Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 26.51 - Applicability.

The requirements in this subpart apply to the licensees and other entities identified in § 26.3(a), (b), and, as applicable, (c) for the categories of individuals in § 26.4(a) through (d), and, at the licensee's or other entity's discretion, in § 26.4(g) and, if necessary, § 26.4(j). The requirements in this subpart also apply to the licensees and other entities specified in § 26.3(c), as applicable, for the categories of individuals in § 26.4(e). At the discretion of a licensee or other entity in § 26.3(c), the requirements of this subpart also may be applied to the categories of individuals identified in § 26.4(f). In addition, the requirements in this subpart apply to the entities in § 26.3(d) to the extent that a licensee or other entity relies on the C/V to meet the requirements of this subpart. Certain requirements in this subpart also apply to the individuals specified in § 26.4(h).

§ 26.53 - General provisions.

(a) In order to grant authorization to an individual, a licensee or other entity shall ensure that the requirements in this subpart have been met for either initial authorization, authorization update, authorization reinstatement, or authorization with potentially disqualifying FFD information, as applicable.

(b) For individuals who have previously held authorization under this part but whose authorization has since been favorably terminated, the licensee or other entity shall implement the requirements for either initial authorization, authorization update, or authorization reinstatement, based on the total number of days that the individual's authorization is interrupted, to include the day after the individual's last period of authorization was terminated and the intervening days until the day on which the licensee or other entity grants authorization to the individual. If potentially disqualifying FFD information is disclosed or discovered about an individual, licensees and other entities shall implement the applicable requirements in § 26.69 in order to grant or maintain an individual's authorization.

(c) The licensee or other entity shall ensure that an individual has met the applicable FFD training requirements in §§ 26.29 and 26.203(c) before granting authorization to the individual.

(d) Licensees and other entities who are seeking to grant authorization to an individual who is maintaining authorization under another FFD program that is implemented by a licensee or entity who is subject to this subpart may rely on the transferring FFD program to satisfy the requirements of this subpart. The individual may maintain his or her authorization if he or she continues to be subject to either the receiving FFD program or the transferring FFD program, or a combination of elements from both programs that collectively satisfy the applicable requirements of this part. The receiving FFD program shall ensure that the program elements to which the individual is subject under the transferring FFD program remain current.

(e) Licensees and other entities in § 26.3(a) through (c) may also rely on a C/V's FFD program or program elements when granting or maintaining the authorization of an individual who is or has been subject to the C/V's FFD program, if the C/V's program or program elements meet the applicable requirements of this part.

(1) A C/V's FFD program may grant and maintain an individual's authorization, as defined in § 26.5, under the C/V's FFD program. However, only a licensee or other entity in § 26.3(a) through (c) may grant or maintain an individual's authorization to have the types of access or perform the duties specified in § 26.4(a) through (e) and (g), and, at the licensee's or other entity's discretion, § 26.4(f).

(2) If a C/V's FFD program denies or unfavorably terminates an individual's authorization, and the individual is performing any duties for a licensee or other entity that are specified in § 26.4(a) through (e) and (g), or, at the licensee's or other entity's discretion, § 26.4(f), then the C/V shall inform the affected licensee or other entity of the denial or unfavorable termination. The licensee or other entity shall deny or unfavorably terminate the individual's authorization to perform those duties on the day that the licensee or other entity receives the information from the C/V, or implement the applicable process in § 26.69 to maintain the individual's authorization.

(3) If an individual is maintaining authorization under a C/V's FFD program, a licensee or other entity in § 26.3(a) through (c) may grant authorization to the individual to have the types of access and perform the duties specified in § 26.4(a) through (e) and (g), and, at the licensee's or other entity's discretion, § 26.4(f), and maintain his or her authorization, if the individual continues to be subject to either the receiving FFD program or a combination of elements from the receiving FFD program and the C/V's program that collectively satisfy the applicable requirements of this part. The receiving licensee's or other entity's FFD program shall ensure that the program elements to which the individual is subject under the C/V's FFD program remain current.

(f) Licensees and other entities who are seeking to grant authorization to an individual who has been subject to an FFD program under subpart K may not rely on that program or its program elements to meet the requirements of this subpart, except if the program or program element(s) of the FFD program for construction satisfy the applicable requirements of this part.

(g) The licensees and other entities specified in § 26.3(a) and, as applicable, (c) and (d), shall identify any violation of any requirement of this part to any licensee who has relied on or intends to rely on the FFD program element that is determined to be in violation of this part.

(h) The licensees and other entities specified in § 26.3(a) and, as applicable, (c) and (d), may not initiate any actions under this subpart without the knowledge and written consent of the subject individual. The individual may withdraw his or her consent at any time. If an individual withdraws his or her consent, the licensee or other entity may not initiate any elements of the authorization process specified in this subpart that were not in progress at the time the individual withdrew his or her consent, but shall complete and document any elements that are in progress at the time consent is withdrawn. The licensee or other entity shall record the individual's application for authorization; his or her withdrawal of consent; the reason given by the individual for the withdrawal, if any; and any pertinent information gathered from the elements that were completed (e.g., the results of pre-access drug tests, information obtained from the suitable inquiry). The licensee or other entity to whom the individual has applied for authorization shall inform the individual that—

(1) Withdrawal of his or her consent will withdraw the individual's current application for authorization under the licensee's or other entity's FFD program; and

(2) Other licensees and entities will have access to information documenting the withdrawal as a result of the information sharing that is required under this part.

(i) The licensees and other entities specified in § 26.3(a) and, as applicable, (c) and(d), shall inform, in writing, any individual who is applying for authorization that the following actions related to providing and sharing the personal information required under this subpart are sufficient cause for denial or unfavorable termination of authorization:

(1) Refusal to provide written consent for the suitable inquiry;

(2) Refusal to provide or the falsification of any personal information required under this part, including, but not limited to, the failure to report any previous denial or unfavorable termination of authorization;

(3) Refusal to provide written consent for the sharing of personal information with other licensees or other entities required under this part; and

(4) Failure to report any legal actions, as defined in § 26.5.

§ 26.55 - Initial authorization.

(a) Before granting authorization to an individual who has never held authorization under this part or whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of 3 years or more and whose last period of authorization was terminated favorably, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that—

(1) A self-disclosure has been obtained and reviewed under the applicable requirements of § 26.61;

(2) A suitable inquiry has been completed under the applicable requirements of § 26.63;

(3) The individual has been subject to pre-access drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.65; and

(4) The individual is subject to random drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.67.

(b) If potentially disqualifying FFD information is disclosed or discovered, the licensee or other entity may not grant authorization to the individual, except under § 26.69.

§ 26.57 - Authorization update.

(a) Before granting authorization to an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for more than 365 days but less than 3 years and whose last period of authorization was terminated favorably, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that—

(1) A self-disclosure has been obtained and reviewed under the applicable requirements of § 26.61;

(2) A suitable inquiry has been completed under the applicable requirements of § 26.63;

(3) The individual has been subject to pre-access drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.65; and

(4) The individual is subject to random drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.67.

(b) If potentially disqualifying FFD information is disclosed or discovered, the licensee or other entity may not grant authorization to the individual, except under § 26.69.

§ 26.59 - Authorization reinstatement.

(a) In order to grant authorization to an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of more than 30 days but no more than 365 days and whose last period of authorization was terminated favorably, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that—

(1) A self-disclosure has been obtained and reviewed under the applicable requirements of § 26.61;

(2) A suitable inquiry has been completed under the requirements of § 26.63 within 5 business days of reinstating authorization. If the suitable inquiry is not completed within 5 business days due to circumstances that are outside of the licensee's or other entity's control and the licensee or other entity is not aware of any potentially disqualifying information regarding the individual within the past 5 years, the licensee or other entity may maintain the individual's authorization for an additional 5 business days. If the suitable inquiry is not completed within 10 business days of reinstating authorization, the licensee or other entity shall administratively withdraw the individual's authorization until the suitable inquiry is completed;

(3) The individual has been subject to pre-access drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.65; and

(4) The individual is subject to random drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.67.

(b) If a licensee or other entity administratively withdraws an individual's authorization under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, and until the suitable inquiry is completed, the licensee or other entity may not record the administrative action to withdraw authorization as an unfavorable termination and may not disclose it in response to a suitable inquiry conducted under the provisions of § 26.63, a background investigation conducted under the provisions of this chapter, or any other inquiry or investigation. The individual may not be required to disclose the administrative action in response to requests for self-disclosure of potentially disqualifying FFD information, except if the individual's authorization was subsequently denied or terminated unfavorably by the licensee or other entity.

(c) Before granting authorization to an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of no more than 30 days and whose last period of authorization was terminated favorably, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that—

(1) A self-disclosure has been obtained and reviewed under the applicable requirements of § 26.61;

(2) The individual has been subject to pre-access drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.65, if the individual's authorization was interrupted for more than 5 days; and

(3) The individual is subject to random drug and alcohol testing under the applicable requirements of § 26.67.

(d) If potentially disqualifying FFD information is disclosed or discovered, the licensee or other entity may not grant authorization to the individual, except under § 26.69.

§ 26.61 - Self-disclosure and employment history.

(a) Before granting authorization, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that a written self-disclosure and employment history has been obtained from the individual who is applying for authorization, except as follows:

(1) If an individual previously held authorization under this part, and the licensee or other entity has verified that the individual's last period of authorization was terminated favorably, and the individual has been subject to a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which meets the requirements of this part, throughout the period since the individual's last authorization was terminated, the granting licensee or other entity need not obtain the self-disclosure or employment history in order to grant authorization; and

(2) If the individual's last period of authorization was terminated favorably within the past 30 days, the licensee or other entity need not obtain the employment history.

(b) The written self-disclosure must—

(1) State whether the individual has—

(i) Violated a licensee's or other entity's FFD policy;

(ii) Had authorization denied or terminated unfavorably under §§ 26.35(c)(2), 26.53(i), 26.63(d), 26.65(g), 26.67(c), 26.69(f), or 26.75(b) through (e);

(iii) Used, sold, or possessed illegal drugs;

(iv) Abused legal drugs or alcohol;

(v) Subverted or attempted to subvert a drug or alcohol testing program;

(vi) Refused to take a drug or alcohol test;

(vii) Been subject to a plan for substance abuse treatment (except for self-referral); or

(viii) Had legal action or employment action, as defined in § 26.5, taken for alcohol or drug use;

(2) Address the specific type, duration, and resolution of any matter disclosed, including, but not limited to, the reason(s) for any unfavorable termination or denial of authorization; and

(3) Address the shortest of the following periods:

(i) The past 5 years;

(ii) Since the individual's eighteenth birthday; or

(iii) Since the individual's last period of authorization was terminated, if authorization was terminated favorably within the past 3 years.

(c) The individual shall provide a list of all employers, including the employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed on the day before he or she completes the employment history, if any, with dates of employment, for the shortest of the following periods:

(1) The past 3 years;

(2) Since the individual's eighteenth birthday; or

(3) Since authorization was last terminated, if authorization was terminated favorably within the past 3 years.

§ 26.63 - Suitable inquiry.

(a) In order to grant authorization, licensees and other entities shall ensure that a suitable inquiry has been conducted, on a best effort basis, to verify the individual's self-disclosed information and determine whether any potentially disqualifying FFD information is available, except if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) The individual previously held authorization under this part;

(2) The licensee or other entity has verified that the individual's last period of authorization was terminated favorably; and

(3) The individual has been subject to a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which meets the requirements of this part, throughout the period of interruption.

(b) To meet the suitable inquiry requirement, licensees and other entities may rely on the information that other licensees and entities who are subject to this subpart have gathered for previous periods of authorization. Licensees and other entities may also rely on those licensees' and entities' determinations of fitness that were conducted under § 26.189, as well as their reviews and resolutions of potentially disqualifying FFD information, for previous periods of authorization.

(c) The licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted, on a best effort basis, by questioning former employers, and the employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed on the day before he or she completes the employment history, if an employment history is required under § 26.61.

(1) For the claimed employment period, the suitable inquiry must ascertain the reason for termination, eligibility for rehire, and other information that could reflect on the individual's fitness to be granted authorization.

(2) If the claimed employment was military service, the licensee or other entity who is conducting the suitable inquiry shall request a characterization of service, reason for separation, and any disciplinary actions related to potentially disqualifying FFD information. If the individual's last duty station cannot provide this information, the licensee or other entity may accept a hand-carried copy of the DD 214 presented by the individual which on face value appears to be legitimate. The licensee or other entity may also accept a copy of a DD 214 provided by the custodian of military records.

(3) If a company, previous employer, or educational institution to whom the licensee or other entity has directed a request for information refuses to provide information or indicates an inability or unwillingness to provide information within 3 business days of the request, the licensee or other entity shall document this refusal, inability, or unwillingness in the licensee's or other entity's record of the investigation, and obtain a confirmation of employment or educational enrollment and attendance from at least one alternate source, with suitable inquiry questions answered to the best of the alternate source's ability. This alternate source may not have been previously used by the licensee or other entity to obtain information about the individual's character. If the licensee or other entity uses an alternate source because employer information is not forthcoming within 3 business days of the request, the licensee or other entity need not delay granting authorization to wait for any employer response, but shall evaluate and document the response if it is received.

(d) When any licensee or other entity in § 26.3(a) through (d) is legitimately seeking the information required for an authorization decision under this subpart and has obtained a signed release from the subject individual authorizing the disclosure of information, any licensee or other entity who is subject to this part shall disclose whether the subject individual's authorization was denied or terminated unfavorably as a result of a violation of an FFD policy and shall make available the information on which the denial or unfavorable termination of authorization was based, including, but not limited to, drug or alcohol test results, treatment and followup testing requirements or other results from a determination of fitness, and any other information that is relevant to an authorization decision.

(e) In conducting a suitable inquiry, a licensee or other entity may obtain information and documents by electronic means, including, but not limited to, telephone, facsimile, or e-mail. The licensee or other entity shall make a record of the contents of the telephone call and shall retain that record, and any documents or electronic files obtained electronically, under §§ 26.711 and 26.713(a), (b), and (c), as applicable.

(f) For individuals about whom no potentially disqualifying FFD information is known (or about whom potentially disqualifying FFD information is known, but it has been resolved by a licensee or other entity who is subject to this subpart) at the time at which the suitable inquiry is initiated, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that a suitable inquiry has been conducted as follows:

(1) Initial authorization. The period of the suitable inquiry must be the past 3 years or since the individual's eighteenth birthday, whichever is shorter. For the 1-year period immediately preceding the date on which the individual applies for authorization, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted with every employer, regardless of the length of employment. For the remaining 2-year period, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted with the employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed the longest within each calendar month, if the individual claims employment during the given calendar month.

(2) Authorization update. The period of the suitable inquiry must be the period since authorization was terminated. For the 1-year period immediately preceding the date on which the individual applies for authorization, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted with every employer, regardless of the length of employment. For the remaining period since authorization was terminated, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted with the employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed the longest within each calendar month, if the individual claims employment during the given calendar month.

(3) Authorization reinstatement after an interruption of more than 30 days. The period of the suitable inquiry must be the period since authorization was terminated. The licensee or other entity shall ensure that the suitable inquiry has been conducted with the employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed the longest within the calendar month, if the individual claims employment during the given calendar month.

§ 26.65 - Pre-access drug and alcohol testing.

(a) Purpose. This section contains pre-access testing requirements for granting authorization to an individual who either has never held authorization or whose last period of authorization was terminated favorably and about whom no potentially disqualifying FFD information has been discovered or disclosed that was not previously reviewed and resolved by a licensee or other entity under the requirements of this subpart.

(b) Accepting tests conducted within the past 30 days. If an individual has negative results from drug and alcohol tests that were conducted under the requirements of this part before the individual applied for authorization from the licensee or other entity, and the specimens for such testing were collected within the 30-day period preceding the day on which the licensee or other entity grants authorization to the individual, the licensee or other entity may rely on the results of those drug and alcohol tests to meet the requirements for pre-access testing in this section.

(c) Initial authorization and authorization update. Before granting authorization to an individual who has never held authorization or whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of more than 365 days, the licensee or other entity shall verify that the results of pre-access drug and alcohol tests, which must be performed within the 30-day period preceding the day the licensee or other entity grants authorization to the individual, are negative. The licensee or other entity need not conduct pre-access testing if—

(1) The individual previously held authorization under this part and has been subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that includes random testing and a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which both meet the requirements of this part, from the date the individual's last authorization was terminated through the date the individual is granted authorization; or

(2) The licensee or other entity relies on negative results from drug and alcohol tests that were conducted under the requirements of this part at any time before the individual applied for authorization, and the individual has remained subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that includes random testing and a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which both meet the requirements of this part, beginning on the date the drug and alcohol testing was conducted through the date the individual is granted authorization and thereafter.

(d) Authorization reinstatement after an interruption of more than 30 days. (1) To reinstate authorization for an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of more than 30 days but no more than 365 days, except as permitted in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the licensee or other entity shall—

(i) Verify that the individual has negative results from alcohol testing and collect a specimen for drug testing within the 30-day period preceding the day the licensee reinstates the individual's authorization; and

(ii) Verify that the drug test results are negative within 5 business days of specimen collection or administratively withdraw authorization until the drug test results are received.

(2) The licensee or other entity need not conduct pre-access testing of these individuals if—

(i) The individual previously held authorization under this part and has been subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that includes random testing and a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which both meet the requirements of this part, beginning on the date the individual's last authorization was terminated through the date the individual is granted authorization; or

(ii) The licensee or other entity relies on negative results from drug and alcohol tests that were conducted under the requirements of this part at any time before the individual applied for authorization, and the individual remains subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that includes random testing and a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which both meet the requirements of this part, beginning on the date the drug and alcohol testing was conducted through the date the individual is granted authorization.

(e) Authorization reinstatement after an interruption of 30 or fewer days. (1) The licensee or other entity need not conduct pre-access testing before granting authorization to an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for 5 or fewer days. In addition, the licensee or other entity need not conduct pre-access testing if the individual has been subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that includes random testing and a behavioral observation program that includes arrest reporting, which both meet the requirements of this part, from the date the individual's last authorization was terminated through the date the individual is granted authorization.

(2) In order to reinstate authorization for an individual whose authorization has been interrupted for a period of more than 5 days but not more than 30 days, except as permitted in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the licensee or other entity shall take the following actions:

(i) The licensee or other entity shall subject the individual to random selection for pre-access drug and alcohol testing at a one-time probability that is equal to or greater than the normal testing rate specified in § 26.31(d)(2)(vii) calculated for a 30-day period;

(ii) If the individual is not selected for pre-access testing under paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section, the licensee or other entity need not perform pre-access drug and alcohol tests; or

(iii) If the individual is selected for pre-access testing under this paragraph, the licensee or other entity shall—

(A) Verify that the individual has negative results from alcohol testing and collect a specimen for drug testing before reinstating authorization; and

(B) Verify that the drug test results are negative within 5 business days of specimen collection or administratively withdraw authorization until negative drug test results are received.

(f) Administrative withdrawal of authorization. If a licensee or other entity administratively withdraws an individual's authorization under paragraphs (d)(1)(ii) or (e)(2)(iii)(B) of this section, and until the drug test results are known, the licensee or other entity may not record the administrative action to withdraw authorization as an unfavorable termination. The individual may not be required to disclose the administrative action in response to requests for self-disclosure of potentially disqualifying FFD information, except if the individual's authorization was subsequently denied or terminated unfavorably by a licensee or entity. Immediately on receipt of negative test results, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that any matter that could link the individual to the temporary administrative action is eliminated from the donor's personnel record and other records.

(g) Sanctions. If an individual has confirmed positive, adulterated, or substituted test results from any drug, validity, or alcohol tests that may be required in this section, the licensee or other entity shall, at a minimum and as appropriate—

(1) Deny authorization to the individual, as required by § 26.75(b), (d), (e)(2), or (g);

(2) Terminate the individual's authorization, if it has been reinstated, under § 26.75(e)(1) or (f); or

(3) Grant authorization to the individual under § 26.69.

§ 26.67 - Random drug and alcohol testing of individuals who have applied for authorization.

(a) When the licensee or other entity collects specimens from an individual for any pre-access testing that may be required under §§ 26.65 or 26.69, and thereafter, the licensee or other entity shall subject the individual to random testing under § 26.31(d)(2), except if—

(1) The licensee or other entity does not grant authorization to the individual; or

(2) The licensee or other entity relies on drug and alcohol tests that were conducted before the individual applied for authorization to meet the applicable requirements for pre-access testing. If the licensee or other entity relies on drug and alcohol tests that were conducted before the individual applied for authorization, the licensee or other entity shall subject the individual to random testing when the individual arrives at a licensee's or other entity's facility for in-processing and thereafter.

(b) If an individual is selected for one or more random tests after any applicable requirement for pre-access testing in §§ 26.65 or 26.69 has been met, the licensee or other entity may grant authorization before random testing is completed, if the individual has met all other applicable requirements for authorization.

(c) If an individual has confirmed positive, adulterated, or substituted test results from any drug, validity, or alcohol test required in this section, the licensee or other entity shall, at a minimum and as appropriate—

(1) Deny authorization to the individual, as required by § 26.75(b), (d), (e)(2), or (g);

(2) Terminate the individual's authorization, if it has been granted, as required by § 26.75(e)(1) or (f); or

(3) Grant authorization to the individual under § 26.69.

§ 26.69 - Authorization with potentially disqualifying fitness-for-duty information.

(a) Purpose. This section defines the management actions that licensees and other entities who are subject to this subpart shall take to grant or maintain, at the licensee's or other entity's discretion, the authorization of an individual who is in the following circumstances:

(1) Potentially disqualifying FFD information within the past 5 years has been disclosed or discovered about the individual by any means, including, but not limited to, the individual's self-disclosure, the suitable inquiry, drug and alcohol testing, the administration of any FFD program under this part, a self-report of a legal action, behavioral observation, or other sources of information, including, but not limited to, any background investigation or credit and criminal history check conducted under the requirements of this chapter; and

(2) The potentially disqualifying FFD information has not been reviewed and favorably resolved by a previous licensee or other entity under this section.

(b) Authorization after a first confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result or a 5-year denial of authorization. The requirements in this paragraph apply to individuals whose authorization was denied or terminated unfavorably for a first violation of an FFD policy involving a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result and individuals whose authorization was denied for 5 years under § 26.75(c), (d), (e)(2), or (f). To grant, and subsequently maintain, the individual's authorization, the licensee or other entity shall—

(1) Obtain and review a self-disclosure and employment history from the individual that addresses the shorter period of either the past 5 years or since the individual's last period of authorization was terminated, and verify that the self-disclosure does not contain any previously undisclosed potentially disqualifying FFD information before granting authorization;

(2) Complete a suitable inquiry with every employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed during the period addressed in the employment history obtained under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and obtain and review any records that other licensees or entities who are subject to this part may have developed related to the unfavorable termination or denial of authorization;

(3) If the individual was subject to a 5-year denial of authorization under this part, verify that he or she has abstained from substance abuse for at least the past 5 years;

(4) Ensure that an SAE has conducted a determination of fitness and concluded that the individual is fit to safely and competently perform his or her duties.

(i) If the individual's authorization was denied or terminated unfavorably for a first confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result, ensure that clinically appropriate treatment and followup testing plans have been developed by an SAE before granting authorization;

(ii) If the individual was subject to a 5-year denial of authorization, ensure that any recommendations for treatment and followup testing from an SAE's determination of fitness are initiated before granting authorization; and

(iii) Verify that the individual is in compliance with, and successfully completes, any followup testing and treatment plans.

(5) Within 10 business days before granting authorization, perform a pre-access alcohol test, collect a specimen for drug testing under direct observation, and ensure that the individual is subject to random testing thereafter. Verify that the pre-access drug and alcohol test results are negative before granting authorization.

(6) If the individual's authorization was denied or terminated unfavorably for a first confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result and a licensee or other entity grants authorization to the individual, ensure that the individual is subject to unannounced testing at least quarterly for 3 calendar years after the date the individual is granted authorization. Both random and followup tests, as defined in § 26.31(c), satisfy this requirement. Verify that the individual has negative test results from a minimum of 15 tests distributed over the 3-year period, except as follows:

(i) If the individual does not continuously hold authorization during the 3-year period, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that at least one unannounced test is conducted in any quarter during which the individual holds authorization;

(ii) If the 15 tests are not completed within the 3-year period specified in this paragraph due to periods during which the individual does not hold authorization, the followup testing program may be extended up to 5 calendar years to complete the 15 tests;

(iii) If the individual does not hold authorization during the 5-year period a sufficient number of times or for sufficient periods of time to complete the 15 tests required in this paragraph, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that an SAE conducts a determination of fitness to assess whether further followup testing is required and implement the SAE's recommendations; and

(7) Verify that any drug and alcohol tests required in this paragraph, and any other drug and alcohol tests that are conducted under this part since authorization was terminated or denied, yield results indicating no further drug abuse, as determined by the MRO after review, or alcohol abuse, as determined by the result of confirmatory alcohol testing.

(c) Granting authorization with other potentially disqualifying FFD information. The requirements in this paragraph apply to an individual who has applied for authorization, and about whom potentially disqualifying FFD information has been discovered or disclosed that is not a first confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result or a 5-year denial of authorization. If potentially disqualifying FFD information is obtained about an individual by any means, including, but not limited to, the individual's self-disclosure, the suitable inquiry, the administration of any FFD program under this part, a self-report of a legal action, behavioral observation, or other sources of information, including, but not limited to, any background investigation or credit and criminal history check conducted under the requirements of this chapter, before granting authorization to the individual, the licensee or other entity shall—

(1) Obtain and review a self-disclosure and employment history that addresses the shortest of the following periods:

(i) The past 5 years;

(ii) Since the individual's eighteenth birthday; or

(iii) Since the individual's last period of authorization was terminated;

(2) Complete a suitable inquiry with every employer by whom the individual claims to have been employed during the period addressed in the employment history required under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. If the individual held authorization within the past 5 years, obtain and review any records that other licensees or entities who are subject to this part may have developed with regard to potentially disqualifying FFD information about the individual from the past 5 years;

(3) If the designated reviewing official determines that a determination of fitness is required, verify that a professional with the appropriate qualifications, as specified in § 26.189(a), has indicated that the individual is fit to safely and competently perform his or her duties;

(4) Ensure that the individual is in compliance with, or has completed, any plans for treatment and drug and alcohol testing from the determination of fitness, which may include the collection of a urine specimen under direct observation; and

(5) Verify that the results of pre-access drug and alcohol tests are negative before granting authorization, and that the individual is subject to random testing after the specimens have been collected for pre-access testing and thereafter.

(d) Maintaining authorization with other potentially disqualifying FFD information. If an individual is authorized when other potentially disqualifying FFD information is disclosed or discovered, in order to maintain the individual's authorization, the licensee or other entity shall—

(1) Ensure that the licensee's or other entity's designated reviewing official completes a review of the circumstances associated with the information;

(2) If the designated reviewing official concludes that a determination of fitness is required, verify that a professional with the appropriate qualifications, as specified in § 26.189(a), has indicated that the individual is fit to safely and competently perform his or her duties; and

(3) If the reviewing official determines that maintaining the individual's authorization is warranted, implement any recommendations for treatment and followup drug and alcohol testing from the determination of fitness, which may include the collection of urine specimens under direct observation, and ensure that the individual complies with and successfully completes the treatment plans.

(e) Accepting followup testing and treatment plans from another FFD program. Licensees and other entities may rely on followup testing, treatment plans, and determinations of fitness that meet the requirements of § 26.189 and were conducted under the FFD program of another licensee or entity who is subject to this subpart.

(1) If an individual leaves the FFD program in which a treatment and/or followup testing plan was required under paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section, the licensee or other entity who imposed the treatment and/or followup testing plan shall ensure that information documenting the treatment and/or followup testing plan is identified to any subsequent licensee or other entity who seeks to grant authorization to the individual. If the individual is granted authorization by the same or another licensee or entity, the licensee or other entity who grants authorization to the individual shall ensure that any followup testing requirements are met and that the individual complies with any treatment plan, with accountability assumed by the granting licensee or other entity. If it is impractical for the individual to comply with a treatment plan that was developed under another FFD program because of circumstances that are outside of the individual's or licensee's or other entity's control (e.g., geographical distance, closure of a treatment facility), then the granting FFD program shall ensure that an SAE develops a comparable treatment plan, with accountability for monitoring the individual's compliance with the plan assumed by the granting licensee or other entity.

(2) If the previous licensee or other entity determined that the individual successfully completed any required treatment and followup testing, and the individual's last period of authorization was terminated favorably, the receiving licensee or entity may rely on the previous determination of fitness and no further review or followup is required.

(f) Sanctions. If an individual has confirmed positive, adulterated, or substituted test results from any drug, validity, or alcohol test required in this section, the licensee or other entity shall, at a minimum and as appropriate—

(1) Deny authorization to the individual, as required by § 26.75(b), (d), (e)(2), or (g); or

(2) Terminate the individual's authorization, if it has been granted, as required by § 26.75(e)(1) or (f).

[73 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 38328, Aug. 3, 2009]
§ 26.71 - Maintaining authorization.

(a) Individuals may maintain authorization under the following conditions:

(1) The individual complies with the licensee's or other entity's FFD policies and procedures, as described in § 26.27, including the responsibility to report any legal actions, as defined in § 26.5;

(2) The individual remains subject to a drug and alcohol testing program that meets the requirements of § 26.31, including random testing;

(3) The individual remains subject to a behavioral observation program that meets the requirements of § 26.33; and

(4) The individual successfully completes required FFD training on the schedule specified in § 26.29(c).

(b) If an authorized individual is not subject to an FFD program that meets the requirements of this section for more than 30 continuous days, then the licensee or other entity shall terminate the individual's authorization and the individual shall meet the requirements in this subpart, as applicable, to regain authorization.

authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 53, 103, 104, 107, 161, 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2073,2133,2134,2137,2201,2273,2282,2297f; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202 (42 U.S.C. 5841,5842; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note
source: 73 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 26.51