Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 851.10 - General requirements.

(a) With respect to a covered workplace for which a contractor is responsible, the contractor must:

(1) Provide a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or have the potential to cause death or serious physical harm to workers; and

(2) Ensure that work is performed in accordance with:

(i) All applicable requirements of this part; and

(ii) The worker safety and health program for that workplace.

(b) The written worker safety and health program must describe how the contractor complies with the:

(1) Requirements set forth in subpart C of this part that are applicable to the hazards associated with the contractor's scope of work; and

(2) Any compliance order issued by the Secretary pursuant to § 851.4.

[71 FR 6931, Feb. 9, 2006, as amended at 80 FR 5009, Jan. 30, 2015]
§ 851.11 - Development and approval of worker safety and health program.

(a) Preparation and submission of worker safety and health program. By February 26, 2007, contractors must submit to the appropriate Head of DOE Field Element for approval a written worker safety and health program that provides the methods for implementing the requirements of subpart C of this part.

(1) If a contractor is responsible for more than one covered workplace at a DOE site, the contractor must establish and maintain a single worker safety and health program for the covered workplaces for which the contractor is responsible.

(2) If more than one contractor is responsible for covered workplaces, each contractor must:

(i) Establish and maintain a worker safety and health program for the workplaces for which the contractor is responsible; and

(ii) Coordinate with the other contractors responsible for work at the covered workplaces to ensure that there are clear roles, responsibilities and procedures to ensure the safety and health of workers at multi-contractor workplaces.

(3) The worker safety and health program must describe how the contractor will:

(i) Comply with the requirements set forth in subpart C of this part that are applicable to the covered workplace, including the methods for implementing those requirements; and

(ii) Integrate the requirements set forth in subpart C of this part that are applicable to a covered workplace with other related site-specific worker protection activities and with the integrated safety management system.

(b) DOE evaluation and approval. The Head of DOE Field Element must complete a review and provide written approval of the contractor's worker safety and health program, within 90 days of receiving the document. The worker safety and health program and any updates are deemed approved 90 days after submission if they are not specifically approved or rejected by DOE earlier.

(1) Beginning May 25, 2007, no work may be performed at a covered workplace unless an approved worker safety and health program is in place for the workplace.

(2) Contractors must send a copy of the approved program to the EHSS Director.

(3) Contractors must furnish a copy of the approved worker safety and health program, upon written request, to the affected workers or their designated representatives.

(c) Updates. (1) Contractors must submit an update of the worker safety and health program to the appropriate Head of DOE Field Element, for review and approval whenever a significant change or addition to the program is made, or a change in contractors occurs.

(2) Contractors must submit annually to DOE either an updated worker safety and health program for approval or a letter stating that no changes are necessary in the currently approved worker safety and health program.

(3) Contactors must incorporate in the worker safety and health program any changes, conditions, or workplace safety and health standards directed by DOE consistent with the requirements of this part and DEAR 970.5204-2, Laws, Regulations and DOE Directives (December, 2000) and associated contract clauses.

(d) Labor Organizations. If a contractor employs or supervises workers who are represented for collective bargaining by a labor organization, the contractor must:

(1) Give the labor organization timely notice of the development and implementation of the worker safety and health program and any updates thereto; and

(2) Upon timely request, bargain concerning implementation of this part, consistent with the Federal labor laws.

[71 FR 6931, Feb. 9, 2006, as amended at 71 FR 68733, Nov. 28, 2006; 80 FR 5009, Jan. 30, 2015; 88 FR 41293, June 26, 2023]
§ 851.12 - Implementation.

(a) Contractors must implement the requirements of this part.

(b) Nothing in this part precludes a contractor from taking any additional protective action that is determined to be necessary to protect the safety and health of workers.

§ 851.13 - Compliance.

(a) Contractors must achieve compliance with all the requirements of Subpart C of this part, and their approved worker safety and health program no later than May 25, 2007. Contractors may be required to comply contractually with the requirements of this rule before February 9, 2007.

(b) In the event a contractor has established a written safety and health program, an Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) description pursuant to the DEAR Clause, or an approved Work Smart Standards (WSS) process before the date of issuance of the final rule, the Contractor may use that program, description, or process as the worker safety and health program required by this part if the appropriate Head of the DOE Field Element approves such use on the basis of written documentation provided by the contractor that identifies the specific portions of the program, description, or process, including any additional requirements or implementation methods to be added to the existing program, description, or process, that satisfy the requirements of this part and that provide a workplace as safe and healthful as would be provided by the requirements of this part.

(c) Nothing in this part shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect contractual obligations of a contractor to comply with contractual requirements that are not inconsistent with the requirements of this part.

source: 71 FR 6931, Feb. 9, 2006, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 851.10