Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Mar 07, 2025
§ 10.20 - Purpose of the procedures.

These procedures establish methods for the conduct of hearings and administrative review of questions concerning an individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and Executive Orders 10450, 10865, and 12968 when a resolution favorable to the individual cannot be made on the basis of the interview or other investigation.

[64 FR 15642, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.21 - Suspension of access authorization and/or employment clearance.

In those cases where information is received which raises a question concerning the continued eligibility of an individual for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance, the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, through the Director, Office of Administration, shall forward to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs or other Deputy Executive Director, his or her recommendation as to whether the individual's access authorization and/or employment clearance should be suspended pending the final determination resulting from the operation of the procedures provided in this part. In making this recommendation the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, shall consider factors such as the seriousness of the derogatory information developed, the degree of access of the individual to classified information, and the individual's opportunity by reason of his or her position to commit acts adversely affecting the national security. An individual's access authorization and/or employment clearance may not be suspended except by the direction of the Executive Director for Operations, Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs or other Deputy Executive Director.

[64 FR 15642, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.22 - Notice to individual.

A notification letter, prepared by the Division of Facilities and Security, approved by the Office of the General Counsel, and signed by the Director, Office of Administration, must be presented to each individual whose eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance is in question. Where practicable, the letter will be presented to the individual in person. The letter will be accompanied by a copy of this part and must state:

(a) That reliable information in the possession of the NRC has created a substantial doubt concerning the individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance;

(b) The information that creates a substantial doubt regarding the individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance, that must be as comprehensive and detailed as the national security interests and other applicable law permit;

(c) That the individual has the right to be represented by counsel or other representative at their own expense;

(d) That the individual may request within 20 days of the date of the notification letter, any documents, records and reports which form the basis for the question of their eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance. The individual will be provided within 30 days all such documents, records and reports to the extent they are unclassified and do not reveal a confidential source. The individual may also request the entire investigative file, which will be promptly provided, as permitted by the national security interests and other applicable law;

(e) That unless the individual files with the Director, Office of Administration, a written request for a hearing within 20 days of the individual's receipt of the notification letter or 20 days after receipt of the information provided in response to a request made under paragraph (d) of this section, whichever is later, the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, through the Director, Office of Administration, will submit a recommendation as to the final action to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs on the basis of the information in the possession of the NRC;

(f) That if the individual files a written request for a hearing with the Director, Office of Administration, the individual shall file with that request a written answer under oath or affirmation that admits or denies specifically each allegation and each supporting fact contained in the notification letter. A general denial is not sufficient to controvert a specific allegation. If the individual is without knowledge, he or she shall so state and that statement will operate as a denial. The answer must also state any additional facts and information that the individual desires to have considered in explanation or mitigation of allegations in the notification letter. Failure to specifically deny or explain or deny knowledge of any allegation or supporting fact will be deemed an admission that the allegation or fact is true.

(g) That if the individual does not want to exercise his or her right to a hearing, but does want to submit an answer to the allegations in the notification letter, the individual may do so by filing with the Director, Office of Administration, within 20 days of receipt of the notification letter or 20 days after receipt of the information provided in response to a request made under paragraph (d) of this section, whichever is later, a written answer in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section;

(h) That the procedures in § 10.24 et seq. will apply to any hearing and review.

[64 FR 15642, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.23 - Failure of individual to request a hearing.

(a) In the event the individual fails to file a timely written request for a hearing pursuant to § 10.22, a recommendation as to the final action to be taken will be made by the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, through the Director, Office of Administration, to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs on the basis of the information in the possession of the NRC, including any answer filed by the individual.

(b) The Director, Office of Administration, may for good cause shown, at the request of the individual, extend the time for filing a written request for a hearing or for filing a written answer to the matters contained in the notification letter.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31609, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989; 64 FR 15642, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.24 - Procedures for hearing and review.

(a) Upon receipt of a timely filed request for a hearing and answer complying with the requirements set forth in § 10.22, the Director, Office of Administration, shall forthwith appoint a Hearing Examiner, and the General Counsel shall forthwith assign an NRC attorney to act as Hearing Counsel. The Director, Office of Administration, shall promptly notify the individual of the identity of the Hearing Examiner and proposed hearing date, which shall be selected with due regard for the convenience of the parties and their representatives.

(b) Within 72 hours of being notified of the identity of the Hearing Examiner, the individual may request that the Hearing Examiner be disqualified for cause by filing with the Director, Office of Administration, a written statement of the individual's reasons for seeking disqualification. The time for filing the request may be extended by the Director, Office of Administration, for good cause shown. If the Director, Office of Administration, grants the request the procedures of paragraph (a) of this section and this paragraph shall be followed just as though there had been no prior appointment.

(c) The individual shall have the right to appear at the hearing before the Hearing Examiner, to be represented by counsel or other representative, to introduce documentary or other evidence, and to call, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, subject to the provisions and limitations set forth in this part.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 51 FR 35999, Oct. 8, 1986; 52 FR 31609, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989]
§ 10.25 - NRC Hearing Counsel.

(a) Hearing Counsel assigned pursuant to § 10.24 will, before the scheduling of the hearing, review the information in the case and will request the presence of witnesses and the production of documents and other physical evidence relied upon by the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, in making a finding that a question exists regarding the eligibility of the individual for an NRC access authorization and/or an employment clearance in accordance with the provisions of this part. When the presence of a witness and the production of documents and other physical evidence is deemed by the Hearing Counsel to be necessary or desirable for a determination of the issues, the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, will make arrangements for the production of evidence and for witnesses to appear at the hearing by subpoena or otherwise.

(b) Hearing Counsel is authorized to consult directly with individual's counsel or representative or the individual, if the individual is not so represented, for purposes of reaching mutual agreement upon arrangements for expeditious hearing of the case. Such arrangements may include clarification of issues and stipulations with respect to testimony and contents of documents and other physical evidence. Such stipulations when entered into shall be binding upon the individual and the NRC for the purposes of this part. Prior to any consultation with the individual, the Hearing Counsel shall advise the individual of his or her rights under this part, of his or her right to counsel or other representation, and of the possibility that any statement made by the individual to the Hearing Counsel may be used in subsequent proceedings.

(c) The individual is responsible for producing witnesses in his or her own behalf and/or presenting other evidence before the Hearing Examiner to support the individual's answer and defense to the allegations contained in the notification letter. When requested by the individual, however, the Hearing Counsel may assist the individual to the extent practicable and necessary. The Hearing Counsel may at his or her discretion request the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, to arrange for the issuance of subpoenas for witnesses to attend the hearing in the individual's behalf, or for the production of specific documents or other physical evidence, provided a showing of the necessity for assistance has been made.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 64 FR 15643, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.26 - Appointment of Hearing Examiner.

The appointment of a Hearing Examiner, pursuant to § 10.24 of this part, shall be from a list of qualified attorneys possessing the highest degree of integrity, ability, and good judgment. To qualify, an attorney shall have an NRC “Q” access authorization and may be an employee of the NRC, its contractors, agents or licensees. However, no employee or consultant of the NRC shall serve as Hearing Examiner hearing the case of an employee (including a consultant) or applicant for employment with the NRC; nor shall any employee or consultant of an NRC contractor, agent or licensee serve as Hearing Examiner hearing the case of an employee (including a consultant) or an applicant for employment of that contractor, agent, or licensee. No Hearing Examiner shall be selected who has knowledge of the case or of any information relevant to the disposition of it, or who for any reason would be unable to issue a fair and unbiased recommendation.

§ 10.27 - Prehearing proceedings.

(a) After the appointment of the Hearing Examiner, he or she shall be furnished the record in the case, which shall consist of the letter of notification, the request for hearing and its supporting answer, and the notice of hearing, if it has been issued, and any stipulations agreed to by the individual and the Hearing Counsel.

(b) The Hearing Examiner may on his or her own motion, or on that of either party, convene a prehearing conference with the Hearing Counsel and the individual and his or her counsel or representative, if any, for the purpose of clarifying the issues, identifying witnesses who may be called, identifying documents and other physical evidence that may be offered into evidence, and entering into stipulations of fact.

(c) The parties will be notified by the Hearing Examiner at least ten days in advance of the hearing of the time and place of the hearing. For good cause shown, the Hearing Examiner may order postponements or continuances from time to time. If, after due notice, the individual fails to appear at the hearing, or appears but is not prepared to proceed, the Hearing Examiner shall, unless good cause is shown, return the case to the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, who shall make a recommendation on final action to be taken, through the Director, Office of Administration, to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs on the basis of the information in the possession of the NRC.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31609, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989; 64 FR 15643, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.28 - Conduct of hearing.

(a) The Hearing Examiner shall conduct the hearing in an orderly, impartial and decorous manner. Technical rules of evidence may be relaxed so that a full evidentiary record may be made based on all material and relevant facts. Hearsay evidence may for good cause shown be received at the discretion of the Hearing Examiner and accorded such weight as the circumstances warrant.

(b) The proceedings shall be open only to duly authorized representatives of the staff of the NRC, the individual, his or her counsel or representative, and such persons as may be officially authorized by the Hearing Examiner. Witnesses shall not testify in the presence of other witnesses except that the Hearing Examiner may, at his or her discretion, allow for expert witnesses to be present during testimony relevant to their own testimony.

(c) Witnesses, including the individual, shall be examined under oath or affirmation by the party who called them and may be cross-examined by the other. The Hearing Examiner shall rule on all evidentiary matters, may further examine any witness, and may call for additional witnesses or the production of documentary or other physical evidence if, in the exercise of his or her discretion, such additional evidence is deemed necessary to the resolution of an issue.

(d) If it appears during the hearing that Restricted Data or national security information may be disclosed, the Hearing Examiner shall assure that disclosure is made only to persons authorized to receive it.

(e) The Hearing Examiner may, at any time during the hearing, permit the Hearing Counsel to amend the notification letter to add or modify allegations to be considered. In the event of such an amendment to the notification letter, the individual shall be given an opportunity to answer the amended allegations. If the changes are of such a substantial nature that the individual cannot answer the amended allegations without additional time, the Hearing Examiner shall grant such additional time as he or she deems necessary.

(f) The Hearing Examiner may receive and consider evidence in the form of depositions or responses to interrogatories upon a showing that the witness is not available for good reason such as death, serious illness or similar cause, or in the form of depositions, interrogatories, affidavits or statements with agreement of the parties. The Hearing Examiner may take official notice at any stage of the proceeding, where appropriate, of any fact not subject to reasonable dispute in that it is either (1) generally known within the United States or (2) capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned. A party is entitled upon timely request to an opportunity to be heard as to the propriety of taking such official notice. In the absence of prior notification the request may be made after notice is taken.

(g) Hearing Counsel shall examine and cross-examine witnesses and otherwise assist the Hearing Examiner in such a manner as to bring out a full and true disclosure of all facts, both favorable and unfavorable, having a bearing on the issues before the Hearing Examiner. In performing these duties, the Hearing Counsel shall avoid the attitude of a prosecutor and shall always bear in mind that the proceeding is an administrative hearing and not a trial.

(h) Hearing Counsel shall not participate in the deliberations of the Hearing Examiner, and shall express no opinion to the Hearing Examiner concerning the merits of the case. Hearing Counsel shall also, during the course of the hearing, advise the individual of his or her rights under these procedures when the individual is not represented by counsel or other representative.

(i) The individual shall be afforded an opportunity to cross-examine persons who have made oral or written statements adverse to the individual relating to a controverted issue except that any such statement may be received and considered by the Hearing Examiner without affording such opportunity in either of the following circumstances:

(1) The head of the department or agency supplying the statement certifies that the person who furnished the information is a confidential informant who has been engaged in obtaining intelligence information for the Government and that disclosure of the informant's identity would substantially harm the national interest or would endanger the well-being of the informant.

(2) The Commission has determined, after considering the information furnished by the investigative agency concerning the reliability of the person who furnished the information and the accuracy of the statement concerned, that the statement appears to be reliable and material, and that failure of the Hearing Examiner to receive and consider such statement would, in view of the fact that access authorization and/or employment clearance is being sought, be substantially harmful to the national security and that the person who furnished the information cannot appear to testify due to death, serious illness, or similar cause.

(j)(1) Whenever the procedure under paragraph (i)(1) of this section is used, the individual shall be given a summary of the information which shall be as comprehensive and detailed as the national security permits.

(2) Whenever the procedure under paragraph (i)(2) is used, the individual shall be provided the identity of the person and the information to be considered.

(3) In both paragraph (i) (1) and (2) procedures, appropriate consideration shall be accorded to the fact that the individual did not have an opportunity to cross-examine such informant or person.

(k) Records provided by investigative agencies that were compiled as a regular or routine procedure by the business or agency from which obtained, or other physical evidence other than investigative reports, may be received and considered subject to rebuttal without authenticating witnesses, provided that the investigative agency furnished such information to the NRC pursuant to its responsibilities in connection with assisting the NRC in determining the individual's eligibility for access authorization and/or employment clearance.

(l) Records compiled in the regular course of business, or other physical evidence other than investigative reports, relating to a controverted issue which, because they are classified, may not be inspected by the individual, may be received and considered provided that:

(1) The Commission has made a determination that such records or other physical evidence appears to be material;

(2) The Commission has made a determination that failure to receive and consider such records or other physical evidence would, in view of the fact that access authorization and/or employment clearance is being sought, be substantially harmful to the national security; and

(3) To the extent that national security permits, a summary or description of such records or other physical evidence is made available to the individual. In every such case, information as to the authenticity and accuracy of such physical evidence furnished by the investigative agency shall be considered.

(m) If the Hearing Examiner determines that additional investigation of any material information is required, he or she shall request in writing that the Director, Office of Administration, arrange for the investigation and shall specify those issues upon which more evidence is requested and identify, where possible, any persons or sources that might provide the evidence sought.

(n) A written transcript of the entire proceeding must be made by a person possessing appropriate NRC access authorization and/or employment clearance and, except for portions containing Restricted Data or National Security Information, or other lawfully withholdable information, a copy of the transcript will be furnished the individual without cost. The transcript or recording will be made part of the applicant's or employee's personnel security file.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31609, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989; 64 FR 15643, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.29 - Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner.

(a) The Hearing Examiner's findings and recommendation shall be based upon the entire record consisting of the transcript of the hearing, the documentary and other evidence adduced therein, and the letter of notification and answer. The Hearing Examiner shall also consider the circumstances of the receipt of evidence pursuant to § 10.28, the individual's record of past employment, and the nature and sensitivity of the job the individual is or may be expected to perform.

(b) The Hearing Examiner shall make specific findings on each allegation in the notification letter including the reasons for his or her findings, and shall make a recommendation as to the action which should be taken in the case.

(c) The Hearing Examiner's recommendation shall be predicated upon his or her findings. If, after considering all the factors in light of the criteria in this part, the Hearing Examiner is of the opinion that granting or continuing access authorization and/or employment clearance to the individual will not endanger the common defense and security and will be clearly consistent with the national interest, a favorable recommendation shall be made; otherwise, an adverse recommendation shall be made.

(d) The Hearing Examiner shall submit his or her findings and recommendation in a signed report together with the record of the case to the Director, Office Administration, with the least practical delay.

(e) The Hearing Examiner shall not consider the possible impact of the loss of the individual's services upon the NRC program.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31609, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989]
§ 10.30 - New evidence.

After the close of the hearing, in the event the individual discovers new evidence not previously available or known to him or her, the individual may petition the Hearing Examiner if the Hearing Examiner's recommendation has not yet been issued, or thereafter, the Director, Office of Administration, to reopen the record to receive that evidence. If the Hearing Examiner or the Director, respectively, deem it material and appropriate, the record may be reopened to accept the evidence either by stipulation, with the agreement of the Hearing Counsel, or in a reconvened hearing.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31610, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989]
§ 10.31 - Actions on the recommendations.

(a) Upon receipt of the findings and recommendation from the Hearing Examiner, and the record, the Director, Office of Administration, shall forthwith transmit it to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs who has the discretion to return the record to the Director, Office of Administration, for further proceedings by the Hearing Examiner with respect to specific matters designated by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs.

(b)(1) In the event of a recommendation by the Hearing Examiner that an individual's access authorization and/or employment clearance be denied or revoked, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall immediately notify the individual in writing of the Hearing Examiner's findings with respect to each allegation contained in the notification letter, and that the individual has a right to request a review of his or her case by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel and of the right to submit a brief in support of his or her contentions. The request for a review must be submitted to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs within five days after the receipt of the notice. The brief will be forwarded to the for transmission to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel not later than 10 days after receipt of the notice.

(2) In the event the individual fails to request a review by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel of an adverse recommendation within the prescribed time, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs may at his or her discretion request a review of the record of the case by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. The request will set forth those matters at issue in the hearing on which the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs desires a review by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel.

(c) Where the Hearing Examiner has made a recommendation favorable to the individual, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs may at his or her discretion request a review of the record of the case by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. If this request is made, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall immediately cause the individual to be notified of that fact and of those matters at issue in the hearing on which the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs desires a review by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. The Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs will further inform the individual that within 10 days of receipt of this notice, the individual may submit a brief concerning those matters at issue for the consideration of the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. The brief must be forwarded to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs for transmission to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel.

(d) In the event of a request for a review pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the Hearing Counsel may file a brief within 10 days of being notified by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs that a review has been requested. The brief will be forwarded to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs for transmission to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel.

(e) The Hearing Counsel may also request a review of the case by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. The request for review, which will set forth those matters at issue in the hearing on which the Hearing Counsel desires a review, will be submitted to the Deputy Director Executive for Management Services within five days after receipt of the Hearing Examiner's findings and recommendation. Within 10 days of the request for review, the Hearing Counsel may file a brief which will be forwarded to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs and Chief for transmission to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. A copy of the request for review, and a copy of any brief filed, will be immediately sent to the individual. If the Hearing Counsel's request is for a review of a recommendation favorable to the individual, the individual may, within 10 days of receipt of a copy of the request for review, submit a brief concerning those matters at issue for consideration of the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. The brief will be forwarded to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs and Chief Information Officer for transmission to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel and Hearing Counsel. A copy of the brief will be made a part of the applicant's personnel security file.

(f) The time limits imposed by this section for requesting reviews and the filing of briefs may be extended by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs for good cause shown.

(g) In the event a request is made for a review of the record by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall send the record, with all findings and recommendations and any briefs filed by the individual and the Hearing Counsel, to the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel. If neither the individual, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs and, nor the Hearing Counsel requests a review, the final determination will be made by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs on the basis of the record with all findings and recommendations.

[64 FR 15643, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.32 - Recommendation of the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel.

(a) The Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall designate an NRC Personnel Security Review Panel to conduct a review of the record of the case. The NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall be comprised of three members, two of whom shall be selected from outside the security field. To qualify as an NRC Personnel Security Review Panel member, the person designated shall have an NRC “Q” access authorization and may be an employee of the NRC, its contractors, agents, or licensees. However, no employee or consultant of the NRC shall serve as an NRC Personnel Security Review Panel member reviewing the case of an employee (including a consultant) or applicant for employment with the NRC; nor shall any employee or consultant of an NRC contractor, agent or licensee serve as an NRC Personnel Security Review Panel member reviewing the case of an employee (including a consultant) or an applicant for employment of that contractor, agent, or licensee. No NRC Personnel Security Review Panel member shall be selected who has knowledge of the case or of any information relevant to the disposition of it, or who for any reason would be unable to issue a fair and unbiased recommendation.

(b) The NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall consider the matter under review based upon the record supplemented by any brief submitted by the individual or the Hearing Counsel. The NRC Personnel Security Review Panel may request additional briefs as the Panel deems appropriate. When the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel determines that additional evidence or further proceedings are necessary, the record may be returned to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs with a recommendation that the case be returned to the Director, Office of Administration, for appropriate action, which may include returning the case to the Hearing Examiner and reconvening the hearing to obtain additional testimony. When additional testimony is taken by the Hearing Examiner, a written transcript of the testimony will be made a part of the record and will be taken by a person possessing an appropriate NRC access authorization and/or employment clearance and, except for portions containing Restricted Data or National Security Information, or other lawfully withholdable information, a copy of the transcript will be furnished the individual without cost.

(c) In conducting the review, the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall make its findings and recommendations as to the eligibility or continued eligibility of an individual for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance on the record supplemented by additional testimony or briefs, as has been previously determined by the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel as appropriate.

(d) The NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall not consider the possible impact of the loss of the individual's services upon the NRC program.

(e) If, after considering all the factors in light of the criteria set forth in this part, the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel is of the opinion that granting or continuing an access authorization and/or an employment clearance to the individual will not endanger the common defense and security and will be clearly consistent with the national interest, the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall make a favorable recommendation; otherwise, the NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall make an adverse recommendation. The NRC Personnel Security Review Panel shall prepare a report of its findings and recommendations and submit the report in writing to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs , who shall furnish a copy to the individual. The findings and recommendations must be fully supported by stated reasons.

[64 FR 15644, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.33 - Action by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs.

(a) The Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs, on the basis of the record accompanied by all findings and recommendations, shall make a final determination whether access authorization and/or employment clearance shall be granted, denied, or revoked, except when the provisions of § 10.28 (i), (j), or (l) have been used and the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs determination is adverse, the Commission shall make the final agency determination.

(b) In making the determination as to whether an access authorization and/or an employment clearance shall be granted, denied, or revoked, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs or the Commission shall give due recognition to the favorable as well as the unfavorable information concerning the individual and shall take into account the value of the individual's services to the NRC's program and the consequences of denying or revoking access authorization and/or employment clearance.

(c) In the event of an adverse determination, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall promptly notify the individual through the Director, Office of Administration, of his or her decision that an access authorization and/or an employment clearance is being denied or revoked and of his or her findings with respect to each allegation contained in the notification letter for transmittal to the individual.

(d) In the event of a favorable determination, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall promptly notify the individual through the Director, Office of Administration.

[64 FR 15644, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.34 - Action by the Commission.

(a) Whenever, under the provisions of § 10.28(i), (j), or (l) an individual has not been afforded an opportunity to confront and cross-examine witnesses who have furnished information adverse to the individual and an adverse recommendation has been made by the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs , the Commission shall review the record and determine whether an access authorization and/or an employment clearance should be granted, denied, or revoked, based upon the record.

(b) When the Commission determines to deny or revoke access authorization and/or employment clearance, the individual shall promptly be notified through the Director, Office of Administration, of its decision that access authorization and/or employment clearance is being denied or revoked and of its findings and conclusions with respect to each allegation contained in the notification letter for transmittal to the individual.

(c) Nothing contained in these procedures shall be deemed to limit or affect the responsibility and powers of the Commission to deny or revoke access to Restricted Data or national security information if the security of the nation so requires. Such authority may not be delegated and may be exercised when the Commission determines that invocation of the procedures prescribed in this part is inconsistent with the national security. Such determination shall be conclusive.

[47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, as amended at 52 FR 31610, Aug. 21, 1987; 54 FR 53316, Dec. 28, 1989; 64 FR 15645, Apr. 1, 1999]
§ 10.35 - Reconsideration of cases.

(a) Where, pursuant to the procedures set forth in §§ 10.20 through 10.34, the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs or the Commission has made a determination granting an access authorization and/or an employment clearance to an individual, the individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance will be reconsidered only when subsequent to the time of that determination, new derogatory information has been received or the scope or sensitivity of the Restricted Data or National Security Information to which the individual has or will have access has significantly increased. All new derogatory information, whether resulting from the NRC's reinvestigation program or other sources, will be evaluated relative to an individual's continued eligibility in accordance with the procedures of this part.

(b) Where, pursuant to these procedures, the Commission or Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs has made a determination denying or revoking an access authorization and/or an employment clearance to an individual, the individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance may be reconsidered when there is a bona fide offer of employment and/or a bona fide need for access to Restricted Data or National Security Information and either material and relevant new evidence is presented, which the individual and his or her representatives are without fault in failing to present before, or there is convincing evidence of reformation or rehabilitation. Requests for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs through the Director, Office of Administration. Requests must be accompanied by an affidavit setting forth in detail the information referred to above. The Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal, Compliance, Administration, and Human Capital Programs shall cause the individual to be notified as to whether his or her eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance will be reconsidered and if so, the method by which a reconsideration will be accomplished.

(c) Where an access authorization and/or an employment clearance has been granted to an individual by the Director, Division of Facilities and Security, without recourse to the procedures set forth in §§ 10.20 through 10.34, the individual's eligibility for an access authorization and/or an employment clearance will be reconsidered only in a case where, subsequent to the granting of the access authorization and/or employment clearance, new derogatory information has been received or the scope or sensitivity of the Restricted Data or National Security Information to which the individual has or will have access has significantly increased. All new derogatory information, whether resulting from the NRC's reinvestigation program or other sources, will be evaluated relative to an individual's continued eligibility in accordance with the procedures of this part.

[64 FR 15645, Apr. 1, 1999]
authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 145, 161 (42 U.S.C. 2165,2201; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); E.O. 10450, 18 FR 2489, 3 CFR, 1949-1953 Comp., p. 936, as amended; E.O. 10865, 25 FR 1583, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 398, as amended; E.O. 12968, 60 FR 40245, 3 CFR, 1995 Comp., p. 391
source: 47 FR 38676, Sept. 2, 1982, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 10.31