Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 10 - Energy last revised: Oct 10, 2024
§ 26.121 - Purpose.

This subpart contains requirements for facilities that are operated by licensees and other entities who are subject to this part to perform initial tests of urine specimens for validity, drugs, and drug metabolites.

§ 26.123 - Testing facility capabilities.

Each licensee testing facility shall have the capability, at the same premises, to perform either validity screening tests or initial validity tests or both, and initial drug tests for each drug and drug metabolite for which testing is conducted.

§ 26.125 - Licensee testing facility personnel.

(a) Each licensee testing facility shall have one or more individuals who are responsible for day-to-day operations and supervision of the testing technicians. The designated individual(s) shall have at least a bachelor's degree in the chemical or biological sciences, medical technology, or equivalent. He or she shall also have training and experience in the theory and practice of the procedures used in the licensee testing facility, and a thorough understanding of quality control practices and procedures, the review, interpretation, and reporting of test results, and proper remedial actions to be taken in response to detection of abnormal test or quality control results.

(b) Other technicians or non-technical staff shall have the necessary training and skills for their assigned tasks. Technicians who perform urine specimen testing shall have documented proficiency in operating the testing instruments and devices used at the licensee testing facility.

(c) Licensee testing facility personnel files must include each individual's resume of training and experience; certification or license, if any; references; job descriptions; records of performance evaluations and advancement; incident reports, if any; results of tests that establish employee competency for the position he or she holds, including, but not limited to, certification that personnel are proficient in conducting testing in accordance with manufacturer's most recent instructions for the instruments and devices used and tests for color blindness; and appropriate data to support determinations of honesty and integrity required by this part.

§ 26.127 - Procedures.

(a) Licensee testing facilities shall develop, implement, and maintain clear and well-documented procedures for accession, shipment, and testing of urine specimens.

(b) Written chain of custody procedures must describe the methods to be used to maintain control and accountability of specimens from receipt through completion of testing and reporting of results, during storage and shipping to the HHS-certified laboratory, and continuing until final disposition of the specimens.

(c) Licensee testing facilities shall develop, implement, and maintain written standard operating procedures for each assay performed for drug and specimen validity testing. If a licensee testing facility performs validity screening tests, the licensee testing facility shall develop, implement, and maintain written standard operating procedures for each test. The procedures must include, but are not limited to, detailed descriptions of—

(1) The principles of each test;

(2) Preparation of reagents, standards, and controls;

(3) Calibration procedures;

(4) Derivation of results;

(5) Linearity of the methods;

(6) Sensitivity of the methods;

(7) Cutoff values;

(8) Mechanisms for reporting results;

(9) Controls;

(10) Criteria for unacceptable specimens and results;

(11) Reagents and expiration dates; and

(12) References.

(d) Licensee testing facilities shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures for instrument and test setup and normal operation, including the following:

(1) A schedule for checking critical operating characteristics for all instruments and validity screening tests;

(2) Tolerance limits for acceptable function checks; and

(3) Instructions for major troubleshooting and repair.

(e) Licensee testing facilities shall develop, implement, and maintain written procedures for remedial actions to be taken when systems, and instrumented and non-instrumented tests are out of acceptable limits or errors are detected. Each facility shall maintain documentation that these procedures are followed and that all necessary corrective actions are taken. In addition, each facility shall have systems in place to verify all stages of testing and reporting and to document the verification.

§ 26.129 - Assuring specimen security, chain of custody, and preservation.

(a) Each licensee testing facility must be secure at all times. Each licensee or other entity shall have sufficient security measures in place to control access to the licensee testing facility and to ensure that no unauthorized personnel handle specimens or gain access to the licensee testing facility's processes or areas where records are stored. Access to these secured areas must be limited to specifically authorized individuals whose authorization is documented. All authorized visitors and maintenance and service personnel shall be escorted at all times while in the licensee testing facility.

(b) When specimens are received, licensee testing facility personnel shall inspect each package for evidence of possible tampering and shall compare information on the specimen containers within each package to the information on the accompanying Federal CCFs. Licensee testing facility personnel shall attempt to resolve any discrepancies identified in the information on specimen bottles or on the accompanying Federal CCFs. When resolving any discrepancies, licensee testing facility personnel shall obtain a memorandum for the record from the specimen collector involved in the discrepancy to document correction of the discrepancy. This memorandum must accompany the specimen(s) and Federal CCFs to the HHS-certified laboratory if the specimen(s) must be transferred.

(1) Indications of tampering with specimens in transit from the collection site, or at a licensee testing facility, must be reported to senior licensee or other entity management as soon as practical and no later than 8 hours after the indications are identified. In response to a report, licensee or other entity management personnel shall initiate an investigation to determine whether tampering has occurred.

(i) If the investigation determines that tampering has occurred, licensee or other entity management shall ensure that corrective actions are taken.

(ii) If there is reason to believe that the integrity or identity of a specimen is in question (as a result of tampering or discrepancies between the information on the specimen bottle and on the accompanying Federal CCFs that cannot be resolved), the licensee testing facility shall reject the specimen for testing. The licensee or other entity shall ensure that another collection occurs as soon as reasonably practical, except if a split specimen collection was performed, either the Bottle A or Bottle B seal remains intact, and the intact specimen contains at least 15 mL of urine. In this instance, the licensee testing facility shall forward the intact specimen for testing to the HHS-certified laboratory and may not conduct any testing at the licensee testing facility.

(2) The following are exclusive grounds requiring the MRO to cancel the testing of a donor's urine specimen and report a cancelled test result to the licensee or other entity:

(i) The Federal CCF does not contain information to identify the specimen collector and the collection site cannot provide conclusive evidence of the collector's identity;

(ii) The identification numbers on the specimen bottle seal(s) do not match the identification numbers on the Federal CCF;

(iii) A specimen bottle seal is broken or shows evidence of tampering and an intact specimen, as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, does not exist;

(iv) The specimen appears to have leaked out of its sealed bottle and there is less than 15 mL remaining, and an intact specimen, as specified in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, does not exist; or

(v) As required under § 26.165(f)(2).

(c) The licensee testing facility shall retain specimen containers within the testing facility's accession area until all analyses have been completed. Testing facility personnel shall use aliquots of the specimen and licensee testing facility chain of custody forms, or other appropriate methods of tracking aliquot custody and control, when conducting validity screening and initial validity and drug tests. The original specimen bottles and the original Federal CCFs must remain in secure storage. Licensee testing facility personnel may discard specimens and aliquots as soon as practical after validity screening or initial validity tests have demonstrated that the specimen appears valid and initial test results for drugs and drug metabolites are negative.

(d) The licensee testing facility's procedure for tracking custody and control of specimens and aliquots must protect the identity of the donor, and provide documentation of the testing process and transfers of custody of the specimen and aliquots. Each time a specimen or aliquot is handled or transferred within the licensee testing facility, testing facility personnel shall document the date and purpose and every individual in the chain of custody must be identified.

(e) Urine specimens identified as positive or of questionable validity at a licensee testing facility must be shipped to an HHS-certified laboratory for testing as soon as reasonably practical.

(f) Licensee testing facility personnel shall take appropriate and prudent actions to minimize false negative results from specimen degradation. If validity screening or initial validity testing indicate that the specimen is of questionable validity, or initial drug test results are positive, or if a specimen has not been tested within 24 hours of receipt at the licensee testing facility, then the facility shall maintain the specimen cooled to not more than 6 °C (42.8 °F) until it is forwarded to the HHS-certified laboratory for further testing, if required. Split specimens in Bottle B that are associated with positive specimens or specimens of questionable validity in Bottle A must also be maintained cooled (as previously specified) until test results from the HHS-certified laboratory are known to be negative for Bottle A; until the MRO informs the licensee testing facility that Bottle B must be forwarded to an HHS-certified laboratory for testing; or until the specimen is moved to long-term, frozen storage, under § 26.135(c).

(g) Licensee testing facility personnel shall ensure that the original Federal CCF is packaged with its associated urine specimen bottle. Sealed and labeled specimen bottles, with their associated Federal CCFs, being transferred from the licensee testing facility to the HHS-certified laboratory must be placed in a second, tamper-evident shipping container designed to minimize the possibility of damage to the specimen during shipment (e.g., specimen boxes, padded mailers, or bulk insulated shipping containers with that capability) so that the contents of the shipping containers are no longer accessible without breaking a tamper-evident seal.

(h) Couriers, express carriers, and postal service personnel do not have direct access to the Federal CCFs or the specimen bottles. Therefore, such personnel are not required to document chain of custody on the Federal CCFs during transit. Custody accountability of the shipping containers during shipment must be maintained by a tracking system provided by the courier, express carrier, or postal service.

[78 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, as amended at 87 FR 71459, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 26.131 - Cutoff levels for validity screening and initial validity tests.

(a) Each validity test result from the licensee testing facility must be based on performing either a validity screening test or an initial validity test, or both, on one or more aliquots of a urine specimen. The licensee testing facility shall forward any specimen that yields a questionable validity screening or initial validity test result to the HHS-certified laboratory for further testing. Licensee testing facilities need not perform validity screening tests before conducting initial validity tests of a specimen.

(b) At a minimum, the licensee testing facility shall test each urine specimen for creatinine, pH, and one or more oxidizing adulterants. Licensees and other entities may not specify more stringent cutoff levels for validity screening and initial validity tests than those specified in this section. If tests or observations indicate one or more of the following from either a validity screening test or an initial validity test, the licensee testing facility shall forward the specimen to the HHS-certified laboratory for additional testing:

(1) Creatinine is less than 20 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL);

(2) The pH of the specimen is either less than 4.5 or equal to or greater than 9, using either a colorimetric pH test with a dynamic range of 2 to 12 or pH meter that is capable of measuring pH to one decimal place (for initial validity tests), or colorimetric pH tests, dipsticks, and pH paper (for pH validity screening tests) that have a narrow dynamic range;

(3) Nitrite or other oxidant concentration is equal to or greater than 200 micrograms (mcg) per mL or equal to or greater than 200 mcg/mL nitrite-equivalents using either a nitrite colorimetric test or a general oxidant colorimetric test;

(4) The possible presence of an oxidizing adulterant (e.g., chromium (VI), pyridine (pyridinium chlorochromate)) is determined using either a general oxidant colorimetric test (with a cutoff equal to or greater than 50 mcg/mL chromium (VI)-equivalents) or a chromium (VI) colorimetric test (chromium (VI) concentration equal to or greater than 50 mcg/mL);

(5) The possible presence of halogen (e.g., bleach, iodine, fluoride) is determined using a general oxidant colorimetric test (with a cutoff equal to or greater than 200 mcg/mL nitrite-equivalents or equal to or greater than 50 mcg/mL chromium (VI)-equivalents), a halogen colorimetric test (halogen concentration equal to or greater than the limit of detection (LOD)), or the odor of the specimen;

(6) The possible presence of glutaraldehyde is determined using either an aldehyde test (aldehyde present) or the characteristic immunoassay response is observed on one or more drug immunoassay tests;

(7) The possible presence of a surfactant is determined by using a surfactant colorimetric test with a cutoff equal to or greater than 100 mcg/mL dodecylbenzene sulfonate-equivalent or a foam/shake test; or

(8) The specimen shows evidence of adulterants, including, but not limited to, the following:

(i) Abnormal physical characteristics;

(ii) Reactions or responses characteristic of an adulterant obtained during the validity screening or initial test; or

(iii) A possible unidentified interfering substance or adulterant, demonstrated by interference occurring on the immunoassay drug tests on two separate aliquots (i.e., valid immunoassay drug test results cannot be obtained).

§ 26.133 - Cutoff levels for drugs and drug metabolites.

Subject to the provisions of § 26.31(d)(3)(iii), licensees and other entities may specify more stringent cutoff levels for drugs and drug metabolites than those in Table 1 to § 26.133 and, in such cases, may report initial test results for only the more stringent cutoff levels. Otherwise, the following cutoff levels must be used for initial testing of urine specimens to determine whether they are negative or positive for the indicated drugs and drug metabolites:

Table 1 to § 26.133—Urine, Initial Test Cutoff Levels for Drugs and Drug Metabolites

Drugs or drug metabolites Cutoff level
Marijuana metabolites50
Cocaine metabolites150
Codeine/Morphine 12,000
6-acetylmorphine (6-AM)10
Phencyclidine (PCP)25
Amphetamines: 2
MDMA 4/MDA 5500

1 Morphine is the target analyte for codeine/morphine testing.

2 Either a single initial test kit or multiple initial test kits may be used provided the single test kit detects each target analyte independently at the specified cutoff.

3 Methamphetamine (MAMP) is the target analyte for amphetamine (AMP)/MAMP testing.

4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

5 Methylenedioxyamphetamine.

[87 FR 71459, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 26.135 - Split specimens.

(a) If the FFD program follows split-specimen procedures, as described in § 26.113, the licensee testing facility shall analyze aliquots of the specimen for the licensee's or other entity's purposes as described in this part. Except as provided in paragraph (b) in this section, the licensee testing facility shall store Bottles A and B of the specimen in a secure manner until the facility has finished testing. If the initial validity and drug test results are negative and the specimen in Bottle A will not be forwarded to the HHS-certified laboratory, the licensee testing facility may discard both Bottle A and Bottle B. If any test results are positive or indicate that the specimen is of questionable validity, the licensee testing facility shall forward Bottle A to the HHS-certified laboratory for testing and shall retain Bottle B in secure storage, under the requirements of § 26.159(i), or may forward it to the HHS-certified laboratory for storage.

(b) If the MRO confirms any positive, adulterated, or substituted result for a specimen in Bottle A, based on the results of confirmatory testing at an HHS-certified laboratory, and the licensee testing facility has elected to retain Bottle B of the specimen, and the donor requests testing of the specimen in Bottle B, as permitted under § 26.165(b), the MRO shall ensure that Bottle B is forwarded to an HHS-certified laboratory other than the laboratory that tested the specimen in Bottle A, under the procedures specified in § 26.165(b).

(c) If the MRO confirms that the specimen in Bottle A is positive, adulterated, substituted, or invalid and the donor does not request that Bottle B be tested, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that Bottle B is maintained in long-term frozen storage (−20 °C (−4 °F) or less) for a minimum of 1 year. If a licensee testing facility elects to retain the specimen in Bottle B, rather than forwarding it to the HHS-certified laboratory with Bottle A, the licensee testing facility shall ensure proper storage conditions in the event of a prolonged power failure. After the end of 1 year, the licensee or other entity may discard Bottle B, with the exception that the licensee testing facility shall retain any specimens under legal challenge, or as requested by the NRC, until the specimen is no longer needed.

[73 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, as amended at 79 FR 66602, Nov. 10, 2014]
§ 26.137 - Quality assurance and quality control.

(a) Quality assurance program. Each licensee testing facility shall have a quality assurance program that encompasses all aspects of the testing process including, but not limited to, specimen acquisition, chain of custody, security and reporting of results, validity screening (if validity screening tests are performed), initial validity and drug testing, and validation of analytical procedures. Quality assurance procedures must be designed, implemented, and reviewed to monitor the conduct of each step of the process of validity testing and testing for drugs and drug metabolites.

(b) Performance testing and quality control requirements for validity screening tests. (1) Licensee testing facilities may rely on validity screening tests to determine the need for initial tests of specimen validity either at the licensee testing facility or HHS-certified laboratory. Licensees and other entities shall ensure that the HHS-certified laboratory is capable of conducting confirmatory testing for any adulterant for which the licensee testing facility conducts validity screening tests. Licensee testing facilities shall use only validity screening tests that meet the following criteria:

(i) Either the test, by lot number, has been placed on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) list of point-of-collection tests that are approved for use in the Federal Workplace Drug Testing Program; or

(ii) Before using the test, the licensee or other entity has ensured that the validity screening test, by lot number, effectively identifies specimens of questionable validity by meeting the following performance testing and quality control requirements:

(A) The creatinine validity screening test must use a 20 mg/dL cutoff concentration;

(B) A pH specimen validity screening test must be able to determine if pH is less than 4.5 and if pH is equal to or greater than 9; and

(C) An oxidant validity screening test must be able to determine if an oxidant concentration is equal to or greater than a 200 mcg/mL nitrite-equivalent cutoff, and/or a chromium screening test must be able to determine concentrations equal to or greater than a 50 mcg/mL chromium(VI)-equivalent cutoff, and/or a halogen screening test must be able to determine the halogen concentration is equal to or greater than the LOD. Licensees and other entities who use validity screening tests for additional adulterants shall establish performance testing requirements to challenge the licensee testing facility and the HHS-certified laboratory for the additional validity screening test(s);

(D) The manufacturer has conducted validation studies to document the validity screening test's performance characteristics around each applicable cutoff specified in this section, using performance testing samples that have been formulated to challenge the validity screening test around the applicable cutoffs. These validation studies must demonstrate the validity screening test's ability to differentiate valid samples from those of questionable validity and the performance of the validity screening test(s) around the applicable cutoffs specified in this section; and

(E) The licensee testing facility shall submit three consecutive sets of performance testing samples to the manufacturer, using performance testing samples that have been formulated to challenge the validity screening test around the applicable cutoffs specified in this paragraph and whose formulation levels have been confirmed by an HHS-certified laboratory. For example, one set of performance testing samples used to challenge a creatinine validity screening test must include at least six samples formulated at different concentrations ranging from 0 to 20 mg/dL. A set of performance testing samples used to challenge a pH validity screening test must include at least six samples formulated with different pH levels that are equal to or less than 4.5, and six samples formulated with different pH levels that are equal to or greater than 9. And, a set of performance testing samples used to challenge an oxidizing adulterant validity screening test must include at least six samples to challenge each validity screening test used. The performance testing samples for oxidizing adulterants must contain nitrite and other oxidizing adulterant concentrations in a range of less than or equal to a 200 mcg/mL nitrite-equivalent cutoff to a 500 mcg/mL nitrite-equivalent cutoff; chromium samples formulated in a range less than or equal to a 50 mcg/mL chromium(VI)-equivalent cutoff to 100 mcg/mL chromium(VI)-equivalent cutoff; or halogen samples formulated in a concentration at or near the LOD and 25 percent above the LOD. The results of analyzing the three consecutive sets of performance test samples for each validity screening test (i.e., creatinine, pH, nitrite and general oxidants, chromium, or halogen) must demonstrate that the validity screening test, by lot number, correctly identified at least 90 percent of the total validity performance test challenges on each of three sets of performance testing samples, and, for each individual specimen validity screening test, the test, by lot number, correctly identified at least 90 percent of the validity performance test challenges on each of three sets of performance testing samples; and

(iii) After the licensee testing facility has placed a validity screening test in service, the licensee or other entity shall verify that the test, by lot number, remains on the SAMHSA-approved list. Or, if the SAMHSA-approved list is unavailable, the licensee or other entity shall ensure that the test continues to identify specimens of questionable validity, as demonstrated by documentation from the manufacturer that a set of validity screening tests from each lot in use by the licensee testing facility correctly identified at least 90 percent of the total validity test challenges on a set of performance testing samples, and, for each individual specimen validity screening test, that the test, by lot number, correctly identified at least 90 percent of the validity test challenges. This performance testing must be performed at a nominal annual frequency after the date on which the manufacturer completed the initial validation studies required under paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(D) of this section. The performance testing samples used must be formulated to challenge the validity screening test around the applicable cutoffs of this subpart.

(2) In addition, licensee testing facility personnel who perform the validity screening tests shall conduct quality control testing of validity screening tests as follows:

(i) At the beginning of any 8-hour period during which the licensee testing facility will perform validity screening tests, licensee testing facility personnel shall test a minimum of one quality control sample that is negative for each specific validity test to be performed (e.g., creatinine, pH, nitrites, chromium) during the 8-hour period, and one quality control sample that is formulated to challenge the validity screening test(s) around the cutoffs specified in this subpart for each specific validity test to be performed during the 8-hour period. The results of these quality control tests must be correct before any donor specimens may be tested.

(ii) After screening every ten donor specimens during the 8-hour period, licensee testing facility personnel shall also challenge each validity screening test with at least one quality control sample that is formulated to challenge the validity screening test(s) around the cutoffs specified in this subpart. If fewer than ten donor specimens were screened during the 8-hour period or the number of donor specimens tested exceeds a multiple of ten but is less than the next multiple of ten (e.g., 24 donor specimens, 48 donor specimens), licensee testing facility personnel shall challenge each validity screening test at the end of the 8-hour period during which the validity screening tests were performed.

(3) The licensee testing facility shall also submit at least one specimen out of every ten donor specimens that test negative using each validity screening test that the licensee testing facility uses to an HHS-certified laboratory as part of the licensee testing facility's quality assurance program.

(4) Licensee testing facilities shall store specimen validity tests as specified by the manufacturer's instructions and may not use such tests after the manufacturer's expiration date.

(c) Validity screening test results. If the results of a validity screening test indicate that the specimen is of questionable validity, the licensee testing facility may either perform initial validity testing or shall forward the specimen to the HHS-certified laboratory for further testing.

(d) Quality control requirements for performing initial validity tests. Licensees and other entities shall ensure that the HHS-certified laboratory is capable of conducting confirmatory testing for any adulterant for which the licensee testing facility conducts initial validity tests.

(1) Creatinine. Creatinine concentration must be measured to 1 decimal place. The initial creatinine test must have a control in the range of 3 to 20 mg/dL and a control in the range of 21 to 25 mg/dL.

(2) Requirements for performing initial pH tests are as follows:

(i) Colorimetric pH tests must have a dynamic range of 2 to 12 and pH meters must be capable of measuring pH to one decimal place.

(ii) An initial colorimetric pH test must have the following calibrators and controls:

(A) One calibrator at 3;

(B) One calibrator at 11;

(C) One control in the range of 2 to 2.8;

(D) One control in the range of 3.2 to 4;

(E) One control in the range of 4.5 to 9;

(F) One control in the range of 10 to 10.8; and

(G) One control in the range of 11.2 to 12.

(iii) If a pH screening test is not used, an initial pH meter test must have the following calibrators and controls:

(A) One calibrator at 4;

(B) One calibrator at 7;

(C) One calibrator at 10;

(D) One control in the range of 2 to 2.8;

(E) One control in the range of 3.2 to 4;

(F) One control in the range of 10 to 10.8; and

(G) One control in the range of 11.2 to 12.

(iv) If a pH screening test is used, an initial pH meter test must have the following calibrators and controls when the screening result indicates that the pH is below the lower decision point in use:

(A) One calibrator at 4;

(B) One calibrator at 7;

(C) One control in the range of 2 to 2.8; and

(D) One control in the range of 3.2 to 4.

(v) If a pH screening test is used, an initial pH meter test must have the following calibrators and controls when the screening test result indicates that the pH is above the upper decision point in use:

(A) One calibrator at 7;

(B) One calibrator at 10;

(C) One control in the range of 10 to 10.8; and

(D) One control in the range of 11.2 to 12.

(3) Oxidizing adulterants. Initial tests for oxidizing adulterants must include a calibrator at the appropriate cutoff concentration for the compound of interest, a control without the compound of interest (i.e., a certified negative control), and a control with at least one of the compounds of interest at a measurable concentration. For nitrite, the licensee testing facility shall have one control in the range of 200 to 400 mcg/mL, one control in the range of 500 to 625 mcg/mL, and a control without nitrite (i.e., a certified negative control).

(4) Other adulterants. Initial tests for other adulterants must include an appropriate calibrator, a control without the compound of interest (i.e., a certified negative control), and a control with the compound of interest at a measurable concentration.

(5) Each analytical run performed to conduct initial validity testing shall include at least one quality control sample.

(6) The licensee testing facility shall also submit at least one specimen out of every 10 donor specimens that test negative on the initial validity tests performed by the licensee testing facility to an HHS-certified laboratory as part of the licensee testing facility's quality assurance program.

(e) Quality control requirements for initial drug tests. (1) Any initial drug test performed by a licensee testing facility must use an immunoassay that meets the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration for commercial distribution. Licensee testing facilities may not use non-instrumented immunoassay testing devices that are pending HHS/SAMHSA review and approval for initial drug testing under this part. In addition, licensees and other entities may not take management actions on the basis of any drug test results obtained from non-instrumented devices that may be used for validity screening tests.

(2) Licensee testing facilities shall discard negative specimens or may pool them for use in the licensee testing facility's internal quality control program after certification by an HHS-certified laboratory that the specimens are negative and valid. Licensee testing facilities may not retain any information linking donors to specimens that are pooled for use in the internal quality control program.

(3) Licensee testing facilities may perform multiple initial drug tests for the same drug or drug class, provided that all tests meet the cutoffs and quality control requirements of this part. For example, a licensee testing facility may use immunoassay technique “A” for all drugs using the licensee's or other entity's cutoff levels, but specimens testing positive for amphetamines may also be tested using immunoassay technique “B” to eliminate any possible positives due to structural analogues; or, a valid analytical result cannot be obtained using immunoassay technique “A” and immunoassay technique “B” is used in an attempt to obtain a valid analytical result.

(4) Licensee testing facilities need not assess their false positive testing rates for drugs, because all specimens that test as positive on the initial tests for drugs and drug metabolites must be forwarded to an HHS-certified laboratory for initial and confirmatory testing.

(5) To ensure that the rate of false negative drug tests is kept to the minimum that the immunoassay technology supports, licensee testing facilities shall submit to the HHS-certified laboratory a minimum of 5 percent (or at least one) of the donor specimens screened as negative from every analytical run.

(6) A minimum of 10 percent of the total specimens in each analytical run of specimens to be initially tested for drugs and drug metabolites by the licensee testing facility must be quality control samples (i.e., calibrators and controls), which the licensee testing facility shall use for internal quality control purposes. (These samples are not forwarded to the HHS-certified laboratory for further testing, other than for performance testing of the samples.) Licensee testing facilities shall ensure that quality control samples that are positive for each drug and drug metabolite for which the FFD program conducts testing are included in at least one analytical run each calendar quarter. The quality control samples for each analytical run must include—

(i) At least one control certified by an HHS-certified laboratory to contain no drug or drug metabolite;

(ii) At least one positive control with the drug or drug metabolite targeted at 25 percent above the cutoff;

(iii) At least one positive control with the drug or drug metabolite targeted at 75 percent of the cutoff;

(iv) A sufficient number of calibrators to ensure and document the linearity of the assay method over time in the concentration area of the cutoff (after acceptable values are obtained for the known calibrators, those values will be used to calculate sample data); and

(7) Licensee testing facilities shall document the implementation of procedures to ensure that carryover does not contaminate the testing of a donor's specimen.

(f) Errors in testing. Each licensee testing facility shall investigate any testing errors or unsatisfactory performance discovered in the testing of quality control samples, in the testing of actual specimens, or through the processing of management reviews and/or MRO reviews, as well as any other errors or matters that could adversely reflect on the licensee testing facility's testing process.

(1) Whenever possible, the investigation must determine relevant facts and identify the root cause(s) of the testing or process error.

(2) The licensee testing facility shall take action to correct the cause(s) of any errors or unsatisfactory performance that are within the licensee testing facility's control.

(3) If false negative results are obtained in any analytical run from testing the quality control samples specified in paragraphs (b), (d), and (e) of this section at the licensee testing facility, the licensee testing facility shall forward all donor specimens from that analytical run to the HHS-certified laboratory for additional testing and implement corrective actions before resuming testing of donor specimens for the drug(s), drug metabolite(s), adulterant(s), or other specimen characteristics (i.e., creatinine, pH) associated with the quality control sample that yielded the false negative result(s).

(4) If a donor specimen that yielded negative validity or drug test results at the licensee testing facility yields positive, substituted, adulterated, or invalid results after confirmatory testing by the HHS-certified laboratory under paragraphs (b)(3), (d)(6), or (e)(5) of this section, the licensee or other entity shall implement corrective actions before resuming testing of donor specimens for the drug(s), drug metabolite(s), adulterant(s), or other specimen characteristics (i.e., creatinine, pH) associated with the donor specimen that yielded the false negative result(s). In addition to resolving any technical, methodological, or administrative errors in the licensee testing facility's testing process, the licensee or other entity may re-collect and test specimens from any donor whose test results from the licensee testing facility may have been inaccurate.

(5) A record of the investigative findings and the corrective actions taken, where applicable, must be dated and signed by the individuals who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the licensee testing facility and reported to appropriate levels of management.

(g) Accuracy. Volumetric pipettes and measuring devices must be certified for accuracy or be checked by gravimetric, colorimetric, or other verification procedure. Automatic pipettes and dilutors must be checked for accuracy and reproducibility before being placed in service, and periodically thereafter.

(h) Calibrators and controls. Calibrators and controls must be prepared using pure drug reference materials, stock standard solutions obtained from other laboratories, or standard solutions that are obtained from commercial manufacturers and are properly labeled as to content and concentration. Calibrators and controls may not be prepared from the same stock solution. The standards and controls must be labeled with the following dates: when received; when prepared or opened; when placed in service; and when scheduled for expiration.

[73 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, as amended at 74 FR 38328, Aug. 3, 2009; 87 FR 71459, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 26.139 - Reporting initial validity and drug test results.

(a) The licensee testing facility shall report as negative all specimens that are valid on the basis of validity screening or initial validity tests, or both, and are negative on the initial tests for drugs and drug metabolites. Except as permitted under § 26.75(h), positive test results from initial drug tests at the licensee testing facility may not be reported to licensee or other entity management. In addition, the licensee testing facility may not report results from validity screening or initial validity testing indicating that a specimen is of questionable validity or positive initial drug test results from specimens that are of questionable validity.

(b) Except as provided in §§ 26.37 and 26.75(h), access to the results of initial tests must be limited to the licensee testing facility's staff, the MRO and MRO staff, the FFD program manager, and, when appropriate, EAP staff and the SAE.

(c) The licensee testing facility shall provide qualified personnel, when required, to testify in an administrative or disciplinary proceeding against an individual when that proceeding is based on urinalysis results reported by the licensee testing facility.

(d) The licensee testing facility shall prepare the information required for the annual report to the NRC, as required in § 26.717.

(e) The data in the annual report to the NRC must be presented for either the cutoff levels specified in this part, or for more stringent cutoff levels, if the FFD program uses more stringent cutoff levels for drugs and drug metabolites. If the FFD program tests for drugs and drug metabolites that are not specified in § 26.31(d)(1), the summary must also include the number of positive test results and the cutoff levels used for those drugs and drug metabolites.

(f) The designated FFD program official shall use the available information from the licensee testing facility's validity and drug test results, the results of quality control testing performed at the licensee testing facility, and the results from testing the quality control samples that the licensee testing facility submits to the HHS-certified laboratory to evaluate continued testing program effectiveness and detect any local trends in drugs of abuse that may require management action or FFD program adjustments. FFD program adjustments may include, but are not limited to, training enhancements, procedure changes, the expansion of the FFD program's drug panel to include additional drugs to be tested, or changes in the types of assays, validity screening tests, or instruments used.

authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 53, 103, 104, 107, 161, 223, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2073,2133,2134,2137,2201,2273,2282,2297f; Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202 (42 U.S.C. 5841,5842; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note
source: 73 FR 17176, Mar. 31, 2008, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 10 CFR 26.135