Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 10 - Energy last revised: Mar 07, 2025
§ 820.1 - Purpose and scope.
(a) Scope. This part sets forth the procedures to govern the conduct of persons involved in DOE nuclear activities and, in particular, to achieve compliance with the DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements by all persons subject to those requirements.
(b) Questions not addressed by these rules. Questions that are not addressed in this part shall be resolved at the discretion of the DOE Official.
(c) Exclusion. Activities and facilities covered under E.O. 12344, 42 U.S.C. 7158 note, pertaining to Naval nuclear propulsion are excluded from the requirements of subparts D and E of this part regarding interpretations and exemptions related to this part. The Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors or his designee will be responsible for formulating, issuing, and maintaining appropriate records of interpretations and exemptions for these facilities and activities.
[58 FR 43692, Aug. 17, 1993, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006]
§ 820.2 - Definitions.
(a) The following definitions apply to this part:
Act or AEA means the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.
Administrative Law Judge means an Administrative Law Judge appointed under 5 U.S.C. 3105.
Consent Agreement means any written document, signed by the Director and a person, containing stipulations or conclusions of fact or law and a remedy acceptable to both the Director and the person.
Contractor means any person under contract (or its subcontractors or suppliers) with the Department of Energy with the responsibility to perform activities or to supply services or products that are subject to DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements.
Department means the United States Department of Energy or any predecessor agency.
Director means the DOE Official to whom the Secretary has assigned the authority to issue Notices of Violation under subpart B of this part, including the Director of Enforcement, or his designee. With regard to activities and facilities covered under E.O. 12344, 42 U.S.C. 7158 note, pertaining to Naval nuclear propulsion, the Director shall mean the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors or his designee.
Docketing Clerk means the Office in DOE with which documents for an enforcement action must be filed and which is responsible for maintaining a record and a public docket for enforcement actions commencing with the filing of a Preliminary Notice of Violation. It is also the Office with which interpretations, exemptions, and any other documents designated by the Secretary shall be filed.
DOE means the United States Department of Energy or any predecessor agency.
DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements means the set of rules, regulations, orders, and other requirements relating to nuclear safety adopted by DOE to govern the conduct of persons in connection with any DOE nuclear activity and includes any program, plan, or other provision required to implement these rules, regulations, orders, or other requirements. DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements include the following:
(i) 10 CFR part 830;
(ii) 10 CFR part 835;
(iii) 10 CFR 820.11;
(iv) Compliance Orders issued pursuant to 10 CFR part 820, subpart C; and
(v) 10 CFR 708.43, to the extent that subject activities concern nuclear safety.
DOE Official means the person, or his designee, in charge of making a decision under this part.
Enforcement adjudication means the portion of the enforcement process that commences when a respondent requests an on-the-record adjudication of the assessment of a civil penalty and terminates when a Presiding Officer files an initial decision.
Exemption means the final order that sets forth the relief, waiver, or release, either temporary or permanent, from a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement, as granted by the appropriate Secretarial Officer pursuant to the provisions of subpart E of this part.
Filing means, except as otherwise specifically indicated, the completion of providing a document to the Office of the Docketing Clerk and serving the document on the person to whom the document is addressed.
Final Notice of Violation means a document issued by the Director in which the Director determines that the respondent has violated or is continuing to violate a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement and includes:
(i) A statement specifying the DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement to which the violation relates;
(ii) A concise statement of the basis for the determination;
(iii) Any remedy, including the amount of any civil penalty;
(iv) A statement explaining the reasoning behind any remedy; and
(v) If the Notice assesses a civil penalty, notice of respondent's right:
(A) To waive further proceedings and pay the civil penalty;
(B) To request an on-the-record adjudication of the assessment of the civil penalty; or
(C) To seek judicial review of the assessment of the civil penalty.
Final Order means an order of the Secretary that represents final agency action and, where appropriate, imposes a remedy with which the recipient of the order must comply.
General Counsel means the General Counsel of DOE or his designee.
Hearing means an on-the-record enforcement adjudication open to the public and conducted under the procedures set forth in subpart B of this part.
Initial Decision means the decision filed by the Presiding Officer based upon the record of the enforcement adjudication out of which it arises.
Interpretation means a statement by the General Counsel concerning the meaning or effect of the Act, a Nuclear Statute, or a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement which relates to a specific factual situation but may also be a ruling of general applicability where the General Counsel determines such action to be appropriate.
NNSA means the National Nuclear Security Administration.
Nuclear Statute means any statute or provision of a statute that relates to a DOE nuclear activity and for which DOE is responsible.
Party means the Director and the respondent in an enforcement adjudication under this part.
Person means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group, Government agency, any State or political subdivision of, or any political entity within a State, any foreign government or nation or any political subdivision of any such government or nation, or other entity and any legal successor, representative, agent or agency of the foregoing; provided that person does not include the Department or the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. For purposes of civil penalty assessment, the term also includes affiliated entities, such as a parent corporation.
Preliminary Notice of Violation means a document issued by the Director in which the Director sets forth the preliminary conclusions that the respondent has violated or is continuing to violate a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement and includes:
(i) A statement specifying the DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement to which the violation relates;
(ii) A concise statement of the basis for alleging the violation;
(iii) Any proposed remedy, including the amount of any proposed civil penalty; and
(iv) A statement explaining the reasoning behind any proposed remedy.
Presiding Officer means the Administrative Law Judge designated to be in charge of an enforcement adjudication who shall conduct a fair and impartial hearing, assure that the facts are fully elicited, adjudicate all issues, avoid delay, and shall have authority to:
(i) Conduct an adjudicatory hearing under this part;
(ii) Rule upon motions, requests, and offers of proof, dispose of procedural requests, and issue all necessary orders;
(iii) Exercise the authority set forth in § 820.8;
(iv) Admit or exclude evidence;
(v) Hear and decide questions of fact, law, or discretion, except for the validity of regulations and interpretations issued by DOE;
(vi) Require parties to attend conferences for the settlement or simplification of the issues, or the expedition of the proceedings;
(vii) Draw adverse inferences against a party that fails to comply with his orders;
(viii) Do all other acts and take all measures necessary for the maintenance of order and for the efficient, fair and impartial adjudication of issues arising in proceedings governed by these rules.
Remedy means any action necessary or appropriate to rectify, prevent, or penalize a violation of the Act, a Nuclear Statute, or a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements, including the assessment of civil penalties, the requirement of specific actions, or the modification, suspension or recision of a contract.
Respondent means any person to whom the Director addresses a Notice of Violation.
Secretarial Officer means an individual who is appointed to a position in the Department by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate or the head of a departmental element who is primarily responsible for the conduct of an activity under the Act. With regard to activities and facilities covered under E.O. 12344, 42 U.S.C. 7158 note, pertaining to Naval nuclear propulsion, Secretarial Officer means the Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors.
Secretary means the Secretary of Energy or his designee.
(b) Terms defined in the Act and not defined in these rules are used consistent with the meanings given in the Act.
(c) As used in this part, words in the singular also include the plural and words in the masculine gender also include the feminine and vice versa, as the case may require.
[58 FR 43692, Aug. 17, 1993, as amended at 71 FR 68732, Nov. 28, 2006; 72 FR 31921, June 8, 2007; 81 FR 94913, Dec. 27, 2016]
§ 820.3 - Separation of functions.
(a) Separation of functions. After a respondent requests an on-the-record adjudication of an assessment of a civil penalty contained in a Final Notice of Violation, no person shall participate in a decision-making function in an enforcement proceeding if he has been, is or will be responsible for an investigative or prosecutorial function related to that proceeding or if he reports to the person responsible for the investigative or prosecutorial function.
(b) Director. The Director shall be responsible for the investigation and prosecution of violations of the DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements. After the request for an enforcement adjudication, the Director shall not discuss ex parte the merits of the proceeding with a DOE Official or any person likely to advise the DOE Official in the decision of the proceeding.
(c) Presiding Officer. A Presiding Officer shall perform no duties inconsistent with his responsibilities as a Presiding Officer, and will not be responsible to or subject to the supervision or direction of any officer or employee engaged in the performance of an investigative or prosecutorial function. The Presiding Officer may not consult any person other than a member of his staff or a special assistant on any fact at issue unless on notice and opportunity for all parties to participate, except as required for the disposition of ex parte matters as authorized by law.
§ 820.4 - Conflict of interest.
A DOE Official may not perform functions provided for in this part regarding any matter in which he has a financial interest or has any relationship that would make it inappropriate for him to act. A DOE Official shall withdraw at any time from any action in which he deems himself disqualified or unable to act for any reason. Any interested person may at any time request the General Counsel to disqualify a DOE Official or request that the General Counsel disqualify himself. In the case of an enforcement adjudication, a motion to disqualify shall be made to the Presiding Officer. The request shall be supported by affidavits setting forth the grounds for disqualification of the DOE Official. A decision shall be made as soon as practicable and information may be requested from any person concerning the matter. If a DOE Official is disqualified or withdraws from the proceeding, a qualified individual who has none of the infirmities listed in this section shall replace him.
§ 820.5 - Service.
(a) General rule. Any document filed with the Docketing Clerk must be served on the addressee of the document and shall not be considered filed until service is complete and unless accompanied by proof of service; provided that the filing with the Docketing Clerk of any document addressed to the DOE Official shall be considered service on the DOE Official.
(b) Service in an Enforcement Adjudication. Any document filed in an enforcement adjudication must be served on all other participants in the adjudication.
(c) Who may be served. Any paper required to be served upon a person shall be served upon him or upon the representative designated by him or by law to receive service of papers. When an attorney has entered an appearance on behalf of a person, service must be made upon the attorney of record.
(d) How service may be made. Service may be made by personal delivery, by first class, certified or registered mail or as otherwise authorized or required by the DOE Official. The DOE Official may require service by express mail.
(e) When service is complete. Service upon a person is complete:
(1) By personal delivery, on handing the paper to the individual, or leaving it at his office with his clerk or other person in charge or, if there is no one in charge, leaving it in a conspicuous place therein or, if the office is closed or the person to be served has no office, leaving it at his usual place of residence with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing there;
(2) By mail, on deposit in the United States mail, properly stamped and addressed; or
(3) By any other means authorized or required by the DOE Official.
(f) Proof of service. Proof of service, stating the name and address of the person on whom served and the manner and date of service, shall be shown for each document filed, and may be made by:
(1) Written acknowledgement of the person served or his counsel;
(2) The certificate of counsel if he has made the service;
(3) The affidavit of the person making the service; or
(4) Any other means authorized or required by the DOE Official.
(g) Deemed service. If a document is deemed filed under this part, then the service requirements shall be deemed satisfied when the document is deemed filed.
§ 820.6 - Computation and extension of time.
(a) Computation. In computing any period of time set forth in this part, except as otherwise provided, the day of the event from which the designated period begins to run shall not be included. Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal legal holidays shall be included. When a stated time expires on a Saturday, Sunday or Federal legal holiday, the stated time period shall be extended to include the next business day.
(b) Extensions of time. A DOE Official may grant an extension of any time period set forth in this part.
(c) Service by mail. Where a pleading or document is served by mail, five (5) days shall be added to the time allowed by these rules for the filing of a responsive pleading or document. Where a pleading or document is served by express mail, only two (2) days shall be added.
§ 820.7 - Questions of policy or law.
(a) Certification. There shall be no interlocutory appeal from any ruling order, or action decision of a DOE Official except as permitted by this section. A Presiding Officer in an enforcement adjudication may certify, in his discretion, a question to the Secretary, when the order or ruling involves an important question of law or policy concerning which there is substantial grounds for difference of opinion, and either an immediate decision will materially advance the ultimate termination of the proceeding, or subsequent review will be inadequate or ineffective.
(b) Decision. The certified question shall be decided as soon as practicable. If the Secretary determines that the question was improvidently certified, or if he takes no action within thirty days of the certification, the certification is dismissed. The Secretary may decide the question on the basis of the submission made by the Presiding Officer or may request further information from any person.
§ 820.8 - Evidentiary matters.
(a) General. A DOE Official may obtain information or evidence for the full and complete investigation of any matter related to a DOE nuclear activity or for any decision required by this part. A DOE Official may sign, issue and serve subpoenas; administer oaths and affirmations; take sworn testimony; compel attendance of and sequester witnesses; control dissemination of any record of testimony taken pursuant to this section; subpoena and reproduce books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts, agreements, or other relevant records or tangible evidence including, but not limited to, information retained in computerized or other automated systems in possession of the subpoenaed person.
(b) Special Report Orders. A DOE Official may issue a Special Report Order (SRO) requiring any person involved in a DOE nuclear activity or otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of DOE to file a special report providing information relating to a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement, the Act, or a Nuclear Statute, including but not limited to written answers to specific questions. The SRO may be in addition to any other reports required by this part.
(c) Extension of Time. The DOE Official who issues a subpoena or SRO pursuant to this section, for good cause shown, may extend the time prescribed for compliance with the subpoena or SRO and negotiate and approve the terms of satisfactory compliance.
(d) Reconsideration. Prior to the time specified for compliance, but in no event more than 10 days after the date of service of the subpoena or SRO, the person upon whom the document was served may request reconsideration of the subpoena or SRO with the DOE Official who issued the document. If the subpoena or SRO is not modified or rescinded within 10 days of the date of the filing of the request, the subpoena or SRO shall be effective as issued and the person upon whom the document was served shall comply with the subpoena or SRO within 20 days of the date of the filing. There is no administrative appeal of a subpoena or SRO.
(e) Service. A subpoena or SRO shall be served in the manner set forth in § 820.5, except that service by mail must be made by registered or certified mail.
(f) Fees. (1) A witness subpoenaed by a DOE Official shall be paid the same fees and mileage as paid to a witness in the district courts of the United States.
(2) If a subpoena is issued at the request of a person other than an officer or agency of the United States, the witness fees and mileage shall be paid by the person who requested the subpoena. However, at the request of the person, the witness fees and mileage shall be paid by the DOE if the person shows:
(i) The presence of the subpoenaed witness will materially advance the proceeding; and
(ii) The person who requested that the subpoena be issued would suffer a serious hardship if required to pay the witness fees and mileage. The DOE Official issuing the subpoena shall make the determination required by this subsection.
(g) Enforcement. If any person upon whom a subpoena or SRO is served pursuant to this section, refuses or fails to comply with any provision of the subpoena or SRO, an action may be commenced in the United States District Court to enforce the subpoena or SRO.
(h) Certification. (1) Documents produced in response to a subpoena shall be accompanied by the sworn certification, under penalty of perjury, of the person to whom the subpoena was directed or his authorized agent that a diligent search has been made for each document responsive to the subpoena, and to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief all such documents responsive to the subpoena are being produced unless withheld on the grounds of privilege pursuant to paragraph (i) of this section.
(2) Any information furnished in response to an SRO shall be accompanied by the sworn certification under penalty of perjury of the person to whom it was directed or his authorized agent who actually provides the information that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief a diligent effort has been made to provide all information required by the SRO, and all information furnished is true, complete, and correct unless withheld on grounds of privilege pursuant to paragraph (i) of this section.
(3) If any document responsive to a subpoena is not produced or any information required by an SRO is not furnished, the certification shall include a statement setting forth every reason for failing to comply with the subpoena or SRO.
(i) Withheld information. If a person to whom a subpoena or SRO is directed withholds any document or information because of a claim of attorney-client or other privilege, the person submitting the certification required by paragraph (h) of this section also shall submit a written list of the documents or the information withheld indicating a description of each document or information, the date of the document, each person shown on the document as having received a copy of the document, each person shown on the document as having prepared or been sent the document, the privilege relied upon as the basis for withholding the document or information, a memorandum of law supporting the claim of privilege, and an identification of the person whose privilege is being asserted.
(j) Statements/testimony. (1) If a person's statement/testimony is taken pursuant to a subpoena, the DOE Official shall determine whether the statement/testimony shall be recorded and the means by which it is recorded.
(2) A person whose statement/testimony is recorded may procure a copy of the transcript by making a written request for a copy and paying the appropriate fees. Upon proper identification, any potential witness or his attorney has the right to inspect the official transcript of the witness' own statement or testimony.
(k) Sequestration. The DOE Official may sequester any person who furnishes documents or gives testimony. Unless permitted by the DOE Official, neither a witness nor his attorney shall be present during the examination of any other witnesses.
(l) Attorney. (1) Any person whose statement or testimony is taken may be accompanied, represented and advised by his attorney; provided that, if the witness claims a privilege to refuse to answer a question on the grounds of self-incrimination, the witness must assert the privilege personally.
(2) The DOE Official shall take all necessary action to regulate the course of testimony and to avoid delay and prevent or restrain contemptuous or obstructionist conduct or contemptuous language. The DOE Official may take actions as the circumstances may warrant in regard to any instances where any attorney refuses to comply with directions or provisions of this section.
§ 820.9 - Special assistant.
A DOE Official may appoint a person to serve as a special assistant to assist the DOE Official in the conduct of any proceeding under this part. Such appointment may occur at any appropriate time. A special assistant shall be subject to the disqualification provisions in § 820.5. A special assistant may perform those duties assigned by the DOE Official, including but not limited to, serving as technical interrogators, technical advisors and special master.
§ 820.10 - Office of the docketing clerk.
(a) Docket. The Docketing Clerk shall maintain a docket for enforcement actions commencing with the issuance of a Preliminary Notice of Violation, interpretations issued pursuant to subpart D of this part, exemptions issued pursuant to subpart E of this part, and any other matters designated by the Secretary. A docket for an enforcement action shall contain all documents required to be filed in the proceeding.
(b) Public inspection. Subject to the provisions of law restricting the public disclosure of certain information, any person may, during Department business hours, inspect and copy any document filed with the Docketing Clerk. The cost of duplicating documents shall be borne by the person seeking copies of such documents. The DOE Official may waive this cost in appropriate cases.
(c) Transcript. Except as otherwise provided in this part, after the filing of a Preliminary Notice of Violation, all hearings, conferences, and other meetings in the enforcement process shall be transcribed verbatim. A copy of the transcript shall be filed with the Docketing Clerk promptly. The Docketing Clerk shall serve all participants with notice of the availability of the transcript and shall furnish the participants with a copy of the transcript upon payment of the cost of reproduction, unless a participant can show that the cost is unduly burdensome.
§ 820.11 - Information requirements.
(a) Any information pertaining to a nuclear activity provided to DOE by any person or maintained by any person for inspection by DOE shall be complete and accurate in all material respects.
(b) No person involved in a DOE nuclear activity shall conceal or destroy any information concerning a violation of a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement, a Nuclear Statute, or the Act.
§ 820.12 -
(a) General rule. The DOE Official in charge of a proceeding under this part may utilize any procedures deemed appropriate to safeguard and prevent disclosure of classified, confidential, and controlled information, including Restricted Data and National Security Information, to unauthorized persons, with minimum impairment of rights and obligations under this part.
(b) Obligation to protect restricted information. Nothing in this part shall relieve any person from safeguarding classified, confidential, and controlled information, including Restricted Data or National Security Information, in accordance with the applicable provisions of federal statutes and the rules, regulations, and orders of any federal agency.
§ 820.13 - Direction to NNSA contractors.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, and pursuant to section 3213 of Pub. L. 106-65, as amended (codified at 50 U.S.C. 2403), the NNSA, rather than the Director, signs, issues and serves the following actions that direct NNSA contractors:
(1) Subpoenas;
(2) Orders to compel attendance;
(3) Disclosures of information or documents obtained during an investigation or inspection;
(4) Preliminary notices of violations; and
(5) Final notices of violations.
(b) The NNSA Administrator shall act after consideration of the Director's recommendation.
[72 FR 31921, June 8, 2007]
§ 820.14 - Whistleblower protection.
(a) Covered acts. An act of retaliation (as defined in 10 CFR 708.2) by a DOE contractor, prohibited by 10 CFR 708.43, that results from a DOE contractor employee's involvement in an activity listed in 10 CFR 708.5(a) through (c) may constitute a violation of a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement if it concerns nuclear safety.
(b) Commencement of investigation. The Director may not initiate an investigation or take any other action under this part with respect to an alleged act of retaliation by a DOE contractor until 180 days after an alleged violation of 10 CFR 708.43 occurs.
(c) Administrative or judicial proceedings. The Director shall immediately suspend any ongoing activities under this part and suspend any time limits under this part when an administrative or judicial proceeding commences based on the same alleged act of retaliation. While an administrative or judicial proceeding, including appeals, is pending, the Director may not exercise any authority under this part based on an alleged violation of 10 CFR 708.43, including issuing enforcement letters, subpoenas, orders to compel attendance, Consent Orders, Preliminary Notices of Violation, or Final Notices of Violation. Once such a proceeding commences, the Director shall not conduct any activities under this part until sixty days after a final decision of an agency or court finds that a retaliation occurred, or otherwise makes a final disposition of the matter on procedural grounds without explicitly finding that retaliation did not occur.
(d) Final decision. For the purposes of this section, a final decision of an agency or court includes any of the following:
(1) A final agency decision pursuant to 10 CFR part 708;
(2) A final decision or order of the Secretary of Labor pursuant to 29 CFR part 24;
(3) A decision by the Secretary upon a report by the Inspector General;
(4) A decision by a federal or state court.
(e) Evidentiary record. If a final decision of an agency or court finds that retaliation occurred, the Director may obtain and use information collected as part of those proceedings. The Director has discretion to give appropriate weight to information obtained from these proceedings and to initiate and conduct further investigation if the Director deems necessary, particularly with regard to the relationship between the retaliation and nuclear safety.
(f) Underlying nuclear safety requirements. Notwithstanding the commencement of an administrative or judicial proceeding based on an alleged act of retaliation, this section shall not prevent the Director from taking any action consistent with this part regarding compliance with DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements other than 10 CFR 708.43.
[81 FR 94914, Dec. 27, 2016]
source: 58 FR 43692, Aug. 17, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 820.2