Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 31, 2025
Title 10 - Energy last revised: Jan 29, 2025
§ 501.60 - Purpose and scope.
(a) (1) If the owner or operator plans to construct a new baseload powerplant and the unit will not be in compliance with the prohibition contained in section 201(a) of FUA, this subpart establishes the procedures for filing a petition requesting a temporary or permanent exemption under, respectively, sections 211 and 212 of FUA.
(2) Self-certification alternative. If the owner or operator plans to construct a new baseload powerplant not in compliance with the prohibitions contained in section 201(a) of FUA, this subpart establishes the procedures for the filing of a self-certification under section 201(d) of FUA.
(3) If the petitioner owns, operates or controls a new powerplant, this subpart provides the procedures for filing a petition requesting extension of a temporary exemption granted under sections 211 or 311 of FUA.
(4) If the petitioner owns, operates or controls a new or existing powerplant or MFBI, this subpart provides the procedures for filing a petition requesting extension of a temporary exemption granted under section 211 or section 311 of FUA.
(b) If the petition is for an extension of a temporary exemption, the petitioner must apply for this extension at least (90) days prior to the expiration of the temporary exemption.
(Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, 91 Stat. 565 (42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.); Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-620, 92 Stat. 3269 (42 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. 97-35; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267, Sept. 15, 1977)
[46 FR 59889, Dec. 7, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 50849, Nov. 10, 1982; 54 FR 52892, Dec. 22, 1989]
§ 501.61 - Certification contents.
(a) A self-certification filed under section 201(d) of FUA should include the following information:
(1) Owner's name and address.
(2) Operator's name and address.
(3) Plant location and address.
(4) Plant configuration (combined cycle, simple cycle, topping cycle, etc.)
(5) Design capacity in megawatts (MW).
(6) Fuel(s) to be used by the new facility.
(7) Name of utility purchasing electricity from the proposed facility and percent of total output to be sold.
(8) Date unit is expected to be placed in service.
(9) Certification by an officer of the company or his designated representative certifying that the proposed facility:
(i) Has sufficient inherent design characteristics to permit the addition of equipment (including all necessary pollution devices) necessary to render such electric powerplant capable of using coal or another alternate fuel as its primary energy source; and
(ii) Is not physically, structurally, or technologically precluded from using coal or another alternate fuel as its primary energy source.
(b) A self-certification filed pursuant to § 501.61(a) shall be effective to establish compliance with the requirement of section 201(a) of FUA as of the date filed.
(c) OFE will publish a notice in the Federal Register within fifteen days reciting that the certification has been filed. Publication of this notice does not serve to commence a public comment period.
(d) OFE will notify the owner or operator within 60 days if supporting documentation is needed to verify the certification.
[54 FR 52892, Dec. 22, 1989]
§ 501.62 - Petition contents.
(a) A petition for exemption should include the following information:
(1) The name of the petitioner;
(2) The name and location of the unit for which an exemption is being requested;
(3) The specific exemption(s) being requested; and
(4) The name, address, and telephone number of the person who can supply further information.
(b) Table of contents. Include only those sections contained in the petition.
(c) Introduction. Include the following:
(1) Description of the facility under consideration;
(2) Description of the unit and fuel the petitioner proposes to burn in that unit, including the purpose of and need for the unit; and
(3) Description of the operational requirements for the unit, including size (capacity, input and output in millions of Btu's per hour), output in terms of product or service to be supplied, fuel capability, and operating mode, including capacity factor, utilization factor, and fluctuations in the load.
(d) General requirements. The evidence required under part 503 subpart B for each exemption(s) for which the petitioner is applying:
(1) No alternate power supply (§ 503.8):
(2) Use of mixtures (§ 503.9);
(3) Alternative site (§ 503.11);
(4) Compliance Plan (§ 503.12);
(5) Environmental impact analysis (§ 503.13);
(6) Fuels search (§ 503.14).
(e) Specific evidence. Evidence required for each exemption, segregated by exemption (part 503 subparts C and D).
(f) References. (1) Specify the reports, documents, experts, and other sources consulted in compiling the petition. Cite these sources in accordance with acceptable documentation standards, and indicate the part of the petition to which they apply. If the source is unusual or little known, briefly describe its contents.
(2) Identify at the end of each section of the petition any information or any statement based, in whole or in part, on information or principles which, to petitioner's knowledge, represent significant innovations to or departures from generally accepted facts or principles.
(g) Appendices. Include in the appendices material which the petitioner believes substantiates any analyses fundamental to the petition, materials prepared in connection with it, and any other documents, studies, or analyses which are believed to be relevant to the decision to be made. Also, include in the appendices copies of any forms submitted as part of the petition.
(h) List of preparers. List the names with the qualifications and professional credentials of the principal contributors to the preparation of the petition. Indicate the sections or subject matters for which each principal contributor was responsible.
(i) Incorporation by reference. Pertinent information may be incorporated into the petition by reference when this can be done without impeding agency and public review. Referenced materials must be specifically identified and their contents briefly described in the petition. To incorporate by reference, the material must be submitted with the petition, or if previously submitted, the office to which it was submitted must be identified in the petition. The petitioner cannot incorporate by reference material based on proprietary data not available to OFE for review.
(Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, 91 Stat. 565 (42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.); Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-620, 92 Stat. 3269 (42 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. 97-35; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267, Sept. 15, 1977)
[46 FR 59889, Dec. 7, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 50849, Nov. 10, 1982]
§ 501.63 - Notice of the commencement of an administrative proceeding on an exemption petition.
(a)(1) When a petition is accepted, OFE will publish in the Federal Register a Notice of Acceptance, or, in the case of a certification exemption, a Notice of Acceptance and Availability of Certification, signifying that an exemption proceeding has commenced. The notice will include a summary of the exemption petition, and publication will commence a public comment period of no less than forty-five (45) days during which interested parties may file written comments concerning the petition. In the case of a certification exemption, interested persons may request a public hearing during this period, pursuant to § 501.33.
(2) OFE will notify the appropriate State agency having apparent primary authority to permit or regulate the construction or operation of a powerplant that an exemption proceeding has commenced and will consult with this agency to the maximum extent practicable. Copies of all accepted petitions also will be forwarded to EPA, as provided in § 501.14(a).
(b) In processing an exemption petition, OFE shall comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality's implementing regulations, and the DOE guidelines implementing those regulations (45 FR 20694, Mar. 28, 1980). Compliance with NEPA may involve the preparation of (1) an environmental impact statement (EIS) evaluating the grant or denial of an exemption petition, (2) an environmental assessment (EA), or (3) a memorandum to the file finding that the grant of the requested petition would not be considered a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. If an EIS is required, OFE will publish in the Federal Register a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS as soon as practicable after commencement of the proceeding. A public meeting may be held pursuant to 40 CFR 1501.7 to solicit comments or suggestions on the structure and content of the EIS.
[46 FR 59889, Dec. 7, 1981, as amended at 54 FR 52893, Dec. 22, 1989]
§ 501.64 - Publication of notice of availability of tentative staff analysis.
OFE will publish in the Federal Register a Notice of the Availability of Tentative Staff Analysis for the noncertification temporary public interest exemption, for noncertification environmental exemptions, and for a cogeneration exemption based on the public interest. OFE will provide a public comment period of at least fourteen (14) days from the date of publication during which interested persons may make written comments and request a public hearing.
§ 501.65 - Publication of notice of availability of draft EIS.
A Notice of Availability of any draft EIS will be published in the Federal Register and comments thereon will also be solicited. Interested persons may request a hearing on any draft EIS. Such hearing must be requested within thirty (30) days of publication of the Notice of Availability of the draft EIS.
[54 FR 52893, Dec. 22, 1989]
§ 501.66 - OFE evaluation of the record, decision and order.
(a) The administrative record in a proceeding under this part will consist of the proposed prohibition order and/or petition and related documents, all relevant evidence presented at the public hearing, all written comments, and any other information in the possession of OFE and made a part of the public record of the proceeding. OFE will base its determination to issue a rule or order on consideration of the whole record, or those parts thereof cited by a party and supported by reliable, probative, and substantial evidence.
(b) OFE may investigate and corroborate any statement in any petition, document, or public comments submitted to it. OFE also may use any relevant facts it possesses in its evaluation and may request submissions from third persons relevant to the petition or other documents. OFE also may request additional information, data, or analyses following a public hearing, if any, if this information is necessary to resolve disputed issues in the record. Any relevant information received by OFE following the hearing that is not declared to be confidential under § 501.7(a)(11) shall be made part of the public record with opportunity provided for rebuttal.
(c) OFE will notify all participants if, after the close of any public hearing or comment period, it receives or obtains any relevant information or evidence. Participants may respond to such information or evidence in writing within fourteen (14) days of such notification. If OFE finds that the additional information or evidence relates to material issues of disputed fact and may significantly influence the outcome of the proceeding, OFE shall reopen the hearing on the issue or issues to which the additional information or evidence relates.
§ 501.67 - Petition redesignations.
OFE, with the petitioner's approval, will redesignate an exemption petition if the petitioner qualifies for an exemption other than the one originally requested, even though he may not qualify for the specific exemption originally requested, or be entitled to the full exemption period provided by requested exemption. OFE shall give public notice of any redesignation of an exemption petition, and where a public hearing has been requested notice shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to such hearing.
§ 501.68 - Decision and order.
(a)(1) OFE shall issue an order either granting or denying the petition for an exemption or permit within six (6) months after the end of the period for public comment and hearing applicable to any petition.
(2) OFE may extend the six (6) month period for decision to a date certain by publishing notice in the Federal Register, and stating the reasons for such extension.
(3) OFE will publish a final EIS at least thirty (30) days prior to take issuance of the final order in all cases where an EIS is required.
(b)(1) OFE shall serve a copy of the order granting or denying a petition for exemption to the petitioner and all persons on the service list in cases involving a public hearing.
(2) OFE shall publish any order granting or denying a petition under this subpart in the Federal Register together with a statement of the reasons for the grant or denial.
(c)(1) Any order granting or denying a petition for exemption shall be based upon consideration of the whole record or those parts thereof cited by a party and supported by, and in accordance with, reliable, probative and substantive evidence.
(2) The denial of a petition for exemption shall be without prejudice to the petitioner's right to submit an amended petition. OFE may, however, reject the amended petition if it is not materially different from the denied petition.
(d) OFE may design any terms and conditions included in any temporary exemption issued or extended under section 211 of FUA, to ensure, among other things, that upon expiration of the exemption the persons and powerplant covered by the exemption will comply with the applicable prohibitions under FUA. For purposes of the provision, the subsequent grant of a permanent exemption to the subject unit shall be deemed compliance with applicable prohibitions.
(Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, 91 Stat. 565 (42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.); Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95-620, 92 Stat. 3269 (42 U.S.C. 8301 et seq.); Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. 97-35; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267, Sept. 15, 1977)
[46 FR 59889, Dec. 7, 1981, as amended at 47 FR 50849, Nov. 10, 1982; 54 FR 52893, Dec. 22, 1989]
§ 501.69 - Judicial review.
Any person aggrieved by any order issued by OFE under this subpart, must file, within sixty (60) days of publication of the final order in the Federal Register, a petition for judicial review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Circuit wherein he resides, or has his principal place of business. Exhaustion of administrative remedies for purposes of judicial review does not require filing a petition pursuant to subpart G for modification or rescission of the order to be reviewed.
source: 46 FR 59889, Dec. 7, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 501.69