Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 205.1 - Purpose and scope.

This part establishes the procedures to be utilized and identifies the sanctions that are available in proceedings before the Department of Energy and State Offices, in accordance with parts 209 through 214 of this chapter. Any exception, exemption, appeal, stay, modification, recession, redress or resolution of private grievance sought under the authority of 42 U.S.C. 7194 shall be governed by the procedural rules set forth in 10 CFR part 1003.

[61 FR 35114, July 5, 1996]
§ 205.2 - Definitions.

The definitions set forth in other parts of this chapter shall apply to this part, unless otherwise provided. In addition, as used in this part, the term:

Action means an order, interpretation, notice of probable violation or ruling issued, or a rulemaking undertaken by the DOE or, as appropriate, by a State Office.

Adjustment means a modification of the base period volume or other measure of allocation entitlement in accordance with part 211 of this chapter.

Aggrieved, for purposes of administrative proceedings, describes and means a person with an interest sought to be protected under the FEAA, EPAA, or Proclamation No. 3279, as amended, who is adversely affected by an order or interpretation issued by the DOE or a State Office.

Appropriate Regional Office or appropriate State Office means the office located in the State or DOE region in which the product will be physically delivered.

Assignment means an action designating that an authorized purchaser be supplied at a specified entitlement level by a specified supplier.

Conference means an informal meeting, incident to any proceeding, between DOE or State officials and any person aggrieved by that proceeding.

Consent order means a document of agreement between DOE and a person prohibiting certain acts, requiring the performance of specific acts or including any acts which DOE could prohibit or require pursuant to § 205.195.

Duly authorized representative means a person who has been designated to appear before the DOE or a State Office in connection with a proceeding on behalf of a person interested in or aggrieved by that proceeding. Such appearance may consist of the submission of applications, petitions, requests, statements, memoranda of law, other documents, or of a personal appearance, verbal communication, or any other participation in the proceeding.

EPAA means the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-159).

EPCA means the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94-163).

Exception means the waiver or modification of the requirements of a regulation, ruling or generally applicable requirement under a specific set of facts.

Exemption means the release from the obligation to comply with any part or parts, or any subpart thereof, of this chapter.

DOE means the Department of Energy, created by the FEAA and includes the DOE National Office and Regional Offices.

FEAA means the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-275).

Federal legal holiday means New Year's Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and any other day appointed as a national holiday by the President or the Congress of the United States.

Interpretation means a written statement issued by the General Counsel or his delegate or Regional Counsel, in response to a written request, that applies the regulations, rulings, and other precedents previously issued, to the particular facts of a prospective or completed act or transaction.

Notice of probable violation means a written statement issued to a person by the DOE that states one or more alleged violations of the provisions of this chapter or any order issued pursuant thereto.

Order means a written directive or verbal communication of a written directive, if promptly confirmed in writing, issued by the DOE or a State Office. It may be issued in response to an application, petition or request for DOE action or in response to an appeal from an order, or it may be a remedial order or other directive issued by the DOE or a State Office on its own initiative. A notice of probable violation is not an order. For purposes of this definition a “written directive” shall include telegrams, telecopies and similar transcriptions.

Person means any individual, firm, estate, trust, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, company, joint-venture, corporation, governmental unit or instrumentality thereof, or a charitable, educational or other institution, and includes any officer, director, owner or duly authorized representative thereof.

Proceeding means the process and activity, and any part thereof, instituted by the DOE or a State Office, either on its own initiative or in response to an application, complaint, petition or request submitted by a person, that may lead to an action by the DOE or a State Office.

Remedial order means a directive issued by the DOE requiring a person to cease a violation or to eliminate or to compensate for the effects of a violation, or both.

Ruling means an official interpretative statement of general applicability issued by the DOE General Counsel and published in the Federal Register that applies the DOE regulations to a specific set of circumstances.

State Office means a State Office of Petroleum Allocation certified by the DOE upon application pursuant to part 211 of this chapter.

Throughout this part the use of a word or term in the singular shall include the plural and the use of the male gender shall include the female gender.

(Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93-159, as amended, Pub. L. 93-511, Pub. L. 94-99, Pub. L. 94-133, Pub. L. 94-163, and Pub. L. 94-385; Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-275, as amended, Pub. L. 94-385; Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Pub. L. 94-163, as amended, Pub. L. 94-385; E.O. 11790, 39 FR 23185; Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267) [39 FR 35489, Oct. 1, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 36555, Aug. 21, 1975; 40 FR 36761, Aug. 22, 1975; 41 FR 36647, Aug. 31, 1976; 43 FR 14437, Apr. 6, 1978]
§ 205.3 - Appearance before the DOE or a State Office.

(a) A person may make an appearance, including personal appearances in the discretion of the DOE, and participate in any proceeding described in this part on his own behalf or by a duly authorized representative. Any application, appeal, petition, request or complaint filed by a duly authorized representative shall contain a statement by such person certifying that he is a duly authorized representative, unless a DOE form requires otherwise. Falsification of such certification will subject such person to the sanctions stated in 18 U.S.C. 1001 (1970).

(b) Suspension and disqualification: The DOE or a State Office may deny, temporarily or permanently, the privilege of participating in proceedings, including oral presentation, to any individual who is found by the DOE—

(1) To have made false or misleading statements, either verbally or in writing;

(2) To have filed false or materially altered documents, affidavits or other writings;

(3) To lack the specific authority to represent the person seeking a DOE or State Office action; or

(4) To have engaged in or to be engaged in contumacious conduct that substantially disrupts a proceeding.

§ 205.4 - Filing of documents.

(a) Any document, including, but not limited to, an application, request, complaint, petition and other documents submitted in connection therewith, filed with the DOE or a State Office under this chapter is considered to be filed when it has been received by the DOE National Office, a Regional Office or a State Office. Documents transmitted to the DOE must be addressed as required by § 205.12. All documents and exhibits submitted become part of an DOE or a State Office file and will not be returned.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, an appeal, a response to a denial of an appeal or application for modification or recision in accordance with §§ 205.106(a)(3) and 205.135(a)(3), respectively, a reply to a notice of probable violation, the appeal of a remedial order or remedial order for immediate compliance, a response to denial of a claim of confidentiality, or a comment submitted in connection with any proceeding transmitted by registered or certified mail and addressed to the appropriate office is considered to be filed upon mailing.

(c) Hand-delivered documents to be filed with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals shall be submitted to Room 8002 at 2000 M Street, NW., Washington, D.C. All other hand-delivered documents to be filed with the DOE National Office shall be submitted to the Executive Secretariat at 12th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C. Hand-delivered documents to be filed with a Regional Office shall be submitted to the Office of the Regional Administrator. Hand-delivered documents to be filed with a State Office shall be submitted to the office of the chief executive officer of such office.

(d) Documents received after regular business hours are deemed filed on the next regular business day. Regular business hours for the DOE National Office are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Regular business hours for a Regional Office or a State Office shall be established independently by each.

§ 205.5 - Computation of time.

(a) Days. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, in computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by these regulations or by an order of the DOE or a State Office, the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal legal holiday in which event the period runs until the end of the next day that is neither a Saturday, Sunday, nor a Federal legal holiday.

(2) Saturdays, Sundays or intervening Federal legal holidays shall be excluded from the computation of time when the period of time allowed or prescribed is 7 days or less.

(b) Hours. If the period of time prescribed in an order issued by the DOE or a State Office is stated in hours rather than days, the period of time shall begin to run upon actual notice of such order, whether by verbal or written communication, to the person directly affected, and shall run without interruption, unless otherwise provided in the order, or unless the order is stayed, modified, suspended or rescinded. When a written order is transmitted by verbal communication, the written order shall be served as soon thereafter as is feasible.

(c) Additional time after service by mail. Whenever a person is required to perform an act, to cease and desist therefrom, or to initiate a proceeding under this part within a prescribed period of time after issuance to such person of an order, notice, interpretation or other document and the order, notice, interpretation or other document is served by mail, 3 days shall be added to the prescribed period.

§ 205.6 - Extension of time.

When a document is required to be filed within a prescribed time, an extension of time to file may be granted by the office with which the document is required to be filed upon good cause shown.

§ 205.7 - Service.

(a) All orders, notices, interpretations or other documents required to be served under this part shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail or by regular United States mail (only when service is effected by the DOE or a State Office), except as otherwise provided.

(b) Service upon a person's duly authorized representative shall constitute service upon that person.

(c) Service by registered or certified mail is complete upon mailing. Official United States Postal Service receipts from such registered or certified mailing shall constitute prima facie evidence of service.

§ 205.8 - Subpoenas, special report orders, oaths, witnesses.

(a) In this section the following terms have the definitions indicated unless otherwise provided.

(1) “DOE Official” means the Secretary of the Department of Energy, the Administrator of the Economic Regulatory Administration, the Administrator of Energy Information Administration, the General Counsel of the Department of Energy, the Special Counsel for Compliance, the Assistant Administrator for Enforcement, the Director of the Office of Hearings and Appeals, or the duly authorized delegate of any of the foregoing officials.

(2) “SRO” means a Special Report Order issued pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) (1) In accordance with the provisions of this section and as otherwise authorized by law, a DOE Official may sign, issue and serve subpoenas; administer oaths and affirmations; take sworn testimony; compel attendance of and sequester witnesses; control dissemination of any record of testimony taken pursuant to this section; subpoena and reproduce books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, contracts agreements, or other relevant records or tangible evidence including, but not limited to, information retained in computerized or other automated systems in possession of the subpoenaed person. Unless otherwise provided by subpart O, the provisions of this section apply to subpoenas issued by the office of Hearings and Appeals with respect to matters in proceedings before it.

(2) A DOE Official may issue a Special Report Order requiring any person subject to the jurisdiction of the ERA to file a special report providing information relating to DOE regulations, including but not limited to written answers to specific questions. The SRO may be in addition to any other reports required by this chapter.

(3) The DOE Official who issues a subpoena or SRO pursuant to this section, for good cause shown, may extend the time prescribed for compliance with the subpoena or SRO and negotiate and approve the terms of satisfactory compliance.

(4) Prior to the time specified for compliance, but in no event more than 10 days after the date of service of the subpoena or SRO, the person upon whom the document was served may file a request for review of the subpoena or SRO with the DOE Official who issued the document. The DOE Official then shall forward the request to his supervisor who shall provide notice of receipt to the person requesting review. The supervisor or his designee may extend the time prescribed for compliance with the subpoena or SRO and negotiate and approve the terms of satisfactory compliance.

(5) If the subpoena or SRO is not modified or rescinded within 10 days of the date of the supervisor's notice of receipt,

(i) the subpoena or SRO shall be effective as issued; and

(ii) the person upon whom the document was served shall comply with the subpoena or SRO within 20 days of the date of the supervisor's notice of receipt, unless otherwise notified in writing by the supervisor or his designee.

(6) There is no administrative appeal of a subpoena or SRO.

(c) (1) A subpoena or SRO shall be served upon a person named in the document by delivering a copy of the document to the person named.

(2) Delivery of a copy of the document to a natural person may be made by:

(i) Handing it to the person;

(ii) Leaving it at the person's office with the person in charge of the office;

(iii) Leaving it at the person's dwelling or usual place of abode with a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there;

(iv) Mailing it to the person by registered or certified mail, at his last known address; or

(v) Any method that provides the person with actual notice prior to the return date of the document.

(3) Delivery of a copy of the document to a person who is not a natural person may be made by:

(i) Handing it to a registered agent of the person;

(ii) Handing it to any officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of such person;

(iii) Mailing it to the last known address of any registered agent, officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of the person by registered or certified mail, or

(iv) Any method that provides any registered agent, officer, director, or agent in charge of any office of the person with actual notice of the document prior to the return date of the document.

(d)(1) A witness subpoenaed by the DOE shall be paid the same fees and mileage as paid to a witness in the district courts of the United States.

(2) If in the course of a proceeding conducted pursuant to subpart M or O, a subpoena is issued at the request of a person other than an officer or agency of the United States, the witness fees and mileage shall be paid by the person who requested the subpoena. However, at the request of the person, the witness fees and mileage shall be paid by the DOE if the person shows:

(i) The presence of the subpoenaed witness will materially advance the proceeding; and

(ii) The person who requested that the subpoena be issued would suffer a serious hardship if required to pay the witness fees and mileage. The DOE Official issuing the subpoena shall make the determination required by this subsection.

(e) If any person upon whom a subpoena or SRO is served pursuant to this section, refuses or fails to comply with any provision of the subpoena or SRO, an action may be commenced in the United States District Court to enforce the subpoena or SRO.

(f) (1) Documents produced in response to a subpoena shall be accompanied by the sworn certification, under penalty of perjury, of the person to whom the subpoena was directed or his authorized agent that (i) a diligent search has been made for each document responsive to the subpoena, and (ii) to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief each document responsive to the subpoena is being produced unless withheld on the grounds of privilege pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.

(2) Any information furnished in response to an SRO shall be accompanied by the sworn certification under penalty of perjury of the person to whom it was directed or his authorized agent who actually provides the information that (i) a diligent effort has been made to provide all information required by the SRO, and (ii) all information furnished is true, complete, and correct unless withheld on grounds of privilege pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.

(3) If any document responsive to a subpoena is not produced or any information required by an SRO is not furnished, the certification shall include a statement setting forth every reason for failing to comply with the subpoena or SRO.

(g) If a person to whom a subpoena or SRO is directed withholds any document or information because of a claim of attorney-client or other privilege, the person submitting the certification required by paragraph (f) of this section also shall submit a written list of the documents or the information withheld indicating a description of each document or information, the date of the document, each person shown on the document as having received a copy of the document, each person shown on the document as having prepared or been sent the document, the privilege relied upon as the basis for withholding the document or information, and an identification of the person whose privilege is being asserted.

(h)(1) If testimony is taken pursuant to a subpoena, the DOE Official shall determine whether the testimony shall be recorded and the means by which the testimony is recorded.

(2) A witness whose testimony is recorded may procure a copy of his testimony by making a written request for a copy and paying the appropriate fees. However, the DOE official may deny the request for good cause. Upon proper identification, any witness or his attorney has the right to inspect the official transcript of the witness' own testimony.

(i) The DOE Official may sequester any person subpoenaed to furnish documents or give testimony. Unless permitted by the DOE Official, neither a witness nor his attorney shall be present during the examination of any other witnesses.

(j)(1) Any witness whose testimony is taken may be accompanied, represented and advised by his attorney as follows:

(i) Upon the initiative of the attorney or witness, the attorney may advise his client, in confidence, with respect to the question asked his client, and if the witness refuses to answer any question, the witness or his attorney is required to briefly state the legal grounds for such refusal; and

(ii) If the witness claims a privilege to refuse to answer a question on the grounds of self-incrimination, the witness must assert the privilege personally.

(k) The DOE Official shall take all necessary action to regulate the course of testimony and to avoid delay and prevent or restrain contemptuous or obstructionist conduct or contemptuous language. DOE may take actions as the circumstances may warrant in regard to any instances where any attorney refuses to comply with directions or provisions of this section.

(Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93-159, as amended, Pub. L. 94-163, and Pub. L. 94-385; Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-275, as amended, Pub. L. 94-332, Pub. L. 94-385, Pub. L. 95-70, and Pub. L. 95-91; Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-319, as amended; Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Pub. L. 94-163, as amended, Pub. L. 94-385, and Pub. L. 95-70; Department of Energy Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91; E.O. 11790, 39 FR 23185; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267) [44 FR 23201, Apr. 19, 1979]
§ 205.9 - General filing requirements.

(a) Purpose and scope. The provisions of this section shall apply to all documents required or permitted to be filed with the DOE or with a State Office.

(b) Signing. All applications, petitions, requests, appeals, comments or any other documents that are required to be signed, shall be signed by the person filing the document or a duly authorized representative. Any application, appeal, petition, request, complaint or other document filed by a duly authorized representative shall contain a statement by such person certifying that he is a duly authorized representative, unless an DOE form other wise requires. (A false certification is unlawful under the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001 (1970)).

(c) Labeling. An application, petition, or other request for action by the DOE or a State Office should be clearly labeled according to the nature of the action involved (e.g., “Application for Assignment”) both on the document and on the outside of the envelope in which the document is transmitted.

(d) Obligation to supply information. A person who files an application, petition, complaint, appeal or other request for action is under a continuing obligation during the proceeding to provide the DOE or a State Office with any new or newly discovered information that is relevant to that proceeding. Such information includes, but is not limited to, information regarding any other application, petition, complaint, appeal or request for action that is subsequently filed by that person with any DOE office or State Office.

(e) The same or related matters. A person who files an application, petition, complaint, appeal or other request for action by the DOE or a State Office shall state whether, to the best knowledge of that person, the same or related issue, act or transaction has been or presently is being considered or investigated by any DOE office, other Federal agency, department or instrumentality; or by a State Office, a state or municipal agency or court; or by any law enforcement agency; including, but not limited to, a consideration or investigation in connection with any proceeding described in this part. In addition, the person shall state whether contact has been made by the person or one acting on his behalf with any person who is employed by the DOE or any State Office with regard to the same issue, act or transaction or a related issue, act or transaction arising out of the same factual situation; the name of the person contacted; whether the contact was verbal or in writing; the nature and substance of the contact; and the date or dates of the contact.

(f) Request for confidential treatment. (1) If any person filing a document with the DOE or a State Office claims that some or all the information contained in the document is exempt from the mandatory public disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 (1970)), is information referred to in 18 U.S.C. 1905 (1970), or is otherwise exempt by law from public disclosure, and if such person requests the DOE or a State Office not to disclose such information, such person shall file together with the document a second copy of the document from which has been deleted the information for which such person wishes to claim confidential treatment. The person shall indicate in the original document that it is confidential or contains confidential information and may file a statement specifying the justification for non-disclosure of the information for which confidential treatment is claimed. If the person states that the information comes within the exception in 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4) for trade secrets and commercial or financial information, such person shall include a statement specifying why such information is privileged or confidential. If the person filing a document does not submit a second copy of the document with the confidential information deleted, the DOE or a State Office may assume that there is no objection to public disclosure of the document in its entirety.

(2) The DOE or a State Office retains the right to make its own determination with regard to any claim of confidentiality. Notice of the decision by the DOE or a State Office to deny such claim, in whole or in part, and an opportunity to respond shall be given to a person claiming confidentiality of information no less than five days prior to its public disclosure.

(g) Separate applications, petitions or requests. Each application, petition or request for DOE action shall be submitted as a separate document, even if the applications, petitions, or requests deal with the same or a related issue, act or transaction, or are submitted in connection with the same proceeding.

§ 205.10 - Effective date of orders.

Any order issued by the DOE or a State Office under this chapter is effective as against all persons having actual notice thereof upon issuance, in accordance with its terms, unless and until it is stayed, modified, suspended, or rescinded. An order is deemed to be issued on the date, as specified in the order, on which it is signed by an authorized representative of the DOE or a State Office, unless the order provides otherwise.

§ 205.11 - Order of precedence.

(a) If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this part and any other provision of this chapter, the provisions of this part shall control with respect to procedure.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, subpart I of part 212 of this chapter shall control with respect to prenotification and reporting and subpart J of part 212 of this chapter shall control with respect to accounting and financial reporting requirements.

§ 205.12 - Addresses for filing documents with the DOE.

(a) All applications, requests, petitions, appeals, reports, DOE or FEO forms, written communications and other documents to be submitted to or filed with the DOE National Office in accordance with this chapter shall be addressed as provided in this section. The DOE National Office has facilities for the receipt of transmissions via TWX and FAX. The FAX is a 3M full duplex 4 or 6 minute (automatic) machine.

FAX Numbers TWX Numbers
(202) 254-6175(701) 822-9454
(202) 254-6461(701) 822-9459

(1) Documents for which a specific address and/or code number is not provided in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2) through (7) of this section, shall be addressed as follows: Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, or subject), Washington, DC 20461.

(2) Documents to be filed with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows. Office of Exceptions and Appeals, Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c)), Washington, DC 20461.

(3) Documents to be filed with the Office of General Counsel, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and labeling as specified in § 205.9(c)), 1000 Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20585.

(4) Documents to be filed with the Office of Private Grievances and Redress, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Office of Private Grievances and Redress, Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c)), Washington, DC 20461.

(5) All other documents filed, except those concerning price (see paragraph (a)(6) of this section), those designated as DOE or FEO forms (see paragraph (a)(7) of this section), and “Surplus Product Reports” (see paragraph (a)(8) of this section), but including those pertaining to compliance and allocation (adjustment and assignment) of allocated products, are to be identified by one of the code numbers stated below and addressed as follows: Department of Energy, Code____, labeling as specified in § 205.9(c), Washington, DC 20461.

Code Numbers

Crude oil10
Naphtha and gas oil15
Propane, butane and natural gasoline25
Other products30
Bunker fuel40
Residual fuel (nonutility)50
Motor gasoline60
Middle distillates70
Aviation fuels80
Submissions by specific entities:
Electric utilities45
Department of Defense55

(6) Documents pertaining to the price of covered products, except those to be submitted to other offices as provided in this part, shall be addressed to the Department of Energy, Code 1000, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c)), Washington, DC 20461.

(7) Documents designated as DOE or FEO forms shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions stated in the form.

(8) “Surplus Product Reports” shall be submitted to the Department of Energy, Post Office Box 19407, Washington, DC 20036.

(9) Documents to be filed with the Director of Oil Imports, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Director of Oil Imports, Department of Energy, P.O. Box 7414, Washington, DC 20044.

(10) Petitions for rulemaking to be filed with the Economic Regulatory Administration National Office shall be addressed as follows: Economic Regulatory Administration, Attn: Assistant Administrator for Regulations and Emergency Planning (labeled as “Petition for Rulemaking,”) 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20461.

(b) All reports, applications, requests, notices, complaints, written communications and other documents to be submitted to or filed with an DOE Regional Office in accordance with this chapter shall be directed to one of the following addresses, as appropriate:

Region 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 150 Causeway Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114. Region 2 New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York 10007. Region 3 Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia; Regional Office, Department of Energy, Federal Office Building, 1421 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102. Region 4 Alabama, Canal Zone, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 1655 Peachtree Street NW., Atlanta, Georgia 30309. Region 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 175 West Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Region 6 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 212 North Saint Paul Street, Dallas, Texas 75201. Region 7 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska; Regional Office, Department of Energy, Federal Office Building, P.O. Box 15000, 112 East 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. Region 8 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming; Regional Office, Department of Energy, Post Office Box 26247, Belmar Branch, Denver, Colorado 80226. Region 9 American Samoa, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; Regional Office, Department of Energy, 111 Pine Street, San Francisco, California 94111. Region 10 Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington; Regional Office, Department of Energy, Federal Office Building, 909 First Avenue, Room 3098, Seattle, Washington 98104. (Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, 15 U.S.C. 751 et seq., Pub. L. 93-159, as amended, Pub. L. 93-511, Pub. L. 94-99, Pub. L. 94-133, Pub. L. 94-163, and Pub. L. 94-385; Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, 15 U.S.C. 787 et seq., Pub. L. 93-275, as amended, Pub. L. 94-332, Pub. L. 94-385, Pub. L. 95-70, and Pub. L. 95-91; Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 42 U.S.C. 6201 et seq., Pub. L. 94-163, as amended, Pub. L. 94-385, and Pub. L. 95-70; Department of Energy Organization Act, 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq., Pub. L. 95-91; E.O. 11790, 39 FR 23185; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267) [39 FR 35489, Oct. 1, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 36555, Aug. 21, 1975; 45 FR 37684, June 4, 1980]
§ 205.13 - Where to file.

(a) Except as otherwise specifically provided in other subparts of this part, all documents to be filed with the ERA pursuant to this part shall be filed with the appropriate ERA Regional Office (unless otherwise specified in part 211 of this chapter), except that all documents shall be filed with the ERA National Office that relate to:

(1) The allocation and pricing of crude oil pursuant to subpart C of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter;

(2) Refinery yield controls pursuant to subpart C of part 211 of this chapter;

(3) The pricing of propane, butane and natural gasoline pursuant to part 212 of this chapter and the allocation of butane and natural gasoline pursuant to part 211 of this chapter;

(4) The allocation and pricing of middle distillate fuels pursuant to subpart G of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter, filed by electric utilities;

(5) The allocation and pricing of aviation fuel pursuant to subpart H of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter, filed by civil air carriers (except air taxi/commercial operators);

(6) The allocation and pricing of residual fuel oil pursuant to subpart I of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter, filed by electric utilities;

(7) The allocation and pricing of naphtha and gas oil pursuant to subpart J of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter;

(8) The allocation and pricing of other products pursuant to subpart K of part 211 and part 212 of this chapter;

(9) An application for an exemption under subpart E of this part; requests for a rulemaking proceeding under subpart L of this part or for the issuance of a ruling under subpart K of this part; and petitions to the Office of Private Grievances and Redress under subpart R of this part;

(10) The pricing of products pursuant to part 212 of this chapter, filed by a refiner; and

(11) The allocation of crude oil and other allocated products to meet Department of Defense needs pursuant to part 211 of this chapter.

(12) The allocation of crude oil and other allocated products to be utilized as feedstock in a synthetic natural gas plant, pursuant to § 211.29.

(13) Allocations, fee-paid and fee-exempt licenses issued pursuant to part 213 of this chapter.

(b) Applications by end-users and wholesale purchasers for an allocation under the state set-aside system in accordance with § 211.17 shall be filed with the appropriate State Office.

(c) Applications to a State Office or a DOE Regional Office shall be directed to the office located in the state or region in which the allocated product will be physically delivered. An applicant doing business in more than one state or region must apply separately to each State or region in which a product will be physically delivered, unless the State Offices or Regional Offices involved agree otherwise.

[39 FR 35489, Oct. 1, 1974, as amended at 39 FR 36571, Oct. 11, 1974; 39 FR 39022, Nov. 5, 1974; 40 FR 28446, July 7, 1975; 40 FR 36555, Aug. 21, 1975; 44 FR 60648, Oct. 19, 1979]
§ 205.14 - Ratification of prior directives, orders, and actions.

All interpretations, orders, notices of probable violation or other directives issued, all proceedings initiated, and all other actions taken in accordance with part 205 as it existed prior to the effective date of this amendment, are hereby confirmed and ratified, and shall remain in full force and effect as if issued under this amended part 205, unless or until they are altered, amended, modified or rescinded in accordance with the provisions of this part.

§ 205.15 - Public docket room.

There shall be established at the DOE National Office, 12th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, a public docket room in which shall be made available for public inspection and copying:

(a) A list of all persons who have applied for an exception, an exemption, or an appeal, and a digest of each application;

(b) Each decision and statement setting forth the relevant facts and legal basis of an order, with confidential information deleted, issued in response to an application for an exception or exemption or at the conclusion of an appeal;

(c) The comments received during each rulemaking proceeding, with a verbatim transcript of the public hearing if such a public hearing was held; and

(d) Any other information required by statute to be made available for public inspection and copying, and any information that the DOE determines should be made available to the public.

authority: Pub. L. 95-91, 91 Stat. 565 (42 U.S.C. 7101); Pub. L. 66-280, 41 Stat. 1063 (16 U.S.C. Section 792
source: 45 FR 71560, Oct. 28, 1980; 46 FR 63209, Dec. 31, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 205.13