, inclusive.
§ 434.503 - Prototype building procedure.
503.1 The Prototype Building procedure shall be used for all building types listed below. For mixed-use buildings the Energy Cost Budget is derived by allocating the floor space of each building type within the floor space of the prototype building. For buildings not listed below, the Reference Building procedure of § 434.505 shall be used. Prototype buildings include:
(a) Assembly;
(b) Office (Business);
(c) Retail (Mercantile);
(d) Warehouse (Storage);
(e) School (Educational);
(f) Hotel/Motel;
(g) Restaurant;
(h) Health/Institutional; and
(i) Multi-Family.
§ 434.504 - Use of the prototype building to determine the energy cost budget.
504.1 Determine the building type of the Proposed Design using the categories in subsection 503.1. Using the appropriate Prototype Building characteristics from all of the tables contained in subpart E, the building shall be simulated using the same gross floor area and number of floors for the Prototype Building as in the Proposed Design.
504.2 The form, orientation, occupancy and use profiles for the Prototype Building shall be fixed as described in subsection 511. Envelope, lighting, other internal loads and HVAC systems and equipment shall meet the requirements of subsection 301, 401, 402, 403, and 404 and are standardized inputs.
§ 434.505 - Reference building method.
505.1 The Reference Building procedure shall be used only when the Proposed Design cannot be represented by one or a combination of the Prototype Building listed in subsection 503.1 or the assumptions for the Prototype Building in Subsection 510, such as occupancy and use-profiles, do not reasonably represent the Proposed Design.
§ 434.506 - Use of the reference building to determine the energy cost budget.
506.1 Each floor shall be oriented in the same manner for the Reference Building as in the Proposed Design. The form, gross and conditioned floor areas of each floor and the number of floors shall be the same as in the Proposed Design. All other characteristics, such as lighting, envelope and HVAC systems and equipment, shall meet the requirements of subsections 301, 401, 402, 403 and 404.
§ 434.507 - Calculation procedure and simulation tool.
507.1 The Prototype or Reference Buildings shall be modeled using the criteria of subsections 510 and 521. The modeling shall use a climate data set appropriate for both the site and the complexity of the energy conserving features of the design. ASHRAE Weather Year for Energy Calculations (WYEC) data or bin weather data shall be used in the absence of other appropriate data.
§ 434.508 - Determination of the design energy consumption and design energy cost.
508.1 The Design Energy Consumption shall be calculated by modeling the Proposed Design using the same methods, assumptions, climate data, and simulation tool as were used to establish the Energy Cost Budget, except as explicitly stated in 509 through 534. The Design Energy Cost shall be calculated per Equation 508.1.
Based on:
DECOSm = DECONml × ECOSml + . . . + DECONmi × ECOSmi (Equation 508.1.2)
DECOS = The annual Design Energy Cost
DECOSm = The monthly Design Energy Cost
DECONmi = The monthly Design Energy Consumption of the ith type of energy
ECOSmi = The monthly Energy Cost per unit of the ith type of energy
The DECONmi shall be calculated from the first day through the last day of the month, inclusive.
§ 434.509 - Compliance.
509.1 If the Design Energy Cost is less than or equal to the Energy Cost Budget, and all of the minimum requirements of subsection 501.2 are met, the Proposed Design complies with the standards.
§ 434.510 - Standard calculation procedure.
510.1 The Standard Calculation Procedure consists of methods and assumptions for calculating the Energy Cost Budget for the Prototype or Reference Building and the Design Energy Consumption and Design Energy Cost of the Proposed Design. In order to maintain consistency between the Energy Cost Budget and the Design Energy Cost, the input assumptions to be used are stated below. These inputs shall be used to determine the Energy Cost Budget and the Design Energy Consumption.
510.2 Prescribed assumptions shall be used without variation. Default assumptions shall be used unless the designer can demonstrate that a different assumption better characterizes the building's energy use over its expected life. The default assumptions shall be used in modeling both the Prototype or Reference Building and the Proposed Design, unless the designer demonstrates clear cause to modify these assumptions. Special procedures for speculative buildings are discussed in subsection 503. Shell buildings may not use subpart E.
§ 434.511 - Orientation and shape.
511.1 The Prototype Building shall consist of the same number of stories, and gross and conditioned floor area as the Proposed Design, with equal area per story. The building shape shall be rectangular, with a 2.5:1 aspect ratio. The long dimensions of the building shall face East and West. The fenestration shall be uniformly distributed in proportion to exterior wall area. Floor-to-floor height for the Prototype Building shall be 13 ft. except for dwelling units in hotels/motels and multi-family high-rise residential buildings where floor-to-floor height shall be 9.5 ft.
511.2 The Reference Building shall consist of the same number of stories, and gross floor area for each story as the Proposed Design. Each floor shall be oriented in the same manner as the Proposed Design. The geometric form shall be the same as the Proposed Design.
§ 434.512 - Internal loads.
512.1 The systems and types of energy specified in this section are provided only for purposes of calculating the Energy Cost Budget. They are not requirements for either systems or the type of energy to be used in the Proposed Design or for calculation of Design Energy Cost.
512.2 Internal loads for multi-family high-rise residential buildings are prescribed in Tables 512.2.a and b, Multi-Family High Rise Residential Building Schedules. Internal loads for other building types shall be modeled as noted in this subsection.
Table 512.2. a—Multi-Family High Rise Residential Buildings Schedules—One-Zone Dwelling Unit
[Internal loads per dwelling unit Btu/h]
| Occupants
| Lights
| Equipment
| Latent
| Sensible
| Sensible
| Latent
1 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
2 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
3 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
4 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
5 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
6 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
7 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
8 | 210 | 260 | 980 | 1250 | 190
9 | 100 | 80 | 840 | 2600 | 420
10 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 180
11 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
12 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2210 | 330
13 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2210 | 330
14 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
15 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
16 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
17 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
18 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 3040 | 450
19 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 3360 | 500
20 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
21 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
22 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
23 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1060 | 160
24 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1060 | 160 |
Table 512.2. b—Multi-Family High Rise Residential Building Schedules-Two-Zone Dwelling Unit
[Internal loads per dwelling unit Btu/h]
| Bedrooms & bathrooms
| Other rooms
| Lights
| Equipment
| Occupants
| Lights
| Equipment
| Latent
| Sensible
| Sensible
| Latent
| Sensible
| Latent
| Sensible
| Sensible
| Latent
1 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
2 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
3 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
4 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
5 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
6 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
7 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 750 | 110
| | | | | |
8 | 210 | 260 | 980 | 1250 | 190
| | | | | |
9 | 100 | 80 | 840 | 2600 | 420
| | | | | |
10 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 180
| | | | | |
11 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
| | | | | |
12 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2210 | 330
| | | | | |
13 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2210 | 330
| | | | | |
14 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
| | | | | |
15 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
| | | | | |
16 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
| | | | | |
17 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1270 | 190
| | | | | |
18 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 3040 | 450
| | | | | |
19 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 3360 | 500
| | | | | |
20 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
| | | | | |
21 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
| | | | | |
22 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1490 | 220
| | | | | |
23 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1060 | 160
| | | | | |
24 | 300 | 260 | 960 | 1060 | 160 | | | | | |
Table 512.2. b—Multi-Family High Rise Residential Building Schedules-Two-Zone Dwelling Unit
[Internal loads per dwelling unit Btu/h]
| Bedrooms & bathrooms
| Other rooms
| Lights
| Equipment
| Occupants
| Lights
| Equipment
| Latent
| Sensible
| Sensible
| Latent
| Sensible
| Latent
| Sensible
| Sensible
| Latent
1 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
2 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
3 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
4 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
5 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
6 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 650 | 90
7 | 200 | 180 | 680 | 200 | 40 | 100 | 80 | 300 | 1050 | 150
8 | 110 | 120 | 240 | 200 | 40 | 100 | 80 | 600 | 2400 | 380
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1070 | 160
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2110 | 310
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 2110 | 310
14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 100 | 80 | 0 | 1170 | 170
18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 2940 | 430
19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 20 | 300 | 260 | 0 | 3260 | 480
20 | 100 | 80 | 320 | 300 | 60 | 200 | 180 | 640 | 1190 | 160
21 | 100 | 80 | 320 | 300 | 60 | 200 | 180 | 640 | 1190 | 160
22 | 150 | 130 | 480 | 700 | 90 | 150 | 130 | 480 | 790 | 130
23 | 300 | 260 | 640 | 410 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 320 | 650 | 90
24 | 300 | 260 | 640 | 410 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 320 | 650 | 90 |
§ 434.513 - Occupancy.
§ 434.514 - Lighting.
514.1 Interior Lighting Power Allowance (ILPA), for calculating the Energy Cost Budget shall be determined from subsection 401.3.2. The lighting power used to calculate the Design Energy Consumption shall be the actual adjusted power for lighting in the Proposed Design. If the lighting controls in the Proposed Design are more effective at saving energy than those required by subsection 401.3.1 and 401.3.2, the actual installed lighting power shall be used along with the schedules reflecting the action of the controls to calculate the Design Energy Consumption. This actual installed lighting power shall not be adjusted by the Power Adjustment Factors listed in Table 514.1.
Table 514.1—Power Adjustment Factor (PAF)
Automatic control device(s)
| Standard PAF
(1) Occupancy Sensor | 0.30
(2) Daylight Sensing Continuous Dimming | 0.30
(3) Daylight Sensing Multiple Step Dimming | 0.20
(4) Daylight Sensing On/Off | 0.10
(5) Lumen Maintenance | 0.10 |
514.2 Table 513.2.b establishes default assumptions for the percentage of the lighting load switched-on in each Prototype or Reference Building by hour of the day. These default assumptions can be changed when calculating the Energy Cost Budget to provide, for example, a 12-hour rather than an 8-hour workday.
§ 434.515 - Receptacles.
515.1 Receptacle loads and profiles are default assumptions. The same assumptions shall be made in calculating Design Energy Consumption as were used in calculating the Energy Cost Budget.
515.2 Receptacle loads include all general service loads that are typical in a building. These loads exclude any process electrical usage and HVAC primary or auxiliary electrical usage. Table 515.2, Receptacle Power Densities, establishes the density, in W/ft
2, to be used for each building type. The receptacle energy profiles shall be the same as the lighting energy profiles in Table 513.2.b. This profile establishes the percentage of the receptacle load that is switched on by hour of the day and by building type.
Table 515.2—Receptacle Power Densities
Building type
| W/ft
2 of
conditioned floor
Assembly | 0.25
Office | 0.75
Retail | 0.25
Warehouse | 0.1
School | 0.5
Hotel/Motel | 0.25
Restaurant | 0.1
Health | 1.0
Multi-family High Rise Residential
| |
§ 434.516 - Building exterior envelope.
516.1 Insulation and Glazing. The insulation and glazing characteristics of the Prototype and Reference Building envelope shall be determined by using the first column under “Base Case”, with no assumed overhangs, for the appropriate Alternate Component Tables (ACP) in Table 402.4.1.2, as defined by climate range. The insulation and glazing characteristics from this ACP are prescribed assumptions for Prototype and Reference Buildings for calculating the Energy Cost Budget. In calculating the Design Energy Consumption of the Proposed Design, the envelope characteristics of the Proposed Design shall be used.
516.2 Infiltration. For Prototype and Reference Buildings, the infiltration assumptions in subsection 516.2.1 shall be prescribed assumptions for calculating the Energy Cost Budget and default assumptions for the Design Energy Consumption. Infiltration shall impact perimeter zones only.
516.2.1 When the HVAC system is switched “on,” no infiltration shall be assumed. When the HVAC system is switched “off,” the infiltration rate for buildings with or without operable windows shall be assumed to be 0.038 cfm/ft
2 of gross exterior wall. Hotels/motels and multi-family high-rise residential buildings shall have infiltration rates of 0.038 cfm/ft
2 of gross exterior wall area at all times.
516.3 Envelope and Ground Absorptivities. For Prototype and Reference Buildings, absorptivity assumptions shall be prescribed assumptions for computing the Energy Cost Budget and default assumptions for computing the Design Energy Consumption. The solar absorptivity of opaque elements of the building envelope is assumed to be 70%. The solar absorptivity of ground surfaces is assumed to be 80% (20% reflectivity).
516.4 Window Management. For the Prototype and Reference Building, window management drapery assumptions shall be prescribed assumptions for setting the Energy Cost Budget. No draperies shall be the default assumption for computing the Design Energy Consumption. Glazing is assumed to be internally shaded by medium-weight draperies, closed one-half time. The draperies shall be modeled by assuming that one-half the area in each zone is draped and one-half is not. If manually-operated draperies, shades, or blinds are to be used in the Proposed Design, the Design Energy Consumption shall be calculated by assuming they are effective over one-half the glazing area in each zone.
516.5 Shading. For Prototype and Reference buildings and the Proposed Design, shading by permanent structures, terrain, and vegetation shall be taken into account for computing energy consumption, whether or not these features are located on the building site. A permanent fixture is one that is likely to remain for the life of the Proposed Design.
§ 434.517 - HVAC systems and equipment.
517.1 The specifications and requirements for the HVAC systems of the Prototype and Reference Buildings shall be those in Table 517.1.1, HVAC Systems for Prototype and Reference Buildings. For the calculation of the Design Energy Consumption, the HVAC systems and equipment of the Proposed Design shall be used.
517.2 The systems and types of energy presented in Table 517.1.1 are assumptions for calculating the Energy Cost Budget. They are not requirements for either systems or the type of energy to be used in the Proposed Building or for the calculation of the Design Energy Cost.
Table 517.1.1—HVAC Systems of Prototype and Reference Buildings
1 2
Building/space occupancy
| System No.
(Table 517.4.1)
| Remarks
(Table 517.4.1)
| | |
a. Churches (any size) | 1
| |
b. ≤50,000 ft
2 or ≤3 floors | 1 or 3 | Note 1.
c. >50,000 ft
2 or >3 floors | 3
| |
| | |
a. ≤20,000 ft
2 | 1
| |
b. ≤50,000 ft
2 and either ≤3 floors or ≤75,000 ft
2 | 4
| |
c. <75,000 ft
2 or >3 floors | 5
| |
| | |
a. ≤50,000 ft
2 | 1 or 3 | Note 1.
b. >50,000 ft
2 | 4 or 5 | Note 1.
Warehouse | 1 | Note 1.
| | |
a. ≤75,000 ft
2 or ≤3 floors | 1
| |
b. >75,000 ft
2 or >3 floors | 3
| |
| | |
a. ≤3 stories | 2 or 7 | Note 5, 7.
b. >3 stories | 6 | Note 6.
Restaurant | 1 or 3 | Note 1.
| | |
a. Nursing Home (any size) | 2 or 7 | Note 7.
b. ≤15,000 ft
2 | 1
| |
c. <15,000 ft
2 or ≤50,000 ft
2 | 4 | Note 2.
d. >50,000 ft
2 | 5 | Note 2, 3.
Multi-family High Rise Residential >3 stories | 7
| |
517.3 HVAC Zones. HVAC zones for calculating the Energy Cost Budget of the Prototype or Reference Building shall consist of at least four perimeter and one interior zones per floor. Prototype Buildings shall have one perimeter zone facing each cardinal direction. The perimeter zones of Prototype and Reference Buildings shall be 15 ft in width, or one-third the narrow dimension of the building, when this dimension is between 30 ft and 45 ft inclusive, or one-half the narrow dimension of the building when this dimension is less than 30 ft. Zoning requirements shall be a default assumption for calculating the Energy Cost Budget. For multi-family high-rise residential buildings, the prototype building shall have one zone per dwelling unit. The proposed design shall have one zone per unit unless zonal thermostatic controls are provided within units; in this case, two zones per unit shall be modeled. Building types such as assembly or warehouse may be modeled as a single zone if there is only one space.
517.4 For calculating the Design Energy Consumption, no fewer zones shall be used than were in the Prototype and Reference Buildings. The zones in the simulation shall correspond to the zones provided by the controls in the Proposed Design. Thermally similar zones, such as those facing one orientation on different floors, may be grouped together for the purposes of either the Design Energy Consumption or Energy Cost Budget simulation.
Table 517.4.1—HVAC System Description for Prototype and Reference Buildings
1 2
HVAC component
| System #1
| System #2
| System #3
| System #4
System Description | Packaged rooftop single room, one unit per zone | Packaged terminal air conditioner with space heater or heat pump, one heating/cooling unit per zone | Air handler per zone with central plant | Packaged rooftop VAV w/perimeter reheat.
Fan system—Design supply circulation rate | Note 9 | Note 10 | Note 9 | Note 9.
Supply fan total static pressure | 1.3 in. W.C | N/A | 2.0 in. W.C | 3.0 in. W.C.
Combined supply fan, motor, and drive efficiency | 40% | N/A | 50% | 45%.
Supply fan control | Constant volume | Fan Cycles with call for heating or cooling | Constant volume | VAV w/forward curved contrifugal fan and variable inlet vanes.
Return fan total static pressure | N/A | N/A | 0.6 in. W.C. | 0.6 in. W.C.
Combined return fan, motor, and drive efficiency | N/A | N/A | 25% | 25%.
Return fan control | N/A | N/A | Constant volume | VAV w/forward curved centrifugal fan and discharge dampers.
Cooling System | Direct expansion air cooled | Direct expansion air cooled | Chilled water (Note 1) | Direct expansion air cooled.
Heating System | Furnace, heat pump, or electric resistance (Note 8) | Heat pump w/electric resistance auxiliary or air conditioner w/space heater (Note 8) | Hot water (Note 8, 12) | Hot water (Note 12) or electric resistance (Note B).
Remarks | Dry bulb economizer per Section 7.4.3 (barometric relief) | No economizer | Dry bulb economizer per Section 434.514 | Dry bulb economizer per Section 434.514. Minimum VAV setting per 434.514 exception 1. Supply air reset by zone of greatest cooling demand.
Table 517.4.1—HVAC System Description for Prototype and Reference Buildings
HVAC component
| Systems #5
| System #6
| System #7
System Description | Built-up central VAV with perimeter reheat | Fourpipe fan coil per zone with central plant | Water source heat pump
Fan system—Design supply circulation rate | Note 9 | Note 9 | Note 10.
Supply fan total static pressure | 4.0 in W.C | 0.5 in W.C | 0.5 in. W.C.
Combined supply fan, motor, and drive efficiency | 55% | 25A | 25%.
Supply fan control | VAV w/air-foil centrifugal fan and AC frequency variable speed drive | Fan Cycles with call for heating or cooling | Fan cycles w/call for heating or cooling.
Return fan total static pressure | 1.0 in W.C | N/A | N/A.
Combined return fan, motor, and drive efficiency | 30% | N/A | N/A.
Return fan control | VAV with air-foil centrifugal fan and AC frequency variable speed drive | N/A | N/A.
Cooling System | Chilled water (Note 11) | Chilled water (Note 11) | Closed circuit, centrifugal blower type cooling tower sized per Note 11. Circulating pump sized for 2.7 GPM per ton.
Heating System | Hot water (Note 12) or electric resistance (Note 8) | Hot water (Note 12) or electric resistance (Note 8) | Electric or natural draft fossil fuel boiler (Note 8).
Remarks | Dry bulb economizer per Section 7.4.3. Minimum VAV setting per Section Supply air reset by zone of greatest cooling demand | No economizer | Tower fans and boiler cycled to maintain circulating water temperature between 60 and design tower leaving water temperature. |
Numbered Notes for Table 517.4.1
HVAC System Descriptions for Prototype and Reference Buildings
1. For occupancies such as restaurants, assembly and retail which are part of a mixed use building which, according to Table 517.4.1, includes a central chilled water plant (systems 3, 5, or 6), chilled water system type 3 or 5, as indicated in the Table, shall be used.
2. Constant volume may be used in zones where pressurization relationships must be maintained by code. VAV shall be used in all other areas, in accordance with § 517.4
3. Provide run-around heat recovery systems for all fan systems with minimum outside air intake greater than 75%. Recovery effectiveness shall be 0.60.
4. If a warehouse is not intended to be mechanically cooled, both the Energy Cost Budgets and Design Energy Costs, may be calculated assuming no mechanical cooling.
5. The system listed is for guest rooms only. Areas such as public areas and back-of-house areas shall be served by system 4. Other areas such as offices and retail shall be served by the systems listed in Table 517.4.1 for those occupancy types.
6. The system listed is for guest rooms only. Areas such as public areas and back-of-house areas shall be served by System 5. Other areas such as offices and retail shall be served by the systems listed in Table 517.4.1.1 for those occupancy types.
7. System 2 shall be used for Energy Cost Budget calculation except in areas with design heating outside air temperatures less than 10 °F.
8. Prototype energy budget cost calculations shall be made using both electricity and natural gas. If natural gas is not available at the site, electricity and #2 fuel oil shall be used. The Energy Cost Budget shall be the lower of these results. Alternatively, the Energy Cost Budget may be based on the fuel source that minimizes total operating, maintenance, equipment, and installation costs for the prototype over the building lifetime. Equipment and installation cost estimates shall be prepared using professionally recognized cost estimating tools, guides, and techniques. The methods of analysis shall conform to those of subpart A of 10 CFR part 436. Energy costs shall be based on actual costs to the building as defined in this Section.
9. Design supply air circulation rate shall be based on a supply air to room air temperature differences of 20 °F. A higher supply air temperature may be used if required to maintain a minimum circulation rate of 4.5 air changes per hour or 15 cfm per person at design conditions to each zone served by the system. If return fans are specified, they shall be sized from the supply fan capacity less the required minimum ventilation with outside air, or 75% or the supply air capacity, whichever is larger. Except where noted, supply and return fans shall be operated continually during occupied hours.
10. Fan System Energy when included in the efficiency rating of the unit as defined in § 403.2.4.3 need not be modeled explicitly for this system. The fan shall cycle with calls for heating or cooling.
11. Chilled water systems shall be modeled using a reciprocating chiller for systems with total cooling capacities less than 175 tons, and centrifugal chillers for systems with cooling capacities of 175 tons or greater. For systems with cooling or 600 ton or more, the Energy Cost Budget shall be calculated using two centrifugal chillers lead/lag controlled. Chilled water pumps shall be sized using a 12 °F temperature rise, from 44 °F to 56 °F operating at 65 feed of head and 65% combined impeller and motor efficiency. Condenser water pumps shall be sized using a 10 °F temperature rise, operating at 60 feet of head and 60% combined impeller and motor efficiency. The cooling tower shall be an open circuit, centrifugal blower type sized for the larger of 85 °F leaving water temperature or 10 °F approach to design wet bulb temperature. The tower shall be controlled to provide a 65 °F leaving water temperature whenever weather conditions permit, floating up to design leaving water temperature at design conditions. Chilled water supply temperature shall be reset in accordance with § 434.518.
12. Hot water system shall include a natural draft fossil fuel or electric boiler per Note 8. The hot water pump shall be sized based on a 30 °F temperature drop, for 18 °F to 150 °F, operating at 60 feet of head and a combined impeller and motor efficiency of 60%. Hot water supply temperature shall be reset in accordance with § 434.518.
517.5 Equipment Sizing and Redundant Equipment. For calculating the Energy Cost Budget of Prototype or Reference Buildings, HVAC equipment shall be sized to meet the requirements of subsection 403.2.2, without using any of the exceptions. The size of equipment shall be that required for the building without process loads considered. Redundant or emergency equipment need not be simulated if it is controlled so that it will not be operated during normal operations of the building. The designer shall document the installation of process equipment and the size of process loads.
517.6 For calculating the Design Energy Consumption, actual air flow rates and installed equipment size shall be used in the simulation, except that excess capacity provided to meet process loads need not be modeled unless the process load was not modeled in setting Energy Cost Budget. Equipment sizing in the simulation of the Proposed Design shall correspond to the equipment actually selected for the design and the designer shall not use equipment sized automatically by the simulation tool.
517.6.1 Redundant or emergency equipment need not be simulated if it is controlled to not be operated during normal operations of the building.
§ 434.518 - Service water heating.
518.1 The service water loads for Prototype and Reference Buildings are defined in terms of Btu/h per person in Table 518.1.1, Service Hot Water Quantities. The service water heating loads from Table 518.1.1 are prescribed assumptions for multi-family high-rise residential buildings and default assumptions for all other buildings. The same service water heating load assumptions shall be made in calculating Design Energy Consumption as were used in calculating the Energy Cost Budget.
Table 518.1.1—Service Hot water Quantities
Building type
| Btu/person-hour
Assembly | 215
Office | 175
Retail | 135
Warehouse | 225
School | 215
Hotel/Motel | 1110
Restaurant | 390
Health | 135
Multi-family High Rise Residential |
2 1700
518.2 The service water heating system, including piping losses for the Prototype Building, shall be modeled using the methods of the RS-47 (incorporated by reference, see § 434.701) using a system that meets all requirements of subsection 404. The service water heating equipment for the Prototype or Reference Building shall be either an electric heat pump or natural gas, or if natural gas is not available at the site, #2 fuel oil. Exception: If electric resistance service water heating is preferable to an electric heat pump when analyzed according to the criteria of § 434.404.1.4 or when service water temperatures exceeding 145 °F are required for a particular application, electric resistance water heating may be used.
§ 434.519 - Controls.
519.1 All occupied conditioned spaces in the Prototype, Reference and Proposed Design Buildings in all climates shall be simulated as being both heated and cooled. The assumptions in this subsection are prescribed assumptions. If the Proposed Design does not include equipment for cooling or heating, the Design Energy Consumption shall be determined by the specifications for calculating the Energy Cost Budget as described in Table 517.4.1 HVAC System Description for Prototype and Reference Buildings. Exceptions to 519.1 are as follows:
519.1.1 If a building is to be provided with only heating or cooling, both the Prototype or Reference Building and the Proposed Design shall be simulated, using the same assumptions. Such an assumption cannot be made unless the building interior temperature meets the comfort criteria of RS-2 (incorporated by reference, see § 434.701) at least 98% of the occupied hours during the year.
519.1.2 If warehouses are not intended to be mechanically cooled, both the Energy Cost Budget and Design Energy Consumption shall be modeled assuming no mechanical cooling; and
519.1.3 In climates where winter design temperature (97.5% occurrence) is greater than 59 °F, space heating need not be modeled.
519.2 Space temperature controls for the Prototype or Reference Building, except multi-family high-rise residential buildings, shall be set at 70 °F for space heating and 75 °F for space cooling with a deadband per subsection 403.2.6.3. The system shut off during off-hours shall be according to the schedule in Table 515.2, except that the heating system shall cycle on if any space should drop below the night setback setting of 55 °F. There shall be no similar setpoint during the cooling season. Lesser deadband ranges may be used in calculating the Design Energy Consumption. Exceptions to 519.2 are as follows:
(a) Setback shall not be modeled in determining either the Energy Cost Budget or Design Energy Cost if setback is not realistic for the Proposed Design, such as 24-hour/day operations. Health facilities need not have night setback during the heating season; and
(b) Hotel/motels and multi-family high-rise residential buildings shall have a night setback temperature of 60 °F from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. during the heating season; and
(c) If deadband controls are not to be installed, the Design Energy Cost shall be calculated with both heating and cooling thermostat setpoints set to the same value between 70 °F and 75 °F inclusive, assumed to be constant for the year.
519.2.1 For multi-family buildings, the thermostat schedule for the dwelling units shall be as in Table 519.1.2, Thermostat Settings for Multi-Family High-rise Buildings. The Prototype Building shall use the single zone schedule. The Proposed Design shall use the two-zone schedule only if zonal thermostatic controls are provided. For Proposed Designs that use heat pumps employing supplementary heat, the controls used to switch on the auxiliary heat source during morning warm-up periods shall be simulated accurately. The thermostat assumptions for multi-family high-rise buildings are prescribed assumptions.
519.3 When providing for outdoor air ventilation in calculating the Energy Cost Budget, controls shall be assumed to close the outside air intake to reduce the flow of outside air to 0 cfm during setback and unoccupied periods. Ventilation using inside air may still be required to maintain scheduled setback temperature. Outside air ventilation, during occupied periods, shall be as required by RS-41, (incorporated by reference, see § 434.701) or the Proposed Design, whichever is greater.
519.4 If humidification is to be used in the Proposed Design, the same level of humidification and system type shall be used in the Prototype or Reference Building. If dehumidification requires subcooling of supply air, then reheat for the Prototype or Reference Building shall be from recovered waste heat such as condenser waste heat.
Table 519.1.2—Thermostat Settings for Multi-Family High-Rise Residential Buildings
Time of day
| Single zone dwelling unit
| Two zone dwelling unit
| Cool
| Bedrooms/bathrooms
| Other rooms
| Cool
| Heat
| Cool
Midnight-6 a.m. | 60 | 78 | 60 | 78 | 60 | 85
6 a.m.-9 a.m. | 70 | 78 | 70 | 78 | 70 | 78
9 a.m.-5 p.m. | 70 | 78 | 60 | 85 | 70 | 78
5 p.m.-11 p.m. | 70 | 78 | 70 | 78 | 70 | 78
11 p.m.-Midnight | 60 | 78 | 60 | 78 | 60 | 78 |
§ 434.520 - Speculative buildings.
520.1 Lighting. The interior lighting power allowance (ILPA) for calculating the Energy Cost Budget shall be determined from Table 401.3.2a. The Design Energy Consumption may be based on an assumed adjusted lighting power for future lighting improvements.
520.2 The assumption about future lighting power used to calculate the Design Energy Consumption must be documented so that the future installed lighting systems may be in compliance with these standards. Documentation must be provided to enable future lighting systems to use either the Prescriptive method or the Systems Performance method of subsection 401.3.
520.3 Documentation for future lighting systems that use subsection 401.3 shall be stated as a maximum adjusted lighting power for the tenant spaces. The adjusted lighting power allowance for tenant spaces shall account for the lighting power provided for the common areas of the building.
520.4 Documentation for future lighting systems that use subsection 401.3 shall be stated as a required lighting adjustment. The required lighting adjustment is the whole building lighting power assumed in order to calculate the Design Energy Consumption minus the ILPA value from Table 401.3.2c that was used to calculate the Energy Cost Budget. When the required lighting adjustment is less than zero, a complete lighting design must be developed for one or more representative tenant spaces, demonstrating acceptable lighting within the limits of the assumed lighting power allowance.
520.5 HVAC Systems and Equipment. If the HVAC system is not completely specified in the plans, the Design Energy Consumption shall be based on reasonable assumptions about the construction of future HVAC systems and equipment. These assumptions shall be documented so that future HVAC systems and equipment may be in compliance with these standards.
§ 434.521 - The simulation tool.
521.1 Annual energy consumption shall be simulated with a multi-zone, 8760 hours per year building energy model. The model shall account for:
521.1.1 The dynamic heat transfer of the building envelope such as solar and internal gains;
521.1.2 Equipment efficiencies as a function of load and climate;
521.1.3 Lighting and HVAC system controls and distribution systems by simulating the whole building;
521.1.4 The operating schedule of the building including night setback during various times of the year; and
521.1.5 Energy consumption information at a level necessary to determine the Energy Cost Budget and Design Energy Cost through the appropriate utility rate schedules.
521.1.6 While the simulation tool should simulate an entire year on an hour by hour basis (8760 hours), programs that approximate this dynamic analysis procedure and provide equivalent results are acceptable.
521.1.7 Simulation tools shall be selected for their ability to simulate accurately the relevant features of the building in question, as shown in the tool's documentation. For example, a single-zone model shall not be used to simulate a large, multi-zone building, and a steady-state model such as the degree-day method shall not be used to simulate buildings when equipment efficiency or performance is significantly affected by the dynamic patterns of weather, solar radiation, and occupancy. Relevant energy-related features shall be addressed by a model such as daylighting, atriums or sunspaces, night ventilation or thermal storage, chilled water storage or heat recovery, active or passive solar systems, zoning and controls of heating and cooling systems, and ground-coupled buildings. In addition, models shall be capable of translating the Design Energy Consumption into energy cost using actual utility rate schedules with the coincidental electrical demand of a building. Examples of public domain models capable of handling such complex building systems and energy cost translations available in the United States are DOE—2.1C and BLAST 3.0 and in Canada, Energy Systems Analysis Series.
521.1.8 All simulation tools shall use scientifically justifiable documented techniques and procedures for modeling building loads, systems, and equipment. The algorithms used in the program shall have been verified by comparison with experimental measurements, loads, systems, and equipment.
source: 65 FR 60012, Oct. 6, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 434.513