Regulations last checked for updates: Jan 18, 2025

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Jan 16, 2025
Table of Contents

§ 600.301 - Purpose.

§ 600.302 - Definitions.

§ 600.303 - Deviations.

§ 600.304 - Special award conditions.

§ 600.305 - Debarment and suspension.

§ 600.306 - Metric system of measurement.


§ 600.310 - Purpose of financial and program management.

§ 600.311 - Standards for financial management systems.

§ 600.312 - Payment.

§ 600.313 - Cost sharing or matching.

§ 600.314 - Program income.

§ 600.315 - Revision of budget and program plans.

§ 600.316 - Audits.

§ 600.317 - Allowable costs.

§ 600.318 - Fee and profit.

§ 600.320 - Purpose of property standards.

§ 600.321 - Real property and equipment.

§ 600.322 - Federally owned property.

§ 600.323 - Property management system.

§ 600.324 - Supplies.

§ 600.325 - Intellectual property.

§ 600.330 - Purpose of procurement standards.

§ 600.331 - Requirements.

§ 600.340 - Purpose of reports and records.

§ 600.341 - Monitoring and reporting program and financial performance.

§ 600.342 - Retention and access requirements for records.

§ 600.350 - Purpose of termination and enforcement.

§ 600.351 - Termination.

§ 600.352 - Enforcement.

§ 600.353 - Disputes and appeals.


§ 600.360 - Purpose.

§ 600.361 - Closeout procedures.

§ 600.362 - Subsequent adjustments and continuing responsibilities.

§ 600.363 - Collection of amounts due.


§ 600.380 - Purpose.

§ 600.381 - Special provisions for Small Business Innovation Research Grants.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 600—Patent and Data Provisions

Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart D of Part 600—Contract Provisions

§ 600.301 - Purpose.

(a) This subpart prescribes administrative requirements for awards to for-profit organizations.

(b) Applicability to prime awards and subawards is as follows:

(1) Prime awards: DOE contracting officers must apply the provisions of this part to awards to for-profit organizations. Contracting officers must not impose requirements that are in addition to, or inconsistent with, the requirements provided in this part, except:

(i) In accordance with the deviation procedures or special award conditions in § 600.303 or § 600.304, respectively; or

(ii) As required by Federal statute, Executive order, or Federal regulation implementing a statute or Executive order.

(2) Subawards. (i) Any legal entity (including any State, local government, university or other nonprofit organization, as well as any for-profit entity) that receives an award from DOE must apply the provisions of this part to subawards with for-profit organizations.

(ii) For-profit organizations that receive prime awards covered by this part must apply to each subaward the administrative requirements that are applicable to the particular type of subrecipient (e.g., 10 CFR part 600, subpart B, contains requirements for institutions of higher education, hospitals, or other nonprofit organizations and 10 CFR part 600, subpart C, specifies requirements for subrecipients that are States or local governments).

§ 600.302 - Definitions.

In addition to the definitions used in subpart A of this part, the following are definitions of terms as used in this subpart:

Advance means a payment made by Treasury check or other appropriate payment mechanism to a recipient upon its request either before outlays are made by the recipient or through the use of predetermined payment schedules.

Applied research means efforts that seek to determine and exploit the potential of scientific discoveries or improvements in technology, and is directed toward the development of new materials, devices, methods, and processes.

Basic research means efforts directed solely toward increasing knowledge or understanding in science and engineering.

Cash contributions means the recipient's cash outlay, including the outlay of money contributed to the recipient by third parties.

Closeout means the process by which DOE determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the award have been completed by the recipient and DOE.

Cost sharing or matching means that portion of project or program costs not borne by the Federal Government.

Demonstration means a project designed to determine the technical feasibility and economic potential of a technology on either a pilot plant or a prototype scale.

Development means efforts to create or advance new technology or demonstrate the viability of applying existing technology to new products and processes.

Disallowed costs means those charges to an award that the DOE contracting officer determines to be unallowable, in accordance with the applicable Federal cost principles or other terms and conditions contained in the award.

DOE means the Department of Energy, including the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

Equipment means tangible, nonexpendable personal property charged directly to the award having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit.

Excess property means property under the control of any DOE Headquarters or field office that, as determined by the head thereof, is no longer required for its needs or the discharge of its responsibilities.

Federal funds authorized: means the total amount of Federal funds obligated by the Federal Government for use by the recipient. This amount may include any authorized carryover of unobligated funds from prior funding periods.

Federally owned property means property in the possession of, or directly acquired by, the Government and subsequently made available to the recipient.

Funding period means the period of time when Federal funding is available for obligation by the recipient.

Incremental funding means a method of funding a grant or cooperative agreement where the funds initially obligated to the award are less than the total amount of the award, and DOE anticipates making additional obligations of funds when appropriated funds become available.

Obligations means the amount of orders placed, contracts and grants awarded, services received and similar transactions during a given period that require payment by the recipient during the same or a future period.

Outlays or expenditures means charges made to the project or program. They may be reported on cash or accrual basis. For reports prepared on a cash basis, outlays are the sum of cash disbursements for direct charges for goods and services, the amount of indirect expense charged, the value of third party in-kind contributions applied, and the amount of cash advances and payments made to subrecipients. For reports prepared on an accrual basis, outlays are the sum of cash disbursements for direct charges for goods and services, the amount of indirect expense incurred, the value of in-kind contributions applied, and the net increase (or decrease) in the amounts owed by the recipient for goods and other property received, for services performed by employees, contractors, subrecipients and other payees, and for other amounts becoming owed under programs for which no current services or performance are required.

Personal property means property of any kind except real property. It may be:

(1) Tangible, having physical existence (i.e., equipment and supplies); or

(2) Intangible, having no physical existence, such as patents, copyrights, data, and software.

Prior approval means written or electronic approval by an authorized official evidencing prior consent.

Program income means gross income earned by the recipient that is directly generated by a supported activity or earned as a result of the award. Program income includes, but is not limited to, income from fees for services performed, the use or rental of real or personal property acquired under federally-funded projects, the sale of commodities or items fabricated under an award, license fees and royalties on patents and copyrights, and interest on loans made with award funds. Interest earned on advances of Federal funds is not program income. Except as otherwise provided in program regulations or the terms and conditions of the award, program income does not include the receipt of principal on loans, rebates, credits, discounts, etc., or interest earned on any of them.

Project costs means all allowable costs, as set forth in the applicable Federal cost principles, incurred by a recipient and the value of the contributions made by third parties in accomplishing the objectives of the award during the project period.

Property means real property and personal property (equipment, supplies, and intellectual property), unless otherwise stated.

Real property means land, including land improvements, structures and appurtenances thereto, but excludes movable machinery and equipment.

Small award means an award not exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold fixed at 41 U.S.C. 403(11) (currently $100,000).

Small business concern means a small business as defined at section 2 of Pub. L. 85-536 (16 U.S.C. 632) and the implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. The criteria and size standards for small business concerns are contained in 13 CFR part 121.

Subaward means financial assistance in the form of money, or property in lieu of money, provided under an award by a recipient to an eligible subrecipient or by a subrecipient to a lower tier subrecipient. The term includes financial assistance when provided by any legal agreement, even if the agreement is called a contract, but the term does not include procurement of goods and services or any form of assistance which is not included in the definition of “award” in this part.

Subrecipient means the legal entity to which a subaward is made and which is accountable to the recipient for the use of the funds or property provided.

Supplies means tangible, expendable personal property that is charged directly to the award and that has a useful life of less than one year or an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 per unit.

Suspension means an action by DOE that temporarily withdraws Federal sponsorship under an award, pending corrective action by the recipient or pending a decision to terminate the award by DOE. Suspension of an award is a separate action from suspension of a recipient under 10 CFR part 1036.

Termination means the cancellation of an award, in whole or in part, under an agreement at any time prior to either:

(1) The date on which all work under an award is completed; or

(2) The date on which Federal sponsorship ends, as provided in the award document or any supplement or amendment thereto.

Third party in-kind contributions means the value of non-cash contributions provided by non-Federal third parties. Third party in-kind contributions may be in the form of real property, equipment, supplies and other expendable property, and the value of goods and services directly benefiting and specifically identifiable to the project or program.

Unobligated balance means the portion of the funds authorized by DOE that has not been obligated by the recipient and is determined by deducting the cumulative obligations from the cumulative funds authorized.

§ 600.303 - Deviations.

(a) Individual deviations. Individual deviations affecting only one award are subject to the procedures stated in 10 CFR 600.4

(b) Class deviations. Class deviations affecting more than one financial assistance transaction are subject to the procedures states in 10 CFR 600.4.

§ 600.304 - Special award conditions.

(a) Contracting officers may impose additional requirements as needed, over and above those provided in this subpart, if an applicant or recipient:

(1) Has a history of poor performance;

(2) Is not financially stable;

(3) Has a management system that does not meet the standards prescribed in this subpart;

(4) Has not conformed to the terms and conditions of a previous award; or

(5) Is not otherwise responsible.

(b) Before imposing additional requirements, DOE must notify the applicant or recipient in writing as to:

(1) The nature of the additional requirements;

(2) The reason why the additional requirements are being imposed;

(3) The nature of the corrective action needed;

(4) The time allowed for completing the corrective actions; and

(5) The method for requesting reconsideration of the additional requirements imposed.

(c) The contracting officer must remove any special conditions if the circumstances that prompted them have been corrected.

§ 600.305 - Debarment and suspension.

Recipients must comply with the nonprocurement debarment and suspension common rule implemented in 2 CFR 180 and 901. This common rule restricts subawards and contracts with certain parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal assistance programs or activities.

[68 FR 50650, Aug. 21, 2003, as amended at 74 FR 44278, Aug. 28, 2009]
§ 600.306 - Metric system of measurement.

(a) The Metric Conversion Act of 1975, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 (15 U.S.C. 205) and implemented by Executive Order 12770, states that:

(1) The metric system is the preferred measurement system for U.S. trade and commerce.

(2) The metric system of measurement will be used, to the extent economically feasible, in Federal agencies' procurements, grants, and other business-related activities.

(3) Metric implementation is not required if such use is likely to cause significant inefficiencies or loss of markets to United States firms.

(b) Recipients are encouraged to use the metric system to the maximum extent practicable in measurement-sensitive activities and in measurement-sensitive outputs resulting from DOE funded programs.

§ 600.310 - Purpose of financial and program management.

Sections 600.311 through 600.318 prescribe standards for financial management systems; methods for making payments; and rules for cost sharing and matching, program income, revisions to budgets and program plans, audits, allowable costs, and fee and profit.

§ 600.311 - Standards for financial management systems.

(a) Recipients are encouraged to use existing financial management systems to the extent that the systems comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the minimum standards in this section. At a minimum, a recipient's financial management system must provide:

(1) Effective control of all funds. Control systems must be adequate to ensure that costs charged to Federal funds and those counted as the recipient's cost share or match are consistent with requirements for cost reasonableness, allowability, and allocability in the applicable cost principles (see § 600.317) and in the terms and conditions of the award.

(2) Accurate, current and complete records that document, for each project funded wholly or in part with Federal funds, the source and application of the Federal funds and the recipient's required cost share or match. These records must:

(i) Contain information about receipts, authorizations, assets, expenditures, program income, and interest.

(ii) Be adequate to make comparisons of outlays with amounts budgeted for each award (as required for programmatic and financial reporting under § 600.341). Where appropriate, financial information should be related to performance and unit cost data.

(3) To the extent that advance payments are authorized under § 600.312, procedures that minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds to the recipient from the Government and the recipient's disbursement of the funds for program purposes.

(4) A system to support charges to Federal awards for salaries and wages, whether treated as direct or indirect costs. If employees work on multiple activities or cost objectives, a distribution of their salaries and wages must be supported by personnel activity reports which:

(i) Reflect an after the fact distribution of the actual activity of each employee.

(ii) Account for the total activity for which each employee is compensated.

(iii) Are prepared at least monthly, and coincide with one or more pay periods.

(b) If the Federal Government guarantees or insures the repayment of money borrowed by the recipient, DOE, at its discretion, may require adequate bonding and insurance if the bonding and insurance requirements of the recipient are not deemed adequate to protect the interest of the Federal Government.

(c) DOE may require adequate fidelity bond coverage if the recipient lacks sufficient coverage to protect the Federal Government's interest.

(d) If bonds are required in the situations described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the bonds must be obtained from companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable sureties, as prescribed in 31 CFR part 223, “Surety Companies Doing Business with the United States.”

§ 600.312 - Payment.

(a) Methods available. Payment methods for awards with for-profit organizations are:

(1) Reimbursement. Under this method, the recipient requests reimbursement for costs incurred during a particular time period. In cases where the recipient submits requests for payment to the contracting officer, the DOE payment office reimburses the recipient by electronic funds transfer after approval of the request by the designated contracting officer.

(2) Advance payments. Under this method, DOE makes a payment to a recipient based upon projections of the recipient's cash needs. The payment generally is made upon the recipient's request, although predetermined payment schedules may be used when the timing of the recipient's needs to disburse funds can be predicted in advance with sufficient accuracy to ensure compliance with paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section.

(b) Selecting a method. (1) The preferred payment method is the reimbursement method, as described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.

(2) Advance payments, as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, may be used in exceptional circumstances, subject to the following conditions:

(i) The contracting officer, in consultation with the program official, determines in writing that advance payments are necessary or will materially contribute to the probability of success of the project contemplated under the award (e.g., as startup funds for a project performed by a newly formed company).

(ii) Cash advances must be limited to the minimum amounts needed to carry out the program.

(iii) Recipients and DOE must maintain procedures to ensure that the timing of cash advances is as close as is administratively feasible to the recipients' disbursements of the funds for program purposes, including direct program or project costs and the proportionate share of any allowable indirect costs.

(iv) Recipients must maintain advance payments of Federal funds in interest-bearing accounts, and remit annually the interest earned to the contracting officer for return to the Department of Treasury's miscellaneous receipts account, unless one of the following applies:

(A) The recipient receives less than $120,000 in Federal awards per year.

(B) The best reasonably available interest bearing account would not be expected to earn interest in excess of $250 per year on Federal cash balances.

(C) The depository would require an average or minimum balance so high that establishing an interest bearing account would not be feasible, given the expected Federal and non-Federal cash resources.

(c) Frequency of payments. For either reimbursements or advance payments, recipients may submit requests for payment monthly, or more often if authorized by the contracting officer.

(d) Forms for requesting payment. DOE may authorize recipients to use the SF-270, “Request for Advance or Reimbursement;” the SF-271, “Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs;” or prescribe other forms or formats as necessary.

(e) Timeliness of payments. Payments normally will be made within 30 calendar days of the receipt of a recipient's request for reimbursement or advance by the office designated to receive the request, unless the billing is improper.

(f) Precedence of other available funds. Recipients must disburse funds available from program income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, credits, discounts, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments.

(g) Withholding of payments. Unless otherwise required by statute, contracting officers may not withhold payments for proper charges made by recipients during the project period for reasons other than the following:

(1) A recipient failed to comply with project objectives, the terms and conditions of the award, or Federal reporting requirements, in which case the contracting officer may suspend payments in accordance with § 600.352.

(2) The recipient is delinquent on a debt to the United States (see definitions of “debt” and “delinquent debt” in 32 CFR 22.105). In that case, the contracting officer may, upon reasonable notice, withhold payments to the recipient until the debt owed is resolved.

§ 600.313 - Cost sharing or matching.

(a) Acceptable contributions. All contributions, including cash contributions and third party in-kind contributions, must be accepted as part of the recipient's cost sharing or matching if such contributions meet all of the following criteria:

(1) They are verifiable from the recipient's records.

(2) They are not included as contributions for any other federally-assisted project or program.

(3) They are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient accomplishment of project or program objectives.

(4) They are allowable under § 600.317.

(5) They are not paid by the Federal Government under another award unless authorized by Federal statute to be used for cost sharing or matching.

(6) They are provided for in the approved budget.

(7) They conform to other provisions of this part, as applicable.

(b) Valuing and documenting contributions—(1) Valuing recipient's property or services of recipient's employees. Values are established in accordance with the applicable cost principles in § 600.317, which means that amounts chargeable to the project are determined on the basis of costs incurred. For real property or equipment used on the project, the cost principles authorize depreciation or use charges. The full value of the item may be applied when the item will be consumed in the performance of the award or fully depreciated by the end of the award. In cases where the full value of a donated capital asset is to be applied as cost sharing or matching, that full value must be the lesser or the following:

(i) The certified value of the remaining life of the property recorded in the recipient's accounting records at the time of donation; or

(ii) The current fair market value. If there is sufficient justification, the contracting officer may approve the use of the current fair market value of the donated property, even if it exceeds the certified value at the time of donation to the project. The contracting officer may accept the use of any reasonable basis for determining the fair market value of the property.

(2) Valuing services of others' employees. If an employer other than the recipient furnishes the services of an employee, those services are valued at the employee's regular rate of pay plus an amount of fringe benefits and overhead (at an overhead rate appropriate for the location where the services are performed), provided these services are in the same skill for which the employee is normally paid.

(3) Valuing volunteer services. Volunteer services furnished by professional and technical personnel, consultants, and other skilled and unskilled labor may be counted as cost sharing or matching if the service is an integral and necessary part of an approved project or program. Rates for volunteer services must be consistent with those paid for similar work in the recipient's organization. In those markets in which the required skills are not found in the recipient organization, rates must be consistent with those paid for similar work in the labor market in which the recipient competes for the kind of services involved. In either case, paid fringe benefits that are reasonable, allowable, and allocable may be included in the valuation.

(4) Valuing property donated by third parties. (i) Donated supplies may include such items as office supplies or laboratory supplies. Value assessed to donated supplies included in the cost sharing or matching share must be reasonable and must not exceed the fair market value of the property at the time of the donation.

(ii) Normally only depreciation or use charges for equipment and buildings may be applied. However, the fair rental charges for land and the full value of equipment or other capital assets may be allowed, when they will be consumed in the performance of the award or fully depreciated by the end of the award, provided that the contracting officer has approved the charges. When use charges are applied, values must be determined in accordance with the usual accounting policies of the recipient, with the following qualifications:

(A) The value of donated space must not exceed the fair rental value of comparable space as established by an independent appraisal of comparable space and facilities in a privately-owned building in the same locality.

(B) The value of loaned equipment must not exceed its fair rental value.

(5) Documentation. The following requirements pertain to the recipient's supporting records for in-kind contributions from third parties:

(i) Volunteer services must be documented and, to the extent feasible, supported by the same methods used by the recipient for its own employees.

(ii) The basis for determining the valuation for personal services and property must be documented.

§ 600.314 - Program income.

(a) DOE must apply the standards in this section to the disposition of program income from projects financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

(b) Unless program regulations or the terms and conditions of the award provide otherwise, recipients, without any further accounting to DOE, may retain program income earned:

(1) From license fees and royalties for copyrighted material, patents, patent applications, trademarks, and inventions produced under an award.

(2) After the end of the project period.

(c) Unless program regulations or the terms and conditions of the award provide otherwise, costs incident to the generation of program income for which there is some obligation to the Government may be deducted from gross income to determine program income, provided these costs have not been charged to the award.

(d) Other than any program income excluded pursuant to paragraph (b) and (c) of this section, program income earned during the project period must be retained by the recipient and used in one or more of the following ways, as specified in program regulations or the terms and conditions of the award:

(1) Added to funds committed to the project by DOE and recipient and used to further eligible project or program objectives.

(2) Used to finance the non-Federal share of the project or program.

(3) Deducted from the total project or program allowable cost in determining the net allowable costs on which the Federal share of costs is based.

(e) If the program regulation or terms and conditions of an award authorize the disposition of program income as described in paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section, and stipulate a limit on the amounts that may be used in those ways, program income in excess of the stipulated limits must be used in accordance with paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

(f) In the event that the program regulation or terms and conditions of the award do not specify how program income is to be used, paragraph (d)(3) of this section applies automatically to all projects or programs except research. For awards that support basic or applied research, paragraph (d)(1) of this section applies automatically unless the terms and conditions specify another alternative or the recipient is subject to special award conditions, as indicated in § 600.304.

(g) Proceeds from the sale of property that is acquired, rather than fabricated, under an award are not program income and must be handled in accordance with the requirements of §§ 600.320 through 600.325 of this part.

§ 600.315 - Revision of budget and program plans.

(a) The budget plan is the financial expression of the project or program as approved during the award process. It includes the sum of the Federal and non-Federal shares when there are cost sharing requirements. The budget plan must be related to performance for program evaluation purposes, whenever appropriate.

(b) The recipient must obtain the contracting officer's prior approval if a revision is necessary for either of the following two reasons:

(1) A change in the scope or the objective of the project or program (even if there is no associated budget revision requiring prior written approval).

(2) A need for additional Federal funding.

(c) The recipient must obtain the contracting officer's prior approval if a revision is necessary for any of the following six reasons, unless the requirement for prior approval is specifically waived in the program regulation or terms and conditions of the award:

(1) A change in the approved project director, principal investigator, or other key person specified in the application or award document.

(2) The absence for more than three months, or a 25 percent reduction in time devoted to the project, by the approved project director or principal investigator.

(3) The inclusion of any additional costs that require prior approval in accordance with the applicable costs principles for Federal funds and the requirements applicable to the recipient's cost share or match, as provided in § 600.313 and § 600.317, respectively.

(4) The inclusion of pre-award costs for periods greater than the 90 calendar days immediately preceding the effective date of the award.

(5) A “no-cost” extension of the project period.

(6) Any subaward, transfer, or contracting out of substantive program performance under an award, unless described in the application and funded in the approved awards.

(d) If specifically required in the program regulation or the terms and conditions of the award, the recipient must obtain the contracting officer's prior approval for the following revisions:

(1) The transfer of funds among direct cost categories, functions, and activities for awards in which the Federal share of the project exceeds $100,000 and the cumulative amount of such transfers exceeds or is expected to exceed 10 percent of the total budget as last approved by DOE.

(2) For awards that provide support for both construction and nonconstruction work, any fund or budget transfers between the two types of work supported.

(e) Within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the recipient's request for budget revisions, the contracting officer must review the request and notify the recipient whether the budget revisions have been approved. If the revision is still under consideration at the end of 30 calendar days, the contracting officer must inform the recipient in writing of the date when the recipient may expect the decision.

§ 600.316 - Audits.

(a) Any recipient that expends $500,000 or more in a year under Federal awards must have an audit made for that year by an independent auditor, in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. If a recipient is currently performing under a Federal award that requires an audit by its Federal cognizant agency, that auditor must perform the independent audit. The audit generally should be made a part of the regularly scheduled, annual audit of the recipient's financial statements. However, it may be more economical in some cases to have Federal awards separately audited, and a recipient may elect to do so, unless that option is precluded by award terms and conditions or by Federal laws or regulations applicable to the program(s) under which the awards were made.

(b) The auditor must determine and report on whether:

(1) The recipient has an internal control structure that provides reasonable assurance that it is managing Federal awards in compliance with Federal laws and regulations and the terms and conditions of the awards.

(2) Based on a sampling of Federal award expenditures, the recipient has complied with laws, regulations, and award terms that may have a direct and material effect on Federal awards.

(c) The recipient must make the auditor's report available to the DOE contracting officers whose awards are affected.

(d) Before requesting an audit in addition to the independent audit, the contracting officer must:

(1) Consider whether the independent audit satisfies his or her requirements;

(2) Limit the scope of such additional audit to areas not adequately addressed by the independent audit; and

(3) If DOE is not the Federal agency with the predominant fiscal interest in the recipient, coordinate with the agency that has the predominant fiscal interest.

(e) The recipient and its Federal cognizant agency for audit should develop a coordinated audit approach to minimize duplication of audit work.

(f) Audit costs (including a reasonable allocation of the costs of the audit of the recipient's financial statement, based on the relative benefit to the Government and the recipient) are allowable costs of DOE awards.

§ 600.317 - Allowable costs.

(a) DOE determines allowability of costs in accordance with the cost principles applicable to the type of entity incurring the cost as follows:

(1) For-profit organizations. Allowability of costs incurred by for-profit organizations and those nonprofit organizations listed in Attachment C to OMB Circular A-122 is determined in accordance with the for-profit costs principles in 48 CFR part 31 in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, except that patent prosecution costs are not allowable unless specifically authorized in the award document.

(2) Other types of organizations. Allowability of costs incurred by other types of organizations that may be subrecipients under a prime award to a for-profit organization is determined as follows:

(i) Institutions of higher education. Allowability is determined in accordance with OMB Circular A-21, “Cost Principles for Educational Institutions.”

(ii) Other nonprofit organizations. Allowability is determined in accordance with OMB Circular A-122, “Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations.”

(iii) Hospitals. Allowability is determined in accordance with the provisions of 45 CFR part 74, Appendix E, “Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Research and Development Under Grants and Contracts with Hospitals.”

(iv) Governmental organizations. Allowability for State, local, or federally recognized Indian tribal government is determined in accordance with OMB Circular A-87, “Cost Principles for State and Local Governments.”

(b) Pre-award costs. If a recipient incurs pre-award costs without the prior approval of the contracting officer, DOE may pay those costs incurred within the ninety calendar day period immediately preceding the effective date of the award, if such costs are:

(1) Necessary for the effective and economical conduct of the project;

(2) Otherwise allowable in accordance with the applicable cost principles; and

(3) Less than the total value of the award.

§ 600.318 - Fee and profit.

(a) Grants and cooperative agreements may not provide for the payment of fee or profit to recipients or subrecipients, except for awards made pursuant to the Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer Research programs.

(b) A recipient or subrecipient may pay a fee or profit to a contractor providing goods or services under a contract.

Property Standards
§ 600.320 - Purpose of property standards.

Sections 600.321 through 600.325 set forth uniform standards for management, use, and disposition of property. DOE encourages recipients to use existing property-management systems to the extent that the systems meet these minimum requirements.

§ 600.321 - Real property and equipment.

(a) Prior approvals for acquisition with Federal funds. Recipients may purchase real property or equipment in whole or in part with Federal funds under an award only with the prior approval of the contracting officer.

(b) Title. Unless a statute specifically authorizes and the award specifies that title to property vests unconditionally in the recipient, title to real property or equipment vests in the recipient subject to the conditions that the recipient:

(1) Use the real property or equipment for the authorized purposes of the project until funding for the project ceases, or until the property is no longer needed for the purposes of the project;

(2) Not encumber the property without approval of the contracting officer; and

(3) Use and dispose of the property in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.

(c) Federal interest in real property or equipment offered as cost-share. A recipient may offer the full value of real property or equipment that is purchased with recipient's funds or that is donated by a third party to meet a portion of any required cost sharing or matching, subject to the requirements in § 600.313. If a resulting award includes such property as a portion of the recipient's cost share, the Government has a financial interest in the property, (i.e., a share of the property value equal to the Federal participation in the project). The property is considered as if it had been acquired in part with Federal funds, and is subject to the provisions of paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section and to the provisions of § 600.323.

(d) Insurance. Recipients must, at a minimum, provide the equivalent insurance coverage for real property and equipment acquired with DOE funds as provided to property owned by the recipient.

(e) Use. If real property or equipment is acquired in whole or in part with Federal funds under an award and the award does not specify that title vests unconditionally in the recipient, the real property or equipment is subject to the following:

(1) During the time that the real property or equipment is used on the project or program for which it was acquired, the recipient must make it available for use on other projects or programs, if such other use does not interfere with the work on the project or program for which the real property or equipment was originally acquired. Use of the real property or equipment on other projects is subject to the following order of priority:

(i) Activities sponsored by DOE grants, cooperative agreements, or other assistance awards;

(ii) Activities sponsored by other Federal agencies' grants, cooperative agreements, or other assistance awards;

(iii) Activities under Federal procurement contracts or activities not sponsored by any Federal agency. If so used, use charges must be assessed to those activities. For real property or equipment, the use charges must be at rates equivalent to those for which comparable real property or equipment may be leased.

(2) After Federal funding for the project ceases or if the real property or equipment is no longer needed for the purposes of the project, the recipient may use the real property or equipment for other projects, insofar as:

(i) There are Federally sponsored projects for which the real property or equipment may be used. If the only use for the real property or equipment is for projects that have no Federal sponsorship, the receipt must proceed with disposition of the real property or equipment, in accordance with paragraph (f) of this section.

(ii) The recipient obtains written approval from the contracting officer to do so. The contracting officer must ensure that there is a formal change of accountability for the real property or equipment to a currently funded, Federal award.

(iii) The recipient's use of the real property or equipment for other projects is in the same order of priority as described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.

(f) Disposition. (1) If an item of real property or equipment is no longer needed for Federally sponsored projects, the recipient has the following options:

(i) If the property is equipment with a current per unit fair market value of less than $5,000, it may be retained, sold, or otherwise disposed of with no further obligation to DOE.

(ii) If the property that is no longer needed is equipment (rather than real property), the recipient may wish to replace it with an item that is needed currently for the project by trading in or selling to offset the costs of the replacement equipment, subject to the approval of the contracting officer.

(iii) The recipient may elect to retain title, without further obligation to the Federal Government, by compensating the Federal Government for that percentage of the current fair market value of the real property or equipment that is attributable to the Federal participation in the project.

(iv) If the recipient does not elect to retain title to real property or equipment or does not request approval to use equipment as trade-in or offset for replacement equipment, the recipient must request disposition instructions from the responsible agency.

(2) If a recipient requests disposition instructions, the contracting officer must:

(i) For equipment (but not real property), consult with the DOE Project Director to determine whether the condition and nature of the equipment warrant excess screening within DOE. If screening is warranted, the equipment will be made available for reutilization within DOE through the Energy Asset Disposal System (EADS). If no DOE requirement is identified within a 30-day period, EADS automatically reports the availability of the equipment to the General Services Administration, to determine whether a requirement for the equipment exists in other Federal agencies.

(ii) For either real property or equipment, issue instructions to the recipient for disposition of the property no later than 120 calendar days after the recipient's request. The contracting officer's options for disposition are to direct the recipient to:

(A) Transfer title to the real property or equipment to the Federal Government or to an eligible third party provided that, in such cases, the recipient is entitled to compensation for its attributable percentage of the current fair market value of the real property or equipment, plus any reasonable shipping or interim storage costs incurred.

(B) Sell the real property or equipment and pay the Federal Government for that percentage of the current fair market value of the property that is attributable to the Federal participation in the project (after deducting actual and reasonable selling and fix-up expenses, if any, from the sale proceeds). If the recipient is authorized or required to sell the real property or equipment, the recipient must use competitive procedures that result in the highest practicable return.

(3) If the responsible agency fails to issue disposition instructions within 120 calendar days of the recipient's request, the recipient must dispose of the real property or equipment through the option described in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section.

§ 600.322 - Federally owned property.

(a) Annual inventory. The recipient must submit annually to the contracting officer an inventory listing of all Federally owned property in its custody, i.e., property furnished by the Federal Government, rather than acquired by the recipient with Federal funds under the award.

(b) Insurance. The recipient may not insure Federally owned property unless required by the terms and conditions of the award.

(c) Use on other activities. (1) Use of federally owned property on other activities is permissible, if authorized by the contracting officer responsible for administering the award to which the property currently is charged.

(2) Use on other activities must be in the following order of priority:

(i) Activities sponsored by DOE grants, cooperative agreements, or other assistance awards;

(ii) Activities sponsored by other Federal agencies' grants, cooperative agreements, or other assistance awards;

(iii) Activities under Federal procurement contracts or activities not sponsored by any Federal agency. If so used, use charges must be assessed to those activities. For real property or equipment, the use charges must be at rates equivalent to those for which comparable real property or equipment may be leased.

(d) Disposition or property. Upon completion of the award, the recipient must submit to the contracting officer a final inventory of Federal owned property. DOE may:

(1) Use the property to meet another Federal Government need (e.g., by transferring accountability for the property to another Federal award to the same recipient, or by directing the recipient to transfer the property to a Federal agency that needs the property or to another recipient with a currently funded award).

(2) Declare the property to be excess property and either:

(i) Report the property to the General Services Administration through EADS, in accordance with the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 483(b)(2)), as implemented by General Services Administration regulations at 41 CFR 101-47.202; or

(ii) Dispose of the property by alternative methods, if there is authority under law, such as 15 U.S.C. 3710(i).

§ 600.323 - Property management system.

The recipient's property management system must include the following:

(a) Property records must be maintained, to include the following information for property that is Federally owned, equipment that is acquired in whole or in part with Federal funds, or property or equipment that is used as cost sharing or matching:

(1) A description of the property.

(2) Manufacturer's serial number, model number, Federal stock number, national stock number, or any other identification number.

(3) Source of the property, including the award number.

(4) Whether title vests in the recipient or the Federal Government.

(5) Acquisition date (or date received, if the property was furnished by the Federal Government) and cost.

(6) Information from which one can calculate the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the property (not applicable to property furnished by the Federal Government).

(7) The location and condition of the property and the date the information was reported.

(8) Ultimate disposition data, including data of disposal and sales price or the method used to determine current fair market value where a recipient compensates the Federal Government for its share.

(b) Federal owned equipment must be marked to indicate Federal ownership.

(c) A physical inventory must be taken and the results reconciled with the property records at least once every two years. Any differences between quantities determined by the physical inspection and those shown in the accounting records must be investigated to determine the causes of the difference. The recipient must, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the property.

(d) A control system must be in effect to insure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the property. Any loss, damage, or theft of property must be investigated and fully documented. If the property is owned by the Federal Government, the recipient must promptly notify the Federal agency responsible for administering the property.

(e) Adequate maintenance procedures must be implemented to keep the property in good condition.

§ 600.324 - Supplies.

(a) Title vests in the recipient upon acquisition of supplies acquired with Federal funds under an award.

(b) Upon termination or completion of the project or program, the recipient may retain any unused supplies. If the inventory of unused supplies exceeds $5,000 in total aggregate value and the items are not needed for any other Federally sponsored project or program, the recipient may retain the items for use on non-Federal sponsored activities or sell them, but must, in either case, compensate the Federal Government for its share.

§ 600.325 - Intellectual property.

(a) Scope. This section sets forth the policies with regard to disposition of rights to data and to inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of, or under, a grant or cooperative agreement with DOE.

(b) Patents right—small business concerns. In accordance with 35 U.S.C. 202,if,cooperative,subaward,or,developmental,or,then,unless.S.C. 202(e), the award must contain the standard clause in appendix A to this subpart, entitled “Patents Rights (Small Business Firms and Nonprofit Organizations” which provides to the recipient the right to elect ownership of inventions made under the award.

(c) Patent rights—other than small business concerns, e.g., large businesses—(1) No Patent Waiver. Except as provided by paragraph (c)(2) of this section, if the recipient is a for-profit organization other than a small business concern, as defined in 35 U.S.C. 201(h) and receives an award or a subaward for research, development, and demonstration activities, then, pursuant to statute, the award must contain the standard clause in appendix A to this subpart, entitled “Patent Rights (Large Business Firms)—No Waiver” which provides that DOE owns the patent rights to inventions made under the award.

(2) Patent Waiver Granted. Paragraph (c)(1) of this section does not apply if:

(i) DOE grants a class waiver for a particular program under 10 CFR part 784;

(ii) The applicant requests and receives an advance patent waiver under 10 CFR part 784; or

(iii) A subaward is covered by a waiver granted under the prime award.

(3) Special Provision. Normally, an award will not include a background patent and data provision. However, under special circumstances, in order to provide heightened assurance of commercialization, a provision providing for a right to require licensing of third parties to background inventions, limited rights data and/or restricted computer software, may be included. Inclusion of a background patent and/or a data provision to assure commercialization will be done only with the written concurrence of the DOE program official setting forth the need for such assurance. An award may include the right to license the Government and third party contractors for special Government purposes when future availability of the technology would also benefit the government, e.g., clean-up of DOE facilities. The scope of any such background patent and/or data licensing provision is subject to negotiation.

(d) Rights in data—general rule. (1) Subject to paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section, and except as otherwise provided by paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section or other law, any award under this subpart must contain the standard clause in appendix A to this subpart, entitled “Rights in Data—General”.

(2) Normally, an award will not require the delivery of limited rights data or restricted computer software. However, if the contracting officer, in consultation with DOE patent counsel and the DOE program official, determines that delivery of limited rights data or restricted computer software is necessary, the contracting officer, after negotiation with the applicant, may insert in the award the standard clause as modified by Alternates I and/or II set forth in appendix A to this subpart.

(3) If software is specified for delivery to DOE, or if other special circumstances exist, e.g., DOE specifying “open-source” treatment of software, then the contracting officer, after negotiation with the recipient, may include in the award special provisions requiring the recipient to obtain written approval of the contracting officer prior to asserting copyright in the software, modifying the retained Government license, and/or otherwise altering the copyright provisions.

(e) Rights in data—programs covered under special protected data statutes. (1) If a statute, other than those providing for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs, provides for a period of time, typically up to five years, during which data produced under an award for research, development, and demonstration may be protected from public disclosure, then the contracting officer must insert in the award the standard clause in appendix A to this subpart entitled “Rights in Data—Programs Covered Under Special Protected Data Statutes” or, as determined in consultation with DOE patent counsel and the DOE program official, a modified version of such clause which may identify data or categories of data that the recipient must make available to the public.

(2) An award under paragraph (e)(1) of this section is subject to the provisions of paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section.

(f) Rights in data—SBIR/STTR programs. (1) If an applicant receives an award under the SBIR or STTR program, then the contracting officer must insert in the award the standard data clause in the General Terms and Conditions for SBIR Grants, entitled “Rights in Data—SBIR Program”.

(2) The data rights provisions for SBIR/STTR grants are contained in the award terms and conditions for SBIR grants located at on the Professionals Homepage under Financial Assistance, Regulations and Guidance.

(g) Authorization and consent. (1) Work performed by a recipient under a grant is not subject to authorization and consent to the use of a patented invention, and the Government assumes no liability for patent infringement by the recipient under 28 U.S.C. 1498.

(2) Work performed by a recipient under a cooperative agreement is subject to authorization and consent to the use of a patented invention consistent with the principles set forth in 48 CFR 27.201-1.

(3) The contracting officer, in consultation with patent counsel, may also include clauses in the cooperative agreement addressing other patent matters related to authorization and consent, such as patent indemnification of the Government by recipient and notice and assistance regarding patent and copyright infringement. The policies and clauses for these other patent matters will be the same or consistent with those in 48 CFR part 927.

Procurement Standards
§ 600.330 - Purpose of procurement standards.

Section 600.331 sets forth requirements necessary to ensure:

(a) Recipients' procurements that use Federal funds comply with applicable Federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders.

(b) Proper stewardship of Federal funds used in recipients' procurements.

§ 600.331 - Requirements.

The following requirements pertain to recipients' procurements funded in whole or in part with Federal funds or with recipients' cost-share or match:

(a) Reasonable cost. Recipients' procurement procedures must use best commercial practices to ensure reasonable cost for procured goods and services. Recipients are encouraged to buy commercial items, if practicable.

(b) Pre-award review of certain procurements. If the contracting officer determines that there is a compelling need to perform a pre-award review of a specific transaction and the terms of the award identify the specific transaction and provide for such a review, then the recipient must obtain the contracting officer's approval prior to awarding the transaction and must provide the contracting officer the following documents to review:

(1) Request for proposals or invitation to bid, if any;

(2) Cost estimate;

(3) Proposal/bid;

(4) Proposed award document; and

(5) Summary of negotiations or justification for award.

(c) Contract provisions. (1) Contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold must contain contractual provisions or conditions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances in which a contractor violates or breaches the contract terms, and provide for such remedial actions as may be appropriate.

(2) All contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold must contain suitable provisions for termination for default by the recipient and for termination due to circumstances beyond the control of the contractor.

(3) All negotiated contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold must include a provision permitting access of DOE, the Inspector General, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor that are directly pertinent to a specific programs, for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, transcriptions, and copies of such documents.

(4) All contracts, including those for amounts less than the simplified acquisition threshold, awarded by recipients and their contractors must contain the procurement provisions of Appendix B to this subpart, as applicable.

(d) Recipient responsibilities. The recipient is the responsible authority, without recourse to DOE, regarding the settlement and satisfaction of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurements entered into in support of an award. This includes disputes, claims, protests of award, source evaluation or other matters of a contractual nature. The recipient should refer matters concerning violations of statutes to such Federal, State or local authority as may have proper jurisdiction.

Reports and Records
§ 600.340 - Purpose of reports and records.

Sections 600.341 and 600.342 prescribe requirements for monitoring and reporting financial and program performance and for records retention.

§ 600.341 - Monitoring and reporting program and financial performance.

(a) The terms and conditions of the award prescribe the reporting requirements, the frequency, and the due dates for reports. At a minimum, requirements must include:

(1) Periodic progress reports (at least annually, but no more frequently than quarterly) addressing both program status and business status, as follows:

(i) The program portions of the reports must address progress toward achieving program performance goals and milestones, including current issues, problems, or developments.

(ii) The business portions of the reports must provide summarized details on the status of resources (Federal funds and non-Federal cost sharing or matching), including an accounting of expenditures for the period covered by the report. The report should compare the resource status with any payment and expenditure schedules or plans provided in the original award, explain any major deviations from those schedules, and discuss actions that will be taken to address the deviations.

(2) A final technical report if the award is for research and development.

(b) If the contracting officer previously authorized advance payments, pursuant to § 600.312(a)(2), he/she should consult with the DOE project director and consider whether program progress reported in the periodic progress report, in relation to reported expenditures, is sufficient to justify continued authorization of advance payments.

§ 600.342 - Retention and access requirements for records.

(a) This section sets forth requirements for records retention and access to records for awards to recipients and subrecipients.

(b) Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to an award must be retained for a period of three years from the date of submission of the final expenditure report. The only exceptions are the following.

(1) If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records must be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.

(2) Records for real property and equipment acquired with Federal funds must be retained for 3 years after final disposition.

(3) If records are transferred to or maintained by DOE, the 3-year retention requirement is not applicable to the recipient.

(4) Indirect cost rate proposals, cost allocation plans, and related records must be retained in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraph (g) of this section.

(c) Copies of original records may be substituted for the original records if authorized by the contracting officer.

(d) The contracting officer may request that recipients transfer certain records to DOE custody if he or she determines that the records possess long term retention value. However, in order to avoid duplicate recordkeeping, a contracting officer may make arrangements for recipients to retain any records that are continuously needed for joint use.

(e) DOE, the Inspector General, Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, have the right of timely and unrestricted access to any books, documents, papers, or other records of recipients that are pertinent to the awards, in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, transcripts and copies of such documents. This right also includes timely and reasonable access to a recipient's personnel for the purpose of interview and discussion related to such documents. The rights of access in this paragraph are not limited to the required retention period, but must last as long as records are retained.

(f) Unless required by statute, DOE must not place restrictions on recipients that limit public access to the records of recipients that are pertinent to an award, except when DOE can demonstrate that such records would be kept confidential and would be exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if the records belonged to DOE.

(g) Indirect cost proposals, cost allocation plans, and other cost accounting documents (such as documents related to computer usage chargeback rates), along with their supporting records, must be retained for a 3-year period, as follows:

(1) If the recipient or the subrecipient is required to submit an indirect-cost proposal, cost allocation plan, or other computation to the cognizant Federal agency for purposes of negotiating an indirect cost rate or other rates, the 3-year retention period starts on the date of the submission.

(2) If the recipient or the subrecipient is not required to submit the documents or supporting records for negotiating an indirect cost rate or other rates, the 3-year retention period for the documents and records starts at the end of the fiscal year (or other accounting period) covered by the proposal, plan, or other computation.

(h) If the information described in this section is maintained on a computer, recipients must retain the computer data on a reliable medium for the time periods prescribed. Recipients may transfer computer data in machine readable form from one reliable computer medium to another. Recipients' computer data retention and transfer procedures must maintain the integrity, reliability, and security of the original computer data. Recipients must also maintain an audit trail describing the data transfer. For the record retention time periods prescribed in this section, recipients must not destroy, discard, delete, or write over such computer data.

Termination and Enforcement
§ 600.350 - Purpose of termination and enforcement.

Sections 600.351 through 600.353 set forth uniform procedures for suspension, termination, enforcement, and disputes.

§ 600.351 - Termination.

(a) Awards may be terminated in whole or in part only in accordance with one of the following:

(1) By the contracting officer, if a recipient materially fails to comply with the terms and conditions of an award.

(2) By the contracting officer with the consent of the recipient, in which case the two parties must agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated.

(3) By the recipient upon sending to the contracting officer written notification setting forth the reasons for such termination, the effective date, and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. The recipient must provide such notice at least 30 calendar days prior to the effective date of the termination. However, if the contracting officer determines in the case of partial termination that the reduced or modified portion of the award will not accomplish the purposes for which the award was made, he or she may terminate the award in its entirety.

(b) If the recipient incurred allowable costs prior to the termination, the responsibilities of the recipient referred to in § 600.361(b), including those related to property, apply to the termination of the award, and provision must be made for continuing responsibilities of the recipient after termination, as appropriate.

§ 600.352 - Enforcement.

(a) Remedies for noncompliance. If a recipient materially fails to comply with the terms and conditions of an award, whether stated in a Federal statute, regulation, assurance, application, or notice of award, the contracting officer may, in addition to imposing any of the special conditions outlined in § 600.304, take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate:

(1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the recipient or more severe enforcement action by the contracting officer.

(2) Disallow (that is, deny both the use of funds and any applicable matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance.

(3) Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current award.

(4) Withhold further awards for the project or program.

(5) Apply other remedies that may be legally available.

(b) Hearings and appeals. In taking an enforcement action, DOE must provide the recipient an opportunity for hearing, appeal, or other administrative proceeding to which the recipient is entitled under any statute or regulation applicable to the action involved.

(c) Effects of suspension and termination. Costs resulting from obligations incurred by the recipient during a suspension or after termination of an award are not allowable, unless the contracting officer expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination or subsequently authorizes such costs. Other recipient costs during suspension or after termination, which are necessary and not reasonably avoidable, are allowable if the costs:

(1) Result from obligations which were properly incurred by the recipient before the effective date of suspension or termination, are not in anticipation of it, and in the case of a termination, are noncancellable; and

(2) Would be allowable if the award expired normally at the end of the funding period.

(d) Relationship to debarment and suspension. The enforcement remedies identified in this section, including suspension and termination, do not preclude a recipient from being subject to debarment and suspension under 10 CFR part 1036.

§ 600.353 - Disputes and appeals.

Consistent with 10 CFR 600.22 and part 1024, recipients have the right to appeal certain decisions by contracting officers.

§ 600.360 - Purpose.

Sections 600.361 through 600.363 contain procedures for closeout and for subsequent disallowances and adjustments.

§ 600.361 - Closeout procedures.

(a) Recipients must submit, within 90 calendar days after the date of completion of the award, all reports required by the terms and conditions of the award. DOE may approve extensions when requested by the recipient.

(b) The following provisions must apply to the closeout:

(1) Unless DOE authorizes an extension, a recipient must liquidate all obligations incurred under the award not later than 90 calendar days after the funding period or the date of completion of the award as specified in the terms and conditions of the award or in agency implementing instructions.

(2) DOE must make prompt, final payments to a recipient for allowable reimbursable costs under the award being closed out.

(3) The recipient must promptly refund any unobligated balances of cash that DOE has advanced or paid and that are not authorized to be retained by the recipient for use in other projects. OMB Circular A-129 governs unreturned amounts that become delinquent debts.

(4) When authorized by the terms and conditions of the award, the contracting officer must make a settlement for any upward or downward adjustments to the Federal share of costs after closeout reports are received.

(5) The recipient must account for any real property and equipment acquired with Federal funds or received from the Federal Government in accordance with §§ 600.321 through 600.325.

(6) If a final audit is required and has not been performed prior to the closeout of an award, DOE retains the right to recover an appropriate amount after fully considering the recommendations on disallowed costs resulting from the final audit.

§ 600.362 - Subsequent adjustments and continuing responsibilities.

(a) The closeout of an award does not affect any of the following:

(1) The right of DOE to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit or other review.

(2) The obligation of the recipient to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions.

(3) Audit requirements in § 600.316.

(4) Property management requirements in §§ 600.321 through 600.325.

(5) Records retention requirements in § 600.342.

(b) After closeout of an award, the continuing responsibilities under an award may be modified or ended in whole or in part with the consent of the contracting officer and the recipient, provided property management requirements are considered and provisions made for the continuing responsibilities of the recipient, as appropriate.

§ 600.363 - Collection of amounts due.

(a) Any funds paid to a recipient in excess of the amount to which the recipient is finally determined to be entitled under the terms and conditions of the award constitute a debt to the Federal Government. If not paid within 30 days after the demand for payment, DOE may reduce the debt in accordance with the procedures and techniques described in 10 CFR part 1015 and OMB Circular A-129, including:

(1) Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursements.

(2) Withholding advance payments otherwise due to the recipient.

(3) Taking other action permitted by statute or regulation.

(b) Except as otherwise provided by law, DOE may charge interest and administrative fees on an overdue debt in accordance with 31 CFR Chapter IX, parts 900-904, “Federal Claims Collection Standards.”

§ 600.380 - Purpose.

The purpose of “Additional Provisions” is to provide alternative requirements for recipients otherwise covered by this subpart D, when they are performing under Small Business Innovation Research grants.

§ 600.381 - Special provisions for Small Business Innovation Research Grants.

(a) General. This section contains provisions applicable to the Small Business Innovation Reserach (SBIR) Program.

(b) Provisions Applicable to Phase I SBIR Awards: Phase I SBIR awards may be made on a fixed obligation basis, subject to the following requirements.

(1) While proposed costs must be analyzed in detail to ensure consistency with applicable cost principles, incurred costs are not subject to review under the standards of cost allowability.

(2) Although detailed budgets are submitted by a recipient and reviewed by DOE for purposes of establishing the amount to be awarded, budget categories are not stipulated in making an award;

(3) Prior approval from the DOE for rebudgeting among categories by the recipient is not required. Prior approval from DOE is required for any variation from the requirement that no more than one-third of Phase I work can be done by subcontractors or consortium partners;

(4) Pre-award expenditure approval is not required;

(5) Payments are to be made in the same manner as other financial assistance (see § 600.312), except that, when determined appropriate by the cognizant program official and contracting officer, a lump sum payment may be made. If a lump sum payment is made, the award must contain a condition that requires the recipient to return to DOE amounts remaining unexpended at the end of the project if those amounts exceed $500;

(6) Recipients will certify in writing to the Contracting Officer at the end of the project that the activity was completed or the level of effort was expended. Should the activity or effort not be carried out, the recipeint would be expected to make appropriate reimbursements;

(7) Requirements for periodic reports may be established for each award so long as they are consistent with § 600.341;

(8) Changes in principal investigator or project leader, scope of effort, or institution, require the prior approval of DOE.

(c) Provision Applicable to Phase II SBIR Awards. Phase II SBIR awards may be made for a single budget period of 24 months.

(d) Provisions Applicable to Phase I and Phase II SBIR Awards. (1) The prior approval of the cognizant DOE Contracting Officer is required before the final budget period of the project period may be extended without additional funds.

(2) A fee or profit may be paid to SBIR recipients.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 600—Patent and Data Provisions
1. Patent Rights (Small Business Firms and Nonprofit Organizations) 2. Patent Rights (Large Business Firms)—No Waiver 3. Rights in Data—General 4. Rights in Data—Programs Covered Under Special Protected Data Statutes Patent Rights (Small Business Firms and Nonprofit Organizations) (a) Definitions

Invention means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable or otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code, or any novel variety of plant which is or may be protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.).

Made when used in relation to any invention means the conception or first actual reduction to practice of such invention.

Nonprofit organization means a university or other institution of higher education or an organization of the type described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 501(c)) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(a)) or any nonprofit scientific or educational organization qualified under a State nonprofit organization statute.

Practical application means to manufacture in the case of a composition or product, to practice in the case of a process or method, or to operate in the case of a machine or system; and, in each case, under such conditions as to establish that the invention is being utilized and that its benefits are to the extent permitted by law or Government regulations available to the public on reasonable terms.

Small business firm means a small business concern as defined at section 2 of Public Law 85-536 (16 U.S.C. 632) and implementing regulations of the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. For the purpose of this clause, the size standards for small business concerns involved in Government procurement and subcontracting at 13 CFR 121.3 through 121.8 and 13 CFR 121.3 through 121.12, respectively, will be used.

Subject invention means any invention of the Recipient conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of work under this award, provided that in the case of a variety of plant, the date of determination (as defined in section 41(d) of the Plant Variety Protection Act, 7 U.S.C. 2401(d) must also occur during the period of award performance.

(b) Allocation of Principal Rights

The Recipient may retain the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world to each subject invention subject to the provisions of this Patent Rights clause and 35 U.S.C. 203. With respect to any subject invention in which the Recipient retains title, the Federal Government shall have a non-exclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced for or on behalf of the U.S. the subject invention throughout the world.

(c) Invention Disclosure, Election of Title and Filing of Patent Applications by Recipient

(1) The Recipient will disclose each subject invention to DOE within two months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Recipient personnel responsible for the administration of patent matters. The disclosure to DOE shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the award under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding to the extent known at the time of disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and the physical, chemical, biological or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to DOE, the Recipient will promptly notify DOE of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Recipient.

(2) The Recipient will elect in writing whether or not to retain title to any such invention by notifying DOE within two years of disclosure to DOE. However, in any case where publication, on sale, or public use has initiated the one-year statutory period wherein valid patent protection can still be obtained in the U.S., the period for election of title may be shortened by the agency to a date that is no more than 60 days prior to the end of the statutory period.

(3) The Recipient will file its initial patent application on an invention to which it elects to retain title within one year after election of title or, if earlier, prior to the end of any statutory period wherein valid patent protection can be obtained in the U.S. after a publication, on sale, or public use. The Recipient will file patent applications in additional countries or international patent offices within either ten months of the corresponding initial patent application, or six months from the date when permission is granted by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks to file foreign patent applications when such filing has been prohibited by a Secrecy Order.

(4) Requests for extension of the time for disclosure to DOE, election, and filing under subparagraphs (c)(1), (2), and (3) of this clause may, at the discretion of DOE, be granted.

(d) Conditions When the Government May Obtain Title

The Recipient will convey to DOE, upon written request, title to any subject invention:

(1) If the Recipient fails to disclose or elect the subject invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this patent rights clause, or elects not to retain title; provided that DOE may only request title within 60 days after learning of the failure of the Recipient to disclose or elect within the specified times;

(2) In those countries in which the Recipient fails to file patent applications within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this Patent Rights clause; provided, however, that if the Recipient has filed a patent application in a country after the times specified in paragraph (c) of this Patent Rights clause, but prior to its receipt of the written request of DOE, the Recipient shall continue to retain title in that country; or

(3) In any country in which the Recipient decides not to continue the prosecution of any application for, to pay the maintenance fees on, or defend in a reexamination or opposition proceeding on, a patent on a subject invention.

(e) Minimum Rights to Recipient and Protection of the Recipient Right To File

(1) The Recipient will retain a non-exclusive royalty-free license throughout the world in each subject invention to which the Government obtains title, except if the Recipient fails to disclose the subject invention within the times specified in paragraph (c) of this Patent Rights clause. The Recipient's license extends to its domestic subsidiaries and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Recipient is a party and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope of the extent the Recipient was legally obligated to do so at the time the award was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of DOE except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Recipient's business to which the invention pertains.

(2) The Recipient's domestic license may be revoked or modified by DOE to the extent necessary to achieve expeditious practical application of the subject invention pursuant to an application for an exclusive license submitted in accordance with applicable provisions at 37 CFR part 404 and the agency's licensing regulation, if any. This license will not be revoked in that field of use or the geographical areas in which the Recipient has achieved practical application and continues to make the benefits of the invention reasonably accessible to the public. The license in any foreign country may be revoked or modified at discretion of the funding Federal agency to the extent the Recipient, its licensees, or its domestic subsidiaries or affiliates have failed to achieve practical application in that foreign country.

(3) Before revocation or modification of the license, the funding Federal agency will furnish the Recipient a written notice of its intention to revoke or modify the license, and the Recipient will be allowed thirty days (or such other time as may be authorized by DOE for good cause shown by the Recipient) after the notice to show cause why the license should not be revoked or modified. The Recipient has the right to appeal, in accordance with applicable regulations in 37 CFR part 404 and the agency's licensing regulations, if any, concerning the licensing of Government-owned inventions, any decision concerning the revocation or modification of its license.

(f) Recipient Action To Protect Government's Interest

(1) The Recipient agrees to execute or to have executed and promptly deliver to DOE all instruments necessary to:

(i) Establish or confirm the rights the Government has throughout the world in those subject inventions for which the Recipient retains title; and

(ii) Convey title to DOE when requested under paragraph (d) of this Patent Rights clause, and to enable the government to obtain patent protection throughout the world in that subject invention.

(2) The Recipient agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and non-technical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Recipient each subject invention made under this award in order that the Recipient can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c) of this Patent Rights clause, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. The disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information requested by paragraph (c)(1) of this Patent Rights clause. The Recipient shall instruct such employees through the employee agreements or other suitable educational programs on the importance of reporting inventions in sufficient time to permit the filing of patent applications prior to U.S. or foreign statutory bars.

(3) The Recipient will notify DOE of any decision not to continue prosecution of a patent application, pay maintenance fees, or defend in a reexamination or opposition proceeding on a patent, in any country, not less than 30 days before the expiration of the response period required by the relevant patent office.

(4) The Recipient agrees to include, within the specification of any U.S. patent application and any patent issuing thereon covering a subject invention, the following statement: “This invention was made with Government support under (identify the award) awarded by (identify DOE). The Government has certain rights in this invention.”

(g) Subaward/Contract

(1) The Recipient will include this Patent Rights clause, suitably modified to identify the parties, in all subawards/contracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental or research work to be performed by a small business firm or nonprofit organization. The subrecipient/contractor will retain all rights provided for the Recipient in this Patent Rights clause, and the Recipient will not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subcontract, obtain rights in the subcontractors' subject inventions.

(2) The Recipient will include in all other subawards/contracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental or research work, the patent rights clause required by 10 CFR 600.325(c).

(3) In the case of subawards/contracts at any tier, DOE, the Recipient, and the subrecipient/contractor agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subrecipient/contractor and DOE with respect to those matters covered by the clause.

(h) Reporting on Utilization of Subject Inventions

The Recipient agrees to submit on request periodic reports no more frequently than annually on the utilization of a subject invention or on efforts at obtaining such utilization that are being made by the Recipient or its licensees or assignees. Such reports shall include information regarding the status of development, date of first commercial sale or use, gross royalties received by the Recipient and such other data and information as DOE may reasonably specify. The Recipient also agrees to provide additional reports in connection with any march-in proceeding undertaken by DOE in accordance with paragraph (j) of this Patent Rights clause. As required by 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(5), DOE agrees it will not disclose such information to persons outside the Government without the permission of the Recipient.

(i) Preference for United States Industry.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Patent Rights clause, the Recipient agrees that neither it nor any assignee will grant to any person the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the U.S. unless such person agrees that any products embodying the subject invention or produced through the use of the subject invention will be manufactured substantially in the U.S. However, in individual cases, the requirement for such an agreement may be waived by DOE upon a showing by the Recipient or its assignee that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would be likely to manufacture substantially in the U.S. or that under the circumstances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible.

(j) March-in-Rights

The Recipient agrees that with respect to any subject invention in which it has acquired title, DOE has the right in accordance with procedures at 37 CFR 401.6 and any supplemental regulations of the Agency to require the Recipient, an assignee or exclusive licensee of a subject invention to grant a non-exclusive, partially exclusive, or exclusive license in any field of use to a responsible applicant or applicants, upon terms that are reasonable under the circumstances and if the Recipient, assignee, or exclusive licensee refuses such a request, DOE has the right to grant such a license itself if DOE determines that:

(1) Such action is necessary because the Recipient or assignee has not taken or is not expected to take within a reasonable time, effective steps to achieve practical application of the subject invention in such field of use;

(2) Such action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs which are not reasonably satisfied by the Recipient, assignee, or their licensees;

(3) Such action is necessary to meet requirements for public use specified by Federal regulations and such requirements are not reasonably satisfied by the Recipient, assignee, or licensee; or

(4) Such action is necessary because the agreement required by paragraph (i) of this Patent Rights clause has not been obtained or waived or because a licensee of the exclusive right to use or sell any subject invention in the U.S. is in breach of such agreement.

(k) Special Provisions for Awards With Nonprofit Organizations

If the Recipient is a nonprofit organization, it agrees that:

(1) Rights to a subject invention in the U.S. may not be assigned without the approval of DOE, except where such assignment is made to an organization which has as one of its primary functions the management of inventions, provided that such assignee will be subject to the same provisions as the Recipient;

(2) The Recipient will share royalties collected on a subject invention with the inventor, including Federal employee co-inventors (when DOE deems it appropriate) when the subject invention is assigned in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 202(e) and 37 CFR 401.10;

(3) The balance of any royalties or income earned by the Recipient with respect to subject inventions, after payment of expenses (including payments to inventors) incidental to the administration of subject inventions, will be utilized for the support of scientific or engineering research or education; and

(4) It will make efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to attract licensees of subject inventions that are small business firms and that it will give preference to a small business firm if the Recipient determines that the small business firm has a plan or proposal for marketing the invention which, if executed, is equally likely to bring the invention to practical application as any plans or proposals from applicants that are not small business firms; provided that the Recipient is also satisfied that the small business firm has the capability and resources to carry out its plan or proposal. The decision whether to give a preference in any specific case will be at the discretion of the Recipient. However, the Recipient agrees that the Secretary of Commerce may review the Recipient's licensing program and decisions regarding small business applicants, and the Recipient will negotiate changes to its licensing policies, procedures or practices with the Secretary when the Secretary's review discloses that the Recipient could take reasonable steps to implement more effectively the requirements of this paragraph (k)(4).

(l) Communications

All communications required by this Patent Rights clause should be sent to the DOE Patent Counsel address listed in the Award Document.

(m) Electronic Filing

Unless otherwise Specified in the award, the information identified in paragraphs (f)(2) and (f)(3) may be electronically filed.

(End of clause) Patent Rights (Large Business Firms)—No Waiver (a) Definitions

DOE patent waiver regulations, as used in this clause, means the Department of Energy patent waiver regulations in effect on the date of award. See 10 CFR part 784.

Invention, as used in this clause, means any invention or discovery which is or may be patentable of otherwise protectable under title 35 of the United States Code or any novel variety of plant that is or may be protectable under the Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321, et seq.).

Patent Counsel, as used in this clause, means the Department of Energy Patent Counsel assisting the awarding activity.

Subject invention, as used in this clause, means any invention of the Recipient conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this agreement.

(b) Allocations of Principal Rights

(1) Assignment to the Government. The Recipient agrees to assign to the Government the entire right, title, and interest throughout the world in and to each subject invention, except to the extent that rights are retained by the Recipient under subparagraph (b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this clause.

(2) Greater rights determinations. The Recipient, or an employee-inventor after consultation with the Recipient, may request greater rights than the nonexclusive license and the foreign patent rights provided in paragraph (d) of this clause on identified inventions in accordance with the DOE patent waiver regulation. Each determination of greater rights under this agreement shall be subject to paragraph (c) of this clause, unless otherwise provided in the greater rights determination, and to the reservations and conditions deemed to be appropriate by the Secretary of Energy or designee.

(c) Minimum Rights Acquired by the Government

With respect to each subject invention to which the Department of Energy grants the Recipient principal or exclusive rights, the Recipient agrees to grant to the Government: A nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or have practiced each subject invention throughout the world by or on behalf of the Government of the United States (including any Government agency); “march-in rights” as set forth in 37 CFR 401.14(a)(J)); preference for U.S. industry as set forth in 37 CFR 401.14(a)(I); periodic reports upon request, no more frequently than annually, on the utilization or intent of utilization of a subject invention in a manner consistent with 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(50; and such Government rights in any instrument transferring rights in a subject invention.

(d) Minimum Rights to the Recipient

(1) The Recipient is hereby granted a revocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free license in each patent application filed in any country on a subject invention and any resulting patent in which the Government obtains title, unless the Recipient fails to disclose the subject invention within the times specified in subparagraph (e)(2) of this clause. The Recipient's license extends to its domestic subsidiaries and affiliates, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Recipient is a part and includes the right to grant sublicenses of the same scope to the extent the Recipient was legally obligated to do so at the time the agreement was awarded. The license is transferable only with the approval of DOE except when transferred to the successor of that part of the Recipient's business to which the invention pertains.

(2) The Recipient may request the right to acquire patent rights to a subject invention in any foreign country where the Government has elected not to secure such rights, subject to the minimum rights acquired by the Government similar to paragraph (c) of this clause. Such request must be made in writhing to the Patent Counsel as part of the disclosure required by subparagraph (e)(2) of this clause, with a copy to the DOE Contracting Officer. DOE approval, if given, will be based on a determination that this would best serve the national interest.

(e) Invention Identification, Disclosures, and Reports

(1) The Recipient shall establish and maintain active and effective procedures to assure that subject inventions are promptly identified and disclosed to Recipient personnel responsible for patent matters within 6 months of conception and/or first actual reduction to practice, whichever occurs first in the performance of work under this agreement. These procedures shall include the maintenance of laboratory notebooks or equivalent records and other records as are reasonably necessary to document the conception and/or the first actual reduction to practice of subject inventions, and records that show that the procedures for identifying and disclosing the inventions are followed. Upon request, the Recipient shall furnish the Contracting Officer a description of such procedures for evaluation and for determination as to their effectiveness.

(2) The Recipient shall disclose each subject invention to the DOE Patent Counsel with a copy to the Contracting Officer within 2 months after the inventor discloses it in writing to Recipient personnel responsible for patent matters or, if earlier, within 6 months after the Recipient becomes aware that a subject invention has been made, but in any event before any on sale, public use, or publication of such invention known to the Recipient. The disclosure to DOE shall be in the form of a written report and shall identify the agreement under which the invention was made and the inventor(s). It shall be sufficiently complete in technical detail to convey a clear understanding, to the extent known at the time of the disclosure, of the nature, purpose, operation, and physical, chemical, biological, or electrical characteristics of the invention. The disclosure shall also identify any publication, on sale, or public use of the invention and whether a manuscript describing the invention has been submitted for publication and, if so, whether it has been accepted for publication at the time of disclosure. In addition, after disclosure to DOE, the Recipient shall promptly notify Patent Counsel of the acceptance of any manuscript describing the invention for publication or of any on sale or public use planned by the Recipient. The report should also include any request for a greater rights determination in accordance with subparagraph (b)(2) of this clause. When an invention is disclosed to DOE under this paragraph, it shall be deemed to have been made in the manner specified in Sections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of 42 U.S.C. 5908,unless.

(3) The Recipient shall furnish the Contracting Officer a final report, within 3 months after completion of the work listing all subject inventions or containing a statement that there were no such inventions, and listing all subawards/contracts at any tier containing a patent rights clause or containing a statement that there were no such subawards/contracts.

(4) The Recipient agrees to require, by written agreement, its employees, other than clerical and nontechnical employees, to disclose promptly in writing to personnel identified as responsible for the administration of patent matters and in a format suggested by the Recipient each subject invention made under subaward/contract in order that the Recipient can comply with the disclosure provisions of paragraph (c) of this clause, and to execute all papers necessary to file patent applications on subject inventions and to establish the Government's rights in the subject inventions. This disclosure format should require, as a minimum, the information required by subparagraph (e)(2) of this clause.

(5) The Recipient agrees, subject to FAR 27.302(j), that the Government may duplicate and disclose subject invention disclosures and all other reports and papers furnished or required to be furnished pursuant to this clause.

(f) Examination of Records Relating to Inventions

(1) The Contracting Officer or any authorized representative shall, until 3 years after final payment under this agreement, have the right to examine any books (including laboratory notebooks), records, and documents of the Recipient relating to the conception or first actual reduction to practice of inventions in the same field of technology as the work under this agreement to determine whether—

(i) Any such inventions are subject inventions;

(ii) The Recipient has established and maintains the procedures required by subparagraphs (e)(1) and (4) of this clause;

(iii) The Recipient and its inventors have complied with the procedures.

(2) If the Contracting Officer learns of an unreported Recipient invention which the Contracting Officer believes may be a subject invention, the Recipient may be required to disclose the invention to DOE for a determination of ownership rights.

(3) Any examination of records under this paragraph will be subject to appropriate conditions to protect the confidentiality of the information involved.

(g) Subaward/Contract

(1) The recipient shall include the clause PATENT RIGHTS (SMALL BUSINESS FIRMS AND NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS) (suitably modified to identify the parties) in all subawards/contracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, demonstration, or research work to be performed by a small business firm or domestic nonprofit organization, except where the work of the subaward/contract is subject to an Exceptional Circumstances Determination by DOE. In all other subawards/contracts, regardless of tier, for experimental, developmental, demonstration, or research work, the Recipient shall include this clause (suitably modified to identify the parties), or an alternate clause as directed by the contracting officer. The Recipient shall not, as part of the consideration for awarding the subaward/contract, obtain rights in the subrecipient's/contractor's subject inventions.

(2) In the event of a refusal by a prospective subrecipient/contractor to accept such a clause the Recipient:

(i) Shall promptly submit a written notice to the Contracting Officer setting forth the subrecipient/contractor's reasons for such refusal and other pertinent information that may expedite disposition of the matter; and

(ii) Shall not proceed with such subaward/contract without the written authorization of the Contracting Officer.

(3) In the case of subawards/contracts at any tier, DOE, the subrecipient/contractor, and Recipient agree that the mutual obligations of the parties created by this clause constitute a contract between the subrecipient/contractor and DOE with respect to those matters covered by this clause.

(4) The Recipient shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer in writing upon the award of any subaward/contract at any tier containing a patent rights clause by identifying the subrecipient/contractor, the applicable patent rights clause, the work to be performed under the subaward/contract, and the dates of award and estimated completion. Upon request of the Contracting Officer, the Recipient shall furnish a copy of such subaward/contract, and, no more frequently than annually, a listing of the subawards/contracts that have been awarded.

(5) The Recipient shall identify all subject inventions of a subrecipient/contractor of which it acquires knowledge in the performance of this agreement and shall notify the Patent Counsel, with a copy to the contracting officer, promptly upon identification of the inventions.

(h) Atomic Energy

(1) No claim for pecuniary award of compensation under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, shall be asserted with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of or under this agreement.

(2) Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Recipient will obtain patent agreements to effectuate the provisions of subparagraph (h)(1) of this clause from all persons who perform any part of the work under this agreement, except nontechnical personnel, such as clerical employees and manual laborers.

(i) Publication

It is recognized that during the course of the work under this agreement, the Recipient or its employees may from time to time desire to release or publish information regarding scientific or technical developments conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this agreement. In order that public disclosure of such information will not adversely affect the patent interests of DOE or the Recipient, patent approval for release of publication shall be secured from Patent Counsel prior to any such release or publication.

(j) Forfeiture of Rights in Unreported Subject Inventions

(1) The Recipient shall forfeit and assign to the Government, at the request of the Secretary of Energy or designee, all rights in any subject invention which the Recipient fails to report to Patent Counsel within six months after the time the Recipient:

(i) Files or causes to be filed a United States or foreign patent application thereon; or

(ii) Submits the final report required by subparagraph (e)(3) of this clause, whichever is later.

(2) However, the Recipient shall not forfeit rights in a subject invention if, within the time specified in subparagraph (e)(2) of this clause, the Recipient:

(i) Prepares a written decision based upon a review of the record that the invention was neither conceived nor first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under the agreement and delivers the decision to Patent Counsel, with a copy to the Contracting Officer, or

(ii) Contending that the invention is not a subject invention, the Recipient nevertheless discloses the invention and all facts pertinent to this contention to the Patent Counsel, with a copy of the Contracting Officer; or

(iii) Establishes that the failure to disclose did not result from the Recipient's fault or negligence.

(3) Pending written assignment of the patent application and patents on a subject invention determined by the Secretary of Energy or designee to be forfeited (such determination to be a final decision under the Disputes clause of this agreement), the Recipient shall be deemed to hold the invention and the patent applications and patents pertaining thereto in trust for the Government. The forfeiture provision of this paragraph (j) shall be in addition to and shall not supersede other rights and remedies which the Government may have with respect to subject inventions.

(End of clause) Rights in Data—General (a) Definitions

Computer Data Bases, as used in this clause, means a collection of data in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. The term does not include computer software.

Computer software, as used in this clause, means (i) computer programs which are data comprising a series of instructions, rules, routines or statements, regardless of the media in which recorded, that allow or cause a computer to perform a specific operation or series of operations and (ii) data comprising source code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulae, and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created or compiled. The term does not include computer data bases.

Data, as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.

Form, fit, and function data, as used in this clause, means data relating to items, components, or processes that are sufficient to enable physical and functional interchangeability, as well as data identifying source, size, configuration, mating, and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics, and performance requirements; except that for computer software it means data identifying source, functional characteristics, and performance requirements but specifically excludes the source code, algorithm, process, formulae, and flow charts of the software.

Limited rights, as used in this clause, means the rights of the Government in limited rights data as set forth in the Limited Rights Notice of subparagraph (g)(2) if included in this clause.

Limited rights data, as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged.

Restricted computer software, as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or financial and is confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted computer software; including minor modifications of such computer software.

Restricted rights, as used in this clause, means the rights of the Government in restricted computer software, as set forth in a Restricted Rights Notice of subparagraph (g)(3) if included in this clause, or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated in and made part of this contract, including minor modifications of such computer software.

Technical data, as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) which are of a scientific or technical nature. Technical data does not include computer software, but does include manuals and instructional materials and technical data formatted as a computer data base.

Unlimited rights, as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so.

(b) Allocations of Rights

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause regarding copyright, the Government shall have unlimited rights in—

(i) Data first produced in the performance of this agreement;

(ii) Form, fit, and function data delivered under this agreement;

(iii) Data delivered under this agreement (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or instructional and training material for installation, operation, or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes delivered or furnished for use under this agreement; and

(iv) All other data delivered under this agreement unless provided otherwise for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph (g) of this clause.

(2) The Recipient shall have the right to—

(i) Use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Recipient in the performance of this agreement, unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause;

(ii) Protect from unauthorized disclosure and use those data which are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph (g) of this clause;

(iii) Substantiate use of, add or correct limited rights, restricted rights, or copyright notices and to take over appropriate action, in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause; and

(iv) Establish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this agreement to the extent provided in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(c) Copyright

(1) Data first produced in the performance of this agreement. Unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause, the Recipient may establish, without prior approval of the Contracting Officer, claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this agreement. When claim to copyright is made, the Recipient shall affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgement of Government sponsorship (including agreement number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For such copyrighted data, including computer software, the Recipient grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in such copyrighted data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.

(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this agreement. The Recipient shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this agreement any data not first produced in the performance of this agreement and which contains the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Recipient identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause; provided, however, that if such data are computer software the Government shall acquire a copyright license as set forth in subparagraph (g)(3) of this clause if included in this agreement or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated in or made part of this agreement.

(3) Removal of copyright notices. The Government agrees not to remove any copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph (c), and to include such notices on all reproductions of the data.

(d) Release, Publication and Use of Data

(1) The Recipient shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Recipient in the performance of this agreement, except to the extent such data may be subject to the Federal export control or national security laws or regulations, or unless otherwise provided in this paragraph of this clause or expressly set forth in this agreement.

(2) The Recipient agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this award, which contain restrictive markings, the Recipient shall treat the data in accordance with such markings unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the contracting officer.

(e) Unauthorized Marking of Data

(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement concerning inspection or acceptance, if any data delivered under this agreement are marked with the notices specified in subparagraph (g)(2) or (g)(3) of this clause and use of such is not authorized by this clause, or if such data bears any other restrictive or limiting markings not authorized by this agreement, the Contracting Officer may at any time either return the data to the Recipient or cancel or ignore the markings. However, the following procedures shall apply prior to canceling or ignoring the markings.

(i) The Contracting Officer shall make written inquiry to the Recipient affording the Recipient 30 days from receipt of the inquiry to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings;

(ii) If the Recipient fails to respond or fails to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the 30-day period (or a longer time not exceeding 90 days approved in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown), the Government shall have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time after said period and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions.

(iii) If the Recipient provides written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the period set in subparagraph (e)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall consider such written justification and determine whether or not the markings are to be cancelled or ignored. If the Contracting Officer determines that the markings are authorized, the Recipient shall be so notified in writing. If the Contracting Officer determines, with concurrence of the head of the contracting activity, that the markings are not authorized, the Contracting Officer shall furnish the Recipient a written determination, which determination shall become the final agency decision regarding the appropriateness of the markings unless the Recipient files suit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 90 days of receipt of the Contracting Officer's decision. The Government shall continue to abide by the markings under this subparagraph (e)(1)(iii) until final resolution of the matter either by the Contracting Officer's determination becoming final (in which instance the Government shall thereafter have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions), or by final disposition of the matter by court decision if suit is filed.

(2) The time limits in the procedures set forth in subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause may be modified in accordance with agency regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if necessary to respond to a request thereunder.

(f) Omitted or Incorrect Markings

(1) Data delivered to the Government without either the limited rights or restricted rights notice as authorized by paragraph (g) of this clause, or the copyright notice required by paragraph (c) of this clause, shall be deemed to have been furnished with unlimited rights, and the Government assumes no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data. However, to the extent the data has not been disclosed without restriction outside the Government, the Recipient may request, within 6 months (or a longer time approved by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown) after delivery or such data, permission to have notices placed on qualifying data at the Recipient's expense, and the Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Recipient:

(i) Identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied;

(ii) Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent;

(iii) Establishes that the use of the proposed notice is authorized; and

(iv) Acknowledges that the Government has no liability with respect to the disclosure, use, or reproduction of any such data made prior to the addition of the notice or resulting from the omission of the notice.

(2) The Contracting Officer may also:

(i) Permit correction at the Recipient's expense of incorrect notices if the Recipient identifies the data on which correction of the notice is to be made, and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized, or

(ii) Correct any incorrect notices.

(g) Protection of Limited Rights Data and Restricted Computer Software

When data other than that listed in subparagraphs (b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause are specified to be delivered under this agreement and qualify as either limited rights data or restricted computer software, if the Recipient desires to continue protection of such data, the Recipient shall withhold such data and not furnish them to the Government under this agreement. As a condition to this withholding, the Recipient shall identify the data being withheld and furnish form, fit, and function data in lieu thereof. Limited rights data that are formatted as a computer data base for delivery to the Government are to be treated as limited rights data and not restricted computer software.

(h) Subaward/Contract

The Recipient has the responsibility to obtain from its subrecipients/contractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfill the Recipient's obligations to the Government under this agreement. If a subrecipient/contractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government such rights, the Recipient shall promptly bring such refusal to the attention of the Contracting Officer and not proceed with the subaward/contract award without further authorization.

(i) Additional Data Requirements

In addition to the data specified elsewhere in this agreement to be delivered, the Contracting Officer may, at anytime during agreement performance or within a period of 3 years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this agreement, order any data first produced or specifically used in the performance of this agreement. This clause is applicable to all data ordered under this subparagraph. Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall require the Recipient to deliver any data the withholding of which is authorized by this clause, or data which are specifically identified in this agreement as not subject to this clause. When data are to be delivered under this subparagraph, the Recipient will be compensated for converting the data into the prescribed form, for reproduction, and for delivery.

(j) The recipient agrees, except as may be otherwise specified in this award for specific data items listed as not subject to this paragraph, that the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative may, up to three years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this award, inspect at the Recipient's facility any data withheld pursuant to paragraph (g) of this clause, for purposes of verifying the Recipient's assertion pertaining to the limited rights or restricted rights status of the data or for evaluating work performance. Where the Recipient whose data are to be inspected demonstrates to the Contracting Officer that there would be a possible conflict of interest if the inspection were made by a particular representative, the Contracting Officer shall designate an alternate inspector.

As prescribed in 600.325(d)(1), the following Alternate I and/or II may be inserted in the clause in the award instrument.

Alternate I:

(g)(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (g)(1) of this clause, the agreement may identify and specify the delivery of limited rights data, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of limited rights data that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such data is so required, the Recipient may affix the following “Limited Rights Notice” to the data and the Government will thereafter treat the data, in accordance with such Notice:


(a) These data are submitted with limited rights under Government agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract No. ________, if appropriate). These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not, without written permission of the Recipient, be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government; except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any, provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure:

(1) Use (except for manufacture) by Federal support services contractors within the scope of their contracts;

(2) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed for evaluation purposes under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed;

(3) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed to other contractors participating in the Government's program of which this Recipient is a part for information or use (except for manufacture) in connection with the work performed under their awards and under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed;

(4) This “limited rights data” may be used by the Government or others on its behalf for emergency repair or overhaul work under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; and

(5) Release to a foreign government, or instrumentality thereof, as the interests of the United States Government may require, for information or evaluation, or for emergency repair or overhaul work by such government. This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this data in whole or in part.

(b) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part.

(End of notice) Alternate II:

(g)(3)(i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (g)(1) of this clause, the agreement may identify and specify the delivery of restricted computer software, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of restricted computer software that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such computer software is so required, the Recipient may affix the following “Restricted Rights Notice” to the computer software and the Government will thereafter treat the computer software, subject to paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause, in accordance with the Notice.


(a) This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract ________, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the agreement.

(b) This computer software may be—

(1) Used or copies for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or computers may be transferred;

(2) Used or copied for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative;

(3) Reproduced for safekeeping (archiv3es) or backup purposes;

(4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software are made subject to the same restricted rights;

(5) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Recipients in accordance with subparagraph (b)(1) through (4) of this clause, provided the Government makes such disclosure or reproduction subject to these restricted rights; and

(6) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is published copyrighted computer software, it is licensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this clause.

(d) Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated, in, or incorporated in, the agreement.

(e) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

(ii) Where it is impractical to include the Restricted Rights Notice on restricted computer software, the following short-form Notice may be used in lieu thereof:


Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract ________, If appropriate) with ________ (name of Recipient and subrecipient/contractor).

(End of notice)

(iii) If restricted computer software is delivered with the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401,it,with,unless.”

(End of clause) Rights in Data—Programs Covered Under Special Data Statutes (a) Definitions

Computer Data Bases, as used in this clause, means a collection of data in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. The term does not include computer software.

Computer software, as used in this clause, means (i) computer programs which are data comprising a series of instructions, rules, routines, or statements, regardless of the media in which recorded, that allow or cause a computer to perform a specific operation or series of operations and (ii) data comprising source code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulae and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created or compiled. The term does not include computer data bases.

Data, as used in this clause, means recorded information, regardless of form or the media on which it may be recorded. The term includes technical data and computer software. The term does not include information incidental to administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing or management information.

Form, fit, and function data, as used in this clause, means data relating to items, components, or processes that are sufficient to enable physical and functional interchangeability as well as data identifying source, size, configuration, mating and attachment characteristics, functional characteristics, and performance requirements except that for computer software it means data identifying source, functional characteristics, and performance requirements but specifically excludes the source code, algorithm, process, formulae, and flow charts of the software.

Limited rights data, as used in this clause, means data (other than computer software) developed at private expense that embody trade secrets or are commercial or financial and confidential or privileged.

Restricted computer software, as used in this clause, means computer software developed at private expense and that is a trade secret; is commercial or financial and confidential or privileged; or is published copyrighted computer software; including modifications of such computer software.

Protected data, as used in this clause, means technical data or commercial or financial data first produced in the performance of the award which, if it had been obtained from and first produced by a non-federal party, would be a trade secret or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential under the meaning of 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) and which data is marked as being protected data by a party to the award.

Protected rights, as used in this clause, mean the rights in protected data set forth in the Protected Rights Notice of paragraph (g) of this clause.

Technical data, as used in this clause, means that data which are of a scientific or technical nature. Technical data does not include computer software, but does include manuals and instructional materials and technical data formatted as a computer data base.

Unlimited rights, as used in this clause, means the right of the Government to use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others to do so.

(b) Allocation of Rights

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause regarding copyright, the Government shall have unlimited rights in—

(i) Data specifically identified in this agreement as data to be delivered without restriction;

(ii) Form, fit, and function data delivered under this agreement;

(iii) Data delivered under this agreement (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or instructional and training material for installation, operation, or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes delivered or furnished for use under this agreement; and

(iv) All other data delivered under this agreement unless provided otherwise for protected data in accordance with paragraph (g) of this clause or for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph (h) of this clause.

(2) The Recipient shall have the right to—

(i) Protect rights in protected data delivered under this agreement in the manner and to the extent provided in paragraph (g) of this clause;

(ii) Withhold from delivery those data which are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph (h) of this clause;

(iii) Substantiate use of, add, or correct protected rights or copyrights notices and to take other appropriate action, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this clause; and

(iv) Establish claim to copyright subsisting in data first produced in the performance of this agreement to the extent provided in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause.

(c) Copyright

(1) Data first produced in the performance of this agreement. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this agreement, the Recipient may establish, without the prior approval of the Contracting Officer, claim to copyright subsisting in any data first produced in the performance of this agreement. If claim to copyright is made, the Recipient shall affix the applicable copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402 and acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including agreement number) to the data when such data are delivered to the Government, as well as when the data are published or deposited for registration as a published work in the U.S. Copyright Office. For such copyrighted data, including computer software, the Recipient grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government, for all such data.

(2) Data not first produced in the performance of this agreement. The Recipient shall not, without prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this agreement any data that are not first produced in the performance of this agreement and that contain the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, unless the Recipient identifies such data and grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of this clause; provided, however, that if such data are computer software, the Government shall acquire a copyright license as set forth in subparagraph (h)(3) of this clause if included in this agreement or as otherwise may be provided in a collateral agreement incorporated or made a part of this agreement.

(3) Removal of copyright notices. The Government agrees not to remove any copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph (c), and to include such notices on all reproductions of the data.

(d) Release, Publication and Use of Data

(1) The Receipt shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Recipient in the performance of this contract, except to the extent such data may be subject to the Federal export control or national security laws or regulations, or unless otherwise provided in this paragraph of this clause or expressly set forth in this contract.

(2) The Recipient agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this agreement which contain restrictive markings, the Recipient shall treat the data in accordance with such markings unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(e) Unauthorized Marking of Data

(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this agreement concerning inspection or acceptance, if any data delivered under this agreement are marked with the notices specified in subparagraph (g)(2) or (g)(3) of this clause and use of such is not authorized by this clause, or if such data bears any other restrictive or limiting markings not authorized by this agreement, the Contracting Officer may at any time either return the data to the Recipient or cancel or ignore the markings. However, the following procedures shall apply prior to canceling or ignoring the markings.

(i) The Contracting Officer shall make written inquiry to the Recipient affording the Recipient 30 days from receipt of the inquiry to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings;

(ii) If the Recipient fails to respond or fails to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the 30-day period (or a longer time not exceeding 90 days approved in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown), the Government shall have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time after said period and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions.

(iii) If the Recipient provides written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the period set in subdivision (e)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall consider such written justification and determine whether or not the markings are to be cancelled or ignored. If the Contracting Officer determines that the markings are authorized, the Recipient shall be so notified in writing. If the Contracting Officer determines, with concurrence of the head of the contracting activity, that the markings are not authorized, the Contracting Officer shall furnish the Recipient a written determination, which determination shall become the final agency decision regarding the appropriateness of the markings unless the Recipient files suit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 90 days of receipt of the Contracting Officer's decision. The Government shall continue to abide by the markings under this subdivision (e)(1)(iii) until final resolution of the matter either by the Contracting Officer's determination become final (in which instance the Government shall thereafter have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions), or by final disposition of the matter by court decision if suit is filed.

(2) The time limits in the procedures set forth in subparagraph (e)(1) of this clause may be modified in accordance with agency regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if necessary to respond to a request thereunder.

(f) Omitted or Incorrect Markings

(1) Data delivered to the Government without either the limited rights or restricted rights notice as authorized by paragraph (g) of this clause, or the copyright notice required by paragraph (c) of this clause, shall be deemed to have been furnished with unlimited rights, and the Government assumes no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data. However, to the extent the data has not been disclosed without restriction outside the Government, the Recipient may request, within 6 months (or a longer time approved by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown) after delivery of such data, permission to have notices placed on qualifying data at the Recipient's expense, and the Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Recipient—

(i) Identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied;

(ii) Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent;

(iii) Establishes that the use of the proposed notice is authorized; and

(iv) Acknowledges that the Government has no liability with respect to the disclosure, use, or reproduction of any such data made prior to the addition of the notice or resulting from the omission of the notice.

(2) The Contracting Officer may also:

(i) Permit correction at the Recipient's expense of incorrect notices if the Recipient identifies the data on which correction of the notice is to be made, and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized; or

(ii) Correct any incorrect notices.

(g) Rights to Protected Data

(1) The Recipient may, with the concurrence of DOE, claim and mark as protected data, any data first produced in the performance of this award that would have been treated as a trade secret if developed at private expense. Any such claimed “protected data” will be clearly marked with the following Protected Rights Notice, and will be treated in accordance with such Notice, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause.


These protected data were produced under agreement no. ______ with the U.S. Department of Energy and may not be published, disseminated, or disclosed to others outside the Government until (Note:) The period of protection of such data is fully negotiable, but cannot exceed the applicable statutorily authorized maximum), unless express written authorization is obtained from the recipient. Upon expiration of the period of protection set forth in this Notice, the Government shall have unlimited rights in this data. This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this data, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

(2) Any such marked Protected Data may be disclosed under obligations of confidentiality for the following purposes:

(a) For evaluation purposes under the restriction that the “Protected Data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; or

(b) To subcontractors or other team members performing work under the Government's (insert name of program or other applicable activity) program of which this award is a part, for information or use in connection with the work performed under their activity, and under the restriction that the Protected Data be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed.

(3) The obligations of confidentiality and restrictions on publication and dissemination shall end for any Protected Data.

(a) At the end of the protected period;

(b) If the data becomes publicly known or available from other sources without a breach of the obligation of confidentiality with respect to the Protected Data;

(c) If the same data is independently developed by someone who did not have access to the Protected Data and such data is made available without obligations of confidentiality; or

(d) If the Recipient disseminates or authorizes another to disseminate such data without obligations of confidentiality.

(4) However, the Recipient agrees that the following types of data are not considered to be protected and shall be provided to the Government when required by this award without any claim that the data are Protected Data. The parties agree that notwithstanding the following lists of types of data, nothing precludes the Government from seeking delivery of additional data in accordance with this award, or from making publicly available additional non-protected data, nor does the following list constitute any admission by the Government that technical data not on the list is Protected Data. (Note: It is expected that this paragraph will specify certain types of mutually agreed upon data that will be available to the public and will not be asserted by the recipient/contractor as limited rights or protected data).

(5) The Government's sole obligation with respect to any protected data shall be as set forth in this paragraph (g).

(h) Protection of Limited Rights Data

When data other than that listed in subparagraphs (b)(1)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause are specified to be delivered under this agreement and such data qualify as either limited rights data or restricted computer software, the Recipient, if the Recipient desires to continue protection of such data, shall withhold such data and not furnish them to the Government under this agreement. As a condition to this withholding the Recipient shall identify the data being withheld and furnish form, fit, and function data in lieu thereof.

(i) Subaward/Contract

The Recipient has the responsibility to obtain from its subrecipients/contractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfill the Recipient's obligations to the Government under this agreement. If a subrecipient/contractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government such rights, the Recipient shall promptly bring such refusal to the attention of the Contracting Officer and not proceed with subaward/contract award without further authorization.

(j) Additional Data Requirements

In addition to the data specified elsewhere in this agreement to be delivered, the Contracting Officer may, at anytime during agreement performance or within a period of 3 years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this agreement, order any data first produced or specifically used in the performance of this agreement. This clause is applicable to all data ordered under this subparagraph. Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall require the Recipient to deliver any data the withholding of which is authorized by this clause or data which are specifically identified in this agreement as not subject to this clause. When data are to be delivered under this subparagraph, the Recipient will be compensated for converting the data into the prescribed form, for reproduction, and for delivery.

(k) The Recipient agrees, except as may be otherwise specified in this agreement for specific data items listed as not subject to this paragraph, that the Contracting Officer or an authorized representative may, up to three years after acceptance of all items to be delivered under this contract, inspect at the Recipient's facility any data withheld pursuant to paragraph (h) of this clause, for purposes of verifying the Recipient's assertion pertaining to the limited rights or restricted rights status of the data or for evaluating work performance. Where the Recipient whose data are to be inspected demonstrates to the Contracting Officer that there would be a possible conflict of interest if the inspection were made by a particular representative, the Contracting Officer shall designate an alternate inspector.

As prescribed in 600.325(e)(2), the following Alternate I and/or II may be inserted in the clause in the award instrument.

Alternate I:

(h)(2) Notwithstanding subparagraph (h)(1) of this clause, the agreement may identify and specify the delivery of limited rights data, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of limited rights data that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such data is so required, the Recipient may affix the following “Limited Rights Notice” to the data and the Government will thereafter treat the data, in accordance with such Notice:


(a) These data are submitted with limited rights under Government agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract No. ________, if appropriate). These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not, without written permission of the Recipient, be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government; except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any, provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure:

(1) Use (except for manufacture) by Federal support services contractors within the scope of their contracts;

(2) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed for evaluation purposes under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed;

(3) This “limited rights data” may be disclosed to other contractors participating in the Government's program of which this Recipient is a part for information or use (except for manufacture) in connection with the work performed under their awards and under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed;

(4) This “limited rights data” may be used by the Government or others on its behalf for emergency repair or overhaul work under the restriction that the “limited rights data” be retained in confidence and not be further disclosed; and

(5) Release to a foreign government, or instrumentality thereof, as the interests of the United States Government may require, for information or evaluation, or for emergency repair or overhaul work by such government. This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this data in whole or in part.

(b) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part.

(End of notice) Alternate II:

(h)(3)(i) Notwithstanding subparagraph (h)(1) of this clause, the agreement may identify and specify the delivery of restricted computer software, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of restricted computer software that has been withheld or would otherwise be withholdable. If delivery of such computer software is so required, the Recipient may affix the following “Restricted Rights Notice” to the computer software and the Government will thereafter treat the computer software, subject to paragraphs (d) and (e) of this clause, in accordance with the Notice:


(a) This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract ________, if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the agreement.

(b) This computer software may be—

(1) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or computers may be transferred;

(2) Used or copies for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative;

(3) Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes;

(4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software are made subject to the same restricted rights;

(5) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by Federal support service Contractors in accordance with subparagraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this clause, provided the Government makes such disclosure or reproduction subject to these restricted rights; and

(6) Used or copies for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is published copyrighted computer software, it is licensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this clause.

(d) Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated in, or incorporated in, the agreement.

(e) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part.

(End of notice)

(ii) Where it is impractical to include the Restricted Rights Notice on restricted computer software, the following short-form Notice may be used in lieu thereof:


Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in Agreement No. ________ (and subaward/contract ________, if appropriate) with ________ (name of Recipient and subrecipient/contractor).

(End of notice)

(iii) If restricted computer software is delivered with the copyright notice of 17 U.S.C. 401,it,with,unless.”

(End of clause)
Appendix Appendix B - Appendix B to Subpart D of Part 600—Contract Provisions

All contracts awarded by a recipient, including those for amounts less than the simplified acquisition threshold, must contain the following provisions as applicable:

1. Equal Employment Opportunity—All contracts must contain a provision requiring compliance with E.O. 11246 (3 CFR, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by E.O. 11375 (3 CFR, 1966-1970 Comp., p. 684), “Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,” and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR chapter 60, “Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor.”

2. Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act (18 U.S.C. 874 and 40 U.S.C. 276c)—All contracts and subawards in excess of $2,000 for construction or repair awarded by recipients and subrecipients must include a provision for compliance with the Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act (18 U.S.C. 874), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR part 3, “Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States”). The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled. The recipient must report all suspected or reported violations to the responsible DOE contracting officer.

3. Contact Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-333)—Where applicable, all contracts awarded by recipients in excess of $100,000 for construction and other purposes that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with Sections 102 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 327-333), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR part 5). Under Section 102 of the Act, each contractor is required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than 1 1/2 times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. Section 107 of the Act is applicable to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic is required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence.

4. Rights to Inventions and Data Made Under a Contract or Agreement—Contracts or agreements for the performance of experimental, development, or research work must provide for the rights of the Federal Government and the recipient in any resulting invention in accordance with 10 CFR 600.325 and Appendix A—Patent and Data Rights to Subpart D, Part 600.

5. Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), as amended—Contracts and subawards of amounts in excess of $100,000 must contain a provision that requires the recipient to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (41 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.) and the Federal Water Pollution control act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.). Violations must be reported to the responsible DOE contracting officer and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

6. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352)—Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000 or more must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C.1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbing with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient.

7. Debarment and Suspension (E.O.s 12549 and 12689—Contract awards that exceed the simplified acquisition threshold and certain other contract awards must not be made to parties listed on nonprocurement portion of the General Services Administration's Lists of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs in accordance with E.O.s 12549 (3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 235),“Debarment and Suspension.” This list contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, and contractors declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than E.O. 12549. Contractors with awards that exceed the small purchase threshold must provide the required certification regarding its exclusion status and that of its principals.

8. Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a)—As a general rule, it is unlikely that the Davis-Bacon Act, which among other things requires payment of prevailing wages on projects for the construction of public works, would apply to financial assistance awards. However, the presence of certain factors (e.g., requirement of particular program statutes; title to a construction facility resting in the Government) might necessitate a closer analysis of the award, to determine if the Davis-Bacon Act would apply in the particular factual situation presented.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101
cite as: 10 CFR 600.304