Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 725.1 - Purpose.

This part establishes procedures and standards for the issuance of an Access Permit to any person subject to this part who requires access to Restricted Data applicable to civil uses of atomic energy for use in his business, trade or profession; provides for the amendment, renewal, suspension, termination and revocation of an Access Permit; and specifies the terms and conditions under which the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security will issue the Permit.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.2 - Applicability.

The regulations in this part apply to any person within or under the jurisdiction of the United States who desires access to Restricted Data for use in his business, profession or trade.

§ 725.3 - Definitions.

As used in this part:

(a) Access Permit means a permit, issued by the Administrator authorizing access by the named permittee to Restricted Data applicable to civil uses of atomic energy in accordance with the terms and conditions stated on the permit.

(b) Act means the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 919), including any amendments thereto.

(c) Category means a category of Restricted Data designated in appendix A to the regulations in this part.

(d) Director of the Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security means the DOE official to whom the Secretary assigns the authority to develop policy and technical assistance; safety analysis; and organizational safety and security programs, or the Director's duly authorized representatives.

(e) DOE means the Department of Energy.

(f) Permittee means the holder of a permit issued pursuant to the regulations in this part.

(g) Person means (1) any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group, Government agency other than DOE, any state or any political subdivision of, or any political entity within a state, or other entity; and (2) any legal successor, representative, agent, or agency of the foregoing.

(h) Restricted Data means all data concerning (1) design, manufacture or utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the production of special nuclear material; or (3) the use of special nuclear material in the production of energy, but shall not include data declassified or removed from the Restricted Data category pursuant to section 142 of the Act.

(i) Government Confidential Commercial Information means sensitive commercial information not including Restricted Data, generated by the government, the release of which could put the government at a competitive disadvantage in providing enrichment services.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 52 FR 30139, Aug. 13, 1987; 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41293, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.4 - Interpretations.

Except as specifically authorized by the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security in writing no interpretation of the meaning of the regulations in this part by any officer or employee of DOE other than a written interpretation by the General Counsel will be recognized to be binding upon DOE.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.5 - Communications.

All communications concerning this part should be addressed to the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, EHSS-1, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave, SW., Washington, DC 20585.

[71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006, as amended at 88 FR 41293, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.6 - Categories of available information.

For administrative purposes DOE has categorized Restricted Data which will be made available to permittees in the categories as set forth in appendix A to this part. Top Secret information; information pertaining to the design, manufacture or utilization of atomic weapons; and defense information other than Restricted Data are not included in these categories and will not be made available under this part.

§ 725.7 - Specific waivers.

The Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security may, upon application of any interested party, grant such waivers from the requirements of this part as he determines are authorized by law and will not constitute an undue risk to the common defense and security.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.11 - Applications.

(a) Any person desiring access to Restricted Data pursuant to this part should submit an application (Form 378), in triplicate, for an access permit to the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, EHSS-1, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave, SW., Washington, DC 20585.

(b) Where an individual desires access to Restricted Data for use in the performance of his duties as an employee, the application for an access permit must be filed in the name of his employer.

(c) Self-employed private consultants, desiring access to Restricted Data, must file the application in their own name for an individual access permit.

(d) Each application should contain the following information:

(1) Name of applicant (unincorporated subsidiaries or divisions of a corporation must apply in the name of the corporation);

(2) Address of applicant;

(3) Description of business or occupation of applicant; and

(4)(i) If applicant is an individual, state citizenship.

(ii) If applicant is a partnership, state name, citizenship and address of each partner and the principal location where the partnership does business.

(iii) If applicant is a corporation or an unincorporated association, state:

(A) The state where it is incorporated or organized and the principal location where it does business;

(B) The names, addresses and citizenship of its directors and of its principal officers;

(C) Whether it is owned, controlled or dominated by an alien, a foreign corporation, or foreign government, and if so, give details.

(iv) If the applicant is acting as agent or representative of another person in filing the application, identify the principal and furnish information required under this subparagraph with respect to such principal;

(5) Total number of full-time employees;

(6) Classification of Restricted Data (Confidential or Secret) to which access is requested;

(7) Potential use of the Restricted Data in the applicant's business, profession or trade. If access to Secret Restricted Data is requested, list the specific categories by number and furnish detailed reasons why such access within the specified categories is needed by the applicant. The need for Secret information should be stated by describing its proposed use in specific research, design, planning, construction, manufacturing, or operating projects; in activities under licenses issued by Nuclear Regulatory Commission; in studies or evaluations planned or under way; or in work or services to be performed for other organizations. In addition, if access to secret restricted data in category C-65, plutonium production, or restricted data in category C-24, isotope separation, is requested, the application should also include sufficient information to satisfy the requirements of § 725.15(b) (2) or (3), as the case may be.”

(8) Principal Location(s) at which Restricted Data will be used.

(e) Applications should be signed by a person authorized to sign for the applicant.

(f) Each application shall contain complete and accurate disclosure with respect to the real party or parties in interest and as to all other matters and things required to be disclosed.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41293, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.12 - Noneligibility.

The following persons are not eligible to apply for an access permit:

(a) Corporations not organized under the laws of the United States or a political subdivision thereof.

(b) Any individual who is not a citizen of the United States.

(c) Any partnership not including among the partners one or more citizens of the United States; or any other unincorporated association not including one or more citizens of the United States among its principal officers.

(d) Any organization which is owned, controlled or dominated by the Government of, a citizen of, or an organization organized under the laws of a country or area listed as a Subgroup A country or destination in § 371.3 (15 CFR 371.3) of the Comprehensive Export Schedule of the United States Department of Commerce.

(e) Persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States who are not doing business within the United States.

§ 725.13 - Additional information.

The Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security may, at any time after the filing of the original application and before the termination of the permit, require additional information in order to enable the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security to determine whether the permit should be granted or denied or whether it should be modified or revoked.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.14 - Public inspection of applications.

Applications and documents submitted to DOE in connection with applications may be made available for public inspection in accordance with the regulations contained in part 702 of this chapter.

§ 725.15 - Requirements for approval of applications.

(a) An application for an access permit authorizing access to confidential restricted data in the categories set forth in appendix A of this part (except C-91 and C-24) will be approved only if the application demonstrates that the applicant has a potential use or application for such data in his business, trade, or profession and has filed a complete application form.

(b)(1) An application for an access permit authorizing access to restricted data in category C-24 or secret restricted data in other categories will be approved only if the applicant has a need for such data in his business, trade, or profession and has filed a complete application form.

(2) An application for an access permit authorizing access to Secret Restricted Data in category C-65 Plutonium Production will be approved only if the application demonstrates also that the applicant:

(i) Is directly engaged in a substantial effort to develop, design, build or operate a chemical processing plant or other facility related to his participation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy for which such production rate and cost data are needed; or

(ii) Is furnishing to a permittee having access to C-65 under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, substantial scientific, engineering or other professional services to be used by said permittee in carrying out the activities for which said permittee received access to category C-65.

(3) An application for an access permit authorizing access to Restricted Data in category C-24, isotope separation—subcategory A or B—will be approved only if the application demonstrates also that the applicant:

(i) Possesses technical, managerial and financial qualifications demonstrating that the applicant is potentially capable of undertaking or participating significantly in the construction and/or operation of production or manufacturing facilities and offers reasonable assurance of adequacy of resources to carry on, alone or with others, uranium enrichment on a production basis or the large-scale manufacture or assembly of precision equipment systems, or is potentially capable of utilizing centrifuge machines in its business for uranium enrichment or for purposes other than uranium enrichment; and is not subject to foreign ownership, control, or influence; and

(A) For subcategory A, desires to determine its interest in participating significantly in a substantial effort to develop, design, build, and operate a uranium enrichment facility or a facility for the manufacture of uranium enrichment equipment.

(B) For subcategory B, proposes to (1) participate significantly in, or is directly participating significantly in, a substantial effort to evaluate alternative processes, develop, design, build, and operate a uranium enrichment facility or a facility for the manufacture of uranium enrichment equipment, or (2) utilize centrifuge machines and related equipment in its business for uranium enrichment or for purposes other than uranium enrichment, or

(ii) Is furnishing to a permittee having access to Category C-24 under the paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section substantial scientific, engineering, or other professional services to be used by said permittee in carrying out the activities for which said permittee received access to Category C-24.

(4) An application for an access permit authorizing access to Confidential and Secret Restricted Data in C-91, Nuclear Reactors for Rocket Propulsion, will be approved only if the application demonstrates also that the applicant:

(i) Possesses qualifications demonstrating that he is capable of making a contribution to research and development in the field of nuclear reactors for rocket propulsion and is directly engaged in or proposes to engage in a substantial research and development program in such field of work; or

(ii) Is engaged in or proposes to engage in a substantial study program in the field of nuclear reactors for rocket propulsion preparatory to the submission of a research and development proposal to DOE; or

(iii) Is furnishing to a permittee having access under paragraph (b)(4) (i) or (ii) of this section substantial scientific, engineering or other professional services to be used by that permittee in a study or research and development program for which said permittee received access.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 52 FR 30139, Aug. 13, 1987]
§ 725.21 - Issuance.

(a) Upon a determination that an application meets the requirements of this regulation, the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security will issue to the applicant an access permit on Form DOE 379.

(b) An Access Permit is not an access authorization. It does not authorize any individual not having an appropriate DOE access authorization to receive Restricted Data. See § 725.24 and part 1016 of this title.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.22 - Scope of permit.

(a) All access permits will as a minimum authorize access, subject to the terms and conditions of the access permit to confidential restricted data in all of the categories set forth in appendix A to this part, except C-91 and C-24.

(b) In addition, access permits may authorize access, subject to the terms and conditions of the access permit to such Secret Restricted Data as is included within the particular category or categories specified in the permit.

(c) In addition, access permits may authorize access, subject to the terms and conditions of the access permit, to such government confidential commercial information as is included within the particular category or categories specified in the permit.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 52 FR 30139, Aug. 13, 1987]
§ 725.23 - Terms and conditions of access.

(a) Neither the United States, nor DOE, nor any person acting on behalf of DOE makes any warranty or other representation, expressed or implied, (1) with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information made available pursuant to an access permit, or (2) that the use of any such information may not infringe privately owned rights.

(b) The Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, on behalf of DOE, hereby waives such rights with respect to any invention or discovery as it may have pursuant to section 152 of the Act by reason of such invention or discovery having been made or conceived in the course of, in connection with, or resulting from access to Restricted Data received under the terms of an access permit. (Note provisions of § 725.23(d).)

(c) Each permittee shall:

(1) Comply with all applicable provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and with parts 810 and 1016 of this title and with all other applicable rules, regulations, and orders of DOE, including such rules, regulations, and orders as DOE may adopt or issue to effectuate the policies specified in the act directing DOE to strengthen free competition in private enterprise and avoid the creation or maintenance of a situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws.

(2) Be deemed to have waived all claims for damages under section 183 of title 35 U.S. Code by reason of the imposition of any secrecy order on any patent application and all claims for just compensation under section 173 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of, in connection with or as a result of access to Restricted Data received under the terms of the access permit;

(3) Be deemed to have waived any and all claims against the United States, DOE and all persons acting on behalf of DOE that might arise in connection with the use, by the applicant, of any and all information supplied by them pursuant to the access permit;

(4) Obtain and preserve in his files written agreements from all individuals who will have access to Restricted Data under his access permit. The agreement shall be as follows:

In consideration for receiving access to Restricted Data under the access permit issued by the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security, I hereby agree to:

(a) Waive all claims for damages under section 183 of title 35 U.S. Code by reason of the imposition of any secrecy order on any patent application, and all claims for just compensation under section 173 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of, in connection with or resulting from access to Restricted Data received under the terms of the access permit issued to (insert the name of the holder of the access permit);

(b) Waive any and all claims against the United States, DOE, and all persons acting on behalf of DOE that might arise in connection with the use, by me, of any and all information supplied by them pursuant to the access permit issued to (insert the name of the holder of the access permit).

In case of an access permit authorizing access to restricted data in category C-24, isotope separation, the agreement shall also provide for such requirements as the permittee considers necessary for purposes of fulfilling its obligations under paragraph (d) of this section.

(5) Pay all established charges for personnel access authorizations, DOE consulting services, publication and reproduction of documents, and such other services as DOE may furnish in connection with the access permit.

(d) The following terms and conditions are applicable to an access permit authorizing access to restricted data in category C-24, isotope separation irrespective of whether access to DOE's restricted data information is desired:

(1) The permittee agrees to grant a nonexclusive license at reasonable royalties to the United States and, at the request of DOE, to domestic and foreign persons, to use in the production or enrichment of special nuclear material any U.S. patent or any U.S. patent application (otherwise in condition for allowance except for a secrecy order thereon) on any invention or discovery made or conceived by the permittee, its employees, or others engaged by the permittee in the course of the permittee's work under the access permit, or as a result of access to data or information made available by DOE.

(2) The permittee agrees to grant to the United States, and, at the request of DOE, to domestic and foreign persons, the right at reasonable royalties to use for research, development, or manufacturing programs for the production or enrichment of special nuclear material, any technical information or data, including economic evaluations thereof, of a proprietary nature developed by the permittee, its employees, or others engaged by the permittee in the course of the permittee's work under the access permit or as a result of access to data or information made available by DOE and not covered by a U.S. patent or U.S. patent application referred to in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. If DOE disseminates any such proprietary technical information or data in its possession to any of its contractors for use in any DOE research, development, production, or manufacturing programs, it will do so under contractual provisions pursuant to which the contractor would undertake to use this information only for the work under the pertinent DOE contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subparagraph, the permittee waives any claim against DOE for compensation or otherwise, in connection with any use or dissemination of information or data not specifically identified and claimed by the permittee as proprietary in a written notice to DOE at the time of the furnishing of the information or data to DOE. As used in this subparagraph, the term “technical information or data, including economic evaluations thereof, of a proprietary nature” means information or data which:

(i) Is not the property of the Government by virtue of any agreement;

(ii) Concerns the details of trade secrets or manufacturing processes which the permittee has protected from us by others; and

(iii)(A) Is specifically identified as proprietary at the time it is made available to DOE.

(B) Technical information or data shall not be deemed proprietary in nature whenever substantially the same technical information is available to DOE which has been prepared, developed or furnished as nonproprietary information by another source independently of the proprietary information and data furnished by the permittee.

(3) If the amount of reasonable royalties provided for in paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section cannot be agreed upon, the permittee agrees that such amount shall be determined by the Administrator under the provisions of section 157c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

(4) In the event domestic commercial uranium enriching services are provided by persons other than an agency of the United States, the permittee agrees not to require the United States to pay the royalties provided for in paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section.

(5) The acceptance, exercise, or use of the licenses or rights provided for in paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section shall not prevent the Government, at any time, from contesting their validity, scope or enforceability.

(6) The permittee agrees, during the term of the access permit, to make quarterly reports to DOE in writing, in reasonable detail, respecting all technical information or data, including economic evaluations thereof, which the permittee or DOE considers may be of interest to DOE, including reports of patent applications on inventions or discoveries and of technical information and data of a proprietary nature. These reports will cover the results of the permittee's work under the access permit or as a result of data or information made available by DOE. The foregoing provisions of this subparagraph shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section.

(7) The permittee agrees to make available to DOE, at all reasonable times during the term of the access permit, for inspection by DOE personnel, or by mutual agreement, others on behalf of DOE, all experimental equipment and technical information or data developed by the permittee, its employees, or others engaged by the permittee, in the course of the permittee's work under the access permit or as a result of data or information made available by DOE. The foregoing provision of this subparagraph shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs (d) (1) and (2) of this section.

(8) The permittee agrees to pay such reasonable compensation as DOE may elect to charge for the commercial use of its inventions and discoveries including related data and technology and, except for an applicant qualifying for a permit pursuant to § 725.15(b)(3)(ii), agrees to pay $25,000 for an access permit authorizing access to restricted data in subcategory B.

(9) Except as may be otherwise authorized by DOE, the permittee agrees not to disseminate to persons not granted access by DOE, restricted data or government confidential commercial information made available to the permittee by DOE or restricted data developed by the permittee, its employees, or others engaged by the permittee in the course of the permittee's work under the access permit or as a result of data or information made available by DOE.

(10) The granting of an access permit does not constitute any assurance, direct or implied, that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will grant the permittee a license for a production facility or any other license.

(11) In the event the permittee is engaged by DOE to perform work for DOE in the field of the separation of isotopes, the permittee agrees to undertake such measures as DOE may require for the separation of its activities under the access permit from its work for DOE.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 52 FR 30139, Aug. 13, 1987; 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.24 - Administration.

With respect to each permit issued pursuant to the regulations in this part, the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security will designate a DOE or National Nuclear Security Administration office which will:

(a) Process all personnel access authorizations requested in connection with the permit;

(b) Review the procedures submitted by the Applicant, in accordance with part 1016 of this title, for the safeguarding of Restricted Data; and

(c) Provide information to the permittee with respect to the sources and locations of Restricted Data available under this permit and to assist the permittee in other matters pertaining to the administration of his permit.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.25 - Term and renewal.

(a) Each access permit will be issued for a two year term, unless otherwise stated in the permit.

(b) Applications for renewal shall be filed in accordance with § 725.11. Each renewal application must be complete, without reference to previous applications. In any case in which a permittee has filed a properly completed application for renewal more than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of his existing permit, such existing permit shall not expire until the application for a renewal has been finally acted upon by the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.26 - Assignment.

An access permit is nontransferable and nonassignable.

§ 725.27 - Amendment.

An access permit may be amended from time to time upon application by the permittee. An application for amendment may be filed, in triplicate, in letter form and shall be signed by an individual authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant. The term of an access permit shall not be altered by an amendment thereto.

§ 725.28 - Action on application to renew or amend.

In considering an application by a permittee to review or amend his permit, the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security will apply the criteria set forth in § 725.15. Failure of an applicant to reply to an DOE request for additional information concerning an application for renewal or amendment within 60 days shall result in a rejection of the application without prejudice to resubmit a properly completed application at a later date.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.29 - Suspension, revocation and termination of permits.

The Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security may revoke or suspend any access permit for any material false statement in the application or in any report submitted to DOE pursuant to the regulations in this part or because of conditions or facts which would have warranted a refusal to grant the permit in the first instance, or for violation of any of the terms and conditions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or rules, regulations or orders issued pursuant thereto. A permittee should request termination of his permit when he no longer requires Restricted Data for use in his business, trade or profession.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.30 - Exceptions and additional requirements.

Notwithstanding any other provision in the regulations in this part, the Director, Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security may deny an application for an access permit or suspend or revoke any access permit, or incorporate additional conditions or requirements in any access permit, upon finding that such denial, revocation or the incorporation of such conditions and limitations is necessary or appropriate in the interest of the common defense and security or is otherwise in the public interest.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 88 FR 41292, June 26, 2023]
§ 725.31 - Violations.

An injunction or other court order may be obtained prohibiting any violation of any provision of the Act or any regulation or order issued thereunder. Any person who willfully violates any provision of the Act or any regulation or order issued thereunder may be guilty of a crime and, upon conviction, may be punished by fine or imprisonment or both, as provided by law.

Appendix Appendix A - Appendix A to Part 725—Categories of Restricted Data Available

C-24 Isotope separation. This category is divided into subcategories A and B.

Subcategory A includes information in summary form concerning the status and potential of the gaseous diffusion and gas centrifuge processes for the separation of uranium isotopes.

Subcategory B includes information on the following:

a. Any aspect of separating one or more isotopes of uranium from a composition containing a mixture of isotopes of that element by the gas centrifuge or gaseous diffusion processes.

b. Design, construction, and operation of any plant, facility or device capable of separating by the gas centrifuge or gaseous diffusion processes one or more isotopes of uranium from a composition containing a mixture of isotopes of that element, including means and methods of transporting materials from one to another device.

C-44 Nuclear Technology. This category includes classified technical information concerning nuclear technology. It may contain information on the following:

a. Materials, including metals, ceramics, organic and inorganic compounds. Included are such technical areas as the technology and fabrication of fuel elements, corrosion studies, cladding techniques and radiation studies.

b. Chemistry, chemical engineering and radiochemistry of all the elements and their compounds. Included are techniques and processes of chemical separations, radioactive waste handling and feed material processing.

c. Reactor physics, engineering and technology including theory, design, criticality studies and operation of reactors, reactor systems and reactor components.

d. Reserved.

e. Lithium isotope separation technology. This subcategory includes classified technical information on the separation of lithium isotopes by using counter-current flows of lithium amalgam and aqueous lithium hydroxide solution in packed columns. Not included is information regarding plant design and operating conditions from which total production rates or design capacity of the lithium isotope separation plant (Colex) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, can be inferred. In addition to the other requirements of this part, access permits for Restricted Data in this subcategory will be approved, provided the permittee:

1. Demonstrates that it is not a corporation or entity owned, controlled or dominated by an alien, a foreign corporation, or a foreign government, and

2. Agrees to insertion in his access permit of the terms and conditions:

(i) Set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 725.23 of this part;

(ii) Set forth in paragraph (c) of § 725.23 of this part, amended by deleting the phrase “category C-24, isotope separation,” and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase “subcategory C-44e, lithium isotope separation technology”;

(iii) Set forth in paragraph (d) of § 725.23 of this part, amended by:

(A) Deleting the phrases “production or enrichment of special nuclear material” and “separation of isotopes” wherever they appear, and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase “separation of isotopes of lithium”;

(B) Deleting the phrase “domestic commercial uranium enriching services are provided by,” and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase “domestic lithium isotope separation capacity becomes available to.”

This category does not include information which reveals or from which can be calculated actual or planned (as distinguished from design) capacities, production rates and unit costs for the plutonium production program.

C-65 Plutonium Production. This category includes information on reactor, fuel element and separations technology which reveals or from which can be calculated actual or planned (as distinguished from design) capacities, production rates and unit costs for the Hanford and Savannah River production facilities.

Technology which does not reveal or enable calculation of production rates and unit costs of Hanford or Savannah River production facilities is categorized in C-44 Nuclear Technology.

C-90 Nuclear Reactors for Ram-Jet Propulsion. This category includes information on:

a. Programs pertaining to the development of nuclear reactors for application to ram-jet propulsion systems including theory and/or design, test philosophy procedures and/or results.

b. Fabrication technology and evaluation of performance or characteristics of materials or components for such reactors.

c. Controls, control systems and instrumentation relating to the design or technology of such reactors.

d. Data pertaining to heat transfer, propellant kinetics or corrosion and erosion of materials under conditions of high temperature, high gas flows or other environmental conditions characteristic of ram-jet propulsion systems.

This category does not include information on:

a. Design details of weapons systems or nuclear warheads.

b. Military operational techniques or characteristics.

c. General aspects of nuclear ram-jet missiles, such as payload, aerodynamic characteristics, guidance systems, physical size, gross weight, thrust and information of this kind which is associated with utilization of a nuclear ram-jet propulsion system.

C-91 Nuclear Reactors for Rocket Propulsion. This category includes information on:

a. Programs pertaining to nuclear reactors for rocket propulsion, i.e., missile propulsion, theory and/design, test philosophy procedures and/or results.

b. Design, fabrication technology and evaluation of performance or characteristics of material, components, or subsystems or nuclear rocket reactors.

c. Controls, control systems and instrumentation relating to the design or technology of rocket reactor systems.

d. Data pertaining to heat transfer, propellant kinetics or corrosion and erosion of rocket reactor system materials under conditions of high temperature, high gas flows, or other environmental conditions characteristic of rocket reactors.

This category does not include information on:

a. Design details of weapons systems or nuclear warheads.

b. Military operational techniques or characteristics.

c. General aspects of payload and aerodynamic characteristics.

d. Design details and development, information of components and subsystems of the nuclear rocket engine other than that associated with the reactor system.

C-92 Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP). This category includes information on:

a. Isotopic SNAP Program, including theory, design, research and development, fabrication, test procedures and results for the device, including power conversion device and the fuels used.

b. Reactor SNAP Program, including theory, design, research and development, fabrication, test procedures and results for the reactor, including the directly associated power conversion device when developed by DOE.

This category does not include that technical and scientific data developed under the SNAP Advanced Concept Program which should be reported in C-93.

C-93 Advanced Concepts for Future Application.

C-93a Reactor Experiments. This category includes classified technical information developed in the pursuit of work on new or advanced concepts of reactors or components which DOE considers essential to future growth or for general application to future generations of reactors. Classified information developed in the pursuit of work on the lithium cooled reactor experiment is an example of the type of information to be reported in this category, i.e., information resulting from an experimental reactor project or component development which may have many future applications but which is not currently being pursued to meet the specific needs of an approved requirement for which other information categories have been provided. For example, classified technical information developed in the pursuit of work on Naval, Ram-Jet or Rocket nuclear reactors would not be reported here but under their respective specific categories. This category will include classified technical information on the following:

a. Theory, design, and performance, either estimated or actual.

b. Design details, composition and performance characteristics of major components (e.g., fuel media, reflectors, moderators, heat exchangers, pressure shells or containment devices, control rods, conversion devices, instrumentation and shielding).

c. Material (metals, ceramics and compounds) development, alloying, cladding, corrosion, erosion, radiation studies and fabrication techniques.

d. Chemistry, including chemical engineering, processes and techniques. Reactor physics, engineering and criticality studies.

C-93b Conversion Devices. This category includes classified technical information developed in the pursuit of studies, designs, research and development, fabrication and operation of any energy conversion device to be used with nuclear energy sources which is not being applied to a specific system development project.

C-94 Military Compact Reactor (MCR). This category includes classified technical information on the actual or planned Military Compact Reactor and its components developed in the pursuit of studies, designs, research and development, fabrication, and operation of the reactor system or its components.

Examples of the areas of information included are:

a. Reactor core physics.

b. Fuel elements and fuel element components.

c. Moderator and reflector details.

d. Data on primary coolant system.

e. Radiation shield.

f. Controls and instrumentation.

This category does not include information on military operational characteristics or techniques.

[41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, as amended at 44 FR 37939, June 29, 1979]
authority: Sec. 161 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 68 Stat. 943, 42 U.S.C. 2201.
source: 41 FR 56778, Dec. 30, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 725.28