Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 710.6 - Cooperation by the individual.

(a)(1) It is the responsibility of the individual to provide full, frank, and truthful answers to DOE's relevant and material questions, and when requested, to furnish or authorize others to furnish information that the DOE deems pertinent to the individual's eligibility for access authorization. This obligation to cooperate applies when completing security forms, during the course of a personnel security background investigation, reinvestigation or continuous vetting, and at any stage of DOE's processing of the individual's access authorization request, including but not limited to, personnel security consultations, DOE-sponsored mental health evaluations, and other authorized DOE actions under this part. The individual may elect not to cooperate; however, such refusal may prevent DOE from reaching an affirmative finding required for granting or continuing the access authorization. In this event, for incumbents any access authorization then in effect may be administratively withdrawn or, for applicants, further processing may be administratively terminated.

(2) It is the responsibility of an individual subject to 10 CFR 709.3(d) to consent to and take a polygraph examination required by part 709. A refusal to consent to or take such an examination may prevent DOE from reaching an affirmative finding required for continuing access authorization. In this event, any access authorization then in effect may be administratively withdrawn.

(b) If the individual believes that the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section have been inappropriately applied, the individual may file a written appeal of the action with the Director within 30 calendar days of the date the individual was notified of the action.

(c) Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Director shall conduct an inquiry as to the circumstances involved in the action and shall, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the written appeal, notify the individual, in writing, of their decision. If the Director determines that the action was inappropriate, the Director shall notify the Manager that access authorization must be reinstated or, for applicants, that the individual must continue to be processed for access authorization. If the Director determines the action was appropriate, the Director shall notify the individual of this fact in writing. The Director's decision is final and not subject to further review or appeal.

[81 FR 71335, Oct. 17, 2016, as amended at 89 FR 59596, July 23, 2024]
§ 710.7 - Application of the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines.

(a) The decision on an access authorization request is a comprehensive, common-sense judgment, made after consideration of all relevant information, favorable and unfavorable, as to whether the granting or continuation of access authorization will not endanger the common defense and security and is clearly consistent with the national interest. Any doubt as to an individual's access authorization eligibility shall be resolved in favor of the national security.

(b) All such determinations shall be based upon the application of the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines (Adjudicative Guidelines), or any successor national standard issued under authority of the President.

(c) Each Adjudicative Guideline sets forth a series of concerns that may create a doubt regarding an individual's eligibility for access authorization. In resolving these concerns, all DOE officials involved in the decision-making process shall consider: The nature, extent, and seriousness of the conduct; the circumstances surrounding the conduct, to include knowledgeable participation; the frequency and recency of the conduct; the age and maturity of the individual at the time of the conduct; the voluntariness of participation; the absence or presence of rehabilitation or reformation and other pertinent behavioral changes; the motivation for the conduct; the potential for pressure, coercion, exploitation, or duress; the likelihood of continuation or recurrence; and other relevant and material factors.

(d) If the investigative results report of an individual or other reliable information tend to establish the validity and significance of one or more areas of concern as set forth in the Adjudicative Guidelines, such information shall be regarded as derogatory and create a question as to the individual's access authorization eligibility. Absent any derogatory information, a favorable determination will be made as to access authorization eligibility.

[81 FR 71335, Oct. 17, 2016, as amended at 82 FR 57107, Dec. 4, 2017; 89 FR 59596, July 23, 2024]
§ 710.8 - Action on derogatory information.

(a) If a question arises as to the individual's access authorization eligibility, the Local Director of Security shall authorize the conduct of a consultation with the individual, or other appropriate actions and, on the basis of the results of such consultation or actions, may authorize the granting of the individual's access authorization. If, in the opinion of the Local Director of Security, the question as to the individual's access authorization eligibility has not been favorably resolved, the Local Director of Security shall submit the matter to the Manager with a recommendation that authority be obtained to process the individual's case under administrative review procedures set forth in this part.

(b) If the Manager agrees that unresolved derogatory information is present and that appropriate attempts to resolve such derogatory information have been unsuccessful, the Manager shall notify the Director of the proposal to conduct an administrative review proceeding, accompanied by an explanation of the security concerns and a duplicate Personnel Security File. If the Manager believes that the derogatory information has been favorably resolved, the Manager shall direct that access authorization be granted for the individual. The Manager may also direct the Local Director of Security to obtain additional information prior to deciding whether to grant the individual access authorization or to submit a request for authority to conduct an administrative review proceeding. A decision in the matter shall be rendered by the Manager within 10 calendar days of its receipt.

(c) Upon receipt of the Manager's notification, the Director shall review the matter and confer with the Manager on:

(1) The institution of administrative review proceedings set forth in §§ 710.20 through 710.30;

(2) The granting of access authorization; or

(3) Other actions as the Director deems appropriate.

(d) The Director shall act pursuant to one of these options within 30 calendar days of receipt of the Manager's notification unless an extension is granted by the Deputy Director for Security, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.

[81 FR 71335, Oct. 17, 2016, as amended at 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023; 89 FR 59596, July 23, 2024]
§ 710.9 - Suspension of access authorization.

(a) If derogatory information is received, the Local Director of Security shall authorize action(s), to be taken on an expedited basis, to resolve the question pursuant to § 710.8(a). If the question as to the individual's continued access authorization eligibility is not resolved in favor of the individual, the Local Director of Security shall submit the matter to the Manager with the recommendation that the individual's access authorization be suspended pending the final determination resulting from the procedures set forth in this part.

(b) If the information received is determined to represent an immediate threat to national security or to the safety or security of a DOE facility or employee, or is determined to be so serious in nature that action(s) to resolve the matter as set forth in § 710.8(b) are not practical or advisable, the Local Director of Security shall immediately submit the matter to the Manager with a recommendation that the individual's access authorization be suspended pending the final determination resulting from the procedures set forth in this part. The Manager shall either authorize the immediate suspension of access authorization, or shall direct the Local Director of Security to take action(s) as set forth in § 710.8(b), in an expedited manner, to resolve the matter.

(c) The Manager shall, within two working days of receipt of the recommendation from the Local Director of Security to suspend the individual's DOE access authorization:

(1) Approve the suspension of access authorization; or

(2) Direct the continuation of access authorization, or

(3) Take or direct other such action(s) as the Manager deems appropriate.

(d) Upon suspension of an individual's access authorization pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the individual, the individual's employer, any other DOE office or program having an access authorization interest in the individual, and, if known, any other government agency where the individual holds an access authorization, security clearance, or access approval, or to which the DOE has certified the individual's DOE access authorization, shall be notified immediately in writing. The appropriate DOE database for tracking access authorizations and related actions shall also be updated. Notification to the individual shall reflect, in general terms, the reason(s) why the suspension has been affected. Pending final determination of the individual's eligibility for access authorization from the operation of the procedures set forth in this part, the individual shall not be afforded access to classified matter, special nuclear material, or unescorted access to security areas that require the individual to possess a DOE access authorization.

(e) Written notification to the individual shall include notification that if the individual believes that the action to suspend their access authorization was taken as retaliation against the individual for having made a protected disclosure, as defined in Presidential Policy Directive 19, Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified Information, or any successor directive issued under the authority of the President, the individual may submit a request for review of this matter directly to the DOE Office of the Inspector General. Such a request shall have no impact upon the continued processing of the individual's access authorization eligibility under this part. If the individual receives an adverse final agency determination in response to such request, the individual may submit an appeal of that decision to the Director of National Intelligence, in accordance with the Security Executive Agent Directive 9, Appellate Review of Retaliation Regarding Security Clearances and Access Determinations, or to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, in accordance with Intelligence Community Directive 120, Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection.

(f) Following the decision to suspend an individual's DOE access authorization pursuant to paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Manager shall immediately notify the Director in writing of the action and the reason(s) therefor. In addition, the Manager, within 10 calendar days of the date of suspension (unless an extension of time is approved by the Director), shall notify the Director in writing of their proposal to conduct an administrative review proceeding, accompanied by an explanation of its basis and a duplicate Personnel Security File.

(g) Upon receipt of the Manager's notification, the Director shall review the matter and confer with the Manager on:

(1) The institution of administrative review procedures set forth in §§ 710.20 through 710.30; or

(2) The reinstatement of access authorization; or

(3) Other actions as the Director deems appropriate.

(h) The Director shall act pursuant to one of these options within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the Manager's notification unless an extension is granted by the Deputy Director for Security, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.

[81 FR 71335, Oct. 17, 2016, as amended at 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023; 89 FR 59596, July 23, 2024]
source: 81 FR 71335, Oct. 17, 2016, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 710.8